originally Fall 2009; up dated and edited 1/1/11!
Has anyone noticed how much we talk about what kind of taxes need creating; but never whether we should tax without appraising outcomes to our Nation; Or that ‘oversight’ does not equal ‘accountability’ from this current government; Or that ‘transparency’ of irresponsible, unprincipled government doesn’t make it either less irresponsible - unprincipled or more accountable?
One could argue that the current President, Chief of Staff, and Administration, deprecate American Philosophy and Principles of Government the above questions reference. This Socialist President with his Administration ignore underlying principles for their actions in declaring Majority wins in Congress when only One Party with One Viewpoint Wins or “the tyranny of democracy". Their viewpoint decries the Republican Form of Government represented by: “..–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just* powers from the consent of the governed, ...(The Promise or Principle The Declaration gives America)”; by Article IV:4 “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, ..”; and Article I:1 - “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”(The fulfillment of the Promise - The Rule that matches the Principle).
American Tea Parties are aware of the Constitution; angered over reactions to their gathering by the President, the Speaker of the House, and the Senate Pro Tempore including other Liberal and Union groups who believe that calling Americans names will help Progressive-Socialist-De-mock - racy!
It is necessary to add Definitions of Key Words from Noah Webster’s 1928 American Dictionary of the English Language (http://www.1828-dictionary.com — use it, when you learn and teach about our 2 docs.) due to the above carelessly ignorant or simply unable to comprehend God as a Creator of the Universe. God who can go ‘fft a wisp of air’ on his baby finger to erase this globe faster than pressing delete on your computer.
*Just - “5. In a moral sense, upright; honest; having principles of rectitude; or conforming exactly to the laws, and to principles of rectitude* in social conduct; equitable in the distribution of justice; as a just judge.” *Rectitude - “In morality, rightness of principle or practice; uprightness of mind; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws. Rectitude of Mind is the disposition to act in conformity to any known standard of right, truth or justice; Rectitude of Conduct is the actual conformity to such standard. Perfect rectitude belongs only to the Supreme Being. The more nearly the rectitude of men approaches to the standard of the divine law, the more exalted and dignified is their character. Want of rectitude is not only sinful, but debasing. There is a sublimity in conscious rectitude - in comparison with which the treasures of earth are not worth naming.”
Thank you for all your wonderful work for Our Nation, Mr. Webster, I believe you have said all that needs saying relating to mankind and human nature - with relation to money, power versus “..treasures of earth are not worth naming”.
Being among the active Tea Party participants, listeners, observers, and commentators of this President, his White House Staff with Rahm Emanuel and Mr's. Stern-Soros, and his Administration leaders of a One-Sided Congress; it is very apparent that "Just" and "Rectitude", especially with Noah Webster’s comment at the end; are the source reasons for the depth and correctness of the anger we feel. But will always present ourselves with respect to the history of our Nation; this administrative people, also named Americans, disregard!
Consent - “1. Agreement of the mind to what is proposed or state by another; accord; hence, a yielding of the mind or will to that which is proposed; as, a parent gives his consent to the marriage of his daughter. We generally use this word in cases where power, rights, and claims are concerned. We give consent, when we yield that which we have a right to withhold; but we do not give consent to a mere opinion, or abstract proposition. In this case, we give our assent. But assent is also used in conceding what we may withhold. We give our assent to the marriage of a daughter. Consequently, assent has a more extensive application than consent. But the distinction is not always observed. Consent often amounts to permission.”
Our Tea Party Marches represent the right to withhold 'consent' to the current President and Administration for taking action using only part of one-party in Congress to pass an Act affecting 100% of America; and for the total irresponsibility of a President with his White House Friends and the limited, one-sided Congress to spend tax money irresponsibly to create the medical act, to excise, fine, and tax unequally, and against all “Nature” and business resulting in moving our Nation to bankruptcy.
Shall - “2. In the second and third persons, shall implies a promise, command or determination. "You shall receive your wages," "he shall receive his wages," imply that you or he ought to receive them; but usage gives these phrases the force of a promise in the person uttering them.”
Probably everyone knows the meaning of ‘shall’ and ‘will’. Mr. Webster’s definition establishes the link between the Declaration and the Constitution, along with Amendment IX, when ‘shall’ is carefully used, instead of ‘will’ throughout both founding documents. The ninth amendment is the terms of the “modern period - 1913 on” of the Constitution, has many mixed ideas of what it covers; but being one of the individual Americans that both documents are written to Protect. I’m going to link the 9th Amendment of the Bill of Rights, without apology to anyone located in Our Nation, to Our Constitution: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”. “..certain rights, shall..” links the Declaration because no-where else are the rights of “..the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires...”, written. We are not talking about separation in George III terms. We are talking about the huge chasm formed by the Socialist, Progressive President and Administration who take actions as if the existence of “Nature and Nature’s God, respect of opinions of mankind, created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable right, and most important... “governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..”; have no substantial place in the world of the 21st Century (by the way, remember we number our years from the Birth of Christ - BC and Ano Domini AD in the year of our LORD - for those of you who don’t think Latin is an important language).
In Joseph Andrew’s “A Guide for Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution..”, “The Founders counted on the people to be self-governing, not requiring the government to define and control any unenumerated rights. They believed that men should be governed by their conscience, not by government. George Washington gave advice about this in his Rules of Civility: “Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience.”.”
See why the simple word “SHALL” is extremely important to the unique nature of the work of all our forefathers, the colonists, and the years following as each of the available signers and workers leading our Nation with continued work on the Constitution to make it a working Supreme Law of the Land? Along with the basis of law for some nations in the world - including the European Union which makes decisions from the governing of a few men at the top without any direct intention of dictatorship; and the UN until taken over by more Socialist - Dictators. EU and UN have no respect for the importance of the individual; or the “Just” powers by the governed. For these two, and for too many other nations, the Democracy does not allow for an individual with "Religion and Morality" and the freedom to explore opportunity; without which, nation's lose each, unique, individual citizen's ability to express and pursue “treasures of earth are not worth naming”. The ability of one citizen to make a difference.
Republic - “1. A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people. In modern usage, it differs from a democracy or democratic state, in which the people exercise the powers of sovereignty in person. Yet the democracies of Greece are often called republics.”
“People exercise the powers of sovereignty in person”. Notice the person or individual is not absent from use in ‘democracy’ which remains part of our Federal form of government expressed at the individual-family, city-village-township levels.
The method for this President and Administration to place Progressive in front of democracy, is demonstrated by this President making numerous campaign stops for his each of his power actions: at converting 100% of the Medical Field-6%of GNP; and acting as ‘watchdog’ for businesses ‘at high risk for failure’ defined by Congress - not the ebb and flow of money as the means of performing business in the real world of consequences for inaction, incorrect action, correct action with its rewards. Taking over 100% of Private Insurance business in offering student loans renaming them to College Access Challenge Grants and charging market interest rates to the first 100,000 students. All 3 inclusive additions to the health act have added regulations, grant funds, power and money to Only 1 elected person: the President in One Branch of Government - Executive - of the three Branches. This eliminates the checks and balances between the three branches of government from Article I: 3:6, 7:2, 8:9 and II:2:3. ‘We the people’ through commentators, ourselves, of course the no-information media rarely, if ever speak of the Third Branch of Government; but this President and his Administration Shall add another Justice to the Supreme Court this summer and has added a number of Federal District Judges - primarily with 'consent' of one party of 'a Congress' ('concert' of harmony requires 2 votes from the opposition) at the expense of Just and Rectitude resulting from Progressive Democracy's belief in that the majority of numbers trumps, the 'Just and Recitude' of ignoring any opposition.
Progressive Democracy is also demonstrated in the back room politics of leaders around tables determining the content of all Bills, Acts which are to go to calendar for ‘Support without discussion of even their own Party Members; performed in rapid-fire succession; without regard to any viewpoint but the leader’s own; and without any - ever - taking of responsibility of the outcomes and accountability Republicans demand from personal responsibility. This is the Single Place Where Party is Mentioned because it is the Republican Party with Southern Democrats, stand together against the “tyranny of Democracy” the founders referred to as a Democracy in their time. Here is some of what they said: “Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no mans’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few..(John Adams on “Man’s Lust for Power”; 08/29/1763).”; “The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty. (Fisher Ames, 01/15/1788 in Massachusetts)”; “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. John Adams letter 04/15/1814).”.
To complete connections between the founder’s disdain for democracy and this Nation’s current leaders who fluctuate between Democracy and Progressive with Socialism; this President and his Administration have connected the two or three, violating their Oaths of Office, thoughts; into one, the Clear and Present Danger to the United States of America, because of the first questions in the first paragraph.
Republic vs Democracy has been hanging around since Senators, Representatives, Commentators, Socialists that didn’t want the ‘S’ word, so added Progressive to the 'S' word; and all of US(A) Tea Party Members learned how important the Constitution is to each individual both documents are written to add principle to rule for protecting the individual who is the absolute core of the 5W’s and H of Our United States of America.
Actually, solidifying the link between the Declaration and Constitution is the reason for this article.
Congress - “1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, and particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. 4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic;...” “Concert - 1. Agreement of two or more in a design or plan; union formed by mutual communication of opinions and views; accordance in a scheme; harmony.”
As you, the reader know, Concert is absent. Republic meaning Congress as elected representatives, is called names, chastised as uncooperative, and against the vote of the people who elected the ‘Change’ that this President and Administration Represent. The number results of one election, for this President and cohorts in the White House, mean this man can and does ‘change’ whatever he wants to because the value is in the number of votes – not the never spoken idea of Socialism - the “Change” represented. Don’t forget the televised round table with Obama, Pelosi, Reid, other “Democratic” Chairpersons and Republicans before the “Peoples Protection and Affordable Act” vote. In assessing the goals of a group meeting, notice those of one side of the medical act issue sat opposite those of the other side - traditional confrontation.
That televised program demonstrated the denigration, lack of consent, lack of respect, lack of just with no recognition of “shall”, and no concert in Congress which are the meanings of “principle” and therefore “rule” of Our Nation’s Two Unique Documents: The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America: Just, Consent, Shall, Republic, and Congress, .
Just remember four things: Congress = concert; - No Concert =No Bill or Act ie, Must have at least 2 votes from the opposition! This does Not Mean the Number of votes. This Does Mean achieving as much harmony formed to "support and defend" Declaration = Promise of the founders and Principles of the United States. Constitution = Fulfillment of the Promise and rules of the United States. Right now: Republicans are practicing a Republic Government = standing for principle against few men whose governing and melting of ‘We the people’s principles and rules because they don’t own responsibility for their actions as individual citizens of the United States of America and they do support the collapse of Capitalism. The Progressive Socialists must be stopped, when their Bills/Acts are written in conflict with the principles and rules of the United States of America’s Two Documents.
To Brandies University, to other organizations who like this President, with his White House, and his one-sided Congress: go ahead and worry about American Tea Party members "petition... for redress of grievances known as The Promise and The Fulfillment of The Promise. To repeat, No American Tea Party Member shall do more than is necessary to correct the wrong-mindedness that Socialist-Progressive's hold as representing the United States of America. You do not have your rules or principles in order. American Tea Party Members do have both including Article II:8:15 - so quit your hope Mr. President! True, many of US(A) are still learning, relearning the reasons for the chasm between US(A); but ‘We the people’ know who we are and why we are here. Right Now, the opposition to Our Declaration and Constitution are one-sided, clear and present danger to our Nation, because these Progressive- Socialists - by their own Bills, Acts, Regulations, use of czars, displacing and ignoring Federal Government enumerated powers as well as “..endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness. ..”, have attacked both our Declaration and Constitution.
Just-Rectitude, Consent, Shall-Rectitude, Republic, Congress-Concert bring both documents “from California to the New York Island, from the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters, this land was made for you and me!(Arlo Guthry)” “..with a firm reliance on the protection of devine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” While we don’t have to fight a Revolutionary War, the self-governing, ‘We the people’ must bring and again, have our young children through entire Adult-hood read and understand the teachings of God: to founding of our Nation-Declaration-Constitution; to working everyday life as pursuit of Happiness, Life, Property and Liberty; to allow all individuals the same discovery, with the same promise for Nations on this Globe; and to anywhere we travel to in the Universe of The Creator.
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
CARB Footprint and Usurpation
Like Obama's use of czars + cabinet staffs; our Governor has a synonomous relationship with his Commissions; and neither have any relationship to "governments instituted among men, deriving their just (always missing in above relationships) powers from the Consent of the Governed. The Consent of the Governed is neutered by the distance between 'We the taxpayers and their elected leader: President or Governor. Then the commissions grow and the distance increases along with evolving rule power sans any accountability - Not Oversight! The difference is important: Accountability: "answerable and responsible for outcomes of the Commissions rules, decisions, and any actions." Oversight:"Failure to notice something; supervision; management, charge, care, custody,guidance, administration.(Oxford Dict.) The difference is immense -- especially when related to the '3 Rights of man from God expressed in our Declaration'.
The above should be enough to do away with Commissions or place them within accountability and responsibility. The one-sided, and in the above allowed to create rules with force of law, threat of loss of business - forget the 4th Amendment in the Supreme Law of the Land! Environmentalists allowed to create rule for No Scientific fact GW, is absolutely intolerable. AB32 should be repealed simply because of No Scientific Support second to falsification of data. That this State and our Federal Government continue to write legislation(carbon chips/cap&trade) and rules(ships with US Registry must meet carbon output by ..[in next 2 yrs} plus environmental rules from above = No respect for 'We the people'; for scientic method or any fact except the fact they define! These extra-governmental trouble-makers who spend money for useless reasons simply add to our debt; along with write all the rules, but never to accomplish anything except tearing apart our State and Nation.
Briefing Report: The Legislature's Large CARB Footprint
Taking Measurements
If one were to look for the proto-typical European bureaucracy in America, one would have to look no further than the California Air Resources Board (CARB), a department of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA). CARB has an 11 member appointed board which is directed by a full-time chairman who oversees an $860 million annual budget and a 1,200 member staff of administrators, regulators, technicians and compliance officers. They are charged with protecting the state’s ambient air quality standards through a menagerie of federal, state and local programs regulating mobile and stationary emissions. They coordinate with 35 regional air quality management districts to accomplish this task. They describe their mission on their website: “[T]o promote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources through effective reduction of air pollutants while recognizing and considering effects on the economy. CARB oversees all air pollution control efforts in California to attain and maintain health based air quality standards.” In recent years, they have also been granted broad authority to deal with the Legislature’s global warming initiatives, crosscutting their activities with several other state departments and influencing just about every local government body.
The Long Arm of the Regulators
In an effort to deal with very real smog and air pollution problem localized in California nearly 50 years ago, Governor Ronald Reagan signed the Mulford-Carrell Act of 1967 which combined the efforts of the Bureau of Air Sanitation and the Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board, both in the Department of Health, to create an independent CARB. In essence, this new board was to promulgate regulations to accomplish their mission in developing sufficient air quality standards based upon sound scientific principles, while balancing economic impacts—a seemingly essential component to any regulatory body. As with most bureaucracies, the solution was to enable a group of professionals and experts to observe conditions, synthesize the science and make various recommendations to a citizen board on how to abate or mitigate poor air quality. By and large, as guided by legislative intent, CARB has and is accomplishing their purpose, while at the same time, managing to metastasize in size and influence.
No doubt, CARB has often been the catalyst for change, and has been successful in certain measures, notably with their strong advocacy for catalytic converters in the 1970’s. Recognizing the legislative mandates hoisted upon them, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proclivity for environmental causes, CARB struggles to please its many masters and may confuse political necessity with relevant and accurate analysis. Most recently, they were compelled to redo their economic analyses of the AB 32 Scoping Plan and have indicated that they are revisiting the economic modeling they used as a basis for their diesel regulations. As the state’s air is arguably cleaner than it has been over the last several decades, CARB’s expansive mission lends itself to regulate for the sake of regulating, often rushing a rule through to meet a deadline, rather than to make sure it is right.
A few examples from the recent past: they moved forward on rules that required implementing technology that would not be ready for years (e.g. enhanced vapor recovery systems for gas stations and workable diesel particulate filters for heavy duty vehicles); they favored certain methods or products with demonstrated deficiencies (e.g. low carbon fuel standards or cool cars glazing); or they promoted a variety of fuel economy standards that complied more with environmentally-correct fads rather than considering fatal consequences that may follow. CARB rarely acknowledges that the smaller cars used to achieve fuel efficiency standards have occupant death rates twice that of larger cars. The health and safety impacts in air quality regulations must be measured by more than the rubric of emission quotas.
As benign as any action carried out in private enterprise may be, CARB has been marshaled not only with the power to make the rules, but also to enforce them. They regularly announce online the latest air regulation violators, with accompanying details of the violation and fine. They treat and expose the simple clerical error in paperwork the same way they would for those with substantial emissions violations. Exposing gross polluters is one thing, but shaming a West Sacramento company for failing to file a report (as they recently did) is beneath the dignity of a state agency. This sort of tactic undermines CARB’s effectiveness in achieving its core mission and further complicates future resolve for businesses to comply with air quality regulation, especially in light of more complex rules coming down the pike.
Air Board Hubris
Recently, CARB’s mission and mandate has grown to a stature that moves well beyond the regulation of pollution as it now deals with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, per the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32). AB 32 authorized CARB to have near carte blanche authority to pursue any number of regulatory actions, if a connection between the rule and its impact on global warming can be made, no matter how tenuous that connection may be. CARB’s Scoping Plan touches a vast array of human enterprises, addressing energy plants, cement producers, automobile manufacturers (in and out of the state), refrigerants, car paint colors—even the air pressure in one’s car tires—just to name a few. Subsequent and complementary legislation has given CARB more control over land-use regulations. The Governor has also ordered CARB to work with the Public Utilities Commission to postulate over the state’s renewable energy standard, despite serious constitutional questions regarding separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government.
Even if some of the Governor’s executive orders test the boundaries of the constitution, it is certainly his responsibility to keep his appointed board members in check with his agenda. When there are concerns about the course or velocity of regulatory action (or inaction), the Governor has the prerogative to release a board member of his or her duty and appoint another. This was the case in 2007 when Chairman Robert Sawyer decided that CARB was not moving fast enough to reduce the state’s GHG emissions. While straddling between the divergent interests of the environmentalists and industry, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger hedged on the side of industry advocating for taking a slower approach on implementing the new rules, and forced the resignation of Chairman Sawyer. In his place, the Governor seated Mary Nichols, another venerated environmentalist, as Chairman of CARB. This is her second tour of duty after serving as the Chairman under Governor Jerry Brown from 1978 to 1983. Chairman Nichols has been no stranger to controversy herself.
Just before a critical vote in December 2008, Chairman Nichols and a few other members of the board had learned that the lead researcher for the underlying study of the health impacts of particulate matter in diesel equipment and vehicles had falsified his credentials. Rather than revealing that fact to the rest of the board, she decided to move forward with a vote on a critical component of the diesel regulation. When the cover-up was later revealed, Chairman Nichols admitted that she did not appropriately disclose the relevant information. A couple members of the board, who nonetheless accepted the results of the study, felt that it was important to revalidate the public’s trust in the regulatory process. Unfortunately, Chairman Nichols refused to give any extra effort or scrutiny to the study and denied the request of her fellow board members. On a side note, the implicated analyst is still employed at CARB.
Making the rules with the public’s input can be a very difficult and constraining task. Chairman Nichols revealed her feelings on the public comment process during the February 25, 2010 monthly board meeting. When a coordinated constituency on interested stakeholders converged upon the hearing (at the recommendation of at least one board member and with the knowledge of CARB staff), Chairman Nichols pre-empted what had been up to that point, an obligatory, if not legal, open comment period with the following statement (edited for brevity - reader may view these comments here):
The chairman’s statement—accurate or not—flies in the face of accepted policy on public participation, and further alienates reasonable people from rightfully petitioning their government and engaging in the rulemaking process.
Reducing CARB’s Footprint
With California enduring an economic slump unrivaled since the Great Depression, perhaps it is time to ask why the state bureaucracy - which brags about its ability to extract exorbitant fines on business - continues to grow at such a rapid pace, contrary to California’s economic growth. What was originally meant as a board intended to clean up smog and decrease air pollution, CARB has become a primary instigator of environmental policy and the state’s de facto environmental organization, often outshining its mother agency, CalEPA.
The implied characterization of an insatiate board is neither meant to disparage nor denigrate the work or performance of a vast majority of the board’s staff. They are simply doing the job that the Legislature does not want to do. Yet every citizen who cannot reasonably appeal to an unelected bureaucracy should ask the question—where does CARB’s authority end? Several legislators over the last few years have attempted provide some checks and balances on CARB and scale back the bureaucracy with little success. They acknowledge that such concentrated power in a democratic republic is unhealthy, and needs to be checked.
Again, the power and authority CARB maintains was not usurped – it was ceded and enabled. Only the Legislature, willing to abrogate its power so freely, could empower CARB with the command and control structure it maintains. This capitulation of power enables CARB an autonomous province to pursue regulations-at-all-costs with little, if any, accountability to the public or the Legislature for its actions.
Perhaps it is time for the Legislature to cut the state’s CARB footprint, and take back some control for the people.
For more information on this report or other Environmental Quality issues, contact Lance Christensen, Senate Republican Office of Policy at 916/651-1501.
4/15/2010 - Wyland
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Chairman Steele, Our Party, and the Attack on America
Chairman Steele is correct, our Party remains the party of principle. This is exemplified by Our Republican Congress-members standing firm against Pelosi & puppets in summer'08 when they held the House open for 2wks. to force Pelosi to place Nuclear Power on the calendar for vote. Standing firm against this Socialist Administration continued thru the multiple, political antics which resulted in most of the bills passed between Feb.09 to June 09(to date!) were not read by anyone - let alone the Republicans. According to Article I:5:2, Republicans presented the 72 hour hold and all bills or acts must be read in their entirety all rule before a bill or act may be brought to the floor - which passed the House 100% - except for Pelosi! The Speaker countered the voted rule of the entire House of Representatives, thru her puppets, each time a bill or act was presented!
Passing bills without reading, including the Obama-Cage to contain Americans and Congress named "Patient Protection and Affordabe Act", is usual and customary; along with deaf&blind to any opposition comment that changes "the end justify’s the means" for the Obama, Alinski, Clowder-Piven, Emanuel, Stern, Soros, Cabinet with Czars Administration supported by 'my stomach is full'Reid, 'puppet manager'Pelosi, and Prince Obama (he can't be king because GeorgeIII is King)-all of whom believe they Shall be vindicated?!!
Distraction is one of many, very popular tactics of Alinsky. For our Party examples include: 'Republicans have no leader to rally round', Republicans don't know what tea partiers are fighting for; the Republican machinery. Teaparty members who think they have to go it alone, don't want to alienate Libertarians, Independents, or Democrats who are, through loyalty, unable to say out loud they support Republicans or may not know they do - having never visited www.gop.org . The Health Act itself is another distraction used in a different manner: while all of us are correctly calling Obama every possible name in the book because of the Act; Obama has insulted and threatened Israel's sovereignty by support of Palestine and therefore, Iran, against our best mid-east alley; is trying to refuse additional assistance in Iraq by the ever present "lawless, borderless, radical Islam"; is angry with Karzai's accusation that the US and other allies caused the voting problem in Afghanistan; and of course, the it is OK to limit nuclear warheads because we have enough in reserve to protect US(A)!
Apparently, no-one will say this: but given the number of lies, absent facts, skullduggery Mr. Obama & Administration have demonstrated since entering office, starting 'Change', and continuing to indulge themselves in; and given that they don't recognize the American People whether elected to Congress or not, I am very willing to Bet President Karzai Is Absolutely Correct -- This President, through his czar corp, did indeed contribute to the voting problem in Afghanistan. It is well known that this Administration Clan with its Pres. does not like the rulers of either Iraq or Afghanistan.
Obama's university-based, non-visible, forget elected by the people, trainers, advisors, and general Socialist through Marxist label of your choice, who 'help' this President who Still "Doesn't know What(use 5W's + H here)-- He Doesn't Know, continue as the background enablers for Obama!
There is a Huge BUT!! Because We are the people, and with or without this President and his Administration, every individual voter who is an American Citizen shares the responsibility for the Actions of President Obama-the White House semi-invisible support, czars, Cabinet members,-- because right or wrong -- America is Ours to govern. America is "....--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to ALTER or Abolish it, and to institute new (ALTER = REnew) Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ..." This man President, who still puts his pants on one leg at a time, has served Our Nation. How? Just look at US(A)! We - at least 57% and growing of 'We the people' now realize that we could--IN REAL LIFE-- lose the 3Unalienable Rights From God: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!
NO-ONE FROM ANY PARTY, including the Teapartiers, when this administration started in 02/09, realized how important Our Constitution is to family/individual, City, County, State, and Federal (suppose to be the tiny tip of the pyramid of Federated /Republic Form of Government) : The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States; and "The American's Creed by W.T.Page", were to US(A)! We had to wake-up and start again from the beginning with Congress lagging behind in even expressing the word "Constitution" while Teapartiers were yelling about it with Commentators protecting the First, Second Amendments. It took several months before Republicans in Congress finally acknowledge that maybe there were some Constitutional problems with the health act, but never, never any Socialist or lemming attached to a Socialist by party politics. Not the Obama side of Administration which continually 'distracted' the health acts content toward private insurance, toward 18 to 40 to 68,000 uninsured; and made physicians, medicare/caid providers look like fraudulent businessmen out to do ill people harm! Fortunately, we do have leaders - many of them! In fact, too many too name because every individual who attended the tea parties represented not just themselves; but also many other Americans in absentia
It was very difficult to listen to the Socialist health act debacle of judgments, opinions, no facts, completely wrong in concept and implementation - public option, and absent understanding of the principles of medicine. Everyone in Congress, and many other locations throughout Our Nation, has forgotten: The last 40 years of tremendous advances in medicine parallel the medical cost increases; along with the Federal Government who on a regular basis - simply removed money from Social Security whenever the IT of Federal Government's definition of reasoning, required spending 'Opium'(that's Sara's O ther P eoples M oney! I love it!). Of course with Margaret Thatcher's "The problem with Socialism is not enough people!", coming true, isn't going to deter the 'donkey-brained, stubborn lemming thinking of Obama-ites' - America will continue to put up with until 1/06/11! Unless 'We the people' act sooner than later!
-- Don't worry, Republicans are in this as deep as Chairman Steele says above; and remember who yelled "get rid of Pelosi!" First! Chairman Steele! Did you go sign the petition - whoever and whatever you decide to align yourself with? www.gop.org is a terrific website for anyone's views, opinions, and ways to take action! As it was the 2008 Republican Platform - open to anyone who wanted to address the issues of our Platform...and 10,000 did! Teapartier's are correct: Party Politics are not the issue. The United States of America is the Issue, along with our Twin Documents: The Declaration (of American Principles) and the Constitution (Protection of the Principles from the actions of the Federal Government) along with "It is my (our) duty, to my (our) country, to love it (that's up to each individual to discover why), to support its Constitution (and learn why the founders didn't speak of the Declaration...so its importance was diminished--for a time), to obey its laws (includes "..the separate & equal station to which the Laws of Nature [science] and of Nature's God [Scripture]...", the rules, ethics, "...decent respect to the opinions of mankind..", consequences of deciding that Only One Side Of One Opinion-Value-truth determined & defined by human beings absent relation to God or The Bible --- Act-React, Black-White, Up-down, front or back, at a single-non moving moment in historical time be considered (Alinski, Cloward-Piven), respect its Flag - and every single American from out beginnings to our posterity, and defend it against all enemies - foreign, domestic, dollars loaned or earned, with or without the use of weapons - because there are no guns in the fight for American Individuals against Socialist's opium, tyranny, lies, yelling 'turn off the water and save the little fishies' when the lives, fortunes, and pursuit of happiness, remains at 40% and a Federal Judge could not judge the effect on the economy of a Sovereign State or Sovereign People because he forgot the Oath of Office which is an expression of 'Universal Truth' thru the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
The most important outcome of the Obama Debacle: Our Declaration and Our Constitution with Each One of US(A) taking responsibility for Patriotism for our unique, God-given and perpetually supported by generations of families, immigrants who sought after the knowledge our Twin Documents Promise for every individual on the Globe, and everlastingly teach our children for themselves and for their children: "..And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Devine Providence, we [ US(A)] mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." Every individual American who knows what we stand for Must Learn, ReLearn, or Decide to Believe in the location of the Principles of being American: All are Contained in the Declaration of Independence - READ IT AGAIN and Read it with the Signers in Mind: They really did lose their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor! Our Declaration has is no double-talk. The words mean exactly what they say! Although, using Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language would help with changed meanings: promote, usurpation, tyranny, to name a few. The words come from The Bible, British Rights, Common Law which also is based from the Bible. The principles of the Declaration are called the Promise. Thomas Jefferson wrote such succinct powerful words in 1776, there are duplicates of the complaints in our founding document which describe this Administration (that's why the prince from above). Further, the more you read the books of the founders, the more you understand why and where the thinking of Obama-ites is wrong!
The Constitution - Fulfillment of the Promise - How? Every single principle in the Declaration has the human-nature connector in the Constitution's Preamble, Articles, and Amendments - until you get to the quote: modern Amendments. There is a reason for the change from original document to modern amendments: The study from the Bible of the General Human Nature - not the specific prohibition, replacing the President, voting sex, term limits for Pres. and VP, poll tax, income tax, 18 can vote. When attempting to amend to a specific problem, the Constitution becomes unworkable because there are too large a number of specifics to cover the problems; and we are all homo sapiens - good, bad, indifferent - that is why government with the consent of the governed is so important: Each Individual - we do know what that means - must travel each road set before the individual. The Bible is full of directions for individuals alone, as leaders, in cities, in the wilderness, on water, in all kinds of weather, with and without beauty, with and without hate, with and without love... and.... and human nature! What makes the Constitution what it is.. represented by not being specific- because the principle is in the Declaration- behind the Constitution: sex - age - skin color: are all under the 14th Amendment citizens who are US are also Citizens of the state and are entitled to all privileges and immunities...
The Declaration and Constitution must be the Primary, ruling documents. The Constitution Must be respected with use in all Acts and Bills which come before Congress, the Federal District Courts, The States, and the individual Americans it is written to protect. And if the Amendment XVI has never been amended...then the roll of the Federal Government in taxing must be reviewed with proper respect for the States and the base of the Federated Pyramid: 'We the people'. But First, we must correct our mistake with the Socialists and because the 'Obama Patient Protection and Affordable Act' is a Cage for the American People and Congress, it must be repealed because the harm to our Nation thru ignoring and denigrating both our founding documents --- and because it utilizes an inordinate quantity of Opium (you know how hard that is to grow-especially with our troops tearing it down!) to change medicine without knowing anything about the field and business support of medicine.
When 'We the people' fail to acknowledge a mistake and fail to correct the mistake, then it will become lodged as an imperative to our existence as a Nation -- without regard for balance according to Nature, Nature's Law, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Failure to recognize the difference in definition between 'commerce' of the USA from 1776 to probably the turn of the20th Century to 'commerce' in 1936 or 2010 is also a mistake; as is looking at the Constitution as an isolated document. It is best to remember what the Writer of the Declaration and one of the leaders of the Constitution said: "On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debate and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one on which it was passed.(Thomas Jefferson 1823)". This quote is only 47 years after the Constitution was written: already the Declaration isn't used (It is very important to note that the Declaration is Not Forgotten - just not used consciously - taken for granted. [Like a 'gim-me' in golf] and the text is being squeezed!)!
How do I - this writer know? Why do I (one individual) state this and many other not usually stated-Afghanistan above- , for my studies of original documents, my visits to www.teachconstitution.org and www.constitution.org and having visited both Washington and Jefferson's homes, because I believe in God and especially now, have seen his glory - I cannot and will not deny God and His Son, what ever place in our Nation Their Devine Providence has supplied...Without Fail. Therefore, if the Founder's state the Devine Providence of God, then the writing of our Twin Documents has God's Hand. The majority of All Colonists in 13 Colonies, then the Westward Expansion that started with Mr. Jefferson,, and continued to grow America to today's size - was a Bible-reading, God-fearing & loving, flag and patriot nation to whom Universal Truth is inherent is all the generations -- until we get to the 30's when Bible reading begins to decline to where it is today --- other people read the Bible and only on Sunday, with other people singing praise to God instead of all of US; and other people sing the National Anthem with great impatience for beautiful words- well balanced with America the Beautiful, or My Country Tis of Thee or Battle Hymn of the Republic or "Columbia the Gem of the Ocean" or so many songs like so many stories. "Rockets red glare, Bombs bursting in air, gave proof thru the night, that our Flag was still there" isn't limited to war: Obama's health act cage is a good 'bomb bursting' and Opium is a good 'rockets red glare'. Did you know that the first two stanza(e) are Questions? I didn't! Visit www.usa-flag-site.org . Britain has now stopped singing too! When great Nations forget the importance of celebrating their greatness, the reason for celebration becomes darkened, then set aside, then the young don't have to go to church because everyone has to get up early to get there on time, then mystic and magic return to hold counsel, with the act-react of computer games versus chess, poker, gin, cribbage, scrabble......but Washington still crossed the Delaware River on a Frozen Christmas evening with his American Colonists feet wrapped in burlap, to take Trenton, NJ from Hession Soldiers and our Flag has flown over many lands for many reasons; and our Great men in every aspect of human endeavor, continue on....even with a man like Obama and his administration Our Founders knew that in order for our Nation to continue, passing down ideas like just about everything in Chairman Steele's and this article, is tightly aligned with teaching our young as it is teaching our immigrants; and that the teaching begins in elementary school. That Our Twins - are meant for each individual to read and understand. That the principles, reasons for separation from George III repeat actions in many nations besides our own. I have been learning these things and so much more over a little more than 2 years ago.
It is time to renew our Commitment as Americans --- We are 233 yrs. old --- Obama has arrived to wake us up to what we have allowed to take too much of the caboose on a very long train of abuses which we allowed on ourselves, as well as outside influences: forgetting journalism ethics, allowing invasions of out privacy; allowing invasions of our person, property, home, and effects so that o.2% of the terrorists - who may be attacking - might be caught - for not recognizing that fingerprinting for the purpose of creating a criminal file in order to have a location for storing hundred of thousand 99.8% of everyday, working Americans can prevent fraud of the other 0.2% who actually perform fraud -- and may not be caught, or may be caught but excused because the fraud committer is let out of prison due to no room, as the result of Another Federal Judge who can't judge the difference between public safety and health problems of convicted criminals. But now, military courts, older than Socialism, are not adequate for proving the guilt or innocence of the acts of terrorists or the circle of secret planning which can threaten our Nation's secret work; and .... more opium to build what is already built and running on Cuba; ... after all they were on US soil when they committed their crimes and we are going to be very careful that their guilt remains as they go to trial in American Courts which use to say a man is innocent until proven guilty because the Attorney General of the United States of America cannot differentiate between enemies of his Nation and enemies of his belief system which don't care if the word justice changes along with prisoner of war.
Especially this election year and every year hereafter, Our Candidates for Office at any level of government must demonstrate that their Oath of Office is not just a ceremony. They must demonstrate their understanding of Both Documents to each individual and the Nation and the State(s), Counties and Cities. The Candidates Must not mix the Needs of the Nation with the needs of their Constituents, compete with their State instead of working together; or allow the demands of their Party membership to compromise their Oath of Office and their personal responsibility to serve the United States of American - not the Executive Branch of the Federal Government with its blatant disregard and disrespect to the elected members of Congress. There is never to be a closed e-mail for any Congress-member who serves on a Congressional Committee which is designed to represent all of America, learn to leave what belongs to the State and the individual American alone: The census is the number of people - not the numbers of their lifestyles which is none of the State or Federal Government's business. The Congress-member must have room on their web site, contact, issue list for State and Federal Constitutional related issues. The Congress-member Must recognize that while they write laws, the bureaus, manned by Mr. Sterns Socialist Union members, write the Regulations. Yes, government employees take the same Oath of Office as everyone in government; but there is no evidence that the department or bureau employees have any knowledge of how the Oath relates to their job descriptions and their American responsibilities
Everyone needs to recognize our Federal Government -all 3 branches- deliver insult, disrespect, disregard to Congress and to Americans each time they bypass our Republic form of government to meet their own ends. That Obama is no-end angered by The Republican Party 'That is Holding the Fort' against the rockets and bombs from leadership in Congress and Administration. It is the Republican Party that is 'Holding the Fort in California We need to thank them, give them earned support, and encourage them to utilize our Twins as they continue in government. It is the Teapartiers that have slowed 'change' the direction Obama intends to pursue. And unless 'We the people' choose a different course, Obama will try to get every item - including Justice Stevens - replaced with Socialism between now and 1/6/11 when Republicans will again bring reason, logic, and the role of the Twins back where they belong. There are Republicans of all sorts active in the Teapartiers These are Americans growing the Teapartiers -- and like Sarah says - We aren't about to give up anything And it is the Republican Party who has offered good, revenue saving common sense correction without dissolving the medical field, answers to the Continued-Never Clearly Defined Problems of Medical care. That is it is not the care - it is the cost of care - and the government is the problem for both Social Security and Medicare/caid.
No-one in Congress, has yet acknowledged that the $1.00 divided 50 ways + Territories is Much More Expensive and Much Less Effective for medical care, than the State's $1.00 defined, determined of by and for the people, at the closest level use- of,by,for the people- is best use of the same $1.00!!! The Feds giving up power is difficult because of human nature and power - and not for any other reason!!!! That is why the founders worked so hard to protect each and ever single one of us - natural, naturalized, elected, member of media,' up-side-down on a jungle-jim', what ever and where ever of, by, for whom ever. Each One of Us as Unique in the World, with Each One meaning Each one in every Part of the world - so it includes the bad guy - we exist to correct, as part of the privilege of being born or naturalized in the United States of America.
Always remember, Obama wins when he can divide US(A), while Republicans are growing daily in number because of Obama's daily derision of our history and degradation of our Declaration as well as our Constitution. Don't ever assume that by adding the political labels to our America decreases power for Obama's ilk. The more the groups - the more the division. It is America first -- not groups! The Republican Party cannot do more than what it is doing -- addressing issues, accepting and requiring donations at every level: local club, county, and businesses, because the Party goes to work, After the Primaries, to assist both with finances and volunteer workers, to help Republican candidates be elected. Now, before the primaries it is 'We the person - signing up and helping each and every candidate we can win the primary. Now - is when we Put forth our candidates. It is not a perfect system and loaded with intrinsic and extrinsic potholes, but we can fill potholes with our relationships to those we elect to office. That means you don't quit writing and visiting the town halls, meetings, going to Washington or your State Capitol to be sure the viewpoints are at least clear.
I know that no-one is forgetting: it is America we are defending against all enemies It matters not- which party you identify with, supporting Republicans with Chairman Steele's article above, adding Use of Our Two Twin Documents in Governing, is the best defense for the 3 Unalienable Rights Under God.
Republicans and the Tea Party Movement
Posted by: Chairman Michael Steele
In this past Sunday’s
Washington Post, former Vice President Dan Quayle offered a
thoughtful analysis of the Tea Party movement and its followers. He writes
about the principles and motivations of their cause and why these concerned
Americans are “the natural allies of the party of Reagan.” In order to gain the
Tea Party’s support, he says, what “Republicans need to do is speak to its
issues” and “heed its example of a confident and unapologetic challenge to a
liberal president and Congress.” I agree with Mr. Quayle and believe the
Republican Party is doing just that.
Tea Partiers and other Americans – of all political stripes – are tired of the failed logic that government-knows-best. They’re tired of being taxed too much for a government that spends too much, delivers too little, and charges the bill on the backs of our children and grandchildren. They’re sick of political leaders in Washington ignoring their will on issues like health care, at the expense of problems that are hitting them the hardest at home: jobs and a sluggish economy. And, perhaps most of all, they’re sick of those in power attempting to dismiss and ascribe nefarious motives to their legitimate and democratic opposition to the Obama-Pelosi-Reid leftist agenda.
These activists adhere to the Founding Fathers’ vision of a limited government that preserves individual liberty and promotes economic prosperity, then gets out of their way. They believe in the power of America’s entrepreneurial spirit, a competitive free market, and local communities working together of their own free will to solve our country’s problems. They know that America can remain that shining city on a hill, the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world, and believe that our best days are ahead of us.
Today, America is better off for having the Tea Party protesters fight for these American values and help us get back to our roots. My friends, the Republican Party shares these same principles and stands ready and willing to partner with the growing number of concerned citizens involved in the Tea Party movement and others. Together, we have the power to take back our country from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in the 2010 mid-term elections, then from President Obama in 2012.
For, as the first Republican President Abraham Lincoln once said, "We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts--not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Tea Partiers and other Americans – of all political stripes – are tired of the failed logic that government-knows-best. They’re tired of being taxed too much for a government that spends too much, delivers too little, and charges the bill on the backs of our children and grandchildren. They’re sick of political leaders in Washington ignoring their will on issues like health care, at the expense of problems that are hitting them the hardest at home: jobs and a sluggish economy. And, perhaps most of all, they’re sick of those in power attempting to dismiss and ascribe nefarious motives to their legitimate and democratic opposition to the Obama-Pelosi-Reid leftist agenda.
These activists adhere to the Founding Fathers’ vision of a limited government that preserves individual liberty and promotes economic prosperity, then gets out of their way. They believe in the power of America’s entrepreneurial spirit, a competitive free market, and local communities working together of their own free will to solve our country’s problems. They know that America can remain that shining city on a hill, the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world, and believe that our best days are ahead of us.
Today, America is better off for having the Tea Party protesters fight for these American values and help us get back to our roots. My friends, the Republican Party shares these same principles and stands ready and willing to partner with the growing number of concerned citizens involved in the Tea Party movement and others. Together, we have the power to take back our country from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in the 2010 mid-term elections, then from President Obama in 2012.
For, as the first Republican President Abraham Lincoln once said, "We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts--not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
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