The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Liberty Where Have You Gone

Comment to David Limbaugh’s “Liberty, Where Have You Gone?”

You Title is poignant reminder of my, Goldwater supporting, Mother and Father’s “One day you will wake up and wonder...Liberty....”; for try as they might – Americans of that day could not ‘right the ship of state’. – They did slow it down, though!  It took another 58 years of State education removing “Religion and Morality to arrive at this panicle of government force through the crimes of omission, commission, neglect and positive transgression: revision of science, history and - re-defining words of ethics absent God and Truth..

Make no Mistake — Ignorance is the Tool of Satan, a.k.a. the conglomeration of repudiation of God and Person’s essential goodness in his personal Soul, among the beliefs among ‘colonists’ and Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, and so many “Founders” who believed in the goodness of a religious people and did “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually Pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

Those Constitutionalists who might have been able to stop the Anti-law, i.e.  Deists - to excuse themselves to “secular”; bounce-off and deny  the Impregnable Wall of Article IV’s Republican form of government with protection from invasion which also means “ An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation.”  (,invasion ). The Founding document’s important source of defenders, yielded to ‘Open Society/Obama re-defined, absent the Greek Philosophers; “Soros-UN Charter/WSIS’ devoted to false god, “Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)”; Obama Lucifer Alinsky (modernized Marxism)-Atheist-secular (Article III non-independent Judiciary); -Sharia-Man’s law’, all - absent both Truth and God.   Thus, unintentionally aiding and abetting the atheist-socialist-collective, mass people allowed certain privilege solely with government-over-man’s permission.

THE LAWS OF BOTH FOUNDING DOCUMENTS are UNIQUE in mankind’s history, precisely because they BOTH are God’s Laws with Man’s Laws applied in complete, as humanly possible given government’s intrinsic force and coercion.  Both are Perfect Document is precisely the same way Scripture is a Perfect Document; for even in their imperfections, they do give lessons, instructions, about the “Spirit is Supreme: -that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material. ..
 It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.

The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty- Responsibility.

An Indivisible Whole: 3. The American philosophy, based upon this principle, is an indivisible whole and must be accepted or rejected as such. It cannot be treated piece-meal. Its fundamentals and its implicit meanings and obligations must be accepted together with its benefits.

The Individual's Self-respect: 4. The concept of Man's spiritual nature, and the resulting concept of the supreme dignity and value of each Individual, provide the fundamental basis for each Individual's self-respect and the consequent mutual respect among Individual's. This self-respect as well as this mutual respect are the outgrowth of, and evidenced by, The Individual's maintenance of his God-given, unalienable rights. They are maintained by requiring that government and other Individuals respect them, as well as by his dedication to his own unceasing growth toward realization of his highest potential--spiritually, morally, intellectually, in every aspect of life. This is in order that he may merit maximum respect by self and by others.

Some Things Excluded: 5. This concept of Man's spiritual nature excludes any idea of intrusion by government into this Man-to-Man spiritual relationship. It excludes the anti-moral precept that the end justifies the means and the related idea that the means can be separated from the end when judging them morally. This concept therefore excludes necessarily any idea of attempting to do good by force--for instance, through coercion of Man by Government, whether or not claimed to be for his own good or for the so-called common good or general welfare.

It excludes disbelief in--even doubt as to the existence of--God as the Creator of Man: and therefore excludes all ideas, theories and schools of thought--however ethical and lofty in intentions--which reject affirmative and positive belief in God as Man's Creator.

The Truly American Concept:  6. Only those ideas, programs and practices, regarding things governmental, which are consistent with the concept that "The Spiritual is supreme" can justly be claimed to be truly American traditionally. Anything and everything governmental, which is in conflict with this concept, is non-American--judged by traditional belief [and by the consequences of our “Silence is Agreement” for too many years which allowed the epitome of Evil “Obama Atheist-Secular-Sharia-Man’s Law completely absent God” to prevail from entrance into Chrysler Corporation – to PPAA extermination of Person Liberty for the purpose of increasing Citizen’s Debt to a level in which “Indentured Servitude” exists because very few American could pay off the $12.067 and growing, paper money debt coerced unto each person by this Socialist Regime of anti-law.]

This applies particularly to that which is agnostic, or atheistic--neutral about, or hostile to, positive and affirmative belief in this concept based upon belief in God as Man's Creator. There is not room for doubt, much less disbelief, in this regard from the standpoint of the traditional American philosophy. Its indivisible nature makes this inescapably true. This pertains, of course, to the realm of ideas and not to any person; it is the conflicting idea which is classified as non-American, according to this philosophy.” – Hamilton A. Long at

When the need, by so many Good Americans who want to be “tolerant” by being ‘secular’ meaning “open to another!?”, is in itself a form of repudiation – in nearly the exactly mind-frame expressed in the UN Charter/Socialist-Communist nine person committee who wrote UDHR; and the borderless nations and jurisprudence substantiated by Agenda 21's Chicken Little of “The Sky is Falling” fame.  Those Americans “FEEL SAFE” that they are regarding WSIS/CHARTER /UDHR /OBAMA-ALINSKY’S “Opinion without interference regardless of frontier” by “preconceived/predetermined conclusion’s” on any part of the spectrum of Life, and therefore Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, which actually disappear because the 2000-plus-person’s property earnings-becoming taxes and; by government-over-man absent “Religion and Morality”, resulting in a per-tax-paying-citizen-debt of $148,000-plus going up to 215,000 plus in 2015, which means There Is No Taxpayer Holiday – We the People work for the debts of the foreign nations who have loaned us money to Our Federal level government, who is using those taxes with loans, given to Cities throughout the USA, to make $25,000.00 Loans, for private citizens to purchase private homes  – it is Collusion and Indentured Servitude.
             By the Way, is turned-off, again – the gov. of SEIU’s unfunded, closed shop, pension costs are Not Included in the US Debt numbers; and that is also true of, at least one State among the “Blue States”,, seceded from the Union, Socialist State of California.

Understand that the nature of Socialsim’s group-think, top-down, never inform the collective, mass Democracy (Socialism and Communism as terms didn’t exist for our Founders They used “Democracy” to mean Socialism and Communism due to arrive in the 1840's-50's): “Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the power of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.”—John Adams, An Essay on Man’s Lust for Power.

Also, We the People have Not been taught and have been forbidden to Celebrate our Person’s rights in Soul with Body-roots-Patriotism.  Fireworks in our neighborhoods with barbeques and song? Never. City ordinances – even with water on lakes and oceans – not good enough to prevent the complete destruction through fire and falling bullets – throughout the cities of the USA...and actually sing our National Anthem, as we did up until 1958 or so, another Never — much better to pay someone; for unity among “each-one-Person composing the Whole of the Polity”, i.e. Nature’s Law “The Whole is the sum of Each One Part”. – an important and completely repudiated and ignored “religion and morality” principle of writing law and regulations by elected We the People at Town, County, State, and Federal Levels.

Since about 1958, "Religion and Morality" have been forbidden directly due to the "high impregnable Wall of Separation" which is our Article IV Republican Form of Representative government under Constitution, containing Articles II and VI Oath of Office, that shall always mean: “Calling on God as a witness to the promise to (ALL) the People of our Nation to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution; And if that Person as Representative Fails in his promise, that he accepts God’s judgement upon his Soul in heaven, or hopefully in a court of law on earth”(from P. Lillbeck’s “The Sacred Fire of George Washington”; p.549)  – “Nature’s God”.
Among the several State’s education, “Religion and Morality” was excised from public schools approximately 1955, because “Religion” was declared by the ‘supreme court’ and interpretations, synonymous with Church. The difference between ecclesiastics of Church’s Assembly of individual person’s Soul - governance; was falsely equated with One Person’s most sacred Property his Soul: “In the latter sense, a man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them.   He has a property of peculiar value in his religious opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by them.   He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person.   He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them. In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights.” ---J. Madison

The other side of that impregnable wall-Republic under God, the state - governance which decried God; but with this ‘Supreme Court” judgement against the Declaration’s law — Is Demonstrated the Consequences of the Location and Reason “Liberty” may be on permanent ‘vacation’ – It Shall Never Be Gone, Because Liberty - Free Agency - with Life and pursuits of Happiness per force involve “..The Laws of Nature’s..“ indifferent things”:  Periodic Chart of the Elements, living-anatomy, physiology, neurology, and inanimate objects: -tools -- guns, computers, airwaves/atoms] “and of Nature’s God” – Scripture and the Contents of the Laws of Both Founding Documents. Satan and man do not Defeat God or His son Jesus Christ. But in the name of the Sentinel with the Horn of Ezekiel 33, We the People must Enforce the Laws of our Constitution’s intertwining with Declaration’s Nature and Nature’s God, notably “We mutually Pledge, is synonymous with Oath, to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred Honor..means then, the intervening years to this moment in time, for this “Course of Human Event” because God is The Everlasting.

Articles II and VI directly, and the entire Original Constitution with the 14th- by logical inference, intertwine and encompass The Declaration of Independence for that is “Separate and Equal Station –Soul of One Person is the same as any other being’s Soul in God’s judgement. “Deeds not Words.” in George Washington’s patriarchy of 47 years in which he took us from embryo through first steps toddler-hood with a completeness born of exactly the “Religion and Morality” Madison, Lincoln, and so many, many individual Americans, have contributed whether in war or not,... to Our magnificent, uniqueness which is “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: IN GOD WE TRUST” ----obviously not in man; for that is the reason for your article.

They haven’t forgotten so much, as they have had to learn themselves – those who pay attention to God in Government as God’s Laws from Scripture, and those who study and understand, because of history of mankind’s mistakes and evils, that We Must Act.  Since they never learned the magnificence of the Founder’s, they don’t realize the location of the lessons, illustrations, instructions, and Laws to utilize.

That’s where the Constitutionalists can help, if they will. They’ve also been at the beck and call of their professors among which is “Let’s Give Up on the Constitution”. Professor of some thirty-odd years of indoctrination on this topic to which his “students of indoctrination” must regurgitate in order to obtain, by that coercion of education for paper credentials, law degree at ); and the devotion to “secularism” absent God doesn’t help, David – with due respect for your article is very good.

It’s just this “Name-calling” nonsense which does not One American any good, nor does it solve the atheist-secular-Sharia-Open Society re-defining of Ethics “Theory” pervading the “paper-credential world of ethics by professional-group-think to be sure that history, forbidden before 1991 - except Bernard Shaw (Zeitgeist - The [earliest version movie on You tube for the benefit of edu. OWS and others Posterity).  See: .

As Mr. Long says in “Majority Limited for Liberty”:  “Any Democracy, either Representative or Direct, does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights as conceived by the American philosophy. A Democracy in America, as a form of government, would therefore provide no protection for these rights. Under a Democracy, Man is considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by The Majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent Majority, with The Individual and The Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of The Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy. (At: ).

We the People have made a terrible mistake, but most, since 1955 never learned, nor were allowed to learn in education which is Indoctrination forced by atheist-secular-man over God-state.  We do have to pray and repent.  We do have to perform our duty to ourselves and to our Posterity.  And however difficult, we must “Just Say No” to any individual among any of our children from kindegarten through 14th grade – to sex by living organ supreme to the Souls developing Religion and Morality – our Nation’s future with God and Jesus.  We must also return “Religious Education” to ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS in those States which have repudiated God – including those individual adults on school boards who, believing they are better than God – refuse an Invocation.

We the People can ERADICATE the entire metastatic cancerous growth utilizing Article II:4 “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the Untied States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”; and it must include ALL ACTS AND LAWS DISGUISED AS REGULATIONS BY THE 29,941 SEIU AGENCIES OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT (GAO); and also Must include ANY INDIVIDUAL PERSON WHO IS IN VIOLATION AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF HIS OATH OF OFFICE; AND AS A CANDIDATE FOR OFFICE, ANY PART OF FEDERALISM’S EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE OF PERSON, TOWN, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

Of course, it is Metastatic Cancer, and Satan’s Ignorance still abounds, but at with removing State and Federal Level Indoctrination disguised as education; and adding the 4R’s of Classical Learning: Research, Reflect/Reason, Relate, Record and Take action; we can work to change the future Posterity’s ability to be self-determined and reliant in “Religion and Morality because Knowledge, Wisdom, Justice in Truth of God Is...can prevail; and catch-up those of computer-itis: the method of thinking is if the computer gives the proper ‘Boolean-decision-tree-logic-robothink’ answers generations already working – sort of...because they only think with permission of their professional or trade-group-think’s permission which is determined by the higher-up bosses.

Enforce the Laws of Both Founding Documents: Article II:4

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Borderless Nations Jurisprudence by Atheist-Socialist-manoverGod- UN

This is a comment that ISRAEL STRAIGHT TALK posted on FB NewsFeed: The United Nations has made the democratic State of Israel the target of incessant condemnation while neglecting its mandate in challenging the oppressive regimes around the world.

Help us spread the truth about the UN!


Quite literally "Chicken Little The Sky is Falling"; and the oceans will rise and land will disappear.....someday.

HERE IN THE USA,it travels as 'sustainable' 'greening' 'smart growth'  (you might have that one) and 'smart policing-here "the Congress approved Federal Police" to remove our right to bear arms for our own Militia),  the 'SOROS-OBAMA-LUCIFER-ALINSKY (NEW, MODERN MARXISM)- ATHEIST-SECULAR-SHARIA-MAN OVER GOD, HAS DECLARED "PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE ACT (PPAA)" IT VERSION OF CHICKEN LITTLE.




WE'VE ALL KIND-OF FORGOTTEN THAT EACH-ONE-PERSON IS ACCOUNTABLE TO OUR LORD GOD and His son Jesus Christ; and the above mentioned UN charter/WSIS/Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the Source of ethics --- really confuses the heck out of individual people who have decided that our Lord God and His son are not really necessary --- so we are having the Tower of Babel mixed with Sodom and Gomorrah and all of the other Old Testaments coming together at the same time; and any of our Biblical or Historical Leaders of God and Nation through history, are also forbidden!?  So you see, we have work to do....

We also have the Laws of Both our Founding Documents, but it takes a little time to waken Americans; but awakening they are...just continue reading....  it is called Article II:4 ... and it MUST BE ENFORCED.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

25000 taxpayer-Dollars loan from Cities in 50 States But

Not One Word that the taxpayer money is from the Federal Government...

Received a brochure from real estate agent: "Escondido Steps Up For Home Buyers".

Since I'm a FB member of the "Rightwing Extremists", I immediately recognized the 'Obama socialist Regime's "opinion without interference regardless of frontiers" which from my other blog is from UN Charter and UN-WSIS's Declaration of Human Rights - neither of which consider God as relevant to earth and the life on it they Must control or the sky will fall into the ocean causing it to rise and bury the land; and in Core Curriculum, it is essential that all children kindergarten thru 14th Grade and all professors of the Socialist skewed cognitive attributes, must demand conformance for all their students, and we could go to Article III Judiciary, but I'll let Constitution Society's Jon Roland's Blog "Judicial Issues for Busy People", handle that.

"City offering up to $25,000 towards home-ownership" -- When you throw this at  Persons, round and about, they look at you, eyes widen, head double-clicks and...."What!!!".

So, being who I am, I asked around. specifically "What is the Location of the Tax Money, from 'Honest-2000 plus hours per year - life-liberty-and pursuit of happiness[???] individuals', for this "all production and distribution of every aspect of life - before birth, whether illegal alien or just a citizen,  ill or not, working or not as long as 'your membership in collective-people' is within the' only qualified privileges permitted and allowed in the use of living and inanimate objects required for life, ie Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen; -- except 'guns, under the Second's right of the people to form their own militias, in the hands of citizens!? Oh my god---never!'?

Well, it turns out it is from the' Federal coffers of confiscation absent Stewardship and Religion and Morality', but Not the Articles I - III in 1789 part of the Federalism's equilateral triangle of Article IV's "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and Shall Protect Each One of Them.." [the States which includes the Counties - Towns - and Each-One of them-Person] "..From Invasion.." [which, besides inanimate objects of the "Federal Police from the Town's police" of DHS' Report for the need to fight against Rightwing Extremism's among other good, corporate persons, Constitutionalists, also is defined as "An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation".

Nope!  The $25,000 per applying person in every City of the 50 States of the now "Socialist State of UN-America" --- is the Federal Reserve System, --- which remember is Not Part of our Laws contained in Both Founding Documents and is Not Accountable to anyone but it Own entity which is a SECRET.

For why would We the People, shouted out loud in attempts, by our God and nation First, Candidate for President,- Representative Ron Paul - ignored, and/or promise broken, be Allowed Information and accountability for controlling the $$paper$$ of our 2000+ hours of work as Property of Natural Rights: "This term in its particular application means "that dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in exclusion of every other individual. ... In its larger and juster meaning, it embraces every thing to which a man may attach a value and have a right; and which leaves to every one else the like advantage.  In the former sense, a man's land, or merchandize, or money is called his property.  In the latter sense, a man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them." (J. Madison "Property" - Reader read this google);  or..

..What's left of Person's Property after their royal Haughtiness-conceit of those judges and justices Bound by Article VI and functioning under Article III; except when their busy removing Person from God in the interest of the 'Hammer and Chisel' side of the "supreme-state's religion-atheist-secular-Sharia-" maintenance, for that infamous, false god, high, 1947, 1961, 1991 impenetrable Wall of Separation,  (1945 is the UDHR; and 1948 is "1984's Orwell; and Mr. and Mrs FDR) by requiring Federal Reserve to be as lawful as the Securities and Exchange Commission and "..the [Laws of Both Founding Documents] are the SUPREME LAW, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation,ordinance, Home Owner's Association Bylaws, Rental Agreement, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with the Laws of Both Documents and NOT DERIVED from them is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION.".

This Patriot is very, very aware all $$$paper$$$ is in the control and hands of this "Socialist owned production and distribution of life including all inanimate and living objects which does mean Person's Body anatomy, physiology, neurology; and the above, with other God and Nation First writings among Constitutionalist's lifetime work, and the many terrific Websites: Lex Rex,  Heritage - Heartland-Hillsdale / Impremis-Independent Institute-Constitution Society - National Center for Constitutional Studies, Foundation for Christian name a few; but the answer received from the question "Why don't you just say "NO" to the Federal, and the [CA] State government [-- and leave 2000 plus hard-working people alone]?
Answer:  It is all tax money. [of course, the socialist cannot exist unless it is tax money preferably control in the private sector by "government-private "partnerships (which Is Not the dictionary or even legal, definition of "partner" attached to "ship")  There is one other great tool and ethic for these Satanites: Ignorance].

Given Congress' consistent refusal to acknowledge in all the Bills for Law presented to them, that there are Laws in Both Founding Documents, There might be a Very Real, and Very important coercive-submissive evil-lurking within-the Towers of Babel, to which no Elected-Representative dare breathe a word - out loud -; such is the tremendous FEAR bound by Faithlessness in the American people to handle whatever any #$%^Socialist US, UN- - EU- WB- Federal Reserve - can hand-out!

Use: In God We Trust; for

There is Not One earthly $$paper$$ or even "dirty or bigger Nuclear or other bomb -- or Satan Disaster" more valuable to EACH-ONE-PERSON, including EACH-ONE-SECTION-SUBSECTION-TITLE-SUBTITLE-composing ANY BILL, Supreme to "and assume among the Powers of the Earth, the Separation and Equal Station (Each Soul according to his due) to which the Laws of Nature (The Periodic Chart of the Elements) and of Nature's God entitle them, i.e. "..course of Human Events (2006 - this date until Article II:4 is enforced), it becomes necessary for One People.. [then] Unalienable Natural Rights from The Creator of the Universe.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Have you ever wondered why the "Obama atheist-Sharia-government designed-force-collecitve.. - judicial man's law of socialism derived from? 

Here is what is Truth regarding our Republic under God versus  the "Citiane's alliance for Property Rights-RWF Hedge Committee's Political, Economic, and Sustainable Glossaries" from the Table of Contents of Agenda 21's, 4 Sections: Section I. Social and Economic Dimensions; Section II. Conservation and Management of Resources for Development; Section III. Strengthening The Role Of Major Groups; Section IV. Means of Implementation which encompass the Glossaries.

Why is this important?  I know you are aware of many of the connections, but there are much more in the UN Charter-Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Court of Justice which has as its basis of Law, the 1920 League of Nation's "Statutes of the Permanent Court of Justice" --- The League of Nations is no more -- but "The Statutes of the Permanent Court of Justice" is UN Charter's basis in Law.   The United States of America signed, but NEVER RATIFIED the League of Nations.  

The Charter formed the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)" written by the 9 member committee with one American, in name only even back in 1945, its Chair Eleanor Roosevelt,  provided the money for the other 8 members of Socialist-Communist parties- writers - implementers' of Fabian Socialism which George Orwell and Mrs. Orwell were working against in GB - same years.   

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) "Declaration of Principles" utilizes UDHR as the basis of its A. Our Common Vision of the Information Society; B. An Information Society for All: Key Principles of B1 - B11/64; C. Towards an Information Society for All Based on Shared Knowledge,  -- which does continue the entire spectrum of the Laws of Nature's Periodic Chart of the Elements which compose all Life and all inanimate and living objects, notably life's Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen, and that  connects to the living object -- "Body" of Person, a member of the species homo sapiens, with essential cognitive attributes, and is the "secular definition" of One person's "unique Soul accountable to God in the Laws of Nature's God and the Laws of the Constitution.  

Nature's God is totally absent from any consideration of life on God's Planet, because of course, according to "Obama Lucifer Alinsky'  there is no Universal Truth, and therefore there is no God, for that would mean that knowledge, wisdom, justice in truth must exist;  -- but there is no requirement in any Document stated herein, except the Republic under God United States of America, which even considers or states in black and white -- the word "Truth", for these purveyors of man absent God's laws, cannot comprehend integrity of George Washington's "Of all dispositions and habits which lead to political* prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens [recognize herein?]....Let is simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the Oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?". 

THE "STATUTES OF..". THE UN CHARTER, THE UDHR, WSIS, AND AGENDA 21 --- HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP TO THE LAWS OF BOTH FOUNDING DOCUMENTS WHATSOEVER. There is no argument that any treaty, soft -which is solely a 'political illegal name-game",  and when the first treaty was signed, our government was still, however flimsy,  the  Republic of Oath and Article Vi supreme Law of the Land was still Law.   

Since God is forbidden and since "Consent of the Governed and We the People are formed to protect One-Person in accountability to God, or in morality " The doctrine or system of moral duties, or the duties of men in their social character; ethics.  The system of morality to be gathered from the writings of ancient sages, falls very short of that delivered in the gospel.   1. The practice of the moral duties; virtue. We often admire the politeness of men whose morality we question.  2. The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed.".  Please note the words "justice" and "human laws" because those two words with "just", and other word of "good" humans, do not hold true to the definitions of our Founding Documents -- The basis of law of our Article IV Republican Form of Representative government..."; there is no basis of US Republic under God in any part of the Socialist-Communist United nation's of Soros and Obama, et. al. 

"Ethics" is interesting, for I'm currently taking ceu's in a 6 part, never use history before 1991, atheist-Sharia-pure "1984-ethics-rights-acts-union-based-collective, mass, government-designed-group-think-ALL roles in Life people" forget liberty and pursuits. Interesting because all the above are interconnected through -- repudiation of God as the Creator of the Universe and His son Jesus as the center of rectitude for All men are created equal here on earth.  There are cross-over definitions of words which work with all the above Anti-law, as well as changing the face and Art of Nursing to a atheist-secular-Sharia "care" view of Nurse is the decision-maker by "Opinion without interference" based upon "Predetermined / preconceived conclusions" as stated in Charter-UDHR-MIS-Statute for..justice-Agenda 21-EPA/E.O. the whole of CAPR.

The UN Charter's Signature Countries of Membership Signed "In Faith".  Faith is an interesting word, that leans to truth in meaning but can sort-of be definition as: " 8. A persuasion or belief of the lawfulness of things indifferent.  .. 9. Faithfulness; fidelity; a strict adherence to duty and fulfillment of promises." -- though when Americans of God and Nation use this word it means "1. Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence; the judgment that what another states or testifies is the truth. I have strong faith or no faith in the testimony of a witness, or in what a historian narrates. ...2. The assent of the mind to the truth of a proposition advanced by another; belief, or probable evidence of any kind. ...3. In theology, the assent of the mind or understanding to the truth of what God has revealed. Simple belief of the scriptures, of the being and perfections of God, and of the existence, character and doctrines of Christ, founded on the testimony of the sacred writers, is called historical or speculative faith; a faith little distinguished from the belief of the existence and achievements of Alexander or of Cesar. .."

What I'm attempting to say is that the Hammer and Chisel attack on the "Great wall of Separation church and state", by 'state' of "Obama Atheist-Secular-Sharia-Man's Socialist perverted Democracy of government force over collective-people, to be maintained in subjugation and in ignorance in which indoctrination allows only 'acceptable, privileged  and selected forms of limited history of mankind,  there is no justice nor truth nor righteousness  nor any semblance to any concept of The Eternal, His son Jesus Christ, or any part of the Laws of Both Founding Documents; and because most Americans have no idea of the connections of the Founding Documents to the Love and Truth they hold for themselves - Soul, their family's, their loved ones, their free-agency choices in liberty for their Soul in Mind... liberty; and decisions regarding risk/reward - opportunities/threats-, they continue to believe that only the Constitution is law and the Founders were not intelligent or knowledgeable to provide the complete lessons, instructions, and actions to take to "throw off such government and provide new Guards for their future security [of rights].".   

There is No Reasoned Argument which will ever be allowed; --- The United States of America's "knowledge, wisdom, justice in Truth of God -- is forbidden, so do not think, for one minute that any State of California or Federal Level - especially Articles I, II, and III; and therefore IV and V -- will ever be utilized or recognized as law again; -- as long as these lovers of Satan prevail over We the People.  That is the reason for following the lessons,  instructions, and Laws of Both Founding Documents because they are based in Truth of God and man's relationship and accountability to Him before any Earthly concern of any description.

We must return and enforce the laws of our Republic under God. We must return to the 1828 definition of politics -- not that word tossed about depending on which side you are on Satan or Jesus --  ARTICLE II:4 MUST BE ENFORCED.

I have linked the 3 Glossaries to the UN Documents and also to our Republic; but not all the words work..because they are absent fact in science or in law, so attempting to define them, is ridiculous - so I'll try to follow up... .

*Politics in our history means "The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance." from which "politics derives.  Though here is the 2013 definition: "Politics: a : the art or science of government
b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Jury Duty, Article III Judiciary Article I Legislative Article II Oath of Office and Trust

From Constitution Society, Jon Roland's Blog:
You are summoned for jury duty                            

Relax. Jury summons aren't being issued by email yet. But it is likely that some day you will receive a summons to serve on a jury. The first reaction of many people is to seek a way to avoid jury duty.

Don't. Our way of life depends on good people doing that duty.

But during the questioning of jurors, don't admit that you received this message. It contains information that the legal establishment doesn't want you to know, information that you need to do your duty as a citizen to uphold the Constitution.

When this nation was founded, the jury system was made a part of our system of government. This was done for one main reason: because the Founders did not trust judges, prosecutors, investigators, and other officials to administer justice. The jury is the ultimate safeguard of our constitutional rights, and never before in our history have those rights been in greater danger.

There are two kinds of juries: trial and grand. In a jury trial, the jury is the real judge. The "judge" who presides over the trial is really the president of the court. His proper job is only to control procedure.

There are two kinds of trial: criminal and civil. In a civil trial, the jury decides based on a preponderance of evidence, and a unanimous vote is not required. In a criminal trial, the jury has the duty to acquit the accused unless the prosecution proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and it takes the vote of all twelve jurors to convict. Once
acquitted, the accused may not be retried for the same offense.

A grand jury does not decide guilt. It investigates the facts in a case and recommends a course of action. The most common issue put to a grand jury is to decide if there is sufficient evidence in a case to prosecute the accused. The finding that there is sufficient evidence is called an indictment, and there is a constitutional requirement that persons accused of serious crimes must be indicted by a grand jury before they
may be prosecuted in a trial. This is to protect innocent persons from being prosecuted by corrupt, abusive, incompetent, or overzealous prosecutors. However, a grand jury can investigate any issue. They have the power to decide what issues to investigate, the power to subpoena witnesses to testify before them, and to make any finding or recommendation that they think their investigation merits. Such a
finding and recommendation is called a presentment.

But most grand juries today don't do their duty the way the Founders intended they should. They too often serve as rubber stamps for prosecutors, who often joke that they can "indict a ham sandwich". Judges and prosecutors prevent private citizens from bringing cases before the grand jury directly, which is the way the system is supposed to work, and used to work when this country was founded. Prosecutors
will remain with the grand jury throughout their proceedings, although the grand jury is supposed to work without anyone else present, unless they request it. Grand jurors are sworn to secrecy to prevent public knowledge of their proceedings, but this duty is to the other members of the grand jury, not to the court. The original system was for grand juries to decide what to disclose, how, and when. If the grand jury tries to investigate the judge, the prosecutor, or law enforcement officials themselves, they will often be dismissed, even though the grand jury, once convened, is supposed to be able to remain in session regardless of what the judge may do, until it completes its work.

The constitutional duty of the grand jury is not just to decide on the cases brought to it by the prosecutors. It is also to investigate cases that the prosecutors don't want them to consider, cases of official and high-level corruption, abuse, incompetence, and misconduct. Later in this message some advice will be given on how you as a member of a grand jury can get your fellow grand jurors to break out of this improper
control and do your real duty.

But let us turn back to jury trials, particular criminal trials, and especially trials in federal courts.

In a typical criminal trial, the judge will demand that you promise to "follow the instructions" he gives you, and he will tell you to consider "only the facts" in the case, and leave consideration of the "law" to him. The problem is, in our system of law, the "law" in a case is also a kind of fact. Judges don't make the law by their decisions. They only "find" what the law is, based on the intentions of the lawgivers. One of
those laws, the Constitution for the United States, and, in a state trial, the constitution of the state, is the supreme law, which is superior to any statute or other official act that may conflict with it.

Deciding whether a statute or other official act is consistent with either or both constitutions is not a question only for a judge to decide. It is also a question for anyone who is involved in the legal system, especially the jury. If the case against the accused is based on a statute or other official act that is not authorized by the applicable constitution, then it is unconstitutional, and you as the jury have the
duty to acquit, no matter how heinous the offense or how evil the accused might be. Being a bad person is not a crime. The accused must have violated a specific statute that was in effect at the time and place the offense was committed, and that statute must be based on powers to make that act a crime delegated to the constitution.

But the judicial system today doesn't want jurors to consult the constitution to determine the constitutionality of the case. Try to bring a copy of the applicable constitution with you, and the judge is likely to take it away from you, and threaten you with contempt of court if you try to do it again. You have to ask yourself why he would do that. If he is complying with the constitution, then why should he care
whether you consider it as well? It is meant to be understood and enforced by ordinary people. It doesn't require a priesthood of lawyers and judges to tell you what it does and doesn't mean.

Varieties of Unconstitutionality

  There are several ways in which statutes or other official acts may be unconstitutional:
  (1) It may be contrary to a right guaranteed under the Constitution.

  (2) It may not be based on one of the powers delegated to the government under the Constitution.

  (3) It may violate the provisions for the structures and procedures of government, such as the delegation of legislative or judicial powers to an executive agency in violation of the separation of powers principle of the Constitution.

  (4) It may neglect to perform some duty imposed under the Constitution.

  (5) It may involve the operation of government outside its constitutional jurisdiction.

  (6) It may not be applied in the way it was intended by those who wrote and adopted the original act.

  (7) It may be vague or incomprehensible to the people who must obey or enforce it.

  (8) It may have been intended to be applied selectively, or have come to be applied
selectively, in violation of the equal protection provision of the Constitution that all laws must be applied uniformly.

  (9) Proper notice of the law or act may not have been given in a way that would allow people subject to it to become aware of it.

  (10) The aggregate of laws or regulations may become so burdensome that it becomes unreasonable for everyone subject to it to be sufficiently familiar with it to comply with all of it.

  (11) It may have never been properly adopted, or due process may not have been practiced.

  (12) Information needed to make a proper determination may have been withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence.

The judge typically also won't let you have copies of the statutes the accused is charged with violating. Or books on the case law concerning those statutes. He also won't let you have the legal pleadings of the lawyers, the ones that may argue that the court does not have jurisdiction in the case, or that the statute is unconstitutional, or that the constitutional rights of the accused have been violated by the way the case was investigated or prosecuted, or argument in which the defense attempts to present evidence of government wrongdoing or that other persons may have committed the offense.

You have to ask yourself why the judge would not permit the jury to have this information, and whether you can really judge the guilt of the accused without it.

This is not the way things have always been. When this nation was founded, juries got all this information. They could even ask their own questions of the witnesses, or call other witnesses. The present system is unconstitutional.

Judges have a lot of power over lawyers, and not just in the courtroom. They now forbid defense lawyers to inform juries that they have the right and the duty to decide the law as well as the facts in a case, and threaten them with jail for contempt or with disbarment if they try, so that they could no longer practice law. They can also prevent court-appointed lawyers from being assigned cases, which can be important to their income. Never forget who pays for court-appointed lawyers, and then ask whose interests they are really serving when they represent a client.

You have to ask yourself what kind of judicial system is it that forbids lawyers from informing juries of their rights and duties, even while admitting that they have those rights and duties. Does it make sense that juries will do their duty better if they don't know what it is?

Judges and prosecutors have been trying to control juries ever since the jury system was established, and they have gotten pretty good at it. The schools today don't teach people how to counter this kind of manipulation, although they once did, in the early days of this nation. Now we have to teach one another the best way we can.

This kind of manipulation arose out of an 1895 U.S. Supreme Court case, Sparf v. U.S. The accused appealed on the grounds that his lawyer failed to inform the jury of their duty to decide the law as well as the facts in the case. The ruling was that it was not a reversible error to fail to so inform them. It was considered common knowledge. But ever since then, by the "logic" judges are fond of, they have taken that decision as a license to forbid lawyers from informing juries of their duties.
You don't have to be an expert in real logic to figure out that doesn't follow.

The most serious violations of the U.S. Constitution today are being committed by federal judges and prosecutors. Most people are not aware of how bad it has become. They see an accused being prosecuted in a federal court and think everything is okay. After all, if the guy did it, what difference does it make whether he is tried in federal court or in state court? Let the federal government spend the money. Well, it makes a lot of difference.

The key to understanding this problem is the question of jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is territorial. The U.S. Constitution is fairly clear on this. It delegates to the U.S. Congress fairly broad powers, including powers to adopt criminal laws and prosecute people for violating them, over what we can call "federal territory": parcels of land which are ceded to the jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress by an act of the state
legislature. This includes the District of Columbia, certain enclaves for things like military facilities and federal buildings, coastal waters, U.S.-flag vessels at sea, and the grounds of U.S. embassies abroad. It used to include all the territory that hadn't been admitted as states yet, but there isn't much of that left.

However, except for those ceded parcels, very few powers were delegated to the national Congress to adopt or prosecute criminal statutes for offenses committed on state territory. Originally, the national government had criminal jurisdiction on state territory for only four classes of offense: counterfeiting, treason, piracy and felonies on the high seas, and offenses against the laws of nations. Offenses against the laws of nations meant things like war crimes, attacks on embassies and ambassadors, plundering of shipwrecks, and attacks against foreign nations without the authority of a declaration of war or other authorizations called "letters of marque and reprisal".

After the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted, authority was delegated to the national Congress to adopt criminal statutes for a fifth subject:  against deprivations of civil rights by government agents.

Except for pirates, the only authority the national Congress has to adopt criminal statutes for offenses committed outside the territory of the United States is for offenses committed by military personnel and militia personnel when in federal service. It has no such authority over U.S. private citizens.

It is also an ancient principle of law, which we inherited and made part of the Constitution, that an offense occurs where the offender was when he did it, not where the effects of his action take place. If a Canadian fires a gun from Canadian soil and kills an American standing on U.S. soil, it is Canada or one of its provinces, not the United States, or the state where the victim died, which has jurisdiction over the offender. It shouldn't be difficult to see why this principle has to be followed, and what a legal mess would result if it were not.

So, you might ask, how could the federal government be prosecuting all these crimes it does in federal court, on federal charges? Surely if that were unconstitutional, their lawyers would raise the issue that the statutes were unconstitutional and the cases would be dismissed, right?

Well, once in a while a judge will comply with the Constitution and do that, but most of the time, even if the lawyer challenges the constitutionality of the statute, the judge rules against him. In a few rare cases, the case might be overturned on appeal, but not very often.

What has happened in this country is that a political faction, which dominates both of the two main parties, has gained control over all three branches of government, the legislative, executive, and judicial, and is adopting and enforcing whatever statutes they want, without regard for whether they are constitutional. Once in a while they will try to pretend there is constitutional authority for such statutes. The most common way they do that is to cite the "commerce clause" granting authority to Congress to "regulate" "commerce among the states", and arguing that everything that "affects" commerce is included in "commerce" and that criminal penalties are "necessary and proper" powers under that clause. This is contrary to the expressed intent of the Founders, for whom the power to "regulate" did not include the power to
"prohibit" and it did not include the power to prosecute criminally, only civilly, that is, to impose fines and loss of privileges.

In most cases, this Establishment will just win a case against a weak defendant, then cite that bad precedent as authority for doing more of the same against other people. Law schools don't even teach the original intent of the Founders of the Constitution anymore. They just teach the precedents, many of which are bad, and built on other bad precedents.

That is the way governments accumulate power. And a lot of that is popular with people who don't know any better. They want the government to "do something" and don't always think about how if they let the government exercise powers that haven't been delegated to them, sooner or later we will lose our rights and freedoms.

You may have heard about "jury nullification". You may have heard it discussed in the context of blacks refusing to convict blacks and whites refusing to convict whites, but that is not jury nullification, and it is wrong. Jury nullification is voting to acquit because the court lacks jurisdiction, or the statute is unconstitutional, or is misapplied in that case, or because of misconduct by the judge, prosecutor, or police, or the rights of the accused have been violated. In other words, it is doing what a judge is supposed to do, but which too few of them do. Remember, in a jury trial, it is the jury who is the real judge, both of the law and the facts.

After all, if we have juries because judges can't be trusted, then why should we be able to trust them to be the only ones who rule on the law?  We can't, and you shouldn't. They will impress you with their learning and bearing, but don't be fooled. The government employs the best actors money can buy, and many of them are quite good at it. Prosecutors and police even have a name for what they often present: "testilying". Yes, most state criminal cases are handled properly, but most federal
criminal trials today are unconstitutional, and you can't trust what any of them say or do.

You need to take special care in political cases. Watch out for prosecutions of whistleblowers, investigators, political reformers and dissidents, or cases in which the law enforcement agency involved may be under heavy pressure to get a conviction. Political activists do get set up and framed, and ambitious prosecutors are not above convicting persons they know to be innocent for their own reasons. That is not to say that political activists don't sometimes commit crimes, and when they do they should pay the price, but sometimes it is a way to silence them. Learn to watch for clues to the real agenda of the prosecution.

If you find yourself on a grand jury, your first job is to break free from the control of the prosecutor. Invite the other members to meet with you at a good all-night restaurant in the area that has private meeting rooms. Then start informing them of their duty to investigate wrongdoing that the prosecutors might not want investigated, and take cases directly from the public. In most communities there are activists
who are aware of what is going on, and who have a lead on cases that need to be considered. Track them down and ask them to present their cases or to testify. When you get the support of the majority of the grand jury, start demanding that the prosecutors leave the room, and to ask your own questions. If he refuses, threaten to indict him for prosecutorial misconduct, tampering with the grand jury, and obstruction of justice. If the judge gives you trouble, you may have to threaten him
the same way, but in his case it would be for judicial rather than prosecutorial misconduct. Go to a law library and read everything they have on grand juries. If you are asked to bring an indictment against someone, ask questions about the strength of the evidence, and if you have any suspicions, subpoena the accused to get his side of the story.

If you find yourself on a trial jury in a criminal case, especially in a federal court, you need to research the Constitution and the laws applicable to the case. You will be instructed not to do that, but do it anyway. Your duty to the Constitution overrides any promise you make to the judge. If the judge and the prosecutors are lying to you, that may make it necessary to deceive them and to violate the instructions of the
court in the cause of justice and constitutional compliance. It is sad
that it has come to that, but it has. If the jury is not sequestered, that is, if it is allowed to go home in the evening, then visit a law library or legal resources on the Internet. Don't go to the local law libraries where someone might see and recognize you. You may need to go some distance away to avoid detection. Study the Constitution for the United States. You should even try to memorize it. That may be the only way you can get it into the jury room. Compare the charges against the
statutes. Sometimes they don't match. The accused may be charged with "crimes" that aren't. You won't get to read the legal briefs filed in the case, but you may be able to find legal briefs filed in similar cases that can give you some idea of the legal issues in the case.

There are ways you can introduce questions that need to be asked, and may not be asked by either side in a case. You will need to pass them to the judge, and he may not ask them, but how he handles them can provide a clue to what is going on. For example, in a federal criminal case, you might ask for evidence that the accused was standing on federal territory when he committed the offense. If not in the District of
Columbia, they need to come up with the record of an act of the state legislature ceding jurisdiction. A general cession of anything the federal government might purchase won't do. It has to be a specific parcel. There should also be a deed. If the prosecution can't prove where the offender was when he committed the act, then they don't have proof beyond a reasonable doubt. And don't worry that acquitting an offender in federal court will let him get off. If it is state court that should be trying the case, the state can still do that, and they are the ones that should.

There are limits to how much can be conveyed in a short message like this one. We urge you to learn more about constitutional law and jury service.  You can learn more about both on the Internet. We recommend you begin at and follow the links from there.

Spread this message as widely as you can. Send copies to everyone. The innocent accused you save may be you.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Representative Issa, the Hearing, the Videos and Our Republic First

These "shared" from You Tube are about 6 back to back videos of Representative Issa's oversight Committee Hearing* with a full coverage, primarily Fox, but one MSNBC and Rep. Stephens as the Dem. and The State Dept. Spokesman for Kerry, coverage before and after the Hearing took place last Wednesday.  It does take a couple of hours...but its worth it to have demonstrated the extent of one lie perpetrating an avalanche of lies and increasing the harm and tragedy of the events in Benghazi with the "..course of Human Events recognized by Anti-law of the Obama-Atheist-secular-Sharia-collective, mass people designed of, by, and for government's force Man's Law"  absent God's Laws.

Consistent with the "Obama Atheist-Secular-Sharia-Man's law", and with the UN's 'Nation building-anti-God's Laws, there is NO TRUTH; and therefore, only Obama Lucifer Alinsky's, and cohorts of the Soros Open Society members, name-calling, neglect to answer, yell foul, to create disorganization of anything connecting the Anti-American-Anti-God's Laws-Tragedy which occurred in Benghazi; and also in "Patient Protection and Affordable Act", "American's Financial Freedom Act"; “National Defense Act of Local Police becoming Federal Police”; no budget signed into law for 3 of the last four years - so that 29,941 Executive Branch-closed shop union Agencies could continue to receive 'CONTINUATION MONEY FUNDING", - thus bypassing our Republic's House of Representatives oversight to irresponsible and unconstitutional spending; and the "sustainable - Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon of the false god named GW including force and coercion of cities in the State of California, MA, NY, HA and more to conform to UN's Agenda 21.

But the fact is the State Department's own investigation was 100% the "Obama- Atheist- Secular -Sharia-Man's Law" supreme over "Religion and Morality" of the Laws of Both Founding Documents.   I hear some readers, "There 'this Founding Father's Patriot' goes again, with the "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them..Unalienable natural Rights; and you are correct --- Our Republic under God is the SOLE NATION in the HISTORY OF MANKIND, to state ONE PERSON'S ACCOUNTABILITY TO GOD and PROTECTED in all aspects of LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUITS OF HAPPINESS by the LAWS OF THE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS.  The "Bound by" is SOLELY THAT REPRESENTATIVE OF ELECTIVE OFFICE FROM MOSQUITO ABATEMENT TO PRESIDENT AND ALL AGENCIES, OFFICIALS, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS....

This Obama-UN-Socialist Regime  which is committing the crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression of EACH-ONE-PERSON'S RELIGIOUS LIBERTY of our Article IV:4 guarantee of Republican Form of Government where the Person as of separate and equal station... with any Person, regardless of being an employee of the State Department or of the CIA....including the Janitors and cafeteria workers or "The [nominal] Leader" of that Governmental Agency.

Our Republic is Founded and Functions with God's Laws -- ALL OF THEM; and the knowledge, wisdom, justice in Truth which is Only present from following and being accountable to God... through "Oath of Office" and Morality's "The doctrine or system of moral duties, or the duties of men in their social character; ethics.   The system of morality to be gathered from the writings of ancient sages, falls very short of that delivered in the gospel.    1. The practice of the moral duties; virtue. We often admire the politeness of men whose morality we question.    2. The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed.".

Because the crime of omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression is the government-over-man's Anti-Law of procedure-in-governance;  this fake-false "President, Vice President and all civil officials of the United States..”, continuing extermination of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, especially relating to One Person's Soul in Religious Liberty, shall reign as a supreme-kingship over the Laws of our Founding Documents:  "Our  [atheist] secular establishment wants to reduce the autonomy of religious institutions and limit the influence of faith in the public square [including our Posterity from kindergarten through Ph.D as a paper named 'credential' by indoctrination]" ("Religion and Public Life in America", R.R. Reno, Editor "First Things"; Imprimis 04/2013)

Both, DEM Stephens and Kerry State Department spokespersons, were verbose about how the Oversight Committee is All Republican and/or out for "political" gain, or lots of name calling; and those 3 State Department Employees with 1 CIA Employee who are "Whistleblowers", which actually means Protection for the government-wrong-doing by the government- while stopping, or preventing, the One Person–with the whistle, and their attorney  from performing "Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the DUTY [to self in honor - to position in Oath - and to being an American of our Republic under God] to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which if the Laws of both Founding documents [God's Laws of Nature and Nature's God...Unalienable Natural Rights] are  involved, means to obey or help enforce those Laws. This Duty CANNOT BE DELEGATED to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal adviser.  It is Not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job of following orders. (Principle of Nuremberg and of Ezekiel 33); But

Really, attempting to make the point of Partisanship which is unfair, because only Republicans, the DINO'S (Socialist's wearing the sheepskin to hide their dinosaur-hide DEM name) are members of the committee; ---- except that the State Department's investigation was SOLELY partisan-Administration-run with the noted, exceptions in omission, neglect, and positive transgressions which occurred especially relating to Mr. Hicks and Mr. Nordstrom and Mr Thomas, who was forbidden to testify at all in the Hearings by the “State Department of Mis-representation-in-lie”.

Quoted above, in case you didn't recognize the instructions and applications our Founding Father's gave us regarding "Long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism.." with Article II:4, with invasion of rights and infringement, because Articles I, II, III, IV, V, VI with the Preamble and Amendments I, II, IV, VIII - cruel and unusual punishment, IX, X, are abuses with usruaptions, and spit-in-your-face-Extremist-American-for your Person of Belief in the Wonder of those Documents, and the History surrounding Americans serving throughout the World, and in our homeland, in Personal "The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility."; While..

..sometimes forgotten, never-ever taught to children from 8 yrs. Through Ph.D, in life, is none-the-less, ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN; so that when other families, towns, counties, State, or  Federal Level and other  Nation's are in trouble, We the People Do Help our Neighbors, though loving our enemies is a difficult assignment, it is rewarding because just LOOK at WHAT WE HAVE RE-DISCOVERED ABOUT OUR NATION from 1620 to and through this Date in "When in the Course of Human Events...among Nature and Nature's God of good and evil, of Truth and Lie, of rightousness and sacrifice in mutally pledging to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor --- among those who were killed, or ceased from action, on that tragic Day and its aftermath including what these videos Representative Issa placed on You Tube.

There are a couple of videos that appear non-related; but they are related because every, single, Act taken by this 2009 - until: We the People, again understand there is No Law Superior to the Laws and Lessons of Our Lord God, His son Jesus, and the Apostles; and because our Patriarch of 47 public years of duty and service - not One Penney of wages wrote: "Of all dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. ..".

The “Obama Socialist Anti-Law Regime’s” very deep, dark, black pit of evil is the--- first time Americans have really been attacked at the level of Each-One's Person Soul- experiencing laws determined, investigated, and adjudicated as living and inanimate objects and/or collective, mass, designed-in-government interest-people.

We the people hardly recognize this degree of Person attack, and we tend to be independent of ‘organized religion or ecclesiastics of church’, for its “Man informing God regarding how He should run the affairs of Soul, repugnant to many thoughtful individuals.

The Attack  IS NOT ABOUT PARTISAN, POLITICS, GOVERNANCE...  IT IS SOLELY AND COMPLETELY -- REPUDIATION OF GOD in favor of Man as supreme in his definition of society - and re-defining of equality-dignity-"In-alienable" not Unalienable-f reedom-justice- -peace-and Justice absent God, and human rights absent Person as an individual?!

That is the reason, more and more Americans are coming to realize Article II:4 Impeachment and Conviction of demonstrated abuses, usurpations, for the purpose of despotism – removes all the Unconstitutional Acts as Laws and as Agency Laws disguised as Regulations.. And Executive Orders, and those Court Rulings which repudiate God in favor of inanimate and living objects, of groups-designated by government completely absent Person and corporate persons; And It Is Each-One-Person’s Duty to his God, or (Affirmation), and to selfsame Person among other Americans of One Person at a Time, i.e. The Whole of our Republic under God is the Sum of Each-One-Person made in the image of God - in Soul traveling on earth in body’s anatomy, physilogy, neurology, and in Free Agency of Life, Liberty, and resuming our creative energies in discovery, R&D of life, liberty, and all that God has Created here and in His Universe..He is waiting for us as One Person, among the many mansions of His Nations on this learn knowledge, wisdom, for Truth of Him, His son Jesus.  YES, IT IS TRUE - DO NOT DOUBT.

You may think the serpent that persuaded Adam and Eve to eat that apple was a long time ago, but it just happened- last Wednesday and again and again, in these Acts against our Nation by a few men who really believe they are better than God.
