Remember the settlement back in'05-'06? Relative peace until '09. Just 'google' Cloward-Piven and notice the linking with Mr. Obama. Then think about the other article Mr. Frank has shared with us in "CA Capitol News".
This President and his cohorts everywhere, have been and continue to be a very "Clear and Present Danger to Our Nation" and all it stands for. Problem, really is that It Is A War Without Bullets most Americans are to straightforward believers in truth to recognize this backward tirade on US(A). It is rapid fire - month 11 with 37 left, because time is against them, but Damage Done and Time Lost Is Against Our Nation!
It makes it much more difficult to repair, especially when a young segment of the population who will add years, but not necessarily information about the "Unique Nature and Nature's God" and "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable" 3 Rights, as they take their turn leading the United States of America. At is an article about the most religious states. The Northeast does not number among the top, and there is a huge mix when actually Believing That God Did Involve Himself With the Formation of This Nation. It Is Not a What If idea!
Now, the impact of business loans, environmental, energy-not alternative, plus the natural snowball effect which doesn't stop at just butter, sugar, almonds, fertilizer, machinery, schools, gas/diesel, animal care and its equipment, jobs, virtually everything relating or being the base commodities to allow manufacturing is affected! And one more idea: What was the contract between the Delta Gates and the Farmers before an environmentalist found the smelts suitable for destroying CA agriculture? It is quite obvious that the problems with the smelts must have dated from when the Delta gates first opened. The smelts didn't just happen! Lots of years went by before anyone even thought about smelts, much less inquired about numbers up or down!
Everyone believing that these two characters - Cloward-Piven - have developed a strategy that works is not correct. What is correct is allowing our ignorance to accept a judge's ruling - without challenge- that smelt over-rule the lives and business' of millions of citizens! No-one has answered the question of how well were the Farmers/Rangers south of the Delta informed re this Judges decision? How much time did the farmers/ranchers have to adjust? It is my reading that planting was finished before the Delta was shut-down.
To apply the Constitutions, both State and Federal,and for example: If the Delta water was shut-off after planting in the spring; and if the farmers/ranchers had no information before that: 1) the smelts were going to court to have 'their scales' protected; that the court date would preclude preventing or lessening planting, i.e. preparing for less or no water; or
2) the farmer/ranchers knew about the date of the smelt's hearing for protection, but no idea about the outcome: shutting All water down; then the judge of the Federal Court and the 'case environmentalists' would be guilty of violating Article I:3b(1)(2)(4)of State Constitution and Amendment 4,14 at least,plus 5 and 9 of the 1789 Ratified Constitution.
Farmers/ranchers safety of person, home, papers, and effects were unreasonably (the smelt) searched (the water for remains)and seizure (water, land, crops, livestock, jobs, etc.). No warrants issued for 'no probable cause'. If 4 occurred, then 5th Amendment "..nor deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;.. also occurred!
Don't limit the viewpoints on how events, actions, regulations at cabinet level (ships have to adjust enviroment. by 2012 continues the GW non-scientific method basis of purposely incorrect data will result in purposely incorrect conclusions!0, the non-awaking centrist Democrats who believe they will be famous, or dealing politicians who put their constituents before Our Nation and in absence of "The American's Creed"! As many of the Obama, Cloward-Piven article's read - Offensive, Not defensive!!!! "All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be responsible; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be "oppression: The imposition of unreasonable burdens, either in taxes or services; cruelty; severity.")Thomas Jefferson in 1st Inaugural Address 3/4/1801.