At /maple-viewers/oQF0nQM_PVBZeQ?hl=en
June 5, 2015 (10:53am)
Japanese art including Bonsai is "The collective name of heaven and earth, all that belongs to them..", One Nation's example of Buddha, Person-Religion, among its "..WHOLE SYSTEM of Created 'things' " - Universe of The Creator, The Everlasting Father, The Eternal, divine Providence: Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge, a.k.a., "Liberty is a word which, according as it is used, comprehends the most good and the most evil of any in the world. Justly understood it is sacred next to those which we appropriate in divine adoration; but in the mouths of some it means any ‘Thing’ " Oliver Ellsworth, Third chief Justice of the supreme Court; Senator from Connecticut .
“Maple viewers” Connection to Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge - world wide, becomes apparent to its connection in John 10, though some but not all Buddhists would make this John 10 connection: “..I know my sheep and my sheep know men (just like the Father knows me and I know the Father), I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep, too, which do not belong to this fold; I must being them also, and they will listen to my voice; so it will be one flock, one shepherd. This is why my Father loves me, I lay down my life to take it up again. No one takes it from me, I lay it down of my own accord: I have power to lay it down and also power to take it up again; I have my Father’s orders for this. I and my Father are One—.”.
Please notice the Person who created this beauty of all life on planet earth, apparently an anonymous Painter. He is sitting on your slightly, Right of center, Side, and on top of either a high, moss covered hill or mountain, nearly level with the Temple; the thick clouds so dense that a frame occurs around the dancing, eating, music of the persons below in a canyon, which the other side of the bridge is a path at the back center disappearing into the direction of the snow-capped mountains on the left, unknown, and/ or, perhaps, to the right top tree-top, sort-of-imaginary-dragons surrounding the red pagoda and Jingoji Temple. But that isn’t all that is present in the symbols placed throughout the entire scene, notice the ‘Monet sortof-punctilism’- dot, surrounded by circle, various diameters, –“Spirits?”, throughout the river, moss-covered mountains, rocks, lining the top rail of the bridge, but Not the canyon people, snow-capped mountains, or the tree-tops around Pagoda-Temple areas: Not noticed by any casual ‘look’, too often absent “see”.
It is a masterpiece, for there are stories within the groupings of the persons as well as the relationship. It is also a “Nirvana”---The truth of 'what is' is beyond language and must therefore be experienced directly. It is Perfect as God Is Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge and man must undertake to follow Him should they desire to continue the magnificent, chosen of their own accord, with full understanding and perception.
Point: The nanosecond any form of few men, hierarchy-concrete-layered-box of arbitrary rules of conduct force, dissolving Wisdom-Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise – Accountability to God in Christ as the supreme rule of action/ Will, is the nanosecond of the destruction, despoiling and enslaving of entire nations of the current human event: deluded-democracy’s vain-idol-god’s forms of ‘bigger number’ the source of decisions regarding all aspects of life on planet earth – No Knowledge - No Wisdom - No Truth-Trust-Promise - No God - No Right/ Good — exactly what is demonstrated on the Internet-International-Court of atoms blowing in the invisible atmosphere – scattered, disorganized, disconnected, unreasoned – most important of all — permission given that hierarchy for complete Perfidy-in-courtroom-legislative-despotism of , by, and for those, few, ignorant men/ woman power- the single purpose-denial of The One Law of God and of Unique, Immortal-Soul of Person in his own unique risk/ reward, opportunity/ threat, strengths/ weaknesses The abject lie of the NGO-UDHR-UN-EU Empire- World Court/ International Court of Injustice since the vain-idol-god’s ‘bigger number’ rules supreme to Oath-Truth-Trust-Promise – completely eliminated from any part of World Bank and therefore the lives, fortunes, and sacred Honor of ONE Person forming ONE PEOPLE every One-Sovereign 192 Nations -versus...
.....Opposite ends of Nation’s locations, one person never knowing another, but both separately and equally – able to understand the Truth, Trust, Promise which is within every Nation’s person(s) creativity, initiative, and will forming its Whole. “Maple Viewers”-Art, like “Messiah”-music are individual persons creating the Whole of God in Christ - in his individual Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge - conveyed to any person, any time or era of history. AND
“The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy the gift of Heaven, let US(A) become a virtuous people; then shall we both deserve and enjoy it. While , on the other hand, if we are universally vicious and debauched in out manners, though the form of our Constitution carries the face [hypocrisy] of the most exalted freedom, we shall in reality be the most abject slaves.”—Samuel Adams
“If, to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the Hand of God.”–George Washington to the constitutional Convention delegates; and completely, equally true, with this one major difference — 99.8% of Colonists, founders among them, did Not require learning the contents of the Old and New Testament of The Bible, nor did they require any teaching regarding the connections between The Bible, the violations of God’s Law, the reason for The One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, for they only needed to know applied Constitutional Law would not repeat the despotism of George III or any other European Nation and its history all the way back to unsound doctrine; Satan; you teach but human precepts, You are not yet 50 years old. How can you say you knew Abraham?; sin, wickedness. They didn’t require any connection to be made between the devil-father evil-father lie and God in Christ, Christ Jesus in You, You in Christ Jesus who is in His Father...the Holy Living Trinity-Ghost - Spirit - Truth.....not separated from government – so that lie, steal, hate, despise, and extort -complete dictatorship on all children’s lives from kindergarten through all 12 to 18 years of daily State and Federal brainwashing, including all adults, only excepting those who would learn better from their parents, Commandment 5, would never again occur, though all of the Founder's knew it would reoccur, they just didn't know when.