PBS and "God In America" is a statement by the most of the large denomination ecclesiastical-collective-people-Church's few leaders of government-over-person's unique, immortal, Soul traveling in his temple, body's physiology, s in the United States, of the relationship of God in man's formation of religion over time representing at least 2,010 years since The Celebrated Birth of The Eternal Spirit of His Son, Christ Jesus of our Creator, The Eternal Spirit of Truth - God, Called Christmas (not only for children) of the Gregorian Calendar; and when the remaining Disciples of Christ were beheaded in Roman times; and prophets from then to this nanosecond of cursor's vain-idol-god of 'yes in no' when the solely binomial, black is white, or white is black, when person becomes the slave of sin, for The Creator and our Friend and Teacher do not judge by yes/ no, black/white-robot-group-think derived from a inanimate, inorganic, orbject named "TOOL, n. [Sax. tol. Qu. Fr. outil. In old Law Latin, we find attile, attilia, stores, tools, implements. Qu. artillery, by corruption.] 1. An instrument of manual operation, particularly such are used by farmers and mechanics; as, the tools of a joiner, cabinet-maker, smith or shoemaker.
2. A person used as an instrument by another person; a word of reproach. Men of intrigue always have their tools, by whose agency they accomplish their purposes.
TOOL, v.t.
To shape with a tool. --John Entick" (c.1703 – May 1773) was an English schoolmaster and author. He was largely a hack writer, working for Edward Dilly, and he padded his credentials with a bogus M.A. and a portrait in clerical dress; some of his works had a more lasting value. In the leading case Entick v Carrington of 1765 he won a legal victory as plaintiff that defined the limits of executive power in the view of the English judiciary. Please see this article in Wikipedia at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Entick. Words: Tool.... and
"IM'PLEMENT,n. [Low L.implementum, from impleo, to fill; in and pleo.]may supply wants; particularly, as now used, tools, utensils, vessels, instruments; the tools or instruments of labor; the vessels used in a kitchen, &c.; as the implements of trade or of husbandry. [It is a word of very extensive signification.]".
You can subtract from 2010, the number of years since the major Protest/ St. Paul, God judges in Faith and Truth, not in physical or environmental characteristics- fleshie, circumcision, physiological-body not God's Law, Reformation religions spun off from Papal Authority, with The Mayflower Compact signed November 11, 1620. As you know, the Mayflower Compact was a Covenant with God. The first sentence is that God is the reason 102 Passengers arrived at Plymouth Rock. God is
also the first paragraph and part of the second, on what would evolve to become, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The United States of America. Each Colony formed their Constitution with God as integral, as well as the Individual and Colony sovereignty. Their "separate, and equal station" religions, would form according to how they interpreted, the most popular and available, King James with ApocryphaVersion (1611)* which is "on a par of the Geneva and Tyndale, Noah Webster Versions of the Bible". In 2009, "The American Patriot's Bible, The Word of God and The Shaping of America" Edited by Dr. Richard G. Lee
Mayflower is just 9 years after the King James Version was published.
2. A person used as an instrument by another person; a word of reproach. Men of intrigue always have their tools, by whose agency they accomplish their purposes.
TOOL, v.t.
To shape with a tool. --John Entick" (c.1703 – May 1773) was an English schoolmaster and author. He was largely a hack writer, working for Edward Dilly, and he padded his credentials with a bogus M.A. and a portrait in clerical dress; some of his works had a more lasting value. In the leading case Entick v Carrington of 1765 he won a legal victory as plaintiff that defined the limits of executive power in the view of the English judiciary. Please see this article in Wikipedia at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Entick. Words: Tool.... and
"IM'PLEMENT,n. [Low L.implementum, from impleo, to fill; in and pleo.]may supply wants; particularly, as now used, tools, utensils, vessels, instruments; the tools or instruments of labor; the vessels used in a kitchen, &c.; as the implements of trade or of husbandry. [It is a word of very extensive signification.]".
You can subtract from 2010, the number of years since the major Protest/ St. Paul, God judges in Faith and Truth, not in physical or environmental characteristics- fleshie, circumcision, physiological-body not God's Law, Reformation religions spun off from Papal Authority, with The Mayflower Compact signed November 11, 1620. As you know, the Mayflower Compact was a Covenant with God. The first sentence is that God is the reason 102 Passengers arrived at Plymouth Rock. God is
also the first paragraph and part of the second, on what would evolve to become, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The United States of America. Each Colony formed their Constitution with God as integral, as well as the Individual and Colony sovereignty. Their "separate, and equal station" religions, would form according to how they interpreted, the most popular and available, King James with ApocryphaVersion (1611)* which is "on a par of the Geneva and Tyndale, Noah Webster Versions of the Bible". In 2009, "The American Patriot's Bible, The Word of God and The Shaping of America" Edited by Dr. Richard G. Lee
Mayflower is just 9 years after the King James Version was published.
The reasons for the above review of history is because it is missing from PBS "God in America". There is a 1936 version (Ernest Sutherland Bates arranged and edited; Simon & Schuster; NY) of "THE BIBLE Designed to Be Read as Living Literature The Old and New Testaments in the King James Version" that "..became a part of the very body of our language, which was often the one book in the possession of our pioneering ancestors, its teachings intertwined in the warp and woof of the American tradition, not always for good but unquestionably making us what we have been and are, this food of their fathers is neglected by the children. ..(pg.vi)". It is lost in the Revisionist History of the 'groups of Religions' throughout "God in America" and our history; and in the haphazard, disregard for time and related events, for the "Holy Rollers" - "Chautauqua" - and other Religious Groups "God in America" represents:
These are from 01/08/2015, all are published in January, here are three, among National Geographic (Times Entertainment), American Bible Society, which are revisonist-Biblical-concrete-mind-collective people-UDHR attempts at using God without using The Creator of the Declaration is the same Creator of "the Whole System of Created 'Things'," specifically,supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements - "heaven and earth all that belongs to them-Universe" ....
These are from 01/08/2015, all are published in January, here are three, among National Geographic (Times Entertainment), American Bible Society, which are revisonist-Biblical-concrete-mind-collective people-UDHR attempts at using God without using The Creator of the Declaration is the same Creator of "the Whole System of Created 'Things'," specifically,supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements - "heaven and earth all that belongs to them-Universe" ....
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"Both are greater than the sum of their parts: heavenly worship and earthly"- simply-body-physiology's
group-think-prayer..voices join like-minded people...We become part of some 'thing' bigger than ourselves. We create a noise more joyful than any 'thing' we could come up with individually.. .corporate-earthly-body worship brings us closer to one another and [in the writer's UDHR Article 19's "opinion without interference"] to God...", i.e., Collectivism's group-think -prayer: a.k.a., "Article 19's, no Truth/ Certainty of fact, "Opinion, without interference" from Person-composed of Soul traveling in physiological body - individuality-- --or Matt. 6's "And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners that they may be seen by men. ... But You, when You pray, go into your room,and when you have shut your door, pray to Your Father is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly, and when you pray do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. ..". This writer of "join-up-consensus-Twisted Truth", Jeremy Benheim's auto-con body, philosophy that "the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong", cannot comprehend, or worse he does comprehend and is being deceitful on purpose, the answer to the obvious question:
If a person is praying as an individual, how does he know something-bigger, given the certainty of distinct and palpable-number, that includes "NOISE, n. 1.Sound of any kind, or proceeding from any cause; NOISE, verb intransitive To sound loud. "Harm those terrors did me none, though noising loud."-John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674) was an English poet, polemicist, man of letters, and a civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), written in blank verse. Milton's poetry and prose reflect deep personal convictions, a passion for freedom and self-determination, and the urgent issues and political turbulence of his day. Writing in English, Latin, Greek, and Italian, he achieved international renown within his lifetime, and his celebrated Areopagitica (1644)—written in condemnation of pre-publication censorship—is among history's most influential and impassioned defences of free speech and freedom of the press. Words: Due, Break, Violate, Consequence, Conscience, Proof, Office, Warrant, Valor, Redress, Soul, Understanding, Matter, Grace, Noise; NOISE, verb transitive 1. To spread by rumor or report. All these sayings were noised abroad-- Luke 1:65.", that any individual - could fail to make worship closer by his very own accountability to God through his deeds in Faith - all Roles of Risk/ Reward, Strengths/ Weaknesses, Opportunities/ Threats of Life, among those he knows and will never know, a.k.a, The Two Greatest Commands of God, taught by His Eternal-Son, "upon which the WHOLE OF THE LAW and the Prophets HANG": -- Shakespeare, Mozart, Beethoven, George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Galileo Galilei, The 12, really 13, but Judas Iscariot is not understood well because no Ezekiel 33 or Jesus warnings and instructions of what to do to save your soul from Betrayal in Apostasy, Apostles millions of individual persons located in every corner of The Eternal Father's Truth--Samurai, Hindu, among the many religions 3. To spread or set thinly. Why should my muse enlarge on Libyan swains, their scatter'd cottages, and ample plains.".. What can you learn from this issue of hate and despise God in His Son, Christ Jesus in His Father, in YOU, who follow "Abide by what I say and you really will be disciples of mine. You Will Understand the Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free = Freedom Is Truth of God (John 8), --- except the writer of this article who, because he blasphemy's Truth, Holy Living Spirit-God, will never be forgiven, possibly-except to read and understand Ezekiel 33-Justice taught by God-Himself, neither can the writer understand, nor Know The Father? How to recognize complete degradation and anomaly of all knowledge Language and communication - the origin is Adam talking to his Father not long after awakening from the dust he was created from--Origin of words in Dr. Webster's 1828 Dictionary among other Truths; yellow journalist writing, ignorance of The Bible, the meaning of Sin, and most interesting, the writer's ignorance of the importance of woman -- whores, harlots, Queens, and servant's "..even dogs lick up the crumbs of bread.." thus Sarah Palin and the other prominent woman, ought to take heart at the compliment the writer had no idea he was writing;; and there is more, but understanding father evil-father lie of God's Creation of man in His Spirit --- includes --- ISIS is not a hierarchy greater than Common Core's anti-God against the future -- our posterity; -- These three samples of 6 altogether -- all in January 2015... and all in place -- as government-over-God AMERICAN GOD IS LAW -- for Americans, you see, Consent of the governed in We the People-- only 240 years old - a mere infant on God's world-down-below - has made such an impact, that We Must Be Destroyed -- especially if we do it by our own hand -- Not enforcing Article II:4 by choosing to accept lie and steal, with murder of each-one-person composing the Whole of One People-UNION, mind/ heart/ will--conscience, then placing ourselves in slavery by voting on 11/8/2016---since the arbitrary rules of conduct-extortion by few government-over-man-rulers are ordering US(A) in Tyranny, who are completely blind because of blasphemy of The Holy Spirit, to their UDHR Articles 18, 19, 21, 29 humanist what comes out of the mouth defiles a person: "..Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible," a self-fulfilling prophecy for them. What I am learning, through my 4 written Article III encounters with Judiciary's No God v. The Laws of the Bible in Declaration in Constitution-- no Nation on our Father's Planet has ever done before our Founders, who are present as I work on this, for they are Immortal, so are among your heritage, here or another nation among our Father's mansions, has led to to discover, not just the magnificence of Dr. Webster, Noah, but an aspect of Truth, I could never have thought of myself...but he did: It has to do with that above quote from Matt. 12, the word "scatter" which is defined. During my work with language and communication -- both sides of our Father's double Edged Sword i.e., http://www.orwelltoday.com /doublethink.shtml -- the other great observational-Truth that Mr. Orwell didn't have to predict, because he was watching it happen-real-time and no binomial-think--'thing's event occurring during post WWI into WWII- and Korea, but for consequences of WWII's UN arbitration-Mediation, and Vietnam's only government-over-man is permitted to decide right and wrong as scatter---secular. The word 'secular' first given birth when Jesus, not well known, nor understood, for His contemporaries occupying the Temples and Government-over-man--scribes, tax-gatherers of which St. Paul was, according to him, one of the worse punisher's of those who would follow and listen to Jesus, "Who's face is on that coin?" "Scribes-Pharisees answer Caesars. Then render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's AND unto God that which is God's ---specifically, "And", not "or". So "Secular Truth" alias government-over-man, proceeded throughout all of Western European and Asia of the Bible, and including all God's Eras of History...most nations of the world down below's few men rulers over the many... right up to this nanosecond of complete Apostasy, E.O. 13738 and the current Papal Authority's complete ignorance of the content in The Three Sacred Document's statement of The Holy Living Trinity: "A Government of Laws and not of men" from John Adams "Novanglus No. 7," 03/06/1775; with, prior to that sentence, on August 29, 1763, 253 years ago - just like this nanosecond of "Course of Human Events; "Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a systme of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the caprcious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few."--"An Essay on Man's Lust for Power" you should cut and paste-read it! for that Black NewsWeek comes alive.....as do the other two collective-people-actually believing that a man- Papal authority can actually forgive murder.....and think he has absolved a candidate for "Stand, Preserve, Protect and Secure" The Bible in The Declaration in the Constitution by the very ""it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong"---J. Bentham's auto-icon-body-government-over-man. "In following the path to Truth you have to learn the difference between Divine Truth and Secular Truth"- in one church's teaching, but very apparent in all American Religions-as church's ecclesiastics, rites, ceremonies, forms, and compulsion of conscience that is the grapes from thorns and figs from thistles just before "judge not.." of Matt. 7. Noah's definition of " SEC'ULAR, adjective. [Latin secularis, from seculum, the world or an age.] 1. Pertaining to the present world, or to things not spiritual or holy; relating to things not immediately or primarily respecting the soul, but the body; worldly. The secular concerns of life respect making provision for the support of life, the preservation of health, the temporal prosperity of men, of states, etc. Secular power is that which superintends and governs the temporal affairs of men, the civil or political power; and is contradistinguished from spiritual or ecclsiastical power. 2. Among catholics, not regular; not bound by monastic vows or rules; not confines to a monastery or subject to the rules of a religious community. Thus we say, the secular clergy and the regular clergy. ...". When I first read the definition of 'secular', my eyes popped out! I know and have been using for most of this anti-Republic under God's Regime's 7.8 and continuing given the Liar's candidacy for President of the Socialist-Deluded-Democracy of UDHR's Triumvirate., the definition of Universe. Noah isn't wrong in his definitions including his granting that use and new inventions, and the "Ideas" of Language and communication are always just like one of the most important and utilized words in The bible -'thing' meaning events that have occurred, are occurring now, and will occur some time later.... So, I looked at his picture and asked, "How could you define "secular" as you did? The answer, and his Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, for he knew...predicted correctly, 'oblivion,' stated among the succinct goals of his "Preface" at http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Preface: "If the language can be improved in regularity, so as to be more easily acquired by our own citizens, and by foreigners, and thus be rendered a more useful instrument for the propagation of science, arts, civilization and Christianity ; if it can be rescued from the mischievous influence of sciolists and that dabbling spirit of innovation which is perpetually disturbing its settled usages and filling it with anomalies; if, in short, our vernacular language can be redeemed from corruptions, and our philology and literature from degradation ; it would be a source of great satisfaction to me to be one among the instruments of promoting these valuable objects. If this object cannot be effected, and my wishes and hopes are to be frustrated, my labor will be lost, and this work must sink into oblivion. ..."..... is that man's inhumanity to himself.. too often, lives in the consequences of: "If you are not for me, you are against me...blasphemy of the holy Spirit is Never forgiven either in world-down-below or the world to come;" 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you..;".John 14..".20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. 21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin. 23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. 25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause. 26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: 27 And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning. John 15, but see John 8, the pivotal Chapter of the New Testament's Truth..and Lie". Secular is Scatter, as is "ME'DI-ATE, a. [Fr. mediat; It. mediato; from L. medius, middle.] 1. Middle; being between the two extremes. Anxious we hover in a mediate state. – Prior. 2. Interposed; intervening; being between two objects. Soon the mediate clouds shall be dispelled. – Prior. 3. Acting by means, or by an intervening cause or instrument. Thus we speak of mediate and immediate causes. The wind that propels a ship is the immediate cause of its motion; the oar with which a man rows a boat is the immediate cause of its motion; but the rower is the mediate cause, acting by means of the oar. ME'DI-ATE, v.i. 1.To interpose between parties, as the equal friend of each; to act indifferently between contending parties, with a view to reconciliation; to intercede. The prince that mediates between nations and prevents a war, is the benefactor of both parties. 2. To be between two. [Little used.] – Digby. ME'DI-ATE, v.t. 1. To effect by mediation or interposition between parties; as, to mediate a peace. – Clarendon 2. To limit by something in the middle. [Not used.] – Holder". Noah recognized arbitrary human precept's "secular", but absent recognition of The Eternal Creator - God. Thus, Government-over-person, few men ecclesiastical collective church and socialist-collective-state-temporal-body's concrete sense-physiology neurology of life requires for person's life, liberty, pursuit of blessedness/ Happiness on world-down-below, few person, ruler's Crime: "An act which violates a law, divine or human; an act which violates a rule of moral duty; an offense against the laws of right, prescribed by God or man, or against any rule of duty plainly implied in those laws, consisting of omission, commission, neglect, and transgression" of The Creator of man in The Father's Spirit-Truth, heaven and earth all that belongs to them, The Whole System of 'Things' -- all language and communication, all life, government, ecclesiastical, socialist, communist, Republic -- so that some-one would notice the absence of The Eternal, The Creator of the Universe---Truth. So, go back up and repeat your reading of the definition of "secular", and test your Soul/ Self in the mirror of language and communication, Do You Understand --- Truth? I'm going to turn on "The Light" down below in small print because the very greatest Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise --- comes from your own, unique one-third of The Holy Living Trinity: |
From the above, Religious Groups are second or lower on the scale of importance of God and Christ's word. Few members of mankind make the mistake of thinking 'Freedom of Religion' refers to the Name of the Thousand different Groups of Religion here and abroad. "Freedom" is the separate components of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness with the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO GOD AND TO OUR NATION. It is the single, largest reason developing and developed countries cannot progress as America has, because of the Unique in History Sovereignty of the Individual which government has to answer to, or "Derive its Just Powers From The Consent Of The Governed". This is expressed in "Pledge to America" by "We Pledge to uphold the purpose and promise of a better America, knowing that to whom much is given, much is expected and that the blessings of our liberty buoy the hopes of mankind.(page 3)". That is why "Freedom" includes responsibility to watch and interact with government: to Prevent Government from Invading the Sovereignty of All Three: Person (property, effects, home), State, and The Nation called The United States of America.
The Revisionist need to arrange history so that 'groups' are more important than One Person talking to God or through the Lessons of The Bible, because it supports the need for government to force and control individuals, Justice, states, and Congress' Legislative Process. The strength of the Nation is the individual taking responsibility for themselves with each one member of the family. Democracy does work at the family and even at the City levels. That is why our Nation Is A Democracy In A Republic. There are more messengers from God & Jesus, than we ordinary, honest, straightforward people routinely recognize. God with Jesus is The Father Of Everyone. Even criminals have rules: don't steal or cheat your own gang members; other gangs are OK, don't shoot in the back, don't steal a horse, don't hit when a man is already down, don't shoot an unarmed person...]. People in America, continued to read the Bible daily or more often throughout our history from the 30's, tapering down to nearly zero by the 60's; with exceptions in religions. Dr. Bate's wonderful Literature called The Bible "..as if the matchless beauty of that translation lay, not in the diction and the phrasing, but in the profuse use of colons and semicolons; as for quotation marks, nearly all editors have apparently felt, for some reason not entirely clear, that there was something intrinsically irreverent in their employment. ..:-)! (pg. x) ". This example shows how interesting and much more important is God, The Bible and America; than "God in America" like a catch-all.
Since the 60's, The Bible, itself, and its relation for an Individual's Journey through Life via Choices The Bible teaches; has been lost to the extent that public words or display of God or his words is forbidden. But learning about Islam is not forbidden at least one school in Boston. Such is the state of "God in America" via the group-minded Progressive-Socialists. There are too many individuals who may know the words God, Jesus, Bible; but have no information beyond that - not even the Power of God in Prayer, or to give the 'Universal' Nature of Truth a Home in their lives. Truth because "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Whosoever Believeth In Me Shall Have Ever Lasting Life." Such is the Revisionist, the Socialist, the Progressive - even Religious Progressives who misuse the lessons of the Bible in so-called instruction of American young.
In the now 10 years, and much more considering the turmoil of individual person and nations of the world, with the Middle East war against the Radical Islam religion; the "group" has moved in to take over in the religious void, and in the profit of running a nation; actually multiple nations on the globe. With the generation from the 1960's onward - here is a list of lose, and/or misuse, distortion, ignorant morality, that has or is occurring: TV; 'The Pill'; Computer's Yes/No - Open/Close - Black-White lessons in part/ disperse, tearing apart into 'Focus-think; loss of understanding regarding the importance of Adversity to the growth of an individual [but not because of CO2, Green, no oil]; technological and manufacturing advancement without respect for the individuals who achieved these advancements; or the unique leadership role of Patriotism with the sacrifice of lives, honor, and fortune for way too many; not only in war, but also in leadership representing public office at all levels of government and business (Individuals in business rapidly learn the importance of truth because they must be cognizant of every single event from on the globe to outer space with science, research, written and applied words, "Far From the Madding Crowd"; mixed with the contrasting accurate computer for storing, calculating, categorizing data and using information versus absent or blatant, dishonorable use of media as teaching and information regarding the 5W's and H of any 'thing'/ issues 'We the People' require to make decisions.
With religion, itself making judgments best left to God, government, courts take precedence over the individual, abandoning or side-stepping the person, especially the one intertwined with the situation (abortion, sex choices). People left the religions who practiced this form of judgement, formed newer religions which more closely reflected their beliefs. This method, leave what you feel you can't change or control as an individual; find like-minded people, and reform in another manner which is closer to the individual's God and Morality. Likewise, in our current, reprehensible government, the ["minority"] opposition individual has left the majority party named 'Democrat' and is just now, recognizing the work of the Greater Minority called variously: Republican, Republican in Congress, Republican in California (AZ, NV, NY, Mass, AL, NC, FL +other States), TeaPartier, Independent, Libertarian, Patriot; and now "The Democratic Coalition"{Uh-oh, don't say that too loud, media isn't suppose to speak). The coalition was found by mistake while looking for something else! .....This is George Soros, Stern, Obama with his wife, and the posterity of their kids too, world of "Global Socialization". They're coming close to obtaining; but God-Jesus are aware -- He knows all about the 5W's and H plus He is The Only Perfect Person Mr's Soros, Stern, Obama, Emmanuel Shall meet when their journeys end. He Is Active. He Has His Leaders, some won't realize until later because not everyone discovers The Father of The Universe, right away. His Declaration with Constitution about preventing Government too large to think rationally, to the detriment of mankind in America; and therefore, His Globe! He Knows Saul Alinsky's Lucifer too! The Sovereign Individual Shall prevail with Un-measurable Gratitude to each, Individual Founder with Each Minority in Boston with their Tea; on the Ocean with One Ship of the Line; each time Some Individual views, Emmanuel Gottlieb Leutze's wonderful capture of the Endeavor and Enterprise of "George Washington Crossing The Delaware River" on Christmas Eve - Jesus' Birthday!
The expression in vogue: "and at the end, the result.. or....", reflects the down-side thinking of Progressives, Socialists, Members of Congress with and without their Computer Games; hard-pressed, Republican Congressmen who haven't quite put all the above together; Candidates, from all levels of government about to arrive (probably without all that God represents to America's Formation and continuing history), after support from the Teapartiers who mostly vote Republican; Obama's circle, who dearly wish the Republicans would die away - like the Democrats; and lame-duck lemmings, left in the troff of "We the People's" giving Just Consent. There Is No End; To "and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity....(our Children, for adults without children)"! There is No End To The Word of God in The Bible!
"and at the end.." does not reflect or plan for the goals and evaluations for the future.
Judas is the Prophet who denied God "before the cock crows 3 times, you...". In the "Pledge to America" Trust comes from knowing and Stating in Voice, God's Lessons as well as knowing, enforcing and mandating Morality or the ethics contained in specific legislation or an Individual Member of Elected Representatives At Any Level of Government. Skipping over God or Jesus' name is to deny them. It is fine that there are others who practice Freedom of Religion by not any relationship or even a different relationship; but this is the United States of America and The Reason We Exist Started With the Mayflower Covenant and God has been our Co-President and Guide since the Beginning of Anno Domini.
Ethics is understanding why a "Protected Class of America - Unions" may not continue to commit the fraud (duplicity, deception) of charging Earning, Taxpayer's not only for work, but also retirement with 'stickups', more than one retirement account, and totals which vanquish any amount, the earning, taxpayer of 'We the People' would ever obtain since many never get retirement, let alone vacation support. This fraud is the core reason for the financial, Red of 47/50 States and the Federal Government. If not Told To Stop --- Not Bargain, Nor Compromise! There isn't any Contract when Fraud is apparent. There is nothing to Bargain. We are Talking our Nation's existence versus The Union's Administration's with whatever threats it wants (SEIU video from 2009). The costs of Retirement are routinely clothed in budgets as education, water, electricity, laying off firemen or police; and what-ever the Union Administration can think of while fleecing its membership of its individual right to choose as Americans in collecting dues for more than operations of unions - delivering union votes to One Party going by the name of Democrat, right now! Poor Jerry Brown - Now you can visualize the backroom of America with Obama and Boxer!
Morality is cemented into understanding The Republic Form of Government per Article IV - all sections, but especially Section Four. Faith is Belief in the Words of Our Founders Who Stated that this Nation could not be created were it not for the Presence of God and they were only 156 years away from Signing of the Mayflower Covenant. Morality of the Republic Is Demonstrated By The 211th Congress of Republicans Each and Every Time They Acted Together To Stop the current administration from further "Tyranny of the Majority" (Democracy in its worse form and does include Progressive and Socialist) which is Present In The One-Sided 'Patient Protection and Affordable Act of 2010' and Is A Violation of Article IV:4 along with Article I:1 because there is NO Congress, if there are NO SIGNATURES From All Members of Ranking Party's In Congress; The Bill or ACT MAY NOT PROCEED to the President For Signature. And FYI it is at LEAST 2(TWO) or more Signatures. Definition of Congress includes: 'Harmony'. There cannot be 'Harmony' with only One Party's vote. So, From The Top Two Parties Sitting In Either the House or Senate, or Two From the House And Two From The Senate. Of Course, it seems ridiculous because it does not stop the majority's Vote Count! That Is Why The Republican Form of Government Works: It is Not The Number (of Democracy with equal numbers of opinions and 'no consensus') Of Votes. The Bill or Act Must Reflect God as "religion(remember religion is Second to God's Word in The Bible, "Anywhere we are gathered in His Name He is There", or source of Common Law)" And the Morality for ManKind; with the Supreme Law of the Land's reflection of imperfect mankind requiring protection of the Individual from government!
From current Americans of God and nation First -- We Must Enforce Article II:4 or continue completely enslaved to ignorance with complete control and manipulation of all knowledge -- absent Truth, Trust, Promise - God in Christ in Your Person, for that is what our Colonists - Founders bequeathed to our part of the Whole System of Created 'Things' that Shall Never Exist right now, in those of you who were socialist-collective-state-indoctrinated-edu--Common Core - but the generations since 1961:
The best part about the Largest State's government-over-man-tyranny, Supreme to and totally Absent The Creator of His Universe which has seceded from the Union of United States Republic under God, totally absent its Citizens is that it is the explicit example of "A popular Government, without popular [un-controlled or manipulated] information, or the means to acquire it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps Both. KNOWLEDGE WILL FOREVER GOVERN IGNORANCE: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, MUST ARM THEMSELVES WITH THE POWER WHICH KNOWLEDGE GIVES;"--James Madison, letter to W.T. Berry, August 4, 1822 Wisdom for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise - The Eternal in man's Holy Living Trinity: For it's government-over-man, administrative-police-state is repressive beyond Russian history; and has so eliminated "POL'ITICS, noun The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. politics as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance;" with the First and Second Tables Government of Laws--Religion and morality--Oath--Pledge of Allegiance, to be replaced with "..The very great and sacred, vain-idol-gods's forms of ""it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong":
TopTwoVoteGetters ---Regardless of Political Party Affiliation, among about 7 or 8 States, HI, WA OR, (Pacific Region), MA among them--- has resulted in establishing the totally meaningless labels on Our-Consent of the Governed Ballots of DoubleThink,
Two Leaders of world-down-below: one of the several thousand year old Popery - man chooses man to lead as Jesus walking on earth, because He is just an important Prophet-man, ignoring St. Mary virgin birth of her the Spirit of the Son of God in physiology, with exceptions, and Joseph's Love of God according to the First Greatest Command, even though not yet revealed, per se, but very much -- Truth according to Jewish, word-of-mouth pass on to each Heritage-generation, "ark of the compact"--to 1770's "education plotted out-walking distance among the 13 Individual-Colonies", both leaders refuting The Creator for different reasons of untruth, Reformation and pure Power over the collective, mass people by the few rulers of "What comes out of the mouth defiles a man".."better to hang a millstone upon your neck and jump into the sea...than impair [a child] one of these.." and
"...against teaching and studying myths and interminable genealogies; such studies bear bear upon speculations rather than on divine order which belongs to Faith. Whereas the aim of the Christian discipline is the love that springs from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from a sincere Faith, Certain individuals have failed here by turning to empty argument; doctors of the law is what they want to be, but they have No Idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes upon which they harp. I am well aware that the Law is admirable----provided one makes a Lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people, but for the lawless.."--I Timothy 1.. where Paul the only Apostle who reads and writes, forms the Christian Religion of God in His Son in Holy Ghost that Paul carries with him on his missionary journies, including Acts 28, Malta, where Publius, Malta's ill governor, recovers with Paul's help, and makes Malta the first Western European Nation to say God Is Law -- and the pen-name used by Hamilton, Jan, and Madison in Federalist #10 Publius on "Democracies have ever been specticles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with ersonal security, or the Rights of Property [Amendment IX]; and have in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.".
----A few weeks ago, not to be left out of his role in the destruction of Bible in Declaration, in Constitution Oath --Our Republic under God, for his delusional-socialist-collective, mass people-democracy of UDHR Articles 18, 19-control and manipulation of all knowledge, 21, 29, the "Papal Supremacy-Pope, Jesus walking on earth..., because His physiology died on the cross," declared that if he could vote he would support Hilary Clinton for President; then on, 08/20/2016.
visited FB's Guru of violation of 6 of the 6 Clauses [I count establish a religion and free exercise thereof as "separate and equal] on his "social network of atoms of air in which hierarchey in UDHR's Personality ignorant of Matt. 7's Planks of Hypocrisy - judge, then in equal measure you shall be judged, i.e., The Two greatest Commands of God upon which the Whole of The Law and the Prophets ---ALL of them from that New Testament day to this flashing cursor:
Papal Supremacy [their "Wikipedia] has always hated and despised those leaders, Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Wycliff among our Colonists and Founder's "We have reminded them of the circumstances for our emigration and settlement here", and is totally ignorant of the difference between Galatians's Government of Laws, Liberty of God and John 8's Abraham's children, "Verily, Verily I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sinne, is the servant of sinne;..absent Abraham and following father- evil-father lie, unable to listen to the word of God - government-of man's -- "Your not yet, 50 years old. How can you say you knew Abraham"...answered by The Eternal Son of God, "Verily, Verily, I say unto YOU, before Abraham was, I am.".
-----"During the press conference, the [President explained his decision was based on a personal belief that the language used in the pledge [Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag in our Republic under "In God We Trust"] is “divisive” and “contrary to America’s deepest held "VALUES, n.see definition below, for "blown-by-the-wind-values" is a arbitrary rule of conduct-force-no God in Christ Jesus." the NBC newscast is at http://abcnews.com.co/obama-executive-order-bans-pledge-of-allegiance-in-schools/.
The January 20, 2009 usurper of overthrow of our Republic under God, has just written his own statement of Treason "the offenseof attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or And of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power;" with the Papal supremacy sustaining in its total ignorance, or its total knowledge that government-of-man/ prince of the earth, is greater than The Holy Living Trinity of AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, since the imperative of lie and steal are always, at all times and in all circumstance, present as the sole form of arbitrary rules of conduct - No God, Truth, Trust, or Promise, socialist-collective-government-of-man supreme to God, christian, deluded democracy, intertwined to UN-12/01/2009 Madrid Treaty-EU Empire's (1949 socialist-communist) UDHR Articles 18, 19, 21, 29 of "Simply human family is the most important value." with Radical-Islamic-Muslim's Mohammed as religious-socialist-tribal-state, the connection made by the 2,009th Celebrated Birthday of Eternal Christ Jesus- in Virgin St. Mary's womb -- one of many "whole created Bible with Apocrypha--our Eternal Father's statement of "Faith In Promise" meaning St. Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus in their mutual Eternal Father - God.
E.O. 13738 thus banning, he believes, as does the Papal Authority, that The Creator in the Declaration is not the Same Creator in supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements-Laws of Nature and of Nature's God that innately includes AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, THE FIRST AND SECOND TABLES OF LAW, THE TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD, Who is Living Witness to OATH and "Duty, Honor, Service-Pledge of Allegiance, because
Never under any circumstances Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith Promise of God - Oath, including ALL the 2015-2016 REP-DEM candidates for any Office or political organization's fellow-country-person-delegates representing Your Local Precinct because God asks Prophet, of separate and equal station, Ezekiel 33 to tell the nation that "silence is agreement;" to Jesus saying:
Article II:4 is the Instruction. The Impeach has already occurred from the two statements by ecclesiastical-government-over-men enjoined to collective people subservient to socialist-atheist (violates God's two Greatest Commands 24/7)--whether or not that individual-person choosing his own liberty of most evil or most good among his very own journey to last day of judgement:
The Convict of Article II:4 is also done -- simply because election 2015-2016 primary process was deluded-democracy's UDHR Articles 21 and 29 where "personality" is a judge --- never the Job Description-Mission statement of Oath of Office inherent to all the Contents of The Three Sacred Documents, especially noting those three Article I, II, III, -- with IV, V, and VI completely destroyed by the vain-idol-god's most important forms of government-over-man, Caesar's face on that coin of Should the people be taxed? buying its power of "focus"-"secular"-"scatter into tiny pieces" never the WHOLE SYSTEM of Created "things", while at the same time -- declaring in deceit-that too much money buys the candidate......thus, with a controlled media -- no person composing the Whole of our UNION can obtain adequate and true information regarding both issues and ability of Fellow-country-Person's ability to perform his Oath - Truth, Trust, Promise of the Contents within The Three Sacred Documents.
An example: A magazine article in "IT" tells about a survey of drug manufacturers selling their products to Kaiser. Like all surveys, the purpose of the questions is not to survey, but to sway UDHR Article 19's Opinion, no probability of truth or certainty, so the pre-determined, corrective conclusion can take place.
Of course, the professional reading that article, must never ask any question and conform to the seriousness of the issue "Drug companies charge too much money for their production and distribution of drug products", new, revised, and never thought of...but a idea worth exploring...i.e., the mucous trail of snails.
And, of course, the pre-determined outcome of the survey says the "sway of opinion without interference of truth" worked very well, for no-one dared to ask an obvious, and missing survey question, probably because the answer is so obvious, why ask the question:
Mr. or Mrs. survey-question, answer-er, do you know how much it costs in real non-governmental at first dollars, then nearly 100% governmental-dollars for getting a drug "approved" for use, especially with clinically-logical-co-uses, not included-labeled, are forbidden by government-administrative-police-state-ignorance of clinical practice with years of wisdom, knowledge truth - in provision of care with both Art and Science - to patients, not measurable? Typical me, much too long a question, but you get the point, don't you.... Why ask this question of obvious answer, it serves to balance the Spirit of Truth in production and distribution in spite of government-over-man's arbitrary rules of conduct-force - and dirty - costly politics have free-hand...
No survey-at-large patient has any idea what it costs to get any drug to market in a repressive, ignorant, power-over-reason-yes is no if we say so mentality - that also serves to let my fellow-country-persons understand just how important it is to enforce Article II:4---it does eliminate 100% of the 96.4% increase in Article II's intertwined-personnel and budgets among all its administrative-police-state -- information about YOU...why you cell phone tells you what the government-over-man wants you to obey as they herd you into your collective-cow-bins. I've been in my profession 48 years - I just learned about the snail, during year 38 from one, among all the person's stories over that period, about the snail-trail-trials she volunteered herself to follow, and not without considerable, personal discomfort and pain, but as she said, "If I can help make one little bit of difference for others who follow behind me with this diagnoses, then it is all worth it.":
The importance of regard, respect, and understanding of Love your Neighbor as YourSelf---totally and completely obliterated from American government-of-father evil-father harm and injury - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" every one word of which is DoubleThink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them; ...
This update isn't finished... it will follow. Remember, it isn't my "personality" you are judging... it is the tragic lose of you very Own, Unique Immortal Soul -- 1/3rd of The Holy Living Tinity's direct interaction and very quiet voice --- those of government-of-man cannot understand -- nor Know..... Yes, I do Have Authority --- separate and equal -- with ANY ONE OF YOU WHO ARE UNDERSTANDING THE FIRST AND SECOND TABLE GOVERNMENT OF LAWS - RELIGION AND MORALITY--- WITH YOUR COUNTRY MORE THAN YOURSELF.
From current Americans of God and nation First -- We Must Enforce Article II:4 or continue completely enslaved to ignorance with complete control and manipulation of all knowledge -- absent Truth, Trust, Promise - God in Christ in Your Person, for that is what our Colonists - Founders bequeathed to our part of the Whole System of Created 'Things' that Shall Never Exist right now, in those of you who were socialist-collective-state-indoctrinated-edu--Common Core - but the generations since 1961:
The best part about the Largest State's government-over-man-tyranny, Supreme to and totally Absent The Creator of His Universe which has seceded from the Union of United States Republic under God, totally absent its Citizens is that it is the explicit example of "A popular Government, without popular [un-controlled or manipulated] information, or the means to acquire it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps Both. KNOWLEDGE WILL FOREVER GOVERN IGNORANCE: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, MUST ARM THEMSELVES WITH THE POWER WHICH KNOWLEDGE GIVES;"--James Madison, letter to W.T. Berry, August 4, 1822 Wisdom for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise - The Eternal in man's Holy Living Trinity: For it's government-over-man, administrative-police-state is repressive beyond Russian history; and has so eliminated "POL'ITICS, noun The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. politics as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance;" with the First and Second Tables Government of Laws--Religion and morality--Oath--Pledge of Allegiance, to be replaced with "..The very great and sacred, vain-idol-gods's forms of ""it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong":
TopTwoVoteGetters ---Regardless of Political Party Affiliation, among about 7 or 8 States, HI, WA OR, (Pacific Region), MA among them--- has resulted in establishing the totally meaningless labels on Our-Consent of the Governed Ballots of DoubleThink,
"...against teaching and studying myths and interminable genealogies; such studies bear bear upon speculations rather than on divine order which belongs to Faith. Whereas the aim of the Christian discipline is the love that springs from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from a sincere Faith, Certain individuals have failed here by turning to empty argument; doctors of the law is what they want to be, but they have No Idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes upon which they harp. I am well aware that the Law is admirable----provided one makes a Lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people, but for the lawless.."--I Timothy 1.. where Paul the only Apostle who reads and writes, forms the Christian Religion of God in His Son in Holy Ghost that Paul carries with him on his missionary journies, including Acts 28, Malta, where Publius, Malta's ill governor, recovers with Paul's help, and makes Malta the first Western European Nation to say God Is Law -- and the pen-name used by Hamilton, Jan, and Madison in Federalist #10 Publius on "Democracies have ever been specticles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with ersonal security, or the Rights of Property [Amendment IX]; and have in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.".
----A few weeks ago, not to be left out of his role in the destruction of Bible in Declaration, in Constitution Oath --Our Republic under God, for his delusional-socialist-collective, mass people-democracy of UDHR Articles 18, 19-control and manipulation of all knowledge, 21, 29, the "Papal Supremacy-Pope, Jesus walking on earth..., because His physiology died on the cross," declared that if he could vote he would support Hilary Clinton for President; then on, 08/20/2016.
visited FB's Guru of violation of 6 of the 6 Clauses [I count establish a religion and free exercise thereof as "separate and equal] on his "social network of atoms of air in which hierarchey in UDHR's Personality ignorant of Matt. 7's Planks of Hypocrisy - judge, then in equal measure you shall be judged, i.e., The Two greatest Commands of God upon which the Whole of The Law and the Prophets ---ALL of them from that New Testament day to this flashing cursor:
Papal Supremacy [their "Wikipedia] has always hated and despised those leaders, Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Wycliff among our Colonists and Founder's "We have reminded them of the circumstances for our emigration and settlement here", and is totally ignorant of the difference between Galatians's Government of Laws, Liberty of God and John 8's Abraham's children, "Verily, Verily I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sinne, is the servant of sinne;..absent Abraham and following father- evil-father lie, unable to listen to the word of God - government-of man's -- "Your not yet, 50 years old. How can you say you knew Abraham"...answered by The Eternal Son of God, "Verily, Verily, I say unto YOU, before Abraham was, I am.".
-----"During the press conference, the [President explained his decision was based on a personal belief that the language used in the pledge [Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag in our Republic under "In God We Trust"] is “divisive” and “contrary to America’s deepest held "VALUES, n.see definition below, for "blown-by-the-wind-values" is a arbitrary rule of conduct-force-no God in Christ Jesus." the NBC newscast is at http://abcnews.com.co/obama-executive-order-bans-pledge-of-allegiance-in-schools/.
The January 20, 2009 usurper of overthrow of our Republic under God, has just written his own statement of Treason "the offense
E.O. 13738 thus banning, he believes, as does the Papal Authority, that The Creator in the Declaration is not the Same Creator in supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements-Laws of Nature and of Nature's God that innately includes AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, THE FIRST AND SECOND TABLES OF LAW, THE TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD, Who is Living Witness to OATH and "Duty, Honor, Service-Pledge of Allegiance, because
Never under any circumstances Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith Promise of God - Oath, including ALL the 2015-2016 REP-DEM candidates for any Office or political organization's fellow-country-person-delegates representing Your Local Precinct because God asks Prophet, of separate and equal station, Ezekiel 33 to tell the nation that "silence is agreement;" to Jesus saying:
"Wherefore I say unto you, all maner of sinne and blasphemie shall be forgiven unto men : but the blasphemie of the holy Ghost shall not bee forgiven unto men. And whosoever [singular person] speaketh against the sonne of man, it shall be forgiven him :but whosoever [singular-person] speaketh against the holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him , neither in this world, neither in the next. ..": and "15 ' If you love Me, keep[d] My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans";....You, my fellow-country-person, because We the Person composing our UNION, have been forbidden Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, incorrectly believe there is no alternative to stop Loving your own, unique soul's one-third of The Holy Living Trinity because government-over-man has told you so...and besides there is no 'winning' -bigger number as good and evil - in deluded-pre-determined-consensus-conclusions --- which include in California pre-determined elected candidates before the voting pamphlet is published. i.e. Of the [not yet... Jeremy Benham's auto-con body, one of two friends who answered that our Declaration is useless...by his philosophy of the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' - in fact 'numbers attached to any form of life by group-physical and environmental characteristics, St. Paul in Galatians "circumcision is Not God's Law, but man's--and health reasons are not involved, for God created both the germs and the foods, and other 'things' of health - to combat only those germs that cause health problems and among those, some of which are actually beneficial and essential -- just not relocated away from their "Laws of Nature" habitat" -- Nature, being actually a world to substitute for Universe of the Creator, because any assumption that He did not create Adam from dust and Eve from Adam's rib...who went off to hear a "speaking serpent" tell her to eat the fruit of the forbidden Tree of Knowledge]:
Article II:4 is the Instruction. The Impeach has already occurred from the two statements by ecclesiastical-government-over-men enjoined to collective people subservient to socialist-atheist (violates God's two Greatest Commands 24/7)--whether or not that individual-person choosing his own liberty of most evil or most good among his very own journey to last day of judgement:
The Convict of Article II:4 is also done -- simply because election 2015-2016 primary process was deluded-democracy's UDHR Articles 21 and 29 where "personality" is a judge --- never the Job Description-Mission statement of Oath of Office inherent to all the Contents of The Three Sacred Documents, especially noting those three Article I, II, III, -- with IV, V, and VI completely destroyed by the vain-idol-god's most important forms of government-over-man, Caesar's face on that coin of Should the people be taxed? buying its power of "focus"-"secular"-"scatter into tiny pieces" never the WHOLE SYSTEM of Created "things", while at the same time -- declaring in deceit-that too much money buys the candidate......thus, with a controlled media -- no person composing the Whole of our UNION can obtain adequate and true information regarding both issues and ability of Fellow-country-Person's ability to perform his Oath - Truth, Trust, Promise of the Contents within The Three Sacred Documents.
An example: A magazine article in "IT" tells about a survey of drug manufacturers selling their products to Kaiser. Like all surveys, the purpose of the questions is not to survey, but to sway UDHR Article 19's Opinion, no probability of truth or certainty, so the pre-determined, corrective conclusion can take place.
Of course, the professional reading that article, must never ask any question and conform to the seriousness of the issue "Drug companies charge too much money for their production and distribution of drug products", new, revised, and never thought of...but a idea worth exploring...i.e., the mucous trail of snails.
And, of course, the pre-determined outcome of the survey says the "sway of opinion without interference of truth" worked very well, for no-one dared to ask an obvious, and missing survey question, probably because the answer is so obvious, why ask the question:
Mr. or Mrs. survey-question, answer-er, do you know how much it costs in real non-governmental at first dollars, then nearly 100% governmental-dollars for getting a drug "approved" for use, especially with clinically-logical-co-uses, not included-labeled, are forbidden by government-administrative-police-state-ignorance of clinical practice with years of wisdom, knowledge truth - in provision of care with both Art and Science - to patients, not measurable? Typical me, much too long a question, but you get the point, don't you.... Why ask this question of obvious answer, it serves to balance the Spirit of Truth in production and distribution in spite of government-over-man's arbitrary rules of conduct-force - and dirty - costly politics have free-hand...
No survey-at-large patient has any idea what it costs to get any drug to market in a repressive, ignorant, power-over-reason-yes is no if we say so mentality - that also serves to let my fellow-country-persons understand just how important it is to enforce Article II:4---it does eliminate 100% of the 96.4% increase in Article II's intertwined-personnel and budgets among all its administrative-police-state -- information about YOU...why you cell phone tells you what the government-over-man wants you to obey as they herd you into your collective-cow-bins. I've been in my profession 48 years - I just learned about the snail, during year 38 from one, among all the person's stories over that period, about the snail-trail-trials she volunteered herself to follow, and not without considerable, personal discomfort and pain, but as she said, "If I can help make one little bit of difference for others who follow behind me with this diagnoses, then it is all worth it.":
The importance of regard, respect, and understanding of Love your Neighbor as YourSelf---totally and completely obliterated from American government-of-father evil-father harm and injury - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" every one word of which is DoubleThink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them; ...
This update isn't finished... it will follow. Remember, it isn't my "personality" you are judging... it is the tragic lose of you very Own, Unique Immortal Soul -- 1/3rd of The Holy Living Tinity's direct interaction and very quiet voice --- those of government-of-man cannot understand -- nor Know..... Yes, I do Have Authority --- separate and equal -- with ANY ONE OF YOU WHO ARE UNDERSTANDING THE FIRST AND SECOND TABLE GOVERNMENT OF LAWS - RELIGION AND MORALITY--- WITH YOUR COUNTRY MORE THAN YOURSELF.
**Turning on "The Light: The underlined words, phrases in definition are impossible to separate from The Father in His Son Two greatest Commands upon which the WHOLE LAW and the Prophets Hang, thus the countradistingtion is not a truth... Secular is Scatter ....
*New King James Version is Celebrating its 400th Year.