where this, orginal text, AMERCAN DICTIONARY of the English Language - 1828/1844, is the definition of " POL'ITICS, n. The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance." "Re-liG-ION, n. [relij'ion; Fr. and Sp. religion; It. religione; L. religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind. This word seems originally to have signified an oath or vow to the gods, or the obligation of such an oath or vow, which was held very sacred by the Romans.]
Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.
Religion, as distinct from theology, is godliness or real piety in practice, consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men, in obedience to divine command, or from love to God and his law. – James i. Religion will attend you … as a pleasant and useful companion, in every proper place and every temperate occupation of life. – Buckminster.
3. Religion, as distinct from virtue, or morality, consists in the performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of obedience to his will. Hence we often speak of religion and virtue, as different branches of one system, or the duties of the first and second tables of the law. Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. – Washington.
4. Any system of faith and worship. In this sense, religion comprehends the belief and worship of pagans and Mohammedans, as well as of Christians; any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers [a.k.a., deep and very reverent suuplication to the very great and sacred, vain-idol-god's forms of inanimate objects, bigger number, binomial 'yes is no, no is yes if the invisible software writers of no accounatiblity decide to lie and steal. Thus we speak of the religion of the Turks, of the Hindoos, of the Indians, &c. as well as of the Christian religion. We speak of false religion, as well as of true religion.
The rites of religion; in the plural. – Milton.
Answering Tom’s “Why are movies so dark?”
Because among Constitutional-Persons of Americans of God and Nation First-before Life itself, no one actually believes the fact in evidence that a Direct From God in Christ in those who "abide by what I say-Understand Truth-John 8", Biblical-"course of Human Event" is occurring: Really since post WWI escalation from Middle 1800's, from 1380, since 01/20/2009, but officially decreed from the bench, summer 2014-Article III' ultimate perdition Treason, by stating before the NGO General Assembly of puppets on string ----
--- Consent of the Governed in We the People are now a collective, mass people of 'delusion-isolated Bible [at, it's 48 mintes of clarity you will be delighted to achieve, "certainty-Assurance", "Attacked By The Devil - Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones " at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksgzo37i2cghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksgzo37i2cg, The Eternal Father, The Creator of Nature, Natural, World, Universe, Isolated Constitution democracy' of, by, for the few hierarchy, collective-group-5 senses, body's physiology of their own controlled-minds, rulers of, ---Pres. Trump's betrayal of capitulation, he is as ignorant as at-large We the People, declaring non-existent, in loving slavery to serving spirit of devil-#3 of 3 trinity (also Matt. 4) top of the highest mountain, its grandeur and all 194 borderless nations and jurisprudence, that includes 15 more 'invisible-people of nations'-Like the Hate against Taiwan, or the division of N. Korea by the UN--by its democracy of vain-idol-god's form of inanimate, distinct and palpable see and touch, number 38th parallel, 'labeled- in lie DMZ - man fearing man--, is not leader the son of his father predecessor, that Papal Authority and the President-+among fellow FB who also love and are devoted to UDHR #18 and 29;
- because 1789 RATIFIED #3 OF THE "Every Word That Issues From The Mouth of God"-Matt. 4's - Oral-Common Law/ Oath in Pledge, TRINITY OF OUR ARTICLE IV PERSONS' intertwined to the 'protected by Papal Authority- 'exiled regime- of: "Do Not Touch the megalith administrative police state of the Obama-usurper--perdition-president; Papal Authority's property UN (U.N. General Assembly Resolution A/58/314 Participation of the Holy See in the work of the United Nations 16 July 2004 — Fifty-eighth session, every Committee, intertwined to 12/01/2009 Lisbon Treaty EU/ Commission Holy See, [see, " Papal Rome and the European Union; Richard Bennett and Michael de Semlyen at, https://www.the-highway.com/eu_Bennett.htmlhttps://www.the-highway.com/eu_Bennett.html ] and 24 days before PPAA-Flagship, the lie-reason it shall not be Repealed under Papal Authority, and Holy Spirit One God in Three Person's Truth-does not exist- is also ignorant of collective mass people-alignment with Mussolini and Hitler Social Paragraph 80, of Pope Pius XI, founder of Holy See) DECREE IN ABSOLUTE LIE, STEAL and KILL MIND/ HEART/ WILL-CONSCIENCE =UNDERSTANDING, the Light and Truth of God in Christ can be turned off with black of blind leading blind by Matt. 12 blasphemy of the Holy Spirit TRUTH, ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, YOUR ARE THE THIRD PERSON-JOHN 14 IN JOHN 17/ WITNESS mATT.18, IS THE THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS -- IS ALSO WRITTEN BY OUR 1380/ 1611/ 1620, REFORMATION PURITANS, Colonists, FOUNDERs who are , PROPHETS, in His Name for You, me.... among those we know will never know--the TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD UPON WHICH HANG THE WHOLE LAW AND THE PROPHETS that include THE REFORMATION-PROPHETS, and other Prophets - never to be recognized by the blind leading blind because of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit - EVER FORGIVEN...
Exemplified by, but not limited in any matter -- because father evil-father lie (John 8) is the other side of God's Precise, Double-Edged Sword, hilt in His Hand of comma, jot, tittle, iota- one dot, two rows 4 dots each row-1 byte among mega bytes of His Laser point beam: this "socialist-network, control of all language and communication, especially its characters/ letters much more important than words, vain-idol-god's form of inanimate, number-control over expression of thought since who is permitted and who is not - in both posting and membership by isolation (newsfeed should be 100% universal and every one should be able to comment-not by physical and environmental-'political and ecclesiastical, also Divine truth is separated from "Secular" Truth-mn-serving-man, define, innately, --includes movies, music, books, all knowledge per UDHR Article 19, to maintain ignorance,
All this, and more than there is room for-since it is all land, water, atmosphere of man-serving-man - always lie, always evil - always growing toward desolation - ie no God In Three Persons-protection by The Three Sacred Documents
Why would you expect any 'thing' but dark -- hate -- lie movies?
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Learning our Three Sacred Documents: Recognizing Enemies Inside and Outside v. Holy Spirit One God in Three Persons
[first published 9/12/17]
"Trashing Trump: Broadcast coverage of the president now 91% negative, say analysts" By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 -- at,. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/12/trashing-trump-broadcast-coverage-of-the-president/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_campaign=pushnotify&utm_medium=push
[WT doesn't know how to use Upper Case Letters for Titles - but then disrespect in predetermined-conclusion by arrogant, ignorant journalist is the SOP of today's violations of THE WHOLE LAW AND THE PROPHETS-Matt. 12 in 22]
That's a genuine farce.
But our Republican Form of Truth-The Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge- Holy Spirit-One God in Three Persons Is our Three Sacred Documents, that no Enemy, Inside and Outside, can put asunder, even with their plan of absolute destruction by lie, steal and kill Your Person of mind/ heart/ conscience-will, intrinsic “Independence”, composing the UNION of Consent of the Governed in Ordained by God-Oral-Holy Spirit-Truth, Trust, Promise to We the People, purpose, as did, >Charlottesville-hating Gen. Lee who has already been judged by The Only Judge; >Feinstein and Durbin on 1949 socialist-communist-UDHR’s Article 18 body’s physiology of sex organs, matching, or changed by a person’s own choice of his own body, v Prof. Amy Barrett, Article III Judge candidate, who would not bow-down to an ‘inside enemy, predetermined-conclusion-group-think' who specializes in predetermined-conclusions of investigating “Hate Groups”, where she had given a talk on The Constitution; and a Red Cross Leader Says Charity Struggled To Help People Because They’re “Too White”in Charlottesville", that is, that 'group-think’ to quote Durbin, "judgement means judge" by hypocrisy of ignorance to the contents of The Three Sacred Documents, by their unquestioned goose-step, devotion to UDHR Article 19 in blind leading blind arrogance of, bias by predetermined conclusions opinion without interference, i.e., there’s no opposition to his opinion, nor his ignorance of Understanding of Person’s Soul/ Heart – so rudely and hatefully biased against respect for God’s Era of history where their compulsion to lie, that is socialist-communist-collective, mass people-few rulers of conduct -devoid God, mantra, taught to any color skin member of youth-posterity, "The United States, at the time, was THE ONLY nation in the world with slavery"; and >UN/ Papal Authority’s command in force: “Do not touch the legacy of obama’s” hate and despise of Oath / that is God in Three Persons, The Three Sacred Documents of only AMERICAN GOD IS LAW USA”, linked to its hate and despise of American Person is in “separate and equal station” to a dish-washer, a Queen, pope, or President in Truth of God, > “you shall not close your borders to the immigrants-removed from other nations-Iran,” that is over-ruled by our Article III, “Supreme Court preserves Trump travel ban’s refugee limits”; and >“Orthodox Russian Catholic Church’s Putin-(he’s not retired, just working differently in the name of John 8's father evil-father lie) -soldiers flying over South Korea for the annual war exercises, as America’s prepares, and asks for support form the other, allies, but those sovereign nations- are now subjugated to UN/ Papal Authority Nations under extortion to, what Pres. Trump - even early on- had the courage to say-, but then got ‘scared of man’, but forgot God. Pres. Trump does know, but not well in terms of a Republic of Person composing nation, and backed off from “The United States will leave the UN”-- attempted to stop, “no more sugar daddy”-‘ > the long standing, problem which Representative, American of God and Nation First, Ron Paul’s years of - get rid of it, Federal Reserve, not included,’ “Paris Treaty’s other moniker, World Bank other people’s money their stolen property in lie, that they will cure poverty, as, "Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals”/ Agenda 21, Global Warming, Climate Change, those allies not able to be directly accountable to Truth-God-Understanding- required against a demagog hater of his own people who have families split from each other by the vain-idol-god’s form of number, the 48th Parallel in N. Korea, while it obtains support from >Red China with Russian Orthodox commingles to Papal Authority, – to say to Your Person and Mine–Never Stand, Defend and protect any nation against the lie, steal and murder of father evil-father-lie in John 8, that is >1949 socialist-communist UN-UDHR, since U.N. General Assembly Resolution A/58/314 Participation of the Holy See in the work of the United Nations, 16 July 2004 — Fifty-eighth session/ UN; followed on 12/01/2009 Lisbon Treaty with our >Federal Reserve innate to World Bank Group + IMF, by its 5 collective group-think-other person's $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$.$$$.00 composing each-one sovereign nation’s taxes, including ‘membership’ money because no government ecclesiastical or civil-state has any money unless it s tithes, donations, or taxes at all of its levels, and in Right Reason within any nation, that is Truth of "render unto Caesar" from 194 borderless nations and jurisprudence-absent Holy Living Trinity, of all life on man-serving-man's property called greater than God". >The Holy See, is connected by founded, in 1929, by Pope Pius XI's democracy aligned with both Mussolini and Hitler, chosen by the few, ecclesiastical-politics by 10 of 12 Cardinals, 1922, ( reader this is a period of socialism, rising fascism, where there is No Holy Living Trinity to be found anywhere in Western Europe or the Baltic nations, and not solely because of Archduke Franz Ferdinand), because the inanimate object, number ‘10', is supreme to Truth/ God, would preclude any opposition discussion to his election, and >Papal Authority is a member of EU/ E. Commission, tax money from the nations, except Brixit’ and maybe France, now in the UN-with our Federal Reserve, UDHR's Article 19:
“Every... [simply human body's physiology of 5 concrete, neurology- anatomy senses with 'one' a word used euphemistically]
... has the right, .. [a word that has no relationship whatsoever to God in Three Persons-Holy Spirit-Truth]
... to freedom ... [unless, of course, it includes man-serving-man, decree in dictate of perdition against The Oral Law of God/ Oath in Pledge - His Two Greatest Commands, as "..opinion that 'things' are produced by inherent powers of matter, independent of a supreme Intelligent Author"-American Dic 1848-definition of "Nature - Natural/ World/ Universe, meaning for Inside and Outside enemies, He isn't the creator of anything]
-- of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to Hold Opinions ... ["Never Certain, Always Doubtful, Probability of Truth or Falsehood"-American Dic., depending on whose mouth is wagging, i.e., any form that ‘Media Research Center‘ has zero Probability of Truth, simply because of the track record, with PBS, of deceit in lie, with any survey’s innate, predetermined-conclusion, especially with the propaganda that socialist-communist atheism-democracy’s definition, a direct violation of God’s Two Greatest Commands, not even adding “any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers” as, its deep supplication to the great and very sacred, vain-idol-god’s forms of ‘bigger number’ a no eyes, no ears, no mouth, inanimate object supreme to our Holy Living Trinity-Truth-John 14 in 17, should be our arbitrary rules of conduct force in power!]
...Without Interference... [arbitrary human precept's 'rule of law' through decree by edict; no truth, trust, or promise required]
....and to seek, receive [but never alluding to Lesson 3 of the 5 in Matt. 7]
... and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers," a.k.a. the outer boundaries of all language and communication of knowledge on planet earth that is the property of the devil in all his names, innately, >Lucifer Alinsky’s, probably not to be found among the Eternal Living Holy Spirit Souls in heaven, "No Fixed Truth", Lucifer’s new moniker, made of "Post [It-Notes] Truth", among tactics that include “How Displacements Defeat Justice and The Law"-Jon Roland, Constitution Society, are remove without leaving a mark of Truth [ignores Jesus lessons of ‘the jot, tittle, iota, comma, of The Whole Law and teaches the least of these..Lesson 3 of 10 in Matt.5] and >human precept's rules by hierarchy's body's physiology 5 senses of the "7 Operations God made and furnished man"- Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus Chapter XVII, #6 Understanding of a Person's Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ conscience for will to perform the deeds and duties (James 1), and > "Injury for Standing Purposes When Constitutional Right(s) [Truth of God in our Three Sacred Documents] is(are) violated: [UN-Papal Authority's redefinition of ] 'Common Law' [judges on benches make arbitrary rules of conduct force devoid Truth, Trust, Promise] Public Value (CLPV) [collective mass people subjugated to arbitrary rules of conduct-power of force, -devoid God in Three Persons, a.k.a. Reformation/ Protest - 8 English Language Bibles between 1380 and 1611 KJV, the Original Text Bible of our Nation, by use of Living objects and Inanimate objects defined by man-serving-man] adjudication at work"-Professor William Burnham at, http://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/hascq13&div=10&id=&page=
Perhaps, President Trump who is at the receiving end of both the enemies within and without -- because they have no God -- actually believe throwing stones at the 'whore in the pit' will rid them of Treason, the Overthrow of Consent of the Governed in We the People, because in AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, the Constitutional-Person-President is just like any other constitutional-person's Eternal Soul/ mind/ heart/ conscience will- that is the only location of God's Judgement of your person, hence attacking the Constitutional-Person of Article II is Attacking each-one-Person composing the WHOLE OF ONE PEOPLE, UNION of the 50 STATES, the residence of that one Person, New York in President Trump's home. We the People are not a hierarchy, though we are forgetting that, but Truth is still God, not man.
Oliver Ellsworth's statement is a hugh paraphrase of exactly that point, taught by Jesus as our Father's Two Greatest Commands:
"Liberty is a word, according as it is used, that comprehends the most good [Holy Spirit-Truth] and most evil [spirit of devil-trinity, Matt. 4] of any in the world [Nature, Universe]. Justly Understood it is sacred next to those which we appropriate in divine adoration; but in the mouths [Oral, Common The Whole Law] of some it means any Thing.".
".. a wide-reaching new study from the Media Research Center finds that 91 percent of the recent coverage which aired on ABC, CBS and NBC has been negative.":
--- You, fellow-country-person are programmed to perform your complete obedience and supplication to ‘ betrayal of Yellow, to good a color to waste, on journalism’s ‘abject aide and comfort to inside and outside enemies’, whose only desire is complete destruction of each-one-person, in his STATE of residence, composing ONE PEOPLE in UNION of Consent of the Governed Ordained by God HimSelf to We the People in "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God Certain, Unalienable Right --"the duties, for the discharge of which we are accountable to our Creator and benefactor, which No Human Power Can Cancel. What those duties are, is determinable by Right Reason, which may be, and is called, a Well Informed Conscience. What this conscience dictates as our duty Is So; and that power which assumes a control over it, is an usurper; for not power can be pleaded to justify the control, as any Consent in this Case Is Void"-Essex Result"
VP Pence is there because he is being groomed, demonstrated in fact and evidence, this media survey as important use of lie and steal in that part of the plan to perform against Consent of the Governed’s Electoral College saving We the People from its Inside enemies of Article IV in VI because “A Minority of One Protected “Under this philosophy, rule by majority vote is always subject to the "sacred principle" defined in President Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, quoted below.
That which not one fellow-country-person Article I or III from 01/20/2009, would even contemplate, obeying Instructions from our Founder’s in Article II:4, but ‘both non-God parties’, now condone and accept, choosing to ignore completely, the most incredibly evil hate in lie against each-one-Constitutional Person of our Republic under God, from 01/20/2009 to 01/2017, the deeds and actions of perdition by the usurper Islamic– walking dead, of no Truth, no Trust, no Promise labeled human body of obama ---- that is so sickening –.reprobate .. But...
VP Pence is having all the strings attached to his body’s physiology upon which his neurology and anatomy will function his psychology of absolute obedience to hate defining father evil-father lie - , to perform as a good Inside enemy intertwined to its Outside enemy UN-Papal authority puppet - just like all the committees of the NGO-UN / Papal Authority– among the equally disgusting hate of each-one-fellow-country-person’s of Article I and among, not all, among, Article III’s, abject Treason through violation of Oral Law -Oath enemy inside by all kinds of labels — especially religious societies, under ecclesiastical collective people church/ temple, mosque Jewish, Catholic, non-secretarian Mormon, Jehovah Witness; among the very forgetful, or omitting or neglecting crimes of the leaders among Reformation/ Truth of Holy Living Trinity-Person the Third of that Holy Spirit-Truth, Presbyterians, Protestant - Methodist who do not remember, have not been taught, or even been permitted to know about John Wycliffe, Martin Luther (Lutherans usually know who Luther was, but are not permitted to know about the connection of Paul to Holy Living Trinity-Truth - many of those D.D. are also ignorant of, The Holy Bible in English” with its connections to Puritans who landed in 1620 at Plymouth Rock to The Three Sacred documents–but God the Colonists and Founders knew full well, as did Americans at-large, at least up until teens of the 1800's,,- among the other apostasies of Papal Authority, not to leave out Luther’s disciple and friend, William Tyndale, Calvin, Geneva Bible; Muslims of Sharia tribal sharing Mohammed with Radical Islam/ ISIS and its forms of collective people, forbidden to even touch a Bible, meaning Laws of Nature’s God–“Things equal to the same Thing are equal to each other”.!
And You, Fellow Person of God and Nation First are going to let these liars - destroy US, to the same, complete desolation Western Europe and Baltic nations with Middle East have been living since late 770's? So the next-UN-Papal Authority socialist-communist, a.k.a. DEM and REP factions of hierarchy-democracy’s-President - since the UN and the Pope have been supreme to God since 1949 for the first, and over 2,017 years for the second; – and US(A) but we only made it to our 2015/ 239th year, actually only to 202 years from inanimate and living objects 1978 as parties-at-law absent Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge to our protection and security of each-one person’s Right / Truth of God in Three Persons.
These few enemies within are lying Directly from their mouths to God's Ear -- and in that action of hate and steal -- have to continue to take action in "Treason is the offense to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance [the Ratified Three Sacred Documents of our Republic under God], ..and of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power–delusional Isolated Bible/ Isolated Constitution - apostasy against The Creator of Laws of Nature, Nature’s God, supreme Law of the Land bound by “The Words that Issue Directly From The Mouth of God,” innately media, but also UN-Papal Authority-ecclesiastical hierarchy over all nations as dictator, later changed to ‘democracy’, but all the way back to St. Linus - as one-person-enemy to destroy his own Oral, Common Law among those he knows and in his profession–those he will cause desolation and destruction. .
WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY - COLLECTIVE, MASS PEOPLE IS VIOLATING THE WHOLE LAW AND THE PROPHETS THAT COMPOSE THE HOLY LIVING TRINITY -TRUTH; AND AMERICAN GOD IS LAW. ANY PERSON, ANY LOCATION WHO ASSISTS OR TOLERATES THE LIES AND STEALING WITHIN OUR THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS – DOES OWN DEATH - either by Right Reason in Oral Common Law/ Oath in Pledge, or with God in Christ, even though all the 5W’s and H may not be immediately apprehended, upon each-one-enemy inside or outside ---- God Is Precisely Who He Says He Is Performing Precisely What He Plans.... and even Jesus says He doesn’t know.
Of Course, fellow-country-persons, you have been forbidden by enemy inside, who consistently violating ORAL COMMON LAW - OATH IN PLEDGE DIRECTLY TO GOD, and TO YOU, repudiation of TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE.
Per Jesus in Lesson 5 of 7 of Matt. 12, since collective-government-man-serving-man, Inside enemies diffusely throughout all life in our nation; and enemy outside, UN-Papal Authority, are liars, all people under their sovereign STATES or Nations, are collective, mass, innately, are blind leading blind – no-one will be able to ever again Understand your own Person of Eternal Soul, mind/ heart/ conscience-for will to take action or perform deeds – hence this article, reflecting the Treason, including virtually all the science, history, religious society, media, movies, art, music, civilization, against all 194 nations, and notice, that does include the persons composing the tyrannical-few rulers of communist perdition of autocratic – few leaders who are slaves of the devil, by all his names.
Are You Going To Continue Silence — or will You Find your own “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on divine Providence, WE MUTUALLY PLEDGE TO EACH OTHER OUR LIVES, OUR FORTUNES AND OUR SACRED HONOR — God in Three Persons is Right here, Right now - He just needs you to say “The Lord’s Prayer” - sing Holy, Holy, Holy - all the verses - then with Paul’s Christian Church of Discipline, Pure Heart, Good Conscience, and Sincere Faith - Knock, Ask, Seek (Article II:4) Find — but do not think for a nanosecond, return to God in Christ will be easy, it will be a challenge, but Jesus says,
– I have learned, but it isn’t easy, and I have to work every day – but I Do Know The Truth and The Truth has set me Free. Freedom is Truth of God.
"Trashing Trump: Broadcast coverage of the president now 91% negative, say analysts" By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 -- at,. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/12/trashing-trump-broadcast-coverage-of-the-president/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_campaign=pushnotify&utm_medium=push
[WT doesn't know how to use Upper Case Letters for Titles - but then disrespect in predetermined-conclusion by arrogant, ignorant journalist is the SOP of today's violations of THE WHOLE LAW AND THE PROPHETS-Matt. 12 in 22]
That's a genuine farce.
But our Republican Form of Truth-The Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge- Holy Spirit-One God in Three Persons Is our Three Sacred Documents, that no Enemy, Inside and Outside, can put asunder, even with their plan of absolute destruction by lie, steal and kill Your Person of mind/ heart/ conscience-will, intrinsic “Independence”, composing the UNION of Consent of the Governed in Ordained by God-Oral-Holy Spirit-Truth, Trust, Promise to We the People, purpose, as did, >Charlottesville-hating Gen. Lee who has already been judged by The Only Judge; >Feinstein and Durbin on 1949 socialist-communist-UDHR’s Article 18 body’s physiology of sex organs, matching, or changed by a person’s own choice of his own body, v Prof. Amy Barrett, Article III Judge candidate, who would not bow-down to an ‘inside enemy, predetermined-conclusion-group-think' who specializes in predetermined-conclusions of investigating “Hate Groups”, where she had given a talk on The Constitution; and a Red Cross Leader Says Charity Struggled To Help People Because They’re “Too White”in Charlottesville", that is, that 'group-think’ to quote Durbin, "judgement means judge" by hypocrisy of ignorance to the contents of The Three Sacred Documents, by their unquestioned goose-step, devotion to UDHR Article 19 in blind leading blind arrogance of, bias by predetermined conclusions opinion without interference, i.e., there’s no opposition to his opinion, nor his ignorance of Understanding of Person’s Soul/ Heart – so rudely and hatefully biased against respect for God’s Era of history where their compulsion to lie, that is socialist-communist-collective, mass people-few rulers of conduct -devoid God, mantra, taught to any color skin member of youth-posterity, "The United States, at the time, was THE ONLY nation in the world with slavery"; and >UN/ Papal Authority’s command in force: “Do not touch the legacy of obama’s” hate and despise of Oath / that is God in Three Persons, The Three Sacred Documents of only AMERICAN GOD IS LAW USA”, linked to its hate and despise of American Person is in “separate and equal station” to a dish-washer, a Queen, pope, or President in Truth of God, > “you shall not close your borders to the immigrants-removed from other nations-Iran,” that is over-ruled by our Article III, “Supreme Court preserves Trump travel ban’s refugee limits”; and >“Orthodox Russian Catholic Church’s Putin-(he’s not retired, just working differently in the name of John 8's father evil-father lie) -soldiers flying over South Korea for the annual war exercises, as America’s prepares, and asks for support form the other, allies, but those sovereign nations- are now subjugated to UN/ Papal Authority Nations under extortion to, what Pres. Trump - even early on- had the courage to say-, but then got ‘scared of man’, but forgot God. Pres. Trump does know, but not well in terms of a Republic of Person composing nation, and backed off from “The United States will leave the UN”-- attempted to stop, “no more sugar daddy”-‘ > the long standing, problem which Representative, American of God and Nation First, Ron Paul’s years of - get rid of it, Federal Reserve, not included,’ “Paris Treaty’s other moniker, World Bank other people’s money their stolen property in lie, that they will cure poverty, as, "Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals”/ Agenda 21, Global Warming, Climate Change, those allies not able to be directly accountable to Truth-God-Understanding- required against a demagog hater of his own people who have families split from each other by the vain-idol-god’s form of number, the 48th Parallel in N. Korea, while it obtains support from >Red China with Russian Orthodox commingles to Papal Authority, – to say to Your Person and Mine–Never Stand, Defend and protect any nation against the lie, steal and murder of father evil-father-lie in John 8, that is >1949 socialist-communist UN-UDHR, since U.N. General Assembly Resolution A/58/314 Participation of the Holy See in the work of the United Nations, 16 July 2004 — Fifty-eighth session/ UN; followed on 12/01/2009 Lisbon Treaty with our >Federal Reserve innate to World Bank Group + IMF, by its 5 collective group-think-other person's $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$.$$$.00 composing each-one sovereign nation’s taxes, including ‘membership’ money because no government ecclesiastical or civil-state has any money unless it s tithes, donations, or taxes at all of its levels, and in Right Reason within any nation, that is Truth of "render unto Caesar" from 194 borderless nations and jurisprudence-absent Holy Living Trinity, of all life on man-serving-man's property called greater than God". >The Holy See, is connected by founded, in 1929, by Pope Pius XI's democracy aligned with both Mussolini and Hitler, chosen by the few, ecclesiastical-politics by 10 of 12 Cardinals, 1922, ( reader this is a period of socialism, rising fascism, where there is No Holy Living Trinity to be found anywhere in Western Europe or the Baltic nations, and not solely because of Archduke Franz Ferdinand), because the inanimate object, number ‘10', is supreme to Truth/ God, would preclude any opposition discussion to his election, and >Papal Authority is a member of EU/ E. Commission, tax money from the nations, except Brixit’ and maybe France, now in the UN-with our Federal Reserve, UDHR's Article 19:
“Every... [simply human body's physiology of 5 concrete, neurology- anatomy senses with 'one' a word used euphemistically]
... has the right, .. [a word that has no relationship whatsoever to God in Three Persons-Holy Spirit-Truth]
... to freedom ... [unless, of course, it includes man-serving-man, decree in dictate of perdition against The Oral Law of God/ Oath in Pledge - His Two Greatest Commands, as "..opinion that 'things' are produced by inherent powers of matter, independent of a supreme Intelligent Author"-American Dic 1848-definition of "Nature - Natural/ World/ Universe, meaning for Inside and Outside enemies, He isn't the creator of anything]
-- of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to Hold Opinions ... ["Never Certain, Always Doubtful, Probability of Truth or Falsehood"-American Dic., depending on whose mouth is wagging, i.e., any form that ‘Media Research Center‘ has zero Probability of Truth, simply because of the track record, with PBS, of deceit in lie, with any survey’s innate, predetermined-conclusion, especially with the propaganda that socialist-communist atheism-democracy’s definition, a direct violation of God’s Two Greatest Commands, not even adding “any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers” as, its deep supplication to the great and very sacred, vain-idol-god’s forms of ‘bigger number’ a no eyes, no ears, no mouth, inanimate object supreme to our Holy Living Trinity-Truth-John 14 in 17, should be our arbitrary rules of conduct force in power!]
...Without Interference... [arbitrary human precept's 'rule of law' through decree by edict; no truth, trust, or promise required]
....and to seek, receive [but never alluding to Lesson 3 of the 5 in Matt. 7]
... and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers," a.k.a. the outer boundaries of all language and communication of knowledge on planet earth that is the property of the devil in all his names, innately, >Lucifer Alinsky’s, probably not to be found among the Eternal Living Holy Spirit Souls in heaven, "No Fixed Truth", Lucifer’s new moniker, made of "Post [It-Notes] Truth", among tactics that include “How Displacements Defeat Justice and The Law"-Jon Roland, Constitution Society, are remove without leaving a mark of Truth [ignores Jesus lessons of ‘the jot, tittle, iota, comma, of The Whole Law and teaches the least of these..Lesson 3 of 10 in Matt.5] and >human precept's rules by hierarchy's body's physiology 5 senses of the "7 Operations God made and furnished man"- Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus Chapter XVII, #6 Understanding of a Person's Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ conscience for will to perform the deeds and duties (James 1), and > "Injury for Standing Purposes When Constitutional Right(s) [Truth of God in our Three Sacred Documents] is(are) violated: [UN-Papal Authority's redefinition of ] 'Common Law' [judges on benches make arbitrary rules of conduct force devoid Truth, Trust, Promise] Public Value (CLPV) [collective mass people subjugated to arbitrary rules of conduct-power of force, -devoid God in Three Persons, a.k.a. Reformation/ Protest - 8 English Language Bibles between 1380 and 1611 KJV, the Original Text Bible of our Nation, by use of Living objects and Inanimate objects defined by man-serving-man] adjudication at work"-Professor William Burnham at, http://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/hascq13&div=10&id=&page=
Perhaps, President Trump who is at the receiving end of both the enemies within and without -- because they have no God -- actually believe throwing stones at the 'whore in the pit' will rid them of Treason, the Overthrow of Consent of the Governed in We the People, because in AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, the Constitutional-Person-President is just like any other constitutional-person's Eternal Soul/ mind/ heart/ conscience will- that is the only location of God's Judgement of your person, hence attacking the Constitutional-Person of Article II is Attacking each-one-Person composing the WHOLE OF ONE PEOPLE, UNION of the 50 STATES, the residence of that one Person, New York in President Trump's home. We the People are not a hierarchy, though we are forgetting that, but Truth is still God, not man.
Oliver Ellsworth's statement is a hugh paraphrase of exactly that point, taught by Jesus as our Father's Two Greatest Commands:
"Liberty is a word, according as it is used, that comprehends the most good [Holy Spirit-Truth] and most evil [spirit of devil-trinity, Matt. 4] of any in the world [Nature, Universe]. Justly Understood it is sacred next to those which we appropriate in divine adoration; but in the mouths [Oral, Common The Whole Law] of some it means any Thing.".
".. a wide-reaching new study from the Media Research Center finds that 91 percent of the recent coverage which aired on ABC, CBS and NBC has been negative.":
--- You, fellow-country-person are programmed to perform your complete obedience and supplication to ‘ betrayal of Yellow, to good a color to waste, on journalism’s ‘abject aide and comfort to inside and outside enemies’, whose only desire is complete destruction of each-one-person, in his STATE of residence, composing ONE PEOPLE in UNION of Consent of the Governed Ordained by God HimSelf to We the People in "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God Certain, Unalienable Right --"the duties, for the discharge of which we are accountable to our Creator and benefactor, which No Human Power Can Cancel. What those duties are, is determinable by Right Reason, which may be, and is called, a Well Informed Conscience. What this conscience dictates as our duty Is So; and that power which assumes a control over it, is an usurper; for not power can be pleaded to justify the control, as any Consent in this Case Is Void"-Essex Result"
VP Pence is there because he is being groomed, demonstrated in fact and evidence, this media survey as important use of lie and steal in that part of the plan to perform against Consent of the Governed’s Electoral College saving We the People from its Inside enemies of Article IV in VI because “A Minority of One Protected “Under this philosophy, rule by majority vote is always subject to the "sacred principle" defined in President Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, quoted below.
"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."Article II President Trump is Enemy Inside's imperative to destroy God that is the contents of only in all God’s Eras of His History, The Three Sacred Documents, the reason this Paper moves all over the Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise - of The Creator to His Prophets – every single major issue or course of human events from Adam upon awakening is able to both understand his Father and speak with Him – as well as use sound for language only the two can know, for this is before God makes Eve from Adam’s rib, of the 122 bones, the rib protects both Heart and atoms of atmosphere for land, and water.- Noah’s work in his Introduction, The Origin of Language”...
The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual.”-Hamilton Long 1975/200 years young, “The american Ideal (a monthly magazine published in Arizona) of 1776, The Twelve Basic American Principles, The Majority Limited for Liberty”.
That which not one fellow-country-person Article I or III from 01/20/2009, would even contemplate, obeying Instructions from our Founder’s in Article II:4, but ‘both non-God parties’, now condone and accept, choosing to ignore completely, the most incredibly evil hate in lie against each-one-Constitutional Person of our Republic under God, from 01/20/2009 to 01/2017, the deeds and actions of perdition by the usurper Islamic– walking dead, of no Truth, no Trust, no Promise labeled human body of obama ---- that is so sickening –.reprobate .. But...
VP Pence is having all the strings attached to his body’s physiology upon which his neurology and anatomy will function his psychology of absolute obedience to hate defining father evil-father lie - , to perform as a good Inside enemy intertwined to its Outside enemy UN-Papal authority puppet - just like all the committees of the NGO-UN / Papal Authority– among the equally disgusting hate of each-one-fellow-country-person’s of Article I and among, not all, among, Article III’s, abject Treason through violation of Oral Law -Oath enemy inside by all kinds of labels — especially religious societies, under ecclesiastical collective people church/ temple, mosque Jewish, Catholic, non-secretarian Mormon, Jehovah Witness; among the very forgetful, or omitting or neglecting crimes of the leaders among Reformation/ Truth of Holy Living Trinity-Person the Third of that Holy Spirit-Truth, Presbyterians, Protestant - Methodist who do not remember, have not been taught, or even been permitted to know about John Wycliffe, Martin Luther (Lutherans usually know who Luther was, but are not permitted to know about the connection of Paul to Holy Living Trinity-Truth - many of those D.D. are also ignorant of, The Holy Bible in English” with its connections to Puritans who landed in 1620 at Plymouth Rock to The Three Sacred documents–but God the Colonists and Founders knew full well, as did Americans at-large, at least up until teens of the 1800's,,- among the other apostasies of Papal Authority, not to leave out Luther’s disciple and friend, William Tyndale, Calvin, Geneva Bible; Muslims of Sharia tribal sharing Mohammed with Radical Islam/ ISIS and its forms of collective people, forbidden to even touch a Bible, meaning Laws of Nature’s God–“Things equal to the same Thing are equal to each other”.!
And You, Fellow Person of God and Nation First are going to let these liars - destroy US, to the same, complete desolation Western Europe and Baltic nations with Middle East have been living since late 770's? So the next-UN-Papal Authority socialist-communist, a.k.a. DEM and REP factions of hierarchy-democracy’s-President - since the UN and the Pope have been supreme to God since 1949 for the first, and over 2,017 years for the second; – and US(A) but we only made it to our 2015/ 239th year, actually only to 202 years from inanimate and living objects 1978 as parties-at-law absent Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge to our protection and security of each-one person’s Right / Truth of God in Three Persons.
These few enemies within are lying Directly from their mouths to God's Ear -- and in that action of hate and steal -- have to continue to take action in "Treason is the offense to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance [the Ratified Three Sacred Documents of our Republic under God], ..and of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power–delusional Isolated Bible/ Isolated Constitution - apostasy against The Creator of Laws of Nature, Nature’s God, supreme Law of the Land bound by “The Words that Issue Directly From The Mouth of God,” innately media, but also UN-Papal Authority-ecclesiastical hierarchy over all nations as dictator, later changed to ‘democracy’, but all the way back to St. Linus - as one-person-enemy to destroy his own Oral, Common Law among those he knows and in his profession–those he will cause desolation and destruction. .
WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY - COLLECTIVE, MASS PEOPLE IS VIOLATING THE WHOLE LAW AND THE PROPHETS THAT COMPOSE THE HOLY LIVING TRINITY -TRUTH; AND AMERICAN GOD IS LAW. ANY PERSON, ANY LOCATION WHO ASSISTS OR TOLERATES THE LIES AND STEALING WITHIN OUR THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS – DOES OWN DEATH - either by Right Reason in Oral Common Law/ Oath in Pledge, or with God in Christ, even though all the 5W’s and H may not be immediately apprehended, upon each-one-enemy inside or outside ---- God Is Precisely Who He Says He Is Performing Precisely What He Plans.... and even Jesus says He doesn’t know.
Of Course, fellow-country-persons, you have been forbidden by enemy inside, who consistently violating ORAL COMMON LAW - OATH IN PLEDGE DIRECTLY TO GOD, and TO YOU, repudiation of TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE.
Per Jesus in Lesson 5 of 7 of Matt. 12, since collective-government-man-serving-man, Inside enemies diffusely throughout all life in our nation; and enemy outside, UN-Papal Authority, are liars, all people under their sovereign STATES or Nations, are collective, mass, innately, are blind leading blind – no-one will be able to ever again Understand your own Person of Eternal Soul, mind/ heart/ conscience-for will to take action or perform deeds – hence this article, reflecting the Treason, including virtually all the science, history, religious society, media, movies, art, music, civilization, against all 194 nations, and notice, that does include the persons composing the tyrannical-few rulers of communist perdition of autocratic – few leaders who are slaves of the devil, by all his names.
Are You Going To Continue Silence — or will You Find your own “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on divine Providence, WE MUTUALLY PLEDGE TO EACH OTHER OUR LIVES, OUR FORTUNES AND OUR SACRED HONOR — God in Three Persons is Right here, Right now - He just needs you to say “The Lord’s Prayer” - sing Holy, Holy, Holy - all the verses - then with Paul’s Christian Church of Discipline, Pure Heart, Good Conscience, and Sincere Faith - Knock, Ask, Seek (Article II:4) Find — but do not think for a nanosecond, return to God in Christ will be easy, it will be a challenge, but Jesus says,
"27.All things are delivered to me by my Father; and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.and I for One Person, have been following Christ, and the Founders in their own words, among the ‘Authorities’ Dr. Webster quoted, that result in their own connections to God in The Three Sacred Documents, as I have in my Person of Oral, Common Law/Oath in Pledge, that includes “Nightingale Pledge” and on my own “Hippocratic Oath” because of the above Nature’s Law about Things, -often not even said, any more,. And in writing, but without any moving Evidence from Proposed to assigned Letter or number of a judge’s approval, who is often absent God, a U.S. District Court Case about living, object-finger’s as Regulation - not law, supreme to God; and a Superior Court Case with 3 trips to its Appellate Division both going forward, recognizing that supreme Law of the Land - Oath is violated... but never allowed, by man-serving -man (Galatians where Paul teaches perversion of the Gospel) to be supreme Law of the Land— God’s Oath to Abraham in Hebrews 6 –ends all argument – there’s no thing more to say in Truth... but in man-serving-man, God is not permitted to be The Whole Law and the Prophets. I have linked all Three Sacred Documents to God in Three Persons --- Truth, both sides of His double-edged sword.
28Come to me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me: for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest to your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."- Webster's Bible, Matt. 11 Lesson 3 of 3.
– I have learned, but it isn’t easy, and I have to work every day – but I Do Know The Truth and The Truth has set me Free. Freedom is Truth of God.
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