The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

HOW 1302 papist, 1647 Church of England/ Westminster Confession, papist, 1777 xiii 'church roofs' of temporal, 1st Great Command-that 3rdPerson Choose to lie to himSELF, thus dead soul(s)- oligarch BLASPHEMY DE-MOC-RAC-Y,

Paul II=1999, 2015, 1947-49 art iii federalist society ROOFTOPS unGLOBAL 2 kingdoms, few

rulers DOMINION triune/ udhr - orchestration, remanufacture to Eradicate ARTICLE VII-Genesis

1:26, 1-4, Matt 12, 15,18, John 8, 10, 14in17 "WITNESS" to THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS 1611 HOLY TRINITY


CONNECTS 2016 YEARLY, 11/3, 12/2 /20, Matt. 23-25, ASSAULT AND SIEGE

...Paul was the first to think out the meaning of the ‘C’hristian faith, and this was forced upon him

by his mission to Jews and non-Jews alike. Particularly he had to carry the church through the first

crisis, past the danger of remaining a Jewish sect. He was an evangelist, an organizer, and also a

thinker ---not a common combination. He died a martyr, but not before his great work was done.

It is no wonder that for the church in the second century he was the apostle ; they look back to

him and up to him as the outstanding figure of his age, and this impression is confirmed, as it is

largely made by his writings. "The future history of Europe and America for two thousand

years,” as ‘Dean Inge’ observes, “perhaps for all time, was determined by his missionary

journeys and printed writings. It is impossible to guess what would have become of

‘C’hristianity if he had never lived.” The vitality of these letters, thrown off in the midst of a busy

life, is indeed due to the fact that he “understood what most ‘C’hristians never

realize, namely, that the gospel of Christ Jesus is not a religion, BUT RELIGION ITSELF." He is the one personality in primitive ‘C’hristianity about

whose personal devotion we know some thing intimate [Galatians 1,I Timothy 1; Romans

15-16]. The intellectual forms in which he expressed his faith were not final at every point ; there was

[is] a variety of interpretations of the gospel, mainly stirred by his impetus, which appeared in

subsequent literature of the period. But his genius is by itself. ..[1922, DIRECT TRANSLATION,

BIBLE, INTRODUCTIONNTRODUCTION for Dr Moffatt continues]..”.   ...Connecting to and continuing ..[italics added]...

...TO: YOU, 2nd GREATEST COMMAND - folks, I know from thousands when I was your 'VISITING HOME HEALTHCARE, BEST USE OF ALL TAXPAYER'S $$$, RNCM; at least until 'its' death and destruction of the HIPPOCRATIC OATH/ NIGHINGALE PLEDGE, 2nd GREATEST COMMAND, WITHIN LAWS OF NATURE AND NATURE'S GOD, ART AND SCIENCE OF MEDICINE [at,  HIPPOCRATIC OATH   &  ]  BY THE 01/20/2009 papist successor/ false god [Matt. 4 spirit devil is always 'l'ower 'c'ase 'f'irst 'l'etter] 'm'ohammed regime, which actually began the destruction in July of 2008- commencement of 'in hospital MD shift giving care by binomial decision tree, no concept of physician role in discharge planning, and often, the patient's own physician could not interfere by making his own visits than any 'committee' that patient much better than with his visits, PPAA, although only those in DIRECT, EYEBALL to EYEBALL 'PATIENT CARE DICTATES PATIENT SERVICE' right through the very first days of formal WORD, 'HOSPICE' its history ORIGINATES in Home Health Care NURSING INTERVENTIONS, would become aware when label; >>>'Directors' DEMANDED that TOTAL PATIENT CARE BE EXPUNGED, for particles-of-partitioning, chosen body-parts, notably pain management expunged causing huge losses of liberty in life, crises, --ORAL 10IN2 COMMON THE ETERNAL SPIRIT GOD -metonymy- Canon [NOT Matt 4, 12, 15, John 8, 15-16, Book of Romans, dead soul lost, from Expunged, scattered Latin papist Bible against Matt.12 (the clerics never 'make decisions' of ''their own accord,"), among most, if not all the Dr. James Moffatt's RENDERING IS 'COEQUAL' TO HAMPTON COURT, KING JAMES/ 47 CLERGY, WYCILIFFE, TYNDALE, even triune LUTHER's papist fiend successors, Franklin, Washington, Adams, Madison, Monroe, Hamilton, Jefferson, even Lincoln's first Inaugural 'property' Address against him SELF, political party puppet tongues have 'fallen-over-the 'T'hings which define course of human events, exemplified by worship of craven image, inanimate binomial machine, monetary, public controls, defines private, as James 1, "charity for the poor, widows and orphans" misled as, Rabbi Habash Environmental de-mock-racy [pg. 19 in AXIOMS AT, ] of UNglo i.e., out of the fire, into the furnace, newest Fauci, among the unGLOBAL, UNTRUTH 'label', TERROR 'Pandemic' ,'Dr. Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH of HIV + Matt 4/ Deut. 8.3, Psalm 91.11, Deut. 6.16, 13, &10.20 temptation from rooftops of temples, churches, mosques, Sanhedrin -metonymy-Knesset, parliaments, congress ..among the oligarchy of political party puppet tongues and their minions of public/ private, Hitler youth (literally!), police state's subsidiarity imperative of anarchy [at, Axioms .. Opinion chain links - Justice James Wilson, Pgs. 12, 29 - 30, at, ]  'envionmental democracy' -metonymy- AGENDA 21/ CLIMATE CHANGE, 5senses human/ biblical 'flesh/ fleshy', 'stoney,' categories of 24 socialist commune/ unGLOBAL triune/ udhr HERDSCMPTPOP, creeds, rooftops, commerce treasures; just because Cain's mark, doesn't end just because his 'fatherhood' was ignored by mother and offspring, any more than the Blind-to-Truth, 'scribes'/ written of ORAL COMMON LAWS of EVENTS, within THE TRINITY of the 1611 KING JAMES, 3 PERSONS, each 3RD in CHRIST JESUS/ ADAM therefore EVE therefore MARY therefore Aunt ELIZABETH/ Uncle ZACHARIA connections .. forked tongue serpent living 'T'hing that is innately INANIMATE 'T'hing, since serpent has no mechanism for either UNDERSTANDING, or COGITATIONS require for the "Definition of Language and Communication ..Origins from A Man ...Adam [at, ] (but not 'N'amed, himself, until after Cain is banished, Gen. 4) that was never punished by God, since Nature's Law, reptiles crawl on their bellies; and mountain top's grandeur unGLOBAL virus, feet,  'skin color slavery, 'e'mancipation 'p'roclamation of 5 senses, arbitrary human precept tongues.    1611 HOLY TRINITY HEBREW 2nd TESTAMENT/ WITNESS/ PRAYER, Interval, Ecclesiasticus, Chap xvii, "#6 UNDERSTANDING for #7 WORD/ CHRIST, SPEEECH, an INTERPETER of the COGITATIONS thereof"  't'riune/ 47/49 artiii udhr HERDCMPTPOP's] REPUDIATED as necessary to that UNIQUE ACCESS to FORMS OF COMFORT WHICH HAVE no Thing, but the WHOLE TRUTH, occurring by the 'other' profession of the OATHS, which emanated from his 'own Accord' experiences/ soul of 24/ 7 roles, to that PERSON's obtaining knowledge; not to alleviate, as much as to live with, and take advantage of ideas from resources innate to patient education (has always been within home health, but expanded parameters were needed), medicine, home health RN, LVN, PT, OT, Speech Language Pathologist, Medical SW, Licensed Clinical SW, the Most Important Member of "PATIENT CARE DICTATES PATIENT SERVICE" was 'C'HHA, 'C'ERTIFIED N.A.' + 40 more hours in what RED CROSS NURSING EDUCATION (Home diets ..bed..etc. Nursing, Disaster Nursing, Pregnancy & infant care, Vital Signs --;  and many of them could not make the connections -- nearly every one MD, specialty or not -- KNEW WHAT WAS BEING DESTROYED, JUST LIKE YOU DO IN EVERY 2 YEAR ELECTIONS FROM 1988, BUT EVEN BEFORE THEN!  

        So, my background started in 6th grade at my family's hardware store, Wilshire and Euclid Street (then 4th Street across from Henshey's Dept. Store; my cousin, Jack took over and ran .. as his course of human events included 'Tijuana Brass" among AA partner and Regional Manager for Hardware Chain - sharing his Accountability. He doesn't know this, ..but answers both John 10, Jesus calls, .. and from Ezekiel 33, any one in trouble with SELF/ wickedness/ evil should read, even though not "..acquainted with its environment to understand some of its flying allusions and characteristic metaphors (Dr. Moffatt's INTRODUCTION at, with his "Biographical Note" at,  even that .. comprehending the links in opinion, Eternal Soul James Wilson, teacher of THE WHOLE LAW, to all this Remonstrance, now 13years of nearly daily LESSONS on PROFESSION of my daily bread ... Lord's Prayer in 23rd Psalm [AT, ] }):  1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE; DR NOAH WEBSTER'S not just the AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, much more important ...connections... "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men (3rd PERSON(S)/ EMBRYO - ORAL 10in2) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..[JAMES 1 at, )...CONNECTIONS / AUTHORITIES of Eternal Soul(s) including his DISSERTATION ON LANGAUGE - AFFINITY -- "The United States commenced their existence under circumstances wholly novel and unexampled in the history of nations. They commenced with civilization, with learning, with science, with constitutions of free government, and with that best gift of God to man, the Christian religion. Their population is now equal to that of England; in arts and sciences, our citizens are very little behind the most enlightened people on earth; in some respects, they have no superiors; and our language, within two centuries, will be spoken by more people in this country, than any other language on earth, except the Chinese, in Asia, and even that may not be an exception..." read this at, ] and DR. MOFFATT, bearing-in-mind, ALL THE PROPHETS/ TEACHERS / AUTHORS (with PUBLISHERS who real, publishers - THE WHOLE of PUBLISHING, not just human precept udhr 18, 19-29 DESTRUCTION...even desolation, by 'self' publish, vacuum of non-sense, inherently EXCLUDES very important 'Scripture - at large, or not - metonymy- THOUSANDS of APOCRYPH ---NOT TRANSLATED -- AND NOT VALUED IN WORD - TO TROUBLE, PREDETERMINED CONCLUSIONS, both Hebrew and 'c'hristian, where only INTERVAL came, but not until middle 1500's, has 15 BOOKS of SOLEY ORAL COMMON 10in2 LAWS of  JOHN1/ WORD/ CHRIST JESUS with ETERNAL SPIRIT for EXISTENCE, NO THING CAME INTO BEING APART FROM HIM" protection of divine 'P'rovidence=  Christ Jesus, we have and do perform our mutual pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred and our neighbors ---PLAN WHOLE, UNIQUE, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO (I used poster to get my Care Plan to fit & so I could visualize my SOAP with outcomes an evaluation interventions --.BSN PHN Mt. St. Mary's Chalon.  But herein with all the forms of links/ connections ARE because, 03/01/2009, I received a demand from RN Board of Nursing,  that 'grandfather clause' was expunged: Long story shorter -- I HAVE ARGUED SOLELY - THE HOLY TRINITY DOCUMENTS NOW, but 12 years ago, Declaration and Constitution - not even having yet connected THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS, US DISTRICT COURT, SUPERIOUR COURT WITH ITS APPELLATE DIVISION, 08/11/2012 --CONTINUING TO THIS DAY, THIS HOUR ...HERE IS CONNECTION: PAGES 19, 23 A-G, 28 , "BELOW ARE..." AT,

BUT 'THIS' IS NOT ABOUT ME. .. BUT ABOUT THE WONDER, JOY, PEACE AND LOVE OF THE ETERNAL, FATHER in JESUS ALWAYS PRECISLY WHAT THEY SAY ..and to often ...answering Jesus, orally/ thoughts with 'not now', fast flash, not caught ~~until ...'geeez~!' in realizing Pres. Washington's truth by observing, "IT IS AMAZING HOW PEOPLE CANNOT SEE THE LIGHT SHINING IN THEIR EYES!...AND MUCH MORE. ..           

         As I have been PERFORMING ARTICLE I:2C3, since the police-state human precept triune/ udhr 'c'ommerce dept's 'c'ensus humanoids have CHOSEN, each one, alone, TO ABROGATE not only ARTICLE VI, by their proud, arrogant ignorant Hate, EXPUNGE WORD/ CHRIST/ ADAM ETERNALLY EVE/ MARY'S OVA, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO - ORAL COMMON 10-in2 JESUS, among the Father's dust/ breath into nostrils of A Man, A Woman ...history from Genesis to this continuing unGLOBAL 24/7 CONSTANT DESTRUCTION AND DESOLATION INNATELY requiring the SUBJUGATION TO COMPLETE SLAVERY OF MIND among all 235 of 235 borderless countries of plastic monetary ruled by 'idol god bow down to serve in worship BIGGER 'inanimate/ matter electricity machine, especially the MATT 18 HERITAGE OF #3 OF 235, N..American, label for 331,002,651 on 3,531,822.4 square miles of C24/7 Roles of FEET PSM = Gen.2 LIFE on his 's'upreme Law of 'C'ounty -"PLACE of HABITATION"/ LAND to equal ONLY 93.7 THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS, GENESIS, ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO among ALL folks 3,143 county LAND PSM; - including that individual census person 'killing him'SELF' by his own, unique, Blasphemy against 'ETERNAL SPIRIT TRUTH COUNTING SOLELY, EXCLUSIVELY 5 senses HERDSCMPTPOP of VOTER'S RIGHTS in HERDSCMPTPOP virus + 3 species, for the worship of 'particles-of-partitioning (in Scripture, theologist 'only few, carefully chosen or even more carefully ablosihed and excluded written / priest/ ministers, elders and female gender, separate counterparts, EXCLUSIVE verses, from very few chapters within very few BOOK, never CONNECTING - Commandment V Heritage is back to ADAM Eternally One in EVE ONE in MUTUALL PERFECT LOVE OF FATHER, 3 IN THE FIRST HOLY TRINITY.

The no fixed truth imperative of re-manufactured particle word, 'equality' in AMENDMENT, where IV, V, VIII and IX SHALL NOT EXIST anymore than VII in VI, - XIV orchestrated into political party puppet tongues "canon/ feudal", worship idol god's BIGGER number, disguised in virtually all 235 nations, as papist/ 1947/49 art iii 435, 'democracy' Gerrymandering's newest labels for DEMOCRATIC REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE, chaired by Eric Holder at a 'dinner' put on by G. Soros, Jr: 'COMMUNES of INTEREST', COMPACTNESS, THE BLUE idol Gods' repeating destruction of COUNTY LAND BOUNDARIES (except for police-state functions, medicare/ caid/cal, public confiscated tribute private commerce margin, hiring, firing, hours of functioning, which brands/ forms of clothing, semi trucking INDUSTRY so curbed that all production and distribution of goods and the MANDATORY HATE control of 'things' on world below) unGLOBAL, virus is binomial machine HERDSCMPTPOP with blue map CLUSTERS of ESPECIALLY DESIGNED for the very sacred worship in belief of idol god's forms of atoms BIGGER number, MEGAregions of MEGApolis with failed Greek city-states planted within counties where the political party puppet tongues beezebub fight their 'friends across the art human precept aisle' beezebub CONTIGUITY, where 1 border of a county's whole property, among THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS, GENESIS, EDEN PARK/ 3,143 County's 1/ 50th White Star, Equilateral Holy Trinity, The Eternal top, His Son, WORD/ CHRIST JESUS POWER OVER ALL FLESH on his Father's RIGHT and YOU, READER, IN CHRIST/ WORD/ JESUS as He is in THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE CHOSEN TO LOVE, OBEY, FOLLOW ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH according to that sovereign nation's Command V 3rdPerson/ Embryo composong its OPPORTUNITY for a UNION FOR A UNION OF ONE PEOPLE ..because BOTH = ETERNAL SPIRIT TRUTH - ORAL LAWS, they have made this 21 years over 2000 ANNO DOMINI, 'course of human events ~~~ AMONG PROPHETS, both sides of the Atlantic and not ignoring the Pacific, APOSTLE General President Washington's "..the 'T'welfth, April 29, 1775 Commencement of a hours tiny newborn, saying to a long HERITAGE of SHARED LOVE OF GOD IN 3 PERSONS, but so much older - it FORGOT it's OWN 'NATION'S 3RD PERSON(S)/ EMBRYO - ORAL CALLED UPON, REPEATEDLY to protect and defend its relatively little British Isles in size, but never in Heart, Mind, Conscience for will) BATTLE FLAG, 3:2:3:2:3: to 6 rows/ 8 White Stars to 6:5:6:5:6:5:6:5:6:5:6 TANGENT to THE ETERNAL'S POWER of a CIRCLE [ JPL,] is EXPUNGED, except for medicare/caid/CAL--CONFISCATED TRIBUTE State and Federal IRS, unGLOBAL triune/ udhr AGENDA 21/ CLIMATE CHANGE/ 24 triune social creed categories for the 5 senses human enslaved HERDSCMPTPOP [ papist/ triune/ unGLOBAL udhr HERDSCMPTPOP 12/20/20 budget, to enhance idol god and craven image atoms, by ; among the , APPORTIONING ACCORDING TO ARTICLE VII in IV in VI, therefore I, II, III both PREAMBLES, >>> THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS GENESIS; >>> THE COUNTY'S STATS, to which THE 3/1/2020, 4/29/202 unGLOBAL triune, udhr HERDSCMPTPOP, "peoples demographic, FIPS codes housing units, has in its totality (there still may be 1 or 2, 3rd PERSON(S)- ORAL COMMON LAW who KNOW THE TRUTH, as well as the hate, that would make another - DESTROY himSELF, his folks, those he knows and will never know- but more important, neighbor against neighbor (a specialty in the eras of the papist), bear false witness to lie and steal. Thereby, commits, blind ignorance, TREASON by kowtowing the the papist/ triune/ axis nations, eu empire unGLOBAL enslaved HERDSCMPTPOP. That traiteor cannot help, but be, the greatest slave, among those slaves; acting on order of 'm'ohammed, in 'inquisition/ excommunication - of 'udhr 19-29 person-ality judges of TRUMP SUPPORTERS,' initiated by 1302 papist/ 1674 'w'estminster 'c'onfessons/ 'f'ederalist papist society of backsliders--ignorance BY TOTALLY REJECTING THE EXISTENCE OF TRUTH; while in reverent adoration to unGLOBAL, continuing throughout OT, INTERVAL, NT -- Galatians, perversion of the 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, SECOND HEBREW TESTAMENT, "INTRODUCTION TRANSLATORS TO THE READER - ALL those Eternal Soul(s) =Spirit Truth, CHRIST JESUS in each-one-being, including YOU, Reader DIRECTLY to CHRIST JESUS, to TEACH horror abominations from the devoted slaves to 1947/49 artiii particles-of-partitioning, 435 Regime's "look so beautiful, but are so their 'words' they will be condemned (Matt.12);" so BLIND in DARKNESS, such that EACH-ONE HAS LOST HIM 'SELF'.

The longer he kowtows from the highest mountain top, to treasures, "IF IT ISN'T IN WRITING IT DOESN'T EXIST," the 'it' MEANS NO ORAL COMMON LAW/ WORD/ CHRIST JESUS, THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD in YOU, the recipient of the dictate - YOU SHALL, NEVER QUESTION --BUT OBEY, unless... 'gentle' human precept 'extortion' is enforced:

         -"THE BIBLE IS WRITTEN FOR [CHINESE COMMUNE extorted 'circle-of-hate another' for no reason whatsoever] AND NOT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL" - 'LIE IS TRUTH, TRUTH IS LIE, BINOMIAL MACHINE FACT in IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE, THAT 11/3 election with yearly 2016, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 to date and until BE GONE SATAN! YOU ARE TO WORSHIP GOD AND HIM ALONE OBEY" - Matt 4" are THEREFORE, TOTALLY ...NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION [see Eternal Soul Scalia's DISSENT [ ]. - IT SHOULD BE REQUIRED>>>, but the vast majority of 331,002,651 BOUND to human precept educator of 'written abbreviations' denoting void, empty untruth - do not even use TREE of KNOWLEDGE, thus no connections between the dialog from a reptile's tongue living to Cain's mark ..banished from The Eternal's sight, he choose not to even attempt to master his inappropriate, predetermined opinion against .. his Lord God, Grandfather, in order to hate his brother's Eternal Soul, >>>READING IN ANY CLASS ON ANY SUBJECT OF THE 7 OPERATIONS GOD MADE AND FURNISHED YOU IN "OUR IMAGE AND IN OUR LIKNESS = JOHN 1 WORD/ CHRIST with GOD GENESIS 1:26.


...(LOGOS/ THOUGHTS/ #6 UNDERSTANDING of #7 SPEECH an INTERPRETER of the COGNITIVE OPERATIONS WORD/ CHRIST with PERFECT LOVE FATHER, intrinsic to #1-5 senses TOOLS And INSTRUMENTS FOR LEARNING/ remembering and connecting; that the GENESIS 3, forked-tongue serpent is incapable of #7 Operation, SPEECH, INITIATED, ANY WAY, the DIALOG with INNOCENCE AND PURITTY, 'the Woman' = THE WHITE on THE CHIEF, within WORD/ CHRIST with THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD THE PERFECT LOVE FATHER, she doesn't have a 'N'ame yet ; And - BOTH eat that DELICIOUS AND SWEET FRUIT, from the GOOD SIDE of the KNOWLEDGE TREE in the 'CENTER' of Eden Park (which other trees in Eden Park have); and forked {that WORD is of Epic Importance, FOR no American Indian Tribe ever knew either God or WORD/ CHRIST or JESUS by their 'N'ames- only by the TRUTH of NATURE'S LAWS for LIFE= LAND PSM each one's feet stand 24/ 7 all the Roles for his daily bread of THOUGHTS/ PRINCIPLES=LOGOS, GREEK same thing -would never have put forked in front of -tongue, since that form of Nature's Law, would NEVER OCCUR for him to connect!! -- two opposite ends on different PLATES, same, LIVING INDIFFERENT THING: serpent is a reptile that crawls on the LIFE= LAND CHIEF ---So GOD could not and did not punish the living thing! )....

>>>> are PRESERVED and well cared for; but the triune/ udhr, arbitrary human precept, binomial - cogitators, still have a lot of arrogance in hierarchy which mammals we will respect and which we destroy -(in Africa, from centuries before, and simultaneous with 1828 to 1865 + carpetbaggers, 2 kingdom, skin color civil war, in Sudan, Khartoum, Egypt SLAVE traders reward Stronger Hate Tribes, who cannibalize minds and bodies of poor woman, infants, child ..gender men chain links so heavy, most will die ..-- and ELEPHANT IVORY TUSKS; -- neuter the WILD HORSES by human precept who also call themselves 'humane' when every cat and dog SHALL BE NEUTERED AT 8 WEEKS DESPOT COMMAND (self destructs the vets!!) and making breeding or just having kittens and puppies - one of the great events of growing up ..--lost!).

Matthew 4 in James 1, JESUS is about 10 or 12 yrs., met his own spirit devil after 40 days and 40 nights fasting in His Father's Genesis 9, Eternal Spirit, in a "weakened condition,"  laid-out His plan to accomplish with and in His OWN ACCORD to his/ ADAM therefore EVE'S OWN ACCORD in her to  PERFECT LOVE  FATHER,"who knows no change in rising and setting, who casts no shadow on the earth. It was his will that 'W'e hereunto should be born by the WORD/ CHRIST= LIFE= LAND of The TRUTH,  Him to do; ...returning to ARTICLE VII DAYS GENESIS, it is the SOUND of FATHER's VOICE/ ORAL COMMON 10in2, walking in Eden Park, which, now puberty! in addition to a word, neither would have spoken, 'beguiled,' for it would not have been in their preteen vocabulary; but fast forward 4003 Before CHRIST to Anno Domini 60, James 1, and you find this gem of a lesson about both forked-tongue serpent and 'CAIN'S fast-talk, 24/ 7 intrigues-of-dissonance mark', "Blessed is he who endures under trial; for when he has stood the test, he will gain the crown of life which is promised to all who love Him. Let no one who is tried by temptation say, 'My temptation comes from God; comes from God'; God is incapable of being tempted by evil and He tempts no one. Everyone is tempted as he is beguiled and allured by his own desire; then, 'D'esire conceives and breeds 'S'in, while 'S'in matures and gives birth to 'D'eath. Make no mistake about this my beloved brothers: all we are given is good, and all our endowments are faultless are faultless descending from above, from the Father of heavenly LIGHTS.." 60 Anno Domini forward, 1383 Lembeth Synod [at,  ], Apostle John Wycliffe, IV. Every one being or existing in grace justifying finally, has not only a right unto, but in fact hath all the good things of God; or has a right unto the thing, but, for his time, has by right a power over all the good things of God. This is plain from Scripture, Matt.xxiv., because the truth promises this to those 'C'itizens who enter into His Joy: "Verily I say unto YOU [Reader], that He shall make him ruler over all his goods. For the right of communion among the saints in their own country is founded objectively on the universality of the good things of God..";... fast forward  1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, SECOND HEBREW TESTAMENT, INTERVAL - SOLELY ORAL COMMON 10in16 GREAT TRUTH, from frontispiece all KING JAMES AUTHORIZED VERSION up to sentinnel year, 1954, "INTRODUCTION 47 TRANSLATORS TO THE READER" [pg. 16 and more, at, ..& Bibliographical History 1611 at, ]   ..CONNECT ALL THREE TESTAMENTS OF THE 1604-1611 KING JAMES, 46 CLERGY, INTERVAL - ORIGIN OF ORAL COMMON 10in10 --ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, FATHER HAD SENT.. INCLUDING, within each one Being's own Time/ Era LAND PSM, THOUSANDS WHO WOULD "BELIEVE IN HIM BY THEIR SPOKEN WORD" THE HOLY TRINITY 3 PERSONS. 

"... And now at last, by the Mercy of GOD, and the continuance of our Labours, it being brought unto such a conclusion, as that we have great hope that the Church of England shall reape good fruit thereby; we hold it our duety to offer it to your MAJESTIE, not onely as to our King and Soveraigne, but as to the principall moover and Author of the Worke. Humbly craving of your most Sacred Majestie, that since things of this quality have ever bene subject to the censures of ill meaning and discontented persons, it may receive approbation and Patronage from so learned and judicious a Prince as your Highnesse is, whose allowance and acceptance of our Labours, shall more honour us and incourage us, then all the calumniations and hard interpretations of other men shall dismay us. So that, if on the one side we shall be traduced by Popish persons at home or abroad, who therefore will maligne us, because we are poore Instruments to make GODS holy Trueth to be yet more and more knowen unto the people, whom they desire still to keepe in ignorance and darknesse: or if on the other side, we shall be maligned by selfe-conceited brethren, who runne their owne wayes, and give liking unto nothing but what is framed by themselves, and hammered on their Anvile; we may rest secure, supported within by the trueth and innocencie of a good conscience, having walked the wayes of simplicitie and integritie, as before the Lord; And sustained without, by the powerfull Protection of your Majesties grace and favour, which will ever give countenance to honest and Christian endevours, against bitter censures, and uncharitable imputations. ...".  

What Jesus laid-out for NEW TESTAMENT, that opens Matt.4 CONNECTS to "When in the course of human events/ Things, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the politico bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth [SPIRIT TRUTH vs spirit devil'], the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God in Christ Jesus will TEACH, among the entirety of YOUR, UNIQUE, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL COMMON 2 IN 10 GREATEST COMMANDS via HOW YOU READ, for YOUR 24/ 7 ROLES OF life's CHALLENGES, "DAILY BREAD" that is 'spoken' among many, or alone (and 23rd Psalm), TRUTH of  connecting BOOKS, CHAPTERS throughout the unique, 1611 HOLY TRINITY, Second Hebrew Testament/ Witness/ Oral Common 10in2 GREAT TRUTH Scripture; Genesis 3, forked tongue serpent impossible for Speech, does anyway by initiating a dialog  .. leading to predetermined conclusions, human precept, fall/ evil eve, innate to Matt 4 spirit devil: 

I. 'from stone make bread' - He knows, Reader you are in Him, as you learn the 5 W's and H lessons which will always fall under any form of combinations Matt 4 spirit devil thinks he commands - and sometimes does, but 'THE LIGHT OF TRUTH ALWAYS SHINES THROUGH'], "Man [3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO} does not LIVE by bread alone; BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT ISSUES FROM THE MOUTH OF THE ETERNAL SPIRIT-GOD [Deut 8:3 read the WHOLE include 7 and 9 connections at, 1611 KING JAMES - and in the 'old' English - it's not different - it just looks like it is!! ]; 

II. Jesus Spirit is taken to the holy city, placing him on the pinnicle of the temple, church mosque, parliament, art i in iii among states of minion- LAWS ARE ONLY MADE AGAINST HONEST PEOPLE!
 [an inanimate, indifferent location of the 'courts and magistrates of aribtrary human precept, private commerce and public aristocracy oligarchs]; 
    then, without even a eyelash of hesitation, commands that 'if He is God's son, He will give his angles charge of you, they will bear you on their backs, lest you strike your foot against the very same stone,' from I!!! Jesus answers, "It is written again, You shall not tempt the Lord Your God   [ Connect, The Lord's Prayer, but as important, James 1 at, ] 
{Reader, you should be struck by the angels if you are blind by this set of devil distort, false witness, ridiculous words .. but herein, that command is precisely WHAT YOU thought you obeyed, living indifferent 'virus'  unGLOBAL  triune udhr, word, 'pandemic' by ignorance= panic= fear= destruction/ desolation of all PUBLIC OWNS CONTROLS ALL PRIVATE COMMERCE AND LIFE in 235 of 235 country's ENSLAVED fleshy, 5 sense, HERDSCMPTPOP maskOVERtongue, BUT             >You did not ..YOU ABOLISHED that devil - only because it also controls the definition of Language and communication, a.k.a., triune/ udhr, FORBIDDEN JESUS TRUTH, CHOSE TRUTH - ANYWAY - but YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS IGNORED EXISTENCE .. NOT spirit devil's ABOMINATION HORROWS - HEREIN ..} [PSALM 91.11 but read the Whole, preferably include 90 and 92 in addition for CONNECTIONS at, ];

III.   'spirit devil' conveys him to an exceedingly high mountain and showed him all the rhelms of the papist/ 1674 triune/ udhr, unGLOBAL world and their grandeur;  he said,  "I will give you all that, if you will fall down and worship me."  Then Jesus TOLD him, Begone, Satan! it is written, YOU must worship the Lord your God, and serve him alone. [That is what PROPHET MARTIN LUTHER said to his  papist successors property of all life on world below from 1302 Benedict VIII bull/ encyclical/ idol god BIGGER number deciding 'lie is truth is lie, 2 kingdoms court of inquisition]" [Deut. 6:13, read 5 and 7; 10:20, read 9 & 11 or just the whole
    You won't find this among you rooftops of any form - notably the terrible mislead affecting Fulong Gong because it only had the BIGGER CONNCETIONS with triune evangelical, all denominations of the 2 kingdoms papists; - thus as you read below, why less than 62 years, because 1954 is a sentinel year for EXPUNGE of HOLY TRINITY (1611 3 TESTAMENT "INTRODUCTION TRANSLATORS TO THE READER" THE FRONTISPIECE FOR ALL PUBLISHED KING JAMES AUTHORIZED VERSIONS from 1611 WAS EXPUNGED and those Bibles destroyed; "under GOD" IS ADDED TO THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE CHIEF (only known by His Name perhaps by military ceremony of 13 folds) as ARTICLE VII DAYS -known only indirectly by Presbyterians where their Church leader taught - the word, Reformation .. but never its connections to AXIOMS DECLARATION APPLIED WHOLE LAW AND ALL THE PROPHETS CONSTITUTION AT, - THIS is the first CONNECTION MAGNIFICENCE OF HOLY TRINITY = ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH 3 PERSONS - ARTICLE VII DAYS -- WITNESSED WITH 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE - TO BIBLICAL POLITICAL/ civil-state magistrate POLITICAL PARTY PUPPET TONGUES, 2 KINGDOMS udhr 1947/49 art iii BIGGER number supremacy 5 human precept to 4 JUSTICES - HERITAGE JAY, ELLSWORTH, WILSON, BUSHROD WASHINGTON, ADAMS, FRANKLIN, JEFFERSON, MADISON OF PROPERTY ..HAMILTON among THE CHIEF'S 1/13TH WHITE STAR 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO - ORAL COMMON 10in2 - since March 12, 1770 Boston Gazette and Country Journal, among all large cities, but not the wilderness to which Tecumseh would be ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL LAW 10in2 even having no idea of that or of God or Christ Jesus by those 'N'ames, but very much by the heritage, LIFE= LAND= world to 'Tribal Chiefs' with 'dreams' all the way back to 1620 Indian Chief who help 'people in strange clothes' their first winter at Plymouth Rock.

NO ONE KNOWS THE "BIBLIOGRAPHICAL/ PROPHETS from after Rome's Fall (including Edward Gibbon, who is writing during "..THE 'T'welfth CHIEF IS ARTICLE VII DAYS GENESIS A Man, A Woman,  INTERVAL, APOSTLES Paul and Andrew
These church rooftops of 1302 papist successors; (Greek anti, “against”; nomos, “law”), doctrine according to which Christians are freed by grace from the necessity of obeying the Mosaic Law. 
(Greek anti, “against”; nomos, “law”), condemning the law as an unnecessary carry-over from the Old Testament and as too similar to the Roman Catholic stress on good works: “The Decalogue (Ten Commandments) belongs in the courthouse, not in the pulpit. . . . To the gallows with Moses!” In 1527 he became more forceful, attacking the Reformer Philipp Melanchthon, an associate of Luther, for Lutheran inclusion of the law in Reformation theology. The conflict was enlarged when Agricola returned to Wittenberg in 1536, and Luther responded with five disputations and the treatise “Against the Antinomians..."BRITANNICA;  1599 GENEVA PURITAN BIBLE, 1674 Church of England, westminster confessions; Evangelical "Henry H. Halley's Bible Handbook" and their Westbow List of 'SELF PUBLISHING' CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY' (some of which might also do old fashion publishing!) have no tree of knowledge of good and evil, are triune/ udhr devoted worshippers of  MATT 15, "..They love me with their lips, but their hearts are far, far away from me, for they teach but [arbitrary, predetermined conclusions..]"human precept.. [at, ];
        IV. All the connected topical lines of reference end in analytic summaries of the whole [Theological] teaching on that subject, thus guarding the reader from against hasty generalizations from a few passages or proof texts {the entirety of 'w'estminster and CCC creeds among Methodist, Baptist, Mormon, even above Congregationalists], The saying "any thing can be proved by the Bible" is both True and false [thus the Genesis tree of knowledge of good and evil in the very center of EDEN PARK] ---TRUE IF ISOLATED PASSAGES ARE USED; utterly false if  the whole divine revelation [21:18-20 where the second coming has not yet occurred] is in view.
     1917 Scofield and Committee Reference International Version, "Introduction V.  The great 'words of Scripture', as adoption, advocacy, assurance, atonement, church, conversion, death, election, eternal life, eternal punishment, faith, flesh,, forgiveness, grace, hell (whether shoal, Hades, or Gehenna/ (Valley of Hinnom), imputation, justification, kingdom, propitiation, redemption, repentance, righteousness, salvation, sanctification, sin, world (in its 4 meanings) = " 1a : the earthly state of human existence. b : life after death —used with a qualifier the next world. 2 : the earth with its inhabitants and all things upon it. 3 : individual course of life : career. 4 : the inhabitants of the earth : the human race."], .."  

FORBIDDEN by Matt 12 WORD/ LIFE= LAND PSM/ EDEN PARK 1 main river, upon leaving the Park, SPLITS INTO 4 OTHER RIVERS; scattered against Christ Jesus by the papist successors PROPERTY OF ALL FLESH ON WORLD BELOW -metonymy- unGLOBAL antigen enhanced viral disease in binomial machine worship and belief in craven image of vain idol od's BIGGER number, controlled,  minds categories in HERDSCMPTPOP, 1647 Church of England/ Westminster Confession triune that “Apocrypha” is not Canon proofed by only 3 Books, 4 Chapters of 4 verses and is no thing lessons [at, and THAT origin of ORAL COMMON 10IN2 LAWS OF GOD/ THE 15 BOOKS OF  HEBREW INTERVAL [AT,]; INCLUDING  1604-11 KING JAMES/ 47 CLERGY, WYCLIFFE, WISHART, TYNDALE, LUTHER - “is a COMMON MISTAKE” -- JOHN 14 IN 17 individual DOES NOT EXIST - ESPECIALLY AS COMMAND V, HERITAGE -  .. JUST LIKE JESUS IS CALLED A LIAR-- by the Matt.12 beelzebul v beelzebul/ particles-of-partitioning, in Matt. 15 lips arbitrary human precept are far away from me” DR. NOAH WEBSTER'S PREFACE & DISSERTATION ON DEFINITION OF LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION, ORIGIN FROM ADAM THEREFORE EVE [at,  with Matt 12 [at,  & 15 at, which includes 22 WHOLE LAW - ALL PROPHETS OF SOLELY YOUR 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO DIRECTLY TO CHRIST JESUS, POWER OVER ALL FLESH, REAL AND LIVING WAY: NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY MEANS OF ME” JESUS TEACHING...YOU READER!;.though this is John 14 in 17 [at, 

"For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, is the third person of the Trinity, the Triune God manifested as God, the Father, God the Son [thus Jesus is a liar!, and God the Holy Spirit, each entity itself being God. ... In Christian theology, pneum [prefix= air]atology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit;"

“..We affirm our belief in one God, infinite Spirit, creator, and sustainer of all things, who exists eternally in three persons , God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three are one in essence but distinct in person and function;" 

1978, 1999, 2015, Matt 4 temple= Rabbi Habash, environmental-communes of human 5 senses, flesh (pgs.12, 29-30 AXIOMS at,

; 'papist property church' Methodist, Baptist, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, Church of Christ, Congregational, sects of Protestant; and Islamic, tribal  mullah mosque unGLOBAL udhr virus, inanimate, binomial machine HERDSCMPTPOP enslaved controlled minds, hearts conscience, 24 Agenda 21/ climate change socialist  Creeds for communes-of-categories for human bodies 

"God's Reasons for Incarnation " Richard Swinburne       "There are three reasons why an omnipotent and perfectly good God might choose to become incarnate (to become human, as well as divine). The first is to provide atonement for our sins. All humans have wronged God, and the resulting guilt requires repentance, apology, and reparation. We can repent and apologize, but we have not the time or the will to ‘make it up’ to God. He must himself provide the reparation in the form of a perfect life of the kind that we should have lived. The second reason is to identify with our suffering, and the third is to reveal to us moral and theological truths that we need for living." 11/2003 ]

"Who is pastor Ed Litton? Meet the new Southern Baptist Convention president" Duane W. Gang, Holly Meyer; Nashville Tennessean; 06/18/21 at,

                        '..."Friends, we need a uniter, and Ed is uniquely that," Luter said. "In a time when conservative Southern Baptist African American leaders are questioning their connection to the convention, Ed has uniquely shown his commitment to racial reconciliation. ..Litton also helped write, according to the Baptist Press, the "Deep South Joint Statement on the Gospel, Racial Reconciliation, and Justice.” ...He said would encourage Southern Baptists to "get out of the bubble" and ask God to open their eyes to what is going on in their community ..."He looked at me and he just said, ‘I got to talk to someone.’ And he just started pouring his heart out, how broken he was and how tired he was of these things," Litton recalled. "And we just stood there. And for one moment, a beautiful moment, it was not a Black guy talking to a white guy. It was two men who were deeply concerned about their culture, deeply concerned about the community they live in and just finding commonality."

 ..."But I know this person and his name is [house of David 5 senses fleshy, bread is actual body] Jesus. And they know him, too. And so I think we can find that common ground..

"....He said his dad wasn't ready. But the pastor kept pressing in, loving his dad and inviting him to church [Matt.4 predetermined conclusions, rooftop with temple, mosque ]. "The day came where everything seemed to unravel like cheap sweater, and my dad cried out to God," Litton said.   " 

'THAT' the triune/ 1647 Westminster Confession, Church of England 't'rinitarian,  Divines (who are not readily identified, as are those of 1604-11 Committee decreed in edict UNTRUTH against, 1st Print only 1604-1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, 2nd HEBREW INTERVAL = ORAL COMMON 10 in2 GREATEST COMMANDS OF 3 PERSONS, YOUR 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO, ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, JOHN 14 in 17 = WHOLE MIND, WHOLE HEART AND NEIGHBOR/ FOLK as YOUR 'SELF', first, then those you know and will never know, King James, 47 Clergy,  became one devoted to the 1302 Boniface viii Bull -metonymy- Encyclical, papist successors, rooftop, church property with tariffs/ tithing, all countries of Western Europe and Western, biblical Asia  page 12 and 23... at,


        Most English Versions in use WORD in John 1 to connect Genesis to CHRIST / ADAM therefore EVE (Beginning), WITNESS to "LAMB of GOD", ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO - ORAL 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS upon which HANG THE WHOLE LAW AND ALL THE PROPHETS,  JESUS. What Dr. Moffatt did was substitute Greek word, LOGOS, Thought, Principle, Speech.  Because 1302 papist who, Matt. 12 'scattered Interval against Christ Jesus and 1674 'w'estminster 'c'onfession in,  "I. Although the light of nature and the works of creation and providence do so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men unexcusable;(a) yet are they not sufficient to give that knowledge of God and of His will, which is necessary unto salvation.(b) Therefore it pleased the Lord, at sundry times, and in divers manners, to reveal Himself, and to declare that His will unto His Church;(c) and afterwards, for the better preserving and propagating of the truth, and for the more sure establishment and comfort of the Church against the corruption of the flesh, and the malice of Satan and of the world, to commit the same wholly unto writing:(d) which maketh the Holy Scripture to be most necessary;(e) those former ways of God's revealing His will unto His people being now ceased.(f). 

(a) Rom. 2:14, 15; Rom. 1:19, 20; Ps. 19:1, 2, 3; Rom. 1:32, with chap. 2:1. (b) I Cor. 1:21; I Cor. 2:13, 14. (c) Heb. 1:1. (d) Prov. 22:19, 20, 21; Luke 1:3, 4; Rom. 15:4; Matt. 4:4, 7, 10; Isa. 8:19, 20. (e) II Tim. 3:15; II Pet. 1:19. (f) Heb. 1:1, 2.   

        [Note particles-of-partitioning/ or Nature's Law, "The Whole is the sum of each one part. Remove or ignore existence of one part, breaks the "chain of evidence"/ argument, 'that' Whole will never again be Whole;" and every Matt 4 layers/ of high impregnable walls supporting rooftops [Genesis 11 political puppet tongues] of Temptation 'church', 'temple', 'evangelical' 'mosque' has fallen into the same 'pit' - : 10 OT/ NT Books, Rom.2 Chapters of 16, with 28 verses support that PERFECT LOVE FATHER was very angry: punished a reptile that by its "Nature's Law" crawls on its belly; - so there is no punishment; - for a 'living thing' forked tongue, SPEECH, it is incapable of, but initiates the 'dialog' that will cause 'evil eve's fall against her companion/ helper -- ASSUMPTION - neither the 'W'oman (the 'M'an helper/ companion Woman was made from his rib - to suit him; but that neither would LOVE FATHER AS FATHER LOVES, HIS CHILDREN .. and more... Point: 'men [3rd Person(s)/ Embryo- Oral Common 10in2, who followed the Prophets and were the thousands who followed Christ Jesus are inexcusable 

MATT. 4 spirit devil's HIGHEST ROOFTOP definition of human precept temple, PAPIST FIEND, now in full bloom only because NO -ONE IS PERMITTED to say 'udhr and democracy + virus and binomial machine - ARE THE GREATEST LIES AGAINST  EVERY ONE BEING COMPOSING HIS SOVEREIGN NATION,  COMMANDMENT V, HERITAGE, JAMES 1, from Intercourse,  ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO= ORAL COMMON GREATEST TRUTH = - 3 PERSONS/ 1 "knows no changing of rising or setting, who casts no shadow on the earth -THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD. IT WAS HIS WILL THAT WE SHOULD BE BORN BY THE WORD of the TRUTH.." >>>>[AT,].

= 1853 ORIGINAL TEXT - YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN AND DO NOT EVEN KNOW EXISTS, indeed my great, great Grandfather's Legacy may well be the only remaining 'print'  - BUT neither do you know "Bibliographical history of the 1611 bible [at,]     "amid 'THIS 01/20/2009 false god, mohammed regime- 12 years of exponential "..DARKNESS' THE LIGHT SHOWN THROUGH;"  ---  (that's why PERFECT LOVE, FATHER was NOT walking in Eden because a man and a woman covered themselves with fig leaves & were hiding from Father- they could never have hidden from!)     >>>> IN HIS ETERNAL SON, FROM BEFORE THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH/ CHRIST JESUS/ ADAM, THEREFORE EVE'S OVA Mary's ova, just like a gender man = Adam's rib,  to help mate, a gender woman = Eve, because NATURE'S LAW, "THINGS EQUAL TO THE SAME THING ARE EQUAL TO EACH OTHER"; "... It was His own will that we should be born by the WORD of the Truth, JAMES 1 = JOHN 1 the Baptist --- connects the difference between your 2 kingdoms, particles-of-partitioning, 24/ 7, both ends against the middle, intrigues-of-dissonance, nations against their own 3rdPerson(s)/ Embryo- Oral Law, nations against nations, rhelms against rhelms TOTAL CHAOS/ DESTRUCTION and desolation, intrinsic to  papist successor's property of  art iii inquisitor, excommunication with interdiction as, "appropriation," from the One Kingdom of God "APPORTIONMENT BY ARTICLE VII Cof G 1/3,143 COUNTY LAND PSM, OF HIS 1/50TH WHITE STAR STATE .. PLACE OF HABITATION;" HENCE, ..the REASON 11/3 LED TO 12/2 -- massive ASSAULT AND SIEGE = HORROR ABOMINATION - a machine cannot be TRUTH - IT ONLY LIES, LIKE THE SPEECH OF GEN 3 FORKED - TONGUE SERPENT, evangelical- re-manufactured word ,'c'hristian with or without the tribal, mullah magistrate court mosque  

"The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God | Highlights Ep.18" [at, ];  "Four Pillars: Educating for America [Learning, Character, Faith, Freedom]" opines and he is by no means, alone, that Jesus, "Hate me you hate my Father who sent me (John 15 at,] cannot have GOD without WORD/ CHRIST JESUS, largely a consequence both of ignorance of the papist fiend, named about 1320-1383 by APOSTLE JOHN WYCLIFFE, disciple William Tyndale; that whole political party puppet tongues course of canon feudal- ignorance, John Adams writes, among most of the MATT 18 WITNESS/ SIGNERS - ('founders' is a human precept label of misunderstood ALITHIA/ PHRONESIS - APOSTLE WYCLIFE dialogs with throughout his "Tracts and Treatists," yields evil,  Larry P. Arnin, President, December 2019 • Volume 48, Number 12 [AT, ]; "George Washington & Israel" Peter A. Lillback, PH.D. 1647 Westminster Confession, CHURCH of England divines  ...THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Jan Calvin, John Wesley - triune/ trinitarian; Jim DeMint, Heritage Society; The Claremont Institute; Pacific Legal Foundation  --- essentially --- EXPUNGED unique, first print only, 1604-1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE,SECOND HEBREW TESTAMENT KING JAMES, 47 CLERGY, THE GREAT TRUTH BIBLE  ...; even accused of what is NOW THE HORROR ABOMINATIONS - you, out of FEAR-by-IGNORANCE greatest, spirit devil tool..wear your maskOVERtongue, FORBIDDEN to UNDERSTAND THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD, PERFECT LOVE FATHER with HIS SON/ CHRIST/ ADAM, THEREFORE EVE ova, THEREFORE MARY ova to her AUNT ELIZABETH, UNCLE ZARCHARIAH = son JOHN 1 the BAPTIST, and having no way to connect this Biblical scholar, perversion, ENDORSE! But CHRIST JESUS IS WELL AWARE OF THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS, HE HAS LED TO - YOU, "ELECT" on His Right -- Matt. 12 those who have taken Vow to obey THE HOLY TRINITY-- SPEAK father evil-lie, forked tongue serpent, anyway SPEAKING, PERFORMING DEEDS/ ACTS OF HORROR ABOMINATION - HAVE NO WORD/ NO CHRIST JESUS IS NO EXISTENCE; THUS - THOSE of CAIN'S MARK, papist/ artiii/ axis nations/ eu empire borderless, plastic commerce of binomial machine cryptocurrency/ bitcoins traded as if there was 'treasure' populate delusional, ADVERSARIAL democracy of the triune/ udhr,  BECOME MORE EVIL THAN THE papist fiend [Apostle Wycliffe so named, with his Trilogy dialogs with ALTHIA/  PRONESIS} and his federalist society inquisitors; ..STILL, just as Wycliffe argued should not be teaching any THING but the TRUTH that ARE THE WORD THE ETERNAL love HIS SON, together THEY, ONLY to those who remain STEADFAST -- THE WONDER THAT YOU, having no conscience thought whatsoever, have been, more on .. than off (Let he who is without sin throw the first stone ...ANY ONE WHO SINS IS A SLAVE!!!!!!....I KNOW you are Abraham's [connects  Hebrew's 6 to Mt. Sinai to ORAL COMMON LAW origin] offspring! Yet you want to kill me, since my WORD makes no 'head' way among you! I speak of what I have seen with my Father, and you act as your have learned from your father."  They [He's inside the temple speaking to the High Priest and Pharisees/ Scribes]. They answered him, "Abraham is our father." "If you are Abraham's children, said Jesus, THEN DO AS ABRAHAM DID: but now you want to kill me ---to kill a man who HAS TOLD YOU THE TRUTH, THE TRUTH I HAVE LEARNED FROM GOD. Abraham did not do that. You do the deeds of your father. ... [3rd Person/ Embryo - all speaking ORAL COMMON 10in2WORD= LIFE= LAND =LIGHT/ UNDERSTANDING, Jesus is giving 8 pivitol LESSONS HERE, ]. 

OUT OF UTTER IGNORANCE shared all the way back to Paul in ALL HIS BOOKS, necessarily the great importance of ACTS 28 PUBLIUS, and his son, Governor of Malta, the first Western European Nation to make THE HOLY TRINITY, Paul's church is his Eternal Soul=Spirit Truth, 3rdPerson/ Embryo - ORAL COMMON LAW - to those he knows and will never know ..THE PEN-NAME, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, JOHN JAY, JAMES MADISON -- MAJORITY LIMITED FOR LIBERTY -- PROPERTY = AMEND IX [at,  ]  - 85 COMMENTARIES IN FAVOR OF THE CHIEF - BATTLE FLAG ... LORD'S PRAYER in 04/29/1775 - start of REVOLUTION THEN GB - now ... 1302 papist successors/ clerics of 1647 Westminster-- actually in confessor saying KING JAMES, 47 CLERGY IN THE ERAS OF HUMAN EVENTS AMONG MATT 18 WITNESSES - UNION JACK, St. George, Roman Centurion, drawn and quartered by Diocletian because he refusted to kill 'C'hristians --THEY are the preventers of SCRIPTURE, not the 'Divines (some of whom might not have agreed with that confession at all), blasphemy against "SPIRIT": In Matt 12, among the 6 or 7 I use most often, Dr Moffatt's, that WORD is 'alone' or holy 'G'host [is ethereal, mysterious, unknowable - so that's eliminated as an expression of "blasphemy never FORGIVEN in this world or in the world to come - that is now THIS WORLD! So, 'S'pirit is 3 PERSONS (Matt. 22 positioned, THE ETERNAL GOD, THE FATHER, his Son, first husband, Command V, father, one  flesh/ 'S'pirit 1st wife/ mother EVE, now A Woman Ova= directly as will be Mary and her Aunt Elizabeth's Ova == THE FIRST SPIRIT TRUTH HOLY TRINITY.. [ ].

         It is very important to READ for what he teaches is of immense value to UNDERSTANDING  LIFE= LAND= LIGHT and you neighbor folk as you SELF, "But of this I feel sure, that any serious effort, however imperfect it may be, to render these scriptures into the English of our own day, will be welcomed by an increasing number TO THOSE WHO DESIRE TO UNDERSTAND AS PRECISELY AS POSSIBLE WHAT ANY PASSAGE MEANT, by way of pleasure and profit, FOR THE PEOPLE TO WHOM IT WAS ORIGINALLY ADDRESSED. ..".- INTRODUCTION [ &  ... appropriated word use and improper sciolists - Noah Teaches in his Preface MUST READ .. is why lie, steal,.. 'missed use of Spirit and very inappropriate, condescending 'G'host are examples and the lesson for YOU reader -- is of the very, very, very sparse use of WORD in both DECLARATION AND the particles-of-partitioning the WHOLE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA .. HAS. invariably, forked tongue serpent deceit in CAIN'S planned 'oh whoe is me .. even having a hard time, understanding (I'm working on it..) perhaps Cain is the essence of TREE OF KNOWLEGE ultimate evil - certainly father (Adam adds his 'N'ame in Gen. 4:1 after his first born / as well as mother, Eve's LOVE TRUST PROMISE FATHER, so His WORD IS.. The WHOLE TRUTH, and they do love each other, eternally, Yep! they're still here ..ETERNAL MEANS ETERNAL ... or not... means from Matt 10 dead soul in 5 senses body to Matt 12 by your words you will be condemned in John 14... you meet YOUR SPIRIT in JESUS SPIRIT at the end of your physiology..NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY MEANS OF ME )...IS..

   -- DIRECTLY ...the words 'dead'/ 'death' = dust to dust, 6 feet under, or at sea, is historic practicality, but NEVER INTENDED TO CARRY CONNOTATION of UNTRUTH, SLOGAN "Wear-a-mask OVERtongue Save-a-human precept word 'life'"...virus T-cell species .. binomial machine to decide papist/ artiii triune/ udhr unGLOBAL HERDSCMPTPOP- disguised as 'farce word from Greek history, 'De-mock-racy' subsidiarity, every 5 senses body does whatever he wants to do.. ANARCHY, OPEN PLATFORM  CHAOS,...  LED TO THIS CURRENT  HORROR ABOMINATION BECAUSE ORAL COMMON LAW - SUPREME LAW OF ARTICLE IV, VI ORAL LAW TRUTH-- SHALL NOT EXIST among any nation's, "RELIGION, 4. Any system of faith and worship. In this sense, religion comprehends the belief and worship of pagans and Mohammedans, as well as of 'c'hristians; any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers as, any nation's forms, sects, factions, particle-of-partitioning-divisions,  political party puppet tongues worship of chruch's idol god, BIGGER number, .

ETERNAL SOUL, Russ Limbaugh, about 2009, knew about May 19,1828 Tariffs of Abominations, that's where I learned about, "skin color civil war;" but NONE OF YOU HAVE EVER EVEN CONSIDERED, that the 1302 papist 2 kingdoms political party puppet tongues, were as much a TERROR ABOMINATION as 2016-11/3, 12/2 assault and siege AGAINST THE CHIEF, ARTICLE VII DAYS ORAL COMMON 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS! 'THIS' dates back to President Andrew Jackson, who 1833 declared 'this' clear and distinct absolute EXPUNGE OF HOLY TRINITY --you won't believe what you can read ---BUT NO CHILD/ YOUTH/ COLLEGE WILL EVER BE PERMITTED TO KNOW WHOLE TRUTH .. "An Act in alteration of the several acts imposing duties on imports" [at,  ].  

In 1833, Pres. Jackson knew it was NULL & VOID from inception -- but he - JUST LIKE THIS NANOSECOND - DID NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE 'MATT 18 SIGNERS CONNECTIONS WERE TO THE HOLY TRINITY' NATIONS - DOCUMENTS: 1611 / 2ND HEBREW ORAL COMMON LAW TESTAMENT, GREAT BRITAIN to WE HAVE REMINDED THEM OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES FOR OUR EMIGRATION AND SETTLEMENT HERE - MAYFLOWER. But PARTY PUPPET TONGUES RULED UNTRUTH .. SO,  1842 Black tariff reigned to 04/12/1861 = TARIFFS AGAINST THE ORAL COMMON LAWS OF THE CHIEF/ ARTICLE VII, IN VI IN VI ARE 33 YEARS!  AND TO CONNECT TO 11/3 = 12/2 PRESIDENT TRUMP --IN SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION TO YOU---READER-- ARTICLE VII WHO HAVE ABOLISHED COMPLETELY this ABOMINATION papist/ art iii inquisition/ excommunication NO EXISTENCE - unGLOBAL virus/ binomial machine, triune is udhr, maskOVERtongue- why #19's media - human precept does not get to TELL SPRIT TRUTH and no concept of either YELLOW journalism or CANONS OF JOURNALISM - 5W's and H [at,]  -- they are way to ignorant to tell YOU, ESPECIALLY THOSE OS YOU WHO FROM 1998 have been EXERCSING YOUR RIGHT TO ABOLISH this now, exponential, 71 years worth of art iii political party puppet tongues in competition with art i to see who will win greatest rapacity in perdition! and the 'states rights ignorant fall all over them selves to join-in so EVERY state chases it evil and will never come close to stopping its malice prepense attack and siege - thus shooting it 'self' among neighbor states so all succumb to eu empire borderless commerce with plastic monetary lock by your IPAD identity card.. security code not with standing, since you will never be allowed to use it by the Treasury police state ..EPI card revoked, among password  machine-imperative-despot -- humans run a machine - not the other way round!   - 3 PERSONS ORAL COMMON LAW  what that means in despot oligarchs - education, freedom, no character/ 24 social creeds by the rooftop's categories of 5 senses human flesh - all are guilty of whatever the wind blows and must prove them selves  innocent .. including IRS CONFISCATED TRIBUTE TO SUPPORT THE RAVENOUS WOLVES, WORKERS OF INIQUITY! -- 

"..They will do this to you on account of my 'N'ame/WORD/ LOGOS CHRIST JESUS, BECAUSE THEY KNOW NOT HIM WHO SENT ME. THEY WOULD NOT BE GUILTY, IF I HAD NOT COME AND SPOKEN TO THEM; but as it is, they have no excuse for their sin--- HE WHO HATES ME HATES MY FATHER also. They would not be guilty, if I had not done deeds among them such as no one has ever done, but as it is, THEY HAVE SEEN ---AND THEY HAVE HATED---BOTH ME AND MY FATHER. It is that the word in their 'L'aw may be fulfilled:  THEY HATED ME FOR NO CAUSE. [ ] 

2016/ 2020 "Treason, Bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors ..." ..Hate  supremacy is over White Star/ Stripe #4, GEORGIA 01/02/1788; White Star/ Red Stripe 04/28/1788 MARYLAND; White Star/ White Stripe #8 SOUTH CAROLINA; WHITE STAR/ WHITE STRIPE #10, 06/25/1788 VIRGINIA; WHITE STAR/ WHITE STRIPE #12, 11/21/1789 NORTH CAROLINA = 5 of 13 who were commanded that ARTICLE VII in IV, IN VI -- AMENDMENT IX AND BOTH PREAMBLES -- DO NOT EXIST = THUS APART FROM GOD -and 

>RIGHT this pica-second, those of you less than 49 most - have NO KNOWLEDGE WHATSOEVER OF THE MAGNIFICENCE OF NOT JUST USA - BUT GOD IN CHRIST JESUS - HEAVEN AND EARTH - ALL THAT BELONG TO THEM,,,,,the '2 kingdoms, unGLOBAL udhr UNTRUTH controlling your mind, heart, conscience, includes  --- YOU, READER, SHALL NEVER EVER KNOW THE TOTAL HATE - UNTRUTH - though most of you- ARE WELL AWARE, JUST NOT SURE WHAT YOU CAN DO TO EXPUNGE -- THE HATE-EXPUNGERS!!!: 

This is WHERE MATT. 25, CHRIST JESUS IS ON HIS THRONE .. and... awaiting His Father, ALONE, DECIDES day, hour EXISTENCE IS THE END OF EARTH .. not the Elect, Steadfast ...

THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS, GENESIS, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL COMMON 10in2 Truth, White Star/ White Stripe #4,  01/02/1788 GEORGIA RANK (from the least ART VII CofG to the BIGGEST) 34/50, 159/ 3,143 counties/ county equivalent = 186.3 ART. IV in VI, Both PREAMBLES, PSM LIFE= 57,513.9 sq.mi. LAND RANK 21/50;   but papist/ triune/ udhr artiii 435 particles-of-partitioning, unGLOBAL enslaved HERDSCMPTPOP  = 10,711,908, RANK for father evil lie APPROPRIATION #6/ 50 with 18 MEGAregion of MEGApolis [SEE PG. 5, 6 COUNTIES HAVE 11,343 CofG ON BLUE CLUSTERS OF 'REPEATING CONTINUITY PSM, among the other VERY, VERY IMPORTANT LIFE= LAND for the less than 5 CofG are often CARETAKERS OF OUR PRESERVE NATIONAL PARKS, MONUMNETS, RIVERS .. to which  WE THE PEOPLE CAN PAT OURSELVES ON OUR BACKS --GOOD JOB!!!, except when the police-state-thinks it greater than any other human on earth! messes up the creatures we are to be Masters OVER, not dominion -- masters for each one species RIGHT to its sq mile of LIFE/ LAND, among elephants, whales, crows/ravens every bit a family community as we are ... to guarantee the worship of idol god's BIGGER number binomial machine or not and SOS has NO INTENTION OF OBEYING HIS ORAL COMMON 10in2 greatest commands against him SELF - those he gave his TRUST IN PROMISE BY SPOKEN WORD/ and BIGGER, 7 of 14 both party puppet tongues, all RAN TO SUPPORT SKIN COLOR,'spell' "NINETEEN TH" in utter condescending HATE, and probably are very much for CONFICATED TRIBUTE TO SUPPORT unGLOBAL HERDS OF AGENDA 21/ CLIMATE CHANGE AS WELL AS BORDELESS COMMERCE/ MONETARY BY PLASTIC - IRREFUTABLE PASSWORDS --  SHALL VIOLATE 10, lie, steal, bear false witness, covet confiscated tribute.. in 2 Great Commands - they lie to themselves, thus those they know and will never know .. and do not even blink-an-eyelash that ART VII CofG HAS EXERCISED HIS CERTAIN, UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO ABOLISH ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT DESTRUCCTIVE OF THESE ENDS - THE 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE DERIVES THOMAS JEFFERSON EVERY 'WORD/ CHRIST with GOD YOUR ARE 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO IN TRINITY ... : to which

    artiii 435 census-police-state, genuinely thinks they are UNACCOUTABLE for lie, steal forgery in fraud, TOTAL COUNTY POPULATION DIVIDED BY ITS INTACT LAND BOUNDARIES PSM = ART VII Cof G property of TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE BALLOT, -- that does not exist since what you have just read IS TOTALLY EXPUNGED along with both federalist society's adoration of the 1302 papist "indulgences and pardons, notably that CHRIST JESUS DOESN'T EXIST, since BLASPHEMY of ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD - WORD/ CHRIST, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO from Eve's Ova to Mary's Ova by way of Aunt Elizabeth's Ova/ Uncle Zachariah is silenced until his son, John 1 the Baptist is born .. WITNESS- PRAYER to the Lamb of God..  SO, INDEED, THEY DO NOT EXIST - for those who have CHOSEN TO HATE THE ETERNAL SPIRIT WILL, NEVER AGAIN, EVER SEE, NOR UNDERSTAND - TRUTH. THEY CANNOT! but their horror abomination doesn't end there:  THEY HAVE CRUSHED DOWN THE INNOCENCE AND PURITY of generations of Newborn, Toddler, Child, Youth .. A Man, A Woman SINCE 1927 TENNESSEE MONKEY TRIAL where creationism (NO GENESIS permitted) vs Turkana Boy evolution is the 10 'greatest human precept courts of "ISOLATED amendment clauses are used to determine orchestrated words, 'free', 'exercise' 'church, temple, mosque rooftop magistrates of dead soul 'authority' decde 'equaltiy' by 5 senses body organs of skin, mixed, match, re-manufactured and even pedagogy against a 5 year old, a nine year old female medicated with tylenol, and the 40 miles distant river, where 

 President 2016-2020 Trump/ Senator Perdue where a runoff WAS SOLELY PAPIST / 1647 westminster confession/ 1947/49 high impregnable 'layers of walls supporting highest rooftops of 'deaed soul, aristocratic oligarchs , 2 KINGDOMS  unGLOBAL triune/ udhr HERDSCMPTPOP - [ & ;

 WS7 MD- PRES TRUMP 2016/202; , WS10 VA includes artiii 435 census 04/2010, 03/01/2020=04/29/20 papist, inquisition- federalist society, 38 particle-of-partitioning MEGAregions, clustered MEGApolis, idol god BIGGER number-metonymy 'democracy/popular' disguised as, failed Greek city states within 's'upreme 'L'aw of '"C'ounty Life=Land APPORTIONED PSM', AND boundaries of 95 counties where the governor sits -- NO EXISTENCE- ARTICLE VII Cof G [at, ;

WS/Stripe #12 North Carolina: Govenor --

WORD/ LOGOS/ CHRIST, John1, with THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD THE PERFECT LOVE FATHER, in His Son  IS THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NO THING BUT THE TRUTH, ARTICLE VII DAYS/ GENESIS, from dust, mouth to nostrils,  A Man, from Man's rib, A Wo-man, the Man named ..; His Breath/ lungs Plural sac supporting Heart/ Blood - pericardial sac, necessarily connecting dura mater to brain, HIS SON, 1st husband/ COMMAND V father ADAM (but not until after Cain's mark, Genesis 4:25, therefore, 1st wife/ COMMAND V mother, EVE {LIFE), the Man named After the forked-tongue serpent incapable of SPEECH, but does anyway, 'it' initiates the dialog against INNOCENCE & PURITY, Mutual "Help Meet" preteens EVE - ADAM SHARE (GEN 3:20) ~~~Mary's Ova SAME PERFECT LOVE FATHER AS EVE'S, ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO-ORAL COMMON 10in2 COMMANDS JESUS, POWER OVER ALL FLESH GIVEN by His Father - SPOKEN Matt. 12 = WORD/ EXISTENCE= LIFE= LAND PSM= LIGHT is also, HEBREW 15 CHAPTERS 2nd TESTAMENT, WITNESS, INTERVAL - ORAL COMMON 10in2 COMMANDS, within SOLELY HAMPTON COURT of  KING JAMES, 47 clergy, WYCLIFFE, TYNDALE, LUTHER from his German - 1604- 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE - BIBLIOGRAPHICAL political party puppet tongues at,

 Ecclesiasticus, Chapter XVII, "1 How God created and furnished man. 14 Auoid all sinne: 19 For God seeth all things. 25 Turne to him while thou liuest;" #6 UNDERSTANDING #7  SPEECH, an INTERPRETER of the COGITATIONS thereof " = THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS 3 PERSONS= FIRST HOLY TRINITY is THE ETERNAL PERFECT LOVE FATHER, on His RIGHT with CHRIST in ADAM one flesh in EVE: ....A young PROPHET Zachariah 1 flesh wife,  Elizabeth [at, JUST READ IT -- DO NOT WORRY ABOUT CHAPTER OR VERSE MOVED - the very last, and UNTRUTH, verses of the entirety of the 1611- AUTHORIZED KING JAMES/ 47 CLERGY, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, human precept delusional, adversarial political party puppet tongues, Revelations says,.. 2nd coming has not occurred! ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH = MATT. 18, 2or 3 gathered in His 'N'ame Jesus says, "I AM PRESENT AMONG THEM [at, ]; Mary's Uncle and Aunt are now elderly, Jesus mother, when she visits them, John 1, the Baptist, by whom YOU, Reader 8days or not.., BAPTIZES YOU- IN JESUS' 'N'ame - 3 ETERNAL SOULS ARE PRESENT -- not  'Matt. 4, temper, Young Jesus' (having fasted 40 days and 40 nights = Genesis 9, his Father's Promise not to repeat DELUGE to redeem him 'SELF' - spirit devil's inanimate things as Gen 11 Bab-ye-lon layers of walls of separation supporting the rooftops of courts of oligarch, political party puppets, labels of  ecclesiastical, law, statute, rulings, regulations, administrative-police-state, usurpers by despotism herein, public and private, ;papist xi subsidiarity/ anarchy, 'temple, church, tribal mosque 2 kingdoms  triune -metonymy- udhr in democracy's -metonymy- socialist commune's unGLOBAL craven image, binomial machine  at, ; where "..While the First Amendment does not apply to private companies such as Parler, all social networks, any-enemy of papist =PLO, planned parenthood-; illegal alien- chained Slaves extorted and led-by-hate, into HERDSCMPTPOP who SHALL ALWAYS BE 'FLESH-without-any country whatsoever , even INNOCENCE AND PURITY, become those who have chosen never to even recognize, that papist/ priest CANNOT, FORGIVE BLASPHEMY AGAINST WORD/ LIFE = LAND /FEET PSM, they are as enslaved to as are those YOUTH/ PRETEEN ,A Man.. A Woman carrying their own, category label. -So underground and hidden inplain sight, jobs within the admintrative-police-state - FEDERAL and 435 census of MEGAregions/ MEGA POLIS of 'public redistricting committees' paid with confiscated tribute in order to  eradicate   eu empire our mission is to create a social platform in the spirit of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution...  - PROOF -- of a most severe case of DELUSIONAL PSYCHOSIS - THAT HOLY TRINITY - CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS - 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO - ORAL COMMON 10in2 COMMANDS OF 3 ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH SHALL NOT EXIST - and all humanoid robotron software/ hardware are enslaved TO ENFORCE 2 kingdoms triune / udhr HATE ...AND THAT INANIMATE MACHINE by oligarch/ anarchist worship & sacred, kowtow belief in super, idol god BIGGER number APPROBATION unGLOBAL HERDSCMPTPOP determine both a living indifferent thing virus with its antigen enhancement of physiology of THE FATHER'S BLOOD from the dust into nostrils of A Man, ribs A Woman, normal white cell, lymphocyte, cytokines causing WRONGFUL DEATH by forced vaccination - always perpetrated by NEVER PERMIT ALL KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION TO MAKE EACH ONE PERSON'S WORD = ORAL COMMON LAWS OF HOLY TRINITY, CHOICE OF HIS LIFE= LAND= LIGHT ...ARTICLE VII Cof G HAS ABOLISHED THAT FORM OF GOVERNMENT DESTRUCTIVE TO THE ENDS -- ETERNAL SPIRIT = 3 UNIQUE PERSONS.

 "{I adjure all who HEAR the words of the prophecy of this book: "If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book; and if anyone takes away any words written in this book, God will take away his share in the {Genesis} tree of 'L'ife and in the holy 'C'ity described in 'this' book."]. He who bears this testimony says, "Even so,: I am coming very soon." Lord Jesus, come! The grace of Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen."  

--- FIRST - UNDERSTAND DR MOFFATT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FROM THE ORIGINAL TEXTS,  DIRECT NEW RENDERING, NOT FROM ANY PREVIOUS ENGLISH VERSION - HE KNOW 1611 & INTERVAL ..the entirety of this  ending passage is absolutely OBEYED to the Letter or the law [at,  & CONCORDANCE INTRODUCTION  Having said that, reading via Ecclsiasticus xvii means ATTENDING to WORD= LIFE= LIGHT/ UNDERSTANDING TRUTH -SETS YOU WHO HAVE CHOSEN TO ABIDE BY LORD JESUS WORD -- MUST QUESTION WHEN the bold - cannot be ignored given PAUL'S BOOKS - THE GENESIS FORK TONGUE AND KNOWING WHAT WYCLIFFE -- HERITAGE OF ALL THE PROPHETS ---the phrase "all the saints" ! That's not God or Christ's REASONING - ESPECIALLY NOT with 2 kingdoms imperative for LABELS AND SLOGANS -- "THE BIBLE IS WRITTEN FOR COMMUNITY AND NOT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL is UNTRUTH triune, Matt. 4 rooftop oligarch adding 1302 papist no VOW! Thus, apparent inconsistencies [Revelations or should it be read Bible & IF SO, why not speak the characters that WITNESS/ subscribe by 'N'ame -SPEAK word 'Bible' ...!]

[regardless of color of office or no office whatsoever.. Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder's father vs the Baptist minister, who very young child held the sign, "GOD HATES THE USA" is very guilty pg 10 in "1947-49  article iii oath of 72 + years, to heritage high priest to P. Pilate government-of-flesh political party-puppets, descendant 2 kingdoms, papist successors perversion of THE CHIEF - ARTICLE VII BINDING 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE = A 3rd PERSON .." at,

 ANY THING IN THE CONSTITUTION OF LAWS OF ANY STATE TO THE 'C'ONTRARY NOTWITHSTANDING -- ALL NATIONS ON THEIR RESPECTIVE EARTH PLATES, composed by A 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL COMMON LAWS BECAUSE GOD AND CHRIST JESUS ARE A MATTER OF CHOICE, not of arbitrary human precept, predetermined conclusions - extortion.   .... NO EXISTENCE/5 SENSES, FLESH WORD/ DEAD SOUL HOSTILE TO GOD; THEY DO NOT YIELD TO THE LAW OF GOD (INDEED THEY CANNOT);  but ...just 5 Chapters later, 13, they have decreed themselves the "government 'authorities"  courts of human precept magistrates with police -state minions by subsidiarity. and demand all flesh to kowtow in absolute udhr #30 obedience; but they ONLY EXIST APART FROM TRUTH - THE ETERNAL IN HIS SONIN HIS FATHER, CHRIST JESUS, POWER OVERALL FLESH

IN OTHER WORDS - every WORD, EVERY ELECTION RESULT NOTABLY 2008 TO DATE village township, city, county, State or federal any appoint official any government-official regardless of color of office --  ACT, LEGISLATION, E.O. STATUTE, REGULATION /ADMINISTRATIVE-POLICE STATE PUBLIC, PRIVATE MEDICAL ANY FORM OF PROVIDING CARE ... SHALLVIRUS/ VAX ,  COURT RULING.. IS NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION - it is in the wastebasket .. even given, many as I noted above, 49 or younger, HAVE NEVER BEEN PERMITTED ecclesiastical or civil state - to see and know THE HOLY TRINITY of their own, unique 3rd Person/ Embryo - oral -- 10 Commandments in 2 GREATEST  COMMANDS YOUR, READER, WHOLE HEART, WHOLE MIND ,, THEN YOUR FOLKS .. AS YOUR 'SELF' ...  

PRESIDENT TRUMP, THE GOVERNORS from 2016, yearly to date; ALL 3 CLASSES OF SENATORS; AND THEREFORE, nearly the entirety of  the 435 art iii particles-of-partitioning unGLOBAL 2 kingdoms udhr, idol god's MEGAregions of MEGApolis - stuffed, binomial machine ballot boxes . HERDSCMPTPOP -- ARE REMOVED ...FROM OFFICE -MATT 12 CONDEMNED BY THEIR OWN NO EXISTENCE -  EXPUNGED -THE ETERNAL CHIEF--FIRST PERSON, ARTICLE VII IN IV IN VI - Candidates ART VII CofG GAVE THEIR CONSENT - TAKE THEIR SEATS --

- POLITICAL PARTY PUPPET TONGUES,  (from Moses at Mt. Sinai !!..) the entirety of THE HOLY BIBLE - (even given why those CONNECTIONS ARE AS SEVERED as what WESTMINSTER performed in kowtow to the papist successor property of world below ...), RULED ...Your 'c'hristian declaration has no idea of 'course of human events ..powers of earth - SPIRIT TRUTH 24/7  all roles, of even a newborn, toddler's roles -challenges- of Life...supreme to THE LAWS OF GOD - THE CHIEF, ARTICLE VII in IV in VI -- THE PRIME REASON - 4 PILLARS- have no TRUTH/ WORD= LIFE= LAND PSM= AND YOUR DEVOTION TO THAT MISLEAD, AND THAT TO WHY YOU DO NOT PERCEIVE JUST HOW MUCH with FRANKLIN, JEFFERSON, ADAMS,  WILSON, ELLSWORTH, JAY, MADISON ..MONROE KNEW JESUS WAS CALLED A LIAR, and CRUCIFIED BECAUSE HIS TRUTH .. was to big a threat to Matt 15,John 11, human precept predetermined conclusions of the papist control of scripture - the above PRIESTS knew was FALSE ...AND GAVE EACH, HIS LIFE, FORTUNE AND SACRED HONOR ... YOU MUST HOLD YOU 'SELVES'' EACH ONE ALONE, DIRECTLY ACCOUNTABLE TO CHRIST JESUS - you will not go to the father, except through Him you, deny because the papist told Calving and Wesley - Halley's Bible Handbook - to believe that lie .. to where I, yes you can lay on udhr #19-29, EVEN 'ZEALOT' because I know who Dr Moffatt is - as well as very FORBIDDEN Dr. Webster - to which, Dr Arnin, you could create a course on THE 7 OPERATIONS GOD MADE AND FURNISHED YOU that DR WEBSTER PROOFED!) -  on me -- (for I have, directly spoken and written to each one of you!! given, I was still learning ... but YOU STOPPED!)


   Just like WHOLE LAW AND ALL THE PROPHETS when 2 or 3 Gather in JESUS "..we hereunto subscribe by our 'N'AMES,  "THE CHIEF, ARTICLE VII DAYS..huge CONNECTION links ALL 3 TESTAMENTS 1604 - 1611, first PRINT only, HOLY TRINITY BIBLE KING JAMES WITH 47 CLERGY WESTMINSTER ABBEY, OXFORD, CAMBRIDGE (up to 1999 when they embedded to Paul ii papist 2 rhelms  against HOLY TRINITY - DIRECTLY Vs CHRIST JESUS, MATT.12

,from conception = "breath into nostrils of ADAM, help mate, EVE to suit ONE ANOTHER, "..LONG LIFE in the LAND PSM, the LORD  EXISTENCE/ CHRIST JESUS, John 17, WITNESSES=ORAL COMMON 10in2 COMMANDS WHOLE MIND, WHOLE HEART "..from before the foundations of the earth/ biblical PLANET means 5 senses/ flesh -biblical metonymy-body 'physiology, neurology upon which psychology, anatomy, within 2 weeks after intercourse, neuroblast to dura mater, many, especially of the unGLOBAL WSummit Binomial, written, email, 1  way contract -ORAL COMMON LAWS OF GOD, FORBIDDEN any flesh atoms; but lots of +/- atoms of inanimate and living indifferent 'T'hings, have no concept whatsoever of those micron layered waffles 'charged' to carry physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy, which are IMPERATIVE to LIBERTY of both GENESIS TREES of John 1 EXISTENCE LAND PSM for MOST EVIL or MOST GOOD - DEPENDING solely on how 'that' word is COMPREHENDED' (3rd THE CHIEF JUSTICE APPOINTED BY THE GENERAL OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, 04/29/1775, " 'd'one ("on earth as it is in heaven..") ...Independence the 'T'welfth 'I'n 'W'itness (=ORAL COMMON 10in2 GREATEST TRUTH COMMANDS) whereof 'W'e (includes YOU Reader + Any ONE BEING LEGAL EMIGRE WHO CHOOSES TO PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO HOLY TRINITY, 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO, "1/ 3,143 PLACE OF HABITATION COUNTY LAND or equivalent, PSM) ETERNAL SOUL Oliver Ellsworth) and See 12/24/19 midnight Mass, pg. 40  --- opposed -- to first print only, 1611 HOLY TRINITY GREAT TRUTH BIBLE,  "INTRODUCTION, 47 CLERGY TRANSLATORS to the READER, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY,1st Print only, 1604-1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, HEBREW Second Testament = Witness = Oral Common whole heart, Whole Mind & neighbor as 'SELF=ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH [at, ], pg. 13, "The FORBIDDEN 11th CENTURY.." at, and

1302 papist/ 1954, '99 Paul II justification, 2015 label, 'reformation' triune cleric, 1947/49 art iii federalist society confederation 435 embedded to unGLOBAL udhr, 2 kingdoms civil-police-state dead soul, 5 senses flesh in MATT 10 GEHENNA, at, , MAGISTRATE - DOMINION,  public and private, 1932 'p'ius xi/ 'm'usollini/  'h'itler/ 'h'ussain/ osama bin laden & .. et al. , rejuvenated by this 11/3/ political party puppet tongues - embedded in deep, kowtow continuing chained SLAVERY to social order, paragraph 80 subsidiarity/ socialist communes of delusional, adversarial = Guilty until proven innocent via excommunication, inquisition, interdiction in honor of...craven image WSIS "Religious belief and worship, udhr #18, in a superior power governing world below inanimate binomial machine- votes;  innately, INCLUDING living indifferent, 1973, COMMON LAW PUBLIC VALUE (CLPV) unGLOBAL, CONFISCATED TRIBUTE/ tithing, international court of iniquity, ravenous wolves grapes from thorns, figs from thistles ,re-manufacture, controlled mind, heart udhr word, 'injury' that cannot possibly involve any Commandment V, 3rdPerson/ Embryo- WORD to LOVE, OBEY, FOLLOW CHRIST JESUS, at, "Only in 240 year old America God/Truth Is Law at, .... necessarily including..

papist FIEND/ 1647 'w'estminster / 1999 declar justification/ 2015 bull/ encyclical/ axis nations, eu empire borderless/ plastic/ binomial machine 47/49artiii435 census unGLOBAL triune/ udhr anachist, oligarchs UNTRUTH HAVE DECREED that THE 1604-1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, SECOND HEBREW WITNESS .. INTERVAL. THAT THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD, THE FATHER, HEAVEN, IN HIS SON, WORD/ CHRIST JESUS, EARTH, SHALL NOT EXIST....this 02/14/2008/ 01/20/2009 false god, mohammed, untruth  this 12 year/ 7 month HORROR ABOMINATION EXPUNGE of the ORAL COMMON 10in2 LAWS OF 3 ETERNAL SPIRIT/ SOUL .. TRUTH .., inevitably... will implode, in fact, is imploding, preciseley af CHRIST JESUS HAS SPOKEN, MATT.23 description of chruch/ temple rooftop hate - 24 ALL CONTINUES, FAMINE DUE TO unGLOBAL HERDSCMPTPOP ORCHESTRATED, CLOWARD/ PIVINE, UNTRUTH, OBDURATE, father evil-lie, 'pandemis' THAT HAS NEVER OCCURRED FROM 01/20/2020 to this flashing cursor -- causes commerce/ agricultural destruction because production and distribution of all products of life - is rigidly controlled minds of public- REMANUFACTURE label, 'injury' is solely to the 5 senses of flesh/ humen bodies, defines private and over that 12 years + 55 back to 1954... when LEARNING THE HOLY TRINITY - THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS - GENESIS - ORAL LAW commenced being ABOUSLTELY FORBIDDEN... GOD/ CHRIST JESUS/ YOUR COMMAND V -3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO  "...long LIFE on the LAND the LORD/ WORD/ LIGHT/ UNDERSTANDING TRUTH, your GOD is GIVING YOU .. DIRECTLY ACCOUNTABLE POWER OVER ALL FLESH; REAL AND LIVING WAY --DEMONSTRATED BY THE WORDS HEREIN--: NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY MEANS OF ME.. 

 virus Antigen lymphocyte, cytokines, enhanced disease, where '6 feet (both under and on LAND psm between inanimate, chairs, air, tables, doors, masks)'  things absent TRUTH among enslaved HERDSCMPTPOP means NO LAND/ NO LIFE COMMAND V HERITAGE, JAMES 1, from Conception ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH 3rdPERSON(s)/ Embryo, NEWBORN, TODDLER, CHILD, YOUTH ~~ A MAN,  A WOMAN FREE 3rdPERSON or TOTALLY CONTROLLED MIND, HEART,CONSCIENCE. "Inside the Paranoid, Highly Excitable Ecosystem of the Vaccine Card Black Market" -- The person you’re trying to fool with that phony card is likely just an overtired bartender or HR administrator newly deputized into our chaotic public health infrastructure..." Molly Osberg/August 27, 2021,   at,

    THUS:  NO LIGHT-#6 Understanding for #7 SPEECH an INTERPRETER of COGITATIONS thereof... ORAL COMMON 2in10 GREAT TRUTH COMMANDS, by dead souls - self CHOSEN consequences of the blasphemy those who have spoken ORAL COMMON LAW in any of its TRUTHS, THEN completely became untruth 'triune' - "NEVER FORGIVEN IN THIS WORLD, NOR THE WORLD TO COME

WHO PANDEMIC: 03/09/2020: DIRECTOR GENERAL: "98% of [unGLOBAL 2 kingdoms udhr HERDSCMPTPOPeople who contract CONFIRMED virus will have Mild Flu ILLNESS -- INCLUDING CHINA, -- HAS BEEN 100% CORRECT:  means THE PANDEMIC HAS NEVER AND IS NOT NOW SIGNIFICANT FLU/ the COVID now has species of its own = 'SPIKE', 'variant', 'delta' VACCINES are actually more dangerous than the 01/20/2020 ORIGINAL with its statement that THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD, THE FATHER, HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS in YOU in Him - 2 or 3 gathered in His 'N'ame are the WITNESS -PRAYER- ORAL COMMON 10in2, Command V Heritage, James 1 from intercourse, ETERNAL SOUL = SPIRIT TRUTH, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO,  PG 7/ 2A&B,  " 4 PACKETS OF PROOF" at,

 1302 papist/ 1954, 1999, 2015 cleric 'justification' CANON/ 1947/ 49 artiii federalist society/ libertarian, 2kingdoms Boniface VIII spirit devil rooftops temple, church, mosque, courts of legis, iniquity orchestrated, arbitrary human precept Feudal/ civil state, Vatican city corruption by few rulers of tyrant power, udhr HERDSCMPTPOP enslaved mind controlled maskOVERtongue by living things virus, feet on measure land  6 above and under/ dead/ bones, WSIS binomial, despots intermingling humans with indifferent, inanimate things tables, chairs, air, doors, gloves (but not including the currency or coins, though the indifferent plastic immutable, except IMF/ BROOKINGS FED RESERVE bank-to-bank, and IRS to SS,  cryptocurrency -- idol god BIGGER number supremacy of John 8 father evil-lie: 

As noted below in Article VI, all federal officials must take an oath in support of the Constitution:

“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State

Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the

several States, shall be bound by Oath or [-metonymy-]Affirmation, to support this Constitution;

but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under

the United States.”  at, 

ARTICLES VII DAYS  VI, therefore IV THE CITIZENS of EACH ‘S’TATE SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ALL ‘P’RIVLEGES AND ‘I’MMUNITES of THE CITIZENS IN THE SEVERAL STATES..PROTECTION FROM INVASION = INFRINGEMENT OF JUST/ RIGHT/ ETERNAL SOUL=TRUTH HOLY TRINITY.. , HAVE BEEN EXPUNGED since 04/2010 AND TAUGHT OVER  THESE 11 YEARS OF DESTROY CHRIST JESUS/ SPIRIT TRUTH/ ORAL COMMON 2in10 GREAT COMMANDS, IN SECRET by the Papist Legates of 1947/ 49 article iii's oath to UNTRUTH, two kingdoms, triune/ udhr/ international court of iniquity - repudiates IMMUTABLE CREATOR, SPIRIT TRUTH/ ORAL COMMON LAWS, through REMOVING WORDS / CLAUSES – IN HATE OF GOD AND FOR THE PURPOSE to perpetrate "The offense to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes ALLEGIANCE TO ARTICLE VII, [having been elected, appointed in Article VI] And of [perfidy, betraying over 80 years of art iii betrayal, destruction and  desolation, administrative-police-state] the state into the hands of a foreign power.” 

    --Also, because the very important slogan of-obdurate- minds, “If it isn’t written, it doesn’t exist” ; a binomial, inanimate, craven image machine shall be atoms of a ‘written / one way contract where  ORAL COMMON LAW of ARTICLES VII in VI, IN IV + PREAMBLE TO BILL  OF RIGHTS ARE  ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN - that is “How displacement [the 2 kingdoms, father evil-lie, imperative of categories-by- labels of ranking human tyrant’s subsidiarity] defeats [destroys] Justice and the Law” [at,  + “Principles of Tyranny” [ at,  menu/ CORRUPTION, 2nd] both Jon Roland, Constitution DISPLACEMENT is a centuries old, 24/7 intrigues-of-dissonance, playing both ends against the middle - best when accomplished within any nation, notablywhere the greater the hierarchy/ oligarchs = the greater the abuses, usurpation [1], despots; for ONLY ifJesus flesh dies, will Strict Jewish -metonymy-papist be able to continue to enslave, extort, exponentially,

over course of human events, HERDSCMPTPOP via idol god BIGGER number forms of less than 48

years age and ONLY KNOW HOW TO VIOLATE THE LAWS OF HOLY TRINITY, father v son and son

v father; daughter v mother and mother v daughter (Mrs. Herod asked her daughter to have, John 1

Witness = Oral Common Law of God to CHRIST JESUS, head brought to her on a tray, so he can't

find his way to Paradise)




RIGHT/ CLAUSES 1 & 2 are re-manufactured, orchestrated so that,   All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into , before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be

as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.”--- addresses $$$

as only referencing Revolution; …  not “The Lord’s Prayer”/ Nature’s Law “ Things equal to the same thing

are equal to each other as, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.. and lead us not into

temptation / mammon all over the Matt. 4 spirit devil - temple/ church CMP-  ‘from bread - force stone

’ temptation innate to father-evil-lie, John 8, Two Kingdoms along with very great happiness-of-hate through

abject slavery,   kowtowing to that spirit devil’s highest mountain of MEGAregions, MEGApolis, rhelms of

Green, Climate Change - Agenda 21/ UN Global Compacts; electronic communications- all speech, language

& communication via atoms of atmosphere “properties [4 to 6 ‘G’enerations] or principles of an ideal digital-plastic,

monetary borderless system [1] [at,  + “Principles of Tyranny” [at, ]- both Jon Roland, Constitution

ARTICLES VI ORAL COMMON 2in10 GREATEST COMMANDS = "..And for the support of 'this'

DECLARATION with a firm reliance on the protection of divine 'Providence = CHRIST JESUS

with a firm reliance on the protection of divine 'P'rovidence = CHRIST in His Father, THE CHIEF= FIRST

PERSON THE ETERNAL SPRIT TRUTH, CREATOR, and ARTICLE VII ARE EXPUNGED, IN SECRET,, by the Papist Legates of 1949 article iii's oath to UNTRUTH, Two Kingdoms, udhr/ international court of iniquity -



"The offense to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender (s) owes ALLEGIANCE TO

ARTICLE VII, having been elected, appointed in Article VI] And of very, very proud of the hate and rapacity,

betraying, each one's being CONDEMNED by his own words, AGAINST his neighbors, and those each one

never know, over 72 years of destruction and desolation, administrative-police-state] the state into the hands of

1302 papist, 1647 Church of England betrayal of KING JAMES, 47 CLERGY INTRINSIC TO GREAT BRITAIN'S

UNION JACK HERITAGE, including, WESTMINSTER / 1947/49 art iii living and inanimate, indifferent things

supremacy against JUST, RIGHT, TRUTH LAWS OF GOD; intrinsic labels, slogans, categories of its

HERDSCMPTPOP ENSLAVED, 5 senses FLESH as, obtuse- minds, "The bible is written for communes and not

for the individual;" “If it isn’t written, it doesn’t exist” that is, The complete eradication of "and assume among the

powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle,



[=SPIRIT TRUTH 24/7 challenges spirit devil, delineated in N.T. TABLE OF CONTENTS = MATT.

4 at, ] at,

“This Constitution [, and the Laws [JOHN 1 LIFE] of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance

thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be

the supreme Law of the JOHN1 LAND PSM; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any

'T'hing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the 'C'ontrary notwithstanding.”

“Article VII: The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the [UPPER CASE 'S'] Same.”  1949 oath Untruth to udhr/ international court of iniquity, article iii perdition, by they’re words uttered, they will be condemned”- Matt. 12 always scatter against Christ Jesus,  statement that ‘The Creator in the Declaration is not ‘Article VI THE IMMUTABLE CREATOR OF supreme LAW OF THE ATOMS OF ATMOSPHERE-’ IS  NOT superior to the inanimate object, vain-idol-god’s imperative of UNTRUTH, idol god forms of BIGGER number, now THE ONLY CLAUSE PRESENT AT,  Clause 2 - EXPUNGED by TREASON: Title 18, US Code Sec.2381:

In the presents of two or more witnesses of the same overt act, or in a open court of law, if you fail to timely move to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and honor your oath of office, you are subject to the charge of capital felony treason:

NOTED HERE:>>"The Constitution Society; Federalist Society 1947/49 census of 435 particles-of-partitioning, 04/2010, 03/01/2020=04/29/2021- NO ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, COMMAND V, HERITAGE, JAMES 1 = "WILL OF GOD THAT WE SHOULD BE BORN TO THE WORD OF TRUTH.."3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO = ORAL COMMO 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS from CHRIST JESUS/ LIFE= LAND PSM ~~SHALL NEVER EXIST~~ decree in edict, June 2014, udhr = following oligarch of power by ENSLAVED HERDSCMPTPOP- CONTROLLED TYRANNY OF MIND::

From 01/09/2009 false god mohammed, 04/28/2010 IGNORED the WORD/ CHRIST/ ORAL COMMON 10in2, NULL AND VOID of the destruction and desolation of Hippocratic Oath taken by DAY III (ETERNAL SOUL SCALIA at, ;  forked tongue serpent virus [AT, where literally - if you want medical care, worse, if you need medical care .... FORGET it - IT DOES NOT EXIST EITHER.. for "antigen/ white cell lymphocytes, Cytokines, labeled 'spike', 'variant',  'delta' require indifferent inanimate thing, maskOVERtongue -father evil- lie is much greater than TRUTH-- 98% OF THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED FROM LABEL, covid to ITS variants - or they would not exist, either -- will have MILD FLU ILLNESS, but enhanced, since the offspring .. come from different public confiscated tribute to fund private pharmaceutical commerce who have no worry about what they are 'invneting' in view that the PANDEMIC label in category of mind control by utter ignorance played as dancing devils expunged words 'transmission' and the vast majority WHO HAVE NEVER HAD ANY FORM O F ANY VIRUS!!! in utter fear .. best tool and papist knows that for centuries -- why LATIN didn't leave their property of human precept until 1960; with APOSTLE JOHN WYCLIFFE all labels of religious triune/ udhr confessions of declaration, that his is the first translation of OT AND NT INTO his laity and taught by his priest under him, whom he sent out exactly as Matt. 10 in John 8 instructed...leading to 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE/ SECOND HEBREW TESTAMENT - ORAL COMMON LAW SINCE NEITHER THE ETERNAL NOR HIS SON, JOHN 1 CHRIST/ ADAM therefore EVE OVA.. MARY OVA...her AUNT ELIZABETH OVA, her1 flesh husband, elderly, silenced, until their son, JOHN 1 the BAPTIST IS WITNESS TO THE LAMB OF GOD..and the STARS/ 13 ALTERNATION RED/ WHITE STRIPES, WITNESS, EXACTLY AS YOU DO, among the ART VII CofG WHO EXERCISED AND PERFORMED, ORAL COMMON 10in2 EXPUNGED THIS HORROR ABOMINATION -- not against a #29 person-ality ,, but AGAINST THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NO 'THING' BUT .. ART VII WITNESS= PRAY= 'W'E HEREUNTO subscribe by our 'N'ames, signed by MATT 18 2or3 are ALWAYS/ WORD/ PRESENT IN CHRIST JESUS, divine 'P'ROVIDENCE 'N'AME AND HE MOST CERTAINLY IS PRESENT AMONG YOU EVERY OPPORTUNITY YOU ACCOMPLISHED 2106, (even before 1988, ..2008 -Eternal Soul McCain won STATES , the SOS doesn't blink an eyelash in lie, steal, bear false witness -- exactly as 2016, 17, 18, 19, 20, ..and probably 21    , since NO POLTICAL PARTY PUPPET TONGUES EVER OBEYS THE LAWS OF THE HOLY TRINITY- 3 PERSONS - EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE TANGENT TO POWER OF CIRCLE .. such that those LABELS are as void and vacant as before THE ETERNAL SPIRIT made LIGHT AND DARKNESS - OR THE FRIMAMENT HEAVEN ETERNALLY, MATT 25, .. or not Matt 10  dead soul in a 5 sense body "stumbling and straying over the earth where any one can KILL me, but Never does "be gone Satan! YOU ARE TO WORHSIP GOD AND HIM ALONE, OBEY, in 12 BLASPHEMY of SPIRIT - never FORGIVEN ... the reason this HORROR ABOMINATION, INCLUDES RUNNING AROUND CHASING TAILS BY BEEZEBUB V beelzebub, notably born between 1971 ... to date.. who have no tiny clue THE BIBLICAL HSITORY OF THE HOLY TRINITY - MAGNIFICENCE, thus spend time on all the 5 senses body organs of AGENDA 21/ 24 SOCIAL CREEDS OF THE TRIUNE church rooftops...   

 in binomial machine,  Nightingale Pledge, science with ART of  UNDERSTANDING Neighbor as 'SELF' 04/2010 census by unGLOBAL udhr - controlled minds in AGENDA 21 CATEGORIES/ CLIMATE CHANGE, HERDSCMPTPOP 'simple, 5 senses human bodies,' EXPUNGED, ARTICLE VII in VI and re-manufactured, exactly as GENESIS was remnaufactured, demoted the prophets as idol god BIGGER/ MAJOR or littler/ minor Prophets, Kings, Chronicles, INTERVAL 15 BOOKS - into New Testament --"powers of the earth.. seaparate and equal station. All the Books, Chapters, Verses, ARTICLES, SECTIONS of CLAUSES; carefully orchestrated in order to have THE PERFECT LOVE OF THE ETERNAL SPIRIT with WORD/ CHRIST with FATHER, cease to EXIST, since TRUTH shall not prevail over either a living forked-tongue serpent and the mark on Cain's head as pleid his deceit as, "My punishment is more than I can bear. Thou art expelling me from the country, banishing me from thy sight; I must go stumbling and straying over the earth, and any one who catches me will kill me."  So, the Eternal said to him, "Well then, whoever kills Cain, seven times over shall the murder be avenged; and the Eternal set a mark on Cain. ..".

 those CHRIST JESUS OF THE HOLY TRINITY THE ETERNAL SPIRIT(S)  WORD/ CHRIST with GOD IN TRUTH SOLELY BY ORAL COMMON 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS  UPONE WHICH HANG THE WHOLE LAW AND ALL THE PROPHETS  that is, THE CHIEF ARTICLE VIIDAYS = GENESIS 2, 1.1 "This is the story of how the universe began. When God began to form the universe, the world was void and vacant, darkness lay over the abyss, but the ETERNAL SPIRIT of GOD was OVER THE WATERS... A Man from dust, breath-of-LIFE into nostrils, was made, with WORD/ CHRIST with GOD. From the ground, GOD SHAPED every wild beast and every bird in the air as the bringing them to the Man to see what he would call them; whatever the Man called  any creature, that was to be its 'N'ame. ..". 

 "COMMANDMENT V, HERITAGE, JAMES 1 from INTERCOURSE .. ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH = neuroblast to Dura Mater = Cerebellum, Pons, Medulla, Brain Stem circulation of cerebrospinal fluid -- within +/ - 14 days to 270 days, +/ -, EMBRYO, 3RD PERSON - SOLELY  ORAL COMMON,    

 College Board" = BOARD OF DIRECTORS includes, -- HONORARY CHAIRMAN, The Honorable Neil M. Gorsuch-- is a Two Kingdoms, 'natural law' where the unGLOBAL udhr #18,19-29 judge-by-his own slavehood usurp,abused HERDSCMPTPOP slaves as him'SELF,  doesn't know the words, 'Nature/ Natural' are metonymy for Universe [at,; same url just change to 'natural'],, - predetermined conclusions, arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct-force absent 'The Immutable Creator/ Spirit Truth/ Oral Common Law of ALL THREE PERSONS, SPIRIT TRUTH within the ONE KINGDOM, THIRD-PERSON, CONSTITUTIONAL COMPOSES THE UNION OF ONE PEOPLE; CHAIR EMERITI --->White Star / Red Stripe #1, DE - SOCIALIST COMMUNIST-never obey the Laws of God The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; EPSTEIN- ET AL, The Honorable William J. Clinton & WIFE ----"Papal-717 years of perversion of the Gospel of Christ Jesus- Heritage and descendants, "If I could vote, I would vote for Hillary Clinton"-- almost in the same breathe of " HIS COMMAND- IN SUPREMACY OF NEVER YIELD TO THE LAWS OF GOD -- "DO NOT TOUCH THE LEGACY OF OBAMA/ SHARED WITH EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES-FRANCIS"...



frontispiece to all published KJV versions, until 1954, same year UNDER GOD is added to THE PLEDGE

of ALLIGIANCE= Mt18 in 22, John 8, 14 in 17 to ARTICLE VII DAYS in IV in VI Second Hebrew Testament

INTERVAL-against- WORD/ CHRIST JESUS, Matt 12, never forgiven blasphemy of 'S'pirit TRUTH, since 770's

Anno Domini, LATIN bible 1302 papist successors, successors FEDERALIST SOCIETY/ LIBERTARIAN,

't'rinitarian/ 't'riune/ 1674 'c'hurch of England; where THERE IS NO WORD/ CHRIST with The Eternal Spirit, God, Mt.





SET YOU FREE; for the 1302 papist successors, 1647 westminster confession,1947/49 -- June 2014 artiii

Matt 4 agreed with spirit devil, that SPIRIT TRUTH, young WORD/ CHRIST Jesus, flesh, could not possibly "from

stone make bread;" ..and argued it in the Roman rooftop of 'c'hurch; forward, past the Matt 18,

2 or 3 gathered in my 'N'ame, I am there among them;" having said, after SPEAKING WORD = ORAL


ARTICLE VII in IV in VI, although they, in John 1, NO EXISTANCE APART from WORD/ CHRIST with ALL THINGS

OF GOD utter ignorance with perversion of dust/ Land/ breath into nostrils A Man and from his rib, A Woman;

from the forked tongue serpent-of-deceit in lie and Cain's Mark, were and remain, due to BLASPHEMY of SPIRIT ,

incapable of perceptive cogitationa of Truth, performed lie, steal, bear false witness against the neighbors

composing the entire world below, left particles-of-partitioning Clauses I and 3 in VI and just 1 of 2 in VII DAYS,

GENESIS, THE CHIEF, "..thy will [James 1] be "..'d'one on earth .." in 'C'onvention by the 'U'nanimous

'C'onsent of the States present....and of the 'I'ndependence of the United States of America the 'T'welfth

April 29, 1775 COMMENCEMENT of WORD/ CHRIST with THE CREATOR, "Let US make Man [3rd PERSON]

in OUR image and in OUR likeness ..." Genesis 1:26, REVOLUTIONARY WAR against 'Matt 15 human precept

oligarchs, 'Canon in Feudal, political party puppet tongues, government-of-gender ma'n [then, not now, just 5

senses flesh/ physiology, neurology (but without the Dura Mater WHOLE TRUTH SYSTEM of CREATED THINGS;

both references to THE HOLY TRINITY 3 PERSONS, the 3rd PERSON/ EMBRYO, neuroblast- Dura Mater

cerebellum, Pons, Medulla, Spinal Cord,..OATH in VI - The Eternal Spirit, GOD, PERFECT LOVE FATHER His

Son, Christ Jesus on His Right .. You, Reader next to and in Jesus, as He is in You, who have CHOSEN to

BELIEVE IN JESUS, by his own accord in SPOKEN WORD..




National Constitution Center at, ; backslider AG William Barr at, & 1947 /49 artiii 435 particles-of-partitioning, unGLOBAL, 1302/ 1647 trune/ udhr 2 kingdoms, Alito on his

master papist successor's word, 'tolerance' a.k.a., 1383 Apostle Wycliffe confronting NO VOW, Nov 25,

 Justice Samuel Alito National Lawyers Convention] at,

>>Cornell Law School - hasn’t taught ONE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WHOLE LAW AND ALL THE PROPHETS since about 2009; nor does it even recognize the use of UPPER CASE first letter, or conversely a lower case first letter; although THEY HAVE ALSO expunged, THE LORD'S PRAYER, word, 'd'one ... in second clause to which, the 'T'welfth = APRIL 25, 1775 COMMENCEMENT OF THE REVOLUTION, General of the Army of the Potomac Washington (1 of his 7 Legacies, since he fully UNDERSTOOD THE UNIQUE, 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, 2ND HEBREW INTERVAL= ORAL COMMON LAWS OF GOD [ THE CHIEF, that I have been at its “Legal arbitrary human precept, Two Kingdom Untruth udhr, Information Institute” at,>>WIKIPEDIA’S OPEN PLATFORM OF 1932 NAZIS, PIUS XI, “SUBSIDIARITY” WRITE ANY THING YOU WANT TO.. WITHIN ANY TOPIC — AT,


>>to be absolutely sureNewborn, Toddler, Child, Youth .. POSTERITY HAS NO OPPORTUNITY TO KNOW OR UNDERSTAND THE ONE KINGDOM OF GOD’S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS, THIRD PERSON, SPIRIT TRUTH, CONSTITUTIONAL -3rd-Person, Constitutional--THE CHIEF-HERITAGE-ARTICLE VII his unique 24/ 7,Life, Liberty and  pursuit of Happiness CITIZEN, accountability in Oral Law and the GREAT TRUTH: AT,



>United States History at,

Hillsdale College has 4 pillars of learning and classes on Constitution, Declaration [PGS 2-3 at, ]  and even Genesis" but is the cleric/ triune  only GOD IS GOD, JESUS IS CHRIST BUT ONLY IN FLESH BODY, THERE IS NO CONNECTIONS TO 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE - GREAT TRUTH, JOHN 1, 14 IN17  no WORD = ORAL COMMON LAW = WITNESS/ LIFE/ LAND, it's tied to the Greek philosophers, but so is Apostle John Wycliffe , Dr. James Moffatt, Dr. Ralph Inge, the 47, 1611 Holy Trinity Translators to the Reader, as well as a majority of COLONISTS, SIGNERS/ WITNESSES among them, and they do not know - ATLITHIA/ PHRONESIS DIALOGS, MUCH LESS THE INTERVAL -- OF 2ND TESTAMENT, but then neither do all clerics, or 2 kingdoms, feudal, few rulers by extortion.

COUNTING HUMANS FLESH BY HERDSCMPTPOP idol god BIGGER number KM2 under virus and World Summit Information Systems- binomial machine, no flesh/ Oral Common 10in2 COMMANDS WHOLE MIND, WHOLE HEART and NEIGHBOR AS 'SELF' WHOLE LAW = ALL PROPHETS, required, "email = written contract binomial machine of one way ATOMS of  04/2010, 03/01/2020 CLUSTERS BLUE MAP LIE -overlay- 1950 Truth '1941 APPORTIONED, 2 German "scholars 1 math, the other in udhr, 5 senses flesh, 24 social creeds HERDSCMPTPOP (true - these 'label' requirement were still cooking in the behind doors, where ignorance is supreme tool of Satan v Satan, nonetheless are ABSOLUTE CONNECTORS to 1302 papist/ 1947/49 artiii 2 kingdoms HERDSCMPTPOP church, temple, mosque intermingled political-party, puppet tongues [at, ]  ) A 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO, 1/50TH White Star 1,343 TPOP ART VI in VII COUNTY LAND PSM [at, ] by arbitrary, delusional, adversarial (all Oral LAW is guilty - all "indulgences and pardons, notably, Matt 12, ALL WAYS of papist/ artiii 435 unGLOBAL google wikipedia orchestration, production and distribution, ABSOLUTE control [precisely the same reason 1611 court of King James, 47 Clergy GREAT TRUTH committed wrote "INTRODUCTION TRANSLATORS to the YOU= READER, directly accountable to CHRIST JESUS/ TRUTH] ALL KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION UNDERSTANDING ...SPEECH, an INTERPRETER of ORAL cogitations "and assume among the powers of the earth/ Life/ Word/ Land/ LIGHT; and    

Under decree in edict of papist fiend 2 kingdoms udhr controlled mind, heart, conscience-POLICE-STATE where even the 'police' are 'policed' and anarchy mobs -  go for it! - 

SO,  11/3, 12/2, 02/28 cpac THOSE WHO, choose, John 8, father evil-lie, WEAR their maskOVERtongue with GREATEST JOY AND DELIGHT AT HATING GOD, OUR NATION AND THEIR  'SELF' ROMPING dead soul in body TO Gehenna in even greater hate, than the papist, since they 'like to use' JESUS, name as a human flesh;  BUT NEVER HIS OWN 3RD PERSON, above 'triune-blasphemy SPIRIT TRUTH' invented on the early morning of Caiaphas, taking bound Jesus to  P. Pilate -- political party puppet power tongues, since Pilate knew JESUS WAS TRUTH, but OBEY POWER of ARBITRARY HUMAN PRECEPT rules of conduct-extortion "Pilate knows if Jews want to - they can cause Rome a great deal of trouble - since they are the police state for the Romans as tax collectors; exactly as the papist 1302 fiend is the 'tithing' collector of all nations on world below!!  OWN POST THE GREATEST COORDINATED ASSAULT AND SIEGE AGAINST ALL NATIONS ON WORLD BELOW.. EXPUNGING THE ETERNAL, HIS SON, AND YOU READER, 3RD PERSON / EMBRYO SHALL NOT JOHN 1 EXIST-- WORD, LIFE/ LAND, /LIGHT : solely all 10 Commandments, 2 Greatest Commands WITNESS = ORAL COMMON LAW IS EXTINCT! [at, 2 kingdoms FORBIDDEN, JAMES MOFFATT, direct Translation, new rendering, Not From Any Previous English Version, John 1  and from original text, 1853 Sunday School Teacher's Bible, unique 1604-1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, Second HEBREW, 15 Chapters solely ORAL COMMON 10in2 WHOLE LAW ARTICLE VII DAYS GENESIS mouth into nostrils, from ribs into 'Wo-man=Ova EVE, MT. SINAI .

PAGES 21-38 specifically, but pages 1-78 more thoroughly: "Understand false and idol gods [papist, 47/49art iii, axis nations CONTROL] udhr [google wikipedia open chaos society]" 

“..Antibodies are supposed to be the good guys. The proteins, built of distinctive Y-shaped pieces, enter the bloodstream early in infection, pouring out from plasma cells. They then latch onto molecules festooning pathogens and alert natural killer cells, which release a torrent of cytokines …  the backfiring is called “vaccine enhancement of disease.” We know these reactions exist, but still do not completely understand them….. There’s no clinical way to distinguish antibody-dependent enhancement from just a severe case of an infectious disease. And that can complicate analysis of a candidate vaccine. Vaccine enhancement, worsening or even INJECTING attenuated virus - GIVING the disease” would show up in a clinical trial as more people receiving a vaccine getting sick than the participants getting placebo;”...   A.K.A., 'SPIKING' or 'VARIANT' . 'more virulent delta'.   

 A]     WHO DASHBOARD 01/03/2020 to 08/12/2021, 1 year, 8 months, 9 days: 35,957,692=98.3% confirmed MFI including 'spike,' 'variant,' 'delta' white cells, lymphocytes/ cytokines antigen enhanced disease, Notably forms of counting by idol god's BIGGER number HERDSCMPTPOP in health settings; where 'CONTROL'/ PLACEBOS are unknown; 8 - 12 hr/4 day shifts, and or enclosed, air condtioned only buildings (Florence Nightingale's SUN disregarded as the best antibacterial/ virus preventative/ or feeling better, intervention ---ignored, EVEN avoided in ignorance; plus, it is impossible to know each one being's transmission exposure opportunities, whether or not, comorbidities among work related or at at large, 'daily bread' 24/ 7 roles of life, including the vagaries of 'attenuated vaccines' handling, maskOVERtongue, or not..  unGLOBAL triune/ udhr being CLPV, 5 SENSES, FLESH/ BODIES among all living indifferent and inanimate, indifferent things as, unGlobal triune/ udhr international courts of iniquity magistrates, incapable of ORAL COMMMON 10in2 LAWS OF HOLY TRINITY, with 612,647= 1.7%,where it is unknown, or not reported udhr #1929 planned, mandatroy ignorance, to which of the 4 covid's ..or how many injections, although that should be available, Eternal Soul(s) to God ...or not, Matt 25, left hand, #2, into eternal fires of hell.   

        unGLOBALtriune/ udhr HERDSCMPTPOP 7,878,301,000 = 235/ 235 (Independent canon/ feudal Vatican city-state #235 of 235, 801 3rd Person(s) Embryo) label, 'pandemic = 0.5% cumulative antigen enhanced disease 4 species MFI with 0.1% Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ...or not.

 B]      WHO DASHBOARD 01/20/2020 to 08/06/2021 (1 year, 7 months, 17 days, maskOVERtongue despots started about March 10, BUT CONFISCATED unGLOBAL triune/ udhr didn't get not existent 'demand' to supply until April and then .. a lot of trouble with the functioning of the indifferent thing mask construction, wasting billions, getting the CATTLE HERDSCMPTPOP to wear 'it' properly - and then meet supply, including $billions spent taxes to purchase only to find out totally defective --  and refund will / might occur over 5 years from the supplier ..): unGLOBAL  triune/ udhr 'PANDEMIC' enslaved HERDS CMPTPOP   200,840,180 = 97.9%  CUMULATIVE/ antigen enhancement disease MFI but more enhanced signs/ symptoms, with 4,265,903 = 2.1% Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ...or not.

         BUT,   7,878,301,000 on 57,308,738 square miles LIFE= LAND= 137.5 , 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL COMMON LAW.. =0.000002% .  200,840,180/ 0.000002% = 4 cumulative MFI 3rd Persons/ Embryo PSM with 4,265,903 / 0.000002% = 0.1, 3rdPerson/ Embryo Eternal Soul(s) to heaven .. or not.

        There are 93.7 THE CHIEF 1/50ht WHITE STAR, EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE/ TRINITY TANGENT TO GOD'S POWER OF CIRCLE/ biblical for Atoms, ARTICLE VII CofG APPORTIONED on 3,143 COUNTY LAND BOUNDARIES PSM , as in ARTICLE 1:2 Clause 3, PREAMBLE TO.. Amendment XIV, which has been APPROPRIATED/ STOPPED by 1947/49artiii 435papist successors most important tool of intrigue by dissension, maskOVERtongues poltical party puppet tongues, including Cain's mark, as taught in Genesis 1-3, forked tongue living thing - serpent  particles-of-partition.  


            35,957,692= 0.0003% = 993 ARTICLE VII CofG PSM AMONG THE 3, 143 COUNTY BOUNDARIES on  3,531,822.4 sq. mi. LIFE= LAND PSM confirmed MFI including 'spike,' 'variant,' 'delta' white cells, lymphocytes/ cytokines antigen enhanced disease, with 0.2% = 1,225.3 Article VII CofG PSM Eternal Soul(s)....  


oligarch, 5senses flesh, Paul's 16 Chapters, Book of Roman, dead soul, few courts of magistrate 'authority' papist, axis - mountain top treasures of CRAVEN image  Matt.4 do it to the least of these, you do it to me, "Christ/ Word Jesus/ Adam thus Eve whose Ova is Command V, ...that YOU, Reader, may have long LIFE on the LAND, the LORD, WORD MT. SINAI COMMON 10in2 [Deut. 6.3, Levit 19.18] including, --

"..As the Pharisees [government-of-arbitrary human, Matt. 15, precept, not the Roman gentile's praetorium, portico land ..yet] had mustered, Jesus put a question to them. "Tell me," he said, what you think about the 'C'hrist [Note: here, and in John 17 to His Father, He is speaking of Him SELF in grammatical 3rd Person/ Embryo- Oral Common 10in2]?  "Whose son is he?" They said to him. "David's." (father is Joseph's heritage, not a "miracle" either: Eve's Ova ..Mary's Ova...her Aunt Elizabeth's past child bearing years, Ova, 1 flesh with Zachariah, who is silenced by an Angel, until JOHN 1/ WORD/ CHRIST with FATHER, the BAPTIST WITNESSED, and more, "LAMB of GOD" AT,  & ). He said to them, "How is it then that David is inspired to 'C'all/ 'N'ame him, Lord?

       22. .. "The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand [also Matt.25,sheepfolds ="who answer me when I call to them," John 10], till I put your enemies UNDER YOUR FEET [no LIFE, but PSM LAND]".  If David calls him Lord, how  can he be his son? No one could make any answer to him, and  from that day no one ventured to put another question to him. 

23. He spoke to the crowds, and to his disciples [You too! Reader, That's why Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther - WITNESSES said THERE IS NO INTERMEDIARY/ CLERIC/  between YOUR 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL 10in2, John 8, Jesus "Abide by what I Say.. becomes Matt 18 - WITNESS - SIGNERS (Not human precept abused, orchestrated labels, 'Reformers .. of the numerous sects.. unGLOBAL/ HUMANIST, OPEN PLATFORM CHAOS, wikipedia's  seeming visible, but very udhr, decptive -hate Truth,' 'Founders'- ORAL COMMON 10in2, innate to Matt. 7 knock, ask, seek, find without forgetting to find out ..WHY NOT?!),  "The scribes and Pharisees sit on the seat of Moses; so do whatever they tell you, obey them, but do not do as they do. They talk but they do not act; they make up heavy loads and lay them on men's [3rd Person(s)-OralLaw] shoulders, but they do not stir a finger to remove them. Besides, all they do is done to catch the notice of men [persons]; they make their phylaceterteries broad, they wear large tassels, they are found of the best places at banquets and the front seats in the synagogues; they like to be saluted in the marketplaces and be called  'rabbi' by men [most often, gender, but adding females dressed in white woman's suffrage with mathching hair styles in HOUSE of THE 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, SECOND HEBREW TESTAMENT, SOLELY WITNESS/ PRAYER/ ORAL COMMON 10in2--- GREAT TRUTH... or Not       ---- borderless, plastic monetary, binomial machine, in sacred reverence to the greatest idol god, even greater than Zeus, BIGGER number atoms of  public - defines - private commerce/ triune/ udhr/ spirit devil collected in Matt 10Gehenna by Matt. 12, looking beautiful, but are 'soooo evil' by their words... condemn [no impeachment is needed - Satan is who..]..enslaves HERDSCMPTPOP = 98.3% cumulative MFI, including 'spike,' variant,', 'delta' DERIVED directly from 'covid' species to T-Cell virus with 613,647 = 1.7% Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ..or not  

              That means, 331,002,651 minus 35,346,411.2 = 295,656,239.8 3rd Person- WORD/ CHRIST, ORAL COMMON 10in2 3,143 ART VI supreme Law of Article IV Citizen's feet on his square mile of 24/ 7 roles of his UNIQUE,  LIFE/ LIGHT/ COUNTY LAND PSM/ EDEN PARK,  have NEVER HAD the virus SPECIES, antigen enhanced disease -- including WRONGFUL DEATH by despot police state turning neighbor against neighor - always creating anarchy chaos by 'laws of subsidiarity/ delphi tactic, chinese commune, extortion; adding mobs, notably by skin color, kangaroo courts, or have returned, each one being's 'feet PSM  on his County LAND or wherever he is on EARTH,, unique, 24/ 7"daily bread" roles of his "thy will be 'd'one.. WORD= LIFE= LOGOS / UNDERSTANDING SPEECH an INTERPRETER of the COGITATIONS hereunto ...

            Nationwide: 10.9% cumulative, 4 species enhanced disease, MFI with  0.2% Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ..or not  


  mbryo/ Newborn/ Toddler/ Child/ Youth-Preteen/ A Man A Woman, 'C'ITIZEN of each 'S'tate SHALL BE ENTITLED to ALL PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITES of  'C'ITIZENS  IN THE SEVERAL STATES (a.k.a., Apostle Paul, I Tim 1, "I am well aware that 'the 'L'aw is admirable'---provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind THAT NO LAW IS EVER MADE FOR HONEST PEOPLE but for the [ = 93.7 PSM in 3,143 COUNTY or COUNTY EQUILAVANTS (EDEN'S PARK) Article 1:2 Clause 3 "R'epresentatives and direct 'T'axes shall be APPORTIONED among the several States which may be included within this 'U'nion, according to their respective 'N'umbers, which SHALL BE DETERMINED BY ADDING TO THE WHOLE NUMBER OF FREE PERSONS ---THAT IS THE REASON ..including ALL GOD'S MANSIONS AND ROOMS, A DECIMAL IS NEVER ROUNDED OFF, neither that county, nor it's ARTICLE VII CofG, from "---'T'hat to secure these rights, 'G'overnments are instituted among men DERIVING THEIR JUST POWERS from the Consent of the Governed, ---'T'hat whenever any form of 'G'overnment becomes DESTRUCTIVE OF THESE ENDS, IT IS THE 'R'IGHT of the 'P'EOPLE to alter or to abolish it >>>YOU HAVE, NEIGHBOR 1998, BIANNUALLY ..2008, [to put it BLUNTLY the elecction results have been being counted as papist/ 1947/49 artiii, euempire, axis nations, unGLOBAL HERDSCMPTPOP, disguised-by- label, 'democracy'  since at least 1998] triune/ udhr 2016 yearly ...11/3, 12/2 SIEGE AND ASSAULT virus/ binomial machine/ plastic public is private in borderless commerce chaos vaccine/ secretaries of unGLOBAL triune/ udhr - NO ORAL COMMON 10in2LAWS OF 3rd PERSON(S)/ EMBRYO- ORAL COMMON LAWS OF HOLY TRINITY- GOD, CHRIST JESUS, even ADAM therefore 1 flesh Eternally EVE.. DO NOT WRITE AND YOU, READER heritage DO NOT WRITE TO THEM]

#55 of  235  AUSTRALIA 25,449,884 on 2,966,139 sq/ miles of papist/ triune/ artiii 435 particles-of-partitioning unGLOBAL udhr LIVING thing... -We know these reactions exist, but still do not completely understand them….. There’s no clinical way to distinguish antibody-dependent enhancement from just a severe case of an infectious disease. And that can complicate analysis of a candidate vaccine HERDSCMPTPOP : and "Australia Uses Army To Hunt Down COVID Lockdown Breakers, Patrol Military State: Liberty in Australia was always precarious, and now it is gone forever." by April Mathews at, "...Check out this video report. The Australian army have been dispatched to keep citizens compliant and locked-down. The vaccination rate is approximately 20%, and the government intends to keep everyone locked down until the vaccination rate reaches 70%. According to Prime Minister Morrison, that threshold *should be* achieved by the end of the year. That means Australians will remain locked-down for the remainder of this year.... despots-of-HATE TRUTH/ ORALCOMMON 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS, for lie, steal, bear false witness, set neighbor against neighbor in order to trhoughly destroy WORD/ CHRIST LIFE= LAND=

FROM 01/20/2020 TO 08/10/2021 THERE ARE 30,905 = 96.9% cumulative MFI, that means 24,660,937.6 have never had any form of flu virus or was MFI and has his FEET PSM pursuing, what's left [pun intended] of LIFE, with or without the untruth vaccine even the health despots among government-by-aristocratic oligarchs NO WORD/ TRUTH with 940 = 3% Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ...or Matt. 25, John 14 Christ Jesus/ Adam therefore Eve = THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, FATHER = THE FIRST HOLY TRINITY, "real and living WAY: no one comes to THE FATHER except by means of me" Jesus is teaching [at, ], but that isn't all....

        Australia is beautiful for its diversity of HUGE OPEN LIFE= LAND PSM: THERE ARE ONLY 8.6 PSM -COMMAND V, HERITAGE, JAMES 1 from intercourse, ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO, NEWBORN, TODDLER, CHILD, YOUTH ... A MAN A WOMAN, freeeman or enslaved mind, heart conscience for will, EXTORTED against THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII GENESIS, THE ETERNAL IS THE UNIVERSE THUS, 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, 2 HEBREW TESTAMENT, ORIGIN ORAL COMMON LAW-- the Father and His Son NEVER WRITE! EITHER DO YOU WRITE TO THEM, and more often than not, your neighbor as your SELF!  = 15 BOOKS SOLELY ORAL, as is SCRIPTURE, even with Apostle Paul pointing out the 'perversion of the gospel of Christ Jesus gALATIONS & DEAD SOUL OLIGARCS IN rOMANS [at, &

-- from Genesis [side-by-side 1917 & 07 INV with evil eve and the serpent punished by having to crawl on the land -- but it is a reptile that already Nature's Law CRAWLS on the land - its actual evil is that it is a living, indifferent 'thing' that initiates a dialog with innocence and p;urity preteen Eve .. who eats the sweet and delicious fruit on THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, and naturally would share it with her mutual helper companion.. Naked - puberty bif surprise & scarry -- one more the word , 'die' also means to lanquor - to feel lost - for THEY LOVE FATHER as much as He LOVES THEM - AND BOY! DID THEY SPILL THE BEANS when He asked them Who told you are naked? ... the word, 'beguile' - no human precept,especially writing in a 700 Anno Domini monestary would come up with that word.

.. to this very hate -- separate and equal station to the HATE of ART VII CofG 3,143 counties have ABOLISHED the very same unGLOBAL triune/ udhr axis nations, eu empire borderless plastic monetary = commerce chaos NO WORD/ TRUTH ... THUS, 0.03% = 9.3, 3rd PERSON(S) EMBRYO- WORD/ ORAL COMMON 10in2 PSM cumulative MFI with 0.9% Eternal Soul - PSM in a circle for feet, ONLY the idol god's BIGGER number MEGAregions of MEGApolis specifically designed by the oligarch's to kowtow in supplication to the triune/ udhr, belief in delusional, adversarial (THERE IS SOLELY father evil lie - TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE DOES NOT EXIST AND CANNOT EVEN BE PERCEIVED)

        papist/ triune, axis nations (China's 3rd Person/ embryo = 98% WHO DIRECTOR GENERAL SAID MFI way back on 03/09/2020 = and has not been 1 day wrong -- except for the forged death certificates that used the virus 'terror' label regardless of the actual cause of not 'death' that's aribrary human precept also, ETERNAL SOUL MEANS JUST THAT AND THAT, YOU MIGHT HAVE ROBLEMS COMMUNICATING BUT ALL THE PROPHETS/ ANGELS AND 3RD PERSON(S) ARE UP THERE - GOD AND CHRIST JESUS ARE PRECIESLY WHO THEY SAY THEY ARE.. PERFORMING EXACTLY WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN LEADING ...EVERY ONE WHO BELIEVES IN ME BY THEIR SPOKEN WORD.. BE ONE in US: .. MATT 25 YOU ARE ELECT IN HIS SHEEPFOLD ... unGLOBAL anarchist oligarchs, triune - trinitarians/ udhr ARE DEAD SOUL, GHENNA .. headlong for eternal fires of hell [at, ]


  AUSTRALIAN STATE of TANZANIA was added about 2 weeks ago it doesn't have a problems with the virus at all, but that's the reason to include it (except Pres  expired who refused the vaccine testing  .. which would have been a control country, like ISRAEL, Denmark, Australia, Sweden, none of which had any significant virus of any form, let alone, label COVID hate GOD, CHRIST JESUS AND YOUR, COMMAND V, HERITAGE, James 1, from conception,  ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, 3rd PERSON/ EMBRYO "PLACE OF RESIDENCE/ WORD/ LIFE/ EXISTENCE/ LAND/ LIGHT, REASON = ORAL COMMON 2in10 GREATEST COMMANDS = WHOLE TRUTH AND NO THING BUT TRUTH LAW AND ALL THE PROPHETS): TWEET Cathy West @ cewest246: 1302 papist/ cleric/ civil state 2 Rhelms unGLOBAL udhr communes HERDS virus maskOVERtongue CMPTPOP: 

         2] Tanzania 540,589 HERDSCMPTPOPeople on 26410 LIFE/LAND SQUARE MILES Spirit Truth 3rd PERSON(s) Oral 2 in 10 Laws of GOD: 03/19/21: WHO DASHBOARD: 221 Recovered = 94.4%/ 13 = 5.9% Matt 25 to God..or not: [Error Nationwide, corrected above] 1/6th STATEWIDE = 0.04%Recovered/ 0.002% to God/ heaven.. or not: WHY No VACCINE = TRUTH udhr idol god BIG # worship FEW rulers BLUE MAP LIE 'pandemic' 0.000003 Recover & 0.0000002% To God or not: thus Pres Magufuli REPRESENT  TRUTH his ORALto those who  choose his UNIQUE ETERNAL SOUL in heaven ..     

        3] WHY papist/1947/49 artiii 2 rhelms unGLOBAL udhr mind Heart Conscience ENSLAVED = HERDS virus/ WSIS binomial Atoms HERDSCMPTPOP Blue Map LIE>GOD/CHRIST 'W'ord/ LIFE/ LAND PER SQUARE MILE/  LIGHT WHOLE LAW ALL PROPHETS = your UNIQUE 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO "PLACE of RESIDENCE = only 20.5, 3rd Person/ Embryo Oral Common Laws, BEings PSM SAME LAND = SAME PERSONS or only 45.3 3rdPerson(s)/ embryo were MFI & RECOVERED PSM and 2.7 are with God ...or not = Matt. 25 at, ! 

 #11 of 232 JAPAN

"Poll shows 60 per cent of Japanese want Olympic Games cancelled" Reuters, at,,not%20offered%20as%20an%20option.  I believe if you asked a neighbor on any street in Japan, that Eternal Soul=Spirit Truth, 3rdPerson/ Embryo = Buddha, would SEE the intrinsic, CONTROLLED MIND  of papist/ art iii/ spudnik/ axis nations unGLOBAL google wikipedia, udhr TRAINED TO #30 udhr OBEY A MACHINE, for Pete's sake!!!, EXPUNGED language and communication sacred, Matt 4, kowtow to spiritual/ civil state intermingled belief and worship of idol god, inanimate thing of atoms, 60% of selected, biased responses survey deceit, BIGGER than 40% number - voting to EXPUNGE THE ENTIRE COMMERCE OF WE THE PERSON COMPOSING JAPAN WHO KNOWS SOUL=TRUTH ORAL COMMON 10in2 forms,  Reported under udhr #19-29, from OTTOWAS, CANADA! is more than absurd -- it's downright DEADLY to body and soul in Gehenna  Matt 10, + John 15:

 #11 OF 235 JAPAN = unGLOBAL  triune/ udhr enslaved HERDS CMPTPOP 126,476,461 on 140,754.8 SQ MI WORD/ CHRIST/ BUDDHA LAND = 898.6 THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS, ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL COMMON10in2  GREATEST COMMANDS of WORD/ CHRIST JESUS =THROUGH HIM ALL THINGS CAME INTO EXISTENCE, no thing came into existence apart from him with The Eternal Spirit, God, the FATHER, who furnished A Man from his rib, A Woman, 7 operations from Eve (beginning) Eternal Soul= Spirit Truth, 3rd Person OVA - Oral Common 10in2 from THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD, THE FATHER,  CHRIST/ ADAM, 5 senses flesh/ biblical for physiology, neurology upon which psychology and anatomy depend for EXISTENCE, #6 Understanding #7 SPEECH/ WORD, an INTERPRETER of the COGITATIONS THEREOF... in Genesis THE CHIEF = ARTICLE VII DAYS, Chap. 3 & 4, the forked tongue serpent who INITIATES deceit SPEECH, but can't speak, does anyway = WSummitIS mask of tables, chairs both sides of a door, to kowtow feet, 6 above and below, dust = vapor-of-virus, few health despot ranks of inquisitors duty to interdict and excommunicate by owners of commerce and urgent care, clinics, er, surgery by a building's rooftop Organ name, any other body WHO UNglobal udhr HERDSCMPTPOP,:       WHO DASHBOARD 01/03/2020 to 05/17/2021: 683,175 Cumulative, confirmed virus =98.3%  with 11,508 = 1.7%, Matt 25 [at, ]... And to 08/07/2021; 985,681 = 98.5% of the HERDSCMPTPOPCUMULATIVE MILD FLU ILLNESS with 15,240, MT. 25, Eternal Soul(s) .. or not, via Jesus, "no one comes to the Father except by means of me (John 14 in 17)  eternal fires of hell = 1.5%.      

          BUT, 898.6  THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS GENESIS, 3RD PERSON/ neuroblast/ Dura Mater/ Embryo- ORAL COMMON 10in2 LAWS of TRUTH, THE ETERNAL WHO IS THE ONLY STANDARD FOR RIGHT(S)/ FREEDOM on same, 140,754.8 sq mi LAND = 0.001% of the HERDSCMPTPOP or 9.9% or 13,934.7 (decimal is not rounded off because THAT IS A 3RD/ PERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL LAW on whatever land psm his feet occupy 24/ 7 roles of the challenges of his Spirit Truth vs spirit devil) cumulative MFI with 0.2%/ 30 unique Eternal Souls to heaven ...or not, thus Nationwide!  unGLOBAL triune/ udhr orchestrated word, 'pandemic' 7878,301,000 HERDSCMPTPOP = 0.0002% cumulative MFI with 0.0000004% Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ...or not

  NATIONWIDE: Cumulative, an unknown number of 3rdPerson(s COUNTED HERDSCMPTPOP but no longer seasonal flu virus, let along the word, 'pandemic'!)   TRINITY PERSONS ETERNAL SOUL= Spirit Truth = Oral Common 10in2 IS A 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO COMPOSING HIS PSM LIFE/ LAND sovereign nation, MFI =0.5% CUMULATIVE ---that means 125,844,078.7 HAVE NEVER HAD ANY VIRUS, or MFI are 'on-about-their 'feet PSM WORD = LIFE= LAND - as the unGLOBAL triune/ udhr public confiscated tribute to pay private COMMERCE to manufacture / orchestrate tongues of HERDSCMPTPOP!!  with 0.01% =12,647.6  where comorbidity and envronmental factors are always an unknown as well as comparison to Eternal Souls from hearth, cancer lung, degenerative disease rates...Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ...or not, Matt. 25, left #2 hand to eternal fires of hell =( 'cumulative' means it doesn't count all those who are over the illness and back to each one's 24/ 7 challenges/ pursuit roles of 'Liberty' most good and most evil according to the use of 'that' word (Oliver Ellsworth, 3rd Chief Justice of ARTICLE ,DAY III, Genesis, of forked tongue serpent/ Cain's Mark to Innocence and Purity BOTH Eve( isn't named until Chap. 3:20) Moffatt direct translation Bible- that's a very  important connection to Paul in Galatians Perversion of the gospel of Christ Jesus) and man (Adam by name doesn't happen until Chap 4:25 [1], thus "helpmate to suit him/ A Man gender, rib A Woman, gender; or .. understand PRETEEN, reaching out exploring, curious word 'die' which also can in this use, is defined as,  'languish'  - otherwise Eve would have ignored the presence of the serpent and is unaware of SPEECH from any source except man and Father; thus government-of-spiritual/ civil-state dominion,, 'want' of control power by fear / panic the virus has destroyed and desolated billions of enslaved udhr HERDSCMPTPOP flesh, where embryo, newborn, toddler, child, youth ARE FORBIDDEN, 1st day kindergarten to powt Grad or Trade (notable the humanoid robotron software/ hardware 'writer-slaves' to master of MEGA/ GIGAbytes among MEGAregions of MEGApolis clusters-continuity, compactness- a boundary of a county, or county equivalent is expunged, except for admin-police-state licenses, taxes, health, edu-indoctrination, rooftop of ROV, "ASSISTANCE binomial machine, LIFE=LAND PSM EXISTENCE). Vaccinated is NULL and VOID - see above ANTIGEN ENHANCED DISEASE ...'spike', 'varient', 'delta' --wrongful deaths --among about 50 pharmaceutical private commerce to say no thing about maskOVERtongue, from 03/10, 11 when unGLOBAL BINOMIAL, BORDERLESS MONETARY TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION PROVIDED 1978 international court of iniquity COMMON LAW PUBLIC VALUE, LIVING AND INANIMATE INDIFFERENT THINGS, BLANK TAX CHECKS as PARTIES TO AN ACTION-AT-LAW ... John 8--- Jesus teaching 8 pivitol lessons SPIRIT TRUTH vs father evil lie from the very beginning.    There are 346.9 Commandment V, Heritage, James 1 [ ], fromfrom 

                 "Japanese authorities discover a new coronavirus variant in traveler from Philippines" KYODO, JIJI

                "..The variant is distinct from those first discovered in Britain, South Africa and Brazil, and is thought to pose a similar threat. The Philippine variant may be more resistant to neutralizing antibodies, including those gained through vaccination, like the South African and Brazilian variants appear to be.  ...According to the health ministry, the man in his 60s arrived at Narita Airport near Tokyo on Feb. 25 and was asymptomatic.  

                        "Live Updates: Tokyo Olympics Organisers Say Overseas Fans Banned From Visiting Games Over COVID" © AP Photo / Eugene Hoshiko, 04:37 GMT 20.03.2021(updated 11:39 GMT 20.03.2021)     "The [1302 papist/ 1947/49 art iiii federalist society 435, 01/20/2009 false god mohammed regime  unGLOBAL udhr human precpt HERDSCMPTPOPeople death toll from the coronavirus infection has topped 2.701 million; more than 122 million cases of the infection have been detected, according to Baltimore, Maryland's Johns Hopkins University, which tracks and compiles data from national and local authorities, the media and other sources...." Currently, among the most affected nations are the US (29.7 million infected, 541,000 deaths), Brazil (11.8 million cases and a death toll of over 159,000) and India (11.5 million cases, 159,000 fatalities). [John Hopkins has been reporting the idol god's BIGGER number km2 since 03/11/2020]  

            So, given the worship of an idol god, inanimate, indifferent BIGGER number, virus that is over with - except for the papist/ art iii fed soc of blue map lie unGLOBAL HORROR ABOMINATION UNTRUTH udhr: DO YOU REALLY THINK JAPAN HAS A PROBLEM, OTHER THAN LOOSING ONE HECK OF A LOT OF REVENUE!!!!!!? not only that - but how incredibly difficult ... imagine you'll spend more time just getting from point a to b -- such is father evil-lie predetermined conclusions? 

THIS IS VERY CLEAR AND DISTINCT, CHAIN -- CONNECTIONS of EVIDENCE FROM 1947, idol god BIGGER number ALWAYS DECIDES, political party puppet tongues, intrinsic to any form of government-of-arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct "COORDINATED ASSAULT AND SIEGE" 12/2 PROOFED not by unGLOBAL triune/ udhr BINOMIAL MACHINE... but by PURE BLUE MAP HATE of "IV. Every one Being or existing [John1] in grace justifying finally, has not only a Right unto, but in fact hath ALL THE THINGS OF GOD; or, has not only a RIGHT unto the THING, but FOR HIS TIME, has BY RIGHT A POWER OVER ALL THE GOOD THINGS OF GOD. .." AT,  

         Never even thought of, let alone reported, since idol god BIGGER number WOULD NOT POSSIBLY BE ABLE TO PRODUCE PANIC-BY-IGNORANCE! not 1 nation's rulers/ police state lowered their conceit= hate; and is ALWAYS untruth where CRIMES of OMISSION, COMMISSION, NEGLECT, POSITIVE TRANSGRESSION, living and inanimate, indifferent THINGS are argued as if 'it' can be accountable to JESUS!

    {few rulers label 'death' for 6 feet (both meanings) under bones - is what many of you fear ...but not with LOVE, OBEY, FOLLOW JESUS..PAUL'S I TIM I CHRISTIAN DISCIPLINE which it IS! "PURE HEART, GOOD CONSCIENCE, SINCERE FAITH/ GRACE" He also introduces him SELF as the greatest of sinners and defines all those words,     where you can also READ, KING JAMES AND 47 CLERICS OXFORD, CAMBRIDGE, WESTMINSTER ABBEY, "INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATORS TO THE READER"}

3rd PERSON/ EMBRYO = ORAL COMMON LAWS of FIRST PERSON, of whom YOU ARE AS MUCH A 3RD PERSON AS THE FATHER IS IN HIS SON IN HIS FATHER, JESUS in YOU in Him; including ALL THE ETERNAL SOULS = ETERNAL MEANS ETERNAL, i.e., back to the very beginning Adam Eternally 1 in Eve, neither of whom "fell" anywhere! -- hell means hell eternal fires...

2nd GREAT COMMAND NEIGHBOR AS MY 'SELF', eyeball to eyeball in open court, judge's tongue of father evil-lie in absolute control of his teensie speech cogitations ROOTOP rhelm-of-hate, who in open "I have no idea what the will of God is nor shall I attempt to rule upon ..his own WS#31, 09/09/1850 CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC ARTICLE III:1 supreme Law of WORD/ LIFE=LAND/ EXISTENCE/ JOHN1 CHRIST JESUS/ ADAM, therefore EVE, helper suited him and her him IN FATHER = FIRST HOLY TRINITY WITNESSED JOHN THE BAPTIST...among ALL ERAS of bread, wine, dust, ground, Land, Earth.. PLANET, elliptical MILKY WAY GALAXY = CENTER GARDEN OF EDEN =POWER OF CIRCLE 2,4,6,8,10,12 HEAVEN/ THE ETERNAL, TANGENT TO GEN. WASHINGTON'S 3:2:3:2:3 TO 6:5:6:5:6:5:6:5:6 WHITE STARS 04/29/1775   "thy will be"... 'd'one on earth == ARTICLE VII DAYS GENESIS in IV IN VI IN THE DECLARATION IN 1611 1ST PRINT HOLY TRINITY BIBLE, ORAL LAW; repeated in this part of WHOLE TRUTH OF CHRIST JESUS WHO IS PRECISELY WHO HE SAYS HE IS .. 

        THAT UTTER BLASPHEMY TRIUNE GOVERNMENT OF MAN SERVING HIS POWER/ TYRANTS, to which YOU, FELLOW AMERICAN, OR BRIXIT, OR ISRALI .. among nations subjugated by the papist, i.e., what Baroness Thatcher refers to as "mainland" de-mock-rac-y udhr 2 kingdoms, but GB/ UK was as misled as soon as the 2nd Printing of Unique 1604-1611 HAMPTON COURT of KING JAMES,47 CLERGY, "INTRODUCTION TRANSLATORS to the READER.." that is YOUR, COMMANDMENT V HERITAGE, JAMES 1 ETERNAL SOUL = SPIRIT TRUTH 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO WORD/ WITNESS -metonymy-ORAL 10 in 2 GREATEST COMMANDS WHOLE MIND, WHOLE HEART, as were the Divines, Knox, Wesley - even Luther Sir Winston, but not FDR and his wife, nor Stalin, sitting in the 'threesome photo op' his little thin, lipped sort of, 'got-cha' smile, because he had .. and he knew it! for socialist communes of udhr -- are horror abominations -- quite specifically against CHRIST JESUS - because unless his body dies, hate-person-power cannot be man gender serving man choosing another by idol god BIGGER number smoke/ deceit/ smoothed atoms of black pit -- TELL YOU, that ARTICLE VII DAYS - CHRIST/ WORD/ LIFE/ LAND SHALL NOT EXIST - YOU SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED RED MAP TRUTH ABOLISHED TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY AS YOU COULD GOVERNORS, SENATORS, AG'S, HOUSE BY DEFAULT SINCE THE NUMBER APPORTIONMENT 435 IS INTRINSICALLY A HUGE LIE AS IS THE virus - that has caused the totally collapse of the LIFE/ LAND/ WORD - ORAL = WITNESS !  


Despot health usurper, Fauci is not alone - his counterparts are in Spain, Germany, France, GB, S.papist Ireland .. it is ALL LIFE ON UNGLOBAL triune/ udhr, enslaved HERDSCMPTPOP!!  


    Reply A]   ALONE:Proves HATE =1302 papist/47/49 artiii Axis EU empire Inquisitor Interdiction 2 Rhelms unGLOBAL controlled minds udhr HERDSCMPTPOP enslaved to WSummit binomial Email Virus ballot living & inanimate dead soul UNTRUTH ;  +BLUE is red Cleric Party Tongues

    Reply B} Flesh is papist & humanist 'knowledge Not perfect We know tools Test 5senses &' [mis-]reason' = fallible: thus All science <Nature = tentative conclusions: So true for social/ nature Conclusions => 'moral choices' & udhr policies: latter = subject To Constant Revision = due to 'light' nature = knowledge & control Shifts = communes being; AND 

"Fauci Admits Post-Vaccination Masking Was About ‘Signals’ Weeks after Insisting Otherwise " Isaac Schorr May 18, 2021 10:34 AM, at,

    "..This is not the first time Fauci has embraced the “noble lie” as a tool — it’s not even the first time that he’s employed it as it relates to masks. Recall that in February of 2020, Fauci lectured Americans that “If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn’t really do much to protect you. People start saying, ‘Should I start wearing a mask?’ Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.” ..... Obviously, his public position has changed and he’s since admitted that his original advice was not his medical opinion, but part of a strategy to head off shortages."  

    Reply....means control the need of controlled commerce production and manipulation of ALL GOODS, PRODUCE, MEAT LIFE ..CLOTHING..SHOES, WHOSE EMPLOYED WHERE AND AT WHAT "PROIFT MARGIN is PERMITTED ... who is manager who is 'corporate delphi tactic 13 Lucifer Alinsky 

         >>>NOTE:  {pg 33}: ALL PAGE NUMBERS ARE CROSS REFERENCED to Sir Edmund Burke, "The Only THING Necessary for Evil to Triumph is for GOOD MEN [3RD PERSON(s) / EMBRYO TO DO NO THING"  at, .. suggestion, pull it up into a new window ... as you read, for there will be more CONNECTIONS to THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS, Matt 18, 2 or 3 gathered in Jesus 'N'ame "I am present among them - because YOU are An Eternal Soul=Spirit Truth, 3rd Person/ Embryo - Heritage, not just 1620, but all the way back to Paul's BOOKS on dead soul magistrates 'authority-by-tyranny of both political party puppet tongues, Matt. 4 spirit devil's high priest land vs and in league with praetorian portico land, where YOU, EVERY 2 YEARS, and more often, repeat "And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine 'P'rovidence = JESUS, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor... exactly as did Heritage, Peter Waldo, Jan Hus, George Wishart, King James VI/ I with the 47 Clergy, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther from his German, 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE to the Signers of both Declaration Axioms applied in THE CHIEF -WHOLE VII ARTICLES AND BOTH PREAMBLES [ARTICLE IV:2, C1; 4, VI any "T'thing in the 'C'onstitution or 'L'aws of any State to the 'C'ontrary notwithstanding --  WITNESS/ ORAL COMMON LAW/ HEREUNTO WE subscribe by our 'N'ames  not your political party puppet tongues; but YOUR 'SELF' 10in2 COMMANDMENTS of THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD, THE FATHER in HIS SON, WORD/ CHRIST, ADAM Eternally EVE OVA = THE FIRST HOLY TRINITY


            Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg and Norway have suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine after citizens reported side-effects following inoculation from the ABV5300 batch of the vaccine. The batch in question was distributed among 17 EU countries.

            BUENOS AIRES (Sputnik) – The number of people vaccinated against the coronavirus in Ecuador has surpassed 100,000, President Lenin Moreno said.  ...Ecuador has confirmed about 300,000 COVID-19 cases so far, with over 16,000 fatalities.

            "More than 4 million doses of vaccines have been used in Mexico since the start of the vaccination campaign on December 24," Deputy Health Minister Hugo Lopez-Gatell said on late Friday.

            11:40 Von der Leyen Discusses COVID-19 Vaccination With Croatian Prime Minister

THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS-metonymy- The Creator, including divine "P'rovidence = CHRIST, JOHN1 JESUS / ADAM , THEREFORE EVE = UNIVERSE in the Declaration is the SAME Creator 's'upreme 'L'aw of 'L'and ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL COMMON 10in2 WHOLE MIND, WHOLE HEART AND NEIGHBOR as 'SELF' : 

enemy within hate - despots of papist/ art iii subsidiarity/ delphi tactic for private businesses to shut own their own margin, office hours, hiring, firing, CLINICS/ DOCTORS OFFICES/ UC/ any THING INANIMATE AND LIVING IS A PARTY-AT-LAW, 1973 international court of human precept iniquity art iii decreed 'its' rooftop imperative, kowtowing in competition to see who can wear their inanimate thing mask ..OVER.. tongue the longest!! aka, Chinese Communes (Lisa See, "Dreams of Joy" "ALWAYS take the name of God in vain =  BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST YOUR NEIGHBOR - especially if innocence and purity can be utterly eradicated before 9 years of human precept ..udhr The UNTRUTH exponentially GROWS upon ITS hate: The covid doesn't EXIST: WHITE BLOOD CELL cytokines = ANTIGEN enhanced DISEASE that REMAINS15MONTHS 3/9/20 unGLOBAL triune/ udhr who Director General 98% MFI = INCIDENCE in 1/232 Nations WHOLE TPOP: 3rdPERSON/EMBRYO = flu: No 1302 papist 1947/49artiii 2 Rhelms HERDSCMPTPOP

ADDED A} SEE "Onlyin246THECHIEFBATTLEFLAGAmeri caGod/ChristTruthIsLaw ;pg.13 :  WHO 4/26: #3/235: 1302papist /47/49artiii 2rhelms 435 census enjoined to unGLOBAL triune/  udhr 331,002,657 N. American enslaved HERDSCMPTPOP virus  :31708445 = 98.2% cumulative  Antibody Enhanced Disease with 566540 Eternal Soul(s) to God ... .orNot =1.8% :  NATIONWIDE 9.6% Cumulative MFI with 0.2% Eternal Soul(s) to God..or not Matt 25 eternal hell fires: triune/ udhr  unGLOBAL pandemic = 4.2% cumulative MFI with 0.1% Eternal Soul(s) to God ..or Not.

 "Gov. DeSantis to Take Executive Emergency Action Against Vaccine Passports" BY SAMUEL ALLEGRI March 29, 2021 AT, 

"White House Won’t Tell Officials How Many Illegal Immigrants Entering Texas Have COVID-19: Gov. Abbott" BY JACK PHILLIPS March 14, 2021;

"WASHINGTON (Sputnik) -[1947/49 artiii unGLOBAL udhr HERDSCMPTPOP, BLUE MAP LIE..]..US Judge Lora Livingston (Democratic Party) is a judge of the Texas 261st District Court. She assumed office in 1998. Her current term ends on December 31, 2022-BALLOTPEDIA) has allowed the Texas city of Austin to defy Governor Greg Abbott's order that terminated the statewide mask mandate, Mayor Steve Adler said in a statement. ..."Austin's mask rules will remain in effect for the next two weeks," Adler said on Friday. "We return to court March 26. No matter what happens then, we will continue to be guided by doctors and data. Masking works."

"Millions of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccines Ruined Due to Manufacturing Mistake" LUCY NICHOLSON, 05:52 GMT 01.04.2021(updated 06:43 GMT 01.04.2021

                 "This quality control process identified one batch of drug substance that did not meet quality standards at Emergent Biosolutions". ..Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine Likely Available to US Public Within Two Days, Says CEO. .. According to Johnson & Johnson, the issue was addressed with the Emergent Biosolutions manufacturing plant in East Baltimore and shared with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). .."This batch was never advanced to the filling and finishing stages of our manufacturing process", Johnson & Johnson specified.

"3,964 Dead 162,610 Injuries: EU Database Shows ‘Reactions’ To COVID “Vaccines,” Former Pfizer VP Explains “Massive Depopulation : Many experts have been warning people about the dangers of a vaccine designed to alter your body’s basic functions." by April Mathews at,

            "..all for a cold virus with a 99% recovery rate (better than the FLU), and now, records show that nearly 4,000 people are dead and over 162,000* have had “adverse” reactions to the supposed ‘miracle.’ In fact, the Former Pfizer VP has warned that the vaccine is possibly being “used for massive-scale depopulation.”... Health Impact News reported:  The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”  ...Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:

            This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines..." 

[*These are the unGLOBAL triune/ udhr, reverent supplication to the very sacred idol god, delusional adversarial democracy sacred forms of BIGGER number atoms virus in craven image, binomial machine all COMMUNE HERDSCMPTPOP.. So the distortion isn't in the number, but which of the 232 nation's each-ONE 3RD PERSON/ EMBREYO- WORD/ CHRIST JESUS, ORAL LAW, whose 1 square mile LAND of his feet in every location, 24/7 ROLES of his CHALLENGES to his LIBERTY, DEPENDING AS IT IS 'USED', of most good or most evil, COMPOSING THE UNION OF ONE PEOPLE WITHIN HIS SOVEREIGN NATION .. which is what I am adding so YOU MIGHT APPRECIATE JUST HOW MUCH father evil lie, forked tongue serpent, Cain's mark because he could not UNDERSTAND that, like the Prodigal Son, Luke 15-17, why The Eternal attempted to teach him that his 'fury' did not fit the situation.. so he needed to master his sin of 

AND,  "Americans “Wildly Misinformed” About COVID Risks Thanks To Propaganda Media It’s a cold with a 99% recovery rate!"  AT.     "...FEE reported:  A recent survey found that more than one-third of Americans overestimate by as much as a factor of ten the probability a person with COVID-19 will require hospitalization. ...  Researchers involved in the Franklin Templeton/Gallup study asked Americans in December what “percentage of people who have been infected by the coronavirus needed to be hospitalized.” The correct answer is not precisely known, the authors note, but the best available estimates place the figure between 1 and 5 percent.  ....Many people’s perceptions of the data, however, were completely off. ...."

"Michigan Pizzeria Owner Arrested for Defying State COVID-19 Restrictions"  BY JANITA KAN March 21, 2021 Updated: March 21, 2021 AT, 

                "Marlena Pavlos-Hackney, owner of Marlena’s Bistro and Pizzeria in Holland, Michigan, was taken into custody following a traffic stop for failing to comply in a civil case filed by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. ...State officials said she kept her restaurant open for indoor dining when it was banned, didn’t comply with capacity limits, and didn’t enforce any mask-wearing rules amid the pandemic. The department then suspended her food license on Jan. 20, but she remained open, according to a statement. ..."

           " Over 100 Fully Vaccinated People in Washington State Test Positive for COVID-19" BY ZACHARY STIEBER March 31, 2021 ce=pushengage

"Almost Two-Thirds of US Citizens Over 65 Now Vaccinated Against COVID, White House Says"

UPDATE: CDC Reports 1,637 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccinations" BY CELIA FARBER March 6, 2021 AT,

I have update WHO DASHBOARD including the ENTIRE PERIOD 01/20/2020 TO 5/7/21, then 1/20 to 8/7, and cotinue to update unGLOBAL triune is udhr enslaved HERDSCMPTPOP -against- WORD/ CHRIST/ ADAM ETERNALLY TO EVE OVA/ JESUS from MARY's OVA who visited her Heritage, young OT ..NT.. elderly and silenced, Zacharia Eternally Aunt Elizabeth, past child bearing years OVA, SON, JOHN 1 THE BAPTIST [at, ],  HORROR ABOMINATION, Jesus teaching, Matt. 22-27, in 24, connecting Daniel 9 the END,  [at,  & ] 

So, to let you KNOW, READER as EVERYONE, whether or not you are FORBIDDEN Genesis Tree of knowledge, still, by Your Command V, THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS, 3RD PERSON- ORAL 10in2, CHOSE & CHOOSES, TO BELIEVE IN WORD/ CHRIST JESUS BY HIS SPOKEN WORD, "the 'T'welfth (April 29, 1775, General of the Army of the Potomac/ President of his LOVE IN THE HOLY TRINITY, BATTLE FLAG, THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD, THE PERFECT LOVE FATHER, CHIEF: -- THERE IS NO CHANGE  from WHO DIRECTOR GENERAL Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, PUBLIC NOTICE, WHOLE TRUTH, SPOKEN 98% of those CONFIRMED VIRUS WILL HAVE Mild Flu Illness ON 03/09/2020 TO 'THIS DAY' THIS HOUR'-    see, "SINCE IMMUTABLE CREATOR..." = page 9, here are more important links',  within "THE FOUR-INTERLINKED PACKETS OF PROOFS" AT,  and "THE ONLY THING NECESSARY FOR EVIL TO TRIUMPH IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NO THING" at,



BUENOS AIRES (Sputnik) - Brazil’s Health Ministry signed a deal on Friday to import 10 million doses of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine from Russia in the second quarter.


"Canadian PM Justin Trudeau warns his subjects: Cancel your holiday plans. If you dare travel, remember the harsh rules you'll be subject to when you want to come home." Subtle  CHRIS FIELD March 30, 2021, at,    ".."Now is not the time to travel. If you have plans to head somewhere for the long weekend, cancel them," Trudeau began in his Twitter thread. "There are other, safer ways for you to connect with your family and friends. For those who need to travel, take note of the measures that are in place when you return to Canada."


"Studies: Hundreds of Thousands Infected With COVID-19 in Wuhan in 2020; Patient Zero Emerged October 2019"  BY NICOLE HAO March 20, 2021 at,  "..As many as 968,800 people in Wuhan, China, had developed antibodies to COVID-19 by April 2020, while the first case appears to have emerged between mid-October and mid-November in 2019, according to two new studies.

#22 of 232 FRANCE 65,273,511 papist Vatican City #232 of 232 independent - artiii axis nations unGLOBAL udhr enslaved HERDSCMPTPOP, maskOVERtongue, feet in absolute obedience to despot use of earth/ planet 6' above & uniformed clothes 6 feet under: WHO DASHBOARD 4/26: idol god BLUE MAP BIGGER number 5,413,036 = 98.1% cumulative (MEANS OVER THE FLU, BUT STILL COUNTED) MFI, with 102,184 Matt 25, to God ..or not = 1.9%:  NATIONWIDE: 8.3% MFI papist, axis nations, artiii 2 kingdoms, Matt 12= John8 evil-lie HERDSCMPTPOP with 02% to heaven ..or Not:  unGLOBAL indifferent living VIRUS+ 'ITS' ANTIBODY ENHANCED DIS VACCINE as parties-to-1978 CLPV 

        France Reportedly Approves Johnson&Johnson COVID Vaccine France has approved Johnson & Johnson's single-dose COVID-19 vaccine for use


"Anti-Lockdown Protesters Rally in Berlin to Mark One Year Since Beginning of COVID-19 Restrictions"© AP Photo / Markus Schreiber,  12:40 GMT 13.03.2021

            "..Protesters are rallying under the slogan "It's enough" in Berlin to mark one year since the first restrictions were enforced in Germany to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. ...Overall, Germany has recorded 2,559,935 cases of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, with 73,349 deaths and 2,356,590 recoveries, according to the Johns Hopkins University.  -- JOHNS HOPKINS is in the top 2 false hood papist/ art iii/ unGLOBAL udhr HERDSCMPTPOP enslaved, controlled mind, heart of any one BEING, maskOVERtognue all 

German Health Minister Warns Against Alarmism Amid Concerns Over AstraZeneca Safety

The German health minister urged the nation on Friday not to blow concerns over the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine out of proportion, saying there was no proof it caused blood clots.

#21 of 235, GREAT BRITAIN/ UNITED KINGDOM, LIFE= 67,887, 011 FEET on 93,409.3 sq. mi. COUNTY LAND or equilivant, PSM Genesis, EDEN PARK 

        January 20, 2020 to 08/12/2021 unGLOBAL triune/ udhr HERDSCMPTPOP,  6,179,510 = 97.9% confirmed, cumulative T-cell covid + 'spike' + 'variant' + 'delta' species with 130,701 = 2.1% Eternal Soul(s) to God ...or Not,  snce public usurper/ despots oligarch with minions of subsidiarity/ chaos - commerce, interantional court of iniquity, #1 to 5 SENSES, tools and instruments for Learning, become POLITICAL- PARTY- PUPPET TONGUES, re-manufactured, orchestrated 'particles-of-partitioning' via living and inanimate, fleshie/ stony things, incapable of WORD #6 UNDERSTANDING #7 SPEECH, an INTERPRETER of  COGITATIONS:         That means 66,461,383.8 have Never had any virus/ flu of any form; or cumulative .. was back to his roles of LIFE after 3, +/ - 7 to 10 days, remains in the HERDSCMPTPOP and there are "NEW CONFIMRED" also added, + THE "Nature's Law of White Blood Cells, Lymphocyte - Cytokines = ANTIGEN ENHANCED DISEASE, is LITERALLY, an Attenuated/ live 'spike', 'variant', 'delta' dep[ending upon which of 'acceptable ti eu empire's borderless plastic montary public WORLD BANK GROUP from IMF/ FEDERAL RESERVE binomial machine, blockchain prison for borderless particles-of-partitioning commerce = vaccine  (do not round off any decimal - it is either a 3rdPerson/ Embryo - Oral Common 10in2, or how the COUNTY'S BOUNDARIES are repected for UNION OF ONE PEOPLE composed by that Command V, 3rd Person/ neuroblast ..Dura Mater ..Embryo ...Newborn... Toddler... Child... Youth/ preteen... A Man... A Woman = feet, 24/ 7 roles (yes,embryo/ newborn, toddler definity have very definite roles..) of WORD= LIFE= on  LAND  (EDEN PARK):

NATIONWIDE: 9.1% cumulative,  covid, BUT much more,  'spike', 'variant', 'delta' with 0.2% Eternal Soul(s) to God ...or not ('CONTROLS ARE UNKNOWABLE, 24/ 7roles + opportunities of undiagnosed, comoribities or become UNEXPECTED hematological events, at least to the udhr humans of pharmaceutical - dependent and extorted by the will of the oligarchs,  with too numerous anticoagulent wrongful deaths); because only the vain, idol god's FORMS of orchestraed BIGGER number are permitted - there is no such idea of an 'individual 3rd person/ embryo, let alone the idea of when an embryo  is no longer fetus and therfore has no right to WORD= LIFE= LAND FEET PSM or LIGHT..; for no vaccine should be FORCED BY father evil lie, incapable of WORD,  - that human precept word .. always means 'dust-to-dust' hoping for 'redemption' 6 feet under cemetary earth, or remains tossed into sea; for without WORD/ WITNESS/ PRAYER/ ORAL COMMON 10in2 ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH endowed by the will of PERFECT LOVE FATHER, there is NO EXISTENCE in a 5 senses living thing physiology/ biblical 'flesh' = THUS WORLD WIDE ABOMINATION HORROR .. and it will not go away.. only implode exponentially ravenous wolves guarding the pharaceutical labs and idol god BIGGER MEGAregions of MEGApolis, among #235 of 235 pius xi and xii Vatican failed, political party puppet tongues - but of 'authority so great that indulgences and pardons must include forgiving lie, steal, false witness, kill minds by EXPUNGE including punishments for disobedicence ... ORAL COMMON 10in2 from INTERVAL [AT,   ] 

1302 papist/1647 triune/ 47/49artiii 435 census of canon/ feudal oligarch, dead soul, magistrates and their minions, unGLOBAL udhr, enslaved, most INVOLUNTARY - HAVE NEVER GIVEN CONSENT, HERDSCMPTPOP word, 'pandemic':  7,878,301,000 :  = 0.1% confirmed, cumulative T-cell covid + 'spike' + 'variant' + 'delta' species with 0.002% Eternal Soul(s) to God ...or Not.


            That means 0.01% = only 618.0 3rd Person(s)/ Embryo on the very same LAND PSM,  but the FEET are YOUR unique Command V Heritage, James 1 from intercourse ... neuroblast/ Dura Mater/ Embryo with  confirmed, cumulative T-cell covid + 'spike' + 'variant' + 'delta' species with 0.6% = 784.2 Eternal Soul(s) to God ... or not:  Jesus, "I am the real and living way [WORD]: NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY MEANS OF ME" JOHN 14in17- first and Only Direct Translator, New Rendering, not from any previous English Version' among many re-organization/ but in GREATER obedience to the last Book, last Chapter TESTAMONIES in Revelation,  Moffatt Bible                                                                                        

5/25/21 Tweet Cathy West @cewest246: via @SputnikInt 1302 papist/ APPORTION1941/ 47/49art iii 2 Rhelms unGlobal SUMMITIS binomial Ato toms  =1 way Contract = triune 1954/78/ 99/ 2010/ 11/3/ 12/2 udhr HERDSCMPTPOP = Inquistor legate Interdiction within Univ of ILLinois  01/20/2009 false god mohammed Regime: hence HADES = SATAN Mt12:Whos the judge?

      A}  SEE: Matt12 & ; How few rank rulers DOMINION idol god BIG triune udhr EXPUNGE 1611 GB Interval Oral Law HEBREW THE CHIEF ArtVII DAYS CofG psm Exist ; Understand YOU Steadfast 11/3 Red Map Truth GB ISR don't exist!

5/17/21 Tweet Cathy West @ c.e.west246: since YOU Expunge Truth ANTIGEN ENHANCED WHITE CELLS CYTOKINES := obey triune 5senses FLESH mask OVER not only Marry But print Cleaners, food ,clothing, HOTELS cars, trains, planes = Mil's of Eternal Soul= WORD LIFE=LANDpsm EXISTENCE/ CHRIST with GOD 3rdPERSON/ Embryo, Newborn, Toddler, Child, Youth, A Man, A Woman

    reply: John1 ; DOMINON triune udhr EXPUNGE THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS 1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE ; Understand

"Boris Johnson stresses Covid vaccine safety as tensions with NHS spill over Ministers accused of ‘moving goalposts’ and wrongly taking credit for success of immunisation programme"  Denis Campbell and Heather Stewart, Thu 18 Mar 2021 16.45  AT,          "..Speaking at a Downing Street press conference, the prime minister repeatedly underlined the safety of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab, which was reaffirmed by regulators in the EU and UK on Thursday after many EU countries suspended its use. ....On Wednesday NHS England had announced a sharp decline in vaccine supplies for April, with ministers citing delays in millions of doses from India and the need to retest 1.7m doses. But Johnson insisted the dates in the roadmap for reopening society would not have to be moved back, saying: “Our progress along the road to freedom remains unchecked.” ..." 

"Londoners Take to Streets to Join Worldwide Anti-COVID Lockdown Protests© REUTERS / HENRY NICHOLLS, 13:44 GMT 20.03.2021   "Protests against coronavirus lockdowns have been taking place regularly all over the globe. One year after WHO declared the virus situation a pandemic, many countries are now facing the third wave of COVID."

DESPOT virus / deaths/ pandemic (1302 papist successors/ heritage high priest + Rome governemnt-of-human precept, thinking  can outdo 1345 here

“Boris Johnson stresses Covid vaccine safety as tensions with NHS spill over”

COVID Live Updates: Japan Reportedly Wants No More Than 90,000 Foreign Citizens at Olympics 04:37 GMT 20.03.2021

#2 of 235 INDIA

 I} via @SputnikInt #2/235 INDIA=1,380,004,385 unGLOBAL HERDCMPTPOP on 1,147,949.8 sq Mi Exist LIFE=LAND, 1302 papist successors (Benedict xvi&francis) 1947/49 artiii axis 2 rhelms unGLOBAL udhr HERDSCMPTPOP virus ANTIGEN Enhanced White cell Physiology SECRET: The Vaccine(s) Innately Spike or IF not Kept Refrig can keep Ignorance Panic Alive!19,557,457=98.9% cumulative MFI with 

    ADDED A}   2,155,402=1.1% Eternal Soul to heaven ...or not: NATIONWIDE 1.4% cumulative MFI with 0.02% to God ...or not: unGLOBAL nonExist orchestrated word, 'pandemic'  7,861,798,000 HERDSCMPTPOP=0.2% with 0.003% To God: BUT 'Just' 1,202.1  Spirit Truth 3rd PERSON/ EMBRYO per square mile JOHN 1 WORD/ LIFE=LAND CHRIST/ TRUTH EXISTENCE =162,694 Cumulative MFI with 176.8 to God ..or Not: thus maskOVERtongue ... Or not= REFUSE coerced Vaccine + UNWARRANTED tax TRIBUTE $$$!

ADDED B}  147,727,054 = 10.7% of India RECEIVED VAC There are > 50 companies Involved = all TAXPAYERS wearing maskOVERtongue FOR idol god's BIG living Thing as Party-at-law UNTRUTH ---SINCE AN INANIMATE BINOMIAL MACHINE OR ANY FORM OF LIVING 5 SENSES 

II}  01/20/2009 TO 08/09/2021 (1year, 7 months, 20 days)

#2 OF 235 INDIA 1,380,004,385 property of papist sucessors/ 1674westminster confession, artiii 435 particles-of-partitioning unGLOBAL triune/ udhr enslaved tyranny of mind(sHERDSCMPTPOP on 1,147,949.8 sq.mi LIFE= LAND :  31,856,757= 98.7% cumulative, spike, variant, (delta?) ANTIGEN ENHANCED DISEASE  with 426,754 = 1.3% Matt. 25 Christ Jesus WORD/ TRUTH Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ...or not, eternal fires of hell.   NATIONWIDE: 2.3% cumulative MFI with 0.03% Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ...

      There are 1,202.1 PSM LIFE= LAND= LIGHT/ THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS GENESIS, Eternal Soul=Spirit Truth, 3rd PERSON(S)/ EMBRYO - ORAL 10in2 Common 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS, WORD/ CHRIST WITH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD in 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO .. ADAM Eternally EVE OVA .. Ova of Mary, JESUS, her Elderly Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Zachariah cannot SPEAK until, JOHN 1 the Baptist = WITNESS to "THE LAMB of THE ETERNAL, PERFECT LOVE, FATHER  >>>ON THE VERY SAME SQ MI LAND:  THUS, 0.004 % = 1,274.3 3RD PERSON(S)/ EMBRYO cumulative MFI with 0.3% = 1,280.3 Eternal Soul(s) to heaven ... or not PER SQUARE MILE.

    papist successors/ 1647 wmestminster confession, 1947/ 49artiii, axis nations, eu empire borderless living indifferent feet/ virus/ flesh atoms, necessarily, inanimate, binomial machine, regardless of its atoms flow on the mountain top's grandeur of all orchestrated, re manufactured, production and distribtion of particles-of-partitioning by arbitrary human precept, oligarchs word, 'scripture' in 'c'onstitution, careful, tiny parts,  commerce Common Law public value  is private,  triune is udhr, ENSLAVED HERDSCMPTPOP unGLOBAL word, pandemic: 0.001% = 2,008.4 3RD PERSON(s)/ Embryo cumulative MFI with 0.03% = 1,279.8 Eternal Soul(s) to heaven..or not. 

#124/ 232 IRELAND{pg.37}  4,941,647 HERDSCMPTPOPeople ruled by papist/ artiii/ axis nations unGLOBAL controlled minds, udhr, craven image WSIS BINOMIAL MACHINE for every nation's government-of-arbitrary human precept, predetermined conclusions worship and belief of superior power governing world below, 'demcracy,socialist communes, idol god's BIGGER KM2 number, on 32,595 sq. mi. LIFE/ EXIST LAND = 151.6 on same JOHN1 WORD = LIFE = Land/ EXISTENCE, LIGHT/ UNDERSTANDING SPEECH anINTERPRETER herein of cogitations = same Eternal Soul=Spirit Truth, 3rd PERSON(S)/ EMBRYO - ORAL LAW PSM :

235078 = 98% cumulative MFI with 4,667 = 2% to God in heaven ..or not: NATIONWIDE =4.8% MFI with 0.1% to heaven: unGLOBAL udhr HERDSCMPTPOP maskOVERtongue pandemic 0.003% MFI with 0.0001% to God in heaven..or not : BUT only 1,550.6 unique, 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO MFI with 30.8 to God ..Matt. 25 or not

"Live Updates: [Catholic is not an issue, but..... PAPIST/ RUSSIAN/...unGLOBAL... ILLEGAL LAND/ ORAL LAW!!!!=..]..Biden, SOUTH [Clinton given position University of Ireland], --Irish Prime Minister to Hold Talks on March 17 to Discuss COVID-19"© REUTERS / DADO RUVIC,  04:30 GMT 12.03.2021(updated 23:15 GMT 12.03.2021)


Indonesian Nurse Dies After Receiving Chinese-Made COVID-19 Vaccine BY NICOLE HAO February 25, 2021 Updated: February 25, 2021 AT,

1302 papist, unGLOBAL udhr South IRELAND:

Biden, Irish Prime Minister to Hold Talks on March 17 to Discuss COVID-19 - White House , 03/17/2021

 #101 of 232  ISRAEL  8,666,298 HERDS CMPTPOP (live)  ON 58,974.3 SQ. MI. LOGOS/ ‘W’ORD/ REASON/ CHRIST / EXIST/ LAND = 147.7  ETERNAL SOUL= SPIRIT TRUTH, 3rdPERSON/ embryo - ORAL COMMON 2in10 GREATEST COMMANDS LIFE= 1/7TH DISTRICT LAND PSM or 58,675 3rdPerson(s)

            831084 = 99.3% cumulative MFI with 6165 = 0.7% to God in heaven or not: NATIONWIDE

Second Dose in Doubt After Pfizer Vaccine Reportedly Leaves Dozen Israelis With Facial Paralysis"© AP Photo / Maya Alleruzzo  10:52 GMT 17.01.2021(updated 12:26 GMT 17.01.2021   "..“According to Israeli news site Ynet, doctors estimate that the number of similar cases could be higher and are questioning if they should administer the second dose of the vaccine to those who suffered facial paralysis. ... However, the country's health ministry recommends they should go ahead, but only if the paralysis passes, the report says.

            Opposition head Lapid backs court ruling, urges ‘freedom of religion for Jews’ ..Yesh Atid’s Yair Lapid, leader of the opposition, says he welcomes the court decision on conversion. ...“Israel must have complete equality of rights for all streams of Judaism – Orthodox, Reform or Conservative,” he says. “We all need to live here together with tolerance and mutual respect. ... “A sane government will put an end to the ridiculous situation whereby Israel is the only democracy in the world without freedom of religion for Jews.”

"Israeli Experts Split on Giving COVID Booster Shots to Those 45 and Over" Ido Efrati, 08/11/21 at, :  "..Among experts on the pandemic response team, there is no broad support in favor of giving the shot to those younger than 60 just yet, with opinions divided on the matter, sources familiar with the subject said, noting that those supporting the move and those opposing it are split almost equally."

        WHO DASHBAORD 01/03/2020 TO 08/12/2012, #100 OF 235 ISRAEL 1 year, 8 months, 9 days unGLOBAL triune/ udhr HERDSCMPTPOP = 921,083 = 99.3% confirmed, cumulative T-cell covid + 'spike' + 'variant' + 'delta' species wit  with 6593 = 0.7 %  Eternal Soul(s) to heaven  ...or not. 

        NATIONWIDE:  10.6% are confirmed, cumulative T-cell covid + 'spike' + 'variant' + 'delta' species OVER 1 year, 8 months, 9 days unGLOBAL triune/ udhr HERDSCMPTPOP with 0.1% Eternal Soul(s) to God ... or not.

        unGLOBAL triune/ udhr HERDSCMPTPOP 0.01%  are confirmed, cumulative T-cell covid + 'spike' + 'variant' + 'delta' species with 0.0001% Eternal Soul(s) to God .. or Not.

        BUT 147.7, 3rdPerson/ Embryo - Oral 10in 2 Greatest Commands = 0.02% = 1,733.3 Eternal Soul(s) on the same 7 DISTRICTS of 24/ 7roles of LIFE feet on LAND PSM,  confirmed, cumulative T-cell covid + 'spike' + 'variant' + 'delta' species, with 2.2%          

"Israeli Experts Split on Giving COVID Booster Shots to Those 45 and Over" Ido Efrati at,    The Health Ministry's advisory panel broadly believes that the shot does more good than harm, but there's no broad consensus. But attitudes could shift in accordance with morbidity trends in Israel or signs of positive impact

            "..Among experts on the pandemic response team, there is no broad support in favor of giving the shot to those younger than 60 just yet, with opinions divided on the matter, sources familiar with the subject said, noting that those supporting the move and those opposing it are split almost equally.


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) said it had authorized the use of the coronavirus vaccine developed by the Johnson & Johnson's (J&J) pharmaceutical division, Janssen-Cilag.




"Philippines Detects New, Unique COVID-19 Variant, Health Authorities Say"© AP Photo / Aaron Favila , 10:26 GMT 13.03.2021(updated 10:27 GMT 13.03.2021)   "According to the DOH, the coronavirus mutation was named P.3, and 98 cases associated with this variant have been registered across the Philippines so far. However, the authorities need more information on the variant to evaluate its contagion and death risks. ...The media outlet said that in February the Japanese Ministry of Health reported a case of a new strain in a man, aged 60, who arrived in Tokyo from the Philippines. He reportedly showed no symptoms of the disease.

    "The Latest: Lockdown extended for metro Manila, surroundings" By The Associated Press, today 04/05/21 AT, 

The above triune/ udhr unGLOBAL aristocratic oligarchs .."will do all this to YOU (who have abolished that form of 'G'overnment destructive of these (1611 Trinity in Hebrew Oral Declaration AXIOMS/ applied in THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS - GENESIS) END, notably Star of David/ Tallit; Union Jack St. Andrew, therefore Paul, St. George, Centurion v Diocletian, St. Patrick for THE WHOLE IRELAND, not the papist/ civil-state magistrate 'authority' by dead soul(s) 2 kingdoms hate TRUTH.  It is very important for Union of One People British Isles - to UNDERSTAND - human precept re-manufactured word, 'MONARCHY', 'Emperor,  'Czar, any earth plate location, is not the 'evil-lie' rooftop any more or less than a church, temple, confederation, or 'label 'REPUBLIC':  THE COMMANDMENT V, HERITAGE, JAMES 1 from Intercourse, ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH WORD/ CHRIST, ADAM eternally EVE, JESUS witness JOHN the Baptist, 3rd PERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS WHOLE LAW - ALL PROPHETS, DETERMINES THE REAL AND LIVING WAY of CHRIST JESUS among ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIM BY THEIR SPOKEN WORD ..that is what "AND ASSUME AMONG THE POWERS OF THE EARTH, THE SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION TO WHICH THE LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD, ENTITLE EVERY ONE BEING .. SO, the above 'titles' are NOT per se OLIGARCHES; rather-- as EACH ONE BEING -CHOOSES TO ABIDE BY WHAT I SAY AND YOU REALLY WILL BE DISCIPLES OF MINE .. YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH >>>WILL >>>SET YOU FREE, including YOUR SECOND GREATEST COMMAND, 3RD PERSON FOLKS WHO COMPOSE YOUR , RESPECTIVE, SOVEREIGN NATIONS unique as those of his 24/ 7ROLES OF pursuit in challenges ... GOAL:    "The diversity in the faculties of men [3rd PERSON(S)/ EMBRYO- ORAL 10in2] from which the RIGHTS of PROPERTY originate, is not less an insuperable obstacle to uniformity of interests.  The PROTECTION of these faculties IS THE FIRST OBJECT of GOVERNMENT [at, ]" ACTS 28, GOVERNOR PUBLIUS of MALTA, Pen Name, No. 10 of 85 COMMENTARIES IN FAVOR OF THE SEVEN ARTICLES, BOTH PREAMBLES to THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, JAMES MADISON, November 23, 1787..      

If I had not come, they would not be guilty if I had not Come And SPOKEN to them; but, as it is, they have no excuse for their sin----he who hates me hates my Father also. They would not be guilty, if I had not done deeds among them such as NO ONE HAS EVER DONE; but as It Is, they have seen---and they have hated---both me and my Father. IT is that the 'w'ord 'w'ritten in their 'L'aw may be fulfilled: they hated me [Life = Land, existence psm/ Light whole Truth] FOR NO CAUSE  [ ]

AUTHORITIES, RESOURCES, CONNECTED TRUTH..or NOT POLTICAL PARTY-PUPPET TONGUES, regardless of church, temple, mosque, parliament, congress, court of any level of public/ private - Matt 12, John 8, 15 Romans hostility to 1604-1611 HOLY TRINITY BIBLE - "INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATORS TO THE READER" GREAT TRUTH,   ”Opinion” is contra-distinguished from “Dissent” - Case Argument’s Truth includes Justice Wilson’s “In the chain of reasoning, the evidence must proceed regularly and without interruption from link to link; the evidence of the last conclusion can be not greater than the weakest link in the chain, because if even the weakest link fails, the Whole of the chain is broken.”-Chapter VI, “Of Man, as an
Individual” in “Works of the Honorable James Wilson, LL.D.