The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

President Obama, his Administration, and their conforming demands

          Congressman Bilbray, I Like your KUSI interview and the way you have setup your website here. One issue addition suggestion: The difference between Pres.Obama and his Admin. as Progressive-Democracy-Socialists V. Republican Congress Members recognizing 'We the people' as tea party people, ignoring Declaration and Constitution people, and the irresponsible use of taxpayer resources this Current Administration insists on pursuing to continue as a clear and present danger to the economy of our Nation!

          Today's LA Times front page was a beautiful illustration of the outcome of a Socialist Countries: On the left column was an article regarding the near financial collapse of socialist Greece with one paragraph which could have been placed directly into the United States of America's situation now- government freeze, and the chaos it is causing to all Greeks - except those in government!  On the right column, the plan for job stimulus and continued government spending here in America's Progressive-Democracy-Socialism! America is a little behind in complete Socialism, i.e. Central Government control of every item of human endeavor personal or otherwise!

          The Points: 1) Mr. Bilbray, Republicans in the House Must "Just Say No" to any further government spending. If this President decides to utilize 'executive power or other techniques' to get his way, then he must take the consequences which do include Despotism and Usurpation - he is not listening to law, any American, or the Supreme Law of the Land. Yes, it may only be Integrity and an Oath of Office, and more - the first time in the history of every single, individual, American President in US history, that we call him out on the lack and denial of his Oath and Integrity. 2) Misuse of tax payer or irresponsible use of taxpayer-individual dollars - given and sometimes forced- (Banker's legal contracts for awarding Bonuses; all Medicare/caid recipients MUST join health care without question, appeal, choice, or security of person)to Federal government.  There is a Constitutional 'Article' often called "The Davey Crockett" Article which prohibits the government to act against the people and their economy thru their tax dollars (which didn't exist then, but the human nature of Democracy did!)!  That is why the United States of America is The Republic We Pledge Our Allegance to: Elected Representatives and the Rule of Law (Three Basic Rights guaranteed by Our Creator in Our Declaration)! Not rule by a group of people sitting around a table to decide if, when, what, how, who, under what circumstances and judgement should or should not be punished for not conforming to what-ever is handy and at hand- for this time in history because tomorrow comes and yesterday is of no importance! Diesel engines in American Ships! You don't need me to tell you, Rep.Bilbray!

           When the Pres. behaves in his manner:  "You stopped MY(!) 'Deficit Commission', so I have used an Executive Order to reopen the Deficit Commission.".   We Must Act to Instruct Him About his Oath and Actions against We the people of which he is only one of us who must become aware of how and when he is the problem! Couple of other examples: Taxpayers also get to support the GW Commission!  And business, trade, corporations are 'Not Yelling at nothing' when you read the "Financial Stability Act"!

          Do not be 'bipartisan' and compromise Our Constitution (& Declaration because you can't have one without the other)! Do not give-in to this ill advised, ill-educated, one-sided decider of every single individual, individual as a business, and resources the United States of America! He cannot stand and shall not stand, with his Progressive-democracy viewpoint - against any American living at the time of our Founders -- for everyone knew who and what America was about!

Thank you, Cathy

PS: the 'you' isn't intended to point at you Mr. Bilbray -- Spread it around to all the 'you's' who remain American First and Don't let this Admin. confuse Party with Constitution - History - and what it means to say "I am an American"!

PSS- Thank you for the space this takes. It is very thoughtful. No Dem. Senators let people in the way you do!!

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