The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mr. Obama, First Amendment vs. Morality

That's fine Pres. Obama; if freedom of religion were involved.

What is involved came in the first sentence of your Friday the 13th speech: "This, indeed, is hallowed ground."
Then went on to talk about the First Amendment.  Because of this, Karl Rove said it was the speed required from your speech writer, but neither of you recognized that you did not understand the meaning of 'hallowed' when all you had to do was to look at The National Cemetery to understand completely.  No mosques. No Community Centers. Just Love and Respect for the individuals and their families who have sacrificed their lives for Radical Jihad!

Mr. President, you have already expressed your opinion of the Constitution of the United States; do not support any part of it, until you need it: Like for your friends at Ground Zero or your attack on the State of Arizona for protecting the Borders you (& granted, others before you) ignored because so many elected and un-elected individuals, yourself include; have no idea of the responsibilities of American Character and Citizenship, few of the illegal aliens even know exist.

But the Articles and Amendments of our Constitution, while for any individual; requires American Citizenship and loyalty to the fights or positions of America. Like those from South of the Border States, the mosque group think that they can have anything, like First Amendment, without taking responsibility for anything that is wrong with its own religion; but can judge America!?

American Citizenship requires:
>Duty - When a Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, Pursuing invariably the Same Object, Evinces a Design to Reduce Them Under Absolute Despotism, it is Their Right, it is Their Duty, to Throw Off Such Government;
>In God We Trust - A Firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence;
>America is Blessed - And to Assume Among the Powers of the Earth, the Separate, but Equal Station;  >Independence - That These coloniesAre, and of right Ought To Be, Free and Independent States;
>Gifts - Endowed by Their Creator;
>Law - The Law of Nature and of Nature's God;
>Sacrifice - We Mutually Pledge to Each Other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor;
>Liberty - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness;  Unity - We therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America;
>Accountability - Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of Our Intentions (not transparency it's different);
>Service - "56 men made an accomplishment that has blessed millions of people" over the last 234 years with 235 - under challenge by a few individuals. No member of the mosque has contributed to the fight against radical Islam...actually information is that the ground zero mosque leaders sympathize with the prisoners on Guantanamo and elsewhere.

Americans do not give way to a group of Islam who cannot recognize evil and take action against it; but demand a right not earned or respected by them.  To Repeat, President Obama, you have no authority over the Constitution which is written to be used and read from Elementary School to throughout adulthood.  It is not for attorneys, judges at any level, or you alone, Mr. President.  I have said,  This American Patriot Dares You; and of course, your consistent 'Don't know what you don't know' except for Socialism with Islam which is Not A Republican form of Government guaranteed by the Constitution you reject!  Learn to Listen, Mr. President or become just a man with two legs like all the rest of America!

You, your cohorts, including the leader of the desire for the mosque on Ground Zero believe that the first amendment is free without any responsibility; while most Americans think morality with respect to America  is much more important than giving religious freedom to a group, who could care less about the contributions made to Iraq and Afghanistan.  Members of religions who Remain Silent; while other lawless, borderless, killers of innocent individuals - including the women and children, of their own religion, Share The Guilt of the lawless.  Silence is Agreement, in law and principle since Saint, Sir Thomas Moore.  Radical jihad; has no "respect for borders or  principles of world order (Dr.Kissinger)"; for our soldiers who have died in war;  or in capture of contract, news-people by death for any reason Radical Jihad defines;  and  in service of the people of Iraq and Afghanistan by our State Department, and for no other reason than teeth make a difference to the health and welfare of any person any where on the Globe.