The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Uncommon Wisdom
Weekend Edition | Sunday, August 15, 2010 
$5,657,492 to create 
a single job! Has 
Washington lost its MIND? 

by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
Dear Cathy,
Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
According to the Special Inspector General for TARP, Washington has spent a total of $3.7 trillion on bailouts and Fed money-printing — NOT including trillions in other government guarantees — to fight this recession so far.
Meanwhile, since the labor market began recovering a bit this year, a total of 654,000 jobs have been created.
So let's do the math: Just divide $3.7 trillion spent by the 654,000 jobs that were created, and you'll see that
Every one of those new jobs cost 
a staggering $5,657,492 to create!
That's more than an outrage; it's patently idiotic: The median income for full-time American workers is only about $45,000. At that rate, it will take nearly 126 long years for each new job to generate paychecks worth over $5.6 million!
And with an average tax rate of 25 percent, it will take the government about five hundred years to recoup the money from income taxes.
Worse: Despite the fact that Washington has thrown money at this recession like there's no tomorrow, nearly TEN MILLION Americans are still relying on unemployment checks to put food on the table:
  • Right now, 4.45 million American workers are receiving regular unemployment insurance. Plus, 
  • Another 5.28 million are receiving emergency benefits just extended again by Congress.
If all this truly could plant the seed for a healthy recovery, it might pay off someday, somehow. But it's not working, and, just as the government's political and financial capital is running out, unemployment is RISING again: Just last week, initial jobless claims were expected to drop. Instead, they surged: A staggering 484,000 workers filed for unemployment benefits for the first time!
Just as we've been warning you, this much-vaunted recovery is proving to be a sham. And what we're seeing in the cards for the months ahead is equally astounding.

We hear from Mr. Obama's supporters that:
1. It is Bush's Fault:  Global War on Terror: "The world in which we live is a dangerous world, but a world with great opportunity.  We're involved in an ideological a struggle --- the likes of which we have seen before in our history.  It's an ideological struggle between those of us who love freedom and human rights and human dignity, and those who want to impose their dark vision on (all humans the world over).   (President George w. Bush, Emerald at Queensridge, Las Vegas, NV; January 28, 2008).
"We are witnessing a carefully conceived assault, not isolated terrorist attacks, on the international system of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. The creation of  organizations such as Hezbollah (Iran) and al-Qaeda  (Mosque on Ground Zero) symbolizes that transnational loyalties are replacing national ones. ("Dr. Kissinger, After Lebanon, a flawed cease-fire won't end Hezbollahs's war against Israel; 9/10,2006)" .   Iran will eradicate Israel with or without a nuclear bomb.  The United States is Second: We have a President who deny's The Constitution of the United States of America; apologizes and performs an at the hip, with hand holding, and head down, bow to a leader of Islamic Leader (This video; plus 2 others, have been removed from U-Tube as this Government continues to define what information can or cannot be released to "...deriving their just powers from the Consent of Governed.." ).  Great Britain is third.  In the history of the world on this globe, Only Great Britain has brought God, Morality, Law, Education, Commerce, and learning individuality to most of the Nations occupying the world's space.  The U.S. and all freedom  and humanity respecting nations,  could learn from GB in dealing with the enemies of freedom including the poor, tyrannical 3rd world countries who prey on the ignorance of its own citizens; albeit with 'full- blown' human nature in tow.
This President and cohorts, Cannot understand the difference between the morality of  "hallowed ground"; and No Mosque , with or without a community center, anywhere near Ground Zero and Freedom of Religion.

2. Debt.:  $800,000,000 is a large amount of taxpayer money.    As of 7:35pm, 8/26/10, the National Debt is $13,379,109,155,131.51 or $$43,298.25 for each citizen including all government employees, fire, police, teachers with their Union Administrations; all Congress members; all State Government Legislators with their staffs and departments, bureaus; County Government, and City Governments.  Subtract Pres. Bush's Admin. $12, 579,109,155,131.51 still remains.  This Administration continues to spend with the belief, that given enough time, a cascading effect will improve the 10% unemployment; the unwillingness, of knowledgeable business owners and leaders, to spend or hire in this Administration's "Main Street not Wall Street" - Executive Branch of Federal Government first.  This includes banking, investment, and all aspects of money flow through the world of Our Nation's independent and successful use of the Tool Called "Money", albeit with good 'ole human nature continuing it's dominance.

3. Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness   isn't part of the discussion during the Bush years because it is, after God, the choice for living on earth by each and every individual, according to each individual's use of his gifts, limits, religion, morality (doing the right action or thought because it is Intrinsic to managing anything a human does alone or with a group or with virtually any conceived human idea - along with Greek Philosophers). Pres. Bush and his Administration would not have conceived of "What the government can do for the people"!!!!

This statement in the Declaration is included here because for this Administration, its cohorts from where-ever, work with social groups where the decision for action has been completed (including implementation) before it ever reaches "We the People" as elected representatives in a Republican form of  "guaranteed" government.  Again, trading on the forgetful, misunderstood differences of the citizens elected or not, who aren't sure, but think it is OK for the Executive Branch of government to take control of:
100% of medicine with 6% of GNP; Chrysler Motors via the President without due process, probable, cause, warrant, private property for public use, seizure of person, property, effects of an American Citizen CEO; profit of Global Warming at the expense of tax payer's earnings from work (Legal Plunder) and ability to use "eminent domain" to declare land fit for solar panels or wind machines; determine the nature of a "risky business" outside of government and how to implement strategies to use 'tax payer's earnings from work' to support what the government defines as 'risk'.  This list is to name just a few of the Mostly Un-Constitutional Acts by this Administration Against the "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it Stands, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all".

The Pledge does not address, neither does either the Declaration or the Constitution, a determination of definition or meaning of the principles we exist to maintain for ourselves AND for humanity the world over; to the Greater Number (Progressive, Socialist, Liberal, Survey, Poll, individual's identification of political alliance with or without a Party's Platform, Mission or representation of our Founders, Our Documents of Principle and Application of Principle to prevent exactly what this current Administration with cohorts in white house, congress, the world at large with emphasis on oil producing nations or nation's without regard for human rights and privileges. 

President Bush and his Administration ended January 20, 2009.  

The Government became the "change" of Mr. Barack Hussain Obama, who with his Administration represent the greatest insult to the religion and morality and to the principles in the Declaration and applied in the Constitution; -  greater or at least as great as Pres. Wilson! Millions of Americans disagree with this President.  He disagrees with millions of Americans, in every area addressed here or not.