The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Constitution Week: In Honor of Our Founders, God and Both Our Documents

I haven't seen O'Donnell; & live on the opposite end of our Nation--so judging individuals isn't in anyone's interest as far as I am concerned.  Having said that, there is and will be occurrences of individuals who oppose the principles of religion and morality in life of every citizen; and many, who mouth the words, but do not have any idea of the meaning of the Constitution, let alone its relationship to the Declaration. These pseudo-teapartiers / republicans / independents / traditional Dems - if you can find one; say the correct ideas of the second paragraph of the Declaration; but the part that says "..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,.." is harder to handle as a known fact:  God Is!  It is important to note that many teapartiers are Republicans.

I have no idea where Mrs. O'Donnell stands, but I know where Mr. Rove stands; & he is asking correct questions.  For much too long, we have been ignoring or excusing Personal integrity. God, Morality with integrity is much more important to our Nation at this time; than ever before in the history of our nation. Over the years, We the People - left some values behind; forgot how important it was and is to teach our young - early; and too many other: "If, to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work?  Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair.  The event is in the hand of God. (George Washington to the Constitutional Convention delegates)".  Our George Washington, was so missed when he left office, his "Farewell Address" far outsold the Bible throughout the World!

Many of these candidates and elected candidates who want to remain in their seats at whatever level of government, do not think the Teaparty; and the Republican Party, are serious about Nation Before politics. They try to explain away the acts of Mrs. O'Donnell who counts winning more important by her own words; or justify the actions of the incumbent in supporting that which was not supported by not only Teapartiers, but also the majority of Americans.  Many Republicans, through to approximately the Fall of '09, continued to attempt, in traditional politics to reach across the aisle to find compromise as DE incumbent did. It took time for Congressmembers or any political office holder; just like so many Americans - even now; to realize the Obama Administration Is Genuinely Going To Bring Down the Sovereignty and the Capitalism of the United States of America; in the interest of Global Organization a la European Union's small group of ruling men, doing the same thing to the sovereignty of their member Nations. Many incumbents have gone to sleep or better, playing some computer game because, after all, Obama has the votes, writes the Bills and Acts, which are rubber-stamped or passed through the committees; so the incumbents just have to wait a little before they vote 'yes' - to anything this very strange man says!

If you were to ask your candidates or your incumbents the following questions, how many could they answer?  How many can you answer?  The difference is what Mr. Rove is addressing; And He Isn't Alone!
1) How many Constitutions have we the United States had? How many when you add the Colonies?
2)Do we have a democracy, theocracy, progressive, or republic form of government?
3)How many amendments have to do with expanding voting rights?
4)What Articles and Amendments of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, might be invoked relating to President Obama's "Patient Protection and Affordable Act(calling the health act by its name is much more effective in describing its inherent problem)"?  How many for "America's Financial Stability Act(also important to use the name)"?
5. What part of the Federal government has the power to impeach?
6. Why is it important to America, that a Presidential candidate can win the popular vote; but lose the election?
7.Article I:8; Amendments IX, X are the basis against what Two Passed Acts, Now?  Can you recognize other Articles and Amendments that are involved?
8. Why is the difference between the founder's belief that both our documents must be taught beginning in grammar school, continuing throughout every adult citizen privilege to be born American: and "The Modern" amendments based on attorney's case presentments; important?  Hint: It was a very important exchange between Sen. from OK and now, Justice Kagan?  (Questions are from: Lynn Ann; member San Diego County Republican Women's Federated. Some adds by writer)

And then there is the world of according to Radical Jihad, which is really feeling its oats!  They can't wait for Iran to begin the blackmail of Nuclear weapon threat. One very tiny consolation, the wind blows nuclear bomb's dust right back into Iran! Sorry, that is no help. When blackmail becomes the center, then religion and morality may become more compromised as the attempt to avoid disaster; which may be inevitable, from occurring. So Don't ask if Israel should or should not...they understand full well what the religion and morality with honor represent--regardless of arrogant, ignorant mullahs of Iran with its President.

We continue...the crossroads that Glenn Beck has been teaching; and demonstrating on August 28th!  We know who we are. We know what we have to do. We must begin...this day: starting in with our children. They are every citizen's children in the sense of God, morality, and human kind God with our founders, have directed US(A) to be involved. As you can see, the evil side always lingers; and in the case of this Administration; has been able to use the absent, wrong, inadequate, information represented by manipulated 5W's & H, to prevent citizens from obtaining the information required to continue the decisions necessary to our Nation itself and in the world - opposed to evil; and for the 2nd paragraph + the 1st paragraph of the Declaration.

Constitution week starts Friday, September 17 and continues through Thursday, September 23rd. If you live in the North County of San Diego, Joseph Andrews will be giving his one-day seminar on "A Guide to Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution, using original founding documents, and the Classical Learning Methods".  It is at Another site is Then about our Flag:

Everyone, There are No Words To Adequately Let each of you See the Beauty Both Our Documents Contain; and as Joseph says "It's better for you to read and discover for yourselves, the Gift- Service-importance of adversity-duty- independence-liberty-In God We Trust- world of our founders - so well and carefully constructed; it will guide US(A) where-ever - when-ever, we chose to "go where none have tread before." ; and God will be Waiting, there ever patiently, for all people of the world to have the same as America's founders started for each one of US(A).

To our Founder's with to Jesus; and with deep love and respect to our Nation and all it represents;
Catherine West