Above article was from 11/12/10 and of course there are always Republicans to come forward to join a controversy- real, contrived, or a wonderful goal for the Socialist Administration, Obama's "NO" Party, and the Union's power utilizing member dues without member vote or another way to put in is "The Special Class of American Ruled by Their Leaders who have no respect or even knowledge of 'We the People' -the Constitution where they appear as the first word in the Preamble; and the second principle, after ".. to assume among the powers of the earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires...".
A lot of Americans, having decided that if the word 'politics' is required for something, then that word also is associated with "backroom decisions", lies, deception, maneuvering, speaking one principle but ignoring it when the time comes to take action and prevent, define and defend - exactly the issue at hand. Ch. Steele does not do that anymore than any other principled leader joins in. Ch. Steele is exactly what he is: "Be Honest and Dependable; Take Responsibility" and "How you think if everything: Always be positive. Think success, not failure. Beware of a negative environment. Take Action: Goals are nothing without action. .;
Be Persistent and Work Hard..; Focus your time and money: this is the trip to US Territories; the Fire Pelosi Bus; and the great job of creating www.GOP.org so that any American can have their say and blog answer and take action with innovation for our party; plus a lot of decisions with other of the 50 State Chairman. Our Party is active, dynamic; But Most of All Open to Controversy from any side with Any American's opinion and thoughts welcome. There was a change, this year in California; it didn't work, and our State will pay the price although many Republicans hope that Brown actually has grown-up with his senior years as most of humankind do!
Too many, side of the road, Republicans stand in criticism of the Leader present regardless of situation, year, person. They are not active in their State, County, or Local Party;or Party activities for fundraising like Celebrations of State and Congressional Legislators who will continue the fight to represent 'We the People' as they returned to office for the last 8 weeks of the year versus same-ole, same-ole, Socialist, arm-twisting, Pro the "politics" word, and Anti speaking the "Constitution" word out loud. The December Christmas Parties at local, county level with the Republican Federated Women will also celebrate the new candidates that were added; and will follow The Only Party which Understands and Represents the Preamble to the Constitution; that current Administration cannot maintain representation of 'We the people' and continue to create bureaus, commissions, departments; take over private business (success could not be More Beside the Issue contained in the "Instructions to prevent to large government intrusion - aka The Constitution" over "we the people's' business! addressed to Fox's liberal, democrat on Shawn's show).
The realization that the biggest change in our Party isn't from any One Thing, i.e. donations. Why would Mr. Stuart complain of anemic donations during an economic downturn combined with competition for the non-deductible contribution resulting from the huge growth in teaparty related, good ole-fashioned, American enterprise of non-profit organizations expressing their need for donation support for any single issue you would like to pick from Declaration-Constitutional to Legislative - taxes, jobs, economy? Just look at FB! These two factors alone; never mind the Teaparty effect, contributed to the drop in RNC and many State Parties. If fact, it would be an interesting question for the January meeting for the next Chairperson of our Party, to see how many of the State's actually received more in donations for the Nov. 2 election, than June primaries, 2008, or 2006 when the Liberal Dems took over Congress.
California's continued, Union Effect is clearly demonstrated by Urban, Coastal, Northern, more union; versus Southern California except for Ventura, Santa Barbara Counties and LA (with 205.000 still unprocessed votes as of 11/10.). Inland the election map is a virtual duplication of each county results/candidate for: Governor, Lieu. Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General except that one or two counties were added to the Republican side for AG.
Both RNC and State Parties feel the affect of anemic donations because of the well known; but never spoken out-loud, use of union-member dues to pour dollars into a select list of target states; as more important than races; with the exceptions of Reid and Pelosi. Meaning: no-one party, regardless of Tea-Green-Campaign for Liberty-Independent, can outspend Unions with buried 'Soros-type' support! With Pelosi, California has a very interesting maps showing election-proposition results. The maps are colored yellow for 'yes' and gray for 'no'. Pelosi initiated Proposition 27 to eliminate the Citizen's Redistricting Commission. Proposition 20 would continue the "Citizens Redistricting Commission" And add Congressional Districts to the Commission. The election map for Mrs. Pelosi's written Proposition 27, to eliminate the Redistricting Commission - "Yes" is the tiny, tip -San FranciscoCity on California Map of Counties. - The One(1) SF County, all 47 sq. miles of it with Only 'The City' comprising it, to Support Mrs. Pelosi's Proposition 27. Likewise, Proposition 20 to continue the Redistricting Commission and Add the Congressional Districts: All Counties in the State voted 'Yes' -except Mrs. Pelosi's tiny, grey, tip representing the City of San Francisco. Such is the opinion in California of Mrs. Pelosi; and the fear of her losing the legislative gerrymandering that 47 sq. miles of the City dominated to represent - a single, socialist view!!
Point being the NRP reflects the nation and its states including the effects of economy, union, increased demand for donations from other anti-administration organizations, teaparties and simply ignorance of how the six parts = the whole of our party - which can also trip over each other as they travel to support their special bend on the anti-Socialist, Constitution Administration!
PS: Roughly here is how we look structurally: Republican National Committee with Chairs from each State in the Union including territories (which Ch. Steele has been actively assisting for the first time in NRC History) + 26 Committee Members(? not sure if these are also state or from central committees or?); Then State with each state's counties (or other designations burroughs, etc.); then local chapters with Republican Federated Women and the closest to 'grassroots'.
Alongside, with or without interaction, Congressional Republican Committee, Senate Republicans, House Republicans; CPAC; State Senate Republicans, Assembly Republicans.
OK, Ch. Stuart; you know your State's structure down to and including your local. Do you see now, why donations were anemic!!?? No level is failing to ask for donations, having events with donations, having Conventions with seminars for donations; having town halls and a donation would be nice; home parties, campaingn kickoffs, private and corporate support...It can be mind-boogling; and there Is Still The Importance of Our Party's PRINCIPLES based on BOTH THE DECLARATION AND CONSTITUTION which is what the Teapartier's (aka, conservative Republicans).
PSS: It is also about time that Alaska, California, Nevada; and many more States start recognizing that the majority of losing candidates Are The Republicans and the Conservatives Among our Party; Because We Are and Represent the Namesis to the Unions which have far more power than the President of the United States of American and financially most of the 50 States in the Union. Remember, all by itself, union's Unsustainable and Silent-Non-Discussed, Retirement account's on top of the demanding 'Closed Shop' and including the 'plastic, card vote to form a union which Obama and Sternn have much amore for---naturally: numbers - votes and it doesn't matter the individual the vote represents; especially if you can cause disarray, disinformation, newspeak, censorship, coercion and pay-off to keep the members in order!
Very American:-( Very Constitutional:-( Very, Very Sickening:-(!!
Very American:-( Very Constitutional:-( Very, Very Sickening:-(!!