QUIT = Rather than fight these Despotic Rulers: To support this unlawful Administration is to support the disrespect to not only the Constitution; but also, every single American vote on 11/02/2010! Liberal Socialists do not need your help! They are doing just fine destroying USA all by themselves!
The rulers of tyranny, darkness without 'Religion and Morality", who shall 'USE' your elected seat in the Legislative Branch; decreased understanding of principle; to advance the Socialist-Alinsky production of disregard for person, property, law. This group of self-interest, censors of fact and absent of history; who cannot reach-up to touch the bottom of dirt; compared to any one founder; Administration of unConstitutional bias, deserves to be 100% Accountable for the irresponsibility of their own spending, Laws, and Regulations -- against their Oaths of Office -- and against Citizens of the United States of America!
The rulers of tyranny, darkness without 'Religion and Morality", who shall 'USE' your elected seat in the Legislative Branch; decreased understanding of principle; to advance the Socialist-Alinsky production of disregard for person, property, law. This group of self-interest, censors of fact and absent of history; who cannot reach-up to touch the bottom of dirt; compared to any one founder; Administration of unConstitutional bias, deserves to be 100% Accountable for the irresponsibility of their own spending, Laws, and Regulations -- against their Oaths of Office -- and against Citizens of the United States of America!
Congress-members, you are being 'USED' like a puppet by this President. He can pull your strings - at will because you are susceptible to numbers, groups, and Do$$ar-signs; before Principles of the Individual this country was founded upon. What is going on in Washington, D.C., is not about politics!
President Obama gets to deliver his instruction on How to Apply 'Handbook for Liberals' to this Congress via "9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself." It is very hard for Congress-members to realize but had Obama allowed, Midnight 12/31/10, without regard to the Protection of 'We the People' the Bush act provided to - 100% of Americans, regardless of income; the President could never again, write any Act, Bill, Amendment; or maintained his "PPAA" because of "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty,or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. ..". The threat was as much about the 'Civil War's Amendment XIV; as it was about money both as 'earmark/pork barrels' and as funding for the unConstitutional "PPAA"; not to mention punishing "Inheritance, the most [egregious part of being wealthy]!"!
While not understanding how to support the Constitution is usual and customary -- just like never mentioning the 'C' word, its articles, or even its amendments in committees or on the floor of Congress; if our elected Congress-members cannot follow through with Justice Scalia to Address Conservative Constitutional Seminar; at least one avenue for learning will be lost. There are other avenues which can teach how to support the Constitution: www.constitution.org by Jon Roland or www.teachconstitution.org by Joseph Andrews, to name two. And Don't forget to Listen To "We the People" like Judge Napolitano, Glenn Beck with his Researchers, Jon Roland; but a little puzzled by Ron Paul's support of Obama, with reason stated on Fox. Mr. Roland has a list of both pro and anti-Constitution individuals, as well as the largest library of information regarding all aspects of both documents with their principles in God as well as attorney's who may or may not utilize principle v. sentence structure or "instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed"(Thomas Jefferson, 1823). For now Congress-members, unless you start thinking about principles before money, numbers, political expediency; you shall continue to assist this Extreme, 'upside,down-downside, up-and inside,out', unlawful, left, Socialist group.
Obama still has-his admiration and use of Saul Alinsky, to chase Congress into confusion: 8. "Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose." 11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside... every positive has its negative." [You have to remember to think countrawise; ie a liberal's definition of 'positive' - not the conventional definition of the word!] 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'... This is actually a tactic, Mr. Obama is using, with his AG, defining of Social Justice as Law by freezing in the United States District Courts: his 'legitimacy for office'*1; Arizona's Illegal Immigration Law; and now "Patient protection and affordable act -- PPAA is much better name].
Here is another fact for our Legislative Branch of Government; a Judge in District Court finds in behalf of 'We the People' - against 'PPAA' the Executive Branch's showpiece of government takeover of industry; but Congress has not taken one action to stop $$$flow, regulation implementation, formation of bureaus, fining resources, or any part of College Loan Program usurpation. An egregious example of absence of responsibility for supporting our nation's supreme Law of the Land-if one part is wrong, the entire Law is wrong! 'PPAA' Must Be On Hold for funding, implementation, formation of commissions-departments-bureaus at the Executive End of the '8 story tall Transformer- absent mind - machine' that it represents.
Elected individuals do not appear aware; that planning and implementing must go on...as if PPAA Shall be in Place; because of already in place medicare/caid law and regulations; "America's Healthy Act HR1309; did start long before summer of 2009! That is the nature and integrity of Medicine via the "Hippocratic Oath". Regardless of 'PPAA's' outcome; it must act as if PPAA is in fact the Truth of patient Care, if only because planning must account - in real time - person as physician, and person as professional support, and person as supplier, and person as designer-risk management circles, and person as JCAH - JCAHO; in psych, school nurse, clinics! Or if you change 100% of medicine; then it Must Start Before any Legislative approval - simply because of the imperative of safe practice as well as quality of life, liberty, and happiness for each patient and every individual attached to the patient!! That is why...It must be stopped... -Now... What ever loss involved, has to be taken; although it is hard to believe that 6% of GNP + 100% of College Loans -- Stopped, would not relieve much of the debt!
PPAA is Not the Truth of Medical Care for individual's regardless of income; nor does it belong at the Federal Government Level - under any circumstance- well demonstrated, since its inception, this demonstrates zero Accountability from the Federal Level of the 48 year old Program. All it has proved is that 1) Any government program Shall Increase in Cost without any method for government to accept responsibility for failure; that Any and All Private Business has Intrinsic to a Free Market: An owner has a right to fail -- as well as succeed. And Government is Not Private; government uses - uses up, like the huge bulldozers, someone else's property as money - as well as forcing conformity to bend its citizens to their knees, in deference to its definition of impartiality with denial of fact. 2) No government can manage anything with 80 cent or less, $1.00 dollars .... [the market] must produce the 20 cent difference; because Only 100 cent dollars are acceptable no matter the time, location, type, distance, size, resource or anything else that goes into the, in this case, medicine! 3) #1 and #2, are the reason that Article I:8 enumeration of powers was written. 4) No Government / Group of Human Nature who are not angels, here or abroad, will ever be capable of determining the "opportunities-threats-strengths-weaknesses" which make up a 5-year strategic plan that is mandatory for business. Nor should any government anywhere on earth, be involved in this enter-prize design, which originates in The Bible, and carried on by 58 men, who did understand governing well beyond anyone walking this Globe in 2011: Do you see the "Religion and Morality" or lack of it, in numbers1 to 4? Those of US(A) who are doing the 'Learning and Teaching' of both documents, with original texts using classical learning methods of the founders, simply read and learn -- encourage every American to join-in -- for one of the most beautiful and fulfilling journeys into history, you will ever be privileged to take!
That 100 cent dollars for health at the State level would be more accurate, closer to 'We the People's Vote' to control and would serve those who need assist, much better in quality as well as spending. But still not as flexible or open to strategic planning as private sector; including rags to riches!
The reason lies in the essential difference between: a Republic of Individual (individual as business) decisions with a free market and small government especially at Federal Level per every one of the founders, with Justice in Law; versus the Obama-Soros regime of Social Justice which requires laws for man-defined group - impossible simply because each person - each situation is not a true measure of that category. For example: support illegal college students with Citizen's working, privileges and immunities-duties-responsibilities taxpayers, who also may not be able to send their kids to college; but have their money usurpted to the illegal who has arrived, without duty, responsibility, or even understanding, like naturalized citizens do, of the "American Character"[at least,that Act failed!].
The Birthday of Christ, time of year is fun for the difference between 'Obama and company, and This Constitutional Republic, via pre-liberal Hollywood movies, is contained at the heart of "Miracle on 34th Street" which has excellent scenes with Mr. Macy, in the courtroom with Mr. Guildry - the attorney who gave-up everything to defend Kris Kringle. Don't forget the scene when Mother and boyfriend are disagreeing; as he leaves, he says "Some things are important because of value!". The movie is about justice in law with Santa Claus the prop; the same is true of "It's a Wonderful Life"! And did you know, John Wayne started out in movies, as setting the physical props for westerns. He did it with great understanding that the background of a movie must synchronize with the period of history -- he was an antique-er!
President Obama gets to deliver his instruction on How to Apply 'Handbook for Liberals' to this Congress via "9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself." It is very hard for Congress-members to realize but had Obama allowed, Midnight 12/31/10, without regard to the Protection of 'We the People' the Bush act provided to - 100% of Americans, regardless of income; the President could never again, write any Act, Bill, Amendment; or maintained his "PPAA" because of "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty,or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. ..". The threat was as much about the 'Civil War's Amendment XIV; as it was about money both as 'earmark/pork barrels' and as funding for the unConstitutional "PPAA"; not to mention punishing "Inheritance, the most [egregious part of being wealthy]!"!
While not understanding how to support the Constitution is usual and customary -- just like never mentioning the 'C' word, its articles, or even its amendments in committees or on the floor of Congress; if our elected Congress-members cannot follow through with Justice Scalia to Address Conservative Constitutional Seminar; at least one avenue for learning will be lost. There are other avenues which can teach how to support the Constitution: www.constitution.org by Jon Roland or www.teachconstitution.org by Joseph Andrews, to name two. And Don't forget to Listen To "We the People" like Judge Napolitano, Glenn Beck with his Researchers, Jon Roland; but a little puzzled by Ron Paul's support of Obama, with reason stated on Fox. Mr. Roland has a list of both pro and anti-Constitution individuals, as well as the largest library of information regarding all aspects of both documents with their principles in God as well as attorney's who may or may not utilize principle v. sentence structure or "instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed"(Thomas Jefferson, 1823). For now Congress-members, unless you start thinking about principles before money, numbers, political expediency; you shall continue to assist this Extreme, 'upside,down-downside, up-and inside,out', unlawful, left, Socialist group.
Obama still has-his admiration and use of Saul Alinsky, to chase Congress into confusion: 8. "Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose." 11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside... every positive has its negative." [You have to remember to think countrawise; ie a liberal's definition of 'positive' - not the conventional definition of the word!] 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'... This is actually a tactic, Mr. Obama is using, with his AG, defining of Social Justice as Law by freezing in the United States District Courts: his 'legitimacy for office'*1; Arizona's Illegal Immigration Law; and now "Patient protection and affordable act -- PPAA is much better name].
Here is another fact for our Legislative Branch of Government; a Judge in District Court finds in behalf of 'We the People' - against 'PPAA' the Executive Branch's showpiece of government takeover of industry; but Congress has not taken one action to stop $$$flow, regulation implementation, formation of bureaus, fining resources, or any part of College Loan Program usurpation. An egregious example of absence of responsibility for supporting our nation's supreme Law of the Land-if one part is wrong, the entire Law is wrong! 'PPAA' Must Be On Hold for funding, implementation, formation of commissions-departments-bureaus at the Executive End of the '8 story tall Transformer- absent mind - machine' that it represents.
Elected individuals do not appear aware; that planning and implementing must go on...as if PPAA Shall be in Place; because of already in place medicare/caid law and regulations; "America's Healthy Act HR1309; did start long before summer of 2009! That is the nature and integrity of Medicine via the "Hippocratic Oath". Regardless of 'PPAA's' outcome; it must act as if PPAA is in fact the Truth of patient Care, if only because planning must account - in real time - person as physician, and person as professional support, and person as supplier, and person as designer-risk management circles, and person as JCAH - JCAHO; in psych, school nurse, clinics! Or if you change 100% of medicine; then it Must Start Before any Legislative approval - simply because of the imperative of safe practice as well as quality of life, liberty, and happiness for each patient and every individual attached to the patient!! That is why...It must be stopped... -Now... What ever loss involved, has to be taken; although it is hard to believe that 6% of GNP + 100% of College Loans -- Stopped, would not relieve much of the debt!
As Congress-woman Bachmann mentioned, in a PJTV interview, that there were "complications in the way the PPAA law was written preventing Repeal" - is another example of not supporting "..This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made,under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."
PPAA is Not the Truth of Medical Care for individual's regardless of income; nor does it belong at the Federal Government Level - under any circumstance- well demonstrated, since its inception, this demonstrates zero Accountability from the Federal Level of the 48 year old Program. All it has proved is that 1) Any government program Shall Increase in Cost without any method for government to accept responsibility for failure; that Any and All Private Business has Intrinsic to a Free Market: An owner has a right to fail -- as well as succeed. And Government is Not Private; government uses - uses up, like the huge bulldozers, someone else's property as money - as well as forcing conformity to bend its citizens to their knees, in deference to its definition of impartiality with denial of fact. 2) No government can manage anything with 80 cent or less, $1.00 dollars .... [the market] must produce the 20 cent difference; because Only 100 cent dollars are acceptable no matter the time, location, type, distance, size, resource or anything else that goes into the, in this case, medicine! 3) #1 and #2, are the reason that Article I:8 enumeration of powers was written. 4) No Government / Group of Human Nature who are not angels, here or abroad, will ever be capable of determining the "opportunities-threats-strengths-weaknesses" which make up a 5-year strategic plan that is mandatory for business. Nor should any government anywhere on earth, be involved in this enter-prize design, which originates in The Bible, and carried on by 58 men, who did understand governing well beyond anyone walking this Globe in 2011: Do you see the "Religion and Morality" or lack of it, in numbers1 to 4? Those of US(A) who are doing the 'Learning and Teaching' of both documents, with original texts using classical learning methods of the founders, simply read and learn -- encourage every American to join-in -- for one of the most beautiful and fulfilling journeys into history, you will ever be privileged to take!
That 100 cent dollars for health at the State level would be more accurate, closer to 'We the People's Vote' to control and would serve those who need assist, much better in quality as well as spending. But still not as flexible or open to strategic planning as private sector; including rags to riches!
The reason lies in the essential difference between: a Republic of Individual (individual as business) decisions with a free market and small government especially at Federal Level per every one of the founders, with Justice in Law; versus the Obama-Soros regime of Social Justice which requires laws for man-defined group - impossible simply because each person - each situation is not a true measure of that category. For example: support illegal college students with Citizen's working, privileges and immunities-duties-responsibilities taxpayers, who also may not be able to send their kids to college; but have their money usurpted to the illegal who has arrived, without duty, responsibility, or even understanding, like naturalized citizens do, of the "American Character"[at least,that Act failed!].
The Birthday of Christ, time of year is fun for the difference between 'Obama and company, and This Constitutional Republic, via pre-liberal Hollywood movies, is contained at the heart of "Miracle on 34th Street" which has excellent scenes with Mr. Macy, in the courtroom with Mr. Guildry - the attorney who gave-up everything to defend Kris Kringle. Don't forget the scene when Mother and boyfriend are disagreeing; as he leaves, he says "Some things are important because of value!". The movie is about justice in law with Santa Claus the prop; the same is true of "It's a Wonderful Life"! And did you know, John Wayne started out in movies, as setting the physical props for westerns. He did it with great understanding that the background of a movie must synchronize with the period of history -- he was an antique-er!
There will be no change on attacking our Constitution until Mr. Obama, with his suction-cup czars in the appointed Executive Branch with all Congress, State, union-closed shop, run Departments and Bureaus leave. Unfortunately, our young are also, well integrated to Obama as a sacrificial president of socialism [no child through adulthood knows or understands any more than they do a Republic with the 'American Character' it represents], via the public school and secondary education - with the soon to be added private education to the Executive Branch controlled by Dept. of Ed if final rule "Strengthening Program Integrity" [via oversight's 1. definition: failure to notice something] - passes. The existing edu. system including the college age youth, that has never been exposed to the Declaration or Constitution as birth-right and duty - only learn about 'American Character' as servicemen/-women; and are without any information regarding a Republic of Individuals.
Obama with his Alinsky Handbook will be part of our nation, most certainly between now and 1/2/2011! "The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. ... The real arena is corrupt and bloody." p.24 --- "An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent... He must create a mechanism that can drain off the underlying guilt for having accepted the previous situation for so long a time. Out of this mechanism, a new community organization arises.... "The job then is getting the people to move, to act, to participate; in short, to develop and harness the necessary power to effectively conflict with the prevailing patterns and change them. When those prominent in the status quo turn and label you an 'agitator' they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function—to agitate to the point of conflict." p.117"
Obama with his Alinsky Handbook will be part of our nation, most certainly between now and 1/2/2011! "The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. ... The real arena is corrupt and bloody." p.24 --- "An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent... He must create a mechanism that can drain off the underlying guilt for having accepted the previous situation for so long a time. Out of this mechanism, a new community organization arises.... "The job then is getting the people to move, to act, to participate; in short, to develop and harness the necessary power to effectively conflict with the prevailing patterns and change them. When those prominent in the status quo turn and label you an 'agitator' they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function—to agitate to the point of conflict." p.117"
Congress-members it is important for each one of you to Believe in the strength of the Constitution. That it, in fact, represents "Religion and Morality" applied! Believe in N. Webster's "American Dictionary.. 1828" definition of Congress and of the absence of that word in Article I:7:1,2. The Strength of the Minority Party is in Zero to 2 - ONLY Signature to prevent 100% of America with even one 'earmark' regardless of cost - because even1/2 of an ear or barrel = Taxation without Representation, since money from 50 States and Territories, is spent for the benefit of One State's definition of Constituent to protect a desk!!! Dollar amount is completely beside the Principle of Amendment XIV. State over taxpayer privilege and immunity law!
Obama got his way! The 14th amendment now reads: "United States [forget States] shall make and enforce any law to abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens and will deprive persons of life [law and regulation of cash flow as business risk; ownership of private companies and the ability to close down private education, food production, internet, auto production, oit, mining, shipping, etc], liberty ['we the people earn money to work for the Executive Branch of the Federal government by giving more money to government and creating a deficit, impossible to balance - even on the backs of children's children!], and property [no-one can own or use enterprise because of deficits and government regulation]. Due process is not required by this form of United States government - usurpation is much more effective because everyone is so shocked, they don't believe what is happening!
Legislative and Judicial Branches, re-discover the Truth and Power, for every person that the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States with each one of the 58 founders, created With Divine Intervention! Learn and Pay Attention.
Thank you, From One of the Millions of Patriots who do know and believe!
1) which given his determined abandonment of Constitution as law; as well as, unable to even manage the Declaration that speaks of Nature's God, Creator, and divine Providence -- should be questioned