The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is missing from "We the People"....

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From  Stephen Frank's "Capitol Report" today:

Stephen, You forgot to put a comment section!  I am unemployed and cannot donate to anyone - the no box sounds bad! Further, The Most Grave insult to our Founders and Every Single American, who has sacrificed "their Lives, their Fortunes, and their Sacred Honor" here and abroad for: "assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.".

I am sorry about the size of these sentences...I do try to separate them, but become more angry than patient, with the whole 'magillah'!

Does E.W. JACKSON, Exec. Dir. realize that in every, single instance written below; including the United States Post Office, The Legislative Branch of "We the People in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,.... AND The Only Direct Voice of "We the People" is totally bypassed!  With every decision and action in our public schools, in our public buildings, in the mailing of our letters by one of the finest Postal Services - the World Over; and in every part of American Life is bypassed around the Legislative-'We the People' Branch!! While including usurping 100% of the College Loan Programs is Law as the result of lemming Democrats at that 3 to 6 month history of Congress; - formerly run by private loan companies - which occurred as a sideline to the: "We have to pass it to find out what it says": "PPAA, aka Pt. Protect & Affor Atc(sp. on purpose - as well as the Pee,Pee part)"!! Reason this fact is important: Dept of Ed., Office of Postsecondary Edu. has published A "Final Rule" to "34 CFR Parts 600-603," program to "Strengthen the Integrity Issues" in 30 areas of college and ANY adult-ed Program in the United States of America.  

Another further, ----Allowing Only the Executive Branch, of the three branches; via Cabinet, Executive Order, Commission, Czars, to write CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS which totally bypass the legislative process, though EO's are suppose to go through legislative process after-the- fact. 
----The Regulations that develop, from all the Acts, Bills, Amendments passed in the Legislative Branch and signed by the President - ("All Legislative Powers herein granted Shall be vested in..."), then travel to the corresponding:  Departments - Bureaus - Offices, for the: 'closed shop', 100% Socialist [since founding and never grew-up], union-run with unsustainable retirement benefits (that make any tax-payer subsidized, sustainable new enery source, microscopic in size), to write!!  (To help the new, young President Learn his job per the Lemming Dems who have lost their identity via these Socialist's bent removing American sovereignty of individual, the States, and our Union!!!( Liberals have also lost their ID through agreement by and with ignorance).   
----NONE OF THESE - CODE OF REGULATIONS - from virtually 100% of not only the Federal, but also, the State's Socialist, Union-run; will ever see "The Light of Day" - are not Accountable to Anyone - except the Union itself via membership stressors; and are Never Law until "they have been on the books so long; regulations become law by the de-fault of Time"!  Never, Never Constitutionality!! Never, Never 'We the People or "and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity(children), do ordain and establish this Constitution FOR the United States of America."!!! Never taught, unless Revisionist, American History in public edu. anywhere in the USA - union teachers with liberal boards(lumber) of decider's, about other people's children- with 40 or 50 yrs. of growing up Americans who Just don't Know; or as Glenn says The Myth: "Someone else will fix it!" and that 'We the People' is only a figure of speech!!!!  

Worse, on our side, Steve, too many of US(A) do Not know how to Apply the "Inner Power" of "Religion and Moralty" Both The Declaration and The Constitution. This is because of the vast, incredible to believe,-but true- loss of "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Who-so-ever believeth in Me, shall have everlasting life." ALONG with both, the Forget & the Ignorance of the Declaration's First and Last paragraphs, with 7/28 of the complaints to George III, true of this demonstrably, socialist government; and with None of the 'Classical Learning Methods' or 'Original Texts" or the love and respect due the founders of "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.".

This President, who does know Exactly What He is Doing to this Nation. - He neither believes-in, nor supports, which is amplified by Each and Every Act, Bill, Amendment, with or without respect to the Rules of House or Senate, Passed since 1/20/2009. - AND since "There is No Universal Truth"; has Denied knowledge of any part of The Declaration of Independence; but not, as a Constitutional Attorney, The Constitution of the United States of America. This man, with his life biography in 2 books, of his writing, born and raised without access to any idea - except Socialism; studied the constitution to destroy it!  Because, with the PPAA, just as another Constitutional Attorney, Michael Connelly - 1st to read 1309 cover to cover - said, way-back in Spring of '09, before passage of Obama's dream to destroy came to fruition; and then named HR1309 "America's Healthy Act" - the first of 9 versions; that our Constitution suffered from the Lemmings who have long-ago, forgotten any value to an "Oath of Office" and "Religion and Morality"; allowed this - most terrible piece of United States Sovereignty, reduced to Executive Only at Fed. level; dispatched Legislative by the illegal, "politics is war", not-one-word whispered re our Constitution - except for American natural and naturalized (everyone of which, knew exactly what was occurring against America, but feeling helpless while wanting to yell-out ---LOOK OUT, IT IS YOUR "PERSON" FOR THE 'SOCIALIST STATE OF MIND'!!!!!). 

Stephen, Mr. Jackson needs to take his organization; blend it into the many other" Organizations of pre-1776, Independent, Colonial living in his state[:-)*]": "I can do it myself"[!]; instead of "We the People" with "Inner Power" and with "Religion and Morality" - remove this "festering growth of tapeworms" via Article I:1; 5:2,3; 6:2; 7:2; and the entire Section 8 because of 'incorrect reading of 'Sentence Structure (see - Jon Roland)' by the human being justices of United States (except Region 9) District Court and the supreme Court Justices who Must Be The Epitome of "Religion and Morality" with "Inner Power" to earn their lifelong position! Art.I:6:2: "Except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace(these terms Must be Defined by Noah Webster in his "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language" (google it) because, like the definition of Congress, the words have more importance then - when language was the form of communication; is much more precise than now. There is more detail to these Articles than stated here, because of the words and time as work, the founder's put into this Most Important Document of the Protection of the Individual via "Inner Power" of God's Word and Obedience to His Laws; with "practical piety" of those who do not believe in a supreme Lawmaker"(1828 American Dic).  Filling-in "The Rest of the Story"(Paul Harvey) is the teaching I want to continue...

*:-) Americans, just like our Colonial Ancestors, are alive, well, and always seeking answers to the 5W's and H! This demonstrated by the huge number of FB, alone, organization regarding virtually every section and part of both the Declaration and Constitution.  Problem is: without a unifying source - our own searches, create our own limitations....when the actual Answer Is Contained In the "Inner Power of the Constitution and We the People"!  This isn't me --- Stephen; It Is The Work, Words, Actions,  Persons with Families with Complete Belief and Understanding of God (within humankind and compared to the best of US(A) as leaders, now in America) With the 5W's and H of our Founders.