Party affiliation is not involved; But having said that, if it were not for the Republican Party - this man and his idea would like to disempower - to destroy; our Nation would be much further down the Socialist, Soros, Global world. The centrist Democrats have watched their party become socialist in the name of one man as a President - Obama; but also in the Lucifer based techniques of Saul Alinsky, Cloward-Piven. This same man has fooled - everyone except the informed in history and in the knowledge that "You Must Know Who Your Enemy Is" in order to "defend it[Constitution] against all enemies". So far, this group -- ostensibly redefining what individuals think of America -- via "NONPARTISAN" conversations to determine the candidates for House Representation!!?? What island was he born on? Though, the view does have one, inherent, indisputable fact: "It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth -- and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is the the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. (Patrick Henry, 3/23/1775)"
The single, way this Nation can survive for another 233 years, preferably a lot more; is for "We the People" to come back to "..That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ..". "And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? In deed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that His justice cannot sleep for ever. (Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of virginia, Query XVIII, 1781)">
This man, is a wolf, staggering about as "Little Red Riding Hood", hoping to absorb into his power of $100/throw; a very, very, very poor idea!!! The simple logic he holds is that: since all House members are wrong; lets remove them all -- this in the interest of the Social Group named 'House'. He hasn't gotten to the Senate, because the socialists have not lost power there -- yet!! It is important to cause disorder, to freeze, to tear apart the established*: "Nothing is more essential to the establishment of manners in a State than ALL PERSONS employed in places of power and TRUST Must be Men (collective 'he' for those who can only believe what they see) of unexceptionable characters. The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men. (Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 11/4/1775)"!
So while it may be difficult to prove; this man is directly from the Obama-Alinsky school of destroy the United States of America by treating "We the People" as ignorant little girls who visit gramdma, not recognizing the growth and hairy nose of the wolf or horn of the Rhino; by insulting the "unexceptionable characters" of elected members in Our House of Representatives, and the 'Effectiveness they have unleashed, against Obama's government'; and by "An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent... He must create a mechanism that can drain off the underlying guilt for having accepted the previous situation for so long a time. Out of this mechanism, a new community organization arises.... "The job then is getting the people to move, to act, to participate; in short, to develop and harness the necessary power to effectively conflict with the prevailing patterns and change them. When those prominent in the status quo turn and label you an 'agitator' they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function—to agitate to the point of conflict." p.117 from S. Alinsky / Lucifer's "Handbook for Liberals".
But, It is only a matter of elected, Senatorial individual's to remember they are elected as members of "We the People in order to from a more perfect Union, establish justice, ...and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (each elected member's children, and their children...for the rest of time), Do Ordain and....this Constitution FOR The United States of America." as well as the constituents of their States -- That God and Country are considerably higher in importance than any Party; and that the Party owns a responsibility To Be Among each on Individual of "We the People" supporting each with information, opportunity to learn each one's essential, individual membership in "Nature and Nature's God", "Creator" who gives "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness": not group or state defined, but each unique in the world, sovereign individual's definition!
There is one more area to down, this wrong-wrong-wrong idea: contained in the above link. Ideally, 'We the People's 11/2/10 election results should be adequate to our republican form of government, but because much of Congress has forgotten; and the WH of this Administration has never acknowledge, That 'We the People's" power is from well as the Duty-Honor-Service-Country of our 58 founders. Notwithstanding, those who do not believe in a supreme Lawgiver, the Truth of His Magnificent s stands before anyone who cares to look, listen, feel, and see-the-unseen expressed as protection of the sanctity of each individual in Son Jesus living among all people.
And while beside-the-point, against the 9th Circuit Judge who is absent the eyes, ears, seeing the unseen, represented in the Sanctity of Service Memorial at (probably some of his family's relatives) Mount Soledad - which, in this Nation's love of God, Service against the Lucifer's of mankind all parts of the world; and simply the history of this beautiful spot on Our Earth with Jesus - located on a very high hill, overlooking everything for our defense, our respect for our land, its beauty - enhanced by the expressions of patriotism at a rally to stop the attack on our God, His Son, Our Land and its families alive and in God's hand with eternal life, this Cross and so many like it, the world over; really allows for the moments of silence in feeling The Grace of God -- even with our "You Vote"! So, let's get to it....OK! Our nation Needs "US"(A); more important, we Need Our Nation and so do the children this day in January, all the tomorrows, for ever and ever, where-ever God or We the People - explore to locate.. We do have a lot of repair work ahead - starting 'right here in River city' with the children in "Pool Halls"...I say to you...Learning for its intrinsic journey to enhancement of the person...not education; getting the State Article II, out of people's business of their vote...we may need to regrow our volunteer precinct workers and voter's booths..certainly electronic voting in the hands of a few, unknown-not any responsibility, software writers is not a good location for our Votes Mr. Adams says "We should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous(ballot tabs) should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections! Glenn's 4 e's work fine; Joseph Andrew's Classical learning methods are working fine in home and charter schooling; but we all have some lessons about our Twin Documents - still to be learned because government is not size - but control into areas it does not belong and must not remain. Cost isn't - but regulations, executive orders, and the use of fear of incorrect actions against a sitting President...not that actions by the sitting president are unlawful...that is what must continue to change. The United Nations has no place in the Bureaus of the states composing the USA; and must leave. No treaties, affecting any part of this nation's ecology based on the science of politicians - or the vote of number - not fact-not history- and not the rewrite of history or definition of words.
Majority Leader Cantor, has "You Cut" above. Go there. There is a place for your ideas as well as the expressed ideas of members and others. This Patriot for one, plans to write to encourage our Majority Leader to continue to force the Senate Majority Leader to act for We the People's petition to Repeal "PPAA" - The Socialist Flagship of self-defined, permission, to use whatever "Obama-Alinsky Ends and Means" necessary to continue to perpetrate against the' sovereignty of our Nation', to the global disarray of most of the rest of the UN with Nations of the world of Socialism; while using Executive powers to close-off to our Nation the assets contained in petroleum and nuclear energy - including mining.
We can lend our voices, as the sovereign individuals each one of 'US"(A) represent - to force the vote. Remember, number outcome of the vote to repeal "PPAA" is an expression of truth and therefore stands alone...demanding of each Senator, to act for the nation..not his chair..nor his party...but only the truth of his conscience..of his-her integrity before God and country. It is right that this should be accomplished.
Most Important of all: each one of 'US'(A) as members of "We the People", learning to realize the power of the authority of God - written by 58 men, with Jesus alongside, and given to "We the People" by the words of principle expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enshrined in "It is the excellency of this Constitution that it is expressed with brevity, and in the plain common language of mankind. (Oliver Ellsworth, Constitutional Convention Delegate, 1787)".
Heavenly Father, We pray to you, that each American Patriot can recapture, the exquisite, work and language which our founder's used to form, for each one person; the perfection of law by justice, with obedience to God's word and to an individual's responsibility to God's word, to protect, defend the only Document of Its Kind, Present in God the Father's Globe and Universe - The Constitution of the United States of America; in Jesus' name, Amen.
* here is the CA new voter's law.... [italics] to delineat how one-sided, stiffnecked, blind and deaf this so-called law, begging for repeal is!: CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION
ARTICLE 2 VOTING, INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM, AND RECALL SECTION 1. [All political power is inherent in the people.] Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and [they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require.: = either = rotten grammar, or rotten reference of government's duties - though not in the elected mind-set]
SEC. 3. The Legislature shall define residence and provide for registration and free elections. NOT, repeat not - the duty of any state; local and county only!!! The vote is We the People, not people via Government censor-ship, definition, and performance!!
SEC. 5. ... All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary
election for any candidate for congressional and state elective office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by the candidate or the voter [So much for Samuel Adam's words!], provided that the voter is otherwise qualified to vote for candidates for the office in question.
top two vote-getters at a voter-nominated primary election for a congressional or state elective office shall,regardless of party preference, compete in the ensuing general election. ["The Numbers Game" is all 'We the People' need to know about our candidates + perhaps, how much money sits it their pockets; ---- but never, never where the money came from, especially,if the Socialist-Progressive-Democracy-Liberal-maybe, old fashioned Dem. candidate is involved with Union $$$$! For the civility "That we are created equal is a reason for...": by Michael Gerson..who forgot the first paragraph of Nature and Nature's God; and the fact that, no founder expected fact disagreement was the 'watch-word' for Article I:1 "a Congress", that is not a location; but a gathering.(b) ..a candidate for a congressional or state elective office may have his or her political party preference, or lack of political party preference, indicatedupon the ballot for the office in the manner provided by statute.[OK if the candidate misrepresents his "religion and morality"; as they did in the 11/2/10 CA election! Now, you not only have to know a name, but recognize sheep-skins covering liars visiting, usually & interestingly, the Republican side of the coin. Not to many impersonators of Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democracy, old-fashioned Dems -- need to disguise and they are honest, straightforward Americans just like all of US(A) - except the non-civil, wolves running around misrepresenting power and $$$'s to everyone they can fool!]A political party or party central committee shall not nominate a candidate for any congressional or state elective office at the voter-nominated primary.[This violation of Article I:7(b) of the California Constitution is a popular one to violate...especially in the 'never-to-see-the-light-of-day-world- of Dept. /Bureau-Commission, statute or Regulation. It is not possible to read a Department or Bureau's Regulations without seeing Article I:7(b)violated. Its counterpart at the U.S. level is called "equal rights under the privileges and immunities law" of the 14th Amendment.]This subdivision shall not be interpreted to prohibit a political party or party central committee from endorsing, supporting, or opposing any candidate for a congressional or state elective office. A political party or party central committee shall not have the right to have its preferred candidate participate in the general election for a voter-nominated office other than a candidate who is one of the two highest vote-getters at the primary election, as provided in subdivision (a)."
As always, using words from the "...spirit manifested.. and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. (Jefferson on Construction)".
Definitions, because of changes and sometimes because there is no change in 233 years (He is still God; and His Son is Jesus, and the Founders, as well as the vast majority of 'We the People' did, indeed make The Bible" the center of Education (without any help, at all from either the State or Federal Levels of government....imagine such a concept!)!
Definitions by utilizing Noah Webster's "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language" sits in its own tab, waiting... to be rediscovered by each one of "We the People".
Law being and originating as addressed from "Common", from the Bible, or from any system of morality, practical piety, which does not recognize a supreme Lawgiver
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