The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Remember 9/11/09, 8/28/10, 11/2/10 and continue RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Ch. Steele the elitist?  Nope! Your are mixed up with the other candidate's 'talk the values; but don'tactually do something(!)'; or become a defender of the Constitution...that is not politically correct; besides the Constitution isn't under attack-- that's just those conservative teaparty talkers!

Actually, no-one directly even thought of the word 'Constitution'. But the 'arrogant Ch. candidate' did note that it was a waste of money for Ch. Steele to help the small American Territories because it made no difference to the election. That made "We the people in order to form(except too small states or territories)..." a useless concept! There was an almost audible 'Oh,my god!" When that was said!
Nope...Votes cannot be gotten unless money happens!  The numbers game" = Amount of money.

The Socialist "The numbers Game" = simply the greater number of votes without ''religion or morality"- or it matters not - what your political philosophy; or "means by greater number success" with appreciation of wind direction; or all that you can get away with!!

 Ch. Steele - who demonstrates his listening and acting for America -- not just the party. The other candidates money-donation-votes; and by the way - there is room for the teaparty.  Although, the V.Ch. did acknowledge that this was important, but doesn't know how to support the Constitution and anyway money is much more important.. She does have a team that will do everything that Ch. Steele did Plus what every other 164 RNC committee-members want!

Except for Ch. Steele, the whole group is the old Republican Party line: Don't talk unless donations are involved, or money of any legal description - there isn't an original thought among them; and they do not know or understand why Ch. Steele indicated that today's party is different because of what has happened: 9/11/09, 8/28/10, 11/2/10 -- Plus!

Paying attention other candidates for Chairman, like Congress you play into the Socialist hands by denying that the Constitution has been and continues to be under attack. Because you know better, You are guilty of the sin of knowing, but refusing to do anything which is the location of Sir Thomas Mann's "Silence is agreement" and from the Book of James.

Support Ch. Steele to continue 9/11/09, 8/28/10, 11/2/10!  ...And don't listen to naysayer commentators like on 4:00 - limb climber commentary person who doesn't believe Ch. Steele can be elected 'dog catcher" or hasn't a chance. ...butt that's probably just the part of the party that accepts everyone; but "Don't let those Conservatives get into power!"

Does that tell you something about the candidates & their top-down versus
                     Ch. Steele grassroots - teaparty up!!?

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