Get It! "We the People - elected and non-elected, administrated against via Union Administration":
Talk about disbelief of the Attack on Both Founding Documents; try on all levels of government, continuing to perform services and actions which are none of their business; spending the money of Americans - without accountability of thoughtful service; because the "IT" of government or President Reagan's "The most feared sentence in the English (or anywhere else on the globe): "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Oh, my god..."We the People" tell "IT" called government Federal Level to quit the Executive Cabinet leaders and czars from the 'Centralized Non-Legislative review, antilaw of "We the People" Regulations and "properly adopted rules" defined by the few, biased for Social-Justice of this particular "We have to pass it to see what it says" Administration.
With 1300 Departments and Agencies at the Federal Level (didn't count the cost of 27 Commissions) and State; plus the State Level Departments, commissions, agencies; plus the County and city levels of government....just closing Education and medical care at the Federal level would take away a lot of debt; same two at the State Level. Our 'elected We the People', now have the duty to close down Federal Level-by returning to the concepts of limited power to maintain a border.
It is imperative, that 'This Congress' as agents of We the People, to regard Union contracts, throughout the Federal and State Levels, as the Unconstitutional documents each contract represents: Article IV:2, 4; Article VI:2; Amendments VIII [but that requires the use of the 1828 Dictionary looking at the word 'fine(s)*; IX, X, XIV [The Favorite Amendment of the 'group-think, Obama Socialist Administration with 'its' judges - to ignore and denigrate] Sections 1 no law abridging privileges and immunities and equal protection.
The most egregious need to move out of Federal Government with huge savings -- except for the cost to HOUSE and SENATE AGENTS of the taxpaying citizens:
With 1300 Departments and Agencies at the Federal Level (didn't count the cost of 27 Commissions) and State; plus the State Level Departments, commissions, agencies; plus the County and city levels of government....just closing Education and medical care at the Federal level would take away a lot of debt; same two at the State Level. Our 'elected We the People', now have the duty to close down Federal Level-by returning to the concepts of limited power to maintain a border.
It is imperative, that 'This Congress' as agents of We the People, to regard Union contracts, throughout the Federal and State Levels, as the Unconstitutional documents each contract represents: Article IV:2, 4; Article VI:2; Amendments VIII [but that requires the use of the 1828 Dictionary looking at the word 'fine(s)*; IX, X, XIV [The Favorite Amendment of the 'group-think, Obama Socialist Administration with 'its' judges - to ignore and denigrate] Sections 1 no law abridging privileges and
The most egregious need to move out of Federal Government with huge savings -- except for the cost to HOUSE and SENATE AGENTS of the taxpaying citizens:
FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION: With its "neutral communications medium (from whatever non-human nature universe that 'neutral' part resides in).....adopting rules to preserve basic internet values...with only the FCC having the ability to define their idea of a problem: "preserve internet freedom and openness"..."past pursued unbiased enforcement of Open Internet principles, we have not had properly adopted rules. ...(Julius Genachowski in "Preserving the Open Internet, GN Docket No. 09-191, Broadband Industry Practices, WC Docket No. 07-52).
THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - ideally return to local level; but OUT of Federal Level: with its most recent adoption of the 31 areas of centralization of education programs public and private; including "codifying"access to IRS computer programs "to allow an applicant to import income and other data", "Program Integrity Issues: Final Rule; 34 CFR Parts 600- 603,"; But Primarily the Department as an insult to "We the People" responsibility as well as unalienable Right to Life --- ; and of course to address the ignorance and disdain for Article I:8, Article IV:2, 4; Amendment IX and X.
The PARTS of Health and Human Services named: 1) Medicare-Medicaid - because of the same part of the Declaration just stated; Article I:8, Amendments IX and X. More importantly todays paper: The President of the United States of America says to the 50 sovereign States: "If your state can create a plan that covers as many people as affordably and comprehensively as the Affordable Care Act* does - without increasing the deficit - you can impliemant that plan. And we'll work with you to do it. (Obama Shows Flexibility on Law; Margaret Talvev, McClatchy Newspapers; pg.A3 NC Times).
EVERYONE: These 2 sentences in today's newspaper, from our President say the entire difference Between: Social Justice Law by and for men, -Socialism, -with the coveting of ignorance, assumed about 'We the People'; and Demonstrated by the group-thinking-arrogant/dominating leadership, by irresponsible using of other people's not only money, but also sovereign person, state; Versus, "Religion and Morality as the first Table of Law" or Law from God, Jesus His Son, The Bible, and Common Law of BOTH Founding Documents. Further because: "The Constitution if Law. The Declaration is Not Law. (from an attorney)", the Principles expressed in the Declaration which derive from God, the Lessons of Jesus, The Bible which is the Basis of Common Law (expressed in Amendment VII), the concept of 'individual sovereignty' all the Documents address, is not allowable for the purposes of law. Law written by justice based on "The Laws of "..assume among the powers of the earth", ".. Nature and Nature's God", ".. Unalienable", ".. Creator.." or the reason BOTH DOCUMENTS ARE INTERTWINED INTO The LAWS OF MANKIND.
Move and distribute 100% of Medicare and Medicaid back to the closest location of 'We the People' to result in the Most affective (this is directly from the founders as part of the reason for enumerated powers) application of: "Patient Care dictates patient service" from the old Health and Human Services Manuel. Medicare and Medicaid (Cal) returned to the States where a dollar will purchase, in the "unable to pay We the People" who paid --- during working years---for the kind of care they need; with the needed care provided at a price which is realistic to the cost of the provision; and closer to 'We the People" of a bottom-up government, or to the citizens of the State - to decide the best method of purchasing the product named: medical care to those in need; but Not: medical depends on the statistical number divided by the number of states, the 10 regions & territories, and the number of people who qualify for whatever the diag. or group of dx. with concomitant treatments standard, or otherwise are determined...but not too much otherwise, because that doesn't fit 'group-think'. 'Social Justice' written by men who describe, define, arrange, distort, ignore the information required to make a decision --- which should never be made by a sovereign individual as a member of a community, sovereign state or sovereign nation and who is the most affected not only in cost, but also in service the Fed. thinks it can perform!
Move and distribute 100% of Medicare and Medicaid back to the closest location of 'We the People' to result in the Most affective (this is directly from the founders as part of the reason for enumerated powers) application of: "Patient Care dictates patient service" from the old Health and Human Services Manuel. Medicare and Medicaid (Cal) returned to the States where a dollar will purchase, in the "unable to pay We the People" who paid --- during working years---for the kind of care they need; with the needed care provided at a price which is realistic to the cost of the provision; and closer to 'We the People" of a bottom-up government, or to the citizens of the State - to decide the best method of purchasing the product named: medical care to those in need; but Not: medical depends on the statistical number divided by the number of states, the 10 regions & territories, and the number of people who qualify for whatever the diag. or group of dx. with concomitant treatments
2) MEDICAL INFORMATION FOR DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT because of gross duplication of thousands of private profit and not-for-profit organizations work without taxpayer money and with the independence of closer to the individuals most affected who require that support.
Below is the list of "Operating Divisions"** with "Staff Divisions"**. You can read for yourselves the amount of duplication. Also, please realize that anyone can visit all 1300 Department, Agency; 27 Commissions to have a self-made demonstration of the monster our Federal Government has become, made worse by the group-think, law by social justice, pharisee of rule and order determined, defined ....
The add to above, the number of Union Member individuals, supporting their Administrators in a dictating format of leadership...we'll tell how specifically what your vote shall contain...any words outside of this kind of dictate shall not be tolerated and could result in you(employee) losing your position in whatever your're doing in government!
Below is the list of "Operating Divisions"** with "Staff Divisions"**. You can read for yourselves the amount of duplication. Also, please realize that anyone can visit all 1300 Department, Agency; 27 Commissions to have a self-made demonstration of the monster our Federal Government has become, made worse by the group-think, law by social justice, pharisee of rule and order determined, defined ....
The add to above, the number of Union Member individuals, supporting their Administrators in a dictating format of leadership...we'll tell how specifically what your vote shall contain...any words outside of this kind of dictate shall not be tolerated and could result in you(employee) losing your position in whatever your're doing in government!
It is imperative, that this Congress begin the work of examining, WITH 'We the People' via mechanisms already in place - called Act Now and via the Congressional Republican Party sites and via direct correspondence between Senator and Representative with their districts and States: exactly how much of 'enumerated powers' should remain v. the debt with how many Must Go away because the worst thought for We the People is: some non-entity with two legs in Wash. DC, paying dues to an Union Administrator who supports a view of government known to be disastrous; could actually know more than We the People who provide the entity of their funding...not in perpetuity.
When there is more debt than assets; you not only STOP SPENDING, you look at what you own, with an eye to selling or removing the cost from the 'table called financial responsibility' to one person or to a difference. And you don't slow, prevent, via railroading useless regulations and paperwork; the best assets of "do ordain and establish this Constitution 'for' the United States of America. Deep water drilling of Petroleum [it's the better word because it utilizes ALL uses of this gift from dinosaur's very large protein, carbohydrate, fat filled bodies], nuclear, natural gas which doesn't even include gold, silver, platinum and other valuable minerals. Stop subsidies of energy that require development; because if good enough, like oil; subsidy isn't necessary and a burden on "working and Posterity, We the People".
One deep water oil drilling permit in Nine Months with six still in the bins of "denial of American Assets via this Obama Administration with its cohorts of Soros, Alinsky, Piven, World socialism with UN as corrupt as the nations it attacks, because confusion with ignorance is the "delight of Satan" - the patron saint of darkness, harm and misery to each individual who falls under its spell. Also, we can't give away money as Grants, because there is no free money; and because since its taxpayer's money you are using...doesn't it make much more sense to leave the dollars in their hands in the first place. Think of all you save just in personnel of several parts of Treasury with IRS with distributing depts. for the locations of the grants, and don't forget someone should monitor the grants! Since no-one can really tell if the dollar used for whatever is a China-loan dollar or a taxpayer dollar, then every time $1.00 of grant money goes out; it has the potential of being 'bright-red ink' known as principle and interest as 100% of that given-away dollar!
'Government has no person'; and therefore no brains to even think of functioning in terms of duty, honor, OR to EXERCISE the responsibility of virtue expressed as Principle in the Declaration with Law in the Constitution - only mankind is capable. Then, only in the ability to Only the honor and integrity of "elected, appointed, employees of We the People" doing each individual's job; so doing the right thing when no-one is looking -- is to follow The Supreme Law of God, of God with Jesus in the Declaration, and in the Supreme Law of the Land.
*(that's the newest verbiage for this atrocious attack on taxpayers as earners and as payers of interest and principle on Loans our nation: It's real name, commonly forgotten by intent of its writers: "The Patient Protection and Affordable Act")
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