The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

State offers..., politics and then there is Governance

Tuesday's paper, front page: "State offers help to gamblers"..."A new state program offers treatment for gambling addicts, and its free."[!!!!]. Same front page: "Vote on tax election nears" : " majority Democrats that they might try to bypass Republican lawmakers to call a special election on taxes.  " voters can decide whether to renew higher sales, personal income and vehicle taxes."  "If bipartisan support for the special election fails, Democrats have floated the idea of trying to get it on the ballot by a simple majority."  "..such a vote would be questionable, it is being considered [anyway]." Republicans would challenge the legality of simple majority approval..".

$26.6 billion deficit being 'repaired' by "..balancing the tax extensions with about $14,000,000,000.00 in spending cuts and fund transfers, some of which he (Gov.) signed into law last week."

Republicans proposed reforms would:
-limit the extensions to 18 months instead of 5 years (Democrat desire)
-vote to reduce public pensions  and set a spending cap
-converting public employee pensions to 401k-style plans (like Carl DeMaio's plan here in S.D)
-tying future state spending to inflation,
-restoring funding for county fairs
-moving next years Presidential Primary to March rather than June (Democrats choice).

"The spending cuts signed into law so far include an estimated $7,400,000,000 from the state's Welfare -to-work program, services for the Developmentally Disabled, and health insurance for the poor.

Here is the Disconnect which requires your attention: ALL of the ABOVE are Lose - Lose for California's Highest State TaxPayor Resources in the United States of America.  And.. 1) Wherever it uses the word 'state' change it to taxpayer:  so subtract $4,000,000,000 from the $7,400,000,000 above = $7,396,000,000 remaining to take care of the already tax cut to the bones ....Developmentally Disabled [no-one speaks for, except those who know these special individuals], and the 'no to low income' ill acute and chronic [also, always cut].  So much for UCLA'S idea of Free!   2) Please notice that negotiations are not about reducing the size of the bulging, duplicative, redundant, intrusive nature of State [and Federal] government; or any promise of any sort of change in  the 'state's group-think' regarding the location of money used for 'non-entity state' what ever, originates and me!  'State' means ignore its citizens....keep taxing...keep spending.   And Most important of all....Never, never allow the citizens of the state to be relieved from the state's burden by allowing A] water to flow in the Delta, so the Asset of the Golden State called Agriculture could work to regain some of its loses from the 'fish's environmentalists with District Judge assistance via his thorny judgement chair'; B] allow the slant-drilling for Oil on the Pacific Coast... that alone could reduce the debt by more than 1/2 --- but it is another environmentalist, anti-petroleum [much improved and more descriptive use of the asset because petroleum is much more than just cars!], nuclear group-think of annual (never more than one year at a time; strategic planning is SOP in business); but not the business of guaranteed, unlimited income from taxpayers - state -- not their children's children futures - they'll have to fend for themselves!!! State, via 'elected, greater number, divorced from 'We the State Citizen', can't use Assets. Can't comprehend the State to sell some of its land or holdings....nope only the Citizens; because the unions deliver the votes; and all the Governor has to do is get it to the ballot. C} Recognize that every member of the Democratic and maybe even a few of the Republican seats...are gifts to the owners by Union Administration via their members dues.  Never, Never will the 'greater number' vote against their 'Union Benefactors' for the salary-wages-retirement-with profit of retirement benefits-members-bosses-administration-administration's attorneys  versus Citizens of the State of California.....So that cost, unsustainable to our state's  survival, shall continue unabated because the 'greater number' likes it that way.

I am a proud Republican and proud - so far - of how well our party performs in holding off the union-run Democrats of Obama-likeness against assets growth of this State and this Nation.  I cannot help but disagree with the 'negotiations' as noted above --- especially county-fairs when Developmentally Disabled and those who genuinely cannot afford the costs of their acute and chronic illnesses are cut-off from the one concept which is a state responsibility....helping those who cannot help themselves due to age, condition --- not the healing of gamblers-drug addicts- and others who feed-off the taxpayer along with the "elected, We the People" but divorce 'We the People' in favor of a 'seat' of money and power....over responsible service, duty and honor of their 'sovereign individual-alities' which they will have to face -- sooner or later.

Good Governance is not the non-entity state sans the control by 'its' elected We the People are negotiations-as-usual; it is long past time to consider the Citizen of this State - recognize that the special class called Union-member has no more privileges and immunities than any citizen of this State; and that spending uncontrolled and without any 'due diligence' to stop.... will continue to drain the life-blood of this state --- Yet Again --- on the backs of the source of this Golden States best and greatest asset: Each single citizen working at whatever, alone or for whomever, for the reasons of life , liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... from God.  The One Everyone Answers Too!

 Elected human-kind return to the 'First Table of Law' and to the Duty, Honor, Respect for this Sovereign State in this Sovereign Union represented by each Sovereign individual pursuing his/her life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.  

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