The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

CRP Chairman Del Becarro creates forum "California Speaks Out"..

Real Ideas from Real People in Real Time! 4/7 was in Fresno. Thursday, April 21 was at the Mission Inn in Riverside complete with protestors against cuts in IHSS across the street; and voices from ALL available Real People viewpoints inside. CRP members, guests and All Available listened.

There were, at first, Real People with the need to "yell" their view. They were asked to wait, that they would be able to speak when their turn arrived. This meant allowing the ongoing issue and question to finish. Then, the subject was accommodated for the viewpoints of  'deceit' in the use of  Redevelopment Agency Funds; need to stop Obama from his attack on Free Market System; SEIU computer leader who asked about correctness of the cost of duplicating resources from computer analyst as union members in favor of outsourcing; attack by Liberals on "We the Citizen's" Redistricting Committee by loading it in favor of their interest software for district redrawing v. the other software redrawing; high schooler who expressed the loss of teachers would continue to adversely effect quality of education with co-students who have trouble caring about learning, anyway; and a private Real Person who said she flip-flopped from one party to another and wanted to know "What are you going to do for Me?"; and a very nice, young Republican who wondered what the party was going to do to attract people from other cultures. This was one of the best answers by Mayor Lane "It doesn't matter the color of your skin, where you come from, how old you are, or what country you are from".

Apologies to the Master of Ceremony ?name  who help identify problems and the plan of the program. Ch. Tom introduced the City Council Member Melissa Melendez from Lake Elsinore; Randon Lane, the Mayor of Murietta; Assemblyman  Brian Nestande, 64th AD; and CRP Vice-Chairman Steve Baric.

Ch. Tom then spole of the issues that the governor cannot or does not recognize or have plans to correct...union pensions, size of CA government, and poor CA education.

It was a most informative and "Californian" speaks group. Excellent with more opportunities to come: June 9 here in San Diego; August 25 in Los Angeles; Sept. 15th in Orange County; Sept. 29 in Bakersfield for our southern area.  More are planned.

To the independent citizen of "What will you [Republican Party] do for me?":  get the government off your back so you can pursue your personal definition of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without paying the state and federal governments money they utilize as a mind-less eating machine called a Killer Shark. Giving you something - not unless you mean the rewards of your own efforts for yourself and family.

To the high school student:  As was brought up- merit raises without any merit combined with unable to fire teachers who cannot and will not maintain a standard for teaching subject matter remains a problem to change. Assemblyman Nestande pointed out the following: If the Los Angeles Unified School District wanted to hold a 'One-day Meeting to update and get employees on one page of action plans' the district would have to rent the Los Angeles Coliseum to hold the meeting for the bureaucrats for that school district!  There is a lot wrong about the interior workings of our state which, if corrected, would go a long way toward reducing state debt.  Tests of achievement don't use the test 'tool' for the individual student to make his/her own learning is used for adults only and as such don't really measure anything at all.. since the student is simply the pawn... not the king of learning.

Everyone, and I do mean everyone- citizen - of this State with a stake in California's Future for themselves and their children's children!  It is no different here than in Obama's spend, spend, spend...and then spend some more without the slightest respect for foundations, employment, trading in business and the marketplace, internships and training programs that the "rich people or people as Corporations" contribute to every sector of every states's economy and therefore the revenue for the Fed.  California citizens take this opportunity to have your voices heard in a more effective manner with the effect extending to the candidates for office we nominate in 2012 - including redistricting, Article II: 5 "..All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary election for any candidate for congressional and state elective
office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by
the candidate or the voter, provided that the voter is otherwise
qualified to vote for candidates for the office in question. This is the origin of the word "Rhino" or 'sheep skin covering the killer shark of group-minded, non-history, few men mentality. Go to these meetings and learn to recognize the person of Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the integrity of service as a representative of State, Federal, City, County or any elective office of government at any level.  We can't change government if we don't recognize the integrity of the person requesting your support; but not planning to respect you once elected. [There are approximately 436 Agencies in California with many duplications, connections, and not useful parts.  These have never been reviewed. Using CA's Sunset Plan doesn't work because the owner-employees of the agency are the determiners of report content which determines the life of that agency!]

This part is opinion, but also reflects many expressions from many Republicans all over San Diego and in some, balanced newspaper 'letters to editors'.
The Republicans, some more State-Federal Constitution aware than others, do want less government as invasive, counter-'person, property, papers, and effects' via taxation beyond sustainability; has no regard to its own size and lack of response, disorganization, absent accountability, and regulating via appointment spending machines known as departments, commissions, bureaus, boards. 

Regardless, if you want to know the 5W's and H of The Republican Party...come and join-into Ch. Del Beccaros's "California Speaks Out".  The Riverside meeting isn't available yet at CRP's TV site at You Tube; but probably will be soon.  Go Look and then Come!!!  "California Speaks Out" is a terrific opportunity!

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