The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

When Government aka taxpayer-money gets.....

so large that it makes laws and regulations regarding the flea on the mouse's back; but can't recognize which mouse the flea landed on, because of the number of mice living within the confines of that government[taxpayer-money]; then the government[taxpayer-money], especially State and Federal, breeds more fleas,  or government itself, to overcome any taxpayer-money..; AND each "person as individual" polity if very free (from life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) to imagine the 'real time' number of 'live fleas-mouses with cousin rat' there are in the confines of each State Capital and the of the 2600 Agencies of Government - flitting about in Washington, DC or any State Capitol city!

---Do you think, 'Fellow-Citizen of 'Religion and Integrity', some of whom are facing 'bankruptcy' at the 'person-hood level of homo-sapiens' living in real time;
--with the above tragedy of loss to 'Each-one-person-regardless-of-age-or-circumstance-in-pursuit-of-happiness - in or out of elected office;
--each-single-flea-on-each-single-back-of-each-single-agency-of-each-level-of-all 3 Branches of government-state or federal;
 - Shall Actually Conceive That It is The Government USURPING* "person" and "person as corporation"; that is devouring those mice; and forgetting TAXPAYER or "CONSENT of the GOVERNED" AS THE SICK FLEAS CONTINUE.....?

This, nearly bankrupted-unemployed nearly 2 years, with unemployment insurance denied because of one of the flea's with a name: "volunteer" relating to the time and placement on the mouse's back determined; although this usurped-fellow-citizen, since among the 'taxpayer-usurpee's of government-determined largess', should probably thank the 'lucky(?) stars' that not included in the unemployment-rat(because both state and federal come together via taxing not only paychecks but also income) to create this mouse!

Also, this taxpayer 'do-na-tor'[think prefix] to the Department of Fleas, prefers Noah Webster with Thomas Jefferson and many of our Religious-Integrity of Past-Government-of-Davy Crockett and the Admiral's Widow', for "We the People's" respect and consent to use the 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language to assist with the definition of some of the above words....since the concepts attached are impossible for the non-entity, non-accountable-for-outcome, non-accountable-for-years-of flea-food-from-mice-and-rats, incapable of responsibility because that is why 'government' is hated-form of obedience to dictate and force written by human-kind...a la George III; but long before him with World History ALL FOUNDERS WERE WELL-VERSED IN right along with the lessons, direction, purpose of ALL PERSONS AND STORIES HELD IN THE BIBLE - GOD'S LAWS! Yes, The Ten Commandments; Yes, The Sermon on the Mount; Yes, the hours Before Christ's crucifixion; Yes, all interactions between each Disciple and Each "person" touch, healed, recognized, supported, corrected, condition of 'refusal' to come to God at ALL...It is all there, beautifully; and Remember, It Is The FirstTextbook!

With any long-winded, writer luck....This brings us 'taxpayer-citizens' back to the subject of Usurp---Here's its definition by Mr. Webster: "To seize and hold in possession by force or without right; as, to usurp a throne; to usurp the prerogatives of the crown; to usurp power. To usurp the right of a patron, is to oust or dispossess him.
Vice sometimes usurps the place of virtue.
[Usurp is not applied to common dispossession of private property.]

{Blasted software! won't fix margin) Here are the other, grammar related uses of the word....all of which apply: 'usurpation': n. [supra.] The act of seizing or occupying and enjoying the property of another, without right; as the usurpation of a throne; the usurpation of the supreme power. Usurpation, in a peculiar sense, denotes the absolute ouster and dispossession of the patron of a church, by presenting a clerk to a vacant benefice, who is thereupon admitted and instituted.
'usurped': pp. Seized or occupied and enjoyed by violence, or without right.
'usurper' aka the flea: One who seizes or occupies the property of another without right; as the usurper of a throne, of power, or of the rights of a patron.
'usurping' ppr. Seizing or occupying the power or property of another without right.
The worst of tyrants, an usurping crowd.
'usurpingly' adv. By usurpation; without just right or claim."  You elected and just plain-citizen, really should 'Google' and or purchase This Dictionary... Your language skills, knowledge, and wisdom will quadruple:-) 

That "supreme power" is amazing apropos when you think about the Constitution's other name. Kinda, makes a "person" sick because if the group-elected-We-the-People, would simply respect the beauty of Bible or God's Law intertwined [not derived -- intertwined!] by the genius of the men who wrote it; follow Thomas Jefferson on "Construction" especially the part of "..trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.". 

Unfortunately, once committed to the gods of power, $$$$$, force without control, it will take some "Founder" type CITIZENS of WE THE PEOPLE, to turn this snowball around...though 'We" all know that a snowball requires smashing...or melting... 'Keep the Feet to the Fire' of the correct "Constitution of the United States of America" ... not of Justices who deny God's Law in favor of Freedom of Speech AND don't even recognize that a Law of God violated is the Same as a Violation of Our Beautiful and Magnificent Constitution; deny a natural resource - water - to hundred-thousand in One State of Agriculture - to destroy it; who allow a President of very questioned loyalty to Nation and to a novel idea regarding " the best of my Ability preserve, protect, and defend..." while attacking a State for obeying and supporting a Federal Law...not directly in the Supreme Court "..and those to which a State shall be party,...have original jurisdiction.."; Mt. Soledad [if you haven't been there --- go!]; or any trapping which attacks God's Laws----with these attorneys and judges or justices, not even batting an eyelash, at the wrongness, any American-walking-any-street-natural-or-naturalized-would recognize!!  That is the Reason---Fellow-Citizen-We the People---We Can and We Must Perform Our Duty to the "..blessings of liberty to ourselves and OUR POSTERITY..." --- THEY ARE NOT LEARNING RELIGION AND INTEGRITY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. IT IS 'RELIGION AND INTEGRITY' AS PART OF EDUCATION FOR EVERY CHILD IN SCHOOL  why there was a plan for a school within every jurisdiction via population!!!!!!

There is NO NEED to ADD an Amendment to 'balance the budget' for at least 3 reasons: 1) it will be a source of continuing, constant disobedience; 2) 'balance the budget' is inherent in The Bible, In Article I:8:4[bankruptcy among States  because the writer's were businessmen and farmers who knew how hard it was to keep money and respect its value to the mission statement of this Nation]; 3) the Amendment that didn't pass legally which allows the unfettered taxation of We the People is another example of disobedience in the name of government-cancer via tumor to justify the so-stretched-'elastic clause' that its name is now "Usurp" clause which let the fleas out of the barn and into every-person-regardless-of-age-circumstance-or-position for Their Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of that more elusive than ever...happiness (not government defined, created, supported, allowed, profit from, demean, disrespect, interfere, et al) or "Religion": "1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion." AND "Integrity":  "1. Wholeness; entireness; unbroken state. The constitution of the U.States guaranties to each state the integrity of its territories. The contracting parties guarantied the integrity of the empire.
2. The entire, unimpaired state of any thing, particularly of the mind; moral soundness or purity; incorruptness; uprightness; honesty. Integrity comprehends the whole moral character, but has a special reference to uprightness in mutual dealings, transfers of property,and agencies for others.
The moral grandeur of independent integrity is the sublimest thing in nature, before which the pomp of eastern magnificence and the splendor of conquest are odious as well as perishable.
3. Purity; genuine, unadulterated, unimpaired state; as the integrity of language."

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