The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Nehemiah and Today’s Nationl, International Threats..

Nehemiah and Today’s Nationl, International Threats..
“..Jeruselum lies waste and gates are burned with fire...” How Nehemiah teaches problem, assessment (both subjective and objective),  intervention with opposition, goal with validation and outcomes all along this Chapter of Nehemiah.  Why understanding this Chapter is important to our Nation and Globe.  It is God’s purpose to Teach from what Nehemiah lived at that time of history in the Middle East.  Nehemiah was actively living and applying God’s will by intervening with would become the help of rulers, Jews, priests, nobles, or “rest that did work”.

This Same is as True if Nehemiah was looking upon our Nation’s enemy within, enemy outside - so easily mislead.

Problem: Nehemiah speaks to King Artazerkis regarding the above statement. He receives from the King what he needs, goes alone with “with his beast under him” to view all the damage.

Assessment: Initially alone or one “person”, he told no-one “what God put to my heart to do”; and used the night to perform his damage assessment.

Intervention:   Then Nehemia spoke included himself as “Ye see the distress WE are in..” by repeating the assessment he completed.

Then, when ready he told all of them What “distress that we are in”; How Jerusalem lieth waste and the gates thereof are burned with fire.. “. Then with total inclusive action “come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach..”.

Nehemiah then made “..the hand of my God was good upon me; as also the King’s words that has spoken unto me.”.  They answered “Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”

Opposition to problem and assessment occurs more than once throughout the process of attaining Goal: Nehemiah’s arch enemy, Sanballet -an Horonite, Tobias - a servant , and Geshem - an Arabian, “..they laughed us to scorn, and despised us, and said, What is this thing that ye do? Will ye rebel against the king?” It also “grieved them there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.”.

Nehamiah answers with: “The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build; but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.”.

Repeating: This same is true today, as if Nehemiah work continues. His work is demonstrated by  speaking of : “gates of fire”, “walls broken down”, “dung port”; used in this essay as analogous to turning away from Truth; in favor of Crime as “an act which violates a law human or divine, a rule of moral duty, or any rule of duty plainly implied in those laws. A crime may consist in omission, neglect, commission, and positive transgression.”

All four are consistently occurring Nationally, among nations, and intrinsic to the ambitions of global government - United Nations.  While ignorance of Crime - at least divine - is not an excuse for any one part of these large Unit’ actions, it does enhance the ability for these crimes to continue - unabated resulting in loss of ‘Freedom’ which does mean divine law, as well as man’s unalienable right to “Life, Liberty, and Happiness” for “person” under God .. or even moral duty.

Here are some examples:
— United Nation’s Affirmation of:   “freedom of opinion without interference” - A4 of WSIS 12/2006 and before.  In America, We hear it as the tenet:  “Everyone has a right to an opinion”. This ‘imperative tenet’ is an absolute ‘form of principle’ which is not truth (tenet can be either true or untrue). Imperative because it is the only word that allows the “External Government” of force, dictate, demand, and coercion, or the government form of Socialism disguised as the ‘will of the people by democracy or collective mass,  group-think’, to coexist with governments which respect God’s Law with Justice for sovereignty of person.

Definition is important. Whether from The Bible’s Dictionary, Noah Webster’s “1828 American Dictionary of the English Language”, from Oxford’s Dictionary; and often looking up the same word in 1828 along with 2011 Oxford lends greater understanding both to the definition and to how the definition is used, or not with omission, neglect, commission or positive transgression.  From Wikipedia definition of: “Opinion:  In general, an opinion is a subjective belief, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts.”  Subjective refers to a ‘person’ or ‘persons’ particular feelings, perspective, understanding, beliefs and desires. “It may refer to unsubstantiated information, in contrast to knowledge and fact-based beliefs.”.

From Nehemiah: the actions which caused to gates to be on fire and the walls of Jerusalem to fall, along with Sanballat’s worry of loss of power over Nehemiah’s seek the welfare of the children of Israel are expression of the perspective - beliefs - desires of Sanballat or any person-persons with the External Government requirement. Note that the servant, Tobias, and Greshem from Arabia sort-of stand off to the side, i.e. aren’t really centered, but are present for Sanballat’s outcry?  That’s is what appears to equate to United Nations and America’s collusion to Socialism with omission, neglect, commission and transgression ‘any person(servant)’ as citizen-nation or Greshem intrinsic nation (Arabia).  Most nation’s have no idea what the UN is growing into because they are busy trying to survive financial and citizen disaster - with at least one exception: Great Britain who is not missing one iota of the crimes as actions of UN-Socialism here in America- and attack on Israel.

Today, National, International, and the organization of Nations under the UN take actions by crimes of omission-neglect- commission and positive transgression and principle expressed as tenet: “opinion without interference” with actions into determining:
—  “The rights of Children’ over parents;
— entering into the world of cyber-space, economics;
— environment ‘belief in a tenet named - ‘global warming’ with application of the parts via fine and jurisprudence including “Agency 21's so-called “soft treaty”.

God’s Law is not present in any part of the UN Charter or Statement of Principles or any part of UN actions; but does address “social progress”; and in The Preamble, does speak to “fundamental human rights, ..dignity, and worth of the human person,..(and) equal rights of men and women.. ” and all sizes of nations; but not in relation to unalienable rights from God. Justice also is absent God, recognizing “respect for..obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law... .”  Thus, in the name of ‘principle of expediency’ and political correctness for ‘External Government’...commit the crimes of omission, commission, positive transgression; and neglect, probably mostly from carelessness, but given the extent of ‘Nation Intrusion’ especially here in America, neglect by design, on a Global scale.

Our Nation is slowly awakening to the attack on our Constitution by abrogation of the maker: This Socialist Government under Obama - el. al., especially at the pinnacle, speed-rate of his Administration with supporters absent any principle of Declaration of Independence because “it is law you cannot see”, and continuing the ‘tenet principle of socialism or rule of collective group via definition of group leader or government alone can solve problems...a.k.a. don’t worry, be happy! Government will take care of everything; and demonstrated by Obama’s flagship of socialism: Patient Protection and Affordable Act (Obama care) followed closely by “America’s Financial Security Act (a.k.a control of Capitalism by government definition of “safety” of business)”!

Omission, Neglect, commission, and positive transgression are the working words for this day in history’s Socialism applied.  It is impossible to implement the Soros-Obama Socialism unless lie, distortion, redefinition, censorship with denying information to “We the People” and a little criminality of coercion, threats and acts against person. Removal of trust at all costs, as searches with patdowns, scans, fingerprints and criminal record checks of all “We the People” especially utilizing airplanes - regardless of natural rights, by government force as Regulation. The government’s Tenet of Safety =  if we examine 100% of “We the People”, then we (government) will guarantee to make 100% of the people more safe, and catch the bads guys in the action; demonstrating violation of natural rights including presumption of innocence and equal protection!  Abrogation of the 14th Amendment as “equal protection in application of law” is also a socialist absolute which has the imperative of disobedience to the “Rule of Law”.

The Gates of Fire – acts against “person” combined with “Falling walls” of this and other Nations represent the abrogation of our 391 year old “Religion and Morality” combined with the histories dating back to God on Earth as well as Jesus, by usurpation by this government and the government now-forming in the United Nations under Socialism.

Goals: All the gates are repaired. The walls taken care of.  Sanballat doesn’t change.  And the lives of Nehemiah, Ezra and others continue on in the Old Testament.

Today. The gates are still on fire and the walls: Constitution, Religion and Morality, Sovereignty of Person, Nation remain under attack; and kepted off-balance by displacement into issues like money, production of goods and services-jobs, environment, communication with Truth in Information sharing, and government for its ownership,  growth and perpetuation in all spheres of life, liberty and happiness.
We the People must learn that economy, money, environment, entreprnership, person and ‘person as business’ all vanish as a “whale through a fishing net”... when God’s Laws are not obeyed.

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