With “And you call yourself American!” are the newest comments as “compulsion of conscience (N. Webster)” against those of U.S.(A) who stand against whatever the Initiative, Referendum, or Statement of Stand for our Constitution “We the Patriots” take.
These two ‘compulsion of conscience’, with saint-like sideways, hands folded, head-on-chest “body*” position; while “soul*” busily states “How can you do this to___”. The Event: Stop AB131. The Place: Carlsbad’s Mall. The unspoken, equally important reason to stop supporting illegals: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;..”. Duty and honor require "Religion and Morality" which represent respect for the work of Americans who honor their social contract for the good of the Whole of State and Nation by paying their taxes. California's 'greater number' has no respect for either the "Rule of Law" or the sovereignty of "person" to be protected under the Republican Representative form of Government. This 'greater number legislature' declares the Constitutions irrelevant and not to be obeyed demonstrated by the greater number of signed legislation it has passed since at least 11/2010; including AB131 as well as "sexual deviation" important while God Law's and morality forbidden to kindergarten through 14th grade.
Illegal aliens are “granted” the Privilege of attending College and university using Taxpayer Money. Naturalized and Natural Citizen... do not receive money under the same circumstance because they are Righteous and Legal. The money for the illegals is a Grant from State Government - free give away of person's earnings as taxes - and includes Federal Gov (who could not pass using the nation's taxpayer money) because the money will come from Pell Grants as well as other resources.
Immunity because while attending college or university, they are exempt from arrest by the Border Patrol.....while illegals otherwise are not exempt from arrest by the Border Patrol. The parents who are illegal arrived in US to have the children who have been here enough years to apply for college, remain here - illegally. The now,18year-olds, using 'birth certificate' in lieu of citizenship, does not make the children more eligible for privileges and immunities of citizenship, much less access to natural and naturalized citizens who are providing the money the parents are responsible for. Thus a double whammy against the taxpayer: 1) Less money for legal Americans as citizens; 2) fraudulent by government to use tax money for "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Redistributing tax-payer money for college or university education for children of their responsible, illegal parents is an illegal act of government placing illegal above citizenship.
Obama is busily being proud that he has returned more illegals than any other President; but omitting that the increase of illegals results from his inability to secure the borders of the United States of America. This is the other form of “compulsion of conscience” for those of U.S.(A). who place the “Rule of Law” over the Social Justice definition which results from violating the rule of Law. This is #5: It may involve the operation of government our side its constitutional jurisdiction.”; And
#8: “It may have been intended to be applied selectively, or have come to be applied selectively, in violation f the equal protection provision of the Constitution that all laws must be applied uniformly.”, from “..several ways in which statues or other official acts may be unconstitutional..” in “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland.
The reason 'person' definition is here is to demonstrate how State and Federal government view individuals for the purpose of government's definition of 'protection and safety' or, in the case of children of illegals - for the "Rule of Social Justice" and because they'll probably vote Socialist(not Democratic, socialist) - since that is what they have been State and Federally indoctrinated disguised as education, to believe.
PERSON is also: ".. the individual component of the polity.., which is defined as Any Being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species Homo Sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the Natural Rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions TO AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS of those rights.." from "Declaration of Constitutional Principles".
1828 definition of “Person”: 1. An individual human being consisting of body and soul. We apply the word to living beings only, possessed of a rational nature; the body when dead is not called a person. It is applied alike to a man, woman or child.
A person is a thinking intelligent being. 3. A human being, considered with respect to the living body or corporeal existence only. The form of her person is elegant. 4. A human being, indefinitely; one; a man. Let a person's attainments be never so great, he should remember he is frail and imperfect.” Thus referencing “body” as separate from “soul” of “thinking, intelligent being. I know, the man was thinking; the problem is ascertaining the Truth of Knowledge vs. the mythos of social justice through socialism.
So go out every day between now and 1/4/12.... to get AB131 onto the Nov. ballot so we can overturn this Socialist government. 'We the People: JUST DO IT!