with social plunder because the wrong question was presented to the lemming, socialist-plunder, CA judicial supreme Court of 'We know the verdict before the case is presented-court'.
Here is the correct question: Should the 'taxpayer's earnings to the State' be allowed to usurp the taxpayer's earnings from the City's voted-by taxpayer's "Planning Departments" ? Current California State, social plunder, Debt to GDP Ratio is 18.5956%, with $9,849 Total Debt per Citizen (that means taxpayer). The cities of Escondido and San Marcos plus many other of the cities in 58 counties of this State have balanced their elected use of taxpayer dollars for the city and its future as the Planning Departments. Shall this State be able to usurp voted, designated in law, taxpayer money to use this taxpayer money in combination to pay its total per citizen debt? Just to clarify for "person of constitutional, representative, Republican form of government under our Constitution; Total Debt per Citizen = $180,356 + $9,849 = $190,205 and growing per day....
This concept continues itself at all levels of the socialist redistribution of social plunder spending. On 11/8/11, Escondido was going to be fined $250,000 by the EIP unless it came up with $325,000.00 for the continued investigation by the EIP Contractor into whether our air was legal or putting out contaminates. Taxpayer earnings providing money for the Appointed underling of the Obama Socialist Government named EIP to Fine the taxpayer's dollars at the City Government level. Then there is the taxpayer $-EIP, again dictating, forcing and declaring not to coal as electricity in 38% of the States in this Union; while costing the at least 4 mining state's taxpayers the revenue from the coal mining and therefore city and townships of corresponding levels of the Federated form of government.
And, this Patriot's favorite abandonment of Republican Form of government including Natural Rights: Union member dues in a closed-shop government employee system; paying retirement dollars to the excessive (hire new employees or cut number of employees - especially police, fire, teachers) because of the cost of retirement (Oceanside was in the Friday's News) - not because of taxpayer costs to the police, fire or teacher as 'person'....nope! Strictly to fund retirement of existing union members. Be Clear, the union member isn't the problem --- that's where the abandonment of Natural Right to Life with its Liberty and Pursuit comes-in: Members, also have no choice - they are union, SEIU members - or they are not hired to work in city, county, state, or federal level work; and members have no say on the socialist candidates the political party named union decides to support at the administrative level.dues are paid with taxpayer dollars to the union's Administration and union's administration uses the tax dollars for their political purposes whether membership has a say or not because leadership (the other word for administration) is "authoritarian", straight-line, top to bottom.
Using taxpayer earnings to redistribute fines, taxes, control with dictate and force - absent the Constitution (either US or State) is the name of the social justice-plunder called "opinion without interference".
?DO WE, AMERICAN'S OF OUR REPUBLIC UNDER GOD, PERFORM: "..But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, IT IS THEIR RIGHT, IT IS THEIR DUTY, TO THROW OFF such government, and to [return to our 235 year history of Republican Representative government under our Constitution and Under God of The Universe], and to provide [respect and recognition for the unique perfection of both our Declaration and Constitution] for their future security. .."?
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
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Remembering Tuesday, June 5, 2012 IS ELECTION DAY..because "We the People's CA voice of "consent to govern' has had our Right to Choose a Candidate based on the Political Philosophy of Party expunged, in favor of "top two vote getters regardless of party affiliation -- except socialist (its under the Democratic Party Label or it couldn't have candidates!)". Numbers as "body" of 'constitutional person' over "soul - spirit" as philosophy of decisions based on philosophy of government. Also, top-two-vote-getters means the June, Election outcome of State and Congressional Representatives, is predetermined by the 'numbers' of persons listed by party, is completely predetermined before the Nov. 2012 election. Why? Because for one of many examples: socialists or the opposing party to Republicans, run just one candidate in June; while Republicans still think PRIMARY and run 3 candidates for the same office. Republicans are the lesser number of voter registration by Party (includes the party philosophy of wait and see - Declines to State). Unless two of the three candidates drop-out before June 5th, the lesser registered to vote number of Republicans will divide their 1 person:1vote among 3 candidates. Result - greater number or undivided union-based, socialist votes prevail due to greater number only; and election results for State, Congressional, School Board, Water District are 100% correctly predictable! Great for the socialists! And why ALL INITIATIVES HAVE BEEN MOVED TO NOV ELECTION. More votes in Nov than in June: Primaries are the 'knowledgeable consent to govern duty and service Americans; while the Nov. vote is for the Presidential vote. (Dems wearing sheepskins or DINOs) only need to find their union-based candidate (There may still be the existence of Democrats of Constitutional Republican form of government (32, joined Zero Republicans, were present in Congress to Oppose Obama's health named "PP AA")