The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Gingrich, Paul, Romney over -- Teapartiers over establishment...

allows Socialism over our Founder’s experiment: “Religion and Morality”, Republican form of Representative government under our Constitution.  

BE CLEAR: the “opposition” is NOT ANOTHER REPUBLICAN! Newt is NOT WINNING or beating Romney or Paul......; — or any other candidate for any elected office from mosquito abatement to the above; and including THE JUDICIAL BRANCH OF OUR GOVERNMENT.  Our 'Election 2012'  is Socialism versus Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness with 'Religion and Morality' and "Consent of the governed". 

POLITICS: “1.   The science of government; that part of ethics which has to do with the regulation and government of a nation or state, the preservation of its safety, peace, and prosperity, the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals.   2.  The management of a political party; the conduct and contests of parties with reference to political measures or the administration of public affairs; the advancement of candidates to office; in a bad sense, artful or dishonest management to secure the success of political candidates or parties; political trickery.
When we say that two men are talking politics, we often mean that they are wrangling about some mere party question. F. W. Robertson.   THIS IS NO WAY NEAR the definition as today’s, popular, shark-infested, misnomer - especially by the socialist’s who state “top two-vote getters regardless of political party affiliation” nonsense!  Socialist’s yelling fire...they defined, wrote and started!!

PARTY: “1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. ..”.

RELIGION: “. [L. religion, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind. This word seems originally to have signified an oath or vow to the gods, or the obligation of such an oath or vow, which was held very sacred by the Romans.] 
1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.

MORALITY: “The doctrine or system of moral duties, or the duties of men in their social character; ethics.            
            The system of morality to be gathered from the writings of ancient sages, falls very short of that delivered in the gospel.
1. The practice of the moral duties; virtue. We often admire the politeness of men whose morality we question.   2. The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed.
RECTITUDE: “Straightness.  [R.] Johnson. Rightness of principle or practice; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws; uprightness of mind; uprightness; integrity; honesty; justice.  Right judgment.   [R.] Sir G. C. Lewis.
Syn. -- See Justice. (1913 Edition)”.

JUSTICE: “1.  The quality of being just; conformity to the principles of righteousness and rectitude in all things; strict performance of moral obligations; practical conformity to human or divine law; integrity in the dealings of men with each other; rectitude; equity; uprightness.
Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne. Ps. ixxxix. 11.    The king-becoming graces, As justice, verity, temperance, stableness, . . . I have no relish of them. Shak.
2.   Conformity to truth and reality in expressing opinions and in conduct; fair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit; honesty; fidelity; impartiality; as, the justice of a description or of a judgment; historical justice.   The rendering to every one his due or right; just treatment; requital of desert; merited reward or punishment; that which is due to one's conduct or motives.
This even-handed justice   Commends the ingredients of our poisoned chalice To our own lips. Shak.  3.  Agreeableness to right; equity; justness; as, the justice of a claim. ...”.

Because of the intertwining of The Bible with Declaration and Constitution, Noah Webster’s “American Dictionary of the English Language”( is an AXIOMATIC IMPERATIVE especially against the “Newspeak”, distortion, and absent information to make an informed choice axiomatic to anti-moral, anti-justice, anti-law (Unconstitutional) Socialism of Obama, his Czars, Open-Society of United Nations dictating law into every level of our Federated form of government.  Noah is also an Imperative because: “I. The unique nature of our form of government and of our civil institutions which “requires an appropriate language of the definition of words.” (2 set of quotes because first is from the “Foundation for American Christian Education and the second is Noah). [Please notice how words in his definitions lead the reader into a more complete Truth with “get knowledge and wisdom” from Proverbs. You could travel more following the ‘justice’ definition].  It took more than 20 years for Noah to complete this work. Because communication of life, liberty, and pursuit of... with God’s law and all opposition, is expressed in grammar and words; because of the free-agency-slang with careless and inappropriate misaligned meanings applied for sarcasm and other reasons absent ‘ethics of communication’, Noah’s Truth-Knowledge-Wisdom of God’s Law and of use of language at the time these Magnificat documents where written by the magnificent men of God who wrote them is the AXIOM of the need for the original 1828 facsimile. The 1913 shortens out the religious ethical effect and 2011 the religious and respect for analogy is totally removed. This isn’t design..simply the effect of translation which doesn’t respect thought and logic of each single sentence to the whole.  It is prevalent in our Bibles...except the King James. Thank the publishers of the 1611 Tyndale-King James; as well as the Mormon, cross-referenced, original KJV with “The Book of Mormon”. 

Romney: “Let’s fight for the America We Love!”.   Gingrich “..change government so it starts serving the will of the people”: BOTH HAVE GOOD PROGRAMS, IDEAS, AND PLANS. NEITHER HAS ANY INTENTION OF CLOSING DOWN THE DEPT. OF EDU. OR EVEN APPRAISING THE EPA, FCC, DP. OF AGGIE, FDA, OR ‘FOOD, COMETIC, AND DRUG’ dictates without “Rule of Law”.  
Newt will allow the Dept. To justify their existence... a sort of ‘fox in the henhouse approach’ because The House already has Mr. Kingsley..whose job it is to determine if Bills, Acts meet Constitutional guidelines. ...Mr. Kingsley works extremely hard to continue justifying the current Federal Government’s action in all spheres of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of...  

Paul is the only candidate who specifically will “eliminating five cabinet departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education), abolishing the Transportation Security Administration and returning responsibility for security to private property owners,..”  BUT “..abolishing corporate subsidies, stopping foreign aid, ending foreign wars, and returning most other spending to 2006 levels.”. This last part, while not enumerated powers, also is Not a Black-White computer-think, issue especially in the same sentence with socialist czars-group-think-anti-law regime on the world order of United Nation’s open-borders and jurisprudence as a reality—not a “threat”.

 ALL THREE GET THAT GOVERNMENT IS WAY OUT OF OUR NATION’S PROTECTION OF AND CONSENT TO GOVERN with RELIGION AND MORALITY which established...(actually continued because the Colonies had their own Constitutions and were able to work with each other, before Article of Confederation ever were though of...150 years 1620 to 1779!).  

NONE intend “establishment” Republican politics. In fact Party leadership has changed for the most part to Teapartiers’s small government.  In fact both reduce government. But Both fall short in closing-down some of the 2600 Departments.  None recognize that the Departments under the President’s cabinet use to be ‘referees’ and ‘coaches’ — not robbers of life, liberty, and pursuit of....happiness (an definition inherently “Person” decided). 

 The better approach to closing the 2600 Departments is outsourcing! Imagine 15% increase in jobs - not TAX PAYER WAGES AND BENEFITS union! Union with Constitutional “Rule of Law” becoming the watch word....Admin. has absolutely no decisions in is membership.....dues are sliding scale and if a strike occurs...a member’s life as wages is not removed from the member — box-boys do not received red, negative dollar checks. Members ELECT LEADERS for their Administration...and the leaders have a “Term of office”. Unions are a mini-government which mirrors the Federated form of government----doesn’t eliminate the “protections” from government via what is currently the “administration of top-down boss-obedience of “opinion without interference” socialism. None address taxpayer money in a closed-shop union -- especially as relating to the very, very unlawful 'recall" of Wisconsin's governor and senators flat-out by tax-supported unions!!!!!!!

What put Gingrich over Romney is simply a difference in personality: Romney is a more quiet, observing, empowering individual responsibility to God and Nation; while Gingrich also empower’s personal conscience of Internal Government – ‘Religion and Morality’; but when he gets attack in the ridiculous manner of the ‘so-called debate moderators - individuals of conform or die personality and avoid Socialism - constitution violations - ‘civility’ with tear-apart from within - which worked very well in destroying the “Democratic Party of Constitutional Law” which is now subject to the anti-law of socialism.  

None will call this administration socialist; but the very, very, very apparent control, definition, redistribution and production of animal, vegetable, and mineral government – including exploration and assets of our nation as removed and licensed out of existence.  Naturally, media isn’t going to buck the socialists they have been supporting since 1989 to date...please note that engulfs the entire 6 years of G.W. Bush’s Administration.....not 8, SIX (6) - when libs came out of the wood-work and into the light as the full-blown, socialists they are today. Ron Paul remains the persistent, patient, hard-working, words-into-action, protector of  "We the People" Constitution with Declaration, and with the Morality to implement "Law is not made for the righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient", "for unholy and profane", for murderers, liars... So are Romney and Gingrich, but they are not as determined, nor persistent....nor as much a 'bulldog' with much respect for Representative Paul ...who really is an important candidate, because if nothing else, he knows how to use "subjective, objective, assessment, and plan" of all physicians and many military backgrounds.

Hillary’s character assassination of two Marines (they don’t guard the President anymore) because of peeing on dead, radical jihad; thus ignoring Islam’s violations of God’s Law - The Ten Commandments and Beatitudes.  The 1828 definition of “Religion” above, means Islam is not a religion of obedience to God’s Laws and therefore not the basis of law of our Constitution. Meaning the ‘free exercise thereof” of  Amendment 1 does not apply because Islam violates God’s Law: Thou shalt murder. Thou shalt lie. Thou shalt stone..and punish anyone who dares (not likely-hundreds of years of coercion) to refuse to throw the stones. Revenge is the heart and soul of Islam ... Hillary prefers Islam to Marines.

While perhaps beside-the-point of the ‘election’ issues this essay is about,  it is mandatory to illuminate the degree of Islamic Law with Socialism at work in our Nation...many levels of the Federated form of government:  “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” enforced by Commander-in-Chief: Marines answer: Constitutional Principle: “Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be delegated to another person; not to a superior, a court, or legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one’s job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg.   OBAMA’S CUT IN MILITARY PERSONNEL will remove 10% of the Marines who practiced this Principle...and disobeyed....Islamic revenge as well as removing the most effective, integrity based, protector’s of mankind’s rights that has ever seen light in the Middle East War.  This war is rapidly passing in intensity and evil against our Lord God, since the “War of the Roses”   

Americans – natural and naturalized (you Americans often are more important to our nation than native!!! as you well know – sorry, we’ll learn)— know that the other socialist ‘distraction’ are the State and Federal Legislative offices of government!!!!!!  It is solely The House of Representatives which has been saving our Republican Form of Government from complete annihilation via this ‘regime of anti-law’.   PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CANDIDATES: Look for wrong words: “Big Business” “corporate spending” “not paying taxes” and other untruth which cannot be  made a slogan...but individuals can be fooled...  On the plus side, look for citizens who stand for Constitution - for Religion - for Morality and specifically - the 5W’s and H of how they plan to initiate return to our “Founding Fathers”.  It is very much time.. To listen, again to Washington, Lincoln, S. Adams, J. Adams, J. Madison, B. Franklin, T. Jefferson, and ALL LEADERS from that day to this.... We do have all the support of our Lord, of the fine Candidates above and of all “Person with cognitive attributes who can compete for the Natural Rights [freedom] of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and avoid depriving others of those Natural Rights. Socialism cannot exist with “person” and “natural rights”. For socialism to work individuals shall become lodged into groups of like manner which is defined by the infamous-few-conceited-deaf-blind-arrogant-members of homo sapiens of “body” absent “soul”. Person is defined as comprised of body and soul. When body dies, person no longer exists. You have to consider that living without life, liberty and pursuit is a form of death of soul which also eliminated God’s Law in favor of man’s law...or why groping is required of people entering airplanes but not buses, trains, cars or other forms of individual’s ability to destroy via suit-case..: “They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Ben Franklin (1759).”.

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