of political party affiliation stated by candidate or by voter --- acts, bias, "unintended consequences"
I have just removed one endorsement from Candidate Emken.
Not because of any "Philosophy" of politics; but because the Other 2 or 3 Candidates for Senate have been "banned from participation" in Republican Party of San Diego County Events -- This because of "Top Two Vote-Getters regardless of political affiliation" of the new, unconstitutional Article II changes to the California Constitution which has the effect of eliminating any "PRIMARY: meaning first-candidate-selection round of Consent of the Governed".
It is now substituted by "The June 5, 2012 ELECTION of Senator, State and Federal level Representation from the Republican Centrist Party of absent "Teaparty" Republicans; a.k.a Constitutional Republicans of 08/28/2010 Restore Honor. The runoff "representative", anti-Republican form of government", will occur on 11/6/2012.
Those Teapartiers Voters who are not registered Republicans will not receive a "Special" Presidential Nomination" Ballot on June 5, 2012;
The San Diego County Recorder also is "requesting" that Republican Central Committee candidates run EVERY 4 YEARS, because it "saves ink and trouble for the County Recorded...who prints this as a "convenience" for Both Democrats and Republicans... thus determining that the Central Committee Member involved SHALL REMAIN LOCATED AND LIVING IN THE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT each represents. Why? Because like Representatives to both State and Federal Offices, per Bylaws of the County, Central Committee members Must Live in the District they represent; BUT
because to be a member of the Republican Party is only "Voter Registration", a Central Committee Candidate can be just a member who represents the "Consent of the Governed", One-at-a-time as liaison of 6 "Constitutional Persons" living within the precincts; solely "Principe in Ethics" without regard to descriptors like amount of donation, who you know, or other politically-enforced bias; AND
the Two Year Limit serves the same function as it does in both Assembly and House representatives: - turnover. Preventing one, dominating, - opinion without interference - bias of one part of the Party.
The "opinion without interference" is demonstrated by Party endorsement without Teaparty representation; by "forbidden" to continue to campaign in SD County; and reinforced by the "convenience of ink-saving" for the County Recorded on the lives of Registered Republicans not tied to the internal politics of bias as "opinion without interferance". The "ink-saving" County Regisrar also doesn't realize that "consent of the governed" is reflected in the 9th Amendment... and "convenience" question should be regarded in light of: "..enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people....the role of candidate recruitment and selection, informing and communicating with citizen voters, securing ballot integrity, are Rights.
More Important, the consequence of allowing Article II of California Constitution as unconstitutional law to prevail, occurs because of the myth that "We the People" must have a court hearing with attorney's and judges to make official, those members of "We the People" who also have professions in the legal world ... their "approval" of "unconstitutional"...; while
Constitutional Principle "Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST (as in halt) the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent jurisdiction for PROSECUTION...is nullified simply because too many "We the People" do not recognize their own abilities to determine right from wrong, evil from good, and socialism of 'collective mass' - inanimate and living law - temporal law' from Republican form of Constitutional government under Oath of Office and Pledge of Allegiance --- Under "Religion and Morality" that our Founders wrote into Both Declaration and Constitution.
THE COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION IS "WE THE PEOPLE" as each-one-person-unique-sovereignty and accountability to the "Laws of God.".
All this to aid and support Obama's open-society because of its affect to leave in power, unconstitutional representatives of centralized, Executive Branch Power, without regard to Republican form of Government under constitution and under God's Laws.
Please note writers: 'vote-getters' is not part of the English language... and is always a misspelled word!
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
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"We are a nation of law." meaning the Constitutional Law; but Obama's law is Social Justice Law of "body-temporal-living and inanimate object law-Sharia Law".
ReplyDeleteIt is perfectly OK to write and enact Obama's Law to be supreme over God's Law-the basis of Constitutional law. Which is the reason... I shall not support any Candidate who does not recognize the usurpation and oppression of Obama's (and CA Union Legislator's with Governor) Law.
So far, Only Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are Constitutional Candidates.... The Republican National Committee with parts of the 58 counties of CA - SD included - eliminate all Teapartiers from any part in Politics of the Party... and the Teapartiers are only to happy to leave; but It is our Nation who loses! Divide and conquer... is alive and well... so... Republican Representational Governance under Constitution... will be the victim!
There is 'Blacklist' because of refusal to respect or acknowledge Obama's Lawless actions based on: "He is the President of the United States.". Nope, He is a man accountable to God..and he does put his pants on one-leg-at-a-time---"Equal Station of Nature and Nature's God".
ReplyDeleteRespect is earned...he is not even in this nations borders as eligible for respect of office.
His actions, as well as others, are demonstrable in the applied lawlessness.
Not an 'opinion without interference'.... a fact of demonstrated acts!