The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1. How you think...

is everything; 2. Decide upon your dreams and goals; 3. Take Action; 4. NEVER STOP LEARNING; 5. Be Persistent and work hard; 6. Learn to Analyze Details; 7. Focus your Time and Money; 8. Don't be afraid to Innovate; BE Different; 9. Deal and Communicate with People Effectively;

10. BE HONEST AND DEPENDABLE; TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: Otherwise #1 - 9 won't matter!!

Measures for your choices as "persons" who are Candidates for Any Office.....

but Especially THE NEXT MAYOR OF SAN DIEGO -- CARL DE MAIO-----Here's Why:
#1. How you think is everything:  Carl has decided to take a huge Risk.  He wants to be the Mayor of San Diego (#2) --- He does not want to leave this City.

He has #3 taken action....BEFORE announcing his Candidacy --- He arranged, wrote, and has started implementing "Road to Recovery"  with its update just last week  Carl is in his 2nd Term as 5th District City Council.....HE IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE with a Track Record for Our City...and Therefore Our County.

5.  You only have to have volunteered for him over the last few years to know how true this is! .....And HE IS the reason Union Pension's shall not continue 100% financed, at bankrupting levels against every tax-payer in this City!!!!!  That means 12 hrs or more every weekend....that means all over this city...that means reaching out to every resident who lives here.... with the United States Constitution's "The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the Natural Rights / Freedom from God as Unalienable - of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness,  AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions TO AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS of those rights...".

He is working very continue to perform and apply an excellent "Strategic Plan" - 5 years out in Posterity...  What other candidate -- any office -- any level -  including Presidential is doing that!!!  Everyone is looking inside an enclosed box named jobs, economy... including Carl;  but not at the expense of poor business techniques.  

No Other Candidate for Mayor of this City  has the Demonstrated skills of an Administrator and Business Owner that Carl.  Those of you who recognize the above "IBD'S 10 SECRETS TO SUCCESS" know how much we have learned over the years reading William O'Neil's "Investor's Business Daily" which is the Business world of investing and finance for "We the People" who want to learn and know -- they 5W's and H of the 'Tool' named Money....Tools are different from Ideas which Person uses to find Life, Liberty and Pursuit...  Freedom comes from within Your conscience and your belief in whatever good and right represent.   For the vast majority of Americans....That does mean Obedience to God's Laws...The basis of our government since 1620.

Person choosing Life, Liberty, and Pursuits of happiness -- with God -- are "Soul".   Person is comprised of body and soul.. When the body dies, the Person dies.  The Soul is separate and distinct from the body... The answer to the 5W's and H of your soul --- lies in your own, unique person of conscience.

A unique person's choice of life and liberty -- is the choice of that unique person living life on the continuum of 'free agency' to be as good as you can be given the limits of  'soul'  or the other way. That is what our God and our Founders secured for US(A) and for this Planet:  "Conscience is the most sacred of all property." --- James Madison, Essay on Property, March 29, 1792.
9. See above...  Again.... Carl is Implementing... not lip servicing or manipulating a position for all kinds of Agendas...some secret and some open......AS INTEGRAL TO THE NATURE OF Homo Sapiens with Cognitive Attributes...  But

10.  Carl is a Person of Integrity and Responsibility....He has put himself... with the help as communicating and dealing with 'Persons' effectively... to accomplish 1-8

Don't fall for the "hidden agenda" ...  It Isn't there!  The opposition to Carl is though!  If you decide to buy into shall be the Loss to this City and this County.  

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