The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Monday, May 21, 2012
This talk has a long title ..
..because it makes Dr. James Burke(M.A).‘s of the PBS series “Connections” come to life – again:
How many of you have seen Steven Spielberg’s “War Horse”? It is available on You Tube for $3.99 or $25.00 at Walmart.
How many of Jesus’ Teachings and Parables did you recognize in this WWI story of “War Horse”? I counted at least five, but there’s probably thousands given both the time in history and the individuals involved in making this movie to retell — again
There is our LDS, easily recognized love of family – including all the animals (that goose was a critter) –,...the interactions between landlord and renter; ....friends both recognized and not yet learned about, ..village, and the closeness of love between each-individual experiencing all that war brings in challenge, trial, tribulation, adversity and governance among the Franch, Germans, and Great Britain.
Did you notice that the story builds and solidify’s it stream in “One”: -- horse, person, person in life’s roles, family, business, village, nations, and Love ...of God?
The Connection between America today carries on, throughout the entire story — because God with Jesus is The Story of “Warhorse”. “Warhorse - Joey” Is Our Nation.
The Chapter that is the basis of the Title of these Connection occurs when the Captain arrives in France with Joey and the scene of mounting,..then walk,....then cantor.... through grain the “surprise” of the enemy in the open... . The scene: “Do you really think we would leave our supplies in the open without protection?!! How stupid of you. Come Down from that horse!”.
Do you really think 58 men would write, among many writings, two Documents — recognized then and now — as unique in mankind’s history — without protection---- from the kind of governance which is anti-Christ in this two thousand and twelve, man’s year--- of God’s Universe “Day”, among “..the course of Human Events..”?
Scripture is about one person in many roles. – The Puritans are about One Man and God - persecuted and continuing on against ...almost----insurmountable odds. – Our 150 year old nation from Puritans to Declaration, is about One person — and our Constitution is in Supreme Law of our land comprised of Man — One Person -----ALL ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PERFECTION OF GOD and recognition that obedience to His Laws are The Way, The Truth, and The Light.. Even our Founders were not the first to Know This Absolute....
In 1828, and up until 1913, Politics meant “ The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens-- in their rights, ---with the preservation--- and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.”
And Party meant: “1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party.”.
There are 47 Superior Court Candidates to retain or take judge positions for the “Consent of the Governed” on our June 5th Voter’s Pamphlet. That represents more candidates than another other designated office of duty and service.
Unlike the Congressional and State Candidates, County School Board members and ‘Judge of the Superior Court’ shall be placed into their positions...”Win” is the popular terminology. But...
The San Diego Bar Association gives ratings for voters to help them decide who might be the best choice .for Judge of the superior Court.. Among the criteria is judgement, common sense, integrity and honesty-----
ONLY 3 offices: numbers 24, 25, and 34 are included in the Bar Association’s Standing Committee’s opinion.
Only 7 candidates are evaluated:
---5 are district or assistant district attorneys;
---2 are divided among a private attorney, Judge Pro Tem of the Superior Court also endorsed by political party; and an attorney of 33 yrs and co-founder and Executive Director of United States Justice Foundation . These 2 are “lacking qualifications” to be Superior Court Judges.
---1 District Attorney with 25 years as a Deputy DA here in SD and political party endorsement is “Qualified”..
----5 District or Associate District Attorneys are “Well Qualified”.
The Association also acknowledges that “..there is often little information about candidate available publicly.”.
The S.D. Bar Association does not include the information that voters do not have to ‘confirm’ with their “X” in their ballots’, Judge for the other 44 Superior Court Offices – running unopposed..
Both Judges and attorneys work in five areas of civil and criminal court every day. The Lawyers work for Justice. Justice is God’s Law as expressed in “..and assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them” God’s Law with Morality --Nature’s God, -- are as concrete in Law, as
Physical Law – Nature. Physical Law includes “The Whole is the sum of Each One of Its Parts or persons.”.
“The Majority is Omnipotent in Any Democracy. Democracy is used as a form of government as well as the more general sense as “popular” government. In a Democracy, the individual is subservient and must be submissive to the Omnipotent Majority. Any Democracy, either Representative or direct, does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights as conceived by our American Philosophy. Under a Democracy, Man is considered to have Only Qualified privileges permitted by The Majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time”. Socialism with tainted Democracy, is our enemy within this day.
“We the People” have been swallowing our anger since this current regime entered office... Your Vote Is The Start of The Remedy
The collective - majority - in all levels of government and too many areas of private life have removed God’s Laws with Ethics, including “ secure these Rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED”.
In “War Horse”, Joey and Alber find each other: Joey is to be shot because of his leg wound. Alber, a victim of mustard gas, describes Joey to the doctor: There is a pause of silence....then--- “Wait a minute. He has mud all over him.”: “We the people” have made a mistake...a big, muddy one! We must put it right for the children of 235 years from this day. These, among many other, reasons with “Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed”: Make no further will take every election and vote at every opportunity June 5, Novemeber 6 and each time we contact and speak to every representative from mosquito abatement to President and all - substructrue implementors as Departments, Bureaus, Commissions, and Agents ... to get US(A) moving.
Those of you who consider ‘politics’ evil and do not participate....remove your Person from the Polity of the Whole of our Nation.
Given the gerrymandering, “top-two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation”, allow One Person Protected of the Republican form of representative government under Constitution and God, to be weakened. “Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and each will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.” Dr. Joseph Warren, Boston Massacre Oration, March 6, 1775.
Joseph Smith was growing up in our early, Constitution time... He went to the governor of his State to request help with the “free exercise thereof..” religion of the First. At first, the governor gave it; then he reneged .... That wasn’t the first time separation of God from Law occurred... and you know it isn’t the last! Religion of the First Amendment Is Obedience to God’s Law with recognition of Morality for those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver. Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language Is the Original Text for “To All Americans: That the principles of Republican government have their Origin in the Scriptures”.
Our Nation Needs your belief in God’s Laws
Tomorrow is 15 days before the election - day. Midnight is the end of register to vote or change your party if you so choose. I have the forms; and I personally will deliver them to the Registrar of Voters on Ruffin Road – Monday. You can register yourself at
I bear Testimony in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Carl DeMaio has known for..
more than 20 years about his Partner's life, liberty, and pursuits...good and bad. It may be one reason Carl works harder than anyone else. It could also be that The Lord has given Carl the gift of opportunity and time to accomplish what Carl has set-out to do. I don't know whether Carl thinks about his life that way.. I know because of my life, over 69 years, of work starting at 10 years old in my parent's hardware store in Santa Monica. Retirement benefits of any kind, available in only 4 of more than 10 business organizations.
The Most Important difference between Carl and the other Candidates for Mayor of our City of San Diego Is And Has Demonstrated Over the Last Eight Years --- He Is To Be Trusted to say what he means, and mean what he says; to be honest, transparent and upfront about the Charter of our City of San Diego's requirements of office --- to work hard and persistently --- to protect and serve the residents of not only the City of San Diego; but per force of lay of land and location --- the County of San Diego's best interests for each individual and individual as corporation..
Carl has TAKEN ACTION where no-one else could or would --- not other cities, not 47 of 50 States, not Nation -- to recognize that Gonzalez's Union - [and All Closed shop Unions] - along with the 5 other unions --- are destroying the financial resources and income to our City and therefore, our County. Those of us who worked and watched Carl work --- especially in the Council Meetings -- with Union Attorneys - also supported by taxpayer money -- (or else how would they be paid) -- sitting in the Council's audience seats -- as the negotiations took place to EVEN HAVE THE TAXPAYERS ALLOWED A SAY in the costing of Retirement Benefits --- so far above any Person's in private business owner or employee ---!!!!
It is absolutely the most abrasive and --- strange as this may seem: wonderful, demonstration of arrogance, conceit, and plain ignoring of wrong-doing on the Billion dollar scale for Gonzalez to yell "relevant" to Carl's Partner, while at the same time bilking taxpayers of Billions stating and working to prevent the Petitions which establish the 401K to new employees with an end to "Spiking" salaries. One of the union Candidates for Assembly is receiving retirement benefits from the city....while accumulating in addition, more retirement benefits as the incumbent of the now 78th A.D. Tony Atkins has and is amassing a small fortune in 100% tax payer supported pensions. I don't think she is 50 years old yet. Her opponent, Ralph Denny, knows her well for wrong-doing. Dare we mention the Governor's!!!!! None could exist where it not for Gonzalez and like-minded, union usurpers of other people's earnings. ...And "Yes, the unions do ask their members to vote( and direct the location of the union PAC money of the members); but they haven't listened to the members for years.". In the 3rd Supervisory District, Carl Hilliard waxed poetic for more than 3 or 4 of his 10 min. talk re why voting for him is a good idea. He started with "Here are the facts about Calpers.". Then went on about Modesto and Stockton -- the inland waterways for our Agriculture shipping in Feinstein's closing of the Delta...with all those unions involved ---. Not One Breath, required to make the sounds for speech, was wasted on the Fact of 100% taxpayer supported Calpers; AND taxpayers guarantee that no State Pensioner will ever lose money because of a stock market downturn....taxpayers Shall Pay the Losses!
In terms of ethics and honor....I'll take Carl over any of the other Candidates --- including Dumanis -though the reason is different with her. With her, it is more in what she Doesn't say when speaking by playing off Carl's "Road to Recovery"----She's Is An Attorney and Knows Full Well That What She doesn't Say, she doesn't have to own in responsibility----she gets Carl's work....without Carl!!!
Carl Takes Action, never stops listening to each one of you - city residents, asks You to give ideas and works to Implement those ideas; analyze details - that's Road to Recovery - which is revisited on a regular basis to obtain more and change direction as required; focus time and money --- Carl Does It Himself And Knows when and How to Delegate; His innovation and being different --- his Partner the essence of "different" - believing in someone---even when that person was wrong in law - took responsibility and paid the price; --- as well as continue hard work and persistence in achieving all that Carl has achieved in the * years of Action he Has Given To This City and County!!!
Carl DeMaio has more than earned the RIGHT to become Mayor Carl DeMaio. Respect and Integrity Demand That He obtain Support of the Citizens of San Diego. PLEASE VOTE CARL DE MAIO for MAYOR of OUR GREAT CITY in our Most Beautiful Location in Our Nation>***
***Please Note: Ron Nehring, Ralph Denny, and many others are like Carl in their person of effort in the name of duty and service to Each-One-Person of our Declaration and Constitution, of our Republican form of Representative "We the People" government. They are far from perfect...but then so is Each-One-Person-of US(A) --- that is why our Founders wrote the two Documents based in Scripture --- Only God is Perfect. Homo Sapiens will ever be a Mammal in the Animal Kingdom with cognitive attributes of both positive and negative nature who must choose God's Law the higher their level of responsibility.
God's Law: Judge not that ye be judged; Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, Thou shalt not bear false witness....and more are in play here and elsewhere in local, county, State, and Federal government -- especially in the closed-shop, unions of the substructure of each of our levels of the Federated form of Government of democracy (absent Socialism) in a Republic.
The Most Important difference between Carl and the other Candidates for Mayor of our City of San Diego Is And Has Demonstrated Over the Last Eight Years --- He Is To Be Trusted to say what he means, and mean what he says; to be honest, transparent and upfront about the Charter of our City of San Diego's requirements of office --- to work hard and persistently --- to protect and serve the residents of not only the City of San Diego; but per force of lay of land and location --- the County of San Diego's best interests for each individual and individual as corporation..
Carl has TAKEN ACTION where no-one else could or would --- not other cities, not 47 of 50 States, not Nation -- to recognize that Gonzalez's Union - [and All Closed shop Unions] - along with the 5 other unions --- are destroying the financial resources and income to our City and therefore, our County. Those of us who worked and watched Carl work --- especially in the Council Meetings -- with Union Attorneys - also supported by taxpayer money -- (or else how would they be paid) -- sitting in the Council's audience seats -- as the negotiations took place to EVEN HAVE THE TAXPAYERS ALLOWED A SAY in the costing of Retirement Benefits --- so far above any Person's in private business owner or employee ---!!!!
It is absolutely the most abrasive and --- strange as this may seem: wonderful, demonstration of arrogance, conceit, and plain ignoring of wrong-doing on the Billion dollar scale for Gonzalez to yell "relevant" to Carl's Partner, while at the same time bilking taxpayers of Billions stating and working to prevent the Petitions which establish the 401K to new employees with an end to "Spiking" salaries. One of the union Candidates for Assembly is receiving retirement benefits from the city....while accumulating in addition, more retirement benefits as the incumbent of the now 78th A.D. Tony Atkins has and is amassing a small fortune in 100% tax payer supported pensions. I don't think she is 50 years old yet. Her opponent, Ralph Denny, knows her well for wrong-doing. Dare we mention the Governor's!!!!! None could exist where it not for Gonzalez and like-minded, union usurpers of other people's earnings. ...And "Yes, the unions do ask their members to vote( and direct the location of the union PAC money of the members); but they haven't listened to the members for years.". In the 3rd Supervisory District, Carl Hilliard waxed poetic for more than 3 or 4 of his 10 min. talk re why voting for him is a good idea. He started with "Here are the facts about Calpers.". Then went on about Modesto and Stockton -- the inland waterways for our Agriculture shipping in Feinstein's closing of the Delta...with all those unions involved ---. Not One Breath, required to make the sounds for speech, was wasted on the Fact of 100% taxpayer supported Calpers; AND taxpayers guarantee that no State Pensioner will ever lose money because of a stock market downturn....taxpayers Shall Pay the Losses!
In terms of ethics and honor....I'll take Carl over any of the other Candidates --- including Dumanis -though the reason is different with her. With her, it is more in what she Doesn't say when speaking by playing off Carl's "Road to Recovery"----She's Is An Attorney and Knows Full Well That What She doesn't Say, she doesn't have to own in responsibility----she gets Carl's work....without Carl!!!
Carl Takes Action, never stops listening to each one of you - city residents, asks You to give ideas and works to Implement those ideas; analyze details - that's Road to Recovery - which is revisited on a regular basis to obtain more and change direction as required; focus time and money --- Carl Does It Himself And Knows when and How to Delegate; His innovation and being different --- his Partner the essence of "different" - believing in someone---even when that person was wrong in law - took responsibility and paid the price; --- as well as continue hard work and persistence in achieving all that Carl has achieved in the * years of Action he Has Given To This City and County!!!
Carl DeMaio has more than earned the RIGHT to become Mayor Carl DeMaio. Respect and Integrity Demand That He obtain Support of the Citizens of San Diego. PLEASE VOTE CARL DE MAIO for MAYOR of OUR GREAT CITY in our Most Beautiful Location in Our Nation>***
***Please Note: Ron Nehring, Ralph Denny, and many others are like Carl in their person of effort in the name of duty and service to Each-One-Person of our Declaration and Constitution, of our Republican form of Representative "We the People" government. They are far from perfect...but then so is Each-One-Person-of US(A) --- that is why our Founders wrote the two Documents based in Scripture --- Only God is Perfect. Homo Sapiens will ever be a Mammal in the Animal Kingdom with cognitive attributes of both positive and negative nature who must choose God's Law the higher their level of responsibility.
God's Law: Judge not that ye be judged; Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, Thou shalt not bear false witness....and more are in play here and elsewhere in local, county, State, and Federal government -- especially in the closed-shop, unions of the substructure of each of our levels of the Federated form of Government of democracy (absent Socialism) in a Republic.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Information re Superior Court Judges' Candidates
: Please vote and support: Office #24 David Berry; Office No. 25 Jim Miller; Office #34 Gary Kreep --- they are not only the best choices; but also the following:
San Diego county Bar Association's committee for Judicial Candidates in June Primary Election has made the following "opinions without interference": Robert Amador, Garland Peed, Terrie Roberts, George Schaefer are all - well qualified; David Berry - qualified; Gary Kreep And Jim Miller - Both "Lacking Qualifications".
Among the criteria is Integrity and honesty....but please notice the facts present: Of the 7 all but 2 Are District Attorneys --- David Berry is only allowed a qualified, but as weighed against the Well qualified -- there is absent criteria; and the other two --- best qualified because they work in virtually every area of the Superior Court -- not solely criminal....And they have the nerve to be outside the "district attorney pool" of persons.....lacking qualifications!
Some honesty and integrity! No bias here! Just Opinion without interference" for who would interfere with such an august body of law!! And
Isn't that a bit scarry? They are working in the courts of justice...Oath not only to constitution, but also professional as attorneys....and they really believe their opinion is valuable!? Thou Shalt Not Bear False witness.... especially with lives, fortunes and sacred honor of individuals, individuals as corporations, are at stake!!!
Vote 24-BERRY --- 25- MILLER --- 32 KREEP- Mr Kreep is the founder and leader of the Constitutional, United States Justice Foundation... Another constitutionalist works with him -- Michael Connelly
San Diego county Bar Association's committee for Judicial Candidates in June Primary Election has made the following "opinions without interference": Robert Amador, Garland Peed, Terrie Roberts, George Schaefer are all - well qualified; David Berry - qualified; Gary Kreep And Jim Miller - Both "Lacking Qualifications".
Among the criteria is Integrity and honesty....but please notice the facts present: Of the 7 all but 2 Are District Attorneys --- David Berry is only allowed a qualified, but as weighed against the Well qualified -- there is absent criteria; and the other two --- best qualified because they work in virtually every area of the Superior Court -- not solely criminal....And they have the nerve to be outside the "district attorney pool" of persons.....lacking qualifications!
Some honesty and integrity! No bias here! Just Opinion without interference" for who would interfere with such an august body of law!! And
Isn't that a bit scarry? They are working in the courts of justice...Oath not only to constitution, but also professional as attorneys....and they really believe their opinion is valuable!? Thou Shalt Not Bear False witness.... especially with lives, fortunes and sacred honor of individuals, individuals as corporations, are at stake!!!
Vote 24-BERRY --- 25- MILLER --- 32 KREEP- Mr Kreep is the founder and leader of the Constitutional, United States Justice Foundation... Another constitutionalist works with him -- Michael Connelly
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