David Brooks Feels for Obama on PBS: 'You Have to Feel Sorry for Him'
By Tim Graham | June 03, 2012 | 15:51
Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2012/06/03/david-brooks-feels-obama-pbs-you-have-feel-sorry-him#comment-1701601#ixzz1wos2ODrT
I agree with the fellow who said "Why doesn't he just go over to MSNBC and forget about it?".
It would be a very good idea to give the devil his due: Barak Obama has known and chosen every, single, act of his AINO career as President from the moment he put his big toe on private property to remove the CEO and replace him with the first of his ownership of the minions of Open-society-ANIO's at Chrysler Corp.
He is immensely successful at destroying the Founding Documents...and since his Yale records are not available, it is pretty safe to say he studied the Constitution to destroy it....never to support it. He is Islamic -- his words on You Tube video which is still available in interview with Stephanopoulos. That, as an AINO, he would utilize the assets of the Nation, which serves his interests would be a big mistake. His interests, since bowing at the hips to Saudi Arabia are, with his Clinton Secretary of State the greatest among the Mis-takes of his regime, are in radical jihad over Israel
He has had help, though! Congress Members, both parties, love to sit on their hands because "We are a nation of law." --- except the Supreme Law of the Land. Law means anything the Obama Regime wants as law: Patient Protection and Affordable Act requires constant name changes especially because protection - affordable are gross misnomers and PeePeeAA goes so well with this Act against the Individual Rights of Person. -- The commerce clause over-rules Natural Rights protected by We the People's "Consent to governed" -- because as a nation of law, Congress Shall cave-into and elitist, homo sapiens with cognitive attributes, centrists including the "Social" variety, believe: -- only courts can decide an unconstitutional act is unconstitutional.
The words of both Declaration, which isn't spoken of in the same breath as the, Constitution. We the people cannot possibly understand or be able to declare a law unconstitutional....only a court can ...Never mind the same homo sapiens with cognitive attributes which write and pass the unconstitutional laws - forcing court cases in courts which are stacked - to some extent - against Declaration -forbidden it refers to God, and Constitution - old and worn-down by so many precedents you cannot find the simplicity of the document...unless you read it as the "Person" with sovereignty it is written to protect. The beautiful legal logic connecting Both Documents has been lost...though not completely; and any connection of the Republican form of government with origins in law from the Scriptures..is also forbidden.
So we have from 1/20/2009 to this date - though the President is now locked away as being only able to invoke Executive Orders to get his interests in his "open-society" laws passed. Obama now must use E.O.'s to establish and create the "anti-law" of the UN in every city, county, State area of life and liberty..via EPA/EIR, Dp. of Labor, of Aggi, of food, drug, cosmetic, health and human services, and the now 100% ownership of executive branch dp. of edu kindergarten through doctorate - trade schools and free-taxpayer money named grants(bet you don't know that is why tuition has more than tripled) and college loans.
This has strayed a long way away from Mr. Brook's so called 'conservatism' - but that is the point...he cannot see, hear, and has become so stiffnecked that he actually supports the elitist centrists who consider Founding Documents Not For We the People --- only We the Courts. Thus both elitist and Mr. Brooks continue their 'holier-than-thou attitude toward America and Americans, and Anti-Law is a daily occurrance - plastic bags in CA and not 32 oz plastic cups in NY!!!!!!.
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