Gibson Guitar and Open Society Socialist Secular Rule of Law Tactics:
Yesterday on Roger Hedgecock, Gibson Guitar’s decision regarding the raid on it’s means of production of its famous guitars. The original attack on Gibson guitars started On November of 2009 — 9 months after Obama’s Regime started. One year ago, was when the “raid” occurred. You can “Wikipedia” Gibson for the full-archived and available story1.
It is the ongoing, Second Rule of Law: “(19472)2009-2012-Open Society3 - Socialist Secular4 (OSSS) Rule of Law”, supreme to all other statutes, regulations, E.O., but not court rulings; for the court’s support and blessings are necessary to keep “2009-2012OSSS-Rule”, as supreme law of the land; usurpted over First Table of Law / First Rule of Law: “1620 5 - 1947 6- Federated- republican form of Representative government under “Religion and Morality”-Oath of Office” - Constitution of 1789 - Rule of Law” and The Laws of The Declaration of Independence7”
The Differences between “Religion and Morality” of The First Table of Law / Rule of Law, established by the Declaration and Constitution / Oath of Office with scripture, and the second “2009-2012 OSSS rule of law” are important: 1) In not only Open Society, but also United States Law, United Nation’s Law, EU Law and IMF Law, God is absent. God’s absence means that Truth is also absent. When these Axioms are removed, the social as used by governments establishes the quaffed privileges of man wherever located within the nations under these organizations of homo sapiens/man.
The common words to describe and define man’s rights contained in Scripture and in the Founding documents, are transgressed, go around or completely reestablished with ‘change’ to accommodate removal of “The Minority of One Protected and of all minorities; the common respect for the “equal station of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle, with unalienable rights, as well as The Brotherhood of man. Justice6 of 1828, has no relation to “social justice” of these organizations; one person does not exist, solely the collective mass named people in groups.
2) The current OSSocialist-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence, majority is Not “strictly limited in power or in the operation of government”. The majority is used to determine right versus wrong. The fact of the use of the word Majority, or its related, - Popular - number - time - dollar - group by physical, and personal attributes - descriptions - to become a collective mass (number) more easily controlled by the non-entity word government. There is no individual, but there are people comprising groups deriving their identity for life and liberty by how well they perform, cooperate, become subservient and submit to the norms of the government’s defined group structure. The group includes inanimate objects, guitars, the wood, strings, wring, the armed gear of the agents, the paper of the accusation, equipment of the arrival and departure communication and transfer of property from owner to government, and living objects. The 1620-1947 First Rule of Law does not include either the tools of inanimate objects, nor living objects. These are strictly within the (1947)2009-2012 OSSSecular Rule of Law.
3) Language and the meanings of the words from the Colonial period through the 1950's and still today as defined in the “American Dictionary of the English Language” versus the group-think of “equity”, right, wrong, illegal, marriage, society without polity or justice. One of the most effective tools of the opposition to “Religion and Morality” is to use the same words — completely absent the same meanings because of the absence of God’s Laws: human rights, safety, protection, open society, democracy, communist, education, poverty, injustice, equity, civil, political, liberty. Also, words which are never used: republican, God, Bible, teaparty, union administration, power, force, control, subservience.
4) OSSSecular Law is written absent freedom of choice: Agenda 21's Human Habitation - Sustainable City General Plans - “Strategic Community Plans” of Nov. 6, 2012: “Proposition 31: State budget. State and City government.” implemented throughout California’s cities, completely controlled by an appointed department of the Governor’s State; coal shall not be used for electricity in the NW States; “closely regulated professions” shall submit to fingerprinting and criminal record histories or not enter or continue work in that profession; Oil shall be controlled and whenever and wherever possible, eliminated for any purpose in the United States; private property and automobile ownership with travel, strictly curtailed and eliminated whenever and to whoever it is possible; medical care shall be provided, defined and dispensed according to government’s statistics and product production and distribution; All Person, Persons, government, Business, unless exempted as privilege as determined by government, shall conform to EPA’s standard of right for environment or else...
The reason for the above digression is this: Gibson, who had India’s 100% support that the wood was not in violation of the Fish and Wildlife czars’ decided to settle for a fine and a donation to the taxpayer supported “Fish and Wildlife, Federal Level Service”; hired by Obama’s Cabinet Departments for Law Enforcement - government-over-man: “refusal to let facts get in the way of preconceived conclusions”: — the I.D Card, SOP of all OSSSecular Law enforcement State and Federal levels of government.
In fairness to Gibson, and to the recognition that to pursue the lawsuit would cost the guitar company several hundred thousand dollars – not counting time and the realization that this government-over-man, shall be criminally and civilly lawless, and never, never accountable – as the congress, that can stop any Department’s action, sits on its hands and is silent: The First Rule of Law must go to court before it has permission to be “..the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statue, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Null And Void From Inception.”.
With the economy in the chaos and disaster it is experiencing, US Business of the Arts and Music, along with vacation and relaxation, do not survive well; so the Dept. of Fish and Game could easily put Gibson Guitar out of business. Just as EPA has removed the 50-year home of the family living on the edge of the Everglades; and the family who had an endangered snail on their property preventing the remodeling of their home. That is the goal of the OSSSecular Rule of Law – private business in the hands of corporate persons – have to many rights as an individual; and they don’t easily “fit” into a group which government-over-man can enter into to remove by commingling government-over-free enterprise. Gibson may have had to choose between staying in business by taking the fine; rather than protecting and supporting the Constitution from the exact nature of power and force – the founder’s wrote Both Documents to prevent.
That both Founding documents, especially The constitution are no the purvey of any One Person Protected’s purvey. Only the Courts, may decide constitutionality. Our Nation’s Founding documents must have permission of the Second Rule of Law: “(19472)2009-2012-Open Society3 - Socialist Secular4 (OSSS) Rule of Law. The Socialist second law is supreme over God’s Law.
The secular Socialists use “separation of church and state” as their mantra of Reason in Social..! Church and State is comprised of persons. To think you can separate person within the whole of either is demonstrably chicanery at best; for you cannot separate the “soul” from the “body” of any person, or ask a collective mass of people whether government of state or government of church, to not act upon that which is intrinsic to: “ The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin. The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty - Responsibility.9 ”
Separation of church and state are the words for the second rule of socialist law over God’s Law of the church - the ecclesiatical which includes Scripture. It is the free exercise thereof.. that affects governance and all life, liberty and pursuits of the Declaration. The purpose was to avoid the British anglican Church which was an alternative to the world-dominating, Catholic Church. In fact government as a state, does indeed, interfere with the free exercise thereof... it is called IRS 501C3, among other names. When government uses “society defines marriage”, it is using Church, for the “souls” of those paired - is what the marriage is about.
501C3 allows that government-over-man, shall determine which church may keep and use, its only source of revenue, donations. Donations are also, tithing; and are part of the “sacred property of conscience”. Person is comprised of “Soul” which is eternal, and “body”, though when it dies, person dies.
501C3 also decrees that supporting person of political party or issues may not be used from the pulpit. That would have made any comment of Jesus very difficult for the Pharisees – wouldn’t it. The Candidate for office today, is no different than what Jesus, or Alma, or Peter, or Washington, or Pres. Of Gibson Guitar, or God’s lessons of Jesus v. Lucifer with all the continuum, each person’s life, liberty, and pursuits would entail, whether directly in relation to ministry or to “Religion and Morality”, which is the Shaping of this Nation by God through Both Founding Documents.
These Documents are a statement of the natural rights, protected, of One Person who happens, by life and liberty and pursuits, becomes a candidate, or is a writer of law, or a mediator within the the world of governance. Church is the organization of people in the name of faith and or belief inclduing the accountability and responsibility to the Truth of the ministry. Government has no say... in terms of any part of religion. That is most of Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Church. Wall of Separation, the removal of God’s laws from courts of “Justice”, from the Posterity of our Nation, and from the ethics of adults who happen to be citizens elected among “We the People” as Representatives and part of We the People.
The Laws of God are the Truth of knowledge and wisdom. When obeyed, good grows and multiplys - like the fig tree or the Tree of Life; and so does the opposite - Lucifer: when evil prevails then it grows actually much more drastically because of the nature of force, submission, subservience, and power — mankind’s very dark side. All Founders addressed both.
501C3 sits in a judgement seat, the inanimate object government cannot comprehend or be ruler to define! It is yet another “threat” that hasn’t been too often enforced – even under the second OSSSecular Law.
In the Prodigal son, the father says to his Eldest son, go into the house. Let me welcome my son who has returned to me. This is the parable not only of forgiveness (absent from criminal law); but also, a statement that the righteous should not change what they are doing... if you are good, then you are good. OSSSecular rule of law, cannot allow any of these concepts. It can only argue its definition of black is white is black. Yet it is supreme over “The First Table of Law8 ”
State and Federal Department’s do not comply to “1620-1948 First Rule of Law - due process7 ” that Person and corporate Persons are entitled as a Natural Right. Cities are corporate persons - that is the location of a citizen’s life as property and residence- 10th applies. Departments are special, parallel dictators who only recognize the second rule of law: “(19472)2009-2012-Open Society3 - Socialist Secular4 (OSSS) Rule of Law”.
— Here in California, the I.D Card, SOP of all OSSSecular Law enforcement State and Federal levels of government, is generated by the California Court’s for the preconceived conclusion is that : “Racially polarized voting” of naturalized citizens of skin color - other than white; country-of-origin-other than United States, with language of choice other than the Official Language of the United States and State of California: English; if and when one-naturalized Plaintive can sue the Naturalized and Natural Citizen-Residents of one of the 433 cities, the Plaintive shall win his/her case –. That’s right, before the doors-open to the courtroom, and before a case is heard!
The choices: 1) sue. Modesto did both California Superior and US Supreme — $41,000,000; because the defendant pays for the case – not the Polarized Naturalized non-citizen who does not fulfill duty, service, and information needed to make a decision by “consent of the governed”. Yes, that does means that Naturalized citizen said the words, even sometimes memorized because you have to speak enough English to pass the citizenship test. That test contains no information regarding One Person Protected’s responsibility of governance along with privileges and immunities. Both courts, later refused to hear any case regarding CVRA – all in 2009 - 2012.
2) Draw the districts per dictate - absent hearing as unconstitutional; the information given to the Natural-Naturalized Residents regarding the reason redrawn districts, And the “consent of the governed” completely removed.
3) The Citizen-Resident Voters via their School district, city Council, water district, or any district that requires a “consent of the governed” approval or not. There is not one City who has undergone “Racially Polarized Voting” cases in court, the Natural and Naturalized Citizen-Residents have won!
Therefore, in the interest of money, absent principle, the “threat” of suit, means submit - subservience to government-over-man.
The 1620-1948 First Rule of Law, does not even get a chance to protect “We the People”; for that Is The Decision School Boards and City Councils make completely absent the knowledge or input of its natural and naturalized citizen-Residents of the United States of America’s “consent of the governed” and 14th Amendment.. The suing attorneys have lined their “non-profit” pockets with several million dollars in out-of -court settlements.
---- Here in California for the safety and protection of the consumer/public, 26 Professions, approximately 9,100,000 Citizen of the US and California shall be, solely DOJ, fingerprinted, at $51.00/head paid by the professional person, and have a criminal record history search (requires name of criminal and specific criminal code before the history will be released. Criminals are ID’d by their prints from their fingers.- not name), or not enter, or continue the practice of their profession. It is stated this way by one professional: “Paycheck or fingerprints. Fingerprints every time.”.
“It is mandatory that we know the criminality of every [9,100,000] professionals.” from the appointed, underling Board or Bureau, of the appointed Department.
It was 38 days after Obama took office, and 19 years after the mandatory law went into effect, there is a “No” box to refuse; but a professional shall not refuse to submit to this mandatory law.
The 2009 mandatory law effected only those professionals who had been in practice more than 19 years, effects +/- 1,820,000 left-over professionals initially not required to submit because they have been in their professional practice more than 20 years before the 1990 effective date of the mandatory law; and there is no need to search for what doesn’t exist, is not recognized by the secular Rule of Law, living object as party-at-law: fingers. IHSS and food stamp recipients are exempt. Criminals are being released from prison, by our courts, because they were too crowded. They have their fingerprints and criminal records; and consumer/public safety is not a concern of the court.
When an individual professional, has the nerve to oppose this act, they are removed from their profession. Here is the perfect OSSSecular statement of need: “It is not meant to be punitive.” You are suppose to agree and do as you are dictated. Agreement is not part of the inanimate object law - disguised as regulation. That is, there is a criminal record, we can only search for it if you give the Board your fingers; and you must give the board your fingers as your expense to absolutely prove beyond any doubt, that you are not a criminal who also happens to be a professional of more than 20 years of work10 : === “Yes, you shall agree, secular Rule of Law.”.
Fingerprints and Criminal record histories is now a Federal Law: Patient Protection and Affordable Act, Section 6201. Nationwide Program for National and State Background Checks on Direct Patient Access Employees of Long-Term Care Facilities and Providers.”. Another reason the absolutely nothing to do with medical care; Anti-law must be completely repealed . It is Obama’s personally written law of Socialism Flagship and it does violate the checks and balances between the 3 branches of the Republican form of government.
Gibson, for their good reasons, did not want to take the Fish and Wildlife to court. By doing so, they, like so many school boards, city councils, private citizens and other businesses, professionals in 26 areas of life, liberty, and pursuits of risk/benefit enterprise; unwittingly support and defend THE SECOND (1947)2009-2012 OPEN SOCIETY-BORDERLESS NATIONS AND JURISPRUDENCE OF THIS SOCIALIST SECULAR RULE OF LAW; which is now and will continue to remove the Laws of the Declaration and the Constitution with “Of all the dispostions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man chaim the tribute of patriotism who should labot to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.... Let is siply be asked, where is the secutiy for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?” George Washington.
And We the People of our “consent of the governed” about 86 Days from now, November 6, 2012 8 am to 8 pm at your local precinct. If you are not registered to give “your duty to the great pillars of human happiness, firmest props of the duties of men and citizens”.... where are you? More important where is your concern and love of God and Nation with its Flag not only torn; but also up-side-down .... exactly at the federated pyramid tiny - tip Federal Level is up-side-down with the point wobbling in God’s Universe of Sand; while you belabor your excuses for not getting involved in “Religion and Morality” of Each-one-of-us(a)! Please listen, watch, ask, and ACT!
Notes and Resources:
“Gibson Guitar raided but lips zipped Ongoing troubles plague guitar firm”
2:12 AM, Aug. 25, 2011 |
Everson v. Board of Education; The Wall of Separation Letter:
“To messers Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut. Gentlemen
The affectionate sentiments of esteem & approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful & zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, and in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more & more pleasing.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.
I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem."
George Soros: Prophet of an "Open Society"; Karen Talbot;; 4 July 2003; Versus recently re-written
History at the Institute’s webpage:
4. “The principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief. In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence.”(Wikipedia)
5. “1620 - The Mayflower Compact” is referenced in the second to the last paragraph of The Declaration of Independence: “We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here.”. Establishes the 156 years of Colonial “Religion and Morality” connection; which establishes both Founding Document to today’s date in history of mankind “When in the Course of human events..”. When combined with: “We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. ..”; the two additions make reference to “Religion and Morality” Six times, counting the commonly referenced 4 to God’s Laws.
6. 1828 Dictionary: JUSTICE “1. The virtue which consists in giving to every one what is his due; practical conformity to the laws and to principles of rectitude in the dealings of men with each other; honesty; integrity in commerce or mutual intercourse. Justice is distributive or commutative. Distributive justice belongs to magistrates or rulers, and consists in distributing to every man that right or equity which the laws and the principles of equity require; or in deciding controversies according to the laws and to principles of equity. Commutative justice consists in fair dealing in trade and mutual intercourse between man and man. 2. Impartiality; equal distribution of right in expressing opinions; fair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit. In criticisms, narrations, history or discourse, it is a duty to do justice to every man, whether friend or foe. 3. Equity; agreeableness to right; as, he proved the justice of his claim. This should, in strictness, be justness. 4. Vindictive retribution; merited punishment. Sooner or later, justice overtakes the criminal. 5. Right; application of equity. His arm will do him justice.
6. [Low L. justiciarius.] A person commissioned to hold courts, or to try and decide controversies and administer justice to individuals; as the Chief Justice of the king's bench, or of the common pleas, in England; the Chief Justice of the supreme court in the United States, &c. and justices of the peace.
7. “Due process in both criminal and civil cases includes the following rights of the parties: (1) To have process only upon legal persons able to defend themselves, either natural person or corporate persons that are represented by a natural person as agent, and who are present, competent, and duly notified, except, in cases of disappearance or abandonment, after public notice a reasonable period of time. (2) Not to be ordered to give testimony or produce evidence beyond what is necessary to the proper conduct of the process. There are 17 rights in Criminal Cases; and these two in Civil Cases: (1) To trial by an impartial jury from the state and district in which the events took place where the issue in question is either a natural right or property worth more than $20.00 Gold /$32,224.00 August 2012 ; but the judge does not have to comply – especially if “In Forma Pauperis”..
8. “First Table of Law”: “3. Religion, as distinct from virtue, or morality, consists in the performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of obedience to his will. Hence we often speak of religion and virtue, as different branches of one system, or the duties of the first and second tables of the law.” with “Religion: 1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.”(6)
9. “The Twelve Basic American Principles, 1. The Spirit is Supreme”; Hamilton A. Long; in “The Ideals of 1776";; 1976.
State of California, Business and Professions Code; Paragraph 144.