The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


 Announcement was made last night or early this am on CNN, but it’s removed from the news. Apparently this 'president' said there were fill-in dots that were not correct on the Ballots. That another "Presidential" election might occur before the end of December.  CNN did report that Mitt Romney had lunch with this ‘man’ today.

This ‘president’s’ announced fraud in the election is Not Contained in the 'number of collective people' who cast their ballots for him. If the fraud occurred with his name; it occurred with every candidate and issue of all the 50 States.

Adam West, Carl De Maio,  Brian Bilbray, Escondido's City Charter all had the same "fill-in dot problems, along with the rest of the Republican Candidates in 50 States of overwhelmingly, lop-sided election-results, because the "number of collective, mass people" fill-in are not exclusive to the President's election.  Interestingly, this is a reflection on the human-nature of this particular member of the species Homo Sapien with essential cognitive attributes -- He refuses to acknowledge his complacency with the others of his PDP.

“One-Third/18 of the 50 State's Electors who Do Not Cast their Ballots on Monday Dec. 17, send the Office of The President of the United States to Our Republic under God's House of Representatives to decide who will be President” needs to continue by..

...WE THE PEOPLE and CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED to force him to own his responsibilities in Anti-law, through the "Electoral College Members" protection of Sovereignty of State over Federal Level of government.  Not One Vote, let alone the One third – a minority number which adds importance to “ The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority--of all minorities.. “ With “No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual.” (Hamilton A. Long)

Adam West, Carl De Maio,  Brian Bilbray, Escondido's City Charter all had the same "fill-in dot problems, along with the rest of the Republican Candidates in 50 States of overwhelmingly, lop-sided election-results, because the "number of collective, mass people" fill-in are not exclusive to the President's election.  Interestingly, this is a reflection on the human-nature of this particular member of the species Homo Sapien with essential cognitive attributes -- He refuses to acknowledge his complacency with the others of his PDP.

But, do you see, this 'man' and every single 'candidate' and issue, in each of the 50 States, are attached to "atheist-socialist-collective, mass people-secular- PDP", Knows He Will Win -- because of the fraudulent, 2010 Census re-draw of the Districts with “Maps of the 2012 US Presidential Election”[1]

This 'president's' 'reason' for re-do of the Popular Vote will work in his favor because the fraud begins with the 2010 Census which Re-draws the Districts, the locations of Precincts, Polling Places, Central Committee Members, and of course Candidates.

The Districts in the majority, certainly the "swing States", Are Gerrymander if only because fraudulent number of the census, leads to fraudulent number establishing the districts; and fraudulent number does not disappear from wherever and whoever its applied to count. The gerrymander is accomplished in a 'number' of methods.

That is the 'reason' number alone cannot remove our Republic under the Laws of Both Founding Documents as "superior" to our 1789 Constitution derived and completely related to the 1620-1776 "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle [We the People and Consent of the governed to secure the unalienable rights to which Life is Synonymous with the Sovereignty of Person before God and before the supreme Law of the Land which connects to the Federalist Equilateral Triangle of Every-One-Person as family, in town, in county, in State, and in the Federal, all Levels of governance .... and Bound by Article II and VI

There in No Need for a repeat of the outcome of collect, mass-people -- They will and shall always be the majority NUMBER.  It is the MAJORITY OF FORCE AS THE STANDARD OF POLITICAL WRONG in the name of PDP, versus, The Laws of Both Founding Documents of our Unique in Mankind's History of God's Laws for the Protection of One Person and ALL Minorities, of our Republic under God, that is under the worse attack in the history of Human Events on God's Planet.

 --- It is important that this 'man', and We the People/Consent of the Governed, be removed from office by our Electoral College -- check and balance, be used -- there cannot be compromise with evil, though actually this 'president' removed from office in this manner, allows him escape from Treason, Bribery, High Crimes, and misdemeanors, and all who support the PDP throughout the Federalist Equilateral Triangle.

We must work to stop this man from taking office again. Those elected representatives who feel the majority in the face of lawlessness -- is perfectly right --- need to rethink "Religion and Morality" and remember there is no guarantee of change in government after two or four more years of the complete entrenchment of "Atheist-Socialist-collective, mass Secular Anti Republican form of government" will leave.  It hasn't in the last 47 months and won't as our Nation continues to take assault after assault of despotism and tyranny; which this 'president' blithely moves for the overthrow, while Congress sits on its hands because of a belief in a majority who is shall not allow or be moral:  "The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed.".

We the People, do have recourse for the supporter-elected-incumbent-person, including The Supreme Court:   Any Person in any Official capacity relating to Articles I, II, III, IV, violating V as the overthrow, VI and the Amendments with their relationship and connection to Laws of Nature and of Nature's God - Life, Liberty - Pursuits, the two justices who had their decision re PPAA before it entered the courtroom and refused to recluse themselves, must leave office in incumbent; and Must, if new to their position, not only Swear before their God and every Person in this Nation, to support and defend and Demonstrate Comprehension of the words, before allowed to take their seats; and if the Union-bribery of "We bought you these sears, obey Union Administration" is even breathed --- any connection by issue of by person -- is immediately NULL and VOID.  All Unions Members Are American and entitled to the immunities and privileges of "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States..."

PPAA is Null and Void from Inception. It is Inconsistent and not Derived from either of the founding documents.

Those of you Americans who depend on the government for your medical care, will continue to receive it....;  those of you with "entitlements [not counting SS = not an entitlement] will be judged One-Person-at-a-time because right now -- the taxpayers who support you..and those of you receiving the infamous-non-tax-non-accountable-free/excessive government force of $$$$-over-private enterprise/Grants --- at $141,986 per taxpayer Debt --- can see "There is No Such Thing As Free Money"!

1. Maps of the 2012 Presidential Election;

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Question to Each-One-American of God and Country:

“A government of laws And not of men.” President John Adams; and “We lay it down as a fundamental, that laws, to be just, must give a reciprocation of right; that, without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, founded in force, and not in conscience.” President Jefferson

Because there are Americans who do not understand: “I didn’t vote for Romney because he is a Mormon.”; “God must be removed from our Platform.” – “Israel cannot have Jerusalem as it capital.”; and “I didn’t vote for him because he is for same sex marriage and is gay;.” are  all Statements of denial of God’s Laws made, for our Republic,  to protect One Person’s Soul; and are also, examples of ‘government-of-men;’ the practice and belief system of "2009-2012-socialist-collective mass-secular-anti-law -- Overthrow of our Republic's 1789 Article VI supreme Law of the Land;
This ‘president’ will Not “be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of Treason[1], Bribery[2], or other high Crimes[3] and Misdemeanors[4].  Therefore, he, with his ‘majority of force and collective-mass number, all shall continue to remove our Republic ...under the “Government of Laws..” of Both Founding Documents, connected by 1789-Articles II and VI - Oath of Office; for those Documents are removed from courts of 1789-Article I, II, III, IV and V ignored as it is a figment of the imagination of the 55 men who wrote the 1789 Constitution.

“Our Republic cannot be taken-over by a “number” of votes, because in our Republic One person is as important as many people..”.

“I know that.”  Spoke more about parts of the opening statement, and how ignorant too many Americans are.  Shared the problem of “collective-collaboration” of non-English speaking people completely dependent upon their master’s who do speak English - The Language of “We the People” and “CONSENT of the governed” at periodical elections to determine who among “We the People” shall Represent their-Person, from the “Whole of the Polity”

“This election did not represent the Will of the People.”  Nodded agreement.  Because he was sitting with his wife and two granddaughters, one in 7th and one in 5th grade; expanded on the importance, missing from most of the people in the room, of the “Sovereignty of One Person protected”...   Then said: “The ‘president,’ little “p”, needs to be impeached.”.

“I’m right in there with you on that!”.

 The unanimous responses of those who place Love of God and Nation as first in life, liberty and the possibilities of pursuits of Happiness. Life and liberty is expressed by business owners grappling with making most of their employees part-time vs. the $2000/employee “FINE” for refusing to join- the notorious-lie: “Patient Protection and Affordable... .Act” – the Federal Register Public Law, name of which you won’t fine this writer using its “popular-name-in-fraud”.  Roger Hedgecock spoke of an Owner of Denney’s who will be performing the “part-time” announcement to his employees.

 This Patriot has spoken to one other, among the above Americans who understand this ‘president’ shall continue the descent into darkness o weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, which shall continue in complete subjugation, submission, removal of laws to protect the ‘conscience-of-each soul’ written for US(A) by our wonderful, 56 men of God’s Laws and of “Religion and Morality” expressed by President Washington in his “Farewell Address”.

While the same agreement consistently received from many, many conversations among Americans,  “the apologist” changed and closed the subject. It did take place, not in a church, but on official, sacred-Federal Territory of control.

Given: 1) There is not One Person, among the 58,000,000, including All Candidates regardless of location in our Nation; who is not aware of the Anti-law and complete disobedience to “Religion and Morality” — the Unique in Mankind’s history – of God as the source of law to protect Person, from the current demonstrations of force, power, in the name of omnipotence of this family to Federal. Government in every level of governance;      2) this ‘president shall continue:  "An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations...." pp.10-11";       3) this ‘president’s “words of fraud” in “Deeds of Anti-Law against 235 years of our Republic written as “government of Laws” in Both Founding Documents;      4) This ‘president’ shall continue “Permanency of the new level, or permanency for a desired period, should be included in the objective. A successful change includes therefore three aspects:  UNFREEZING (if necessary) the present level...  MOVING to the new level . . . and  FREEZING group life on the new level.";.....

Do you, America, really want to continue to “Freeze” his lawlessness against “equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them” and Unalienable Natural Rights, because they exist as Gifts from God,  ... and criminal law, because it is, somehow easier on you... or because you need to protect...posterity; or worse some convoluted idea of ‘political correctness’??

1.     Definition TREASON: “Treason is the highest crime of a civil nature of which a man can be guilty. Its signification is different in different countries. In general, it is the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power. In monarchies, the killing of the king, or an attempt to take his life, is treason. In England, to imagine or compass the death of the king, or of the prince, or of the queen consort, or of the heir apparent of the crown, is high treason; as are many other offenses created by statute.

In the United States, treason is confined to the actual levying of war against the United States, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

Here are more violations of the Laws of Both Founding documents, and Reader you know even more:  removal of guns in violation of the 2nd Amendment - while overthrowing the 1789 Constitution and placing “Socialist-collective-inanimate object and living object-Secular as the superior basis of  law - Islamic: “revenge, beheading, a man’s self-purported, honor knifing to murder, beheading in the belief that a body part will not find its way to “Allah”; and silence si agreement of “words which result in deeds absent righteousness of God’s Law.

2.     Definition of BRIBERY: “ The act or practice of giving or taking rewards for corrupt practices; the act of paying or receiving a reward for a false judgment, or testimony, or for the performance of that which is known to be illegal, or unjust. It is applied both to him who gives, and to him who receives the compensation, but appropriately to the giver.” Salary as Office Holder is compensation received.

3. Definition of HIGH CRIMES: “HIGH: 9. Difficult; abstruse.; 10. Boastful; ostentatious.; 11. Arrogant; proud; lofty; loud.; 13. Violent; severe; oppressive.; 34. Great; capital; committed against the king, sovereign or state; as high treason, distinguished from petty treason, which is committed against a master or other superior.”.  CRIMES: “.1. An act which violates a law, divine or human; an act which violates a rule of moral duty; an offense against the laws of right, prescribed by God or man, or against any rule of duty plainly implied in those laws. A crime may consist in omission or neglect, as well as in commission, or positive transgression. The commander of a fortress who suffers the enemy to take possession by neglect, is as really criminal, as one who voluntarily opens the gates without resistance.
But in a more common and restricted sense, a crime denotes an offense, or violation of public law, of a deeper and more atrocious nature; a public wrong; or a violation of the commands of God, and the offenses against the laws made to preserve the public rights; as treason, murder, robbery, theft, arson, &c. The minor wrongs committed against individuals or private rights, are denominated trespasses, and the minor wrongs against public rights are called misdemeanors. Crimes and misdemeanors are punishable by indictment, information or public prosecution; trespasses or private injuries, at the suit of the individuals injured. But in many cases an act is considered both as a public offense and a trespass, and is punishable both by the public and the individual injured.  2. Any great wickedness; iniquity; wrong.   No crime was thing, if tis no crime to love.

When there appeareth on either side a high hand, violent persecution.”

4.     Definition of MISDEMEANORS: “1. In law, an offense of a less atrocious nature than a crime. Crimes and misdemeanors are mere synonymous terms; but in common usage, the word crime is made to denote offenses of a deeper and more atrocious dye, while small faults and omissions of less consequence are comprised under the gentler name of misdemeanors."  Example: this President, placing his hand on The Bible to repeat the Article II Oath of Office; constant disrespect for Persons who dare to be rich in both money and/or own a private business; his measuring of dollar wealth as greater than $250,000.00/person or corporate persons composed of individual persons, taxation without representation of respect and stewardship of the Person or corporate Persons.

Friday, November 16, 2012

This may be the first time in history,

that an anarchy-secular-socialist man with his regime, all levels of government,  is removed from office, — absent the “number” of greatest or lesser judgement.

Impeached based on Acts which demonstrate chaos perpetrated against One Person’s  Soul as a member of the Whole of our Republican form of government: “1. The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system. Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection.       2. The understanding; the intellectual principle. The eyes of our soul then only begin to see, when our bodily eye are closing.”. [1]

This ‘president’s’ crimes are well delineated and receives continuing support of the entire media world’s censorship and removal of any aspect of life and liberty which is opposed and distasteful-to-this president and his regime; and continuing support of the Orwellian -Socialist-Collective-lemming world who will always be submissive, obedient and will never question their lord and  master, this ‘president’.

There is no media; no source to obtain information, except the excellent skills of those of US(A) who place God and Republic, above our own lives, fortunes and sacred Honor, and who write e-mails, blogs, comments on comments; comments - videos, pictures, on our Person-of-enterprise and initiative – Not One nation has been able to duplicate since 1620!!!

Pat each other on the Back, then we need to get together, folks — and we need each and every-one of you to work and set-up the comradery within your areas; and Use The Power of Ten: who know 10, who know 10... There are some older, wiser Democrats among the 50% who voted “yes”, three times at the Democratic Convention who might just take off their blinders, earmuffs, and exercise their stiffnecked existence, to Join God and Nation.  It is worth a try, but don’t waste you breath because God is not about “number as Majority, or Majority as Force deciding right and wrong absent Reason”.

God is Law.  Law is our Nation. No homo sapient can remove God or our Nation. No socialist-collective mass of people paid, collaboratorated, district redrawn from census not even close to accurate and on race/culture-other than the United States-secular Anti-law, will change it...

58, 000, 000 People including the Republicans in the House and Senate ---- those that understand Both Founding Documents – know the measure of our Republic is not written for a “bigger number of homo sapiens with cognitive attributes”; nor does the existence of that bigger number of homo sapiens with cognitive attributes – change The Truth.

The loss of that Truth — of Each-One-Person, no matter where his feet stand within our borders – or anywhere on this planet is the consequence of allowing this ‘president’ to remain anywhere in any government.

This ‘president’ knows exactly what he is doing: By his every action, not words, Acts/Deeds, this man is saying to each-Person: ‘You cannot touch me. I am more than you. You shall obey me. There is nothing you can do to change the course I have created and set for you. I shall destroy you and this Nation; and nothing will stop me.”; And

In-deed, that May Be The Case.....?   Never has God’s Laws - conscience of soul in accountability to God - been a majority of force and of number to overthrow our America; so it takes special courage, not daunted, persistent, believer in the Equal station of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. Nothing else will work.

Right now, ‘capitulation’ is the watch-word in Congress, and is probably located in more areas of Politics than just in Both Houses of Congress; and among the Several State Legislatures; for fear of ‘losing’ the number is greater than losing their Soul.  That Is sickening. Bowing to Tyranny of the Majority and to despotism is sickening, as well as the spill-down, oily-covering of all it touches.

Right now, since 11/6/12, radical jihad has completely returned to daily, deadly bombings of Israel in hopes of battering God’s Tiny Nation to its knees: Radical Jihad Now has the Complete Permission and support of the united States of America through this Islamic ‘president’ serving evil.[2, 3]

Right now, this ‘president’, with his co-anti-law-minglers, are delighted to continue to perpetrate “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” plus a Budget that will destroy what is left of the public sector, after it pays to the socialist’s plunder of “health-care’ lie and distortion. Though Sen, Reid did an OOPs in speaking of the world’s Greatest Fraud, – control of air, carbon dioxide as “smog,  global warning;  The United Nations removing our Nation’s Sovereignty doesn’t merit a glance of disobedience to that Body-Man’s-Law-Communism [4, 5, 6].

“We the People”, “Consent of the Governed”, we must speak of these “Highlights of Evil” because of the connections which virtually affect every, single, person on God’s Planet; and because, part of ‘Evil’s celebration’ is that the people are so stupid they have no idea what they have just agreed to in allowing me [this ‘president’], and mine, to remain in positions of omnipotent power and control.

Many Americans were not dismayed by the ‘president’s’ premeditated lie at the UN General Assemble of “The video was the cause of Benghazi.”, because “lots of people lie”. But his “words” were also addressing “each-one’s-soul”; for this is both God and Moral evil:

This ‘president’ stated each-one-Individual, YOU, are liars with those Assembly floor words; and he said them at the same place and day of the president of Iran’s natural and moral evil “Israel must be (obliterated)” ; for when the ‘president’, or Any President, of the United States speaks – he is speaking as One Person within the Whole of our Nation, ...And All Our Nation is over its history from 1620 to this date, and forever.  Matt. 26:34 is important regarding the cock crowing three times of denial of Jesus..[7]

Many do not do not realize is that contained in that Article II Oath of Office, is that this man, homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes,  is stating his personal honor Both for himself and to God, he doesn’t recognize over ‘Allah’, And For each and every persons who is part of the love, duty, honor, service comprising “We the People” and “Consent of the Governed”.  

“Religion and Morality” is Law and is The Essence of One-Person’s Soul, and of “A government of laws, and not of men.”[4]; and of our Nation: “This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.

The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility.”.

That is the ‘reason’ We the People must Act as instructed by our 1776 Declaration: “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, , it is the Right of the People  to alter or abolish it..” or the consequences are our Fault to our Souls and to the Soul of each-one-youth-for our Posterity.  There Is No-one Else — We the People And, No “..Republic under God, ...with Liberty and Justice..”

There is no degree of Evil  which this ‘president’, including most of the other candidates from City, County, State, and international-quasi-United Nations, will not continue to use.  November 6, 2012, is also marked-in-evil, by the content and intent of power and control via Propositions which produced legislation and bureaucracies, run and managed by closed-shop-union-administration continues “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

 It is necessary that We the People be on the same page: the Definition of   “Evil is natural or moral. Natural evil is any thing which produces pain, distress, loss or calamity, or which in any way disturbs the peace, impairs the happiness, or destroys the perfection of natural beings.

Moral evil is any deviation of a moral agent from the rules of conduct prescribed to him by God, or by legitimate human authority; or it is any violation of the plain principles of justice and rectitude.    There are also evils called civil, which affect injuriously the peace or prosperity of a city or state; and political evils, which injure a nation, in its public capacity.    All wickedness, all crimes, all violations of law and right are moral evils. Diseases are natural evils, but they often proceed from moral evils.      3. Depravity; corruption of heart, or disposition to commit wickedness; malignity.”

Moral Evil is the underpinning for removing our Republican form of government under the Laws of Both Founding Documents; for God and man’s most sacred property, conscience, is contained in the Declaration; and the Only Location of God’s Laws, President Washington’s “Religion and Morality,” in our Constitution are in the Preamble of “do ordain and establish...for...: Articles II and VI Oath of Office (affirmation).

Our Republic hinges and succeeds based solely upon our representative government which means the Person, composed of Body and Soul, from self-responsibility to honor, duty, and service, to every single aspect of single person from each-one’s choices of natural rights in the community of life; to each-one person role’s, or not, in family, to town, to county, to State, and to the Federal areas of governance.  

An interesting fact about the Person(s) who write history, before the revisionist, anti-truth brigands, is that everyone of them is writing as if their audience accepts God’s Law as the Way, The Truth, and The Light; and back then that was a safe assumption. It is still a safe assumption; but many of those born in the 60's to this date, never learned....”Religion and Morality” that President Washington and the vast majority of Colonist’s knew: — the Lord is not only in The Bible; but within the sincere heart of a believing soul.   The Lord is actually with every, single Soul-on-His-Planet; but understands well, that some will never recognize Him, or will inform Him of what is acceptable, while here in their earthly period of eternal life..

Trying to describe the opposite ends of Internal Government of conscience on the right, and External government of man’s - Body - absent soul laws - of collective society, totally encompasses life.  This ‘president’s’ version of omnipotent, privilege determined by him over all mankind, when this man has not intention of even considering right and wrong, good or bad ,  for “An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations...." pp.10-11

We the People - elected or not please consider you silence – that if you allow the “majority of oppression over reason”; then you will remove the unalienable rights; “assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them; and most important of all “And for the support of this Declaration [history of our nation right-up to the Persons, serving our nation and being repudiated for it], with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor; For our Lord is not about “lip service”, nor “faithless of He doesn’t exists unless I can touch Him and then He isn’t around long; and Each-One Person, this day, has Already Lost Life, Fortune, and Sacred Honor.

If this president, with any vestige of his socialist-collective-secular-Anti-law regime continue in office, then there is no future for ourselves or our Posterity.  There is no law. There is no Truth. There will be mayhem, destruction; and worse the safety of each-Person’s loved-ones are the subject of betrayal — NO Trust - Honor  - every idea of mankind will make the Spanish Inquisition a ‘little-drunken-outburst of a few who wear special clothing’!

Resources and Comments because everyone can learn more and in learning achieve for themselves, the beauty, love, comfort that knowledge, wisdom, and Truth which are given to each Soul with “I will never forsake you.”:
1. Will always be the Original Text for “the definition of words” of our Republic, the 28 year work of Noah Webster “The American Dictionary of the English Language”; 1828.  This reference is included in virtually every piece I write, so it was very interesting to note that at, there is a huge, colorful: “GOOGLE, EMBLEN: DANGER: MALWARE” — notice.  Monte Shaffer is involved with keeping Noah on the internet, so with a little trepidation, that Google’s malware will attack again, here is the other site “  Please help support Mr. Shaffer.  I don’t know him; but I’ve been using this site, though now I own the six lbs. Faxsimile from Foundation for Christian Education, another location to use and support.

2. Ezra Taft Benson’s “ The Contitution Will Be Saved - But Not In Washington”;1986:

3. November 14, 2012, E-mails from Israel: Thought you might be interested....Tracy
New update from Ann in Israel. Ann is LDS and a member of our email groups. She has had children serve LDS missions, and have been in the Israeli Army. To know more about Ann and her family, visit and click on "Galilee Diaries", and scroll down for a listing of emails. I send these updates out because most of our members like to get an inside LDS perspective that is not covered in the main stream media.

Part 1, From Ann:

Two days ago I wrote about the massive rocket attacks from Gaza against civilian targets within Israel over the weekend.

Yesterday our Prime Minister called all the foreign ambassadors in Israel to a meeting at which he explained the situation in the south to them, expressing his anger at the world's silence when for 13 straight years over a million Israeli civilians have been regularly targeted by missiles fired from across the border in the south. He talked about the homes and schools and kindergartens which have been hit. And just in case they didn't understand what he was talking about, he had also invited to the meeting several school children from the south, who told their own stories. Bibi told the foreign diplomatic corp that no other nation in the world would put up with these conditions, and neither would Israel.

And I would remind everyone that Israel COMPLETELY pulled all its military forces and civilians out of Gaza in 2005. So what is the reason why, 7 years later, Hamas continues to attack Israeli civilians and call for the death of Jews around the world?

This afternoon at 4 pm the Israeli air force assassinated Ahmad Jabaari, the head of Hamas' military wing. This is a man with the blood of hundreds of Israelis on his hands. This is a man who planned and carried out countless terrorist attacks. This is the man who planned and carried out the attack on an Israeli tank in Israeli territory, killing three soldiers and kidnapping the fourth (Gilad Shalit). Gilad was kept in captivity without benefit of Red Cross visits, mail, medical care, etc. for more than 5 years. He was only released a year ago, at the cost of the release of more than a thousand terrorists held in Israeli jails. Many of them have since been re-arrested for continued terrorism. Jabaari was also the man who turned a small group of fanatics into a well-armed, well-trained army. He is the man who literally threw the PLO out of Gaza and turned Gaza into a police "state". And above all, he was the Hamas' long-range missile expert. Thanks to him, Gaza is now the home of thousands of Iranian Fajar missiles capable of hitting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

The official response of Hamas was: "Israel has opened the gates of hell and they will pay."

It is now after midnight. Missiles have been falling on southern Israel for 8 hours, with no end in sight. In one hour this evening the city of Beersheva got hit by 20 Grad rockets. My 17-year-old was in the Beersheva train station at the time everything started. The city of Ashdod (Israel's largest port, just south of Tel Aviv) has also been hit several times, as have nearly all the communities in the south. Over one million civilians are yet again targets.

More disturbing, rockets have also been fired from Sinai, which is Egyptian territory.

Instructions from the Homefront Command (in charge of domestic protection against terror attacks and natural disasters) are the following:

1- Everyone within 7 kilometers (4-1/2 miles) of the border with Gaza needs to be INSIDE a bomb shelter or protected space until further notice. A protected space often means nothing more than an inside room with no windows, or under a stair well. Some residents of an older, poorer neighborhood of Beersheva feel that they will be at less risk sleeping in a park than in their buildings.

2- People living up to 40 kilometers from the border need to be within the recommended time from a bomb shelter or protected space. The farther away from the border, the more time you have. Those 40 kilometers away (25 miles) have an entire minute to get to a protected space!

The US State Department/US Embassy in Tel Aviv (the US Embassy to Israel is NOT in our capital city of Jerusalem) sent out a notice to everyone on their registration list basically telling American citizens to listen to official Israeli recommendations about safety and security.

In addition to the air strike on Jabaari, the Israeli AF has been doing pinpoint bombings on Hamas weapon stores, tunnels and missile-launching facilities in Gaza. Our AF is very professional, but they are working with a handicap. Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, and unlike the Hamas, we try to avoid civilian targets. In addition, Hamas deliberately uses schools, mosques and hospitals to either store weapons and munitions; they have also built missile-launching facilities underneath kindergartens, schools and mosques. So the Israeli AF has been targeting those they know are not under vulnerable sites. Our navy has also been operating off the coast.

Part 2 coming soon: “My sister receives these updates from an LDS Missionary mom married to and Israeli, living in Israel. Ann (the Missionary Mom) has a real talent for putting you in the scene so you understand these events as they play out. I Can't help but think that these events ... Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt are tied to our recent election. Those countries undoubtedly expect the U.S. to leave Israel twisting in the wind and so they become ever more bold, ever more desperate, ever more chaotic. I hope you find these reports from our Sister in Israel as interesting as I do. marte To:”

4. “Veterans Day and The Sword of Truth” (7600 characters) at;postID=4985665088814771045

5. Here is the link to Agenda 21, but you have to realize that in the city’s throughout the USA, there is no ‘consent’ or even knowledge of the extent of the 4 Sections comprising the United Nations Take over of all member nations, including our Republic – absent any discussion or permission of any citizen of this nation.  Solely on this ‘president’s’”Words and Deeds through all the his cabinet workers of legislation absent congress:

Below is MA:
“FAITH”, the 1820 to 1851 monument to the Puritans and Pilgrims in which the word “Faith” is abolished, as a religious artifact against the PDP,  from any text including the “RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN NATIONAL MONUMENT TO THE FOREFATHERS PLYMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS” at    

It, like City’s General Plans, for PDP’s definition and description of ALL Life, and therefore Liberty,  throughout the United States of America reads nearly exactly as the Table of Contents for United Nations Agenda 21 at; And

including Kim Cameron’s Documentary: “Monumental”, banned from any learning or vision by any Person, Natural, legally-naturalized, or illegally-declared “Citizens of the United States by Dictator-usurper-presidential-decree;  denied knowledge as in Paul J.Boller’s determination George Washington was a Deist as a “fact should never get in the way of preconceived Conclusion”;  and all, acceptable PDP-declared history removers and re-definers, for the purpose of State and Federal, continued indoctrination of the entire Posterity and People of the United States of America and the Nation’s of God’s Planet.

6. “Human Caused Global Warming: The Fallacies About Global Warming”; The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley; presented by Americans Protecting Property Rights; www.AmericansProtecting ; Facts not men’s gobblely-gook of lie.

7. Denying our Lord God is persistent: and the 3 times of the cock crow, probably unprecedented: 1) the United Nation’s using their lie and perpetrating it into many nations of the world for power and control + ‘this president’, +the president of Iran = 3. 2) The floor of the Delegates attending the Democratic Convention, voting 3 times, and not able to obtain the 2/3rds majority to ‘Return God to their Platfomr (Party Mission Statement) or to undo the “Israel shall not have Jerusalem as its capital”. 3) is not common in public, only on blog and in writing: U.S District Court Ameneded Complaint — 3 Times, neither Plaintive, nor Defendants (2) or their Defense Attorney generals (also 3): Fingers, as living objects, attached to the collective named “Professional” are the supreme law of the land, superior to Oath and Pledge made to God  in church regarding the Natural Rights of One Person in obedience and practice of “Religion and Morality”.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

How the ballot boxes were stuffed

1) Allowing “collectives of voters who do not speak the language of “Consent of the governed” makes each-nonEnglish speaking person-One Uninformed Vote which changes the Republican form of government - under the Laws of Both Declaration and Constitution. The “bonded slave” of their “provider” of “How to Vote” by candidate and Proposition which allows “Stuffed Ballot Boxes” by “Naturalized-citizens of skin-color except white and country of origin - except the citizenship country the United States.  Non-English Speaking “citizens” are Not Taught Sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation or the meaning of the words of the Pledge of Allegiance; so they remain the ‘slaves bonded for a few dollars of paid vote’ to the owners of their person, — the “underlings-bosses/overlords of non-English speaking persons” of Socialist-Communist-Anti-Law of Nature and Nature’s God; and – shall remain obedient, submissive, subservient to their ‘Masters”.

2) 100% of the “Light-Yellow” mail-in Ballot’s envelop” were attached to predominately, non English speaking-individuals who offered, automatically, their Driver’s Licenses, were not a Citizen listed on the Polling Place Register; and had in their possession a pre-marked ballot which they, invariably, not understanding “secret ballot” they always whipped out of pocket or purse to attempt to hand to the Clerk team member because they didn’t understand the envelop and wouldn’t have one anyway.

While I was the counter of the mail-in ballots, I did not realize the significance of the connection between D.L and “pre-marked-no-envelop/absent the Yellow-mail-in ballots” and by observation guessed at about 1/3rd of the total all mail-in ballots. AND

Please realize, the Registrar of Voters Knew to have Envelopes ready for this-“number’s individual slave of underling-boss”.

Allows the “Tiny Nations-citizenship except to the US”, or  just a “collective-conglomeration-of numbers attached to homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes able to use a body part to ‘fill in’ or have filled-in by another,  minus knowledge of communication of Law or of The Natural Rights of Each-One who is a non-English speaker”; - to assist “Numbers to rule the Future Governance and government of our Republic — God and Law in Justice and Truth are completely removed from consideration....And per the Founders themselves ...That is the end of the Republic. ...  

The Republican Party is also a victim of ‘collective subservience to Socialist-Communist with the added insult of ‘donating-members-within’ who, as RINO- promoted to AINO, agree with the “socialist-collective-inanimate and living objects law of now 2009 - 2014 rule of anti-Republic/God morals and ethics law.

............Until “We the People” wake-up to their own power....They Must Now Understand That There is No Court of Law – anywhere in The United States of America for Article III is removed because “Article II and VI Oath of Office come under God and Law of Nature and they are removed....   Israel is removed or must defend itself ---- The Treason and Tyranny of the Executive Branch of Government with its ownership of Supreme and Senate — here in CA the entire State-Level of government all Branches – there may be a few left-over-older Superior Court Judges who run their Courts under Oath of Office and understand That God is the Maker of All “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.  

3)  The counting scanner software is programmed, I don’t know how, to reverse the “yes” / “No” counts: The Results of the Escondido Charter numbers “NO” and the Escondido General Plan “YES” do not jive; and this is also true of many of the Propositions – though the stuffing effect of #2 and the yet to be counted Provisional Ballots - might not yet be added.

This relates to the removable memory chip in the back of the scanner. It isn’t true, at least in our State’s Scanner, that someone could walk into a polling place and change the memory chip located at the bottom, sealed scanner location; but no-one rechecks that software once placed into the main feed scanner at ROV - a pre-vote check of actual-voted ballots which would, in effect be counted twice – a random check - that the scanner was reading the ballot correctly... or better a complete Hand-Count. Though that should occur at the Polling Place – so the Scanner’s job would be to co-validate the Polling Place direct “We the People’s vote with count by “We the People” ---- not the closed-shop-union people or agents- of unaccountable unions - who place State over Person of Nation or their own “Conscience is each one Person’s most sacred property.”.

Removing the candidate and Propositions from We the People in our home - polling place within our local-town-districts, are learning why: Only sick and out-of-town vote absentee; how stuffed ballot-boxes aid a government you do not want or believe in, but most important: Your Personal Duty to Love our Nation; obey its both  Founding Documents and the history of the men and woman who gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred Honor supporting it,  as you do your Bible; stand and support its laws, respect its Flag which will continue to fly up-side-down; and defend it against all enemies – well that remains to be seen:

Do We Learn to use our We the People as the Minority of One Person protected in each’s Life, Liberty and return of pursuits of Happiness...a la March 12, 1770 Boston Gazette and Country Journal?... And......  Ee must remove the State and Fed’s Political-lie-tool computer. We must count our own neighborhood votes which means returning to the punch device with its ‘only the punch will remove the hole’ card.

4) Stuffing the ballot box by Not Voting-Americans of Christian Faith who place “Church Governance/Ecclesiastics” over their Person’s Soul as conscience, in their Love of God, but not Love of Nation and decided Not To Vote:
—Have assisted the Anti-Christ of the Socialist-collective-inanimate and living object Treason, tyranny, with all the violations of the Ten Commandments and the Teaching of Jesus Christ. Your Non-vote for Your Pledge of Allegiance to our Republic under God, is now divisible and absent “Liberty and Justice” with Truth from knowledge and wisdom.
—Have Voted in agreement to every, single wrong which has, is, and will be occurring in our Nation which means every Nation on God’s Planet.
—Have decided that since the “Second Coming is Near at Hand”, it will be right to just sit and wait....because Jesus will fix everything.  The sovereignty of Your Unique Person is not important as being a member of a ‘tribe’ named conform to “The Governance of the Denomination of your Church”; Do not Question, submit, obey and be quiet — evil is at work and doing quite well — as each-one-of-you-absolutely know.

With the Popular-vote for Romney as close as it is....Each-one-of you who chose “Silence Is Agreement” are directly responsible for allowing “Religion and Morality” to lose to “Lucifer”.

Those ‘Deists’ who list themselves under various and sundry “Libertarian” or other political party because, as Doubting Thomas, unless you can touch the Law — it doesn’t exist — which is a reason for Separation of the Laws of the Declaration from the Laws of the, Yes, 1789 Constitution.  But you know the 1789 Constitution has been overturned.... and compromise is the rule of the day ---- but do you really want to compromise with the devil — he is so trust-worthy — just likes his underlings — radical jihad.  Then there is the Body Law of the Islamic Religion which is man’s law here on earth and the “ruler of injustice and slavery”.  Hope you enjoy your stay in the ‘pit of darkness’.

5) To the voters in support of Socialist-Collective-never think or question-just shut-up, sit down and be quiet”“ The less than 40 year-olds, who did come-out of hiding, long enough to protect their body’s anatomy and physiology with neurology of sex organs, for you really can’t enjoy the sex, unless these organs function correctly according to your gender-specific-personal-requirements. “Bond Slavery to body parts is your watch-word. It is much more important than understanding Trust in Love of Friendship which puts the other person/animal as more important than you; and love of God and Nation more important than life itself.

The less than 45 year olds who really believe that Government is the only solution for competition among mankind. That evil is because of competition and business is the purveyor of all evil — not government.
Government’s definition, inspection, and adjudication of law absent courts,  both physically with “Religion and Morality”, determine Fair, equity, are the words; but Each-Person involved in OWS or “Woman’s Rights”, or “He’s going to remove all government health-care” will reap the losses as descent into the pit of blackness, continues...

Each of you are equal to the non-English speaking “citizen”, for you have no idea of the havoc, despair, and loss of truth you have wrought... and were not taught about in attending State-Federal-public indoctrination disguised as education. BTW, those of you “underlings” after some kind of “credentials” obtained from the professors at your college or university — you think you could survive their tribunals before — forget it now – conform or die.

You have sold your Person of Soul’s natural, unalienable rights to Lucifer. Enjoy the ride downward as you experience, first-hand, the crimes by the ‘state’ of omission, commission, neglect and positive transgression.  Of course you will also have to extend your verbal and reading comprehension, absent the electronic battery or box tool of binomial and Boolean logic and depend on your personal frontal lobe, but that can be a great discovery, also!

6) Bonsall wanted to form and the parents of their H.S. children wrote a Charter for a High School which emphasize Learning.  Bonsall has one of the highest performance scores among the testing schools in California.  The Ballot Measure was BB.

ROV “forgot” to include it on the ballots or in the Sample Ballot for voters of the Bonsall Fallbrook Rainbow areas. It’s the “forgot to” part — that disrespect for the People at the base/foundation of the equilateral triangle of our Federalist organization — which is ‘forgotten’!  Because the ROV consider’s itself the purveyor, with its Secretary of State, government-over-man which the Person submits to the rule of control and submission.  All voters are affected by this type of -government-over-man manipulation.  Add to this the rumor – now probably - because government-over-man’s majority of force to determine right and wrong by number absent political philosophy - Chairman of the Parties shall pick their-own-members of the party’s Central Committee, donators/political business friends of like-minded, absent Republic under God, choices....yet another remove We the People.

The “socialist-collective-inanimate and living objects-borderless nations and jurisprudence-dictatorship of force, power, submission and subservience” may have prevailed; but while always a minority – since Aristotle and Socrates – Jesus – Galileo – Luther – Calvin — Tyndale – King and forever Republic of Person with God — shall never die and will, in the end prevail — second coming or not, because “I promised...your frontier...Not a man shall be able to hold his own against you all the days of you life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never fail you nor forsake you. Be strong, be brave, for you shall put this people in possession of the land which I swore to their fathers that I would give them. Only be strong and brave, mindful to carry out all your orders from my servant Moses, turning neither to the right nor to the left, so that you may succeed wherever you go. This law-book you shall never cease to have on your lips; you must pore over it day and night, that you may be mindful to carry out all that is written in it, for so shall you make your way prosperous, so shall you succeed. These are my order: be firm and brave, never be daunted or dismayed, for the Eternal your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua I:3-9.

We the People of God’s Minority must do as we are ordered...and we must use the knowledge and wisdom of March 12, 1770 Whereas and Voted to....before the Boston Tea Party, The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution of the United States were even thought of; courts and law were the purvey of Great Britain..the People took Action to preserve Truth in Law, and in “..One Nation under God, with Liberty and Justice for all.”


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

In about 2 hours the Polls open for you on the East Coast

-- I am sorry about your losses from "Sandy";

-- but as you walk into your Voting vote for this President to remain in office --- please look at the United Nations "Monitoring" how "consent of the governed" works, The Ultimate Insult to Any American by one man already trusted and elected - traitor in murder--"Rule of Law" in "Re
ligion and Morality" - unrepentant;

------how whether or not re-elected, --- the UN SHALL DIRECTLY TAX-EACH CITIZEN; and with

Hillary's, REMOVE " the CITIZEN of the U.S.A from "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." though more loyalty and love of the "Communists of borderless nations and jurisprudence,

- both are members in good standing. ......

Are you really going to allow this homo sapien with array, cognitive attributes; able to eek-out Revenge, completely absent The Supreme Lawgiver, The Eternal Who Is-- the Basis of the Laws of the BOTH FOUNDING DOCUMENTS, which are the Security for EACH-ONE-PERSON's SOUL, completely absent Bodily, earthly, Characteristics, and each owns their fate in life, what liberty remains, and pursuit -- not of happiness, but to : --This President of submission, subservience, and complete obedience to his 'state', with his 'head of Political Depravity",-ostensibly a member of a Church which names itself The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, Harry R!!!?????

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Last Minute Considerations of our Republic v. this Majority of force ..

as the standard for political right and wrong...

Bloomberg's adding disaster to physical suffering and harm is removed for Day after tomorrow, but not what he, Obama, share as a legacy against our Republic under God.

Nope. You know what it is? It is representation of two-like men who are the epitome of the worse side of man: complete and crushing disregard, respect or consideration for any human, especially those who would move between both Bloomberg and Obama's desire for dictate, control and ownership as rulers.

 Both share complete wickedness and abhor any righteousness." Political depravity" is not adequate descriptors for both's devious, deceitful, conceit and arrogance. They are completely absent any "Religion and Morality", of the “Soul/white-collar” crimes of omission, commission, neglect and positive transgression.

Americans have not seen this much overt baseness in leaders -- possibly ever before -- certainly not since before WWII -- occurring Within our Nation.  Outside - Yes, it is normal.

In our Nation of Assembly of Persons, while anything but perfect, We Are Intrinsically Honorable and Dependable -- very straightforward;  and we are recognized for that trait - the world over.  Most Americans traveling anywhere --- stand out, because we look at an Individual with the ‘mind-eye’ of  “equal station” --- not a collective, which is the “blind-deaf- stiffnecked-manner” too many nations treat their citizens.

I don't know if Bloomberg shares acquaintance with George Soros, but we all know Obama does, among the many of his  devious, deceitful, conceit and arrogance 'friends'.  Do they share a word like "friends"?  I don't think so, for they are to busy in their individual manifestations of the ‘blind-deaf-stiffnecked-mind-set..

Anyway, Soros is here in California. He is one of the sponsors of the "collective group named incarcerated-felon-white collar" which is the lesser of the "collective incarcerated-used an weapon- to cause body injury - much worse felon" to be decided by 'the collective-socialist-society's" assignment to agree with Proposition 36.

The 'three-strikes law' is among the examples of socialist-secular-living and inanimate object -- body as anatomy and physiology - absent an Soul --- law: This ‘body’ man’s law absent God’s law, delivers the cruelty in that a number ‘3' is much more important for man to judge in control over the souls....of a particular kind of criminal act of commission. The ‘3' is a syllogism for the ‘game’ of baseball, but is a devilish play on the words — to make forgiveness or repenting impossible for an individual who Has Done Wrong... injuring another soul.  The sentencing of an individual, correctly for wrong, is a duty of mankind; —But  not the perpetuation of the criminal aspect for that, now incarcerated,  person.  The Three Strikes laws makes one person suffer the Third strike directly after sentencing from the First strike.  The ‘number ‘3' doesn’t work that way in baseball does it?

I learned of the above from an incarcerated friend, his name is Jason. Jason knows what he did wrong. He knows he is paying, justly for that wrong.  He has been paying.  Each time he gets out of prison, on parole, he tries to get work.  He knows he isn’t going to get any, even though he attempts to keep a wee-bit of faith, that maybe this time, it will work for him.  He had some unemployment insurance due him.... waited 3 months... nothing-‘Alinsky Frozen’.  He is a father with a son and a young daughter.  He did want to be there – especially for his son, – if only to make sure his son Did Not Make the same mistake he did. There’s more to Jason’s story, but for now, here is the relevant point: Jason said to me one day “The hardest thing about being in prison is the loss of all Bill of Rights.”. Jason went on to tell me of how, among each individual, they work to support each other’s ‘trouble’; and how specifically, he invited the guards to place a “Real trouble-maker, no-one would share a cell with” individual into his cell as a cell mate.  How often I think of him and pray for him....  His sister sees him that way too.

Just like days of old when bandits would never tell on each other, or loyalty to gangs in today’s world, the persons who live as living-slaves-to-the-powers-of-that-closed-shop-administration-is incredible and a natural consequence of disregard - disparagement of person; for there is no-one on the outside, who will allow trust – once broken. Pat O’Brien and Mickey Rooney made “Boys Town” and some other movies about forgiveness and trust.... It is not easy — both the wrong-doer and the forgiver, but the greater the adversity, the greater the reward.... “The Prodigal Son” is also about Faith: A Father for a son; and is reflected in the Fifth Amendment.

The Socialist-secular-three strikes law does remove that concept from consideration, – that no man is without wrong;... or that the inanimate or living object of that wrong... weigh-in as considerably more important than any one individual’s repentance, desire to repent, or ability to understand repent and then achieve that repentance.  Who is Any Other Person To Intrude Upon This Law of Nature and of Nature’s God?!  Bloomberg, Obama, Soros have the answer.

Why pick-out Soros? You have to Google him to get a little insight; but one crux is that he was raised Jewish, but in the Nazis Army; — and his first job was to sort and handle the suitcases of inanimate objects left behind by those who ‘had a shower’.   That fits with the Three Strikes law!

The ‘Goldfinger Empire’ of for profit and not for profit, Open Society which engulfed a young man who would become a President, offered a tantalizing opportunity, but not for good. Soros lives in the same State as Bloomberg which has a reputation for not only crowds, but also, the pressures too close-living, distrust from bad experience, often result.. So bad on bad is able to grow; while good remains submerged, still present, often against-all-odds-resulting in great love, loyalty and success. Skin color and degree, of the ultimate inanimate object - money are irrelevant - just as taught in both Bible and Book of Mormon.  A movie “Searching for Mr. Forrester” tells a story about that.

Here in California, the Open Society-Socialist-secular law which actually started in 1947 with “..the high and impregnable wall of separation of church and state” of Everson v. New York Board of Education; adds-on the Saul Lucifer Alinsky + Cloward-Piven ( more New Yorkers) + Chicagoan Obama == where this essay started at the top!

The second those infamous words were said by the Supreme Court, our Republic’s “Religion and Morality” was removed.  My parents, as did many parents and others, spoke of it that way at the time it occurred to each other and to their children; for the “equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God were not considered, and have not been considered in legal process - since: Church Is Synonymous with “Religion and Morality” by ‘deed’ of our First President’s Life and in “word based in knowledge and wisdom of Truth” expressed succinctly by President Washington in his “Farewell Address” .

It is hard to imagine the effect of those words because it still took another 10 years or so to remove ‘religion and morality’ from education.  I had “Religion and Morality” education provided by a coalition of our Santa Monica Churches: Protestant, Baptist , Trinity, Lutheran, Mormon, and Catholic.  The Jewish students had free class room time, and I suppose the Teacher had to play ‘camp counselor’ rather than teach - during the 50 min. period I remember well.  It was sad to see “The Silver Religious Education Trailer” dirty and abandoned in a vacant lot of Santa Monica... That abandon said a ‘Great Deal’ about abandon the Posterity which has (+/- 1953) and will continue to undermine All Posterity.  Especially at the terrible legislative/executive, criminal and civil lawlessness of teaching, stealing the souls, to indoctrinate about sexual deviation (AB48 now enacted) - as a living object: anatomy, physiology, neurology of the organs, - completely absent the regard and respect of friendship integral to Trust, that must be present with any two individuals - regardless of gender. Gender is an inanimate word of a living object. That act has every sacred honor to every base hate and betrayal of evil imparted within how homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes, utilizes it.

From the courts of law, legislative, or executive levels, much easier because persons who lip-serve our Lord, really don’t like having to use the Ten Commandments,  the lessons of The Original Textbook of Learning The Bible – it is so mundane, you have to be Care-ful, or something like that; anyway it is a lot easier to be deist, atheist, or just plain “No Universal Truth” – than accountability in “Deeds not words” by each person’s own responsibility to their life, liberty, and pursuits...among other individual persons – each with their own Soul.  Our Republic is the Only Location for God’‘s Law... and our Nation’s Laws, just like Joshua: 1-8 says wherever “feet tread” is Given To Each of US(A).

 Bloomberg’s thoughtless disregard of persons resulting in suffering; Obama’s disregard of the safety or of the integrity of military person of duty-honor-service resulting in murder and [I dare you] dishonorable discharge threat of a Colonel; added to our State of California’s seceding from the Laws of Both Founding Documents in favor of the ‘2009-2012 Socialist-collective-secular law absent Oath of Office and “Religion and Morality” have brought Proposition 36 + 30/38/39 + 31 + 40 with 37 [Vote NO on all added-on tie all of the above together as a ‘collective of law for 2009-2012 socialist - society -secular - body/living and inanimate object laws absent “Person” and corporate persons’ Souls of our Republic].  

There is virtually only One California Proposition 32 (Vote “YES”) of the Eleven Propositions which is not a ‘collective-society-socialist-greater number-secular based’ removal of our Republic: Proposition 32. It directly attacks and reduce/cease/desist, at least the inanimate object ‘money flow’ to union-PAC that ‘socialist-secular-union/vertical top-down ‘Omnipotent-commander of administration’ to Boss to member: who shall Not Stand, shall Shut-up and Sit-down, and be ruled by arrears or placement in the submit, subservience, and unless you want to lose your job, never express disagreement - coercion in obedience.

 There are diverse, within State government reflections of the above: Proposition 40 (Vote NO) is part of a double-Whammy directly against “consent of the governed’s security of our Natural Rights in law contained in both Founding Documents by altering the 14th Amendment’s One Person = One Vote apportioned among the several States counting Whole number of Persons in each State, though no-one realizes, except the now ‘President’, completely absent his person of Paper-trail, who designed and worked the Achilles-heel of our Republic’s 1789 Supreme Law of the Land.

Proposition 40 addresses, the extremely-left, Partisan, drawing of our Precincts within Districts by the ‘Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC): The “NO” vote states that the Senate (all Assembly, Congressional, Board of Equalization) Districts Shall be re-drawn to remove the gerrymandering.  The Senate District Maps are included in the back of the Voter’s Guide; but common knowledge of what a ‘gerrymander district’ looks like is completely absent – oft times even among the legislators or elected officials themselves.  There is no “Argument Against” present which is actually another “story”.  The ‘YES’ vote states the nonpartisan, CRC did a good job of redrawing the Districts and needs support for its work == No Change in Gerrymander Senate Districts.  (Socialist’s like to think of you-collectives as ignorant fools. - It’s part of the arrogance and conceit).  

Prop. 40 looks benign doesn’t it? And We the People have a terrible tendency to “focus” or place blinders on our eyes and ears so that we ‘zero-in” to whatever is the “deed-issue – that way we have more time for personality-“words”-decision making. Yes, that is an Ooops! The Founders could not be fooled by words-over-deeds! — They were dynamic, involved, always asking, demanding, and working - hard with all attention in relation to The Original Textbook of Learning which in Joshua I, the Eternal says we must diligently read night and day.[1] Their world of life, liberty, and pursuits was 150 years old — No Central Government and primarily each one’s “handshake” as an Oath of Office:

The double whammy, Proposition 40 + “top two voter getters..”,-number as majority is the measure of the “Political standard of right and wrong, “..regardless of Political Party Affiliation stated by the candidate..”[2] =Equal= the greater-Number-Majority of Districts of DEM(socialist-secular) - DEM(socialist-secular) compared to REP - REP Districts.  That Means any Republican within those DEM-DEM Districts, Shall shut-up, and sit down in submission and obedience to the Omnipotent Majority and, as long an Unconstitutional Regime Law, forbids consent of the governed — against a DEM(socialist-secular). This is a fact-of-life in Bob Filner’s old, un-changed by Partisan CRC, 51st District, where the “Acorn” grew-up; and of the 73rd, though that is actually a problem of finding a REP, Assembly District 80, where Derrick Roach, American of our Pledge to our Republic under God, is running against DEM(socialist-secular-above) VOTE “DERRICK” and Mrs. Roach for the College District Board.  

Prop. 40 is only One of Three Parts which together remove the decisions of We the People and “Consent of the Governed from our Republic.  First you must understand the reason there are three tax Propositions, 2 of which relate to education because that is how property taxes can be increased, is that The Senate Republican Minority is Exactly the Correct Number TO PREVENT A 2/3rds, the inanimate number, as Majority to determine right or wrong regarding the “stewardship and accountability” of other people’s earnings: “..with the debt as out-of-control as it is: more than $186,000 per citizen combing Fed with State]  it is immoral to use other people’s money as entitlements [grants]”; “words” which will become the “deeds” of our next President Romney.

But worse, in both Houses of our Legislature, the Tyranny of the Majority [there is no responsibility “to be right, the majority must be reasonable, otherwise is oppression”][3] has shut down the Republican Philosophy of governance to the point of solely preventing increase in taxes. No other form of legislation is allowed – so Both Houses of our Minority party – doesn’t place their “Signatures-for-law [4] -even though the un-reasoned-anti-law is allowed to go forward into Government-over-man-Socialist-secular-collective-inanimate and living object “enforced Regime” of “Majority as the political standard of right and wrong (Pres. Monroe)”

Because of : Article II: 5(a)(b) top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation stated by the candidates or by the voters; and CVRA’s, 433 cities/58 counties, “By Area Trustee Voting System”[5] with its anti-law Sister,  the CRC’s “Community of Interest (COI)”, Proposition 40's gerrymander Districts, destroyers of ‘consent of the governed’ and “We the People” are all put together into each of the 58 County’s, +/-10 descriptions of Districts, One, software program[6], which actually produces our ‘ consent of the governed’s precincts within districts’, which sometimes cross county lines in order to meet the Number as the “Census” from that Department of closed-shop, union administered employees of hired citizens to perform that count, unless on application: “Federal Law states that you do not have to give the above information, but if you want to be a census-taker, you will provide all requested information.”[7] plus the nature of the information, that Department requires and even Threatened to Not Count any person Who Refused To Fill-in — that Department’s “required-less”, “provide all information”, census anti-law Department Law disguised as Regulation (you should look-up the word “Regulation” and Precedent in your  or google it)..

CRC has a Marriage to the California Voting Rights Act. CVRA allows formation of Districts based on culture and language of Naturalized-Citizens, who choose to live in a common location withing a city to have their district drawn so “there is abetter chance of race/culture naturalized citizen to be elected to city, school, or water (think agriculture - not water) District”. Culture is country of origin—except the United States; Race is skin color-except white; and in both language does Not include English the Official Language of Governance and of Business of “We the People” and “Consent of the Governed”,  as well as the State of California and the United States of America these Naturalized Citizens have by judge in law, Pledged their Allegiance and renounced citizenship in their country of origin[8]. We have an excellent example of CVRA candidate his name is Jose Fergoza who is running while having a residence of many years — not located in the District – wherein he resides (ESCONDIDO: School board candidate moves into studio apartment to run in race; September 25, 2012 6:00 am  •  By GARY WARTH;  There is also an excellent example contained within Proposition P - The Charter ---- VOTE “YES” ON THE CHARTER to return the Tenth Amendment to our corporate persons – City in our Federalist Organizational, equilateral triangle — that other part of our Republic removed by “Socialist-Secular-collective-inanimate and living object-American Rule [9]of coercion out-of-court- law”: In order to ‘allow’ the Charter onto the Ballot, the City Council shall agree to the formation of Districts[10], i.e. By Area Trustee Voting System; or a several million-dollar lawsuit brought by a “Naturalized Citizen of colored skin and origin-country - not the Laws of both Founding documents” case will go to court — see below paragraph, and please note the Charter is an inanimate object as is skin-color/ living object, with culture/ inanimate object, NEITHER OF WHICH have anything to do with the CHARTER and everything to do with 1/4th of “consent of the governed” allowed to vote for a candidate, who shall represent 100% of the city’s governance, and who does not have to declare Political Party affiliation because of Article II (a)(b) and the infamous-wrong-“deed” of the “word” in Article II: SEC. 6:  (a) All judicial, school, county, and city offices, including the Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall be nonpartisan. CVRA, CRC, Mr. Fergoza, Mr. Filner, Mr. Bloomberg, Mr. Obama and so many others, throughout our nation represent!  Mr. Fergoza will have 1/5th of ‘consent of the governed” to represent 5/5 of the School Board’s governance.  The School Board refused to allow the residents of the city a vote, up or down, regarding the CVRA’s ‘tiny nation-of origin- ACLU/socialist-secular society’ formation as 5 districts, preferring to allow anti-law precedence with “American rule” coercion to rule and with the County of SD’s Board of Edu. Recommendation.

The Secretary of State and Registrar of Voters give a English Sample Ballot for the non-English-speaking to carry in their hands as they vote – to cover-and according to socialist-society’s definition of translation for number-purposes of majority to decide right and wrong.  

  Coercion and American Rule of removal of “1620 At-Large voting system” in favor of the “socialist-society-secular” “By Area Trustee Voting System” for School Boards, Cities, and Water Districts predominates the unheard, unreported-except for very small, weekly newspapers which still practice “The ethics of Journalism”; and ..

..Remember, Most ‘consent of the governed’ has No Idea Where the words “By Area Trustee Voting System” came from, — let alone any information regarding what it means , and, except for only a very few cities absent their residents ability to have “adequate information to make a proper determination”, an opportunity to actually give, or not, consent for the By Area Trustee Voting System!!!!  Our State Supreme Court and the U.S Supreme Court refused to hear “California Voting Rights Act”.

Besides the State of the ‘state’ of New York, The Soros California connections include:  CVRA with non-profit Attorney group "Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights (LCCR)[5], a Soros non-profit," in 5 cities of the Delta;  the location of  EPA's Agenda 21/GW, and with Feinstein’s fishies” (VOTE E. EMKEN - SENATOR), turned-off the water to 10's of thousands of "We the People"; Bob Filner's Sports Arena Sustainable Energy/Smart Growth - GW/Agenda 21 100% tax-payer funded, where the Acorn grew-up, -- AB32- 8-step Laws for all “General Plans”/'bad, bad Carbon Dioxide”, and his 47 years of government-over-man, subservient-obedience  to Obama; the Department of Consumer Affair’s “Consumer Protection Enforcement Initiative (CPEI)” - “the Center for Public Interest Law”[11] v. ‘gag clauses’ – Soros non-profit; and “Pro Publica Journal in the Public Interest”[12] – the editorial staff is from the Soros Open Society School of governance v. 350,000 Registered Nurses subservient to the Board of Registered Nurses. The CRC isn’t included only because the connection has to do with the Legislator’s greater number than 10 years of age, Berkeley software – designed for the purpose of gerrymandering or at least only utilized in that manner in the interest of skin-color whether an actual problem or not a problem at all (FVRA Section 5) exists. CRC absolutely refused to even consider the other Hardware/Software companies available to both update and even remove as unnecessary the color-culture-other language-other tiny nation, absent Both Founding Document’s Law. A public statement regarding Person without characteristics and as the deciding of the location of the districts line placement, was recognized by the few REP., but completely ignored by the vast majority of the other NON-partisan CRC member-of-parties.

The Board of Registered Nursing in 2009, 38 days after Obama took office, resumed enforcement,  after 19 years of grandfather clause,  those Registered Nurses who choose to work in the collective named: “Professional of vulnerable consumers (the Professional doesn't count as a consumer, unless they get sick per one board member)", by Board "Emergency Statement: it is imperative that the Board have a mechanism in place that allows it to receive in a reliable manner, current and timely information regarding CRIMINAL ACTIVITY FOR ALL ITS LICENSEES."  The George Soros connection: "When Caregivers Harm America's Unwatched Nurses" by Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber; Pro's -nurses-series' 34 articles/ 24 of which are addressed directly to California's RN's, and 11 of those published between July 10 and August 8, 2009.  Regulation 1419 began enforcement on August 1, 1990, except for RN’s licensed before Aug. 1. There were in 2009, about 175,000 nurses in this last of the Three, separate sub-collectives.  This was a Cloward-Piven, driven attack on the existing Board by declaring it was ignoring investigation or too slow in investigating RN’s.  It did overwhelm the Board; did result in 7 of 9 members being replaced and the resignation of the Director at that time. You cannot find any reference to the above articles at the Pro Publica website. The Two investigative reporters are gone and so are any references to the 32 Articles, many of which were also published in the L.A. Times.  Purged sometime before 08/16/12  — except for a video of the Director who resigned.  It remains on You Tube because It Was Never Used or Referred to in any of the 32 Articles.

You would have to be one of the 350,000, then 175,000 RN’s affected by this “suspicion-less finger testing for criminal record histories” with the “NO” box on the Renewal Form “Alinsky-Frozen” so RN’s with more than some of whom might have been practicing for 65 years of so, must submit and be subservient to this Law-absent due process, let alone charge disguised as Regulation shall be enforced for no other reason than “criminality of all Registered Nurses” via the living object, fingers for that is the sole manner of requesting, by Criminal Code Number and by Name of the prisoner for already committed crimes.  Many of those 175,000 RN’s went inactive rather than go through “guilty until proven innocent by body parts” as much more important than “The Nightingale Pledge”, which contains every single element of 1419, if in Catholc Nursing Education – in Church; but more important and directly a repudiation of Religion and Morality of the Honor, Already performed practice, and integrity of ALL RN’s except wrong “0.008" The Director in the You Tube Video states.

The fingerprinting/criminal record history whether or not, the nurse in question, has a sealed court record, was not found guilty - simply the charge took place, was overwhelming and was returned to DCA who was at the same time, working on its CPEI; and now has its very own “DCA INVESTIGATIVE UNIT”.  Bear in mind, all CA 44, one in Spanish only, State Departments the funding for pensions and aspects of the closed-shop union, appointed employees, must come from fines and fees - so the creation of Law disguised as Regulation is Preeminent in our Socialist-Secular-Collective-government-over-man- for obedience to the omnipotent majority law! And the Sunset clause; — well if you were going to keep the fines or fee money in your house; given that there is no Oath of Office and truth in knowledge and wisdom of One person’s Soul is “Alinsky-Frozen”, do you really think you would stop the “taxpayer as professional or business” dollars from flowing? The fees have increased each year since from 2009 through 2011.

Now add a paper ballot light-scanned which the Registrar of Voters Doesn’t Know if the ball pen makes a hole in your ballot, will the ballot be rejected?  And All of this, including Marion, Ohio voter who couldn’t remove Obama’s name from her touch-screen,  has occurred because of the One Precinct in One District of Florida person who could not remove the dangling chad — on the most secure ‘consent of the governed chrome punch with card-stock chad – that DOESN’T REMOVE EASILY!!!!!  Because lights and screens are inanimate objects, subject to right and wrong of the invisible-unaccountable hardware and software person(s), crazy vote results and rampant fraud – mostly from the opposite side of the precinct table (not voter ID cards or Any ID cards for the ‘state’ of State exemplified by Victor Hugo’s of “Les Miserables”.

We haven’t even addressed the inanimate and living objects of 30, 37, 33 (think about day 91 and a person who is ill or is out of the country on a mission or other work – shall pay more?); or even UN/Agenda 21/AB32/EPA Global Warming/bad CO2 in city’s General Plans and in BOTH Proposition 31 “Community Strategic Action Plans” and Escondido’s Proposition N (Vote NO), or any other city in this State where “The collective is being asked to approve. Absent any information re re-zoning and property removed as eminent domain, sustainable energy and “SMART GROWTH” – all defined, determined, and dictated by the UN through the EPA (remember where carbon chips started in 2009)[13] - it hasn’t left see EO 13575; through the 8 - Step State of CA Law for General Plans and AB32.   Governor Brown already controls the General Plans of 433 cities in 58 county’s old, current, proposed, and future Contracts for implementing the General Plans — yet another removal of the 10th Amendment the California Supreme Court disallows City taxpayer/corporate Persons in our Federalist organization of  State and Federal governance serving the Person/Family/City; not the government-over-man downward and — not 1789-Rule of Law in Both Founding documents.

Resources and comments:
1. “The Boston Gazette and Country Journal, containing the fresheft Advices, Foreign and Domeftic”; Monday, March 12, 1770.  Three years before our Namesake “The Boston Teaparty; and 6 years before The Declaration.... This little, packed 3column, 9 font print, 1930' or 40's reproduction, newspaper contains ethics, Voted that.., the 29th Bristish Regiment housed in Boston with soldiers who killed 4 young men less than 20; adds and life and liberty announcements. reproduction documents the Origin of WE THE PEOPLE and CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED.

2. The utter-ridiculous, conceited and opinionated “Political Party’s are very bad”; except for the One that determines the content of Laws and of NON-partisan is reinforced by Noah Webster: “Party: 1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs and tories.”  AND “Politics  The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance. Which connects to the Laws of Both Founding Documents – especially stated as equal station in which the Laws of Nature of of Nature’s God entitle them; with Article II and VI Oath of Office.

 3. “The Spirit of 1776; The Twelve Basic American Principles”; #12 The Majority Limited for Liberty; Hamilton A. Long;

4. With ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Act’, lots of CA’s 5,528, mostly unnecessary laws over the last 6 years, many Bills do go forward into Law — WHEN THE IS COMPLETE ABSENCE OF ANY MINORITY PARTY-MEMBER, BOTH LEGISLATIVE HOUSES, a Complete disavowal of the Law of Article I: a Congress and the signatures required before a Bill go to the President or to our Governor, for signature:
The has been to accord – or agreement regarding the ‘deeds’ within any Bill form, unless harmony has occurred which requires, just like signing-music at least two voices/two signatures from both House and Senate or Assembly and Senate — or the “denial of reason, for the majority to act as the standard of political right and wrong, resulting in the Tyrnanny of the Majority and the consequences of extinguishing “God’s Law” and Morality we are experiencing.  The “Vote” does not occur until after the debate – but Debate is decided by WHICH ANSWER BEST FALLS INTO THE LAWS CONTAINED IN BOTH FOUNDING DOCUMENTS – Not in Political Party alignment of “opinion without interference” or just plain obedience to dictatorship.  Termed-out Assemblyman Martin Garrick . The Paper; 9/20/12; column says a lot more. That’s another Weekly, journalistic ethics and information, newspaper published in San Marcos, CA and distributed around our N. County.

5. “The Santa Clara Weekly”, yet another good, weekly journalistic ethics NewsPaper; “California Voting Rights Act: An $8 Million Bill for Taxpayers”; Carolyn Schuk; 09/11; issue no. 37.

6. The Demographer who drew Escondido’s 5 Districts explained the above at one of the Public hearings.

7. Copied from the application, at the application process class for census takers with a quiz I had 100% on, but the ‘leader’ or ‘supervisor’ regarded me with great suspicion, as I wrote this incredible sentence down on a spare piece of paper.  Needless to say, I wasn’t hired.

8. Public Comment given at the “public hearing” to determine if residents of the city shall be bypassed by ‘waiver from the State Board of Education’ — the waiver did win and our Residents have no idea why there is such words as “By Area Trustee Voting System”. Escondido is not alone, just among those who decide folding to coercion is a much better “saving of money” than court, which in Socialist-secular-collective CA supreme Court-land - is probably a true statement.  No city with its taxpayers have ever won!

9. American Rule is on pg. 4 or 5 of this article:
July/August 2012. John Steele Gordon Author, An Empire of Wealth: The Epic History of American Economic Power. JOHN STEELE GORDON was educated at ...

10. Verbal Report of our Escondido City Mayor at a meeting where city residents were present.

11. Department of Consumer Affairs; “Consumer protection Enforcement Initiative”; 1/21/10. And The Center for Public Interest Law,  is among the University’s Law Schools and some Attorneys have Open Society Connections.

12. “When Cargivers Harm”; Charles Ornstein, Tracy Weber;;  And video . You won’t find anything at Pro Publica regarding the link.  The video as of this date, remains because it was never used.  View it to see the 5W’s and H of “never let a fact get in the way of a preconceived conclusion”.  From US District Court Case No. ‘11 cv 1760 MMA POR

13. Barbara Decker. Co-founder at; Mary Baker A Free Range Life | Mary Baker 05/16/2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012





Not sure how many 'consent of the governed' use their own pens to vote  --- no-one pays any attention  and it is Not Part of the Instructions in either Sample Ballot or The Election Manual for11/6/2012; BUT....

...Gene's link to the Democratic Party website re "Gel-Ink Pens" is because the 'rejecting the ballot software" cannot distinguish the relevance of ink or an inanimate object ---- YOUR VOTE WILL NOT BE COUNTED!

Ruth I am a Poll Clerk. I have Voted.  I did have a hole made by the 'ball pen' on my Ballot.  I, mistakenly thought that I could vote Provisionally.....Ooops! No!   NO 'CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED' WILL EVEN NOTICE or be aware of the nature of the "software Light capability to discern the nature of the extra amount of light" and reject my Ballot.

I called the Poll Worker Hotline and Spoke with Rob. I said I hope this is Recorded.  Rob tole me there is no way to know if my Ballot will be rejected....... except me tracking AFTER 11/6/2012.  I shall Track..... and I shall let ROV know. I completely Identified myself as a Clerk with the location of the Polling Place where I am working.

This is to let everyone know in your system.  I am e-mailing my system... and have spoken with our RWF Pres. B. Fowler to get her to contact our STATE RWF President.   I am thinking of making it a News Item...little hesitant!   Barbara called me back to report that the ROV on the public line tole her that either use the Ball pen or the Touch Screen.....Does not mention the Marks-a-lot pen which is in The Pouch of supplies.  The Ball Pen was emphasized in Training also!

BCC'd to Linda

I'm going to call you, also......Cathy

Forwarded......Roger, Mark, Mike, Rick, Glenn I WOULD APPRECIATE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK ON RADIO --- NoT 'ONE PERSON Consent of the governed' will ever know ....unless what is stated in MADE PUBLIC INFORMATION.  i DON'T KNOW ANYONE AT KUSI or up N. CA, but would like to GET THIS INFO out to "We the People in order to from a more perfect Union... establish domestic tranquility...provide for the Common Defense.......and secure --- OUR NATURAL RIGHTS in OUR UNIQUE IN MANKIND'S HISTORY : ONE PERSON=ONE VOTE=ONE ACCOUNTABILITY AS SOUL TO ONE GOD = IN THE LAWS OF BOTH FOUNDING DOCUMENTS........OUR REPUBLIC SHALL NOT BE REMOVED WITHOUT 1789 CONSTITUTION'S ARTICLE V AND SHALL NOT DENY LOVE OF GOD AND OF OUR NATION UNDER PRESIDENT WASHINGTON'S "RELIGION AND MORALITY"!!!

Make no mistake in our State and in our Federal Level of government.....our Republican form of government Has and Is Being Systematically Removed....and it is nearly complete!*   Cathy,  Catherine West, 760-703-8953

*It is 1:54 and Shawn just finished saying exactly this, but not in the bluntness of my love for God, our Founders, the Laws of Both Founding Documents of My One-Person in My Nation!

Next Tuesday in CA, The Executive Branch of Federal Government, Cloward Piven, S. Lucifer Alinsky

Assemblyman Martin Garrick, and Senator Mark Wyland, writes a weekly column for Lyle Davis’ “The Paper”.  Here is the Title for the Week of 10/11/12: “5,528 New Laws in Six Years”.

Remembering the ‘Speeding Bullet Law-making’ which undertoed the Spring and Summer of 2009 with the then “America’s Healthy Future Act”, the First of 11 different names preceding the “infamous Obamacare” of not Protecting or Affording and even not providing any care at all – patient diagnosis complex to patient diagnosis complex/statistical analysis ostensibly to save money, Sponsored by Charles Rangel (NY15), and ZERO -0- Republican in Congress plus 34 Democrats (7 of those Democrats were removed from office at the next ‘consent of the governed opportunity) of the members of the House; 100% of the Senators of the Democratic Party. This is also before Obama-Reid -Socialist’s removed “Filibuster” from the Rules of Congress.

Relating yesterday’s piece regarding “March 5, 1770 Roxbary and 10/2012 “Mother Trees Story” re — writing and applying “We the People”’s grievance with “VOTED THAT,....” because none of the Legislatures, by NO Integrity-socialist-collective-majority of force declaring right and wrong in the Senate of the United States; combined with the No-Integrity- Majority of Force, Coercion, Submission preventing our State, plus the multiplicity of methods for any individual to vote — regardless of the 14th Amendment, because, of course, the 1789 Constitution isn’t law of the land or ‘rule of law’ anymore. It is replaced by the 2009-2012-socialist-collective-inanimate and living object-absent “religion and morality”-secular re-defined laws of precedence.

Questions:  Looking at the history of our Socialist State of California, including seceding from the Union by removing the Laws of Both Founding Documents — Oath of Office, “Religion and Morality” required of Person in our Republic; is Cloward Piven’s “hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.” here in California’s Legislature? AND  Is it possible to demonstrate that Cloward-Piven’s strategy could overwhelm the “consent of the governed” making it impossible for an accurate vote...and enabling “majority of Force deciding right and wrong as well as all legislation?

The answer to both questions is a resounding “YES”.   Assemblyman Garrick’s article points to the laws and legislation; Assemblyman Jones has a list of “01/01/2012 bad laws” some of which were signed into law, and even some which didn’t make Gov. Brown’s 10pm to 11:59 am signatures.   Here’s the resource: and there is a full bio for Mr. Beckwith as there is for the incredible “Contents” of the work he has performed re the man named Obama and re: the “Deeds” which are his legacy of attack against our Nation.

Cloward-Piven does apply to our State because of Obama’s many treks out here over his months in office — not related to campaigning because he had completed the purchase and ownership of Both the United States Government and the State of California ---- especially San Diego, CA ----- a leading, hard working, center in both the House of Representatives and in both Houses of our State Government, Even Though a Huge Minority under the “Majority Limited for Liberty” vaporized because KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM in CONCERT WITH TRUTH IS THE ONLY REAL LAW:  GOD’S LAW OR EACH-ONE-PERSON’S-MORALITY UNDER “ 1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.”.

Here are some relevant quotes: “A Strategy of Manufactured Crisis:   All three of these organizations -- ACORN, Project Vote and Human SERVE -- set to work lobbying energetically for the so-called Motor-Voter law, which Bill Clinton ultimately signed in 1993.  The Motor-Voter bill is largely responsible for swamping the voter rolls with "dead wood" -- invalid registrations signed in the name of deceased, ineligible or non-existent people -- thus opening the door to the unprecedented levels of voter fraud and "voter disenfranchisement" claims that followed in subsequent elections.

The new "voting rights" coalition combines mass voter registration drives -- typically featuring high levels of fraud -- with systematic intimidation of election officials in the form of frivolous lawsuits, unfounded charges of "racism" and "disenfranchisement," and "direct action" (street protests, violent or otherwise).  Just as they swamped America's welfare offices in the 1960s, Cloward-Piven devotees now seek to overwhelm the nation's understaffed and poorly policed electoral system.  Their tactics set the stage for the Florida recount crisis of 2000, and have introduced a level of fear, tension and foreboding to U.S. elections heretofore encountered mainly in Third World countries.

Both the Living Wage and Voting Rights movements depend heavily on financial support from George Soros's Open Society Institute and his "Shadow Party," through whose support the Cloward-Piven strategy continues to provide a blueprint for some of the Left's most ambitious campaigns..”    [The ‘voting right movement’ in Central CA Modesto, Hanford, Madera, and Tulare  was by Soros’ sponsored Legal Firm named “Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights (LCCR) expressed pride in filing and prevailing in 5 filed cases.[1]. Please remember the locations of these cities are in Feinstein’s Fishies-Delta {VOTE FOR ELIZABETH EMKEN, US Senator from CA – remove the legacy  of Israelis and Delta Betrayal Feinstein – Now; Boxer in 2014!}} where the Water has been turned-off for the UN/GW-EPA- now Gov. Brown, then AG Brown refusal to defend the People of the Delta.]

(To continue) “Another coincidence:  Cloward and Piven were teaching their methodology at Columbia in 1981 through 1983 -- it would be interesting to see Obama's Columbia College records. Unfortunately, the Obamamessiah doesn't believe we peons are entitled to that information.”.

The Crisis Creators
The American electorate has watched in amazement for a year as Obama has created unprecedented havoc and outrage throughout the nation.

And yet, the actual result of 2009's non-stop crises has been not just the dramatic transfer of wealth and power away from citizens and small businesses and into the hands of government, but also the beginnings of a profound transformation of America's economic and governmental system.
Indeed, in one of its most powerful issues ever, the January 2010 edition of Whistleblower magazine -- titled "The Crisis Creators" -- documents conclusively that the Obama administration's primary modus operandi of governance is the transformation of America through wreaking havoc.  Following the classic radical-left strategy of the manufactured crisis, Obama and Congress are creating crises in every area of life and policy.

They're wreaking havoc throughout America's capitalist, free-enterprise system by taking over major industries like banking, auto and healthcare.  And by multiplying the national debt so astronomically that the only mathematically possible way to pay it off is with the printing press, which translates directly into the "grand theft" of Americans' hard-earned wealth through major inflation.

But it not just the economy.  They're wreaking havoc also on America's national security, prosecuting U.S. soldiers for being too rough on terrorists, but rewarding confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed with a civilian trial in New York City and affording him all the powerful legal rights of an American citizen.  And by badmouthing and apologizing for America overseas and bowing before Muslim kings, while scandalously snubbing leaders of America's few remaining allies like the U.K. and Israel.

They're creating crises in the nation's energy policy by stubbornly adhering to the controversial and now utterly discredited "global warming" theory and pursuing economically catastrophic legislation like "cap and trade."  They're creating havoc in education by putting radical homosexual activist Kevin Jennings, notorious for sexually corrupting children, in charge of the safety of the nation's public schools. For the last year," says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, "we've had it relentlessly hammered into our heads that America will self-destruct economically if we don't solve our cataclysmic healthcare crisis.  But in reality, there is no healthcare crisis.  We have the best medical services delivery system in world history.  What about the poor and uninsured?  In America, you can be an escaped-convict-illegal-alien-child-rapist, but if you get hurt and go to a public hospital, you will by law be taken care of, completely and totally, whether you can pay for it or not.  That's not a broken system; that's the most magnificent system in the world."

"Of course, the government could easily create a simple safety net to help the small percentage of Americans who don't have health insurance," added Kupelian.  "But they've never been interested in that.  They're interested only in creating the illusion of a systemic and fatal healthcare crisis as a means of forcing socialism down free Americans' throats.

"And that's just one example.  Manufacturing crises to force 'change' is how the radical left has operated for decades, and now that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are in power, fake crises and their terrible 'solutions' dominate life in America."

Here is the ‘Kicker’: “Obama's Agenda:  Overwhelm The System
Rahm Emanuel cynically said, "You never want a crisis to go to waste."  It is now becoming clear that the crisis he was referring to is Barack Obama's presidency.

Obama is no fool.  He is not incompetent.  To the contrary, he is brilliant.  He knows exactly what he's doing.  He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos -- thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within.
Akin as a whole, it is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival ... and can be counted on to always vote for bigger government.  Why not?  They have no responsibility to pay for it.

 -- Universal health care.  The health care bill had very little to do with health care.  It had everything to do with unionizing millions of hospital and health care workers, as well as adding 15,000 to 20,000 new IRS agents (who will join government employee unions).  Obama doesn't care that giving free health care to 30 million Americans will add trillions to the national debt.  What he does care about is that it cements the dependence of those 30 million voters to Democrats and big government.  Who but a socialist revolutionary would pass this reckless spending bill in the middle of a depression?

-- Universal health care.  The health care bill had very little to do with health care.  It had everything to do with unionizing millions of hospital and health care workers, as well as adding 15,000 to 20,000 new IRS agents (who will join government employee unions).  Obama doesn't care that giving free health care to 30 million Americans will add trillions to the national debt.  What he does care about is that it cements the dependence of those 30 million voters to Democrats and big government.  Who but a socialist revolutionary would pass this reckless spending bill in the middle of a depression?

Here in California this is called AB32 and isn’t limited to cap n trade, but encompasses the 8-step, 433 Cities in 58 Counties’ “General Plans” in which the contracts old, pending, and future shall be ‘Administered’ by the State Department appointed by this Governor and blessed by the California Supreme Court (that might be the court for “The Mother Tree” - $150.00 tax disguised as a fine”):
“ -- Cap and trade.  Like health care legislation having nothing to do with health care, cap and trade has nothing to do with global warming.  It has everything to do with redistribution of income, government control of the economy and a criminal payoff to Obama's biggest contributors.  Those powerful and wealthy unions and contributors (like GE, which owns NBC, MSNBC and CNBC) can then be counted on to support everything Obama wants.  They will kick-back hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions to Obama and the Democratic Party to keep them in power.  The bonus is that all the new taxes on Americans with bigger cars, bigger homes and businesses helps Obama "spread the wealth around."

-- Legalize 12 million illegal immigrants.  Just giving these 12 million potential new citizens free health care alone could overwhelm the system and bankrupt America.  But it adds 12 million reliable new Democrat voters who can be counted on to support big government.  Add another few trillion dollars in welfare, aid to dependent children, food stamps, free medical, education, tax credits for the poor, and eventually Social Security.

-- Stimulus and bailouts.  Where did all that money go?  It went to Democrat contributors, organizations (ACORN), and unions -- including billions of dollars to save or create jobs of government employees across the country.  It went to save GM and Chrysler so that their employees could keep paying union dues.  It went to AIG so that Goldman Sachs could be bailed out (after giving Obama almost $1 million in contributions).  A staggering $125 billion went to teachers (thereby protecting their union dues).  All those public employees will vote loyally Democrat to protect their bloated salaries and pensions that are bankrupting America.  The country goes broke, future generations face a bleak future, but Obama, the Democrat Party, government, and the unions grow more powerful.  The ends justify the means.

-- Raise taxes on small business owners, high-income earners, and job creators.  Put the entire burden on only the top 20 percent of taxpayers, redistribute the income, punish success, and reward those who did nothing to deserve it (except vote for Obama).  Reagan wanted to dramatically cut taxes in order to starve the government.  Obama wants to dramatically raise taxes to starve his political opposition.
With the acts outlined above, Obama and his regime have created a vast and rapidly expanding constituency of voters dependent on big government; a vast privileged class of public employees who work for big government; and a government dedicated to destroying capitalism and installing themselves as socialist rulers by overwhelming the system.”

Mr. Beckwith’s  “contents” are just as incredible - especially the “NO paper trail” for the President of the United States!

Remember, there are a lot of the Voter Fraud by the CVRA’s enfranchisement of the skin-color/race-country except the USA-language-except English conglomeration-of-naturalized citizens who owe their Allegiance to Socialism: Iranians, Russians, Islam nations, Mexico ---- Please: Never, Never all the Persons — only the significant who fall under and pursue “CVRA’s by Area Trustee Voting System” which reduces “Consent of the governed by 1/5th of a city council or school board while the candidate rules 5/5 of the city council or school board! Also, Please Notice — no ‘voter id cards’.  That’s the infamous “distractor tactic” not really mentioned by either Alinsky or Cloward-Piven; but noticed by the ‘brilliant evil of Obama’.  Glenn has either fallen for it or...allowed the words-to-fall-out of the protagonist — the lady who said 70% of Americans are for it...... the infamous number deciding right and wrong!  And, of course, that lady, like the rest of the Less-than 50% hand-raised, at a Duncan Hunter Breakfast last Fall, who have no idea regarding “Religion and Morality” of our Republican form of government where the Person’s most sacred property – his Soul is protected from “Supreme Court’s “suspicion-less drug testing”, a.k.a ‘suspicion-less voter id confirmation’ for the ‘state’ — nothing to do with the integrity of the Person who attends to his/her duty , service, and Love of God and Nation by the integrity of their Own-Ballot-Placed in the “Whole is the sum of each one person = Assembly” ---- not collective.

1. “California Voting Rights Act: An $8 Million Bill for Taxpayers”; Carolyn Schuk; The Santa Clara Weekly; 09/2011; Issue 37.  And - David Horowitz.