as the standard for political right and wrong...
Bloomberg's adding disaster to physical suffering and harm is removed for Day after tomorrow, but not what he, Obama, share as a legacy against our Republic under God.
Nope. You know what it is? It is representation of two-like men who are the epitome of the worse side of man: complete and crushing disregard, respect or consideration for any human, especially those who would move between both Bloomberg and Obama's desire for dictate, control and ownership as rulers.
Both share complete wickedness and abhor any righteousness." Political depravity" is not adequate descriptors for both's devious, deceitful, conceit and arrogance. They are completely absent any "Religion and Morality", of the “Soul/white-collar” crimes of omission, commission, neglect and positive transgression.
Americans have not seen this much overt baseness in leaders -- possibly ever before -- certainly not since before WWII -- occurring Within our Nation. Outside - Yes, it is normal.
In our Nation of Assembly of Persons, while anything but perfect, We Are Intrinsically Honorable and Dependable -- very straightforward; and we are recognized for that trait - the world over. Most Americans traveling anywhere --- stand out, because we look at an Individual with the ‘mind-eye’ of “equal station” --- not a collective, which is the “blind-deaf- stiffnecked-manner” too many nations treat their citizens.
I don't know if Bloomberg shares acquaintance with George Soros, but we all know Obama does, among the many of his devious, deceitful, conceit and arrogance 'friends'. Do they share a word like "friends"? I don't think so, for they are to busy in their individual manifestations of the ‘blind-deaf-stiffnecked-mind-set..
Anyway, Soros is here in California. He is one of the sponsors of the "collective group named incarcerated-felon-white collar" which is the lesser of the "collective incarcerated-used an weapon- to cause body injury - much worse felon" to be decided by 'the collective-socialist-society's" assignment to agree with Proposition 36.
The 'three-strikes law' is among the examples of socialist-secular-living and inanimate object -- body as anatomy and physiology - absent an Soul --- law: This ‘body’ man’s law absent God’s law, delivers the cruelty in that a number ‘3' is much more important for man to judge in control over the souls....of a particular kind of criminal act of commission. The ‘3' is a syllogism for the ‘game’ of baseball, but is a devilish play on the words — to make forgiveness or repenting impossible for an individual who Has Done Wrong... injuring another soul. The sentencing of an individual, correctly for wrong, is a duty of mankind; —But not the perpetuation of the criminal aspect for that, now incarcerated, person. The Three Strikes laws makes one person suffer the Third strike directly after sentencing from the First strike. The ‘number ‘3' doesn’t work that way in baseball does it?
I learned of the above from an incarcerated friend, his name is Jason. Jason knows what he did wrong. He knows he is paying, justly for that wrong. He has been paying. Each time he gets out of prison, on parole, he tries to get work. He knows he isn’t going to get any, even though he attempts to keep a wee-bit of faith, that maybe this time, it will work for him. He had some unemployment insurance due him.... waited 3 months... nothing-‘Alinsky Frozen’. He is a father with a son and a young daughter. He did want to be there – especially for his son, – if only to make sure his son Did Not Make the same mistake he did. There’s more to Jason’s story, but for now, here is the relevant point: Jason said to me one day “The hardest thing about being in prison is the loss of all Bill of Rights.”. Jason went on to tell me of how, among each individual, they work to support each other’s ‘trouble’; and how specifically, he invited the guards to place a “Real trouble-maker, no-one would share a cell with” individual into his cell as a cell mate. How often I think of him and pray for him.... His sister sees him that way too.
Just like days of old when bandits would never tell on each other, or loyalty to gangs in today’s world, the persons who live as living-slaves-to-the-powers-of-that-closed-shop-administration-is incredible and a natural consequence of disregard - disparagement of person; for there is no-one on the outside, who will allow trust – once broken. Pat O’Brien and Mickey Rooney made “Boys Town” and some other movies about forgiveness and trust.... It is not easy — both the wrong-doer and the forgiver, but the greater the adversity, the greater the reward.... “The Prodigal Son” is also about Faith: A Father for a son; and is reflected in the Fifth Amendment.
The Socialist-secular-three strikes law does remove that concept from consideration, – that no man is without wrong;... or that the inanimate or living object of that wrong... weigh-in as considerably more important than any one individual’s repentance, desire to repent, or ability to understand repent and then achieve that repentance. Who is Any Other Person To Intrude Upon This Law of Nature and of Nature’s God?! Bloomberg, Obama, Soros have the answer.
Why pick-out Soros? You have to Google him to get a little insight; but one crux is that he was raised Jewish, but in the Nazis Army; — and his first job was to sort and handle the suitcases of inanimate objects left behind by those who ‘had a shower’. That fits with the Three Strikes law!
The ‘Goldfinger Empire’ of for profit and not for profit, Open Society which engulfed a young man who would become a President, offered a tantalizing opportunity, but not for good. Soros lives in the same State as Bloomberg which has a reputation for not only crowds, but also, the pressures too close-living, distrust from bad experience, often result.. So bad on bad is able to grow; while good remains submerged, still present, often against-all-odds-resulting in great love, loyalty and success. Skin color and degree, of the ultimate inanimate object - money are irrelevant - just as taught in both Bible and Book of Mormon. A movie “Searching for Mr. Forrester” tells a story about that.
Here in California, the Open Society-Socialist-secular law which actually started in 1947 with “..the high and impregnable wall of separation of church and state” of Everson v. New York Board of Education; adds-on the Saul Lucifer Alinsky + Cloward-Piven ( more New Yorkers) + Chicagoan Obama == where this essay started at the top!
The second those infamous words were said by the Supreme Court, our Republic’s “Religion and Morality” was removed. My parents, as did many parents and others, spoke of it that way at the time it occurred to each other and to their children; for the “equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God were not considered, and have not been considered in legal process - since: Church Is Synonymous with “Religion and Morality” by ‘deed’ of our First President’s Life and in “word based in knowledge and wisdom of Truth” expressed succinctly by President Washington in his “Farewell Address” .
It is hard to imagine the effect of those words because it still took another 10 years or so to remove ‘religion and morality’ from education. I had “Religion and Morality” education provided by a coalition of our Santa Monica Churches: Protestant, Baptist , Trinity, Lutheran, Mormon, and Catholic. The Jewish students had free class room time, and I suppose the Teacher had to play ‘camp counselor’ rather than teach - during the 50 min. period I remember well. It was sad to see “The Silver Religious Education Trailer” dirty and abandoned in a vacant lot of Santa Monica... That abandon said a ‘Great Deal’ about abandon the Posterity which has (+/- 1953) and will continue to undermine All Posterity. Especially at the terrible legislative/executive, criminal and civil lawlessness of teaching, stealing the souls, to indoctrinate about sexual deviation (AB48 now enacted) - as a living object: anatomy, physiology, neurology of the organs, - completely absent the regard and respect of friendship integral to Trust, that must be present with any two individuals - regardless of gender. Gender is an inanimate word of a living object. That act has every sacred honor to every base hate and betrayal of evil imparted within how homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes, utilizes it.
From the courts of law, legislative, or executive levels, much easier because persons who lip-serve our Lord, really don’t like having to use the Ten Commandments, the lessons of The Original Textbook of Learning The Bible – it is so mundane, you have to be Care-ful, or something like that; anyway it is a lot easier to be deist, atheist, or just plain “No Universal Truth” – than accountability in “Deeds not words” by each person’s own responsibility to their life, liberty, and pursuits...among other individual persons – each with their own Soul. Our Republic is the Only Location for God’‘s Law... and our Nation’s Laws, just like Joshua: 1-8 says wherever “feet tread” is Given To Each of US(A).
Bloomberg’s thoughtless disregard of persons resulting in suffering; Obama’s disregard of the safety or of the integrity of military person of duty-honor-service resulting in murder and [I dare you] dishonorable discharge threat of a Colonel; added to our State of California’s seceding from the Laws of Both Founding Documents in favor of the ‘2009-2012 Socialist-collective-secular law absent Oath of Office and “Religion and Morality” have brought Proposition 36 + 30/38/39 + 31 + 40 with 37 [Vote NO on all added-on tie all of the above together as a ‘collective of law for 2009-2012 socialist - society -secular - body/living and inanimate object laws absent “Person” and corporate persons’ Souls of our Republic].
There is virtually only One California Proposition 32 (Vote “YES”) of the Eleven Propositions which is not a ‘collective-society-socialist-greater number-secular based’ removal of our Republic: Proposition 32. It directly attacks and reduce/cease/desist, at least the inanimate object ‘money flow’ to union-PAC that ‘socialist-secular-union/vertical top-down ‘Omnipotent-commander of administration’ to Boss to member: who shall Not Stand, shall Shut-up and Sit-down, and be ruled by arrears or placement in the submit, subservience, and unless you want to lose your job, never express disagreement - coercion in obedience.
There are diverse, within State government reflections of the above: Proposition 40 (Vote NO) is part of a double-Whammy directly against “consent of the governed’s security of our Natural Rights in law contained in both Founding Documents by altering the 14th Amendment’s One Person = One Vote apportioned among the several States counting Whole number of Persons in each State, though no-one realizes, except the now ‘President’, completely absent his person of Paper-trail, who designed and worked the Achilles-heel of our Republic’s 1789 Supreme Law of the Land.
Proposition 40 addresses, the extremely-left, Partisan, drawing of our Precincts within Districts by the ‘Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC): The “NO” vote states that the Senate (all Assembly, Congressional, Board of Equalization) Districts Shall be re-drawn to remove the gerrymandering. The Senate District Maps are included in the back of the Voter’s Guide; but common knowledge of what a ‘gerrymander district’ looks like is completely absent – oft times even among the legislators or elected officials themselves. There is no “Argument Against” present which is actually another “story”. The ‘YES’ vote states the nonpartisan, CRC did a good job of redrawing the Districts and needs support for its work == No Change in Gerrymander Senate Districts. (Socialist’s like to think of you-collectives as ignorant fools. - It’s part of the arrogance and conceit).
Prop. 40 looks benign doesn’t it? And We the People have a terrible tendency to “focus” or place blinders on our eyes and ears so that we ‘zero-in” to whatever is the “deed-issue – that way we have more time for personality-“words”-decision making. Yes, that is an Ooops! The Founders could not be fooled by words-over-deeds! — They were dynamic, involved, always asking, demanding, and working - hard with all attention in relation to The Original Textbook of Learning which in Joshua I, the Eternal says we must diligently read night and day.[1] Their world of life, liberty, and pursuits was 150 years old — No Central Government and primarily each one’s “handshake” as an Oath of Office:
The double whammy, Proposition 40 + “top two voter getters..”,-number as majority is the measure of the “Political standard of right and wrong, “..regardless of Political Party Affiliation stated by the candidate..”[2] =Equal= the greater-Number-Majority of Districts of DEM(socialist-secular) - DEM(socialist-secular) compared to REP - REP Districts. That Means any Republican within those DEM-DEM Districts, Shall shut-up, and sit down in submission and obedience to the Omnipotent Majority and, as long an Unconstitutional Regime Law, forbids consent of the governed — against a DEM(socialist-secular). This is a fact-of-life in Bob Filner’s old, un-changed by Partisan CRC, 51st District, where the “Acorn” grew-up; and of the 73rd, though that is actually a problem of finding a REP, Assembly District 80, where Derrick Roach, American of our Pledge to our Republic under God, is running against DEM(socialist-secular-above) VOTE “DERRICK” and Mrs. Roach for the College District Board.
Prop. 40 is only One of Three Parts which together remove the decisions of We the People and “Consent of the Governed from our Republic. First you must understand the reason there are three tax Propositions, 2 of which relate to education because that is how property taxes can be increased, is that The Senate Republican Minority is Exactly the Correct Number TO PREVENT A 2/3rds, the inanimate number, as Majority to determine right or wrong regarding the “stewardship and accountability” of other people’s earnings: “..with the debt as out-of-control as it is: more than $186,000 per citizen combing Fed with State] it is immoral to use other people’s money as entitlements [grants]”; “words” which will become the “deeds” of our next President Romney.
But worse, in both Houses of our Legislature, the Tyranny of the Majority [there is no responsibility “to be right, the majority must be reasonable, otherwise is oppression”][3] has shut down the Republican Philosophy of governance to the point of solely preventing increase in taxes. No other form of legislation is allowed – so Both Houses of our Minority party – doesn’t place their “Signatures-for-law [4] -even though the un-reasoned-anti-law is allowed to go forward into Government-over-man-Socialist-secular-collective-inanimate and living object “enforced Regime” of “Majority as the political standard of right and wrong (Pres. Monroe)”
Because of : Article II: 5(a)(b) top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation stated by the candidates or by the voters; and CVRA’s, 433 cities/58 counties, “By Area Trustee Voting System”[5] with its anti-law Sister, the CRC’s “Community of Interest (COI)”, Proposition 40's gerrymander Districts, destroyers of ‘consent of the governed’ and “We the People” are all put together into each of the 58 County’s, +/-10 descriptions of Districts, One, software program[6], which actually produces our ‘ consent of the governed’s precincts within districts’, which sometimes cross county lines in order to meet the Number as the “Census” from that Department of closed-shop, union administered employees of hired citizens to perform that count, unless on application: “Federal Law states that you do not have to give the above information, but if you want to be a census-taker, you will provide all requested information.”[7] plus the nature of the information, that Department requires and even Threatened to Not Count any person Who Refused To Fill-in — that Department’s “required-less”, “provide all information”, census anti-law Department Law disguised as Regulation (you should look-up the word “Regulation” and Precedent in your or google it)..
CRC has a Marriage to the California Voting Rights Act. CVRA allows formation of Districts based on culture and language of Naturalized-Citizens, who choose to live in a common location withing a city to have their district drawn so “there is abetter chance of race/culture naturalized citizen to be elected to city, school, or water (think agriculture - not water) District”. Culture is country of origin—except the United States; Race is skin color-except white; and in both language does Not include English the Official Language of Governance and of Business of “We the People” and “Consent of the Governed”, as well as the State of California and the United States of America these Naturalized Citizens have by judge in law, Pledged their Allegiance and renounced citizenship in their country of origin[8]. We have an excellent example of CVRA candidate his name is Jose Fergoza who is running while having a residence of many years — not located in the District – wherein he resides (ESCONDIDO: School board candidate moves into studio apartment to run in race; September 25, 2012 6:00 am • By GARY WARTH; There is also an excellent example contained within Proposition P - The Charter ---- VOTE “YES” ON THE CHARTER to return the Tenth Amendment to our corporate persons – City in our Federalist Organizational, equilateral triangle — that other part of our Republic removed by “Socialist-Secular-collective-inanimate and living object-American Rule [9]of coercion out-of-court- law”: In order to ‘allow’ the Charter onto the Ballot, the City Council shall agree to the formation of Districts[10], i.e. By Area Trustee Voting System; or a several million-dollar lawsuit brought by a “Naturalized Citizen of colored skin and origin-country - not the Laws of both Founding documents” case will go to court — see below paragraph, and please note the Charter is an inanimate object as is skin-color/ living object, with culture/ inanimate object, NEITHER OF WHICH have anything to do with the CHARTER and everything to do with 1/4th of “consent of the governed” allowed to vote for a candidate, who shall represent 100% of the city’s governance, and who does not have to declare Political Party affiliation because of Article II (a)(b) and the infamous-wrong-“deed” of the “word” in Article II: SEC. 6: (a) All judicial, school, county, and city offices, including the Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall be nonpartisan. CVRA, CRC, Mr. Fergoza, Mr. Filner, Mr. Bloomberg, Mr. Obama and so many others, throughout our nation represent! Mr. Fergoza will have 1/5th of ‘consent of the governed” to represent 5/5 of the School Board’s governance. The School Board refused to allow the residents of the city a vote, up or down, regarding the CVRA’s ‘tiny nation-of origin- ACLU/socialist-secular society’ formation as 5 districts, preferring to allow anti-law precedence with “American rule” coercion to rule and with the County of SD’s Board of Edu. Recommendation.
The Secretary of State and Registrar of Voters give a English Sample Ballot for the non-English-speaking to carry in their hands as they vote – to cover-and according to socialist-society’s definition of translation for number-purposes of majority to decide right and wrong.
Coercion and American Rule of removal of “1620 At-Large voting system” in favor of the “socialist-society-secular” “By Area Trustee Voting System” for School Boards, Cities, and Water Districts predominates the unheard, unreported-except for very small, weekly newspapers which still practice “The ethics of Journalism”; and ..
..Remember, Most ‘consent of the governed’ has No Idea Where the words “By Area Trustee Voting System” came from, — let alone any information regarding what it means , and, except for only a very few cities absent their residents ability to have “adequate information to make a proper determination”, an opportunity to actually give, or not, consent for the By Area Trustee Voting System!!!! Our State Supreme Court and the U.S Supreme Court refused to hear “California Voting Rights Act”.
Besides the State of the ‘state’ of New York, The Soros California connections include: CVRA with non-profit Attorney group "Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights (LCCR)[5], a Soros non-profit," in 5 cities of the Delta; the location of EPA's Agenda 21/GW, and with Feinstein’s fishies” (VOTE E. EMKEN - SENATOR), turned-off the water to 10's of thousands of "We the People"; Bob Filner's Sports Arena Sustainable Energy/Smart Growth - GW/Agenda 21 100% tax-payer funded, where the Acorn grew-up, -- AB32- 8-step Laws for all “General Plans”/'bad, bad Carbon Dioxide”, and his 47 years of government-over-man, subservient-obedience to Obama; the Department of Consumer Affair’s “Consumer Protection Enforcement Initiative (CPEI)” - “the Center for Public Interest Law”[11] v. ‘gag clauses’ – Soros non-profit; and “Pro Publica Journal in the Public Interest”[12] – the editorial staff is from the Soros Open Society School of governance v. 350,000 Registered Nurses subservient to the Board of Registered Nurses. The CRC isn’t included only because the connection has to do with the Legislator’s greater number than 10 years of age, Berkeley software – designed for the purpose of gerrymandering or at least only utilized in that manner in the interest of skin-color whether an actual problem or not a problem at all (FVRA Section 5) exists. CRC absolutely refused to even consider the other Hardware/Software companies available to both update and even remove as unnecessary the color-culture-other language-other tiny nation, absent Both Founding Document’s Law. A public statement regarding Person without characteristics and as the deciding of the location of the districts line placement, was recognized by the few REP., but completely ignored by the vast majority of the other NON-partisan CRC member-of-parties.
The Board of Registered Nursing in 2009, 38 days after Obama took office, resumed enforcement, after 19 years of grandfather clause, those Registered Nurses who choose to work in the collective named: “Professional of vulnerable consumers (the Professional doesn't count as a consumer, unless they get sick per one board member)", by Board "Emergency Statement: it is imperative that the Board have a mechanism in place that allows it to receive in a reliable manner, current and timely information regarding CRIMINAL ACTIVITY FOR ALL ITS LICENSEES." The George Soros connection: "When Caregivers Harm America's Unwatched Nurses" by Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber; Pro's -nurses-series' 34 articles/ 24 of which are addressed directly to California's RN's, and 11 of those published between July 10 and August 8, 2009. Regulation 1419 began enforcement on August 1, 1990, except for RN’s licensed before Aug. 1. There were in 2009, about 175,000 nurses in this last of the Three, separate sub-collectives. This was a Cloward-Piven, driven attack on the existing Board by declaring it was ignoring investigation or too slow in investigating RN’s. It did overwhelm the Board; did result in 7 of 9 members being replaced and the resignation of the Director at that time. You cannot find any reference to the above articles at the Pro Publica website. The Two investigative reporters are gone and so are any references to the 32 Articles, many of which were also published in the L.A. Times. Purged sometime before 08/16/12 — except for a video of the Director who resigned. It remains on You Tube because It Was Never Used or Referred to in any of the 32 Articles.
You would have to be one of the 350,000, then 175,000 RN’s affected by this “suspicion-less finger testing for criminal record histories” with the “NO” box on the Renewal Form “Alinsky-Frozen” so RN’s with more than some of whom might have been practicing for 65 years of so, must submit and be subservient to this Law-absent due process, let alone charge disguised as Regulation shall be enforced for no other reason than “criminality of all Registered Nurses” via the living object, fingers for that is the sole manner of requesting, by Criminal Code Number and by Name of the prisoner for already committed crimes. Many of those 175,000 RN’s went inactive rather than go through “guilty until proven innocent by body parts” as much more important than “The Nightingale Pledge”, which contains every single element of 1419, if in Catholc Nursing Education – in Church; but more important and directly a repudiation of Religion and Morality of the Honor, Already performed practice, and integrity of ALL RN’s except wrong “0.008" The Director in the You Tube Video states.
The fingerprinting/criminal record history whether or not, the nurse in question, has a sealed court record, was not found guilty - simply the charge took place, was overwhelming and was returned to DCA who was at the same time, working on its CPEI; and now has its very own “DCA INVESTIGATIVE UNIT”. Bear in mind, all CA 44, one in Spanish only, State Departments the funding for pensions and aspects of the closed-shop union, appointed employees, must come from fines and fees - so the creation of Law disguised as Regulation is Preeminent in our Socialist-Secular-Collective-government-over-man- for obedience to the omnipotent majority law! And the Sunset clause; — well if you were going to keep the fines or fee money in your house; given that there is no Oath of Office and truth in knowledge and wisdom of One person’s Soul is “Alinsky-Frozen”, do you really think you would stop the “taxpayer as professional or business” dollars from flowing? The fees have increased each year since from 2009 through 2011.
Now add a paper ballot light-scanned which the Registrar of Voters Doesn’t Know if the ball pen makes a hole in your ballot, will the ballot be rejected? And All of this, including Marion, Ohio voter who couldn’t remove Obama’s name from her touch-screen, has occurred because of the One Precinct in One District of Florida person who could not remove the dangling chad — on the most secure ‘consent of the governed chrome punch with card-stock chad – that DOESN’T REMOVE EASILY!!!!! Because lights and screens are inanimate objects, subject to right and wrong of the invisible-unaccountable hardware and software person(s), crazy vote results and rampant fraud – mostly from the opposite side of the precinct table (not voter ID cards or Any ID cards for the ‘state’ of State exemplified by Victor Hugo’s of “Les Miserables”.
We haven’t even addressed the inanimate and living objects of 30, 37, 33 (think about day 91 and a person who is ill or is out of the country on a mission or other work – shall pay more?); or even UN/Agenda 21/AB32/EPA Global Warming/bad CO2 in city’s General Plans and in BOTH Proposition 31 “Community Strategic Action Plans” and Escondido’s Proposition N (Vote NO), or any other city in this State where “The collective is being asked to approve. Absent any information re re-zoning and property removed as eminent domain, sustainable energy and “SMART GROWTH” – all defined, determined, and dictated by the UN through the EPA (remember where carbon chips started in 2009)[13] - it hasn’t left see EO 13575; through the 8 - Step State of CA Law for General Plans and AB32. Governor Brown already controls the General Plans of 433 cities in 58 county’s old, current, proposed, and future Contracts for implementing the General Plans — yet another removal of the 10th Amendment the California Supreme Court disallows City taxpayer/corporate Persons in our Federalist organization of State and Federal governance serving the Person/Family/City; not the government-over-man downward and — not 1789-Rule of Law in Both Founding documents.
Resources and comments:
“The Boston Gazette and Country Journal, containing the fresheft Advices, Foreign and Domeftic”; Monday, March 12, 1770. Three years before our Namesake “The Boston Teaparty; and 6 years before The Declaration.... This little, packed 3column, 9 font print, 1930' or 40's reproduction, newspaper contains ethics, Voted that.., the 29th Bristish Regiment housed in Boston with soldiers who killed 4 young men less than 20; adds and life and liberty announcements. reproduction documents the Origin of WE THE PEOPLE and CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED.
The utter-ridiculous, conceited and opinionated “Political Party’s are very bad”; except for the One that determines the content of Laws and of NON-partisan is reinforced by Noah Webster: “Party: 1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs and tories.” AND “Politics The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance. Which connects to the Laws of Both Founding Documents – especially stated as equal station in which the Laws of Nature of of Nature’s God entitle them; with Article II and VI Oath of Office.
“The Spirit of 1776; The Twelve Basic American Principles”; #12 The Majority Limited for Liberty; Hamilton A. Long;
With ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Act’, lots of CA’s 5,528, mostly unnecessary laws over the last 6 years, many Bills do go forward into Law — WHEN THE IS COMPLETE ABSENCE OF ANY MINORITY PARTY-MEMBER, BOTH LEGISLATIVE HOUSES, a Complete disavowal of the Law of Article I: a Congress and the signatures required before a Bill go to the President or to our Governor, for signature:
The has been to accord – or agreement regarding the ‘deeds’ within any Bill form, unless harmony has occurred which requires, just like signing-music at least two voices/two signatures from both House and Senate or Assembly and Senate — or the “denial of reason, for the majority to act as the standard of political right and wrong, resulting in the Tyrnanny of the Majority and the consequences of extinguishing “God’s Law” and Morality we are experiencing. The “Vote” does not occur until after the debate – but Debate is decided by WHICH ANSWER BEST FALLS INTO THE LAWS CONTAINED IN BOTH FOUNDING DOCUMENTS – Not in Political Party alignment of “opinion without interference” or just plain obedience to dictatorship. Termed-out Assemblyman Martin Garrick . The Paper; 9/20/12; column says a lot more. That’s another Weekly, journalistic ethics and information, newspaper published in San Marcos, CA and distributed around our N. County.
“The Santa Clara Weekly”, yet another good, weekly journalistic ethics NewsPaper; “California Voting Rights Act: An $8 Million Bill for Taxpayers”; Carolyn Schuk; 09/11; issue no. 37.
The Demographer who drew Escondido’s 5 Districts explained the above at one of the Public hearings.
Copied from the application, at the application process class for census takers with a quiz I had 100% on, but the ‘leader’ or ‘supervisor’ regarded me with great suspicion, as I wrote this incredible sentence down on a spare piece of paper. Needless to say, I wasn’t hired.
Public Comment given at the “public hearing” to determine if residents of the city shall be bypassed by ‘waiver from the State Board of Education’ — the waiver did win and our Residents have no idea why there is such words as “By Area Trustee Voting System”. Escondido is not alone, just among those who decide folding to coercion is a much better “saving of money” than court, which in Socialist-secular-collective CA supreme Court-land - is probably a true statement. No city with its taxpayers have ever won!
American Rule is on pg. 4 or 5 of this article:
July/August 2012. John Steele Gordon Author, An Empire of Wealth: The Epic History of American Economic Power. JOHN STEELE GORDON was educated at ...
Verbal Report of our Escondido City Mayor at a meeting where city residents were present.
Department of Consumer Affairs; “Consumer protection Enforcement Initiative”; 1/21/10. And The Center for Public Interest Law, is among the University’s Law Schools and some Attorneys have Open Society Connections.
“When Cargivers Harm”; Charles Ornstein, Tracy Weber;; And video . You won’t find anything at Pro Publica regarding the link. The video as of this date, remains because it was never used. View it to see the 5W’s and H of “never let a fact get in the way of a preconceived conclusion”. From US District Court Case No. ‘11 cv 1760 MMA POR
Barbara Decker. Co-founder at; Mary Baker A Free Range Life | Mary Baker 05/16/2012