The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Forbidden Relgion and Morality of Person and Sargent Peralta's Medal of Honor
"Changing Process of Awarding Highest Medal"
UT San Diego Reporter, John Wilkens did move the 12/14/12 “Panetta Letter Details Peralta Medal Decisison” to the Front Page, Sunday. 12/23/12. He has added all the details with diagrams; and a UC Irvine Neurologist who says 'not possible' with a Chief Medical Officer saying 'Yes, it is'. There's a sort-of, side bar, explanations regarding the intensity and stress leading to the reason the 'witnesses accounts vary in the details of the incident 11/15/2004 -- 8 years later now -- for the second review; with the first time a panel has been called who supports "medical evidence clearly places "margin of doubt....".
The reason for the above comment-essay was the denial and debasement of the Eternal Nature of a Person's Soul, because the Founder's wrote the Laws of Both Founding Documents based on One Person's Soul; and Sargent Peralta with the 7 Witnesses versus the cold, stark, probably-not for sure-but doubtful, is 2009-2012's atheist in man's temporal-body-reasoning completely absent the Person of "..Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature, -Body-anatomy, neurology, physiology, and of Nature's God, Soul of each-one-Person. While rule by panel or group-think is regarded as more important, for more than one brain is always better than just one brain - with homo sapien’s attached for essential cognitive function.
The absence of Nature's God from our Laws, Education of Posterity, all aspects of Life in the Sovereignty of Person/Family, Town, County, State, Federal, ecclesiastics of church and now, the "exercise of the religion 'Atheism of state' as supreme-over-church, i.e. there is no separation of 'state religion of Atheism, the belief that there is no belief, trust, or faith - especially relating to unique, Person with Soul.
The Colonists, from the Mayflower Compact, to the 1770 Freemen and Individuals of Boston, to the Colonist's work leading to the writing of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, are Not To Be Believed in their Axiom of "Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion. ...2. Religion, as distinct from theology, is godliness or real piety in practice, consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men, in obedience to divine command, or from love to God and his law. James 1. 3. Religion, as distinct from virtue, or morality, consists in the performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of obedience to his will. Hence we often speak of religion and virtue, as different branches of one system, or the duties of the first and second tables of the law. Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion."
Person is the individual component of the Constitution. PERSON: ". An individual human being consisting of body and soul. We apply the word to living beings only, possessed of a rational nature; the body when dead is not called a person. It is applied alike to a man, woman or child. 4. A human being, indefinitely; one; a man. Let a person's attainments be never so great, he should remember he is frail and imperfect. SOUL "1. The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system. Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection. 9. Active power. And heaven would fly before the driving soul. 10. Spirit; courage; fire; grandeur of mind. That he wants caution he must needs confess, but not a soul to give our arms success. 2. The understanding; the intellectual principle. The eyes of our soul then only begin to see, when our bodily eye are closing. 3. Vital principle. Thou son, of this great world both eye and soul. 4. Spirit; essence; chief part; as charity, the soul of all the virtues. Emotion is the soul of eloquence. 5. Life; animation principle or part; as, an able commander is the soul of an army. 6. Internal power. There is some soul of goodness in things evil."
The Secretaries of Defense, the Panel, the neurologist, and the "..troubling pattern that has brought comparatively few of the top medals to service members fighting in Iraq and
Afghanistan ..". This statement is a reflection upon the “Soul” of Sargent Peralta and the seven eye witnesses involved, without ever saying or even allowing reference to The Soul’s Eternal nature. The statement, as the entire approach to examination and investigation of “greater love hath no man than laying down his life for his friend”, also defines deist’s reasoning absent revelation of God or Holy Ghost, and “hence implies infidelity or a disbelief in the divine origin of the scriptures.” (“George Washington’s Sacred Fire”; Peter Lillback - Jerry Newcombe; pg. 532); which along with the “Obama Socialist Regime’s Atheism with government-over-collective, mass people;” completely absent Religion and Morality and the intrinsic worth of unique-sovereign Person, with our Republic under God, sovereignty of State and of Nation.
Thus the two Secretaries and the Panel, with the neurologist, demonstrate the cold, indifference to the numbers 1, 4, 5, 6, 10 definition of Soul and applies deism to number 2, while ignoring the rest because that would be recognizing revelation and the divine origin of Scripture. The Colonists, having lived with: “We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. .. And we have conjured them by ties of our common kindred... They too have been def to the voice of justice and consanguinity. ..”, Never Doubted the Holy Trinity.
As history takes place, the lives, fortunes and sacred honor of famous, and famous solely to friends, Brotherhood of Soldiers, family, and life’s limitless varieties of Sargent Peralta’s, the witnesses’, and the other individuals in this incident; and all past, present, and future Medal of Honor; and even unknown to anyone, but just understanding Love of God and of The Unique in Mankind’s History, The United States of America based in God via Scripture stated in every word, of every Sentence in the Declaration and also, simply stated in Article II and Article VI – “Oath of Office” which does repeat, reinforce, and apply..the Words in Sentences of the Declaration. The Laws of Both are inseparable.
When Sargent Peralta’s denied Medal of Honor is combined with a 'Commander-in-Chief' who changes the Rules of Engagement; refuses to allow Crosses on the Tents, homes of soldiers; and has his minions in his Veteran's Burial threaten to remove any Crosses, Star of David; acknowledgments of God for the first time in the history of our Military since General Washington was a Lieutenant in the British Army, disrespect of Person occurs among the most important principles of sending, lawful citizen, into battle to kill another person in violation of “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is removed, and Prayer, which acknowledges accountability to self to God, is denied .
This debasement of out Republic under God in denial of "The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility." (Hamilton A. Long; "The Spirit is Supreme"; )
Since 1947, the 'evil-body-temporal man' has made great use of the "false witness"against our Nation: "There shall be an impenetrable wall between Church and State.". Separation of church and state caused separation of Declaration from Constitution; and that separation caused deism to reign over-faith, trust, religion and morality; and that connection is the cause of why Sargent Peralta’s Medal of Honor is a question – not a recognition of his valor by his brothers-in-arms- which are the Souls of each one involved— All including the secretaries, panels, MD’s, and intertwining people reading this, because We Are One-at-a-time Person in ‘free agency’ and accoutable to God, even atheists and deists.
By refusing, ignoring, and revising the Religious history of our Nation, denominational ecclesiastics, rules-ceremonies of church and governance of state, have been so completely corrupted and debased, that since 01/20/2009 the 'state' religion of Atheism rules; and "Church" is equated and synonymous with the "Religion and Morality”. Church = group by choice of denomination as governance; State = Obama’s Socialist Regime”. Religion and Morality belongs to One Person at a time before his God and in the Laws of our Republic under God.
Of course, the deception of Church denomination as the source of an Individual's "Religion and Morality", especially as the "..oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice;" has contributed to the removal of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, unalienable natural rights of Person with "We mutually Pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor, consent of the governed, We the People and the Oath of Office connections from consideration in the totality of this "president's Socialist Secular Regime".
It is very, very easy for the deist to ignore and deny the Honor among the Brotherhood of Soldiers; but they would have no ‘reason’ other than the Truth of their Souls, to tell of another’s heroism and giving of his life. They share Trust because of brotherhood and of the nature of a soldier’s life.
The Nature and Nature’s God of One Person’s Soul with the other Soul’s as ‘Witness’, should be all that is required to honor a Soldier’s Medal of Honor which Pres. Washington called “The Medal of Valor which means: “Strength of mind in regard to danger; that quality which enables a man to encounter danger with firmness; personal bravery; courage; intrepidity; prowess..
Defense Secretary Panetta and Five Member panel.. comment 12/14/12 at:;postID=1109294809866962863
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Defense Secretary Panetta and Five Member panel..
[submitted to 'community opinion' at UT: "Panetta Letter Details Peralta Medal Decision": UT Local; B; 12/14/12; John Wilkens]
..of “veterans” and “experts” as medical doctors to continue Secretary Gates’ refusal to award a “Medal of Honor” to Marine Sargent Rafael Peralta because “the 2004, servicemen eye witness accounts” of Sargent Peralta are over-ruled by the “8 years later, collective committee who swear that the Soul of Sargent Peralta is of no consequence in laying down his life for his friends; that body evidence is of supreme importance over those who were present with their lives and fortunes at risk in the intensity and compulsion which is inherent when ‘volunteer soldiers’ pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to each other.
While the words of Jesus may be unknown to the “Panel of Pannetta experts” of after the fact, what a Soul of Person can accomplish, while technically, physiologically dead – is part of the faith and strength in knowing that life, liberty, and pursuits of Happiness - even in sacrificing the last seconds of life, – can and do occur; because in the end, Each-Person’s Soul is what returns to God, though His Son Jesus for those whose “free exercise thereof” believe this earth-measure of God’s and Jesus’ promises. That relationship recognizes that the Soul exists after the Body dies and indeed, can perform exactly what the “eyewitnesses” Know in Fact Occurred.
Because the “committee” performs Body of Person’s anatomy, physiology, neurology ability to ‘fall on a grenade’ at either the Gates / Panetta Judgement gate: “Judge not, that you may not be judged yourselves; for as you judge so you will be judged, and the measure you deal out to others will be dealt out to yourselves.” as the Atheist-Deist-Secular rule within the “..temptations of the devil whithersoever he desired to carry them, and to do whatsoever iniquity he desired they should..”.
The awareness that perhaps no member of this “committee” including Panetta, necessarily started-out with the Socialist’s infamous, only those facts which support preconceived conclusion that Sargent Peralta ‘could not possibly have performed’ because he was ‘dead’, cannot but declare there is no God - especially in Constitutional Person and Person of “Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature (Body) and of Nature’s God (Soul)- entitle them..”.
Marine Sargent Rafael Peralta did perform the Eyewitness Account of laying down his Person as Soul, --- eternal life—, within the seconds of anatomy, physiology, and neurology-Body death; continues the essential “False Witness” of the Non-belief in the Holy Ghost of Truth in spirit which does not require Body, though body requires Soul.
This story does not belong in “UT Local”; for it is about our Republic under God. The only Nation in the History of Mankind, to make God’s Law the Supreme Law of the Land as Oath of Office in Article II and VI of the Constitution; and as every Word, in every Sentence of the Perfect, Declaration of Independence for All Mankind; — even the “Socialist committee member’s” free agency to act against the Heroism of Sargent Rafael Peralta. This is Front Page because Americans in our Lord God, are Front Page.
Catherine West;
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
To Each-One-American Electoral College Member:
Here’s the summary throughout the Associated Press, NYT, Huffington Post, USA TODAY (every area mentioned below is One Day 12/10/2012), it’s own bylines:
—Those States along the Mississippi(3A): You shall not be allowed the water from the reservoirs to raise “The River of Commerce” above the 9": Shipping shall not be allowed. Cost $9 Billion in revenue both States and the “Obama-Socialist-Atheist-adjudication of the Laws of Both Founding Documents...; though the Corp of Engineers may be arguing that it will cost $9 Billion in losses now; but if ‘The River’ floods again, the Losses could be considerably greater – It would be informative for those “We the People-Corp. Engineer-members” - to be more public in education to the rest of the “We the People-members of our Republic under God”.
Remember all the losses in assets, by this ‘president’s regime’, including the reduction in our debts States and Federal, because Oil is not allowed; refineries shall not refurbish; electricity shall not use coal; nuclear shall not be allowed; and offshore drilling there in Texas, Alaska and here in the Socialist nation of California. And most important, the Future for your children and their children’s children, the pursuit of happiness in the next Frontier - God’s Universe in our Galaxy and beyond...forget it!
That ‘forbidden’ helps the Obama regimes love of Islam and the various Islamic Tribal Leaders vying for power and control of Egypt, Syrian, Afghanistan, continued in Pakistan and Iran, with the Saudis picking their way around the periphery – and of course Israel is the Arch-enemy for directed revenge in Allah’s name.
All this would be important to the 59,000,000 Americans you are a member of and those who reside in your Sovereign State. And the concomitant jobs the above represent!
—Because of this ‘president’s’ omnipotent majority of force by his designated, uninformed, easily lead astray by omission, commission, negligence and positive transgression collective-people, of wrong value of ‘x’ in census, districts, precincts; and separation of “We the People” as “Consent of the governed”, negotiations regarding (it’s not a cliff) abjection of “stewardship” contained in “Unseen” Law within Oath of Office, there is not and shall not be allowed “qualified privileges permitted” and recognized by this ‘president’ in regards to the use of the government’s ownership of $,$$$,$$$+.Budge(6A) Force shall determine control and dictate with submission and subservience the ‘Atheist-Socialist-Secular’ provider of the ‘x =..... ‘.
Where ‘x’ also = immigration policies which denigrate Naturalized Citizens who obeyed the Law of the Land, but the socialist-government-defined-society shall be allowed “privileges and immunities” of citizenship(6A) absent the ‘citizen responsibilities to self-same Person and as a NON-naturalized- member American of We the People or Consent of the governed, or even, business unless within their own Cities with Districts (one has street signs in Vietnamese with English as the subtitle). ‘x’ also = those $249,999 + $1.00 members of the wealthy-government collective, who shall be taxed because of their ownership(8A) in much needed “legal plunder” as $$$$; and now added the changes in charitable deductions, which help those who require help, but totally absent the “atheist-Socialist-collective-force-ownership” of that inanimate object of Satan at one end of the continuum of money to the Tables of Law at the 1776-1789 end!
— Our Posterity, now receiving money from the debt of college loans (9A), shall have ADDED ON $142,472 debt/taxpayer which shall increase by $41,239.00 in the ‘possible’ Presidential election of 2016.
— Gay Marriage: front Page of U.S.A., back pages of UT-San Diego, relating to the (“Publicity Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), with articles in virtually every newspaper in every State in our Nation; complete with the infamous, inanimate object ‘number’ as survey of opinion absent the fact “reason” of One-Person Protected from our removed Republic under God”.
This in preparation for the Already Decided Judgement pending formalities, of the absent “Religion and Morality” of the Sovereignty of Person’s Soul in Law, Supreme Political-run Court of removed blindfold and balance on that strange-looking Lady embedded on that Court building. 85 - 95% probability that rights of two people shall be determined by socialist-society absent the rights of All Persons, the individual component of the polity of our Constitution..
But there are 4 Justices who still read the Laws contained in Both Founding Documents. They will 100% continue their work in Justice and Truth, with blindfolds and balance firmly entrenched in “Religion, as distinct from virtue, or morality, consists in the performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of obedience to his will. Hence we often speak of religion and virtue, as different branches of one system, or the duties of the first and second tables of the law.
Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion.”(1828 American Dictionary).
Do you think the 5, minus two who have already voted before even reading the case, will defer to the 4 Justices representing the Laws of Both Founding Documents and write judgement on “On every question of construction, carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates..”Jefferson (8A. Madison argues from these Documents-in first and Second Table of Law, Norquist-Obama-and tough to say-Boehner deny their existence as “Alinsky freeze”, a.k.a Politics of government-over-man)?
The First Table: Person is composed of Body, physical anatomy, physiology, neurology, and Soul, spiritual duties directly to God. Person is Protected by the Laws of Scripture, of “Separate and Equal Station(person, family, town, county, State, Federal) to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God - unalienable rights. Government of Laws means person is protected in the Laws of the Declaration and Constitution. The Constitution’s Protection derives Solely from Article II and VI the binding to Oath of Office which is God’s Laws; but recognizes some whose supreme power lies in deism or ‘ morality in atheism’ - (affirmation).
Given the intrinsic reason the inanimate object ‘number’ is false as a measure of right and wrong; i.e. the value of ‘x’ = the degree of nature and nature’s God of the Person(s) using that object named ‘number’ utilize in solving or presenting the ‘x’ in the life which is Nature and in the Soul of a Person, Nature’s God, spurious, absurd, anti-reason describe the 'Atheist-socialist-Obama Regime-collective decree/dictate of force and control. Today's writers cannot use the arguments of Madison, Hamilton, Jay, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, all others – always argued from this view, because any comparison to the politics of today's leaders is without value of ‘x’ because they do not recognize the first and second tables of law which are the basis of Law in our Republican Form of Representation government starting with One Person. "No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual.".
Not One Person, most especially this Person, would ever deny any other individual their ‘free agency’ rights to each-one’s choice of life, liberty and pursuits of happiness; and The Lord is quite clear on this aspect of Homo Sapiens with essential cognitive attributes. Joining Him is an Act of Conscious Choice, as is refusing to join Him with the continuum occurring among the Souls of each-one-Person..
Devotion, betrayal, the multitude of love’s expression per person is Not Gender specific. It does not matter whether an individual chooses to use their living object, sex organs, for togetherness, manipulation, to genuine, unquestioned and unlimited Trust and giving of oneself to another on the continuum of the free agency from Satan to The Lord God every, Person’s Soul lives upon.
Thus One Person stands in Law. Not two that comprise Marriage - The word means “The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life. Marriage is a contract both civil and religious, by which the parties engage to live together in mutual affection and fidelity, till death shall separate them. Marriage was instituted by God himself for the purpose of preventing the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes, for promoting domestic felicity, and for securing the maintenance and education of children.”.
In California, and other States, the name of the “civil law” is “Domestic Partner” and is written 100% synonymous with “civil law marriage”. The Religious part is not the purvey of man’s temporal law as ‘government by society definition, but a matter between the individuals comprising the First and Second Table of Law marriage. Like termination the life of a viable embryo, another Soul in Body Person from our Creator, it is not a matter of government; but of the First and Second Table of Law for the individuals who Shall Answer and Are Accountable to God; their free agency notwithstanding.
Bear in mind, since sex doesn't occur unless the ‘Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology of Body’ functions, sex deviation, regardless of gender, females and males do ‘it’ too, is not a matter of Soul or First and Second Table of Law, but a matter of personal comfort for as many reasons as there are individuals who engage in it. The ‘sin’ is in the misuse of body parts over Soul and the resultant consequences of the same; and in the misuse of the word ‘marriage’ which is derived from Scripture. Government and courts, a.k.a. Articles I, II, III do not have a role.
“Atheist Socialist Tyranny of Majority” repudiates the First and The Second Tables of Law. The courts because of ‘Precedent” over “..recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.” (President Jefferson).
It’s the infamous ‘vote’ with the greater ‘number’ ruling as Absolute power; authority unlimited and uncontrolled by men, constitution or laws, and depending alone on the will of this ‘president’ through his Departments of Czars writing Law disguised as Regulation, though I don’t believe the Departments bother with the disguise anymore — certainly not between 1/20/2013 and 1/20/2017.
The next removal of the Republican Party of Your State (already in place in HA, WA, and 7 other N. East mostly States) in 2014 because Tyranny, plus this ‘Atheist-Socialist-Collective-Obama-Regime shall allow “..only qualified privileges permitted by The Majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent Majority, with The Individual and The Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of The Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy. The idea of such unlimited rule, as if by "divine right of The Majority," is as abhorrent in the eyes of the traditional American philosophy..”(Hamilton A. Long)
ELECTORAL COLLEGE MEMBER, because the House and 1/3rd of the Senate Elections for 2014 are already decided by the ‘collective-mass-people formed into their wrong number, census, designed for Atheist-majority, designated-government, gerrymandered districts and precincts; the 2016 Election for Socialist-president may not really be required since there are No Laws regarding ‘those old men who didn’t believe in what they were writing and can’t handle ‘modern’ problems: Declaration and Constitution. That “x does not equal’ ALL the individuals comprising all the Districts of the 50 States Is Not Questioned and also, Shall Stand and Not be Corrected!!!
The 2014 is needed to remove the Republican Party from Government at all levels: City, County, State, And Federal government. California is an already completed and in place, removal of the Laws of Both Founding Documents with the overthrow of the governments in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and now with the advent of George Soros-Acorn supporter ( ) , 47 year practice of -government-over-man Filner, as mayor for the Union Administration of San Diego, completely absent “We the People’s voice.
Majority absent “reason in First and Second Table of Law”, despotism, the minority shall not be allowed to speak or be heard, let alone have part in Atheist-socialist’ secular-law. The entire State among the 50 States in what is left of our Republican form of Government, is now, officially Socialist-Atheist-Collective-Bureaucratic-and United Nations/City General Plan with “Community Strategic Plan” and City’s overthrow by “Community Activists” of Lucifer Obama-Alinsky controlled; And best of all — Only the Republicans, and not all of them, have any information. Majority of force, submission, and subservience.
BY YOUR REFUSAL TO CAST EVEN ONE VOTE FOR THIS COMPLETELY ABSENT FIRST AND SECOND TABLE OF LAW president IS AN IMPERATIVE; but also Only a Start, for it can begin to right wrongs already occurred nationally and internationally, and mend the wounds of our Sovereignty of Person, State, and our Nation - Republican Form of government for the Soul of One Person under “Religion and Morality”. Please Let US(A) begin....
Remember: “The General Rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it...No One is Bound to Obey an unconstitutional law, and No corts are Bound to Enforce it. [16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d Sec 256]!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Government Spending and Fiscal Responsibility
“More than lip service and more than reduced light bills [1]” in the homes of the ‘collective-mass, people and the houses of legislative government are required.
“The first fiscal responsibility of government is to preserve the value of the dollar. It can do this by prudent budgeting, by living within the means” of Persons, comprising the polity of the whole, who supply the money for government at all levels of the Federalist equilateral triangle of representative government; and by encouraging the Person’s enterprise in their Strategic Plan.
“The root evil is that the government is engaged in activities in which it has no legitimate business.”
“As long as any level, especially tiny-tip, Federal, of Government “acknowledges responsibility” in a socialist-collective, economic fields, “its spending in that field cannot be substantially reduced.”.
“The only way to curtail spending is to eliminate the programs on which excess spending is consumed”: PPAA, Commissions, Education, Environment of Executive Order/Departmental law by decree/absent court, disguised as Regulation, United Nations’ Agenda 21's 4 Sections in control of plants, animals - including the mammal homo sapiens in all aspects of life in Body physiology, anatomy with neurology, - living objects; and the inanimate objects of air, land, water, hardware/software of, by, and for any object in of human-kind use...
This Obama Socialist regime of forbidding tax cuts; because it cannot forbid its ‘socialist-society’ insatiable appetite for other people’s earnings which also are required by the Socialists, or else someone will be stronger with more opportunity than some other collective-group; and having a “One Person” is the antithesis of Atheist-Socialist-collective-think.
The Obama Regime’s president is giving lip-service to ‘cutting government programs’; while the ‘Leadership in the House of Fiscal Responsibility’ still functions under the “Religion and Morality” concept of OK, we’ll start collecting taxes on those who have the nerve to earn $249,999+1 which covers the socialist-business-concepts for both the Fed. and at least the Socialist - twin State of California. In other words, Speaker Boehner will do as he says, even if a severe violation of One Person’s Life and therefore liberty and pursuit, R&D, and employment of others of skills - the Laws of Both Founding Documents. Mr. Obama has no such intention – lip service is all he can under his governance produce since it would be a violation of “Freeze, Refreeze, Unfreeze” of his Lucifer mentor Alinsky.
One day, there was this discussion among the socialist-collective about cows. White cows give white milk, brown cows give brown-chocolate milk; and spotted cows give either white or brown milk directly in relation to the “number of spots” on their hides. This is a perfect example of Socialist-Atheist-Secular-preconceived conclusions because fact is not a requirement. Fact is actually to be discouraged, because it leads to competition which establishes the disagreements among the kinds of designed and designated collective-mass-people within their respective bailiwick of environment-life-style-$$$ and time of ownership; but never, never quality or purpose in knowledge, wisdom which produces truth for One Person in that old, 1620-1789-2006 Republican form of Representative government!
Examples, because we’re talking living and inanimate objects here, include: Representative Boehner stating the above OK to taxing the collective-class, 1789 unconstitutional, who earns $249,999 +$1.00 and employs people who both pay taxes and spend within the private economy to businesses who also pay taxes; while the “Socialist-Atheist Regime leader obama blithely says OK we’ll cut government spending – complete with his demonstrated absence of the ability to recognize the difference between a truth and his lies.
The above snip-it is from today’s UT, an AP article “Some Areas of overlap emerge in Fiscal Plans”–Jim Kuhnnenn & Andrew Taylor. Probably you don’t notice the “NewSpeak” but its there, “Areas of Overlap” “Emerge”....and it goes downhill from there as our Republican form of representative government’s One Person and All minorities have equal rights, with any majority which must be strictly limited in the power and operation of government, folds and capitulates to ‘a number’ and word “Majority” which has no intention of ever involving itself in First Table of Law and Second Table of Law: the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, ... and unalienable rights, let alone the 1620 to 1789-Oath of Office in Articles II and VI.
“Consent of the Governed” has the opportunity for the benefit of Sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation to prevent this Anti-Law from continuing: Before Friday, 12/14 – Instruct Each One Electoral College Member who is an American of Love of God and of Nation before Party – to Note cast their Ballot for this president – against the Laws of Both Founding Documents. The Sovereignty of State over the Federal Government and the People as the consent of the governed. We the People need one third or 18, minor-number, State’s Electoral College Members to refuse to cast a ballot for this man to remain in office.
Another, front page article “New Study Examines Brain Trauma”—Ken Belson, this one from NYT, demonstrates Socialist-group think in scientific method. The group in the study is comprised only of athletes, military veterans, and others of repeated head trauma which adds to the evidence that repeated brain injury consequences over time.
This study is only 4 years old; but there have been other studies not of athletes as the dominate reason, just repeated brain traumas back about the late 80's. Mr. Belson and the study does note that this study cannot prove definitively that head injuries sustained on the field caused CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), especially on 83 expired athletes; and that athletes who may have suffered brain injury in football or military but do not have CTE, the “percentage”, probably Will Not Have brain tissue for comparison because “less likely to donate their brains to science. This in itself is not a scientific method – already you cannot produce the cause of CTE to the result of effect.
In addition, “It’s a gambler’s game to try to predict what percentage of the population has this.”.
The study is suppose to “dispel doubts about the likelihood that many years of head trauma can lead to CTE.
But the General public, especially the parents of H.S contact sports ‘assume’ the conclusion – even with “All concussions are not created equal”.
The point, risk/benefit with opportunity / threat reduced or redefined, not based on evidence, but on the idea that CTE could occur. The Benefit is the learning in competitive sports, in music and band, and in life — the interactions of adversity with opportunity equal mental self-reliance of one individual as a member of a team of individuals- each one doing their ‘job’, and growth, as well as aspects of physical health and understanding how a brain can be repaired in and of itself – which is absent from consideration by researchers and parents who read this article. Also missing in regards to the increase of Alzheimer’s Disease is the correlation of increase of statin drugs and the adverse effect on the neurons of brain function (Google “Statins and Brain Function” AND
“David Goodman, PhD)
The socialist - just the facts which support or refute; but never all of the facts and corollaries which can affect the outcome to be avoided, and /or the removal of the sport worse than the possibility of the CTE.
Both take on the cow’s skin color attribute as the evidence of the useful fact which supports a preconceived conclusion desired to achieve “opinion without interference”, the new “The end justifies the means”; and “Black/White” of Orwell’s 1984 this Obama Regime loves to duplicate.
Because of sovereignty of State and the “Obama Regime” against our Nation, if Mitt Romney does become President, then the following, in some measure, will occur: spending cuts before increasing taxation in any form. Perpetuating tax increases with continued record unemployment, increasing part-time pressures on employment through the fines and costs of the $249,999 + $1.00 employer due to the effect of PPAA, and reducing the ability for R&D to occur; and the taxing and fees at all levels of government without regard to the consequences, is chicanery.
Mitt will reduce spending and taxes which will not only return to the individual the means with which he can assert his freedom and dignity, but also guarantee to the nation, state, county, and city, the economic strength that will always be the ultimate defense against foreign foes.
As the able Administrator he is, he “will develop clearly stated and clearly understood priorities for national programs. We cannot do everything at once and there are many things the Federal Government shouldn’t be doing at all.” The Tenth Amendment with the enumerated powers for both State as Federal levels of “Consent” and “We” must be respected. – as must the skills and attributes, “Religion and Morality” – the most sacred property is conscience.
Resources and Comments
1. “Government Spending and Fiscal Responsibility”; “I seek an America..”Barry Goldwater, 1957 is quoted throughout this essay
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