The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
We have a challenger to Rince Preibus, the "Republican Establishment's" spokesperson.
Mark Willis is the challenger to be RNC Chairman to be supported for the ethics of our Republic under God.
Given the "Obama Socialist Regime of despotic Majority - absent the Laws of Both Founding Documents and supporting the UN Agenda 21 CO2/AB32/488 cities General Plans determined by Agenda 21's 8 CA State mandatory Step Plans-Fraud which is perpetrated throughout the cities within the 50 States, absent Congress and even knowledge of We the People or Consent of the governed; i.e. the overthrown of the Republic under God;
It is past time for the Religion and Morality of Representational government under Constitution with Oath of Office: "..Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, IF THE SENSE OF RELIGIOUS OBLIGATION DESERT THE OATHS WHICH ARE THE INSTRUMENTS OF INVESTIGATION IN COURTS OF JUSTICE?"
The Establishment Republican Party is following the lead of the Obama-Alinsky groups by skin color, college attendance, culture minus the English Language of the government of, by and for the People -- naturalized citizens are denied education --- Sovereignty of Person Protected from government-over-man, as noted in just one of several areas of life, air, land, water, minerals, petroleum, nuclear and the future for our Posterity -- the next Frontier - God's Universe.
But first we have to fix this Planet and our Republic under God; for it is under attack at its very Soul...One Person and all minorities protected from a despotic Majority who has no intention of obedience to the Laws of Both Founding Documents; nor do the nominees to this man 'president''s Cabinet; for he is only a man -- not greater nor lesser than any Person; in our Republic.
Yes, it does relate the what happened in the 'railroad car - named "Opinion without interference" of "Preconceived Conclusion" -- RNC Rule 6 violated. But more than that... Each-one of US(A) knows that when truth is removed from "political prosperity" -- separate and equal station disappears, as do the Laws of Nature's God; And
While We the People, are very unaccustomed to defending "Religion and Morality"; it is the reason for Robert's Rules in any organization of Politics: "The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.";
Which is totally abandoned at County, among the several States, and RNC level of Party: "A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs and tories.[whigs and Tories haven't left]"; --- also totally abandon with the 'Motion', ' second', repeated motion, vote -----NEVER DISCUSSION; and even if Discussion --- never, never from the hoy-poloy-everyday "freeman and individual like March 12, 1770 Boston Gazette and Country Journal. Since there is no honorable Journalism of duty to the 5W's and H, most reporters don't even know exist; there is no avenue for 'reflect/reason in debate to arrive at statute or rule which maintains "..the concept of Man's spiritual nature, and the resulting concept of the supreme dignity and value of each Individual, provide the fundamental basis for each Individual's self-respect and the consequent mutual respect among Individual's. This self-respect as well as this mutual respect are the outgrowth of, and evidenced by, The Individual's maintenance of his God-given, unalienable rights. They are maintained by requiring that government and other Individuals respect them, as well as by his dedication to his own unceasing growth toward realization of his highest potential--spiritually, morally, intellectually, in every aspect of life. This is in order that he may merit maximum respect by self and by others";. -- even counting FB -- for computer is Not Person to Person at the same time it is solely 'yes/no', binomial and Boolean!
So We the People have their 'consent of the governed removed by the districts redrawn by a False Census of "we won't count you in our census unless you obey our decree of 'the Long Form"; "Every, anatomy, physiology, neurology body part attached to collective mass people, that want to vote, gets to vote---unless they are Troopers fighting on behalf of people ruled by government-over-man, forbidden access to any vote; or the Secretary of State determining by number - which issues are allowed/or not; and 'establishment of our Party, while we have no intention of removing God from our Platform, perform a like service against Him by declaring Teaparty and Conservatives -- "Factions" and thereby removing any "Reflect/Reason, Relate, Record Act" classical methods to arrive at Knowledge in Wisdom and Truth" which is the purpose of all mankind who pay attention to Scripture, the basis of our Article IV guarantee of a Republican form of Representative Government -- by Oath of Office in Article II and VI, and "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them--unalienable rights..."
Law of Nature -- is the use of voice count at the RNC convention re "Rules Change for Delegates", when obvious that delegate by delegate count be perform -- if only because we are up against a Person, this 'president' who states "We don't have a Spending problem. I don't want to hear anymore about it. followed 8 days after his Inauguration Speech declaring the "Socialist States of America" -- with: "If you don't do as I say to do (taxes), then I shall write the law and you will pass it...(those less alert among you that would be a violation of Article I)"; with the unspoken, but very much present: "Despotism of the Majority" who have no "Religion and Morality" at all, because there is No Declaration or Constitution to obey (Please see Michael Seidman's 12/30/12 "Let's Give up on the Constitution, for the latest in what the students at Georgetown University are being indoctrinated into -- revisionist law of opinion without interference enhanced by preconceived conclusions of Seidman's personal take on evil vs. good: ) and therefore confirmation that "there is no Universal truth", or "dogma" to tie down the overthrow, for the "Obama Socialist Regime" and revisionist-government-over-man, supreme; versus
"..The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority--of all minorities. Under this philosophy, rule by majority vote is always subject to the "sacred principle" defined in President Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, quoted below.
"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.[actually "oppression" left the summer of 2009. We the People are well into despotism]"
The Obama Socialist Regime ".. does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights as conceived by the American philosophy. A Democracy, collective mass, in America, as a form of government, would therefore provide no protection for these rights. Under a Democracy, Man is considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by The Majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent Majority, with The Individual and The Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of The Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy." ( ; H.A. Long)
Our Party's majority in the House; the teapartiers, the conservatives, and most Americans do not realize the above statements in "Majority Limited for Liberty" are the Republican Form of Representative government: The 11/6 election, the tax ceiling, absent the word 'ceiling' which is Obama archaic, the responsibility of Each-One-Elected We the People, BEFORE party affiliation, and each member of the People's part of the Federalist-systems to protect the individual-through party process which start at the polling place; go to the District/location of delegates as Republican Central Committee; and then become divergent away from the people, disintegrating into what occurred with the Rules Committee at the 2012 RNC Convention of leaders who didn't think "We the People" would notice, and even if they did, leader's will is supreme --[Nature's God in that mankind often becomes conceited, arrogant, wearing blinders and earmuffs, to that the common ground, shared with the "Socialists disguised as Democrats at their DNC Convention; ....And
It continues! The establishment's first priority: donations, second increase exposure in the media; third use committees to continue to delineate the socialist groups named: skin color, college age, sex/gender, special interest; debasing other 'personality (ies)' because they do not 'fit' into 'the establishment of obedience to the will of leadership, especially Interns, who shall parrot-talk, their bosses; and others linking, smaller party related meetings which shall be obedient to the County Leader over the Central Committee of agree or stay silent.
Not even a Glance at the lawlessness against the two most unique in mankind's history Documents containing the equally unique statement that One Person's Soul is goodness and right in the eyes of God and in the Laws from Both Documents. NO OTHER NATION HAS MADE THIS THEIR LAW: Trust Person(s) to Person(s) in Truth! Americans as freemen and individuals do trust, even today; but it is fading because the generations forbidden "Religion and Morality" as 'Religious Education' starter back in about 1954, so they're about 58 years old and younger now.
Republicans use to take pride in the "indispensible supports of political happiness "religion and morality"; But now
We among our Party must choose: establishment Centrist Rince Preibus versus conservative Mark Willis.
A reason/reflecting, relating person might say "Isn't it about time, leaders throughout of 50 State's party, we pay attention to "Spirit is Supreme"; "Government-over-man is absent knowledge, wisdom and truth and the same is forbidden our Posterity in State and Federal indoctrination disguised as education and in ALL, with few exceptions, our Article III Judiciary; and our Article I Legislative is bowing in fear and subjugation to a majority of despotism (use to look this word really need to...along with religion -- it is Not the same as Church); and so everyone gets sad at losing, when We the People ought to be exercising "When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such Government....".
This is also true at our State Level: Tom Del Becarro is a Conservative, long before the Teaparty existed, and knows what love of God and Nation First..means. He understands dealing with party of 'Opinion without interference' with 'preconceived conclusions', absent the fact of our Republic under God is what is being overthrown; and it has absolutely nothing to do with Mitt, except he knows exactly what is, and what is not, going on. He stated it, beautifully and succinctly, as the first statement of his acceptance speech: silence, waited for that huge audience to become quiet........."Freedom of Religion" silence....then followed with equally important statements of understanding.
Tom has received in-house, party opinion-without interference, degradation because of spending money on the Initiative to attempt to remove the egregious gerrymandering of our State Senate for the June 5th, top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation stated by the candidate or voter (CA Constitution Article II:5(a)(b), election. The Initiative was approved for June 5th vote by the largest number of signatures in the history of the State; but Tom did use the Party's money for the purpose of the principles to protect the vote of the US Constitution Article IV:2 citizens of the State. [Actually, I'm not sure if that's the origin; but know enough about the people involved to make an educated guess; but I might be wrong. Not about what Tom did; wrong about the reason there wasn't enough money at the State level.]
The opponent, Mike Brulte, is like Rince Preibus: first priority Money -- that comes under an inanimate object / Nature's Laws; for its only value derives from how man uses it; and right now, with or without Tom's spending, there isn't any money in CA for politics as donation to party, which is never verbalized within the hearing of anyone; --- except for the union administration's PAC dues with its guarantee of income because of usurpation from Taxpayers completely absent separate and equal station with both the Laws of Nature and Nature's God -- a union's administrator complete disregard for its members, unless they absolutely obey their bosses in the top-down, vertical form of governance of "do as I say and shut-up, or else".
There's a lot more about the Republican Party, but because it won't help the attacks against our Republic under God, the understanding the because our Laws are for One Person protected from government-over-man; the majority must give-up to the minor party which is the closest to the Laws of Both Founding Documents; or the Party's Duty and Responsibility is to itself and to We the People, regardless of political party, to Learn and Teach The Declaration of Independence and the U.S Constitution with attention to how Bills, Issues, "Deeds, not words." impact "and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity do Ordain and Establish this Constitution For the United States of America.".
The Party kids itself into believing it will win in 2014 by ignoring "top-two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation resulting in Districts of same Party members in the top-two spots with more Districts DEM(Socialist)-DEM(Socialist); than our minor number party; and the Greater number majority -- guaranteed ignorant of the Socialist versus Republican form of government, who vote as told, rather than most Republicans, Libertarian, and Independents who often choose their own positions and candidates. Allowing the "despotic Majority" to continue to determine the political standard of right and wrong; allows the myth that they will be beaten in 2014. Though it might work! In history the odds are often greater against righteous side compared to the evil side.
Party Leaders, it is very, very past time to follow the Conservatives of Mark Willis and Tom Del Becarro; for our God and our Nation Shall be First in our Hearts; or we will lose everything including our babiy's, you now carry, children and their children are made subservient and "cooperative" and obedient to the collective group-think of the mass controlled with the force of government-over-man. It is not the person of Obama, it is his legacy and those who have been so mislead, deceived and lied to, the youth of our Nation's future.
PS Seidman's link is below but he is here solely because he is so good at being completely ignorant of the Founding Documents combined with preconceived conclusions absent all facts,except those which support his "opinion without interference" which follows the rules of the Open Society-Saul Lucifer Alinsky-Obama- UN Atheist-secular Body anatomy, physiology, neurology of collective people obedient to government-over-man.
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