The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Understanding Sovereignty of Our Republic under God Or...

Went to a political meeting, and other public gatherings, where the decision to stand and sing "America the Beautiful" as if it was the National Anthem, is the 'rule of the rhelm'.

This is an excellent example of the repudiation of "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them ["One People" - sovereign nation] .  It would be great and reassuring if you, American of God and Nation First, would recognize the violations, though from spending a significant portion of what remains of my life, liberty, and pursuits of Happiness, I will continue to "LEARN" from speaking with you at the many meetings I attend, and TEACHING YOU at every and all opportunity THE FIRST PRINCIPLE AND REASON (both definitions) 'consent of the governed' and 'We the People' were CREATED as Article IV:4 Republican Form of Government:  One Person, composed of the living object Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology -BODY, And UNIQUE, SOVEREIGN SOUL which is IMMORTAL from Husband and Wife becoming Mommy and Daddy, Embryo to returning to God, after Death.

No matter what happens to your Body, your earthly existence, your Soul is Created in God's Image and God does not have anatomy, physiology, neurology -- He created those living objects in ALL Plants and Animals; as well as 'The Periodic Chart of the Elements among the inanimate objects which by necessity includes the new 'god of communication and learning, absent truth; for invisible man writes the Boolean Logic of its communication; and 100% Controls all aspects of the knowledge --- including what is archived.  We Forget the importance of ownership of the hardbound Book. It is what it is and cannot be changed, except by removal - translation "to make it easier" for the "Opinion without Interference" to direct what is allowed to the collective, mass people.

Soul is the reason "Law is Not written for the Honest Man."  

The job of the "community organizer" is deception and collusion for the purpose of infringing on the rights of the collective, mass people, as enemy's within the 'right wing extremists'; 'college student's guided-thinking, for conformity, submission, and subjugation they are already indoctrinated to through the State and Federal 100% control of "core curriculum" - an essence of "opinion without interference regardless of frontier" based upon licentious-revision of government and history, science, religion as ecclesiastics of church- moving to 'guilt feelings' if person does not follow 'creed', art, television's series and movies, music:  Kill "The Star Spangle Banner" and the 4th of July:  to repudiate: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality [Person's internal government - Soul - Conscience] are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens..." --- Washington

"Community Organizers" have greater and superior 'souls' and therefore, if they decide that "America the Beautiful" shall be their national anthem, absent 'consent of the governed' and 'We the People', then so be it....and Americans of God and Nation First, your silence is agreement and gives permission as power; but Not as Authority...Authority is the Laws of Both Founding Documents for the Protection of Each-unique Person who is One within the Polity of the Whole...that is the reason behind "separate and equal":  I am not better than you. You are not better than me. I am Different than you, as you are different than me.. Each one of us Shall be Judged by God, through His Son Jesus Christ upon the death of our Body.  It is our unique Soul in conscience, judged in equality of the vast, infinite continuum of Person evil to as close to Jesus and His Father, as Any Person, who desires to be a Disciple.

This is an excellent example of the excision of the Laws of Both Founding Documents by  the Socialist-Communist UN Charter / UDHR Article 19 and WSIS No. 4 of their "Declaration of Principles / the Obama-modern Marxist-Alinsky-Cloward-Pivin/OWS growing up and merging into full-fledged : "community organizer ..working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations.[shackles of dogma meaning Our Republic under God]...."The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means....".... "And so the guided questioning goes on without anyone losing face or being left out of the decision-making. Every weakness of every proposed tactic is probed by questions.... Is this manipulation? Certainly...."....."One of the factors that changes what you can and can't communicate is relationships. There are sensitive areas that one does not touch until there is a strong personal relationship based on common involvements. Otherwise the other party turns off and literally does not hear....
     "Conversely, if you have a good relationship, he is very receptive.... For example, I have always believed that birth control and abortion are personal rights to be exercised by the individual. ..".

"Relationships" are guided by the management of the 'designated-group-sessions' in which speaking-out is either openly forbidden; or restricted by 'innuendo' of "I dare you!" to speak against .. or oppose... whatever is at hand:  "The Star Spangled Banner shall Not be Sung, nor recognized as our National Anthem" -  Yes, I am aware it is sung before baseball games; but ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION by One-designated person as 'entertainment' related; and of course football doesn't even bother with any recognition of the Republic under God where their $$$for sport originated -- and the players are chattel.

"Community Organizers" abound especially in all political meetings, especially in the Republican Party; for that party MUST BE DESTROYED - directed at the members designated in the DHS 2009 "RightWing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment", a virtual litany of licentious-revision of Language": Teapartiers, Evangelicals, Constitutional [Laws of Both Founding Documents] Conservatives, I Caucas, Libertarians; though..

..While conspicuous by their absence, in the Taxpayer-supported, Rightwing Extremist Report, You can easily recognize the "Progressive Republicans" by the "wow is me", -vociferous, naysayer of profound devotion to Lucifer/Satan's greatest tool: ignorance; who often refuse to use the Constitution word, except for the 'licentious-revision-language meanings / lip service; their devotion and supplication to their "great god majority" - an inanimate, indifferent thing/object, through Article 19 of the UN Charter / UDHR / World Summit of Information Societies #4: Affirming the Right to "opinion without interference regardless of frontier" completely absent "opinion: The judgment which the mind forms of any proposition, statement, theory or event, the truth or falsehood of which is supported by a degree of evidence that renders it probably, but does not produce absolute knowledge or certainty. It has been a received opinion that all matter is comprised in four elements. This opinion is proved by many discoveries to be false. From circumstances we form opinions respecting future events.
Opinion is when the assent of the understanding is so far gained by evidence of probability, that it rather inclines to one persuasion than to another, yet not without a mixture of uncertainty or doubting"; for there is no Truth to form an opinion because there is no God, i.e "..knowledge, wisdom, justice for  "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.." and there is no individual Person or corporate persons composed of individual persons; and

"- The polity, or society, is created by the Social Contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others." at

So, the next time you attend any Political Meeting, notice who does the 'wow is me', Opinion without interference -- ostracizing or 'Alinsky freeze' or forbidding an exchange of Party: "A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. " and Leaders of political teaparties, republican young or old, but preferably NOT by group category for Person has NO PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS, and "remain standing for America the Beautiful"....DON'T and sya Why Not:  "I'll stand for Our National Anthem: "The Star Spangle Banner".  It is Not "America the Beautiful".