I will establish solidly proven academic standards that are scientifically based and developmentally age appropriate for our children. I oppose Common Core State Standards© because there is no valid proof they meet or exceed prior California standards. They have not been scientifically vetted as viable academic standards. [Please see “Story Killers: How Common Core Destroys Minds and Souls”, Terrence O. Moore; Hillsdale College at https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=xCoOv_DwaAk, and “Proof Common Core Is Killing Common Sense” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x2ZyXWHeMw]
Building Fiscal Responsibility
I will establish oversight and transparency of every tax dollar being received and spend, and assure it is being used for education, not bureaucracy. I will ensure the infrastructure of our schools is sound. Needed repairs and proper support staffing including a librarian in every school are a priority. Only credentialed teachers will be allowed to teach in our classrooms.
Cultivating Success after Graduation
I will ensure that every school district and charter school develops and maintains well-rounded Academic and Vocational programs that will prepare our youth for college or the job market the day after graduation, because 35% of the job market requires a college degree, while 65% of the job market requires vocational trade skills.
Lydia Gutierrez
Putting Children and our Republic under God's Posterity FIRST!
Lydia, I'm going to plaster and email by cut and paste your words...... Thank you for your hard work and persistent patience; for your understanding of the 5W'w and H to take action; for your Innovations; and for your Honest Dependability. ...
For our entire State, and Nation's Posterity, each-one-Kindergarten through grad. school Person is forbidden their Constitutional Person's "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", in order to exercise each-one-person's "Certain, Unalienable Natural Rights to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" God's Gifts to mankind on His Planet and We the People's/ Consent of the governed to protect and secure those rights - VOTE" in our archetypal Nation; because Not many Americans of God and Nation First, have any knowledge or wisdom of the Truth in Trust with which our Republic under God is Founded. From Founding Father Noah Webster's "AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language 1828":
"Person: 1. An individual human being Consisting of Body And Soul. We apply the word to Living Beings only, possessed of a rational nature; the body when dead is Not called a person. It is applied alike to a [meaning One] man, woman or CHILD. A person is a thinking intelligent being. 2. A man, woman or Child, considered as opposed to things, or distinct from them.
A zeal for persons is far more easy to be perverted, than a zeal for things." There are no physical or environmental characteristics to Constitutional Person.
A Person has a Unique, Immortal-Soul which does Not Die, unless .....
One Person Protected in One Law - God's, from government-over-man-Common Core Curriculum's lie, deceit, distort, coerce and collude, though it is noted that all American's tend to think that ViolationS of God's 8th You shall not Steal, where steal also means "To Withdraw or convey without notice or clandestinely; and To gain or win by address or gradual and imperceptible means;" and 9th Commandment "You shall not give false evidence against your fellow countryman," have no consequences....yet another very evident-falsehood, inherent to this current Governor in tandem to this current President's Anti-Laws of our Republic under God Regimes" and the Most, Important Moving Force for your election to: STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
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