is Teaching for those who are able to hear: "Abide by what I say and YOU, 1st Folio -only- 1611 Trinity of ETERNAL SOUL, "INTRODUCTION TRANSLATORS >>Directly>> TO THE READER- YOU- this hour, this day- - Reader, SPIRIT TRUTH really will be disciples of mine. YOU will, 2nd HEBREW INTERVAL (a.k.a. 1 of tens of thousands - recording secretary-- Scribes, at their local/ temple 'PLACE of WORSHIP, Apocrypha, but only INTERVAL becomes available and not until early 1500's) Ecclesiasticus XVII 7 Operations tools and instruments for learning- given by God with John 1, 17/ WORD, CHRIST, "..before the foundations of the earth.. #6 UNDERSTAND/ LIGHT- the TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL, indeed, SET YOU FREE. .. ANY ONE WHO SINS IS A SLAVE..," John 8 in 10,
Truly, truly, I tell YOU, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate but climbs up somewhere else, he is a thief and a robber, he who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to His voice; he calls his sheep by 'N'ame/ WORD and leads them out. When he has brought all the his sheep outside, he goes in front of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice; they will not follow a stranger, they will run from him, because they kinoo not the voice of strangers." Jesus told them this allegory, but they did not #6 UNDERSTAND what he was saying to them; so he said to them again, "Truly, truly I tell YOU, I am the Shepard of the sheep, all who come before me have been thieves and robbers---but the sheep would not listen to them.
9. (I am the 'G'ate; whoever enters by me [/Truth] will be saved, he will go in and out and find pasture) The thief only comes to steal, to slay, and to destroy: I have come that they may have life and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd; a good shepherd lays down his own life for the sheep.12. The hired man, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, deserts them when he sees the wolf coming; he runs away, leaving the wolf to to tear and scatter them [Matt.12], jest because he is a hired man, who has no interest. I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep and my sheep know me (just as the Father knows me and I know the Father), and I lay down my life for the sheep. I HAVE OTHER SHEEP, TOO, WHICH DO NOT BELONG TO THIS FOLD; I MUST BRING THEM ALSO, AND THEY WILL LISTEN TO MY VOICE; SO IT WILL BE ONE FLOCK, ONE SHEPARD. 17. This is why my Father loves me, because I lay down my life to take it up again. NO ONE TAKES IT FROM ME, I LAY IT DOWN OF MY OWN ACCORD; I HAVE THE POWER TO LAY IT DOWN AND TAKE IT UP AGAIN; I HAVE MY FATHER'S ORDERS FOR THIS. I and MY FATHER ARE ONE---.".. at,
We're going to look, as members of our Lord's sheepfold who have exercised our Right And Have abolish any 'F'orm of Government destructive of these ends---BEING WHOLLY SILENCED by THE REPEATING robbers and thieves --eradicate-- ART IV in VI in i;2c3 taxes. then, unGLOBAL art iii triune/ udhr --orchestration and remanufacture of 1stFolio 1611 - 2nd HEBREW INTERVAL- DECLARATION IN CONSTITUTION "TRUTH, 1st Great Command, THE WHOLE TRUTH, SECOND GREAT COMMAND, AND NO-'THING,'/ object/ atoms of inanimate or living 'things'/ biblical for Atoms - indifferent are wholly incapable of ORAL COMMON 10 IN2/ - OATH- SYNONYM/ AFFIRM/ TRUE and of ARTICLE IV-- CITIZEN-- "of each STATE.."- IS ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, COMMAND V, JOHN 1, JAMES 1, from Gen 3:20 first wife/ mother, mutually suited to each other, A Man who "N'ames/ WORD/ CHRIST with His Father, "before the foundations of the earth"-John 14 in 17--- "Guarantee of Republican Form of Government" -- protection of each of them from invasion = also defined - "INFRINGEMENT OF JUST, RIGHT, TRUTH -- BREACH OF OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACT --
HOW 1647, 1777 ix, xiii sequestrate - Matt 12- BLASPHEMY never forgiven - exponentially feeds its own father evil-lie- atr iii redistricting, gerrymandering - to papist successors unGLOBAL 't'riune / udhr orchestration and remanufacture continuing from 1st Folio 1611 TRINITY - Hebrew Interval - binds Israel, DECLARATION IS CONSTITUTION -, 1647, 1777 'a'rticles of appropriation/ sequestration, autocratic oligarch's ix, xiii- 1925 monkey/ apes - 1947/49 - BIGGER number 5 vs 4 (Truth) "''g'reat 'hig' impregenable wall of separation" - 1302 Boniface viii BULL, sucessors= encylical/ 'c'onstitution of universe/ world/ unGLOBAL WARMING, papist successors- art iii435 census of 03/01/20 - enslaved-minds- WIKIPEDIA/ BRITANNICA EDUCATION ALL GRADE LEVELS OF CHILD, PRETEEN, YOUTH FROM 1954 in ore out of College, continuously 12/20/22 TO THIS HOUR/ DAY --MASSIVE 12/2/20 SSAULT AND SIEGE : -- "THE DENSITY OF POPULATION OF THE CHIEF- 1/50TH WHITE STAR-ARTICLE VII DAYS- GENESIS 1:26- OUR OWN LIKENESS TO RESEMBLE US with MASTERY (never! 2 kingdoms human precept label "dominion") is - 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO-solely 1st Folio 1611 Trinity of the SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH-Oral Common 10IN2- 1611-HEBREW INTERVAL - BETWEEN APOSTLE JAMES MOFFATT, DIRECT TRANSLATION- NOT FROM ANY PREVIOUS ENGLISH VERSION - BIBLE 1922/ 1954 -Oracle of Malachai and the birth of ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH- 3rdPERSON/ EMBRYO - WORD/ CHRIST JESUS - Luke 1-5 God - Angels to Joseph, Mary, her -ELDERLY-Aunt Elizabeth - High Priest Uncle ZACHARIA- WORD JOHN 1 the Baptist -24/7 ROLES of Challenges- Life, Liberty ('comprehends both Gen. 2 Trees -- Life and KNOWLEDGE most good and most evil (udhr articles of humanist/human 18, 19, 29), STATE or COUNTY IS OBTAINED BY DIVIDING ITS TOTAL POPULATION BY ITS SQUARE MILES OF LAND AREA of "The primary divisions of the States, in general, are termed counties.." -- - Art VII in IV in VI in APPORTIONED BY GENESIS 1:26 ON ALL THE 235 FORMS OF TRIBAL to MEGAregions of MEGApolis -- THE ETERNAL GOD - EARTH -PLATES" eradication of ETERNAL SOUL= SPIRIT TRUTH, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO- SOLELY ORAL COMMON 10 in2 -WHOLE LAW AND PROPHETS:

"Former Manhattan prosecutor says DA 'damn well better win' after Trump indictment because the reputation of the office is at stake" ; Kelsey Vlamis and Natalie Musumeci Mar 30, 2023, 6:05 PM
...."Explainer - neither of whom have any form of GENESIS 1:26, 1-4 - let alone OATH or ORAL COMMON 10/ GOD in 2/ WORD/ TRUTH CHRIST JESUS --- but 1302 papist successor's arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct -- autocratic anarchist - collusion-by-coercion -- udhr remanufacture and orchestration of TRINITY of the SOUL -- ERADICATION --
What does the release of Georgia’s grand jury report mean for Trump?
"The partial release of a special grand jury report on Thursday could give some of the most significant insight to date into a long-running Georgia investigation examining whether Donald Trump and allies committed a crime in their efforts to overturn the presidential election. ... Since May of last year, a special purpose grand jury in Fulton county, Georgia, has been investigating whether Donald Trump committed a crime under state law when he tried to overturn the 2020 election by pressuring state officials to try and overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the state.
The grand jury concluded its work in January. On Thursday, three portions of the grand jury’s report to the Fulton county district attorney will be made public. Those three sections are the report’s introduction, conclusion and a section discussing whether witnesses who appeared before the grand jury may have lied.
Trump and allies have yet to face any criminal consequences for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The Fulton county probe could be the first time that charges are filed against Trump and allies for those efforts. The US House committee that investigated the January 6 attacks also made a criminal referral to the justice department, which is also investigating Trump’s actions after the 2020 election...
udhr - 19 'opinion without interference regardless of frontier-- MASSIVE orchestration - re-manufacture of GENESIS TREE KNOWLEDGE- only evil -- there is no concept of TRUTH/ GOOD -- 29, judgment-of "person-ality" by bigotry/ hypocrisy; -- Where THE CHIEF --ART VII DAYS GENESIS 1:26 with WORD/ CHRIST JESUS - is present on the RIGHT -- 2 OR 3 ARE GATHERED IN MY 'N'AME - I AM THERE AMONG THEM/ WITNESSES- ETERNAL SOUL GEN 2- THE ETERNAL, GOD, PERFECT LOVE FATHER -- hand - dust = LAND, breath-into-nostrils= 24/7 Roles of Eden Park, 4 rivers boundaries- Paradise- , A MAN...rib ... the man 'N'ames woman.. who 'N'ames/ WORD/ CHRIST....ORAL COMMON 10in2-- WHOLE LAW and Apostles/ Prophets/ . NY - and GA - autocratic, anarchist government-by-oligarch with police-state minions....artiii redistricting - gerrymandering---
The Presidential, interim - Governors, artiii Attorney Generals , Secretary-of-State by its labels, election results are repeatedly - same clusters of county results - Article IV invasion--- ART VII CofG ABOLISHES --- the 2kigndoms, father evil-lie -- ignore their existence - as the BLASPHEMY produces the choaitc --
THE CHIEF ART VII CofG 46th President of the United States, 12/2/20 exercise his ORAL COMMON 10in2 / ARTICLE II:1:8 OATH - STOOD AND SAID, THERE IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT ASSAULT AND SIEGE -- HE HAS BEEN THE ONLY TRUTH -- alongside -- STEADFAST -- 2ND GREAT COMMAND NEIGHBOR -- At the March 4, National Harbor, Prince George County, Maryland -- he spoke of what he has accomplished -- and also, that Russia, the illegals - not from the current papist successor's 'c'onstitution of the world below'
1. RANK 44 - White Star/ Red Stripe 11 - 7/26/1788 - NEW YORK - 62/ 3143 - 423.3 ART VII CofG PSM FEET= GEN 2 LIFE on Rank 30= GEN 2 LAND: ELECTION CYCLES ART VII CofG abolished DESTRUCTION of these ends”: 1960- 51 of 62 of 3143, 2000- 35 of 62, 2004 - 40 of 62, 2016 -48 of 62- -pgs .58 -A- False; 2016 -B- pg 10, 11/3/20 --; Governors 2014, 2018 with Cuomo sitting 2 terms ABSOLUTELY NO CofG whatsoever - meaning he signed the "certificates of Affirmation - IS NULL AND VOID as are all these unGLOBAL triune/ udhr/ art iii - HATE TRUTH - 11/8/ 2022 Governor Lee Zeldin 49 of 62 of 3143; Class III Senator Joe Pinion 47 of 62 of 3143; Attorney General Michael Henry 46 of 62 of 3143 { like ‘c’uomo. James has been ABOLISHED TWICE - WHEN SHE WENT AFTER 46TH PRES. TRUMP- taxes-SHE HAD ABSOLUTELY NO ART VII IN IV IN VI-- ORAL COMMON 10in2 WHOLE TRUTH LAW AND PROPHETS, but sat in dead-soul - means she lied to her own ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH and directly to WORD/ CHRIST JESUS-- Father - THE ETERNAL SPIRIT New York 2022 live election results - Reuters.pdf-- 1 of 15- not counting "FEDERAL DISTRCIT OF COLUMBIA- WHOLLY INELIGIBLE FOR STATHOOD, SINCE 'ITS/ LAND' IS WHOLLY SURROUNDED BY WS/ RED STRIPE 7- MARYLAND AND WS/WHITE STRIPE- VIRGINIA - BOTH CONNECTING TO 10 SURROUNDING - WHOLE LAW AND PRPHETS - UNION OF ONE PEOPLE, ONE KINGDOMS OF GOD; never 2 kingdoms- autocratic anarchists', oligarch sequestration unGLOBAL HERDSCMPTPOP-ULAR- interstate COMPACT- remanufacture electoral - electors, aka delegate pay for their party’s seat- college by the political party puppet tongues- who with Governor and Secretary of State place their ORAL 10IN2 SPOKEN ON ‘written’ Certification of Ascertainment - the entire document is untruth/ BLASPHEMY NEVER FORGIVEN-AGAINST JESUS - SPIRIT TRUTH- Matt 12, 15, 23-25 leading to John 8, 15-16, 14 in 17, 18-21;
2. RANK 34 - THE CHIEF WHITE STAR/STRIPE 4, GEORGIA - 159/ 3143 - 186.3 ART VII GENESIS 1:26 -CofG 24/7 Roles of his challenges - FEET PSM=LIFE on Rank 21 ART VI supreme Law of County LAND
in 11 days - RED maskOVERtongue- ‘conservative-national conference’ Hillsdale-4 pillars; Heritage Society, John Birch Society, enjoined to PROUD, CONCEITED, IGNORANT - BLUE LIE - autocratic anarchist oligarchs -- but ‘its’ government-of-party-puppet-tongues- has no connection with its “SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE’S-GOD - ORAL COMMON 10 IN 2 WORD/ CHRIST JESUS. Label -Republican-is null and void. THE ARTICLE IV CofG 24/7 Roles of his Art VII - Lord’s Prayer “..thy will be ‘d’one.. Independence the ‘T’welfth = 4/19/1775, 1 year, 1 month, about 11 days before THE DECLARATION IS CONSTITUTION - COMMENCEMENT OF1611 TRINITY- 2nd HEBREW INTERVAL - origin to each everyone ORAL before ‘written’ - ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH -COMMAND V, JOHN 1, JAMES 1, from intercourse - Neuroblast within 14 days after, 3rdPerson/ Embryo- SOLELY ORAL COMMON 10 IN 2 WHOLE LAW ALL PROPHETS ARE RED TRUTH - This next link opens as a “Preview” without the page numbers - so Rank 34 is located just about half-way down -- IT IS THE 4 LISTS YOU NEED TO SEE FOR THE FULL EFFECT OF 3/1/20 ERADICATION BY unGLOBAL triune/ udhr, 1647, 1777 ix, xiii sequester - appropriate 435 HERDSCMPTPOP artiii TOTALLY ORCHESTRATED AND REMANUFACTURED --CENSUS on 03/01/2020 - eradicated THE CHIEF ART VII GENESIS 1:26, 2 - 3143 COUNTIES or County equivalents -”total State or county population divided by its GEN 2 LAND PSM = EACH ONE - ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH - 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO -SOLELY ORAL COMMON 10in2 -- ART VI OATH/ SYNONYM AFFIRM in ART IV- PROTECT EACH OF THEM FROM INVASION also defined as “infringement of JUST, RIGHT, TRUTH - BREACH OF OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACT --
AND pages 29-30 at, TABLE of CONTENTS Continues >>> THE CHIEF, ARTICLE VII DAYS, GENESIS 1:26, APPORTIONED, Eternal Soul= Spirit Truth, Yours/ mine.. and USDC, SUPERIOR, APPELLATE 3 TIMES, ORAL PRESENTATION COURT twice pgs 3-8.
- LIST 4 CONTAINS THE MEAN COORDINATES FOR ART VII CofG 24/7 ROLES of his CHALLENGES -FEET PSM= LIFE AND RANK 21 LAND, i.e. GEN 1:26 in 2- PERFECT LOVE FATHER’S DUST= LAND, HIS BREATH-INTO-NOSTRILS (SMELL, TASTE, SPEECH- TONGUE ) LIFE A MAN..WORD/ CHRIST, THAT ‘N’AMES.. same dust, breath, rib..not an eyelash difference -companions mutually suited to each other -- Nature’s Law - “Things/ biblical for atoms equal to the same thing are equal to each other” --
More MASSIVE ASSAULT AND SIEGE - IN ABSOLUTE TRUTH - CHRIST JESUS - APOSTLE JAMES MOFFATT’S DIRECT TRANSLATION 1922-1954 -INTRODUCTION --most important SCRIPTURE since 1611 INTRODUCTION TRANSLATORS >>>DIRECTLY>>>TO YOUR 1ST GREAT COMMAND ACCOUNTABILITY-’SELF’=ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH!MATTHEW 22 - 28 -24 No man knoweth the day - Hour -not the Angels but my FATHER - APOSTLE MOFFATT BIBLE001.pdf/, ON HIS THRONE OF GLORY - SHEEPFOLD, John 10, on His Right -- on his left -- 11/8/2022 Georgia 2022 live election results - Reuters-.pdf/ BLUE LIE, disguised as ‘runoff’ --those who choose ‘fires-of-hell’
MEGAregion FULTON COUNTY, GA is encircled by 9 other MEGAregion, clustered counties in fact and evidence below.....
C. Matt 12 - Jesus teaches Beelzebul vs Beelzebub Who will be your judge? artiii government-by-autocratic anarchists' worshippers - 435 unGLOBAL triune, 1777 ix, xiii papist successors, udhr control of ELECTIONS- electors compacts of repeating BLASPHEMY against WORD/ CHIRST JESUS -SPIRIT TRUTH - WHO CAN VOTE UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES leading to the perversion of ARTICLE IV IN VI IN I:2c3 APPORTIONING LAWS OF GOD IN 3 PERSON(S)
D. 2 kingdoms unGLOBAL triune ix, xiii, udhr INTERSTATE popular vote COMPACT - NATIONAL- orchestration and remanufacture of both Gen 2 trees and BIG BROTHER, binary thinak alike- DoubleThink in 19 -29 NEWSPEAK -de-moc-rac=y eletoral college -- to eradicated ART VII - IN IV- CITIZEN IS ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, COMMAND V, FROM INTERCOURSE- NEUROBLAST - DURA MATER - 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO - SOLELY ORAL COMMON 10in2 -metonymy- OATH synonym affirm IN VI at
1925 church rooftop 'creation-ism' vs 'evolution- apes" -47/49 - 2 kingdoms- 1647, 1777 false/ imaginary G-d, unGLOBAL triune, ix, xiii / udhr - 1925, 435 census controlled biN0- image - ELECTRICTY MACHINE / 1/5th 1,472,654 of 8,804150 --de-moc-rac-y- decreed-by-art iii continuing misprision- edict, June 2014- binary think-alike, - 39,424.7 ARTICLE VII CofG =179,709.92 on the same Gen 2 Land, - Matt. 12, Romans 1,8, 1Corinthians1, I Tim 1- art iii facial- eyes to ceiling, mouth spuming his dead soul, unfortunate -evident POLITICAL PARTY PUPPET TONGUES-LEGISLATIVE is judicial, papist successors- photo. This udhr "opinion-without-interference' - had no way to learn, 1954 FORBIDDEN- 24/7 -365 every-one-being from intercourse - or in any form of human precept - doublethink/ binary - NEWSPEAK - concept of ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH - 3 PERSON(S) - solely ORAL COMMON 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS - WHOLE LAW AND PROPHETS; -- so his Matt 15, arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct force by coercion-in-collusion with the unGLOBAL - art iii redistricting/ gerrymandering - HERDSCMPTPOP- both - ix, xiii + media control of BOTH GENESIS 2-4 TREES --LIFE and humanist/ precept knowledge TOTALLY ORCHESTRATED AND RE-MANUFACTURED, 'sequestrated, appropriated - particles of autocratic, anarchist - 'state' NY and GA. Although 'its' '2 kingdoms, maskOVERtongue governor -- has managed to destroy all representation - Senate therefore House of FULTON COUNTY'S 9 OTHER COUNTT'Y MASSIVE - idol god worship BIGGER 'number' MEGAregions of repeating, clustered 5 senses categories - 'demographics MSA, FIPScodes "peoples housing units" -- evil-lie label, United States, POLITICAL DIVISIONS-- , in --- hate of the neighbors who elected him -- from 2020 -- 2022 - BOTH -BLASPHEMY -- ARTICLE IV -- CITIZENS RIGHT TO ABOLISH ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT DESTRUCTIVE OF THESE ENDS -ISLE OF GREAT BRITAIN- KING JAMES VI/ I- who was NOT A passive acceptor of 47 Clergy, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther from Paul in Galatians - Hebrews 6 -- GOD 'ENDS ALL ARGUMENT-- 1stFOLIO 1611 TRINITY OF THE SOUL- 2ND HEBREW INTERVAL BINDS - DIRECTLY TO YOU THE READER -- WHO PERFECT LOVE, FATHER IN HIS SON - IN YOU -- YOU in Jesus, as above- John 10 says. ONLY The Father in His Son are TRUTH.
'artiii' is THE WHOLE LAW --AT EVERY LEVEL OR FORM OF ONE KINGDOM of GOD; but is usurped in blasphemy- most certainly- NEVER FORGIVEN, GROWS EXPONENTIAL- upon by 1302 papist successors, 1647 westminster confessions, 1777 - incapable of comprehending - 'there is no 'state' unless, first, there is a Person!
wholly hate of THE CHIEF -- overwhelmingly 2016 - 2020 who, STEADFAST, has been, election cycles enclosed, exercising his 24/7 ROLES of CHALLENGES GEN 2 - FEET PSM on his "PLACE OF HABITATION" statement, combined with Baptist and judicial -
The five boroughs ruled the entire ART VII CofG in IV - unGLOBAL triune/ udhr/ art iii 2 kingdoms is NOT A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNEMT and FULLY INTENDS TO INVADE -- INFRINGE JUST RIGHT TRUTH/ TRINITY OF THE SOUL= 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO- SOLELY ORAL COMMON 10in2 -- MANHATTEN goes full hate -- in every 'thing' it delsights in father evillie papist successors FDR- Cardinal Spellman -- to stop - the above - kangaroo court- predetermined conclusiona 2 kigdoms label, "ISOLATION-ISM" -- utterly blind,
continued via above link -- "..43. Why do you not Understand my #7 SPEECH..
[... an interpreter of the COGITATIONS thereof [1611- 1st Folio only, Hebrew Interval - Ecclesiasticus xvii: 1 How God created and furnished man. 14 Auoid all sinne: 19 For God seeth all things. 25 Turne to him while thou liuest - and YOU, neighbor, also can learn from ETERNAL SOULS of your own heritage all the way back to before the Red Sea(!) - READ THE 47 TRANSLATORS - HERE - pg.18 at, ....and... PG.24 B1of5 Imgine G-d RepPlat 1647-1777ix xiii USCCB Halleys moralCalvin NO WORD-CHRISTJesus001.pdf - IN ]?
"..Because YOU are unable to listen to what I am saying: you belong to your father the devil, and you want to do what your father desires; he was a slayer of men from the very beginning, and he has no place in the truth, because there is no truth in him: when he tells a lie he is expressing his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. It is because I tell the truth, that YOU do not believe me.."
[among the 2 kingdoms- unGLOBAL triune/ udhr orchestration and re-manufacture of all knowledge. language and communication, a.k.a Genesis 2 trees into 3-4 - 2nd Hebrew Interval- origin ORAL COMMON 10in2 -- to everyone before 'written' - WARMING, AGENDA 21, LIMATE CHANGE - 24 SOCIAL CREED categories of "demographic HERDSCMPTPOP- 'housing units"/ MSA/ FIPs Code - artiii - 1647, 1777 ix, xiii - scatter- against Christ Jesus ] "..which of YOU can convict me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? He who belongs to God, listens to the words of God; YOU DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM, because YOU DO NOT BELONG TO GOD.." and because THE LIE, THIVES AND ROBBERS-- SEQUESTRATION/ APPROPRIATION/ SCATTER TO ERADICATE TRUTH, HAVE FORBIDDEN YOU ALL KNOWLEDGE LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION, 24/7 from 1954. both Isle of Great Britain - repeated 1978- INNATELY- USA, for the HERDSCMPTPOP orchestration and re-manufacture of ARTICLE 1;2c3 APPORTIONED LAWS OF GOD and USA
AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE: GLOSSARY (unless otherwise noted) (Dr. Webster’s AUTHORITIES, “Who’s Who and Why Important” (c) Cathy West, 2009, not yet published CONNECTIONS TO THE HOLY TRINITY - 3 PERSON(S)/ EMBRYO = ORAL COMMON 10in2 WHOLE TRUTH LAWS OF THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD, PERFECT LOVE FATHER..THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS - GENESIS -- “AUTHORITIES”, PAUL’S BOOK of government-of-human precept-gender man -enmity to TRUTH against TRUTH-- ARE ETERNAL SOUL(S) MANY OF WHOM ARE BOTH APOSTLES AND PROPHETS - in SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND NATURE’S GOD -- PRECISELY AS YOU, READER, ARE ..ACCORDING TO YOUR 24/ 7 CHALLENGES DEFINING AND FORGING YOUR LIBERTY OF WORD/ CHRIST= LIFE= COUNTY OR COUNTY EQUIVALENT LAND PSM your FEET wherever you are on an earth plate =LIGHT= #6 UNDERSTANDING #7 SPEECH/ WORD/ ORAL COMMON 10in2 COGITATIONS thereof GENESIS 1-4 PERFECT LOVE FATHER - BEGINS WORD/ KNOWLEDGE, necessarily, #1-5 SENSES - YOUR TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR ‘ Learning is life's adventure. Life's journey is applying & finding learning!’ --- PREFACE Dissertation on Origen History Connections Definition of Language and Communication Affinity Origins from THE CHIEF ART VII DAYS GENESIS N Webster 1828 44.pdf)
PER'SON, n. [per'sn; L. persona; said to be compounded of per, through or by, and sonus, sound; a Latin word signifying primarily a mask used by actors on the stage.]
1. An individual human being consisting of body and soul. We apply the word to living beings only, possessed of a rational nature; the body when dead is not called a person. It is applied alike to a man, woman or child. A person is a thinking intelligent being. – Locke.
2. A man, woman or child, considered as opposed to things, or distinct from them. A zeal for persons is far more easy to be perverted, than a zeal for things. – Sprat.
3. A human being, considered with respect to the living body or corporeal existence only. The form of her person is elegant. You'll find her person difficult to gain. – Dryden. The rebels maintained the fight for a small time, and for their persons showed no want of courage. – Bacon.
4. A human being, indefinitely; one; a man. Let a person's attainments be never so great, he should remember he is frail and imperfect.
5. A human being represented in dialogue, fiction, or on the stage; character. A player appears in the person of king Lear. These tables, Cicero pronounced under the person of Crassus, were of more use and authority than all the books of the philosophers. – Baker.
6. Character of office. How different is the same man from himself, as he sustains the person of a magistrate and that of a friend. – South.
7. In grammar, the nominative to a verb; the agent that performs or the patient that suffers any thing affirmed by a verb; as, I write; he is smitten; she is beloved; the rain descends in torrents. I, thou or you, he, she or it, are called the first, second and third persons. Hence we apply the word person to the termination or modified form of the verb used in connection with the persons; as, the first or third person of the verb; the verb is in the second person.
8. In law, an artificial person, is a corporation or body politic. – Blackstone. In person, by one's self; with bodily presence; not by representative. The king in person visits all around. – Dryden.
PER'SON, v.t. To represent as a person; to make to resemble; to image. [Not in use. {unless you read from original texts among "course of human events"/ cw] – Milton.
ROB'BER, n. 1. In law, one that takes goods or money from the person of another by force or menaces, and with a felonious intent. – Sir William Blackstone KC SL (10 July 1723 – 14 February 1780) was an English jurist, judge and Tory politician of the eighteenth century. He is most noted for writing the Commentaries on the Laws of England. IT IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT ETERNAL SOUL, SIR WILLIAM & NOAH WEBSTER for that matter - DID NOT HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THE 1604-1st Folio only, 1611 KING JAMES HOLY TRINITY BIBLE , 2nd HEBREW INTERVAL– MAY HAVE USED the papist Holy Triune with a ‘Ghost”’ unseeable!!! unknowable- only if you never read O.T. let alone the 15 BOOKS OF SOLELY HEBREW ORAL COMMON 10in2 LAW == GOD/ CHRIST JESUS -– DO NOT WRITE EVEN YOU ~~~ DO NOT WRITE TO THEM and YOU HAVE NO 5 SENSES BODY ORGANS - THAT YOU ARE JUDGED BY – FOR THOSE ARE TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR LEARNING BOTH GENESIS TREES IN 1:26!!
WORDS: Conscience, Person, Theology, Steal, State, Trust, Test-2 [refer to Article VI “No Religious Test..], Right, Institution, Allegiance, Will, Entail, Action, Representation, Law, Society, Arrest, Stultify, Positive, Presumption, Equality, Misprision, Assumpsit, Change, Precedent, Vest, Conquest, Christian, Conscience, Embrace, Appropriation, Sufference, Brother., Robber
2. In a looser sense, one who takes that to which he has no right; one who steals, plunders or strips by violence and wrong.
THIEF, n. [plur. Thieves. Sax. theof; Sw. tiuf; D. dief; G. dieb; Goth. thiubs; Dan. tyv.]
1. A person guilty of theft.
2. One who secretly, unlawfully and feloniously takes the goods or personal property of another. The thief takes the property of another privately; the robber by open force. Blackstone.
A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his raiment. Luke x.
4. One who seduces by false doctrine. John x.
6. An excrescence or waster in the snuff of a candle. May.
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