The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Friday, January 29, 2010

House Republican Retreat & Mr. Obama's 'Bipartisan'

         Mr. Obama did a good job of acknowledging where Republicans have agreed with his programs and supported them. He acknowledged several members of House and Sens. Snowe, McCain,  for their help and additions to Stimulus and Health Acts. Mr. Obama mentioned 'gridlock' several times with the belief that the American People do not want Party differences interfering with jobs, with getting money back from the banks, and preventing them from "taking risks".  There was loud and long applause for the first problem of jobs and economy.  He acknowledge that by asking for the end to Party obstruction and gridlock to get the job done (by government) FOR the people.

         Mr. Obama said he didn't understand the concept of government spending. That he couldn't understand the 5% tax break and lessen capital gains for small businesses; or getting back the peoples money from the banks, or closing the loopholes which allow American companies out of taxation*!  At another mtg., Mr. Obama said "Tax that is what governments do!".  For his understanding, this is usual and customary role of government.  

        In "Obama will offer foes olive branch" (Paul West, mct news service; p.A3) expresses Republican confidence in "overshooting the runway"(Republican Consultant, Scott Reed) and have little incentive to cooperate with this administration.  Repeated use of Republican and bipartisan occurs throughout both Mr Obama's speech at the Republican Retreat, the State of the Union, in most of the remarks by Obama supporters, and in today's newspaper article.

        Why did Republicans sit in silence?  What actions did the Speaker of the House take which obliterated Article I:5 2nd paragraph? Why does the closed door decisions, especially closed, back room decisions which are affecting 100% of all Americans, 6% of GNP, and the entire field of medicine including manufacturers and RandD, cause anger? Now closed doors to not only C-Span, but also Fox News by AFL-CIO, Mr. Obama's kowtow to his master called Unions?  How does any individual, elected or not, work with a 'small group' within a large party who call themselves 'Progressives (from Woodrow Wilson', F.Roosevelt)', become bipartisan when the word means: 'agree with my program and only add to it - do not make too big a change'?  Mr. Obama gave the following example of their Progressive concept regarding the "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" by noting that the small business will have government assist in providing health plans for their employees, was suggested by Sen. McCain and placed in the Act.  

        This definition of bipartisan has been working throughout the year in several laws or acts that came before Congress. President Obama also indicated in his speech that when the obstructions or gridlock stopped everything, he had a duty to proceed for "America's future". And he had the votes from 11/4/08!

        On Fox, CNN, MSNBC, newspapers, the continued use of  'Republican' or 'Conservative' are in every conversation as well as being the Isolated Reason for Obama's problems with his health act, his dead 'deficit commission', and the general stopping of progress for much of his plans. Mr. Obama continues to wonder why there can't be more meeting to get together on (single) issues he constantly addresses in State of Union and at the Retreat. Mr. Obama, because this Nation is Founded under The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of American with all the relevance of Human Nature it protects the individual from the idea of Progressive (Democracy - Athens) government using all the peoples resources to feed its much too large stomach which requires much Maalox as regulations to digest the invasion of privacy, person, home, property, effects it requires to exist.

         Many of the (single) reasons have been covered by all of the above media, to some degree by newspapers (see asterik below), but since issues are separated by commas or spoken one item at a time: Bank tax, overseas Corp. close loophole (it's the 14th Amendment here), deficit commission, war in Afghanistan, health act, union's plastic cards (not addressed in State of Union or Retreat), climate bill even with the designed falsification of GW data. This is best put by George Will in his editorial "Obama's divided brain": "Obama seems to regret the existence in Washington of....everyone else. He seems to feel entitled to have his way without tiresome interventions in the political process by the many interests affected by his agenda for radical expansion of the regulatory state." Mr. Will writes a beautifully sardonic description of the single sided Progressive mind with discrepancies, contradictions, confusion, denial, along with disregard for slow learning American people and the elected Republican as well as those other Democrats (pointed with an Executive Order - below!).  

        Still, the great chasm from Progressive(democracy) of Obama and his administration including czars, commissioners, cabinet members, and redistributing of money, regulation at both ends - walking in to take over Chrysler and being watchdog for "risky" business; while, if he can succeed running 100% of Health Care will rid the USA of private insurance and manage it through the HHS; and Determining carbon chip trades in the Stock Market. The Executive Branch with Judicial Supporting anytime it can, to determine how Our Nation will perform for the benefit of government decided definitions.

        The other end of this not-fillable chasm is Our 434 year old Colony's with 13 separate but common Constitutions, that became One Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States of America through the insight, intelligence and love of country by Our Founding Patriots who taught us through their beautiful words that: Mr. Obama's idea of government  would return (originally Democracy in Athens), that 'We the people' as part of the inheritance of Our Nation - which is No Longer The Experiment Our Founder's knew it to be - Must be Ever Vigilant for there is no possible manner to control the human nature of man.  Mr. Reagan reminded US(A) of the same thing.  No matter how hard anyone tries, humans just will be without integrity, happy in controlling and judging others - lesser men - , forgetting that their personal life's journey is less than 4 rings of a Redwood Tree regardless of  their opinion of their importance.

        That chasm cannot be filled. It cannot be bipartisan. and it cannot compromise because Our Founder's decided that in order for the American People to rule themselves, this Nation must have elected representatives who have integrity and service to represent 'We the people' as constituents and as citizens of an ever-growing in Nature and Nature's God Nation, built on unalienable rights which may be bumpie, but will continue on into whatever eternity or location we will take.

         And because We Are American, right now, the Republican Party that is protecting "..the consent of the governed..."  through protecting our individual human rights from the "agenda of radical expansion of regulatory state". Our Republican Representatives in both houses of Congress, in the minority, have stopped the expansion in health care and will continue to have challenges against Our Constitution until at least Nov. 2010; but probably beyond that. That is because "...prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long trains of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their Duty, to throw off such  Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. ...(Our Declaration).

         Being American, many of us would say other groups have helped identify the mistake that requires action to change. Tea parties, small internet groups like George Bush's group, Tax Revolt Coalition, Change Congress 2010, and many, many more...but like Mr. Obama said "When defending Our Country against enemies, We are One Nation!".

        So, what is the sufferable, and often silent, unique American Truth: That the Constitution and therefore, The Declaration of Independence are under attack through silence, ignoring, disrespecting, and declaring that its content is unknowable except for a few expert attorneys; and without one single bang of a pistol or any weapon except words and misdeeds under the guise of helping the helpless and poor by redistributing the wealth defined by one man; by regulating the rewards and risks of private business - including walking on the private property of a private business to change that business to what the "leader" and his czars, determined and defined it should become because the business accepted taxpayer dollars. That the same government using taxpayer dollars, could not find enough taxpayer dollars to reorganize 100% of healthcare for his determination of an private insurance problem which required a 100% change in the field of medicine; that his czars who answer to no-one but the President who working through the President's cabinets have instituted a large number of energy, environmental, communication, transportation, homeland security, education and more regulations - not open to decisions of the American People; that this President and Administration caught themselves in so many distortions, mis-statements, completely wrong information; ignoring of rights of individuals and individuals as Corporations and businesses; as seeing that Wall Street is a totally different entity of Main Street without relation to the nature of America; and that because of not recognizing the One Nation Under God, does not recognize the role of this Nation in a world where tyranny is rampant. This President and too many of his administration, demonstrate that Our Constitution is not relevant to their definition of Progressive Government, that it is right to ignore both Documents, and that therefore, the unalienable rights of man does not mean anything because 'government for the people' is all-knowing and encompassing.  That they are OK to ignore the words and anger of the American people because 'they don't know.." .  That this government fails to provide, preferring secrecy of its relation to Unions, outside 'friends' who agree with their 'Progressive' ideas, courts which support the 'Progressive idea' by actions to harm American Farmers and agriculture workers; and by giving special favors to people who need to proselytize their special needs. During speech to Republicans Retreat,  Mr. Obama quietly rejuvenated as an Executive Order the Deficit  Commission in the Executive Branch - not answerable to 'We the people'.

        America, it won't be easy to continue to live through this President who doesn't know what he doesn't know and because of it, will cause more harm than he already has by stating "I don't understand the concept of government spending".  Even if he doesn't, we continue with a President who is a clear and present danger to the United States of America.

Thank you, Catherine West, San Marcos, CA

*Regarding oversea Corporations in California: Our Assembly, who wouldn't breathe unless Obama and the Unions gave them permission, passed a California Un-Constitutional Law to not only tax the Corp., but also redistribute the revenue to California Colleges to decrease state sales taxes on textbooks and supplies.  Sound familiar! The California Constitution violation is located in Article I: 7(b) "A citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens. ...". Since an oversea corporation is a group of citizens, the corporations remaining in California (not overseas) may not be granted immunity from the same tax as the overseas Corporation. Tax one Corp in CA --- tax all Corp's in CA!

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