The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sample private survey questions to answer... and the problem with the goal of questions

With due respect to, the following group of questions will not arrive at the goal of who is responsible for government bailouts...... 1) because the multiple choice questions are not answerable with a single answer from the choices offered; 2) The questions have already been answered by the person(s) who Wrote the Survey! The goal is to fall into a particular category which reflects political party thinking.  3) The survey leaves out salient facts important to the outcome of government involvement. This simple fact has been left out of all media and commentary reports also.  That Fact Is:  Occurring on the Cusp of the 'Bubble' was  Pres. Bush and Treasurer Paulson (Right, Constitutional government) 08/08 to 01/20/09 changing to Socialist/Progressive  or as far in the political continuum left as possible without falling off the bar; and which we have learned over the last year, was a much bigger mistake to the history of Our Nation.  AND 4) because government is formed by "consent of the governed". The point is: then Pres. Bush and Treasurer Paulson would acknowledge that TEMPORARY use of taxpayer resources with as much guarentee of return as possible through TARP and the auto business would have been handled entirely differently than Mr. Obama  and his administration even though they will say they kept the form intact from Mr. Bush and Paulson -- Obama's group did, but only to a point where they stopped to pursue their own ends: Mr. Obama walked into a private American Business to fire a CEO and then left behind non-elected czars to complete Mr. Obama's idea of a business model; Mr. Obama and Treasurer have not returned the TARP's loan returns with interest to the taxpayer. Mr. Obama and Treasurer redirected the TARP bank returns into programs which occurred after being pushed, forced via the Speaker into law and Democrat majority. 

          Mr. Obama also felt he was duplicating the Massachusett's Health Act when his Administration worked-up from 1302 to 1392  the 10 versions of his Health Act because he had the majority vote in 11/4/08.  He  and Congress has,  with 2-4 Senator exceptions,  never admitted to the violations of both the Declaration, the Constitution including the commerce clause in Article 1:8 paragraph 3 and in Ignoring Article V by changing the Constitution without benefit of the 2/3rds vote of the Congress or the States. The point here is also "the greater number" democracy being the underlying governing.  The other use of 'Democracy' is Sen. Schummer stating "The Supreme Court's decision (election reform) is the worse decision made in the history of the United States" -- never mind the decision erased the unwritten Political Action Committee work of SEIU and other unions on Our Politics for One Party Only!

            As Ben Franklin said "We swim together or we sink together.", so ultimately, it is for each individual, regardless of party affilitation to realized that  'The Buck really Stops With Each American's Vote'!  With forgiveness to ourselves for the voter economic panic when oil/gas prices peak with the bubble less than 6 wks. before 11/4/08! None-the-less, the consistent use of ...greater number... in Louisiana Voting and a returning initiative here  in California, will result not in the best candidate only in the most numbers and disregard the huge gap between Constitutional/integrity of individual and simply the greatest number regardless of principle.  

        Republican government defends the laws and basic rights of individuals which prevent acts like the Health Act; invasion of private business in the name of government watchdogs when the dogs make the regulations ruling (Financial Stability Act)  the privacy of the individual a.k.a. business and person.  At the Federal level, the United States of America is a Republic Form of Government with the duty to protect the individual from the power government of the few -- which is exactly who and what is running our Nation from today thru 11/2014; and whom the other Party is celebrating the ability to stop the running through by the Speaker of money Acts in the interest of the Executive Branch; and forcing the Senate to become more aware of the Nation's Republic Form of Government and protection of the individual against 'the power' of a number of voters. The voters for President know know the mistake of his "Change"; and put more importance on protecting Our - We the people's - Constitution for the rights of the individual which means person or business!

        We are a Democracy at the local, to lesser degree at County and State, but never at the Federal level of government. Even with the present 'majority' party in power who believes this country -- not Our Country -- is a Democracy.  Example of local and Democracy: Well known that California is having its budget problems. Instead of thinking routinely taxing whatever is available or increasing taxes, think about using private or volunteer resources:  We have to close many of our State Parks:  If the city or county nearest the park can organize volunteers, often already present in the parks, to perform the maintenance, grounds care, etc. then the parks can be locally maintained including allowing tax breaks for the businesses who contribute machinery and goods to help the parks.  As the State recovers, take another look at how it can share with the cities-counties to assist the costs. The same could happen in City Parks which could divert needed funds back into other city needs.

        With Our Federal Government, remember:  "I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the Grace of God, I will do. Edward Everett Hale, 1829-1909.".  Protect the individual from the Federal Government's natural human nature to move toward power, force, and demand to the extinction of the basic rights of man.  The basic rights of man are those rights given to humans by God and expressed in the Bible.  The basic rights protect our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

        Keep learning or relearning the Founder's teaching and classical  learning methods from original text's which helped write Our Two Unique In The World Documents.  After Research, question yourself -- Reason -- contemplate how today's education, economy, politics, social philosophical ideas which may become laws or regulations at any level of government and compare-contrast to the Constitution and remember, if the issue is located in the Constitution, it is Also located in the Declaration  -- you can't have one without the other!!   Try Hamilton's Legislative Test.*  

There is much more to American political thinking than this or any survey or poll or commentary can hope to cover because, virtually every idea of Our Founder's with The Declaration and Constitution they gave us, is at stake in the manner this and other polls, counting devices continue to value the greatest number of ...whatever,  and  groups of people decide ideological course ...democracy.   Versus, electing our representatives to maintain the support of and belief in the individual through Both Our Founding Documents...Republic.  A Republic form of government is "where sovereign power is lodged into the hands of representatives elected by the people. The people are indirectly sovereign through an intermediate body of elected officials"* at local, county, state or federal levels. 

          Counting the majority number or making decisions around a table without benefit of all information available is the ultimate Democracy which John Adams said "Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of weath, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few. (1763 in "An Essay on Man's Lust for Power").  Most of the words in this quote are present Now; and through ALL of Our Mistakes in the last election.  Even in the Bubble itself, which actually did occur through mis-guided politicians suggesting to misguided real estate opportunists, that selling homes to dreamy, misguided Americans would help Every Person Own A Home and all disregarding or disbelieving in the morality of the use of the Tool Called Money!   

Here is the survey. It was from

Who is most to blame for America’s current economic crisis?
Obama and the Democrats in Congress
The Bush Administration
The Clinton Administration
Wall Street
Banks and sub-prime lenders
Real estate and mortgage professionals
Do you agree government bailouts were the answer to America’s financial crisis?
Do you believe the American taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for our financial system's mistakes?
 Yes, we have to or we’ll end up in a prolonged recession or worse a depression.
 No, America is too far in debt already.
Absolutely not, the American people should never be responsible for bailing out the private sector.
Do you believe the government bailouts are helping rescue America's economy?
For whom did you vote in the 2008 presidential election?


* Google it or P.217 in "A Guide for Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution, Learning From the Original Texts Using Classical Learning Methods of the Founders." by Joseph Andrews, copyright The Center for Teaching the Constitution 2001.

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