The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Friday, March 26, 2010
More about Declaration-Constitution versus Obama's Socialist Health Act
"..That's the result of elections".
Problem: Possible poor understanding of Declaration of Independence and US Constitution & probably the Indiana State Constitution! You are not alone and this is not a criticism! It is a reflection of the low or absent knowledge level throughout much of the United States for Our Heritage and for What it Means to be American!
It is unique in world history! It is unique to the American character which was recognized as such by our founders! Our founders were a group of special, unique men who were 233 yrs closer to ancient history, knew the European history, and lived in England and France while it was happening. Their words have more meaning because it was usual and customary for daily reading of the 211 year old King James version of the Bible. They read and so did all of the Colonists! They did know what an individual was and why it was and is mandatory that the individual continue and return to the understanding of each person as sovereign.
The other 14 States are working for the 10th Amendment - States rights; 2 are working on Article 1:8,clause 3,18 which address 'commerce' and "elastic" - commerce in 1776 does not mean what 'commerce' means today - further Health Act is inter-state,not intra; and elastic is so stretched in use over the yrs. since FDR, that Feds can do pretty much whatever they want---include changing the Constitution and the Republic we Pledge our Allegiance to which violates Article V.
Even FDR's adding of Social Security and Medicare/caid was a mistake. Like the mistake of electing Obama with his czars,cabinet members with Sen. Reid and Speaker Pelosi.
I hear you saying we have to take our lumps as Americans good or bad! You are right!
The huge BUT - is that we do not have to accept his declaration of wealth at $250,000; his changing of the Constitutions (including State's Constitutions which are often modeled off the Supreme Law of the Land) and his violation of Article IV:4 which guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of government.
No American has to sit quietly by as the
Administration disregards We the people; lies, makes backroom deals, lacks any ethics; and states in his autobiography that there is no 'Universal Truth' which is what the Bible represents to the Declaration of Independence or the Statement of Man's 3 Unalienable Rights from God along with Nature(science) and Nature's God(scripture). Mr Obama and all of his Administration in and out of elected office, cannot dictate to the Sovereign States and Sovereign Individuals his judgments of what we need to 'change' about anything. Especially working from the antithesis of "..That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed.." not the other way around. Reverend Wright has given 'We the Opposition' to Mr. Obama's imposition to call his government by name: Socialist-- because "the rich and wealthy still hate the poor and blacks!(today on O'Reilly).
The Socialist effect on the Health Act results in the reason 10% of the wealthy and any business earning more than $250,000 (that's not $249,999) shall be taxed a special rate (violating Article 1:8 clause 1) and any individual refusing to join the health act will be fined $2500 or 2% of gross income on their income taxes - with seizure of person, property, affects without 'due process' - let alone a warrant for what the Fed. is looking for. There is also 'No Appeal'- (violation of Amendment IV & while I don't know the location - I bet it is part of your State's Constitution)! Further the main reason for this horrendous overhaul of Medical field to Benefit the Executive Branch of the Federal Government is the terrible, profit-mongering, preventing health care to those with pre-existing conditons and those with a terrible, end of life disease that may require expensive treatment -- all the fault of private insurance corporations who also take advantage of the Medicare programs! Private Insurance is 4% of the Cost of Health Care in the USA according to American Health Plans. Private insurance corporations, for that matter, any business is an individual in law -- so private insurance Has Never Been Formally Charged - Has never had a day in court - has never been heard by any judge for why people appear to lose their insurance when they need it most. And just for a FYI, Pre-existing conditions do Not Disappear in Obama's Health Plan ---it is a name 'change'-- "High Risk Care". Back to a day in court which apparently will not occur (violates Amendments IV,
V,and XIV). That Medicare recipients have absolutely no choice(violates life, liberty, and general welfare) but to conform to the demands and force of Mr Obama's Health Care by Statistic and Bureau - at No Savings simply because of its size, its power to regulate, and it power to determine reimbursement for services rendered. This when the Old Medicare/caid has never worked with 100 cent dollars. The Medicare/caid programs work with 80cent dollars - even with 80/20 and 100% coverage. In long--the Health Act shall not redo medicine in the United States of America:It shall destroy patient-centered care and any semblance of individual choice with physician decisions regarding which treatment, when, how much or what duration, where and includes which medication!
What is the worst aspect of the Obama medical overhaul? That it is not about medical care for 308+million Americans; but it is about 6% of GNP with 100% control over all resources for medicine. This includes making regulations and cost controls for private insurance with extra taxes such that private insurance will disappear in the 5th year of this program. Obama did remove the so-called public option -- had it stayed it would have been an excellent example of breaking business law outside of American business of any sort: 'conflict of interest' in that government makes the regs and controls the cost for both the cafeteria Public option and the private insurance.
Greta got you talking when you were more concerned how Indiana did in basketball which is ok--- because when you began, it became apparent that you are well aware that basically the Health Plan is an unfunded extension of Medicaid by adding several million people to the program fairly rapidly. With a don't worry, you can defer the States responsibility back to the Executive Branch of Government to handle for your State and its citizens! Probably, you feel a little sick like Tom DeLay and many of us Patriots! We are awake now Gov. Daniels and very, very angry.
So you see, Governor Daniels, we teapartiers, a.k.a American Defenders of our 233 3/4 yr.old history, really do have something we are terribly worried about! While the above Socialism has nothing to do with party at all. It is about America and our founders with our two documents: the Declaration and the Constitution and it includes instruction about these documents from original texts from and from which has most if not all the important cases heard before the Supreme Court with emphasis on the relation of the Principles of Government expressed in the Declaration with the corresponding location for the rules to protect the sovereign individual and sovereign state from a Federal government which has grown too large.
Franklin Roosevelt identified 4 freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Noah Webster's 1828 "American Dictionary of the English Language" definition of Freedom: "A state of exemption from the power or control of another; liberty; exemption from slavery, servitude or confinement. Freedom is personal, civil, political, and religious." You can see his last 2: want and fear - are not something that is in the control of mankind! With Obama's health plan: the state of exemption from power or control of another or personal freedom is absent, confinement occurs because of the force of you must.. or be fined... and in Insurance's case named called into submission without any regard for the facts which affect private insurance.
I have written this and more for the purpose of continuing to utilize the good lessons that Obama has made sleeping Americans realize that, like Pres. Reagan and our founders repeatedly have told us: Patriotism, learning about God, Our Country will forever be as important as any issue ever confronted.. and remember because of the number of years involved (approx. 1964; although some will say that it relates to Goldwater running for President), many- not adults are running business and teaching young without any of the above knowledge of the America and its history. That is why I write and the 2 websites I used above are so active in teaching America and American. Interestingly, many naturalized Americans are very aware of what we have forgotten, but hold to the beliefs as we natural Americans continue to wake-up!
Thank you, Catherine West
San Marcos, CA
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