disguised as health care for 18 to 69 million Americans depending on where and what you want your statistics to say ("The Number's Game" as politics). The fact that belongs to the political statistics is that Private Insurance accounts for 4% of the total cost of Health Care according to American Health Plans!! The Socialists have also added another right. This right has no relation to the 3 rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness given by our Creator; nor does it have a place in the Bill of Rights. It is simply the Socialist need to have a seemingly just manner to give everyone, without relation to happiness or choice, the health care connection unique to the Socialist-Progressive mind; and to the requirement to justify the shift in money and power to the Executive Branch of Federal Government which upsets the checks and balance of the 3 branches! This also demonstrates the accuracy of James Madison's concern that if any One Branch has more power than the other two, then tyranny can occur (Federalist Papers #47-51).
After 5 years, 308, 930,426 Americans will have Universal Health(HH for this article) Care by force, from the Executive Branch and only the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. As you know, the Only Elected person at the Executive Branch level of Federal Government is the President. So, since 6% of GNP will be regulated by unelected persons as HHS, IRS, Homeland Security (for the government - not for We the people), Treasury. The IRS is hiring 16000 co- Americans to track if We the People join Mr. Obama's HH plan and to be sure fines 'without appeal and unreasonable(Amendment IV)' and without 'due process'(Amendments V & XIV) are paid by We the People. So, good-bye United States Constitution! As you know, the current President has knowledge of only one form of government - Socialism. It is variously paraded around as Progressive or Democracy, so party politics can come into play - not accurately; but fact and accuracy with transparency is not necessary to this President or The President of AFL-CIO Mr Stern, the rich man shame on you - George Soros, the first lieutenant, sorry for the use of a military word - Ron Immanuel; multiple pawns called czars without which the first of those two above Presidents could not function. Then there are the 'Subjects' to the Prince, otherwise known as the President's Cabinet who make usurpation and tyranny possible.
Just to be clear, I use Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language for definition of tyranny, usurpation; and Frederic Bastiat's "The Law" for the definitions and demonstrations of Socialism or rule by the few using high - sounding words benefiting society at the expense of the creation of work with jobs from innovation, invention, investment, risk, reward of the vast majority of the working age population, many of whom work a lot more than 40 hrs./week to obtain the success or make the money Mr. Obama requires for his horrendous health(HH) help to those who don't choose to have insurance; those that fall through the cracks, those who don't work for anything--- at the expense of every, single individual and family's debt which now stands at .....oops! The government debt clock isn't working... surprise, surprise! Anyway on Saturday, 3/19/10 it stood at $40,000 per family. From a not broken debt clock (www.defeatthedebt.com), our National Debt is $126,650,704,876,015.00. To review, here is where we stand on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 before HH: The interest on this debt is estimated at $170,000,000,000.00 for 2009. 21% each of the debt is owed to China and Japan. If we just take the enemies of the USA: China 21%, Hong Kong as part of China 4%, group of oil exporters 5% divided between Iran, Gabon, Libya, Nigeria; Russia 3% which equals 33% of our National Debt, before the HH, owed to flat-out enemies or semi-soft enemies of the USA. The U.S Deficit, or the difference between income and expense, is at $1,600,000,000,000.00 not counting the HH bill. It is important to write out the zeros because it assists in realizing the seriousness of a Socialist government which can only function off taxpayer (includes business) money; and that when taxpayer (business) money is gone because the taxpayer jobs bill is simply returning tax dollars back to the working Americans to return, again, to the Federal government April 15, 2010! If you, reader, haven't caught on: where media and newspapers use government dollars or Federal Government - substitute taxpayer for the gov.dollar and Executive Branch for Federal Government. The Executive Branch only because it is well demonstrated that whatever coercion, deals, compromises are made to what use to be called the Democratic Party previous to the current Mr. Obama's administration. The Democrats now buy into what-ever the Prince via his subjects Pelosi and Reid say -- regardless of reason! So hurray for Party Politics! The United States of American with its Declaration of Independence from King George III and the founder's work to write the Constitution of United States of America under one tiny tip of the pyramid called Federated form of Government which has long-since slipped its "intended to lace them up straightly within the enumerated powers, and those without which, as means, these powers could not be carried into effect. Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 2/15/1791."
The government's broken debt clock leads to discussion regarding the other 'Add-on effects of Socialism' the HH act has now made possible for President Prince of...nevermind... to have, probably through the minons or subjects; The United States Navy - U.S.S. Makin Island (you remember that Pacific WWII Battle) cleaning up the San Dieguito River Park at US taxpayer expense, perhaps one or more of its crew actually knew Chelsea King, that isn't addressed, for the silent moment "in the memory of Chelsea King". Nor is the picture addressed why the US Navy can afford to have its well trained crew clean-up San Dieguito (that has its own large volunteer group who maintains the area and with donations, plans to extend the area east to Julian and West to the ocean) in the first place? Maybe the significance of the picture on the front page of NC Times escapes you, most certainly will the Liberal Socialists among you; but it doesn't escape the Veterans of 5 wars who reside here in San Diego County which for many reasons is a bastion of Patriotism in the Name of the United States of America and its 233 3/4 year history until Sunday, March 20, 2010 when President Prince Obama signed his change to the United States Constitution through the same force and power moves that all usurpers and tyrants use: lies, never transparency because that requires fact and the Pres.Prince cannot deal with fact unless presented like Senator, Subject Reid's ownership of Neveda's Yucca Mountain - 10+ year American Engineered planned and built for $63 bil(Science and Engineering, planning, grading, constructing to protect from uranium for $63,000,000,000.00!!!- that's 6.3Bil/year) What a bargain: Among the Worlds finest engineers a 10+ year project brought to fruit production at - because it isn't safe for the nuclear waste from the cleanest cheapest source of energy, God has given the world - who is using it! Except in the United States of Reid, Pelosi, Obama, and the head of the 'subject' Energy cabinet! They are excellent authorities on the subject of trashing American Capitalism by slowing, stopping the building of Nuclear Energy including in South Carolina, the one nuclear energy source Obama signed-onto! By the way, Reid has introduced a bill to have Yucca Mountain's nuclear storage torn apart!!!!! Another surprise --- surprise! We have two add-ons but we are not finished --- not by a long shot (sorry, the shot doesn't mean bullet from a gun - so socialist calm down)!
Lets go to page 3, same newspaper, same day: "House takes up jobs measure" - I think "takes up" is a good working word for this article because 'taking' with or without the 'up'(could be down) is a core concept of Socialism which is what Reverend Wright said the American voters agreed to in the word 'Change' in 2008; and those of us who always read everyone's websites, were well aware that 'Socialism' was the truth in terms of the only thing Obama and company were after in that election. By planning the events of oil, gas, real estate bubble on top of each other in America and its business world at the time, the panic which did occur because no-one could see fact -- that Was the Real fear that decided voters in 2008! Add-on, more than the last 2 years of Bush's Presidency, intensive, nearly daily, Bush Bashing with any expression of fact as purly coincidental; and every single Democratic Candidate was either Liberal or Liberal coated in Socialism with one who unabsheadly quoted from "Mein Kampf" to much applause - the location doesn't matter, but is an example of how confident the Socialist planners were of their work which really began to take hold in or around 1964; although many of the adult generation of the 50 through 60's were well informed about what was going to happen with appropriate name-calling by the socialist-Alinski tactic committee of that generation. The jobs measure uses $13,200,000,000.00 in interest subsidies for local construction bonds plus $3,600,000,000.00 in tax cuts for small businesses to provide $16,800,000,000 for States to provide temporary welfare to needy families through 9/2011 or $356,000,000/State for 17 months = $20,941,176.47/month, although the article states the amount to be $2,500,000,000.00 for the States which doesn't add up with numbers in the article(pg 3;NATION #3 from top of left column).
Republicans, as the Party of Principle continue to protect against growing debt and against a Federal Government giving funds to a State government----remember to change the government to taxpayer----(repeat)' and against one level of taxpayer to give to another level of taxpayer $20mil/mo for sovereign individual temporary needy care which the State (Taxpayer) should initiate without Any Federal (taxpayer) government at all since care of the needy is not one of the 20 powers of the Federal Level of government (Article I:8-1-18)! See how the 'taxpayer' word substituted demonstrates the double digit taxpayer spending which contributes to a debt already beyond most American Individual Family's ability? $40k/yr. is annual income for many working families - and HH has not be added yet? Also, remember we [the US(A)] have purchased redo of 100% of medical field and anything connected to it, for $1,600,000,000,000.00 over 5 years and have nothing to show for it; and won't have until 2011-12 barring bricks in the road which should continue granting the realization of need for Republicans to return to our Nation's helm June 8, 2010. Another way to look at HH is a new, super-house with any and all new inventions for $320,000,000.00/year, only it hasn't been built yet and you can't move in until 2015! Plus, no-one knows how the inventions will work, but there are several new bureaus staffed with friendly, helpful union workers to check each and every invention for each and every family member, for each and every plumbing, electrical, entertainment, environment each for heat, cold, too much smoke from the fireplace and too little with the composition of the smoke examined completely by another of the brand new bureaus that measure quantity, quality, time, distance, and interference, plus the bureau relating to age and activity! The (government) taxpayer has taken total care of your, brand, new home with brand new inventions -- no-one knows if they will work; but that is OK because the taxpayer (government) guarantees not only that your property taxes won't hurt you, but also any maintenance charges will be met by the (government) taxpayer!! Gee, we get to purchase our own house for our own use, with our own money and without liability because our own money will protect us!!! Is that a deal....or what!?
I realize that many American Patriots insulted by the above assumptions and suspicious of all politicians as a result of perceived wrongs of Pres. Bush, the 2008 election and the 'Change' that is taking place since 02/01/09 to date with the HH passed Sunday 03/20/10! I am an American Patriot and I love our Founders work which among numerous other ideas resulted in our Declaration with Constitution which acknowledges the intervention of God and Jesus. That God and Jesus continue to be part of this Nation through our Founder's Documents for this day and all days in the future of this wonderful Nation and its unique value of a sovereign individual, in a sovereign State, and even a Federal level of government way out of line with the Supreme Law of the Land and We the people who give the "just power" from the consent of the governed. I am a very Proud Republican because of our 2008 Platform which gave everyone from every Party a Right to offer their view and input to the Republican Platform - 10,000 did. I am a Proud Republican Patriot because our elected Representatives at both our State and Federal levels have protected us from tax increases successfully here in CA; but just holding off the huge difference of Democratic (Tradition) Progressive-Socialists. I am a Proud Republican because I work with volunteers who understand all of the above and wish more Americans regardless of Party would wake up to the glory of God written by our Founders in both the related to each other documents called the Declaration and Constitution. We have all kinds of Republicans with all kinds of directions regarding their particular opinions, issues, concerns; but the vast majority put our Nation and its documents well before the party membership.
Now, in spite of the loud yelling of Democrats including Reid - Obama - Immanuel - other Senators, it happens that it is Republicans that are holding our Flag and our Nation with its two Documents against the onslaught of Progressive-Socialist-Democracy members who are very angry because 'We the People's Opposition' happens to be Republican! And that is true only because traditional Democrats continue to refuse to believe in the Founders and the Documents written with The Divine Intervention No founder found hard to believe in. If our Republicans were not supporting the voices of 'We the People', think of the difference in action we might be forced to take - although Progressive-Socialists would love to have 'We the people' patriots taking it! They keep wishing we would; but our sword of truth is considerably stronger than their truth is relative to wind direction of politics of power and money without regard for government of, by, and for the people!
Our Tea Partiers aren't giving up for any Socialist name calling or accusations! So Socialist's against the Constitution---beware!! Just for the record and perhaps to help out Juan Williams on Fox, we don't care what your skin color is --- you can be pink with purple poka-dots; it you do not believe in the words and actions of our Declaration and Constitution; if you decide to disobey your word of honor to uphold and support the Constitution; and you take action -- not once but several times to over-run justice in interest of the yelling and screaming AIG- Bank Executives without appeal or due process; as a President walk into a private company -- any other American would be arrested for trespassing and any other President would not have even considered crossing private property; and now the 'Prince's' HH with its blatant multiple violations of the Constitutions and rights of individuals well beyond its 20 enumerated powers -- you had better believe that there will not be silence -- not be forgotten after the primaries --- not be forgotten -- period any time! And, opposite of the Socialist goal of vindication-- held up for an example for all future generations to understand that our unique individuality belongs in this Nation and is open for all homo-sapiens on the globe; and the enemy - Socialism/Progressive - are the enemies and must always be guarded against!!
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
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