The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Obama's name change for Health Care changing Dems Votes
Rep. Boehner Thank you so much for the fine leadership you provide for Americans throughout our Nation. This Patriot is looking forward to you becoming Speaker of the House. The THANK YOU is EXTENDED to ALL Our Republican Representatives that have called "The Patient Protection and Affordable Act" by the correct huge cost name and misuse of legislative rules, which has been present, to a unprecedented degree, since Obama came to office 1 yr. and 2 months ago. Don't forget the: 'don't read the bill---just pass it' because it is imperative we do this now because if too much information to the contrary occurs, Obama, Soros, Alinski, Cloward-Piven might become recognized for the fools and cowards they are!
Mr. Obama's 'H.R.4872 Reconciliation Act of 2010' is turning votes by utilizing 'distraction' which in this case is pounding, pounding the pre-existing conditions, and cut-off of private insurance support along with Reconciliation won't change that much of medicine -idea. This is an Alinski technique of partial information and excluding any information which might result in losing the "System". I hope you continue to notice that the 'Constitution' word Shall not ever enter the ear of either party! That is the reason for 'distraction'.
Obama/Alinski's 'act-react' occurs within the very narrow confines of definition, rule, informing only by the Obama, Soros, Alinski, Cloward-Piven, Pelosi, Reid confines! The confines include the backroom deals, lies, and calling the opposition liars, "ugly" constitution-based process; with Never-Never mention content of H.R.4872, and ignore constitutional legislative 'process' because every Republican has done it before and therefore it is partisan politics as usual.
Teapartiers have been staying away from party because the Declaration tied to the Constitution is what loses if this 16 Version, Bastard with name changed to "Reconciliation Act of 2010" of Obama Progressive-Socialist thinking succeeds. The name change Is Important! Now the 100% change in the entire field of medicine for the problems of approximately 40 million Americans (18million if you use another statistic source not Obama's) with 6%GNP all medicine in One Branch-Executive- of the Federal Government.
This Act Remains A Change In Our Constitution and Therefore Our Declaration: Article V is the Section which is ignored. Obama has no intention of following a 'bunch of old men who didn't believe in what they were writing(Obama's Autobio)' Constitution; and 'Obama the 1' taking the role of George III or government by the few men and the resulting tyranny of disregard for the legislative process of Article I:7-2 and individual, sovereign, 3 basic unalienable rights by our Creator, as a substitute for what the Executive Branch of government can do for you With Your Money!
Many of the Democrats may also be swayed by Obama's Progressive - Democracy in the practice of 'change by imperative'-- sounding very good: private insurance won't be allowed to increase premiums; pre-existing conditions won't exist; and all Americans Shall join a 'huge pool of money that helps everyone who is ill'. Sounds great! I have been presented with "What is wrong with helping everyone!?".
Also, the Dems may be influenced because Obama emphasize in the Bret B. interview that the Only Question involved is: Are you for "Reform what-ever form it takes versus Status Quo?" and "Do you want to fix a broken system?" (never mind 100% inaccuracy of broken medicine patient-centered care. That's the left out part!).
I repeat "distraction". Obama must answer his own contradictions of the interview; he must answer the obviously visible massive cost because it is not reconcilable with the future generations of teenagers and children along with newborns and yet unthought of births over the next 10 years.
Cost is important because this with the Soros,Alinski,Cloward-Piven are all designed to destroy Capitalism along the the USA because then Israel falls along with much of the rest of the world. Although, I don't think Obama wants to go that far; but he probably doesn't know any better because he doesn't know the connection between the Declaration and the Constitution with religion and morals.
Most important of all, because Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Soros, all know full well exactly what they are doing: -- It is the Constitution that must fail so that Socialism can continue. This regardless of June primary or November elections because these are the few rulers without the 3 unalienable rights from God and no morals. One rule remains "The End always justify's the means" along with cause as much disarray, disorganization and disharmony as possible! Keep Legislature on its heels with its mouth open in shock over the actions of Pelosi, Reid, and Obama. This President has not and will not support or defend the Constitution of the United States of America. And he needs to lead his Democrats down the same terrible path of tyranny in order to make Socialism successful. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.(John Adams)" Progressive-Democracy-Socialism is the dangerous, take the earnings from working people to give to non-earners of any money. The non-earners come to believe they have a right to the non-earned money; the Progressive-Socialist-Democracy support the idea with the result that justice does not include the rights of a sovereign individual who earns a living--regardless of the amount of money in rewards for risk and work!
Those who say the Supreme Court can't do anything are afraid Americans Shall take it to the Supreme Court. There is more than one attack on the Constitution involved. It would be nice if we would quit playing along with the President's problem of using the 'C' word; even though it might be much more effective should "reconciliation" pass, to quietly and immediately enter the Supreme Court-- even if they are hearing another case! No appointment or calendar. This is about Individuals who govern the government; this is about everything we are; and the Supreme Court must drop everything and deal with We the People, Our Elected Representatives, and Our grievance against the current Obama Administration's blind action against Our two Founding Documents!
If I had the money, I would be in Washington DC tomorrow. As it is I can only be there in spirit. But here at home, we have a one-day class on the Constitution through .
Thank you, Catherine West, San Marcos, CA
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