We all know the Obama Government is incapable of arguing for anything that promotes America or American ideals which include the Federal Government's responsibility to secure all borders including access by water-ways. It is unconscionable that the one-sided, blind, deaf, and unable to read Federal Code of our current U.S. Attorney General that allows him the force to get angry at a Sovereign State of Arizona for taking action to protect its own sovereignty, safety, and economics from illegal aliens crossing the border. Illegal Aliens are not limited to those people from Mexico although a majority are because of propinquity. Illegal Aliens also involved human slavery, bondage, drugs, common thieves, kidnapping including white, young women who simply disappear south of the border; terrorists and enemies of the United States of America. The other illegal aliens here in California, are worse in terms of enemies of the USA & drugs via planes and ocean; but since the California Legislature is made up of Obama Lackeys, there is no conscious thought on their part, of how wrong state to state sanctions would be primarily in terms of the ethics of sovereignty but also the Constitutions of the United States and both States. Although it is interesting to note that the last Dec 09 airplane mis-bomb and the man who stood in front of the street camera, presumably because he didn't know it was there - except he stands in the middle of the alleyway and knows which-way to position his body so his back faces the camera. Otherwise, he wouldn't have known, should have been more nervous, and doesn't expect to be punished (per smirk in his photo) by the same US-AG who doesn't recognize Federal Codes 8 Sections 1373(c), 1304(e), 1306(a), 1229(a) and that only gets us to page 4 of the actual Arizona Senate 1070 legislation with clear statement of the intent and goals; which is not to attack skin color or race let alone civil rights - which are not attacked at all! Arizona People of whatever skin color, race, or what-ever, are people of human nature they like legal immigrants, they do not like finding the dead from dehydration in the desert. Protecting sovereignty is equally important as an individual's civil rights, but not 'the other-civil rights defined by Progressives'. Just like the reigning of this very inconsistent, faulty Administration with too much Executive license to force, demand, usurp, and judge all people not of their progressive-socialist mind-set.
Should we even mention the lack of traditional life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness absent from the Obama health act - which also dictates that all Medicare/caid recipients Shall Be Members of The Patient Protection and Affordable Act- per the dictates of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Emmanuel, Stern, Czars, Bureaucrats that exist now and are planned in the near future - unless our Supreme Court can work with both the Declaration of Rights and the Constitution of Law - Both are at Stake! So, Mr. U.S AG, don't talk about civil rights for people who break United States Law as well as the security, safety, and economics of one of 4 Border States on the South side. All the sovereign citizens as well as the 4 sovereign States are well aware that borders with illegal aliens are something that has been constantly ignored for more years than Obama has in age; but that does not excuse this Administration's idea that somehow, these illegal aliens are separated-out for so-called 'civil rights abuses', so that the votes they represent and the future union members they might become, should amnesty be allowed for your Progressive-Socialism's requirements to dominate all American economics, development, medicine, including removing each individual's sovereign property named Automobiles via environmental terrible oil!
That brings us to this President and the Governor of California's - need to close off shore drilling for oil due to an oil spill of not than 16.36% of the Valdez Oil Spill at Prince William Sound - a much more remote and colder area to clean than the Gulf. Comparison to Valdez was made on Monday's 4/26, 11pm CBS news "This could be worse than the Exxon Valdez spill of 1989!". No-one anywhere has made the equivalent of 1 Gallon = 0.024 Barrel of oil with the comparison of the fact that Valdez spilled 628,571.43 barrels on colder, more remote area land - the oil is thick and sticks to what it touches! Not so in the Gulf. Plus, everyone is working to minimize the damage of approximately 39,000 barrels spilled, but with 3 months to go. Since our President and our State's Governor do not know the difference between the oil in the Mississippi Valley of the Gulf and the 3 mile deep at most - TAR based oil offshore California -- it is extremely incorrect to make any comparisons of either risk, danger to habitat, or anything else here in California. Tar doesn't run off. It isn't deep. And slant drilling is used which is remarkable for its safety. In view of Our State's economics, especially with the Federal Judge for this Obama Administration with its league of environmental ethics of animals and plants before the needs of humans to an extreme, beyond reason degree directed to both nuclear and petroleum; then destroying of homes, person, property, effects through unreasonable seizure of water; and the effects on the production of local, State, Federal, and World supplies of food --- it is hard to imagine any reasoned, ethical purpose in stopping either the off-shore oil needs or the Agricultural requirements for water here in California; except to destroy California's economy by doing more damage than California's Progressive-Liberal-Union Legislature has done while working to make laws, the union's bureaucrats write the Regulations to support; and both vi to see who can get rid of the most of California's people or businesses in the shortest amount of time.
We have spoken of California's broken borders - ocean included - but our candidates for Sheriff sure do know the score - California zero / illegal aliens what ever you want. But that is just like our taking care of the homeless to the tune of 35% especially during winter months; and something like 1/3rd of the inmates, another Federal district judge declared unhealthy for prisoners, are from Mexico. Our Federal government doesn't support the Mexican Inmates. Mexico won't take them back! Just like Arizona, California- in fact none of the Mexican Border States -receive Federal assistance for economic costs and losses to legal immigrants and citizens. Just the votes illegals, just the votes!!
Like always, this writer shall continue to point-out the connections between Arizona at the receiving end of this Administration and its blind supporters, who only recognize civil rights violations against illegal aliens and war criminals. Never, never Americans naturalized or natural, but always accused and fingerprinted, scanned, searched, generally held up, as the bad guys continue: the 12/09 bomber, the NY amateur. It is much easier for a too big, tyrannical government that has way over-stepped its boundaries, to track the good-guy Americans; as opposed to defend the bad guy illegals and prisoners of war. It also results in spending more money than any taxpayer has - so this Administration gets to destroy business right along with the workers they try to employ with tax-money gone to pork barrels and only certain, nicely conforming States - not those Tea Partier extremists defending the Declaration, Constitution and the United States of America.
All the above are the tactics of Saul Alinski and Cloward-Piven. Why keep harping on this...? So, the yelling, screaming, shouting, running differences between the anti-Senate1070 in Arizona; the mountain out of mole-hill resulting in a Everest of outcome in petroleum located off-shore; the terrible, planned support of Obama-Emmanuel - Stern defined social justice vs Declaration of American Principle and Constitution of American Law. This against exactly what the founders were trying to protect the individual from: the Progressive - Democracy of this over-stuffed, self-aggrandized, defined law only as the progressive's decide that results in the worst for our Nation: no integrity - no Nature and Nature's God - No with the consent of the governed - no "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.". No belief or even respect for the Power and Glory of God. The harping is because this kind of thinking Shall continue with this Socialist-Progressive-Democracy, Obama-Alinski, Emmanuel/WhiteHouse gang with czars, and Cloward-Piven for kangaroo courts which include AIG, Chrysler, Private Medical Insurance, Profits of Wallstreet vs the union meaning of Main Street, for as long as they are permitted to be holding office in 'We the people in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility.." ooops!
Remember, the number of votes to win an election DOES NOT establish any one individual's right to change the Form of Government of the United States of America according to both the Declaration of Principle and the Constitution of Law to protect the individual from too large a Progressive-socialist group of few men!!
The Form our Government takes can only be changed by We the People with Article V! Remember the Progressive-Socialist Obama Government is in Violation of Article IV:4 which Shall Guarantee a Republic Form of Government. 100% of Americans with 6% of GNP in One Branch of Government - Executive where only One Individual is Elected - is Not a Representative Republic form of Government!!! Nor is the Judicial Federal District Courts elected - all are appointed with force of the majority or the 'tyranny of numbers'.
That is why it Shall remain very important to recognize that the word 'Congress' coming together in 'concert' or harmony Means There Must Be Two - Not One - Votes From The Opposition Party! So Republican Congress-members - Do Not Join and Do Not Compromise any more of our Declaration of Independence and our Supreme Law of the Land than you have to....Please uphold your Oath of Office! You have been performing exemplary and I count myself as a Very Proud Republican!
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
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