The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Continuing Saga of this Executive Branch's ability to make Executive orders, cabinet regulations without regard to factual information....

          "...Schwarzenegger also had counted on $140 million in proceeds from a lease for an oil drilling project off the Santa Barbara coast that would fund state parks. But last week the governor dropped his support for the proposal after the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It is not clear how the governor plans to pay for parks now."  (Previous blog suggested that 'community get togethers' from churches, service organizations, baseball-soccer, football teams, and senior dance teams and any other interested group "Adopt-a-park" and ask for resources as donations or discounts to maintain our parks, camping grounds, and public places, walking and hiking trails. "Adopt-a-Park, Campground, trail, etc." is a great example of a Democracy in a Republic. 'We the people' perform and control our environment. One community has here in San Diego:-)  ---back to business at hand...

          But more important are examples of Saul Alinski's tactics: Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do. Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat. Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself.

          Alinski and his ethics: ".. the only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and always has been, "Does this particular end justify this particular means?" The judgment of the ethics of means is dependent upon the political position of those sitting in judgment. Judgment must be made in the context of the times in which the action occurred and not from any other chronological vantage point. Concern with ethics increases with the number of means available and vice versa. Any effective means is automatically judged by the opposition as being unethical. You do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments." 

          It is important to remember that Obama taught students Saul Alinski's methods, that this President uses both the tactic and the ethics/lack of - constantly; and that you could play a matching game with combinations of tactics/ethics alongside virtually any topic this Executive Branch with  its Cabinet (only the President is elected by "consent of the governed"). Both vitalized by Executive Orders and Cabinet Regulations - neither having any relation to both Congress and the consent of the governed). Like the twisting, hairlike threads of microscopic neurofibers, these two groups wind their way about every nook and cranny that makes up our Nation. Judgement, one sided and blind, "dependent on the political position of those sitting in judgement; along with going outside the experience of the opponent to cause confusion and retreat, are the working rules of ethics and tactics. The oil spill in itself doesn't contain fear; but the environmentalist's using damage to the environment is utilizing fear. In this case, the fear of the memory from 1300 Coastline miles of cold, remote Prince William Sound where 10.8 million gallons/250,000 barrels of crude spilled and coated due to cold, everything within the Valdez Oil spill.  Environmentally, the Valdez Spill is the worst oil spill in history! It rates 59th in the order of crude oil spill in the world and 1st in the United States. The night of the Gulf Spill on the 11p.m. CBS News said the gulf spill could be greater than the Valdez spill.

          No location, in any media, regardless of its form, has the following basic ratio between barrels and gallons been written or expressed: 1 barrel of crude oil = 42gallons of crude oil. The world use of crude oil measurements is often in  U.S.tons or tones(t). Our news is using gallons and as of  5/11 - today, that represents 4 million gallons @ approximately 210,000 gallons/day; or 95,238 barrels @ approximately 5,000 barrels/day of warm, accessible, runny crude from 5000 feet deep water and sand. 

          This represents the information that President Obama and his White House Gang(WHG) used to declare a stop to offshore oil drilling; and our governor used for the above paragraph lifted from "Steve Frank's Capitol News". The WHG would not use Exxon Valdez because of the "chronology rule" and because the comparison fades when comparison is utilized. Can't get fear out of Gulf Spill.  So, just make it another decree by the President supported by lemming California's current Democratic - Progressive - Socialist Legislature. The Gulf Oil Spill was not meeting "the means" test at the time when correspondingly - the Kangaroo trial of Goldman-Sachs was in full yelling, foul-mouthed, one-sided opinionated blows by one of the Congressional participants in the 'Real Estate Bubble', was doing OK because "the means is trading on ignorance".  While the signing of the Arizona Senate Bill which allows arrest of illegal aliens under the existing Federal Code of Regulations for the United States of America, was and continues Alinski/Obama success of  "the end justify's the means" by trading on ignorance of many of the Mexican people in the USA, the use of flat and open Mis/absent information to generate more confusion and anger plus the "Obama/Alinski, Lemming Majority Legislation of Sacramento" following the ignorant City of Los Angeles joining the "Judgement - justifying the Means".  The pressure, yelling, mobs, calling Arizona's legislature every name possible including civil rights violators - much to the chagrin of Arizona Citizens and 75% of Americans, who have been the at the receiving end of illegal aliens cost of care, safety, gang, death, imprisonment and economy for too many years.  It is also a word game common to this Administration:  Illegal Immigrant is one who should be taken care of because he does the work no-one else will do, should be given what-ever, along with other tax-payer supported privileges and immunities of citizens - sans any Right to citizenship. But then, Progressive Socialist use 'fairness and rights' which defines as 'agree with me or you are the opposition'; and that 'means of vocabulary' depends on the most current chronology of judgement without use of past chronology history offers.  It made Obama and the WHGang mad! Hooray-that's one for the United States of America!  The Sovereign State of Arizona has the American Common Sense and Initiative to use existing law and embrace it to assist in resolving their multiple problems resulting from illegal aliens since the Federal government refused---again.  Illegal Alien means someone crossing our Sovereign Borders without obeying Immigration Law and without proper papers who may or may not have broken any other law -- but is not entitled to the privileges and immunities of Legal Immigrants who most often become Naturalized American Citizens earning the rights and costs of being an American!

          We're still in the "corresponding parts" of Alinski's Tactics/self-defined Ethics because "Financial Overhaul" is another "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" Cage which holds the loss of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for the Sovereign Individual Named "Sovereign Business-Commerce"; And is the Knife to the Heart of the United States of America:  ".. and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION to which the LAWS OF NATURE (Science) and the LAWS OF NATURE'S GOD (Scripture****) Entitle Them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind Requires...(because "impel to separation" is not the Only "Opinions of Mankind")....  and WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, that All Men are Created Equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with Certain Unalienable Rights..".  Here is Alinski's answer to the Declaration:
In the first chapter's opening paragraph, Alinsky writes,
"What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away".[1]*  Add Cloward-Piven's Plan to Destroy Capitalism (Shut-off of Water in CA's Central Valley) to equal the completed Socialist-Progressive Control the United States of America.    Then add Obama's alliance with other socialist countries and Europe can all.....become the same as Greece, the European Union, Spain, Portugal... Not totally Britain! It's election reflects what the British Individual is seeing take place here in the USA,  has its 'Rights of Man' and does recognize, however differently, the need for an individual's expression of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness - less related to money/society class now - than in its history; although that tug-of-war may be a source of some of its strife.

         To place together Obama/Alinski-Emmuel/White House and their definition of 'Change' they believe they own a 'right to' as a result of the '08 election'  so that their 'judgement' and definition of the "pursuit of Happiness"  as demonstrated by:        1) Gulf Oil spill;   2) Goldman-Sachs; 3) Illegal Aliens - Alinski's/Obama's Immigrants; 4) "Financial Reform" resulting --should Republicans go to sleep-- Much Greater Damage to The United States of America than the "Patient Protection and Affordable Act"!  Market Place Finance affects money on paper and real value 100 cents on the dollar.  It is the Stock Market that absorbs the Debt that flows, transforms it into real dollars which all kinds of people - business use to buy and sell for the purpose of making a profit - and makes the money flow circle work throughout government, business, and every single individual regardless of Anything In Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit-Of-Happiness!!!!!  The market place corrects the discounted government dollar so that when every individual who pays taxes, pays in 100 cent dollars. Remember $1.00 Federal dollar is divided into 50parts + cost of Pork fat barrels. Health care, stimulus, jobs, grants to every bill & act through this Socialist Administration is passed on the work earnings of  majority of Americans.

Outcomes from the mis-absent information regarding all Four of the Above simultaneous Obama/Alinski-Emmanuel/WHGang  continuous, evolving issues and events.....until 1/20/13 when this Executive Branch office ends.  Americans and Republicans Remember:  the tactics are in the EXECUTIVE BRANCH - not elected and consisting of non-cleared Czars who are responsible for instigating much of the Regulations out of each of the Cabinets! When we replace lemming, Socialist-Progressive Democrats in the Legislature, that will not stop the actions and activities of the Cabinets especially related to HHS, Homeland Security, Energy, Environment, Treasury - although it might slow them down.  Obama/Emmanuel have bypassed the Legislative Branch by using the Power of the Senate whip and The Speaker against their own party.

BP is at the receiving end of news commentators eager to attack another 'big business' and the Obama/Alinski Connection! The "fair facts" regarding the Gulf Spill, especially relating to becoming worse than Exxon Valdez, are not worthy of mention beyond the fact that Associated Press has no intention of enabling the 5W's with How, now than it did eight plus years ago during the Bush Administration.  In fact, if those of you genuinely interested in the 5W's and H, please go to and watch the 55 min video: "Technical Briefing and Update 10 May 2010".  You Shall find it under the red tab 'Gulf of Mexico response'.  In the first 15 min, you will learn more than the first 21 days of media journalism and television because: 1) there have been more than 5,000 wells drilled over 20 years at depths greater than 1000 feet; and this is the FIRST ACCIDENT OF THIS KIND! 2) Every Major Oil Corporation in the industry is studying the Science of oil drilling. Because it is a first, every step taken is new and learning by doing is the watch word. (This part was  really interesting mix of science with logic plus water, mud, pressure). 3) The Shoreline booms have not yet been breached and the oil is still far from shore. 4) The number of fishermen, volunteers, oil men involved is tremendous and will stop the shore line.  5) When questioned about the cause: answered that the preventer is already part of evidence in the trial - even before anyone can get to it. Answerer also said it is as much evidence for the Oil Business as it is for the courtroom. That offshore drilling worries will resolve in whatever time it takes; but you cannot draw conclusions without the results of the investigation(!)....there is much more...!!!

          As a result of the insulting Progressive-Socialism of Obama/Alinski-Emmanuel/WHG, the real story of the BP Gulf Spill, like the real story of Goldman-Sachs, Arizona's Illegal Aliens, and money flow through business in America; may never be told because the "media information resources" have an agenda of $$$$$ and Compromise with an admittedly unethical and unjust group of few people who hold power until 1/20/13!

The BP Video should be on television as its own informational show.  But, of course popular media does not want its movie-rag-funny-music-tattletailing show and game shows with comedy inbetween.  So the 50's GE Theatre, Omnibus, understanding history and religion type shows will not be seen. Heaven forbid that America return to being a religious and moral Nation of informed governor's of the government!!! Only Glen Beck does that..

*-****:  Wikipedia has the "handbook for liberals"; Exxon Valdez Spill including to date 2010; will lead to the Senate Bill itself; Please Read and Watch
             Unfortunately, like The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution, too many Americans Elected, holding public office, working America are not informed of the nature of the flow of actual dollars from Main Street = Obama's Unions and the majority of working America through the government's discounted, irresponsible use of  taxpayer and borrowed money, through banks, loans, insurance of every kind, investments to the Stock Market which goes by the name of   'Free Market'!

I have just heard the "do not forward" the false information going thru the internet by the Executive Branch of government, the Ad Council, and a couple of other Federal Government-type commercial. Since, KFI, KOGO feel the need to discontinued Rush because of  'The Truth'  v  the judgement from "those in position of political power absent fact so grossly presented in the Gulf Oil Spill, Arizona's Law, and so many more insults to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and ITS HISTORY!

My name is Catherine Elizabeth West, I am a Sovereign Individual  American who loves my Country. I Shall Speak The Research Facts with Logical Conclusions and I Shall Speak My Mind most especially when " its Constitution, obey its laws, respect its flag, and Defend It Against All Enemies."! 

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