Insult #1) The Writers of the "America's Financial Stability Act" (there were NO Cosponsors of this Act) were contributors to the "Bubble's" damage and have among the lowest ethical concerns in Congress. And Every Single Member of Congress including American Individuals - Sen. Dodd and Rep. Frank - Know This!
Insult #2) As everyone is pointing out - "America's Financial Security Act" leaves out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, one reason: the names of the authors of this gigantic, deceitful document about our financial system which Shall continue to Flounder until this Administration can figure out "This Administration Is The Problem". Another reason: The Executive Branch of this Obama/Alinsky-Cloward/Piven - Already Controls Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through the real estate home loans and modification programs.
'We the People' can continue "Remember in November"! And Please "Keep the Feet to the Fire" for every individual American, and against every Congress-member, "We finally got them back in Line!", supporter of the Obama Regime.
Please Continue to E-mail, Fax, and Phone - every Single Congress-member who chose this Man named Obama who Is Of The Islamic Religion, before the United States of America. Mr. Obama acting against security of person, home, property, and effects, sans respect for Private property and 'due process' against Chrysler's CEO; and while acknowledging that British Petroleum is taking responsibility, but not enough to prevent a $20 Billion Slush Fund monitored by Obama's Czars; or Before the Cause is known; and yelling crook, lier and "Worse spill in United States History" of Gulf Oil Spill "not more than 180,000,000 barrels (Wed.AP news) (which did not spill more than Exxon Valdez 250,000,000 barrels and the Gulf is Not in sub-zero temperatures!); interference with ICE and Borders with Executive Branch of United States Government vs. Arizona lawsuit; along with (actually this might be a good thing, meant to be bad!!) City Councils, Baseball, H.S Sports Finals, California State (against Federal Law - Sovereign State acting against another Sovereign State and With Another Nation) with Mexico to re-schedule a border meeting suppose to take place in Arizona!
Reason why a good thing in disguise? Look At The Leaders Of All Those Involved In The Decisions: Before Trial - and Remember November or Spring or Next Election; -- and in the case of Baseball - let the Commissioner Know that #1: Mexican ballplayers do not make a majority of Americans! In the case of the High School Playoff - girls team; - Remember who Runs for the School Board and who is involved. Voice Opposition and that there IS NOTHING IN ANY OF THESE OTHER EXTRA-CURRICULAR, NON-ELECTED AND ELECTED PERSONS WHICH ALLOWS THEM TO SPEAK JUDGEMENT AND OPINION FOR THE VOTERS OF THEIR CITY, OR THE CITIZENS OF THEIR STATES, AND FAMILIES OF ALL THOSE INDIVIDUALS AFFECTED BY THOSE JUDGMENTS AND OPINIONS! Remember the ethics of Opinion* and Judgement*: Yes, everyone does have a Right to their Opinion; But everyone also Has The Responsibility to Honor themselves and others By Acknowledging the Wrong When the Opinion is Wrong, especially when some or any of the facts are presented with deceit.
Judgement is Different because it belongs to God and He says "Judge Not That Ye Be Judged.." and maybe you don't heed his Words...That is your opinion and choice, but non-buyer Beware! I realize that our Courts and Judges cannot function without the word 'Judgement' and that it is a separate use from its Biblical sense; i.e Judgement Day. God teaches exactly what the first paragraph of the Declaration: "When in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People....and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent* Respect to the Opinions of Mankind...".
"America's Financial Stability Act" is opinions and judgments based on deceit, one-sided arguments, and silence without acceptance when arguments against this Act were presented. Like the Oil Rig Commission, it will be run by ignorant of business members of the Executive or Legislative Branch(es) of a one-sided, Socialistic government with 'world order' defined by one or two men, the most important "means defined by Alinsky" to be obtained.
The Truth and Verbal fight against the Progressive-Socialist-Islam Viewpoint will continue after 2012 because of the number of octopus's suction cups on all 8 arms and the size of this particular animal who has been growing for a long time. Americans and Americans elected to office, must understand the great difference between religion and ethics of our Founders and practiced all the way through the mid-1930's; and the Nature of the Negative of Political Party which Progressives, et. al. represent. Don't misunderstand, Republicans, because of their small government, less taxes, personal responsibility, and free trade are and have been defending US(A) since this Administration with its lemming Party members, went haywire into submission 02/01/09; but since the "Numbers Game" takes precedence over our Republic's Substance of Issue and Candidate, they haven't been able to win, but have been able to stall Obama & company to the degree of today's weekly Speech by Obama.
Congratulations for your very hard work and keep it up -- excluding the Delaware side show Republicans who need to have their heads examined, but they wiill be back when they wake up from "Rip van Wrinkle"!
*As always, when using our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, it is very important to look and regard the meanings of words in the time of usage via Noah Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language"(1828):
JUDG'MENT, n. The act of judging; the act or process of the mind in comparing its ideas, to find their agreement or disagreement, and to ascertain truth; or the process of examining facts and arguments, to ascertain propriety and justice; or the process of examining the relations between one proposition and another.