The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Federal deficit $119,554 + California deficit $12,795 =
                 $132,349 per Taxpayer 
and all the propose and add-ons by the equally irresponsible Progressive-                    
                       Socialist-Islam Government aren't counted--yet!

Irresponsible, Child-like behavior from the Majority Party declining to take responsibility for the running of the State they were elected to support along with both Federal and State Constitutions. In the State Constitution, the responsibilities of the Legislature are spelled-out.  Without room for "If you won't play my way. I won't play with there!"; 'throwing up her 3 1/2 y/o head' and costing taxpayers for their employees and sitting time at their respective desks! Neither Constitution makes room for that kind of behavior. It isn't anticipated by the history of Assembly and Senate Members, that such behavior would occur; but given the nature of Progressive-Socialist single-sided; blind to Bills presented by the Minority Party; and deaf to any suggestion that the Majority might have a behavior problem: "After all, isn't that what the Republicans did last year's budget!!??". This mentality is why the $$$$$$ figure deficit will be the responsibility of the next 4-6 generations of both majority and minority parties and includes California citizens; and are placed at the top of this fairly small essay!

Since the Majority Party is not 3 1/2 y/o, an adult style punishment for disrespect in performing the Constitutional Duties of their office is probably overdue and very much in order.  It might have to come from our Governor. He is probably fed-up to well above his head with the 'hold-up' behaviors. BUT the Republicans to protect All Citizens, including themselves, the continued loss of jobs, population, business (which is the reason part of loss tax revenue occurred) and the above facts of Federal And California deficit cost to each taxpayer; WHILE the majority party has one, single answer which "has always worked before! Raise Taxes - again!". The majority party refuses to even begin to look at the cost of retirement for their lovely, union votes that protect their seats in California's Legislature, or the waste of money in duplication, poor communication, and too much personnel in Departments, Commissions, and Bureaus! Imagine, if the majority party had considered a line-item, 5% cut in all of the above before June 15, 2009, it would be nearly complete by now!

The Consequences to the Citizens of this State to both deficits - are of no consequence because of 3 1/2 y/o behavior that doesn't care or...well Mr/Ms/Mrs Citizen of the Majority Party...Ask your favorite Majority Member of Our State Legislature the 5W's and H of that mindset.

This writer sincerely doubts that the MAJORITY party at either the State or Federal Governments, is capable of realizing that each individual's decision to hold office invariably results in Service or taking personal responsibility to the Citizens and to the State or Nation's Constitution they swore to uphold.

Or they may be under the delusion, many in Congress are: That the United States of America is a Democracy and as such, the only election that counts occurred in 2008 and therefore, there is nothing the Minority or un-accepting Majority members can do!

It is certainly very common to hear elected and unelected Americans referring to our Nation as a 'Democracy'; but it is a 'REPUBLIC' We Pledge Our Alligence to; and it is a 'Republic' Article IV:4 refers to: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of....". Here is the Article which addresses changing, amending by one of two methods, the Constitution: Article V which does NOT ADDRESS WINING AN ELECTION AS A METHOD TO CHANGE THE 234Y/O CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

While these facts probably won't change a 3 1/2 y/o child's behavior, maybe holding the salaries and benefits of the Majority Party - not including their employees, will help! Like children, who are born into a 'family' with a myraid of descriptions; adults working for the Majority Party, have No Control or Say Over the Decisions their parents or Legislative Members make. It is Certain to get their attention. It might even get them to respect "..just powers derived from the consent of the governed.." but don't hold your breath.

Governor Schwarzenegger, could you write an Executive Order from June 15 to date, to hold their pay, for the Majority of Elected Assembly-members and Senators who deem their opinions more important than their responsibility to the State Constitution and Citizens of Our State of California?? We the Taxpayers, protected by the Minority Party, would appreciate the action very much!

Thank you, Governor Schwarzenegger, for considering holding the pay of the Majority Party Members from June 15 to date the majority party begins to resume their responsibilities to the Citizens and Constitution of California.

Catherine E. West, a Patriot and Native-Born Californian