[published, 08/28/2010]
with Shared Gratitude and Love from Glenn Beck, who has been instructing all Americans who would listen; of the wrongs of Democracy-Socialism versus both our Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States of America; The Principles in The Promise, and the Protection of the Individual in the Constitutional with religion and morality resulting in 234 years of innovation, invention, growth both physically and mentally through medicine and physicians-industry-and use of the Tool called Money history. The history of our Nation is unprecedented in governing for the protection of the individual with representative government of our Republic.
The importance of the individual is amply demonstrated in The Bible and the many religions that have grown from the Bible; but Not in Government! It's many faces range from lawless, borderless terror, to tyranny of destruction of individual citizens within its own borders for the purpose of what Ben Franklin, with most of the founders, called "two passions which have powerful influence on the affairs of men. ...ambition and avarice: love of power and love of money as the means of control-tool; through government by the majority of people - Democracy; through Our representative government of the Constitutional Republic with its built-in guards: Separation of Power between the three branches of government; distribution of power over the 3 branches in order to spread power among as many officials as possible; and partial blending of powers or 'Checks and Balances'.
From January 20, 2009 to today; and continuing - unless 'We the People' Learn to understand 'Republic' - until the first Tuesday in January 2011! Honor - Hope - Charity - Faith is to honor each sovereign American Rights - earned by Naturalization or by Birth With mandatory Responsibilities to the Republic - much like Tithing - probably it is tithing, but the word got lost in the 'so-called, 1947 "must be high and impregnable" description separation of religion from government with reflection to anything supported by taxes or gov. dollars! The mandatory responsibilities are well expressed in the "W. Tyler's American's Creed". The responsibilities are what is missed with illegal alien crossing borders, anchor babies; groups of religious sects or groups which stay together ostensibly to maintain their cultures and language, but without regard to the duty to learn something about why love it, why support the Constitution, obey law, respect our flag, and defend it against all enemies - which some naturalized citizens have No Intention of Performing and others give their lives, fortunes, and honor.
Last week, our President describe our nation as a Democracy twice, in his weekly radio speech. That means he has traveled his chaotic Administration, promoted by Saul Alinsky, Cloward-Piven, George Soros, Stern and Union's Socialist Administration, Ron Emmanuel, Wm. Ayers, Rev. Wright, the Mullah's in the Middle East and U.S with the goal of joining America to the World; rather than understanding the Republic and Reasons for its historical Sovereignty and Individuality the Republic offers. Many elected and non-elected Americans, think "it might work better" - in 2008 when Honorable George W. Bush, was at the receiving end of three of America's greatest catastrophe's - 2 natural and 1 manmade; + the Middle East War against the evil of lawless, borderless, radical Islam - Obama's love of Islam - won't allow to be said; except this is America! He Owns The Responsibility of His Chosen Beliefs; and removing video's which demonstrate not only his deep happiness, but also his love of the Islam he grew-up around. His beliefs and life, as Glenn has demonstrated, are affecting why his life's journey leads him to power and control of money via Progressive-Socialistic- and last week Democracy.
Democracy is a beautiful word. It does mean everyone has an opportunity to speak and also that the majority vote of the people is The Single Most Important Value - not God, not morality, not what the individual candidate will Stand Against or Stand For or even....what a person believes because the social group decides to confirm what the Progressive-Socialist leadership has already implemented and put into action BEFORE the vote of the people is heard. You want to watch an example? "Alexander the Great", Richard Burton, Frederic March, Clair Bloom 1956 is about power and government. I remember, back then, that many people who love ancient history, didn't agree with the presentation of Alexander; but it has scenes of a Democracy taking place in Greece.
Next week, elected Americans, who abuse the earnings from American's work, by confiscating and redistributing earnings without regard or respect to the Americans fulfilling their an important, but not exclusive responsibility to their Nation. These elected officials will use the De mock cracy's Tyranny of Number to pressure through another confiscation of future energy development with Executive Branch invasions - written by the President and his White House.
In contrast, the importance of our Republic, with the end result of Political Party's Role in Government from mosquito abatement through President, is as apparent to the American who respects the power of a Republic through God, Morality, and our Twin Documents of principle and Applied Principle, in how here in CA, our Republicans (connection intended by the party or members in history, much the same as Democratic for Democracy) Held: against the majority of Liberal-Progressive-plastic bag & wt. of children's backpacks-socialist spending and power regulating all business and enterprise by raising taxes. In Federal Government, Our Republicans in Congress, while being called several names by other Republicans and of course opposition, learned and applied all rules of government to slow, stalmate, or beat the majority party BY The Power Of Rules and Law; and by Sticking Together. They are having trouble with a new logic or rediscovered since it's been there since the Constitution was written: When one Party refuses to sign an Act, Bill or Law - in Congress; then the Act or Bill May Not Go to The President for Signature (Article 1:1, 5, 7(2)) because it does not represent Congress 1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. concert1. Agreement of two or more in a design or plan; union formed by mutual communication of opinions and views; accordance in a scheme; harmony. 2. A number or company of musicians, playing or singing the same piece of music at the same time; or the music of a company of players or singers, or of both united. When only one party of a two or more party system, bring an Act or Bill together, All Parties must have agreement in content of the Act or Bill - Not Just De-mock-cracy of Number!
We owe Republicans of California and Congress, thanks for stopping this Administration for as long as they have. This is Why: 1) Be sure your candidate, what-ever Party knows what his Oath of Office is. and don't let distraction to issues - bog your intent to protect this nation!
2) Do Not - willy-nilly - throw out the Republicans who authored the slow-stop-stalemate in both houses of Congress and here in CA
3) Remember what Glenn has taught through 'Classical Logic' of the Founders: Progressives are Republicans also. This because of public school's refusal to continue religious education, flag ceremonies by students, and a non-revisionist-non-hero as opposed to giving lives, fortunes, and sacred honor! Service and Duty before Party; but respect for party platforms, information resources, and desire to represent smaller government, personal responsibility, lower taxes, no invasion of what belongs to the people - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of HaPPINESS with or Without Success!!!
ps I'll edit later, got to get to Kit Carson Park.....
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.