The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

On Politics in Obama's Administration, The Constitution and Ethics...

Among the problems occurring with the Socialist-Progressive-Islamic Upper Legislative and Executive Branch of Federal Level of this government is the avowed refusal: to pay attention to Oath of Office; content of Constitution; unless of course, it is required to establish ongoing superiority in government by power; without immediate consequence of their actions; or attention to "..deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.."; or respect for the wage-earner - unless he/she is a Member of a Union - or the Legislators of Congress. The list continues:
---or the Enumerated Powers of the Federal Branch from ---Article I:8:15 "..and Repel Invasions;" one-sided immigration to be on hold - 1 week pre-election; "but we want to be clear, there is nothing political about this!".  Of course, this administration doesn't define Arizona as being invaded by drug cartels; because that won't fit into preconceived notions of the Obama White House, or the Union members living in the Southwest. And because American Wage-earners and Legal Immigrants-Obama and cohorts spending money source- do not count in the Equality of 'Social Justice' (or "Legal Plunder" of Frederic Bastiate), their sovereign; or individual rights to safety of person, property, home, and effects cannot be a consideration in the U.S. Southern District Court..
---8:8  " ..Promote* - NOT Engage-Profit-Usurp Land-Define science for Political Gain, or Interfere with Business and business of the Citizens of the U.S and of their States; present in all bills, acts, cabinet regulations relating to anything communicative, environmental-power-manufacturing industry especially oil and nuclear.
---8:1  "..All Duties, Imposts and Excises Shall Be Uniform Throughout the United States;.."; but Not in Health or Financial Security Acts!
---From Article IV:3:2   "...respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed* as to Prejudice* Any Claims of the United States, Or of Any Particular State."   Obama is again enjoying, and using his direct power over the District Court of the United States in helping the Judge determine what the Prejudice is and why it is OK to 'target,freeze, don't let go until the 'means' is met' by S. Alinski (the Judge probably knows nothing about Alinsky; but should recognize the prejudice involved)! There are numerous other excursions around the Supreme Law of the Land  this President has, is, and will continue to take. Even with the experienced of correcting and swearing his Oath of Office Twice; before the Chief Justice he loves to hate. Neither Obama or Senate Socialist are aware that business is an individual with all the rights of an individual in law (Citizens United  v...), so they re-wrote the McCain-Feingold Act so far away from Constitutional content - it deserved the death it received. The biggest help the Obama-cohorts receive is 'don't ask - don't tell' relating to the Violations of the Constitution of the United States. If Congress and everyone in Obama's group can keep Americans uninformed regarding the severe, constant, violations - the popular, survey/poll-based politics can reign as the best method to deal with this illegal Administration

So much for Ethics, except Do Not Expect any 'change' from this President, or the members of his group around the White House. Their denial of  " assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind...".  Because the vast majority of Americans do respect and believe in Both Documents, after 234 years: "Is it not the glory of the people of America, that whilst they have paid a decent regard to the opinions of former times and other nations, they have not suffered a blind veneration for antiquity, for custom, or for names, to overrule the suggestions of their own good sense, the knowledge of their own situation, and the lessons of their own experience? James Madison, Federalist #14.".  Such is the accuracy of understanding the Nature and Nature's God of Human Beings by our founders.  They are and were very special men - women without race and with religion and ethics so much a part of their lives that this following Newspaper article from Boston Gazette, and Country Journal dated March 12, 1770 (reproduction fac-simile from original copy):
                                                     Like a scurvy politician seem,
                                                          To see the things thou dost noe. Shakespeare

"A Writer, in the Boston Chronicle, has not only been charged, in direct terms, but proved, by irrefiftable(paper's spelling) demonstration, guilty of impertinence, absurdity, sophistry and falsehood. That, all this has been done, with fair argument and good manners, the BOSTONIAN ought, with blushes, to concede. But should the gentleman think such a concession too great a sacrifice to truth and justice, it is then hoped, that his future publications, tho' unanswered, will meet attention, and less credit. ...." Much of the other articles in about 10 font, Roman lettering in 3 columns of  2 11/16ths. inches on 10x15 very fragile paper, are votes and opinions regarding the British. It is shared, to be sure every American understands that the Colonists took God, Ethics, and Education of the young in the same manner at home and at school, as was true of every Adult and of education through the 1950's.  

The meaning of 'Politic, Political' is Immensely Important for the attention of each reader; because TeaPartier's don't want any part of "Politicians" and have "Zero Tolerance of Racism".  Not All Politicians are bad; and because 'politician', sadly, as is 'racism' intrinsic to human nature, anytime at least two human beings are together for a purpose...any purpose..anywhere..anytime..any reason..husband and wife..boyfriend-girlfriend..competing in sports..referees in sports..humans advancing in their professions...well, you know what is involved.  More important, you can see from the top paragraph, that at least one Administration has put together all the wrongs from T. Roosevelt, W. Wilson, F.D. Roosevelt, the Supreme Court justices sitting as "commerce", taxes, 'elastic clause'. With no limits and no control and no thought of cost or reference to the founders who said taxes would lead to the demise of the country.  The word 'commerce' is so far from the Original Meaning it is successful in "instead of  trying what meaning may be SQUEEZED OUT of the text, or INVENTED AGAINST IT,  conform to the PROBABLE ONE IN WHICH IT WAS PASSED. Thomas Jefferson, 1823."  'Elastic' is stretched so tight it is threatening to break our Nation as a Republic because of the usurping power of this administration.

Many of the political opposition and uninformed, like to use Democracy in relation to our Nation. Granted by founders, that Democracy sounds wonderful and does have a place in government at home, community organizations, and city government; but for the State or Federal level government, here is what John Adams said: "Remember democracy never lasts long.  It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.".   Opposition politics including new Justices Sotomeyer and Kagan: Federal Government is Not the determiner of life, liberty, or the pursuit of Happiness - the Individual is -- and it is the Individual that the founders are addressing in our Declaration of Independence; and are protecting in the Constitution of the United States of America.  Both Documents are related: What is written in the Declaration is also covered by Articles and Amendments in the Constitution.

This President and his Administrative Supporters Must Have the word 'politics'  to make any Argument for their unethical and irreligious decisions for the 'Main Street' of the Union members. The opposition politicians have no regard for the risk, management, innovative, down-right hard work of any individual at any level of business performs day in and day out/often 365 days - no vacation and no retirement; now no medicine because 2 cents on the dollar or less is not a living so you don't buy your own health care; and what all business is doing is allowing every worker to be a 'self-contractor' and or hired at will - their and yours!

Government With Union is so synonymous that when you see the paving of roads 'we put our taxpayer-work-earned money' into; you realize that Union members may pay taxes like everyone else; but they receive taxpayer money every time they work plus every time they retire; and they have a closed shop meaning the Only Right To Work Belongs To The Union Member in government at all levels Nationwide! That is the reason No Stimulus - Taxpayer money - will Ever Produce Anything to Help This or Any Economy Any Where In The World!

The other 'Politics' is Republican. It like all human nature has its faults. I guess the Socialists put their faults into the group so the faults are so buried in confusion, misinformation, lies, and race wars; no-one will notice or have knowledge. On the other hand, The Republican Party is the Party of Small Government; Personal Responsibility, low taxes,  that translates into duty and accountability with Service tossed in also for many who hold office at every level of local to Federal Government. Our Party Members took a little time to realize, as is true of a lot of Americans to this day, that indeed, it is our Constitution along with healthcare and Finances is truly at risk for destruction due to the Socialist party is taking over via 6% GNP in the Executive Branch of the Practice of Medicine with 100% government involvement in College Loans; along with 100% of the flow of the business dollar because without appeal, due process, warrant or any 4th or 14th - let alone 5th Amendment, this Executive Branch can decide without benefit of business knowledge or ethics; that the risk is too high and TARP and close or again, Use The Taxpayer money, to bail them out....!

It is essential that the violations of Oath of Office both opposition Congressional Leaders, White House with their czars Never Allow Open Discussion Of Constitutional ViolationS of Articles and Amendments throughout each and every Act, Bill, or Regulation Passed by this Progressive-Socialist-Islamic with Democrat in there somewhere!  Please realize that the polls and surveys utilize the popular newspaper, media and commentary, especially with the Obama Faction view of government; to keep opinions, commentaries, judgments , opposition to  Obamacare; Gulf Spill in front of the news to add 'distraction' away from the Constitutional violations.  70% may agree with AZ's law; but not this Administration, Los Angeles City Council, 'Obama Lemming Party of California', and Mexico  which continue using any tactic-means/ethic of Obama/Alinsky/Immanuel possible.  Obama and cohorts must not let the Constitutional violations occur in the media, must not let any more of 'We the People' get information and involved in the violations, and must have Congress continue the 'Don't Talk--Don't Tell' ignoring of the violations.   Although, it will be a challenge to ignore the discovered Obama White house Memo which states that the Administration is willfulling attempting to circumvent the Federal Codes and Constitution to make illegal ALIENS - LEGAL!

It is mandatory to say Neither President Bush Nor Treasurer Paulson would have handled TARP by taking the taxpayer losses into the Stimulus. Some of the interest is returned but returned to the taxpayer; but had Mr. Bush and Paulson stayed, 100% would have been returned - even with this Progressive-Socialist Agenda since 2006. The Stimulus, along with walking into private property to fire a CEO again without a warrant without due process, without any regard for security of person, property, home, and effects, would not have enter the consciousness of either of the previous gentlemen!

Republicans are among the majority of US(A) going through shock, disbelief, angry, but trying to fix an American mistake. Still have members who don't understand how anyone person, like Obama could cause and perpetrate the problems he has through Arizona and the Gulf Spill alone.  These Republicans, as well as others in parties, do not like to read 'talk like this'.  I don't like to write 'talk like this'; but if my or our Nation is attacked then "I believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, and TO DEFEND IT AGAINST ALL ENEMIES.  This Administration used "Target, Freeze, don't let go against Pres. Bush" for eight years; and they continue to Use it plus Alinsky-Cloward-Piven for tactics and ethics against US(A), Now! They have decided and planned this semi-end, point of a plan that started first noticed in 1962 by Pres. Eisenhower and 1971 by John Welch.  Mr. Soros is old enough to span the two. This Administration Owns the Consequences.

The Republican Party here in California and in Congress, has held both forts with the very best service they could give the Citizens of this State and of the United States of America; against the odds of the majorities of Both! In Congress, they have held against tax increases and against the Health Act - some joined the financial Security Act because they didn't know how to Use the Constitution; now Republicans in Congress are learning how to use Hamilton's Legislation Rules and the "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" by Jon Roland work.  While any member can doubt themselves, the action with attempts at changing the minds of some lemming Democrats of the reasonable kind --worked.  But the Democrats have "I finally got them back into line!" leaders who don't trust or like 'we the people' as individuals any where including and especially in schools.  Republicans do not fall for the survey-poll, media-type, popular ideas of politics as usual. Do not allow this Administration to Never Be Accountable for its dishonesty, irresponsibility to the American People and to the Two Unique documents in the history of ManKind!

Please regard and use the word 'politics' carefully, because Mr Obama and company, Shall Not!

*1828 American Dictionary of the English Language:
           *ETHICS, n. "The doctrines of morality or social manners; the science of moral philosophy, which
                    teaches men their duty and the reasons of it. 
           1. A system of moral principles; a system of rules for regulating the actions and manners of men in                 
            *CONSTRUED: Arranged in natural order; interpreted; understood; translated.

 *PREJUDICED:  1. Prejudgment; an opinion or decision of mind, formed without due examination of the facts or arguments which are necessary to a just and impartial determination. It is used in a good or bad sense. Innumerable are the prejudices of education; we are accustomed to believe what we are taught, and to receive opinions from others without examining the grounds by which they can be supported. A man has strong prejudices in favor of his country or his party, or the church in which he has been educated; and often our prejudices are unreasonable. A judge should disabuse himself of prejudice in favor of either party in a suit.
My comfort is that their manifest prejudice to my cause will render their judgment of less authority.
2. A previous bent or bias of mind for or against any person or thing; prepossession.