especially in view of what is now occurring in Congress; plus what the Socialists are going to do - change in Congress or not!
Each member must have faith and believe that the founders are the Truth of their words in Both our Twin Documents; and that the definition of the word 'Congress': "A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, and particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.*" , is an important part of their very deliberate, and much more skillful use of English; of understanding history because they were 234 yrs. closer to the actual events than we are; and because they were and lived "Religion and Morality" as 'We the people' were until fading approximately 60 years ago. Fading...Not, by any means gone nor forgotten. Undergoing a re-birth, but in a time where learning or relearning information is very difficult both because of so many choices as well as to few - in the Classical Learning Method of Inductive Logic with Research-Reflect-Relate-Record. For example: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and per persons or thing to be seized." Specific action(s) against a citizen is defined by a general law of 'Religion and Morality' - a person cannot be forced to take either a body scan or touching by any other person without signed permission. Permission is Not implied by the purchasing of the property called an airline ticket; especially when the same requirements for body scans and pat-downs Do Not Occur at trains, buses, or automobiles crossing international borders into the United States. No government at any level in the USA, including the Executive Branch of the Federal Government "shall make or enforce any law which abridges the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law (Amendment 6); nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Further, the HSA inspectors or any governmental entity, may not fine or punish a citizen upon the citizen's Act of Refusing any inspection of self or family; or by stating or physically seizing the citizen's airline ticket property to fly at the now time and place the owner of the plane ticket purchased with his property.
Relate: IF pleural words in defining 'Congress' mean more than one; concert means more than two (or it isn't much of a concert), THEN there Must be two (2) or more from the opposing party to result in a "meeting" or "assembly" which concert measures for the common good, to match the definition of Congress. To bring out the definition of 'Congress' from Article I:1" ALL Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in Congress.." helps to show the close parallel to the 'filibuster', where just one member can hold off a vote of 'Only Greater Number counts And Nothing Else' socialist thinking. "NO Republicans" and 'filibuster' have, both, been very effective in stopping the "tyranny of the majority" who believe 'Only the greater number of votes' are important to usurp and claim ownership of American individual's privileges and immunities, or the rights of States over the Federal Government -- especially as the Executive Branch which has laid claim to a lot more than the 6% of GNP of PPAA, when dollars, food, with more new government bureaus, departments, commissions, are factored in -- as a part of every single Act passed by this one-sided, lemming Legislative Branch of our Federal Government.
The answer to stop usurpation, now and until the 2012 election, is the use of the weapon of the Minority: No Republican Signs Unto Any Bill, Act, Amendment, funding of any existing Act; especially an Act which is not among the enumerated powers or removes from individuals or States their precedence in life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. The majority, socialist group of lemmings Must Have 2 signed, legislators of the opposition in order for the definition of Congress -- "to concert measures for the common good." If Only the Socialists + what's left of Democrats sign an Act or Bill, then it shall Not Proceed for signature of law from the President of the USA (Article I:7:2). In taking this action, Please Note: It doesn't say agree; nor even reference win or lose; simply demonstrate that there were only 2 or less members of the opposition Party (Republican) who agreed to write their Signatures to the Act or Bill or Amendment to same. Proof of Founder's intent is found in the wording of Article I:7:2 "..Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be..". If the founder's intended that unanimous decision of one party was adequate for a Bill's passage, they could have used the word 'Congress' because it is synonymous with both houses define the Legislative part of government. While after the fact for PPAA - doesn't matter here; it is important that All Members of Congress including the 17 Republicans who joined in S510/H.1332 FDA FOOD SAFETY MODERNIZATION ACT, to recognize the "internal power" of the protection of individuals from the whiles of: S.510/1332; PPAA; Financial Stability by the same administration who thought-up PPAA!!??; and tomorrow's (it's only 8:15 pm here)"Dream Act of Mr. Reid: removal of protection of the individual's earnings by adding a tax for illegal aliens with so many if, and, and buts; that the cost of policing - especially with retirement benefits of union-members in a closed shop - will far out-strip any benefit the illegals might attain to attend college. Another part of the whole illegal alien issue is the difference between legal aliens who become naturalized American Citizens - often more involved in the Duty of service to America; than any illegal who enters, primarily for the what is it (ouch!) 1 Peso equals $0.08 US dollar!!! No wonder crossing-the-border is very, very, very worth the risk -- isn't it? I bet a lot of Americans, where the table turned around, would do the same thing as the illegals. That is a sad statement for the Nation of Mexico - a land of wonderful people. Sen. DeMint, Representative Boehner this fact of the Peso should be in the news(Fox is only outlet besides internet FB, etc. which I will do. Not because of any change at the border; but because it is graphic beyond words, of the desperation of a Nation for some kind of light at the end of the tunnel!
"To concert measures... to concerns" Shall Not be construed to mean Only the number of individuals comprising 'One Interest Group's Position' can 'EXCLUDE' the Position of the Opposing group. The idea that 'number' is the sole determiner of direction for human kind affairs is as absurd, as it is a common, daily act to short circuit, critical thinking and decision-making! Like Frederick Bastiat's "Legal Plunder" as it becomes "Social Justice" defined by its creators! It is the reason: "Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. (John Adams, April 15, 1814)". As in 'Patient Protection and Affordable Act(PPAA)', 'concert measures' or 'adjust mutual concerns' did not and has not occurred. The Party supporting Socialist takeover of healthcare, did not have at least two votes from the Party opposed to the takeover of healthcare by the Socialists.
"To concert measures... to concerns" Shall Not be construed to mean Only the number of individuals comprising 'One Interest Group's Position' can 'EXCLUDE' the Position of the Opposing group. The idea that 'number' is the sole determiner of direction for human kind affairs is as absurd, as it is a common, daily act to short circuit, critical thinking and decision-making! Like Frederick Bastiat's "Legal Plunder" as it becomes "Social Justice" defined by its creators! It is the reason: "Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. (John Adams, April 15, 1814)". As in 'Patient Protection and Affordable Act(PPAA)', 'concert measures' or 'adjust mutual concerns' did not and has not occurred. The Party supporting Socialist takeover of healthcare, did not have at least two votes from the Party opposed to the takeover of healthcare by the Socialists.
The Act should not have gone to this President for signature!
Until each elected member, of any governing body, uses the 4R's; and believes in the integrity and religion of duty and service our founders represent, the Constitution will continue to be misunderstood and misused. The Constitution is genuinely clear and concise English "everyone can understand"; but since many individuals never received logic, philosophy, for the no supreme deity, or a religious teaching regarding 1:1 relationship with God and His Son for others, it takes time to have that become a part of an individual's sense of birthright-duty-and love of country - after God.
This little essay is Pay Attention! If you are going to support the TWINS, then do it!! No Compromise and No Maneuvering! ... Yes because of 'number', Socialist can add ownership (against what Articles? You need to know the answer - reader)to agriculture to medicine, college loans, automobiles, shipping and manufacturing, if carbon chips, or the science of evidence, defined and designed by politicians, have their way. Socialists, blocking petroleum-nuclear-mining; and killing our already troubled dollar are adding to their increase of 'waste and exhaust'.
recognize the socialist tactic of putting a tantalizing tidbit, into any bill, results in the events of passing what should not be passed. Why? Re-read what supporting the Constitution means; and remember all that has happened 12 weeks before this man, who is a citizen and therefore just like all citizens - except for his own definition and actions; ends his First Year!!!!
Yes...they are a majority, but you can see what is accomplished by paying attention to the Constitution, and by understanding that the Constitution is a Written Instruction of Internal Power. That is why no-one need make an Amendment to Balance the Budget; or worse, codify this most valuable statement of how to defend and maintain individuality and "Internal Power", defined by its description in the Declaration's first and top of second paragraphs! That is also why every, single issue addressed in the Declaration is in the Constitution with it instruction of both directions: government to do! government Not to do! With Leave it Alone... and to the "citizen"!
Elected Republicans, Grassroot Republicans, internet or person to person; our nation is in grave danger by ignorance, by choice, by power, and by money. Our Creator is well aware of the adversity Americans and Citizens of Nation's World Wide are facing. He is Helping each and every one of us....We have only to Listen, Learn or relearn, believe because God and His Son are The Way - The Truth - The Light. They Are "Religion and Morality" our Nation stands fast and firm in belief.
Thank you, Catherine West, San Marcos, California
PSS: Be careful to Look at 100% of the Bill. Know that "We the People" - teapartiers are not going to disappear. Republicans who maintain superstition or fear of Constitutional Conservatives or simply Conservatives, really need to review US and World History to understand, our group of Republicans have no intention of returning to the past. We do have every intention of recognition that God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, With The Declaration and Constitution, are real parts of who we are now, tomorrow, and in the posterity of every generation in the future of our globe and in the Universe of God's Creation Who will be there, waiting with all He Is; until we catch up with Him!!!
*Noah Webster's "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language" at; an indispensable aid, with Oxford Dictionary to using given words to the extent of their meaning.
This little essay is Pay Attention! If you are going to support the TWINS, then do it!! No Compromise and No Maneuvering! ... Yes because of 'number', Socialist can add ownership (against what Articles? You need to know the answer - reader)to agriculture to medicine, college loans, automobiles, shipping and manufacturing, if carbon chips, or the science of evidence, defined and designed by politicians, have their way. Socialists, blocking petroleum-nuclear-mining; and killing our already troubled dollar are adding to their increase of 'waste and exhaust'.
recognize the socialist tactic of putting a tantalizing tidbit, into any bill, results in the events of passing what should not be passed. Why? Re-read what supporting the Constitution means; and remember all that has happened 12 weeks before this man, who is a citizen and therefore just like all citizens - except for his own definition and actions; ends his First Year!!!!
Yes...they are a majority, but you can see what is accomplished by paying attention to the Constitution, and by understanding that the Constitution is a Written Instruction of Internal Power. That is why no-one need make an Amendment to Balance the Budget; or worse, codify this most valuable statement of how to defend and maintain individuality and "Internal Power", defined by its description in the Declaration's first and top of second paragraphs! That is also why every, single issue addressed in the Declaration is in the Constitution with it instruction of both directions: government to do! government Not to do! With Leave it Alone... and to the "citizen"!
Elected Republicans, Grassroot Republicans, internet or person to person; our nation is in grave danger by ignorance, by choice, by power, and by money. Our Creator is well aware of the adversity Americans and Citizens of Nation's World Wide are facing. He is Helping each and every one of us....We have only to Listen, Learn or relearn, believe because God and His Son are The Way - The Truth - The Light. They Are "Religion and Morality" our Nation stands fast and firm in belief.
Thank you, Catherine West, San Marcos, California
PSS: Be careful to Look at 100% of the Bill. Know that "We the People" - teapartiers are not going to disappear. Republicans who maintain superstition or fear of Constitutional Conservatives or simply Conservatives, really need to review US and World History to understand, our group of Republicans have no intention of returning to the past. We do have every intention of recognition that God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, With The Declaration and Constitution, are real parts of who we are now, tomorrow, and in the posterity of every generation in the future of our globe and in the Universe of God's Creation Who will be there, waiting with all He Is; until we catch up with Him!!!
*Noah Webster's "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language" at; an indispensable aid, with Oxford Dictionary to using given words to the extent of their meaning.