The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"We the People" in order to form a more perfect union, ...have been

wondering at our leaders at all levels of government, especially CA State, and the Second and Third Articles of the Constitution in Washington, DC.  We also, look and listen, in shock and disbelief, at the absolute refusal, of our Republic-elected Representatives of Congress, Who Know the Acts, Bills, regulations are unConstitutional, to identify the Article(s) and Amendment(s) breeched, stated out loud on the floor of Congress. It matters not - the numbers in any party, nor in the physical outcome of the specific Act or Bill with its following never- accountable-union,closed shop-member in forming the regulations that spurt-out from the Act or Bill.   What Does Matter, Is That The "Inner Power of the Table of Law" be recognized which Is Represented In Both Articles and Amendments. Be Sure It is read into the "Congressional Record" as it becomes evidence. Congress-member, what you Shall Have Accomplished, Is the Basis of "Betrayal of One's Nation" (Article I:6:1) 

The question is why 'silence'?  Not much is said by any Congressmember, and even when Pelosi was confronted by a Congressmember regarding Constitutionality of then "HR1309 healthy Americans"; when she answered "Of Course!";  the Congress-individual was again silenced. This sort of; lack of confidence in the words of the founders, as well as ignorance about how to apply human nature's "Table of First and Second Laws" to the Constitution, continues to be a basic reason for: no sound-words or action to support-protect-defend. One lesson  easily completed: For every Article and Amendment (without the "modern group of Amendments"), there is a corresponding Article and Amendment to answer. Do the matching - for yourself and be self-rewarded by all you discover! Also, as you make the matches, Notice how many of the 29 complaints against George III - with few noun and verb changes - are the Same Today with this Administration.  The punishment for disobedience, to our supreme Law of the Land, will not to be found in law books or in sentence structure. It is found in the "First and Second Table of Laws*"; and a bit more concretely, in [ANSWER #1] Article I:6:1. But again, "the gods of the Greater Number" and Fear; over-rides and prevents the ethics of  "betrayal of one's nation(Oxford Dic.)", or Felony*, or "the non-performance of a moral duty; non-performance of duty being a breach of obligation, as well as a positive transgression or violation.(1828 American Dic.)"  [and the reader shall read this Section 6 to fill-in the blanks for these definitions - except felony, which is a large expression of the social word use, difference of  meaning from1828 where ethics violations could and did result in punishment; to 2010's Oxford Dic. definition]. 

The millions of Americans demonstrated their anger about the course this President repeatedly takes including after 11/2/10 results. Mr. Obama has not and Shall not change his life-long views of Socialism and Islam.   The goal, of this Administration is to force America into Treaty with the UN and Global Socialism -- WithOut regard to sovereignty of individual, state, or our Nation [Evidence: read S. 510, the last Section named Miscellaneous - a very, very RED-LETTER word]. Neither the legislature, nor Obama read the Acts, Bills; but to anyone in grassroots land, reading the Acts and Bills becomes apparent that there is one format and one, designated person who is responsible for the words on paper for : "PPAA", "Financial Stability", Green-CO2 chips; and this latest usurpation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness deceptively named "Food Modernization Act"; and because it is attached and makes changes to the old "FDCA", Drugs and Cosmetics are included. Drugs have been already acted upon by the Czars- Before This Act Leaves Congress (Eye Wash with pH adjusted and sterile for first aide and eye irritations, is removed from the shelves. It was manufactured by Bausch and Lomb - one of America's oldest name in eye pharmaceuticals as well as equipment. There are children's medications removed; and then the Motrin for those with arthritis)! Probably the czars acted, without any 'probable cause', 'due process', or any other recognition of personal rights as a business - because these State and Federal Constitutional Terms are ABSENT from ALL THE ABOVE ACTS WRITTEN THUS FAR.  

Since January 20, 2009, this President, with premeditation,  ignores "preserve, protect, and support" the Constitution (Article II:1:8), so his "best.. ability" must lend itself to Global Socialism which is certainly exemplified by the  the House Speaker (watch utube video, The Senate Leader with many lemmings close-by; commissioners; WH leaders; Cabinet Czars with influence from the UN, Islam with Arab world, leaders of Global Socialism.

----The Constitution is not law. There is no punishment for ignoring Articles XIV:2,4; V, VI and the privacy of the individual as a person and as a "business" via multiple Amendments. "Global Socialism" must destroy: assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature (science) and of Nature's God (Scripture) entitle them... are equal because they are "endowed by their Creator" and that to secure (fasten, close, or confine securely;Oxford Dic.) the unalienable, endowed by God statement of individual life, liberty, and happiness; "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their JUST POWERS from the CONSENT of the GOVERNED." 

Opposition the Constitution and also, to the Republic, is demonstrated by this

Acting Speaker Won't Recognize Ranking Republican Member

  • Wed, December, 01, 2010
  • ABC News
  • Dateline:Washington, D.C.,on U-Tube.  

  • This UTube video
  • represents Pelosi's continued disobedience to the Constitution, and to the Republic form of government adding weight; along with never putting party affiliation on Sponsors or Cosponsors of Acts, Bills because California's new election law is the blueprint for our Nation:
    "Article II:2:5(a):  "(a) A voter-nomination primary election shall be conducted
    to select the candidates for congressional and state elective offices
    in California. All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary
    election for any candidate for congressional and state elective
    office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by
    the candidate or the voter, provided that the voter is otherwise
    qualified to vote for candidates for the office in question. The    ["the gods of
    candidates who are the top two vote-getters at a voter-nominated  bigger numbers"]                                            
    primary election for a congressional or state elective office shall,
    regardless of party preference, compete in the ensuing general
    election. .." AND "b) Except as otherwise provided by Section 6, a candidate for a
    congressional or state elective office may have his or her political
    party preference, or lack of political party preference, indicated [more importand 
    upon the ballot for the office in the manner provided by statute. A  that candid-
    political party or party central committee shall not nominate a       ates, have 
    candidate for any congressional or state elective office at the      correct num-
    voter-nominated primary. This subdivision shall not be interpreted to  bers,rather
    prohibit a political party or party central committee from           than ideas of  
    endorsing, supporting, or opposing any candidate for a congressional     brain!]
    or state elective office. A political party or party central
    committee shall not have the right to have its preferred candidate
    participate in the general election for a voter-nominated office..."

     Also know that the seizures of private property, intellectual and concrete, by the Executive Branch with its commissions, executive orders, non-elected-totally unaccountable to anyone-union-based-czars-working "to assist the President in learning his position".

    Most of all, standing silent, never ever referring in spoken voice to the  specific Articles and Amendments violated, yesterday by the "Dream Act" and apparently today, by S. 501/ H. 1332 FOOD SAFETY MODERIZATIOON by Charles Dubin socialist from the State of Illnois.  The summary of this flat-out removal of Legislative in favor of Executive Branch is below.*  "Constitution, every individual who is directly elected, and who works behind Legislation by writing the Regulations that make the Bills and Acts function, takes the Oath to support the Constitution - with each Armed Service Member swearing and fully aware of his/her life on the line, to Defend the Constitution against All Enemies foreign and domestic.

    Do All Who Read This, finally realize that, The flagrant disobedience to both the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States, means that "Socialism" Shall Prevail as long as any member of the opposition party is located in any part of the Federal Government, its Unions, and therefore, many of the States..

    ANSWER  IS TWO: 1) Be Sure the article, amendment section which is violated is read into the "Congressional Record" as it becomes evidence. Congress-member, what you Shall Have Accomplished, Is the Basis of "Betrayal of One's Nation" (Article I:6:1)   see above 2nd paragraph.
    2) Never let 2 or more Republicans sign onto any Socialist-generated Act, Bill, or Amended document. Much Better if  -0- or -NO-Republicans Sign! I know you don't like the 1828 Definition of Congress and harmony; but the Founders did - trust them; and State the Act or Bill May Not Go to the President for Signature because there is "NO Congress of mutual concern, PRESENT. Only 1 of the Party's has sign for passage of the Act or Bill."" State the Parts of the Constitution disobeyed, place the parts in the Congressional Record; and then bring-on the 'charge of treason, breech of peace, felony for removal from office. Remember while both Republican and Republic have the same-sounding base; it is the principle of "Religion and Morality" with "Inner Power" which has say over any "god of the greater number". Further, the Socialist's have to play-out their hand in the open-air. We've had our elections and Every American - elected or not - is fully aware of the answer.  It is still the game of chicken with the two roadsters speeding and getting closer now....yep it could be a head-on or they chicken. Don't you give-up our Nation's 'roadster' to Socialist's who have caused what we are all observing in Nations around-the-world!

    Use The Tool Called "Inner Power" to Protect the United States of America from Usurpation by the very group the founder's knew so well and was represented then by George III; and now by Barack Obama with Andy Stern, and George Soros and company!

    (Sec. 102) Authorizes the Secretary to suspend the registration of a food facility if the food manufactured, processed, packed, or held by a facility has a reasonable probability of causing serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals.
    >>It won't be discussed, and because it is hoped that no-one will notice; but by logical extension, the entire Act also includes "Drugs and Cosmetic".
    >>Nor, will the fact that the "suspend of registration" will occur in 2 days! The old Act has 10 days. And "The Secretary has 100% authority to define and determine what constitutes recallable (hopefully, this continuing repeat of "Secretary of Authority to Define" will ring some bells from Financial Stability with Risk; PPAA with cost of diag statistician decided.  

    (Sec. 404) Declares that nothing in this Act shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.

    The above are two of the standout paragraphs among the Entire Document of Standout Sections

    *1828 American Dic. "Pursuance -  following; prosecution, process or continued exertion to reach or accomplish something -- in this case to reach the "Religious and Morality" for the individual and Protection from "How prone all human institutions have been to decay; how subject the best-formed and most wisely organized governments have been to lose their check and totally dissolve; how difficult it has been for mankind, in all ages and countries, to preserve their dearest rights and best privileges, impelled as it were by an irresistible fate of despotism. (James Monroe, speech at Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 10, 1788)"*.

    *1828 American Dic. "Felony In common law, any crime which incurs the forfeiture of lands or goods. Treason was formerly comprised under the name of felony, but is now distinguished from crimes thus denominated, although it is really a felony. All offenses punishable with death are felonies; and so are some crimes not thus punished, as suicide, homicide by chance-medley, or in self-defense, and petty larceny. Capital punishment therefore does not necessarily enter into the true idea or definition of felony; the true criterion of felony being forfeiture of lands or goods. But the idea of felony has been so generally connected with that of capital punishment, that law and usage now confirm that connection. Thus if a statute makes any new offense a felony, it is understood to mean a crime punishable with death."
       BUT in Oxford Dic. "Felony is "serious, often violent crime".  Moral: use 1828 Dictionary when learning the Constitution; with much respect to Jon Roland of the Constitution Society "Not everything in the Constitution can be explained by the "American Dictionary" "