The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fast Fix: State of the seating chart with Comment

Posted at 11:09 AM ET, 01/19/2011

VIDEO) without a link

By Chris Cillizza
Colorado Sen. Mark Udall's (D) proposal to have Democrats and Republicans sit together during next week's State of the Union address has drawn some high profile endorsements from unlikely sources -- most notably former Vice President Dick Cheney.
But, will the proposal have any real-world impact on lessening the heat of political dialogue in Washington? Or is it just symbolism for symbolism's sake?
We answer those questions in today's episode of the "Fast Fix". And, don't forget to check out all of our "Fast Fix" daily videos here. And, if you have a topic you want to see us break down in "Fast Fix" just email with it.

Mr. Cillizza is showing his few number of years of indoctrinated, revisionist history, sans "Religion and Morality", by public school edu. He has never seen a Parliament debate though it occurs every Sunday, on CSpan! It would be good for him to watch! Because this is the heritage of the founders also: "In government affairs - regardless  of form, no-one agrees! What you, as Representatives, are working as an individual is your duty and service to this Nation and to the State you represent.

Arranging  seating by party distribution is meaningful and powerful. Ya, right! Just Like raising your right hand, with Bible present or absent, of President, Congress-member, Judiciary, or union-based, working for government, to take an Oath of Office, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America!

Obama and company believe that putting Clinton's government back in place; changes everything. Some, deaf, blind, stiffnecked Representatives of both houses of "We the People" actually believe this idea!  How did it change "PPAA", 'spending beyond world-wide belief', lawlessness in regards to private ownership as individual and as business, Executive order, Regulations, czars, and every, single action of destruction this man calling himself President can perform against this Nation..  Yes, Bowing does make statement demonstration of this man's disregard for "Religion and Morality" as well as "Nature and Nature's God"!

This is a Problem: Representatives, You Are Still Sleeping; while the wolves barely bothering to put-on the Sheepskin, are robbing US(A) of the Twins named Declaration,  source of our individual and sovereign rights, with the Constitution, the Republic Form of government that applies these rights for you, Representatives, as well as the rest of "We the People" here and in the world! Some Shepherds!  You don't even know that lamb stew is the meal of the day for Socialists who are allowing China #1 spot - singly because of a Number of Dollars - thus aiding George Soros and world company of few men leaders named 'power/dollar number', subjugation of "We the People-World Wide" into the World According to Soros, $$$.

So  this form of useless to humankind leadership, is regarded as the decision point to rally around because China owns too much of our debt and plans to exercise the power of becoming #1 in the world!  As long as it can maintain it gigantic requirements for its own existence; by stealing ours!  So much for this President's  interest in Cloward-Piven destruction of Capitalism -- so successfully maintained against CA's agricultural belt; and in All The Coastal Waters of the United States of America!

Sitting together is neither meaningful, nor powerful; unless you allow it to be, through the ignorance you alone bear! While deeply respecting these two men, Sen. McCain, Mr. Cheney, or any other individual you care to name, are included!  Who, makes No Difference whatsoever!  What and Why is the heart of the matter.  You, we elected,  Must Quit Ignoring or stopping teapartier's and Americans from speaking, and if needs be - because of actions of China!

If China honestly believes it can take over our resources; and not make an act of war -- then Representatives of the human-kind, You Have Sold All Of US(A) to China -- and You have become George III!  "We the People" cannot and will not remain on the sidelines.  

This is What you are Selling -- not to Obama; to the world order of Soros and company via China:  The Line in the Sand is about Our Nation's Sovereignty and "..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,.." with "..endowed by their Creator..".   That is what you are Giving Away, because That is What you genuinely Do Not Believe! Or hopefully, what you haven't yet realized; or don't yet understand about God and Country......There Is Always A Choice!

Representatives, the Problem is that for 233 years, to many do believe and will continue   "..with a firm reliance on the protection  of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor." Because, this will be a Declaration of War, should China make any move against the ownership of anything American!  It is war -- even if there are no bombs, people killed, or catastrophe's occurring to every American, naturalized or natural! Because this is a Temporal War --- not a Physical War ----------Yet!!!!!!  And the effects - temporal -  are as devastating as the largest, atomic bomb or computer in the world!

 Everyone, this is the "Bill of Goods" we are being Presented as signed, sealed, enjoined by this President who is the Problem; and reflected by Glenn Beck, who is working hard to help us conform and accept the a atomic bomb won't happen....! ..A temporal bomb isn't as loud but considerably more damaging...a concept impossible for "No Universal Truth" and "Law is only what you can see".  Constitutions and the like aren't enforceable because you can't see them!