The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Letter to Speaker John Boehner re: bipartisan seating

Speaker Boehner, Please do not compromise with 'group compromise in Congress' because Obama has allowed the Clinton Administration to join-in.......wrong!  Please be reminded: 1) Has this President or his party, any member of any color on the party membership continuum, acknowledge and or offered Accountability for violations against 'We the People's Supreme law of the Land ..the violations of Legislative Procedures; the ignoring of "We the People" of which you and all members of Congress are members of andin service for because government is...with the Consent of the governed who remains Accountable No Matter What; and each, single, individual, elected - not Yet removed from office - refuse the integrity of "Oath of Office to support and defend??   2) Are not all Republicans, who did not sign...did not agree to "a Congress*, in addressing "Patient Protection and Affordable Act (PPAA)"; planning to give-up 'Repeal' because of anumber of available individuals in Congress to allow the word of "We the People" on 11/2/10, to be heard and voted upon? "We the People" are not asking - we are demanding - the recognition that PPAQA is Not a Republican form of Government: no Congress - it should not have been sent for the President's party is absent from " concert measure for the common good...". That members of Congress continue to desire to follow a President with a known track record of disrespect to the laws of this nation v. 58 men of demonstrated duty-honor-country with God....who do you think should be supported?  What do you think you and all Republicans need to continue...It Does Not Matter, One Wit, the number via Democracy  (in your speech re: the lunatic, who happened to live in Arizona at this particular time in the history-making skills of Obama's Alinsky-Cloward-Piven-Stern-'Soros via NP,Inc's') or Progressive Republicans; have anywhere near the votes.....the Issue is the Constitution of the United States of America - 6% of GNP in One Branch of Government - thus changing the checks and balances between the Branches of 'We the People's government; and all of which change The Constitution of the United States of America without one word - from any American - except as the denial of agreement to content....not substance by Republicans!

Another way to look at it, not lost on many of US(A) Teapartiers of 'We the People' origin; is the election of the RNC Chairman and the return to the old, old, old ---part of the problem-- litany of the Republican Party; with 'spend money in the Mariana's; that's a waste of money. There  are not enough people there to make any difference! Hope you recognize "The Number's Game" .  

"The Numbers Game" of Democracy, aka Progressive, left of center Republicans who do not trust Conservatives, especially those who speak of Constitution -Declaration. They do not recognize, or think Americans don't recognize, the sheeps -in-skins herding as wolves; in order not to be numbered into the Socialist for Globalized Socialist ideals. Obama with Lucifer, continue to dance in the street, because our Party continues the attitude of ignoring violations to the Constitution. This attitude cannot continue to prevail!  Whitman and Maldonado where not able to fool Californians who chose between very bad and very, very bad; because that was available. 

Please realize, if this attitude continues on the part of our Party; then our party will die - but America with "Religion and Morality" will allow the Teaparty to take its place.  Please realize, also, that what the letter below is 100% correct; and is the demonstration by the opposition, of their lack of respect to 'We the People' as well as Both of our Founding Documents.  Pleas follow our Founders....Ignore; never to support; nor mix the clarity of who we are as Americans with who the opposition - in daily fact and demonstration! Changing to Clinton Does Not Change anything!!!

*1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.(from "!828 American dic.)
I copied and pasted the Consiglio letter and sent it to Mr. Boehner.   Please share this letter with your like minded conservatives.
Jeanne Bunch 
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: MaryRose Consiglio
To: MaryRose Consiglio
Sent: Tue, January 18, 2011 12:31:39 PM
Subject: Letter to Speaker John Boehner re: bipartisan seating

I just sent this to Speaker Boehner. It seems like a small thing but is is a
big deal politically. Feel free to share. You can send him a note too at:


Dear Mr. Speaker,

Please do NOT go along with the idea of "bi-partisan" seating for the State
of the Union Speech. This is not as innocent an idea as it appears.

First of all, the democrats do not want a visual on television of how large
a majority we won. You have nothing to prove by caving on this.

Secondly, this will send a very bad signal to all who have re-entrusted our
Party once again by giving you the majority.  This will be perceived as a
very symbolic cave-in at a time when you are being tested.

It also serves to legitimize the latest ranting of the other side that we
are uncivil and in some way responsible for what occurred in AZ. simply
because we have legitimate disagreements. You don't have to say "how high"
when they say " jump".

Many are skeptical that our side is strong enough to stand up to the other
side and this act will be perceived as weakness.

Their goal is to weaken and censor us because they are not in power. You've
got the power - now use it!  This is a powerful first step. If they had
their way, they would lock you out of the room. have you forgotten already?

Dr. MaryRose Consiglio
Dr. Tom Sherman